Flowers: in Summer and Winter and Spring They Bloom

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A Little Story of Friendship

There lived two sisters Lily and Rose .They lived in a city called Kolkata. One day both of them were

going to school. When they entered the school the guard of the school said “there is no school today

you can go back home ‘’. Then they sadly went out of the school to go back home .They were sad

because both of them loved to go to school. When they came back home their mother asked “why did

you both come back home so soon?’’ “The guard said there is no school today’’ both of them replied.

“But your teacher said there is school today” said their mother. “But the guard said there is no

school today” both of them repeated. “I am calling your teacher” their mother insisted. Their mother

called the teacher and informed them there was school. “Yeah” both of them replied in happiness.

They quickly merged to the school gate and when they were just going to enter the school the guard

stopped them and said “there is no school today you both can’t enter the school”. They ignored the

guard and rushed to their class. Then their teacher stopped them and said “you are late so you can’t

enter the class.” “The guard told us there is no school today so we went back home and we returned

when our mother called you and informed us there is school” both of them replied sadly. “But today

is your math test if you are late you will be marked absent.” said their teacher. Then the teacher went

to the principal and Lily and Rose got a chance to give the math test because it was not their fault it

was the guards. Then the principal spoke to the guard and knew that the guard did it on purpose.

Then the principal suspended that guard and hired a new one and after that everyone was happy once



In summer and winter and spring they bloom

Spreading fragrance in the room

Sunny in the afternoon

Smelling in the ballroom

Guarding the backroom

Being used in the bathroom

Lovingly bride groom

Using in the wedding room

Coming from the restroom

It’s my garden bloom.

Penguins are seabirds in the family of Spheniscidae. They use their wings to

travel underwater, but they cannot travel in the air. Penguins lay their eggs and

raise their babies on land. Penguins live only in the Southern Hemisphere of the

world: Antarctica, New Zealand, southern Australia, South Africa and South

America. Penguins eat a range of fish and other sea life that they catch under

water. Penguins can drink sea water. Penguins spend around half their time in

water and the other half on land. The emperor Penguin is the tallest of all

penguin species, reaching as tall as 120 cm (47 in) in the height.


Monday is a working day

Monday I go to school.

I love Mondays _

They are so much fun.

It is a busy day,

As we work today _

Our lovely day is Monday.

This exclusive painting was drawn by a wonderful artist,

which depicts the life on the mountains which many of us


Jelly fish are sea jellies are the

informal common names given to

the medusa – phase of certain

gelatinous member of the

subphylum Medusozoa, a major

part of the phylum Cnidarians.


Sunrise is the moment when the upper

limb of the Sun appears on the horizon in

the morning. The term can also refer to

the entire process of the solar disk crossing the horizon and its accompanying

atmospheric effects.

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