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Quasi-Contract – certain, lawful, voluntary and

unilateral act that no one may be unjustly
Art. 1156: An obligation is a juridical necessity 1 to give,
enriched at the expense of another.
to do, or not to do.
Nominate Quasi-Contracts
1. Negotiorum Gestio - voluntary
management of the ABANDONED property
a. Active Subject or Obligee or Creditor – has the
or affairs of another without the knowledge
power to demand
and consent of the latter.
b. Passive Subject or Obligor or Debtor – one
Liability of Officious Managers –
who’s obligation is demandable
generally solidary unless done in
c. Object or Prestation – to give, to do, or not to
imminent danger that makes the
liability joint.
o Requisites of an Object of Obligation
- Must be possible, physically or
2. Solutio Indebiti – something is
received when there is no right to
- Must be determinate or at least
demand it and was unduly delivered
thru mistake; liability of Payees –
- Must have possible equivalent in money
d. Quasi Delict or Culpa Aquiliana or Tort – act or
d. Efficient Cause or Vinculum Tie – juridical tie
omission causes damages to another due to
that binds the parties; source of obligation
fault or negligence; liability of two or more
liable – solidary
II. Difference between Civil and Natural
- No pre-existing relation between
As to: Civil Natural
offender and offended.
Binding Force Positive Law or Equity and
- Existence of Negligence
Substantive Law Natural Justice
- There is damage caused.
Enforceabilit Can be enforced by Depends upon
y court of action good - Direct causal connection between the
conscience of two.
the debtor2 e. Crime or Delict – act or omission punishable by
Examples Legal obligation to Unpaid civil law.
give support to the obligations that  Nature of Liability of two or more person -
children (Family have already solidary
Code) prescribed.
 Person Exempted from criminal liability but
still civilly liable
III. Sources of Civil Obligation - Imbecile or insane person
a. Law - Minor or under 18 y/o
oObligation derived from Law are NEVER - Acts under the compulsion of an
presumed. irresistible force
o Only obligations expressly determined - Acts under the impulse of an
in the Civil Code or in special laws are uncontrollable fear of an equal and
demandable. greater injury
o It shall be governed by the law by which  Person exempted from both criminal and
they are created. civil liability - SLCB
b. Contract - Acts of self-defence, defence of relative
o Govern by the force of law between or stranger
contracting parties - Acts in the performance of his legal
o Should be complied with good faith. duties
- Performance of contractual obligation
- Any person suffering from battered
woman syndrome
Juridical necessity means the court can order the obligor to
 Components of Civil Liability arising from
perform the obligation.
After voluntarily fulfilment of the debtor, creditor cannot Crime or Delicto
recovered what has been paid or fulfilled. - Restitution
- Reparation of the damaged caused demand thing of done by 3rd
- Indemnification of consequential superior quality nor person at the
damages debtor deliver expense of the
inferior thing. debtor
damages. damages in case
As to Quasi Delict Delict
of breach.
Nature of Private Right Public Right
To do To do it. To compel
Right Violated
To shoulder the cost performance.
Name of Case Private-Plaintiff People of the
of having someone To recover
vs. Respondent PH vs. Accused
to do it. damages.
Award of Civil Give rise to Some have no
To undo what has
Damages liability for civil liability
poorly done.
To pay for damages
Possibility of Can be Never in case of breach.
Compromise compromised compromised
Not to Not to do what To ask to undo
except for
do should not be done. what should be
To shoulder the cost undone.
of undoing it. To recover
Criminal Not necessary Necessary Pay for damages. damages if it’s
Intent impossible to
Quantum of Preponderance of Proof beyond undo what has
Evidence Evidence reasonable been undone due
doubt to:
- Very nature
of the act
- Rights
a. To give – real obligation 3rd person in
b. To do – positive personal obligation good faith
c. No to do – negative personal obligation - Will not cease
even if it’s
Duties of the Debtor Rights of the undone
To give Preserve or take care To compel specific
specific of the thing due.3 performance. V. BREACH OF OBLIGATIONS
thing To deliver the things To recover
itself, either actually damages in case of
or constructively. breach + specific 1. MORA / DEFAULT / DELAY
To deliver the fruits performance.
of one thing. 4
Entitlement to
To deliver the fruits from the
accession (BEC) and time the obligation
accessories (AI) to deliver it arises.
To pay for damages
in case of breach.
To give To deliver the thing To ask for
generic on the quality performance.
thing intended. To ask that the
Creditor cannot obligation be
According to this hierarchy:
1. Diligence required by the law
2. Diligence Required by the Parties
3. Ordinary Diligence of Diligence of a good father of a family.

Kinds of Fruits
1. Natural Fruits -
2. Industrial Fruits – human intervention
3. Civil Fruits

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