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2 July 2021 Population movement
As of 28 June, a total of 13,360 refugees
and migrants have been reported as
Key figures: rescued/intercepted by the Libyan Coast
245,483 Libyans Guard (LCG) and disembarked in Libya, in
2021. On 29 June, an additional 70 people
currently internally
were disembarked at the Tripoli Naval Base.
displaced (IDPs)1 UNHCR and its medical partner, the
623,219 returned International Rescue Committee (IRC), were
IDPs1 present to provide urgent medical assistance
and core relief items (CRIs) before individuals
42,769 registered were transferred to a detention centre by the
refugees and asylum- Libyan authorities. Disembarkation at Tripoli Naval Base, 29 June. @UNHCR

UNHCR response
63 monitoring visits to UNHCR and partners continue to support internally displaced persons (IDPs)
detention centres in across Libya. Last week, through partner LibAid, UNHCR provided 20 IDP families
2021 (137 individuals) from Murzuq with hygiene kits, blankets, mattresses, jerrycans and
slippers. On 29 June, hygiene kits were
122 refugees and distributed at the Fallah II IDP settlement in
asylum-seekers Tripoli, where 180 households (763 individuals)
released from detention received items.
in 2021 At the Serraj Registration Office, UNHCR
registered 514 individuals, including 48
6,388 vulnerable individuals with refugee-status determination
refugees and asylum- and resettlement appointments. A total of 296
seekers departed since Distributing CRIs at Fallah II. ©UNHCR individuals (171 cases) were also newly
2017 (189 in 2021) registered, with nationals from Sudan (163),
Syria (94), Eritrea (16), Ethiopia (11), Palestine (4), Somalia (4), Yemen (3) and South
Funding Sudan (1). Those newly registered were provided with UNHCR certificates.
USD 93.0 M required Activities at the Community Day Centre (CDC), in Tripoli, are ongoing. Medical
partner IRC continues to support refugees and asylum-seekers, providing 368 medical
for 2021
consultations and referring 90 cases to public hospitals and private clinics.
Gap Funded IRC/UNHCR provided 163 individuals (51 families) with hygiene kits, soap, diapers,
61% 39% blankets, mattresses, and tracksuits. Additionally, nine individuals received WFP food
packages. The Community-Based Protection hotline received and processed the calls
of 61 asylum-seekers and refugees. Most of the requests were related to protection
interview appointments, RST interviews and medical assistance. Partner CESVI
provided cash assistance to 179 refugees and asylum-seekers (84 households), with
regular cash assistance to 44 individuals (18 households) and emergency cash
assistance to 135 individuals (66 households). Likewise, Norwegian Refugee Council
distributed gift cards to 61 households (127 individuals), who had already received a
cash-in-hand component from CESVI as part of the newly applied hybrid modality.
As of 27 June, 6,176 individuals are estimated to be held in detention centres
IOM-DTM February 2021.
Data as of 1 June 2021.
(DCs) across Libya; this number includes 1,068 persons of concern to UNHCR. Most
recently, UNHCR was able to visit the Ain Zara DC (in Tripoli, and open since
February). IRC is conducting medical visits to DCs: consultations were provided in the
Tripoli area, with 74 at Triq Al-Sika DC, 30 at Abusliem DC, and 24 at Ain Zara DC. In
the south of the country at Kufra DC, LibAid provided 40 individuals with hygiene kits,
blankets, mattresses, and slippers. UNHCR continues to advocate for the release of
all those held in detention.
Special thanks to major donors: Canada | European Union | Germany | The Hellenic Republic |
The Holy See | Italy | The Netherlands | Norway | United Kingdom | USA | Private Donors

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