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Zoho People Users Training

Trainer: Amirah Syazwani
Copyright Notice

[Copyright Kumpulan Aplikasi Sempurna Sdn. Bhd], 2021. This document may not
be copied, reused, republished, reproduced, repurposed, circulated in whole or in
part to any form without a prior written consent from Kumpulan Aplikasi
Sempurna Sdn. Bhd.
Learning Outcomes
• Users know how to apply, view, edit, delete and approve or reject
• Users understand the functions of the relevant modules to their role
Modules / Services
Home / Dashboard

• Dashboard is a place that you can get a quick access for important information every time you
login to Zoho People.
• User can arrange (drag) the widgets according to your preference.
• User can also enable and disable some widgets that are not important to view.
What is widgets?

• Login Zoho People >

Home > Dashboard
• Widgets are the one in
the red box.
How to drag widgets?

• To change the order of the widgets, you can click this icon in the widgets and drag.
How to enable and disable widgets?

• Click this icon to enable and disable widgets.

How to enable and disable widgets?

• Slide this button to enable and disable the widgets in the dashboard.
What is feed?
• A place where all communications and notifications visible between personal and department.

• Self-service is an essential part in this system which maintain the employee personal records.
• You can view, edit profile and have your own personal settings.
• Employees can update their personal details on their own without the help of HR.
How to edit profile?
• Self-service > Profile > Edit
How to edit profile?
• Click Submit once profile edited.
How to edit personal settings?
• Self-service > Profile > Personal Settings

• This module keeps track of your employees’ attendance in an efficient way. An employee can
check in and check out his attendance in web or mobile apps.
• If an organization has set a geo-restriction in this modules, then an employee can only check in
and check out based on the specific location.
• Geo-restrictions will prevent your employee to mark their attendance outside of the area.
• A shift reminder will be send to your email and mobile apps every day.
How to check in and check out? – 1st Method

• Login Zoho People > Home > Dashboard > Check in/Check out
How to check in and check out? – 2nd Method

• Attendance > List View > Check in/Check out

Leave Tracker
Leave Tracker

• This online leave management allows HR to keep track of their employees’ leave.
• There are many types of leave can be created according to your organization policy.
• This modules can set multiple policies based on experience level, grade and etc.
• All holidays can be set based on the organization locations.
How to apply leave?

• Leave Tracker > List View

> Apply Leave that you
How to apply leave?

• Fill in all the information

such as From and To and
click Submit.
• The approver will receive a
notification to approve or
How to apply compensatory request?

• Compensatory request is also called as replacement entitlement. To earn a replacement leave

you need to apply first the compensatory request.
• Go to Leave Tracker > Compensatory Request > Add Request
• If the request has been approved, the total number of day(s) or hours will be reflected in their
leave tracker under Compensatory Off. Then, an employee can apply for their replacement leave.
How to check for upcoming leave and past leave?

• To check the record for future and past leave, you can click Upcoming or History.
How to check who is the approver?

• From both method, you can

check the approver for each of
the leave application by click
View next to the approve/reject
How to approve leave?
• Leave Tracker > Leave Application > Click the Employee Name > Approve/Reject

• If you are an approver, you can

see all types of approvals under
this module.
• To view, go to Approvals > My
Approvals > Approve/Reject
Mobile Apps
How to check in and check out?
Click here to view Notifications
your profile.

Click here to
check in and
check out your

Click here
and scroll
down to
check your
How to apply leave?
Click here to
submit your

Click here to
apply leave
or you can
go to Leave
How to check approvals?

You can check

your approval
status here.
The End
Zoho Expense Users Training
Trainer: Amirah Syazwani
Copyright Notice

[Copyright Kumpulan Aplikasi Sempurna Sdn. Bhd], 2021. This document may not
be copied, reused, republished, reproduced, repurposed, circulated in whole or in
part to any form without a prior written consent from Kumpulan Aplikasi
Sempurna Sdn. Bhd.
Learning Outcomes
• Users understand the flow in expense and advance payments.
• Users know how to record, view, edit, delete and approve reports.
How to add expense?

• Expenses > Add Expense

• Fill in all the relevant details of your expense.
• Attach or drag receipt(s).
• Choose the correct category of your expense (please consult with your HR or Finance before
selecting a category to avoid mistake).
• Describe your expense clearly in the Description field.
• Click Save.
• If you have a lot of expenses to be claimed, don’t click Add to Report yet. Leave it blank and
enter all your expenses first. This is to group all expenses in one report only for each month.
• Tick the box for claim reimbursement.
• If your expense is non-reimburse but it is required to record in the system, then don’t tick the
• Attach or drag receipt(s).
How to add mileage?
• Expense > Add Mileage > Save
• Fill in all the relevant details of your mileage.
• Attach or drag receipt(s).
• The amount will be auto-calculated once you enter the distance.
• Describe your expense clearly in the Description field.
• Click Save.
• If you have a lot of mileage to be claimed, don’t click Add to Report yet. Leave it blank and enter
all your mileage first. This is to grouped all expenses in one report only for each month.
• Tick the box for claim reimbursement.
• If your expense is non-reimburse but it is required to record in the system, then don’t tick the
• Attach or drag receipt(s).
Per Diem
How to add per diem?
• Expense > Add Per Diem > Save
• Fill in all the relevant details of your per diem.
• The amount will be auto-calculated once you enter the location.
• Describe your expense clearly in Description field.
• Click Save.
• If you have a lot of per diem to be claimed, don’t click Add to Report yet. Leave it blank and
enter all your mileage first. This is to grouped all expenses in one report only for each month.
• Tick the box for claim reimbursement.
• If your expense is non-reimburse but it is required to record in the system, then don’t tick the
• Attach or drag receipt(s) if required.
How to add bulk per diem?
• Expenses > Bulk Add Per Diem > Choose Category > Travel Location > Date Range > Save
• Describe your travel clearly in Description field.
• If you have different location of certain date range, just add another bulk of per diem and Save.
How to add bulk expenses?
• Expenses > Bulk Add Expenses > Save
Expense Report
How to add report?

• To add your expenses in one report, go to Expenses > tick all of your unreported expenses > click
Add to To Report > Add New report Fill in the necessary details of your report > fill in the
duration of your report expense > Save and Select
• The report title will be auto-generated.
How to submit report?

• After report is auto-generated, you will be directed to the Reports module.

• The status of your report is in Draft. Click Submit to send the report to your approver.
• If you want to edit, click the pencil icon next to the Submit button.
• You can ‘cc’ other PIC (if required) other than your approver. Your approver will receive a
notification through email after you click Submit.
• The status of your report will be changed to Submitted.
• You can click View Report History to see the history of your report.
• Your approver’s name will also be shown above your expenses on the right side.
• Once submitted, you can’t edit your expense report but you can Recall your report.
How to view report history?
• Scroll down the report to view your report history. Any changes occur in your report will be
Advance Payments
How to record advance payments?

• Go to Advance Payments module > Fill in the relevant details > Describe clearly the purpose you
request advance payment in Notes > Record Advance
• When the status change to Submitted, your approver will get a notification to approve the
advance payment.
• It will change the status as Approved when approval is done.
How to add advance payments?

• After utilizing the advance payment, a submitter needs to record all expenses in Zoho Expense.
Repeat the same step on “How to add expenses?” from the previous slides.
• Then add all expenses in one report. Go to the Reports and the submitter need to click Apply
Advance Payment before submit the report.
• Then just click Apply to the related advance payment.
How to submit expenses of advance payments?

• After clicking Apply, the report will show an amount to be reimbursed as negative (-).
• The next step is to click Submit for approval.
How to record reimbursement for advance payment?

• Go to Reports Approval > Approve > Confirm > Record Reimbursement

• Choose either to ask the submitter to returned the balance or carry forward the balance on
future expense.
How to apply the balance amount of previous advance
• Once HR or Finance advised to carry forward the balance, you will see the balance in Advance
Payments module. Then submitter can repeat the same step on how to add expense and auto-
generate report.

• Please be note for all approvers, you can approve your team
members’ report in Reports Approval and Advance Approval.
Mobile Apps
How to auto-scan receipt in mobile apps?

Add all types

Settings, of expenses

Summary of Expense Report Flow

Click the report and submit.

Once all expenses has been
Add all expenses either one Approver will get the
added, add to report. The
by one or bulk. notification to
status will change as Draft.
approve/reject your report.

When your report has been Approver will approve/reject

approved and paid by the your report and you will get
Company, HR or Finance will the notification. If rejected,
record your expense report then edit your expenses in
as reimbursement. report and re-submit.
Summary of Advance Payments Flow
Approver will get notification
Record advance payment
to approve/reject your Once approved, the
and describe clearly the
request. If rejected, then you Company will pay the
purpose of your request in
can ask your approver for advance payment.
the clarification.

If the advance payment still

On top of the report, click Once you have utilize the
have a balance, the HR or
Apply Advance Payment. The advance payment, add all
Finance will advise the
report will show an amount the expenses as usual. Then
submitter whether to
to be reimbursed as negative add all expenses in one
reimburse the balance or to
(-). Then, submit. report.
carry forward.
The End

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