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VIONA YUNITA SARI 19.0603.0024



Nurse :Assalamuallaikum good morning Mr.Eka
Patient :Wallaikum sallam good morning Ns.Viona
Nurse :How are you mister eka on this morning?
Patient : Is still like this Ns. Viona, I still can't move like tilted left or right
and sit down
Nurse : Well if so according to what Mr. Eka , I will help you to practice
Left and Right Tilting followed by sitting.
Patient : Alright Ns. Viona
Nurse : Okay, I'm starting, I will help the first is left and right tilt so there is no
Decubitus infection
Patient : Ok Ns. Viona
Nurse : Ok Mr. Eka, now listen to my instructions,Try to Make a Right
Sloping Movement Slowly , your left hand can hold on to the bed divider
and your hand can be bent to the head as a cushion for your head
Patient : Ok Ns viona I can do this move
Nurse : Ok ... usually the movement can be done once every 2 hours and later it will
change position, because it is too long, and this is just an exercise so I will immediately
teach you to move the left tilt position
Patient : 0k Ns. Viona
Nurse : Ok listen, my instructions . now you can move from right tilt to Loud
Sleeping Position, after that it is the same when you do right tilt, you do left tilt with
right hand holding the bed divider and your left hand is bent towards your head as a
cushion for your head
Patient : Ok Ns Viona I can do this move
Nurse : Well you can do it well, now you can go back to your Original Position, on
your back
Patient : Ok Ns Viona
Nurse : Ok Now I will help you to sit.
Patient : Ok Ns Viona
Nurse : Listen to my instructions, now, gently raise your body to a half-sitting position,
at the same time I will make a support for you by using this pillow behind your back
so that it looks and feels comfortable, your legs can be stretched out, after a half-sitting
position has been formed, lift your body again slowly until it forms a Perfect Sitting
Patient : Ok Ns Viona I can do this move
Nurse : Well now you are back to your original position, on your back
Patient : Ok Ns Viona
Nurse : Ok.... That's more or less in motion training or mobilization. My job here is
done, is there anything to say to me?
Patient : No Ns. Viona, I already understand what you taught me for this mobilization
Nurse : Ok, for Mr. Ekahas nothing to say, I will Return to the Nursing Room to
do Other activities, for further contracts, tomorrow I will come at the same time to
provide training for walking and moving from bed to Chair
Patient : Ok Ns Viona Thank You Ver Much
Nurse : you are welcome Mr. Eka, I say goodbye to the nurses' room in
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Patient : Waalaikumussalam wr.wb

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