The Ultimate Salesforce Integration Guide

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The Ultimate

Guide to
Quickly Connect Salesforce to
Drive Efficiencies and Insights
The Ultimate
Guide to
Quickly Connect Salesforce to
Drive Efficiencies and Insights
Table of Contents
3  for Salesforce:
More Data, Better Data for Faster Insights
4 PART 1
10 Tips for Salesforce Integration
15 PART 2
Salesforce Integration Checklist
21 PART 3
Salesforce Integration for Healthcare,
Financial Services and Retail
28 PART 4
Use Case | Publish/Subscribe Hybrid
Architecture with Azure Service Bus and Boomi
32 PART 5
Use Case | API Management and
Integration for On-Demand Data
35 Boomi for Salesforce Integration

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 3

Integration for Salesforce:
More Data, Better Data
for Faster Insights
Salesforce is a revolutionary information Integration enables workflow automation,
platform. It is even better with integration. building on Salesforce data and linking it to
other data sources and operational areas.
On its own, Salesforce can dramatically
improve how companies run their sales Integration speeds Salesforce adoption
operations, support their customers, and within your organization by seamlessly
provide products and services to a market. delivering essential data into the
platform, eliminating many manual data
With integration, organizations make management tasks, automating workflows
Salesforce more valuable through data. and ensuring data quality.
By tapping into a native-cloud, low-
code integration platform like Boomi, By integrating Salesforce with other
businesses can automate manual applications, APIs and resources, you make
data management tasks, ensure far Salesforce even more valuable to your
more accurate data, quicken business employees and your organization.
workflows, and provide much greater
operational visibility to an organization. The following guide offers a wealth of
ideas and insights for planning your
Through integration, you can connect Salesforces integration projects.
Salesforce to other critical business
applications for enterprise management,
finance, human resources, operations
and logistics.

Ready to get started?

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 4


10 Tips
for Salesforce
Starting a new Salesforce integration
project? No worries!
Check out our tips for planning your next
Salesforce integration project.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 5

1 If you’re switching to Salesforce from another CRM, the first thing
you’re going to do is migrate your data. You’ll export data from your old
CRM and import it into Salesforce.
Transfer only what you need. If there is data that is no longer relevant in
your old system, there’s no point in transferring it to Salesforce, where it
will take up storage space and make relevant data harder to find.
The most important thing to know about data migration is that it’s

simply a first step. It prepares you for using Salesforce, but it doesn’t
set up your organization to get the most from Salesforce. That requires
integrating with other applications.
Migrating data is like putting gas in a car. It enables the motor to start.

But the data is still idling. The car remains in park.
Integration is how you put that data in motion, delivering it to other users
and business systems for better insights and faster processes.

Integration How-To
Data migration is typically done with a bulk data transfer. The transfer
copies data from your old CRM system and loads it all at once into
To support long-term growth and business improvements, you’ll need a
data integration platform that does more than just bulk data transfers.
An integration platform should support application integration, workflow
optimization, API management, data management and other key features
described in this eGuide.
Inevitably, you’ll want to bring more data into Salesforce. And you’ll want
an integration environment that can easily support your data needs as
your Salesforce integration evolves.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 6

You’ve got your CRM and sales data loaded into Salesforce. Now you’re
ready to begin integrating Salesforce with your other business systems.
That’s how you’re going to extend the value of Salesforce across
your organization, making the most of all the wealth of features in the
industry standard for CRM.
Our advice? Start small.
Don’t rush into any integration project that is too complex.
We recommend starting with a simple point-to-point integration,
connecting Salesforce to just one other application. Many Salesforce
customers start with a quote-to-cash integration.
Start Small
A quote-to-cash integration exports a sales quote from Salesforce
into an ERP system such as SAP or an accounting platform such as
NetSuite or QuickBooks. Using data from this integration, your ERP
or accounting platform can generate an invoice and record payments
based on a quote issued in Salesforce.
A quote-to-cash integration is a practical first step to expanding your
organization’s use of Salesforce. It begins to automate the most basic
workflow at the heart of Salesforce: closing a sale.

Integration How-To
Look for an integration technology that makes it easy to connect
Salesforce to your other key business applications.
An integration platform that includes ready-to-use connectors for popular
applications such as NetSuite, Oracle, QuickBooks and SAP saves you the
trouble of hiring programmers to develop these connectors from scratch.
While focusing on a single project, you should also assess the
integration tool on its ability to scale and provide an array of
integration capabilities. That way, you can easily grow the scope of
your projects as you gain experience.
And with a true cloud-native, multi-tenant integration service, your pricing
can easily scale with your usage.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 7

Build on the
3 When developing a roadmap for Salesforce integration, it’s important to
recognize the unique strengths of each of your business applications.
Salesforce is a best-in-breed platform for CRM and sales
management. Your organization probably has other specialized
applications for accounting, inventory management, human resources
management and logistics.
You might be using Salesforce for CRM, QuickBooks for accounting,
and Workday for HR. Or Salesforce for CRM, Oracle for accounting,

of Your
and SuccessFactors for HR. Or some other combination of applications,
each selected to serve a certain purpose.
In planning your integration, recognize that each of your applications
has its own strengths and weaknesses.

You’ll want to continue to use each application for what it does best. By
taking a best-of-breed approach, integration can build on the strengths
of all your applications — speeding businesses processes, ensuring data
consistency and automating workflows.

Integration How-To
Look for a flexible integration platform that works with all the applications
you have. It should let you select the best features of each.
Your integration platform should also be to quickly connect any cloud
applications or services, while being equally adept at working behind
firewalls and support legacy, on-premise systems.
Critically, it should support your strategy to adopt best-of-breed
applications, using integration tools to orchestrate the flow of data among
these systems.
Adopting a best-of-breed philosophy increases the return on your IT
investments and reduces user frustrations.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 8

Your Salesforce users know what they need.
They know what they’re missing, and they have ideas for how
connecting applications and accessing data can improve productivity
and efficiency. And they know how your business processes work.
Talk to your Salesforce users and get them involved.
Ultimately, Salesforce needs to work for your teams. If not, your
employees will not readily adopt Salesforce.
Integration gives business users the opportunity to fill in the blanks for
their everyday work. Through integration, data from one application can
Talk to Your
automatically populate data fields in Salesforce.
Integration eliminates the need for copy and paste. With integration,
organizations can consolidate data, streamline procedures, and reduce
busywork. The actual users of these processes will be able to tell you
exactly what works and what slows down their productivity.
Let business users guide your integration strategy, so they can eliminate
their repetitive, manual data tasks.

Integration How-To
Because business users know what they’re looking for, it makes sense
to give them a development tool that lets them design integrations and
customizations themselves.
A low-code approach with a drag-and-drop interface helps business
users to serve themselves, while ensuring that data integrations and data
access remain under the control of the greater organization.
Low-code development — favored by most business users and made
popular by companies like Salesforce and Boomi — eliminates the
extensive time required to create and manage legacy and hand-coded
With a modern integration platform, developers are freed to focus on
more complex and strategic design and development projects, while
businesses gain oversight, efficiency and productivity.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 9

Lay the
5 Once you’ve identified the best application for each business function,
note which application should serve as the “system of record” — the
definitive source for each type of data.
For example, Salesforce will serve as the system of record for customer
data. Your accounting application will likely serve as the system of
record for invoices, receipts and financial statements.
As your Salesforce usage matures, you will want to implement a master
data management (MDM) system. With MDM you will be able to
consistently define and govern your critical data to create a single point

for Master
of reference, a “golden record.” MDM is the way you can ensure your
systems of record are populated with clean, non-redundant and up-to-
date data.
But even before you implement an MDM system, it’s good to note

which application or system will be the official source for a given type
of data. Once that is in place, you can then use MDM to ensure all
applications defer to the data in your golden records, guaranteeing all
employees have the same accurate view.

Integration How-To
Integration involves moving data from one system to another. Often that
data is transformed or combined with other data.
To ensure that all your systems and users are always working with
the most current and authoritative data, it’s important to design your
integration processes so they do not undermine any system of record.
If your integration platform supports MDM, then you can implement
MDM practices along with mapping integrations and automating
A comprehensive integration platform with MDM spares you the trouble
of learning and managing a separate application dedicated to MDM.
You will also have a clear, one-stop view of all your integrations and how
they interrelate, making MDM development even easier.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 10

Now that you have identified the best applications for each part of a
business process, you can begin designing workflow automation.
Ask yourself how data moves through your organization. What data is
needed by which people in order to take a specific action or make a
specific decision? Then ask how that data and those actions involve
For example, if Salesforce is going to be the system of record for
customer information (including customer addresses and phone
numbers), ask how that information should be distributed to other
systems and departments.
Ask also how information from other departments could be
Out Your
used in Salesforce.
For example, should salespeople be notified right away when a product
is shipped to a customer? Can that information automatically appear in
Salesforce through data integration, rather than requiring a salesperson

to log into a different system with shipping records?
How can information about orders, customer support tickets and other
data move from one system to another, reaching decision-makers
quickly and keeping the right people informed?

Integration How-To
As you map workflows, you will probably discover that data is needed in
multiple places. For example, the accounting department needs customer
address information to issue invoices. Your shipping department likely
would also need that same information.
In some cases, data can be transferred or updated on a regular schedule,
such as a batch process that runs every night.
In other cases, data will need to be transferred real-time or near real-
time. For example, a customer service agent opens a service ticket
for a customer. That ticket should be added to the customer record in
Salesforce so the whole organization has an up-to-date, complete view of
the customer.
For each workflow, note which data integrations require batch operations
and which require real-time or on-demand operations.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 11

Use Batch
7 Batch integrations are data transfers that occur on a cadence. The
cadence could be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or at some other time
At some predefined interval, the integration service checks to see if
something has changed. If it has changed, the integration service takes
action, such as copying data into or out of Salesforce.
A batch integration might check to see if new qualified leads have been
created in a marketing system. If so, the batch services will copy those
leads into Salesforce, creating new records.

to Get Your
Or a batch integration might check to see if something changed in
Salesforce. If it has, then the integration service will update some other
system, such as an ERP system or marketing platform.
In most companies, batch integrations make up about 70 percent of

the integrations involving Salesforce. It’s likely your organization could
benefit from batch integrations that streamline operations and improve
data consistency across applications.

Integration How-To

in Sync
Think about how data changes in your organization and how that data
affects Salesforce.
What data outside of Salesforce should trigger updates within
Salesforce? And when data in Salesforce changes, what other
applications and services should be updated?
For each of these relationships, note the interval at which these updates
should occur.
Updates should be timely, but scheduling should be practical. Unless data
is mission-critical, there’s no need to check for changes every hour if the
data is liable to change only once or twice a week.
Be sure to look for an integration technology that supports any type of
batch integration. It should also offer performance capabilities to easily
manage large batch data updates or complex schedules.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 12

In addition to batch integration, Salesforce supports real-time integration
and on-demand integration.
A user clicks a button in Salesforce, and that triggers a real-time
integration workflow to retrieve data from another system. For example,
an account representative wants real-time information about a product
shipment to a customer. She clicks a button, and an integration retrieves
the latest data from an ERP system.
Outbound messaging can provide an immediate view of the customer in
Salesforce, even if the data doesn’t reside in Salesforce.
A full-featured integration platform can help teams quickly build and
manage outbound messaging routines. Instant updates bring far more
agility to a distributed workforce.
This makes it possible for your employees and partners to always have
the latest information in one place.

or Platform
Real-time integration spares users the need to get information through
other, more time-consuming ways, such as sending email and waiting for
a response or manually logging into multiple systems.

Integration How-To
Salesforce has its own development platform and programming language
for real-time or on-demand integration, know as Apex. Salesforce Apex
integrations require writing custom code. Events for
For multiple integrations, many Salesforce customers find it preferable to
adopt a low-code approach that does not involve writing code in Apex.
A low-code approach helps business users quickly configure on-demand
integrations without the help of software developers, the IT department

or expensive consultants.
In addition to Apex, Salesforce also offers integration APIs for bulk data
transfers and event-based transfers. Recently, Salesforce also added
Platform Events for event-based integration.
A robust integration platform should support all these options while also
providing built-in connectors, API management, MDM support, and other
features for streamlining integrations and improving data quality.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 13

Forget Your
9 If your organization has adopted other SaaS applications besides
Salesforce, you’ll need an integration technology that works well with
cloud-based software.
Of course, most organizations have many applications, databases,
and other IT resources on-premise, too. It’s also vital to be able to
seamlessly connect to those legacy data sources.
While Salesforce is a leader in cloud-based computing, critical data for
Salesforce can just as likely come from legacy, on-premise applications.

Legacy Data So an integration plan for Salesforce should also consider the best
mechanisms for managing both on-premise and cloud integrations
across a hybrid IT infrastructure.
Cloud adoption should not hamper your integration strategy, and your
integration strategy should not hamper your cloud adoption. In all cases,
you should assume you’ll need to access data from the cloud (from within
your data center) and possibly from your partner’s legacy systems.

Integration How-To
You want to avoid having to deploy two separate integration platforms:
one for the cloud and one for on-premise. Doubling platforms increases
costs and complexity.
Most importantly, the integration environment should be seamless
between cloud or on-premise. Same interface, same tool. This provides
“economies of skills” and greatly streamlines integration tasks while
lowering costs.
A comprehensive integration platform should meet all your integration
needs, whether in the cloud, on-premise or in hybrid configurations. If
Salesforce can’t easily integrate with a data source, your organization
won’t be able to use it to its full potential.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 14

Getting data into Salesforce is only half the value of integration. Once
consolidated and organized in Salesforce, you are then free to explore all
kinds of reporting and analytics options.
A “single pane of glass” dashboard makes assessment and analysis a one-
step process.
By integrating other business systems with Salesforce, you make it easier
to generate operational snapshots using Salesforce Analytics or custom
reporting within Salesforce.
About Your
Figure out which data from which sources you need, then use your
integration platform to connect those sources to Salesforce. This way,
you will be able to build the exact report you need for a comprehensive
view of a given part of the business.
Also, determine the frequency for reports. Does the data need to be
fed real-time for up-to-the-minute views? Or only periodically updated
through a batch transfer?

Integration How-To
An integration platform can help expand on Salesforce reporting
capabilities by allowing you to create more complex, customized reports
or to build a local, on-premise repository for different types of reports to
feed other applications.
Modern, low-code integration makes it easy to grab the data you need to
drive Salesforce Analytics and other Salesforce-related dashboards.
Whether the data you are collecting is in the cloud, on-premise or
accessed via mobile devices or social apps, an integration platform can
sync Salesforce data in real time to provide the kind of insights and
visibility needed by your organization.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 15


To help you plan and manage your
Salesforce integration, we have put
together this checklist of important issues
for you to consider with any Salesforce
integration project.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 16

The People
As with planning any project, your Salesforce project starts with the people
involved. Be sure to account for the owners and users of the applications and
data. Find out how their insights and perspectives shape the business needs
and technical requirements for the project.

Identify who owns and uses the Understand how you need to control
applications and the data involved in your access to the relevant applications and
integration project their data
ȪȪ How might their usage of the ȪȪ Who can change the data?
applications and data have implications
for how you plan the integrations? ȪȪ Who can only view the data?

ȪȪ What limitations are they running into Talk to all stakeholders to understand
with their applications? their business goals

ȪȪ How might your project change the ȪȪ What are all the use cases relevant to
way they use their applications and your Salesforce integration project?
data? How do they relate?

Identify who is responsible for ȪȪ Do all stakeholders agree about how

managing the data you should design and manage your
Salesforce integrations? If there are
ȪȪ Are they different than the owners? differing opinions, what are they?
If so, why?
Understand your organization’s
integration standards and best practices
ȪȪ Who manages these programs?

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 17

The Processes
Processes are about how the data flows from one endpoint to another.
The endpoints can be applications but could also be various stops along the
way for staging, vetting or modifying the data before it moves on to other
applications. Map out how your data flows across the organization.

Identify the endpoints Determine the volume, frequency and

performance of the delivery of the data
ȪȪ Where does the data live? required by the various applications
ȪȪ Where does the data need to go? ȪȪ Will you be moving a lot of data? If so,
Map what needs to happen to the data as when will this need to happen?
it travels from one endpoint to another ȪȪ Do you have seasonal or periodic spikes
ȪȪ What are the key touchpoints or stops in data volumes?
it will need to make? ȪȪ What performance requirements will
ȪȪ Does the data travel point-to-point or is there be for the data?
it shared? ȪȪ How frequently does the data need to
ȪȪ In which direction is the flow of data? be updated? Real-time/near real-time
or batch updates?
ȪȪ Will it need some sort of validation,
access approval, etc.? Establish what should happen if there are
errors or problems during the integration
ȪȪ Will the data need to be enriched with
data from other sources to make the ȪȪ Who should be notified for different
data more useful? types of errors (data quality, network
performance, etc.)
ȪȪ When and how is the data reconciled?
Account for the security, risk and
compliance needs for the data as
it travels inside and outside the
ȪȪ Does the data need to be PCI-
compliant, HIPAA-compliant or meet
other standards?

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 18

The Apps
Applications are at the heart of any integration project.
This is where work gets done. And a Salesforce integration project is no
different. Take your time to understand the applications being integrated, their
needs, and how they interact with each other.

Identify the applications involved Define the access controls you will need
for each application and its data
ȪȪ Where do your applications live?
Determine what rules you will need to
ȪȪ How do they need to be connected? guide how updates happen among all the
Understand how each application might applications
be dependent on the functions of other ȪȪ Are there any non-permitted actions?
ȪȪ Who is in charge of the updates?
ȪȪ When and how does one application
need updates from other applications?
ȪȪ Which application is the process driver?
ȪȪ Are the applications on-premise or
cloud-based? How will these different
kinds of applications need to interact?
Identify which applications are
centralized or which are distributed
ȪȪ Do you have different sets of
applications performing the same
functions across the organization
(varying by regions or departments)?
ȪȪ Will you need to deal with variables
among the same types of data, such as
different currencies or regional pricing?

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 19

The Data
Ultimately, it’s all about the data.
This is the information that people need. Applications exist to provide data in
the most useful way. To do their job, applications need the right data at the right
place and at the right time.

Determine all the data that is associated Determine the structure of the data for
with each application each application
ȪȪ Is this data shared or similar to the data ȪȪ Is there a hierarchy or other structure to
for other applications? If so, how? how the data interrelates?
ȪȪ For each type of data set, which ȪȪ What are the fields, primary keys, data
application is the system of record? types and validation rules?
ȪȪ How is the data currently reconciled? ȪȪ Is there a hierarchy or dependencies
between different records?
ȪȪ Who owns the maintenance of these
data sets? ȪȪ How does the structure and
identification of the data vary among
ȪȪ Where do you run risks of duplicate or the applications that will share the same
conflicting data? data?
ȪȪ Are the data fields and data labels
consistent and appropriate for all
application interactions?
Assess data quality
ȪȪ How clean and consistent is the data?
ȪȪ Will you need to consolidate or reconcile
data before integrating?
ȪȪ Will some data require a one-time
migration or ongoing synchronization?

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 20

Your Situation
While Salesforce integrations share common issues with other data and application integrations projects,
they also have plenty of specific requirements and support needs, particular for cloud integration. Assess these
requirements upfront to understand how you should prepare and if you have the in-house expertise or might
benefit from the help of an experienced systems integrator.

Determine if your company has a Understand the specifics of your ȪȪ Do you have specific, quick
cloud strategy Salesforce edition integration tasks (such as near
real-time order status updates)
ȪȪ If so, what is it? ȪȪ What optional features or fields that could benefit from custom
have you enabled in your Salesforce Salesforce Apex call invoking
ȪȪ How will your project need to fit into account?
that strategy? published APIs?
ȪȪ Have you added custom fields to ȪȪ Do you have event-based use cases
ȪȪ Who is responsible for ensuring objects to help maintain “state”
cloud management best practices? that could benefit from Salesforce
information and help identify Outbound Events or Platform
ȪȪ How does your organization monitor external applications accessing Events?
cloud functions? Salesforce?
Understand the integration project’s
Determine your Salesforce expertise Understand the customizations your licensing implications for your
organization has implemented in Salesforce account
ȪȪ What staff, tools, systems and Salesforce
processes are already in place for ȪȪ Will you use a separate, dedicated
structuring your Salesforce project? ȪȪ Are you using custom fields and Salesforce user for the integrations?
record types, validations and
ȪȪ Do you have the in-house staff required fields, or scripting and ȪȪ Will you need additional Salesforce
to make best use of Salesforce workflows? licenses to support concurrent
Connect and other Salesforce connections for high volume
technologies? ȪȪ How might these need to be throughput and parallel processing
accounted for in the integration plan
ȪȪ What external resources or and design?
consultants might you need to carry
out your project? ȪȪ Do you need to view external data
without replicating it in Salesforce?
ȪȪ Do you have very large amounts of
data to import or export with the
Salesforce Bulk API?

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 21


Integration for
and Retail
Explore integration considerations and examine
use cases for key Salesforce markets.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 22

Salesforce Integration
for Healthcare
Transform healthcare by bringing data Salesforce Integration Benefits
together in Salesforce Health Cloud to
Give providers a single view of patients with up-to-date
improve patient engagement and data comprehensive histories
management Through integration with EHRs and other clinical systems,
Through a modern, cloud-based integration platform, Salesforce Health Cloud can serve as a master record of all
organizations across the healthcare ecosystem can connect patient data, ensuring that providers have a comprehensive
Salesforce Health Cloud to electronic health records (EHRs), view of each patient being treated. Gaining a unified view of
billing systems, clinical systems and payer systems to create a the patient helps providers deliver more effective care and
unified view of patient interactions. eliminates time-consuming tasks, such as logging into multiple
systems to find patient records.
With comprehensive insight into each patient, providers can
deliver more timely and effective care, payers can process Give payers a comprehensive view of patients
claims more efficiently, and life sciences companies can and their claims data
ensure that clinical trials are focused on the right patients, Integrate Salesforce Health Cloud with payer and payer
whose histories and conditions are fully understood. partner data for claims, post-service engagement
surveys, medication data, and even clinical data. Provide
A modern, low-code integration platform makes it quick and a superior customer experience for payers. And combined
easy for healthcare organizations to integrate Salesforce with with MDM, you can crosslink all claims data against
applications for enrollment, billing, electronic health records, capitated payment goals.
and EDI partner networks.
Improve patient engagement
Integration coupled with master data management provides By integrating Salesforce Health Cloud with mobile apps,
the necessary control of data quality. MDM ensures that web apps, and smart, Internet of Things devices, providers
aggregate views of patients, providers and clinical trial can improve patient engagement while collecting and sharing
participants are accurate and up-to-date. healthcare status, recommendations, and results in real time.
Integrating your key data and systems of record into Gain a complete view of patients in clinical trials
Salesforce Health Cloud ensures healthcare organizations By integrating Salesforce Health Cloud with key data, life
are ready for the next generation of advances in medicine — sciences companies and other research organizations
advances that include broader use of use of smart devices, can better collect and manage data from tracking
mobile apps, telemedicine, precision medicine and patient- applications, including information related to quality control,
centered care. pharmacovigilance and IoT devices. With integration in place,
Salesforce can provide a complete view of the trial process,
aiding in the development of precision medicine.


e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 23

Case Study: Salesforce Integration
for a U.S. Healthcare Provider
Anticipating a dramatic increase in patient referrals
due to new state legislation, a behavioral healthcare
provider needed a scalable way to manage patients,
staffing and billing.
It also needed to ensure all its data and applications
would be secure and HIPAA-compliant.
The real benefit of having
Using Boomi iPaaS, the company integrated
Salesforce with AthenaHealth EHR, NetSuite ERP,
Dell Boomi as part of this architecture
and NetSuite OpenAir, NetSuite’s professional services is we have the flexibility to take best-
automation platform.
of-breed components for the use
Through these integrations, the healthcare services
provider achieved compelling results for patient care, cases we have — we don’t have to
revenue and compliance. rely on one single solution.
Salesforce integration delivered: We have the flexibility to use
ȪȪ Reduced paperwork, more time with patients AthenaHealth for electronic medical
ȪȪ Improved data quality, improving insights into record management, the claims billing
patient data
revenue cycle management and the
ȪȪ Increased revenue, providing more resources for
services patient portal.
ȪȪ Improved customer/patient experience And for customer relationship
ȪȪ Greater operational efficiency management, we use best-of-breed
ȪȪ Compliance with HIPAA Salesforce.
– IT Executive at U.S. Behavioral Healthcare Provider


e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 24

Salesforce Integration
for Financial Services
Gain a holistic view of customers and tailor your Low-code integration features include a drag-and-drop interface,
services across channels ready-to-use connectors for a vast range of applications, intuitive
crowd-sourced AI for configuring connections between popular
The financial services industry is undergoing a dramatic transformation. applications, and workflow automation to guide data through the
Both consumers and business customers are switching from in-branch and entire integration workflow.
call center interactions to mobile and online channels. Branch offices are
being reimagined with an emphasis on efficiency and customer experience. Salesforce Integration Benefits
Consumers and business customers expect a seamless hand-off across all
channels, old and new. Give bankers, agents and certified financial planners
comprehensive customer insights
At the same time, fintech start-ups are inventing new product
categories and services, bringing further pressure on incumbents to By integrating all customer applications and centralizing customer records
drive digital transformation. in Salesforce, organizations can ensure that any employee, agent or
automated application interacting has full access to all the interactions
Salesforce integration makes it possible for financial services organizations
the customer experienced with your company.
to support omnichannel strategies and achieve the comprehensive,
up-to-date view of customers required for success in this increasingly Access to complete customer data helps employees, agents, and
competitive market. applications deliver the best possible service. Better customer data also
helps with carefully targeted cross-selling.
Integration connects Salesforce to core platforms, payment systems,
branch applications, customer service systems, web portals and Publish APIs securely for business partners and
published APIs. Integration with Salesforce provides the critical financial aggregators
360-degree view of the customer required today in banking, financial Financial services organizations need to securely publish and manage
services, and insurance. APIs to support innovations provided by third parties (such as personal
financial management (PFM) offered through aggregators) and to
Using a total view of the customer, financial services organizations
comply with industry regulations such as PSD2. With API management,
can drive sales and marketing campaigns that support omnichannel
organizations can merge outside information and analysis with the
strategies and optimize customer journeys.
core sales and customer information consolidated in Salesforce. Such a
Through Salesforce integration, organizations can collect customer data centralized, dashboard view offers broader insights and faster decisions,
that had been isolated in application silos while improving data quality and reducing the need to search for relevant information.
operational efficiency.
Improve retail operations
Using low-code integration tools, business units can quickly connect Integrating Salesforce with branch applications helps organizations
applications and build workflows without lengthy development monitor brand operations and ensure that customer interactions provide a
projects. Even non-technical business analysts can create integrations centralized 360-degree view. Leverage your investments in mission-critical
without help from IT. systems of record with connectivity to new cloud, fintech, mobile and
social applications. Using Salesforce as the hub, you can integrate new and
old systems at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional integration.

Financial Services

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 25

Case Study: Salesforce
Integration for Australian Bank
Teachers Mutual Bank (TMB) is using Boomi as part of its multi-year,
multi-million-dollar digital transformation strategy.
Founded in 1966, TMB is now one of Australia’s largest mutual banks, When we kicked off our long-term digital
with over 186,000 members and more than $6 billion in assets.
project, it was clear that mobile platforms were
By using Boomi to integrate Salesforce and other key applications, going to be the prominent platform of choice
the bank is better able to compete against Tier 1 banks and grow its
accounts in highly competitive markets. for our members’ interactions with the Bank.
TMB has used Boomi to create a flexible, enterprise-wide data In particular, we correctly anticipated that
environment that links its core customer management system and integrating best-of-breed apps from third-
extensible services layer with its internal processes. This integration,
which includes centralizing customer records in Salesforce is helping party developers would provide the best
the bank quickly and easily capitalize on new technologies, including platform to deliver omnichannel experiences
innovations in fintech. on customers’ terms.
For example, using Boomi, TMB has engaged with Spriggy (a
prepaid Visa card for children controlled through a mobile app) and Once we modernized our environment
is considering integrating with financial manage applications that will through the introduction of these best-
deliver additional secure, customer service capabilities to its members.
of-breed apps, we needed the critical
The automation capabilities of the Boomi platform have reduced the component to tie all that data together.
bank’s operating costs. And the bank expects cost savings to increase
significantly as TMB further harnesses Boomi to integrate Salesforce We selected Boomi for its powerful cloud-
into its core banking systems and processes, including planned
integration of business process management toolsets to streamline
based and user-friendly integration software,
banking operations. so that we can ensure all data is accurate
Salesforce integration delivered: and up-to-date no matter where
it is accessed.
ȪȪ Support for providing an omnichannel, mobile-first customer
experience – David Chapman, Chief Information Officer,
Teachers Mutual Bank
ȪȪ Far greater speed and agility to merger and expansion activities
ȪȪ Reduced time-to-market to launch new services with fintech
ȪȪ Projected ROI of more than 400 percent in three years

Financial Services

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 26

Salesforce Integration
for Retail
Gain a 360-degree view of the customer to Salesforce Integration Benefits
grow sales and improve loyalty
Quote-to-cash made easy
Integrating Salesforce with key applications and data across a A low-code approach to integration makes it easy to build point-
retail organization can deliver the all-important 360-degree view to-point integrations, such as integrating Salesforce with ERP
of the customer. systems like Salesforce or accounting packages like QuickBooks.
Retailers can quickly connect Salesforce quotes to financials, so
With comprehensive insight into each customer, retailers can that orders are reflected accurately in both systems and payment
market and sell more effectively across all channels, discover data is process promptly.
trends and opportunities, and deliver the best possible experience
at every customer touchpoint. Fine-tune marketing automation
Retailers using third-party marketing automation applications
Retailers achieve this 360-degree view by integrating Salesforce can prime those systems with the latest customer data from
with inventory systems, billing systems, shipping centers, Salesforce, ensuring that workflows and product offers are
customer support and call center systems, ecommerce platforms, tailored to individual customers and their progress in a sales cycle.
point-of-sale systems, and other applications and APIs across the
enterprise. Deliver in-store updates
Integrating Salesforce with marketing automation systems
Low-code integration enables retailers to quickly and cost- and in-store Wi-Fi systems helps retailers deliver real-time
effectively connect Salesforce to applications on-premise or in promotions based on customers’ purchase histories, preferences
the cloud. Low-code features, such as ready-to-use connectors and geolocation. Retailers can also integrate location-specific
and a drag-and-drop interface, make it possible for business technologies and IoT services.
analysts and other non-technical users to build Salesforce
integrations so they can get the data they need. Keep sales and customer service in sync
Ensure that customer service agents have the latest customer
Through integration, retailers can make the most of Salesforce, purchase records, so that when customers call or chat, agents
creating a comprehensive system of record for customer data have the data they need at their fingertips. When tickets are
and bringing a 360-degree view of the customer to employees. opened or closed, notify account managers automatically so they
always know the status of their accounts.
Turn salesforce into the master record for customer data
Apply master data management policies to Salesforce data,
consolidating and standardizing customer records in Salesforce
and synchronizing customer data across other applications and
services. Turn Salesforce records into the “golden records” for
customer data across the enterprise.


e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 27

Case Study: Salesforce Integration
for a U.S. Wine Retailer
Blackbird Vineyards uses Salesforce for its CRM, Salesforce integration delivered:
Microsoft RMS as a point-of-sale system at its
Ma(i)sonry’s tasting gallery, and Ewinery Solutions’ ȪȪ Ecommerce, brick-and-mortar and wholesale
WebLink as an ecommerce system on the vineyard’s sales unified on one system
website. ȪȪ Better reporting consolidated in Salesforce,
With its business growing, Blackbird Vineyards with differentiation across brands and time
management had to track sales through all three stamping to track workflows
systems, making it difficult to get a unified picture of ȪȪ Improved marketing effectiveness from
product sales. comprehensive, consolidated order histories
In addition, Blackbird wanted to differentiate sales ȪȪ True 360-degree view of the customer
across its brands — Blackbird wine sales via the
website and point-of-sale (POS) purchases at its
tasting gallery, as well as collective winery partner
sales and on-site art and design sales in its gallery
Without an integration tool, Blackbird was spending
hours of manual work to combine the data from these
disparate systems.
Echo Lane, a San Francisco-based professional
services firm, recommend that Blackbird integrate
its systems using Boomi. By relying on the Boomi
integration platform rather than embarking on a
complex custom-coding integration, Echo Lane was
able to complete Blackbird’s Salesforce integration in
just four weeks.
The integrations are now helping Blackbird more fully
leverage its Salesforce platform to gain better insights
into customers and better differentiation across brands.


e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 28


Use Case
Subscribe Hybrid
With Azure
Service Bus and

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 29

Use Case
Building a Publish/Subscribe Hybrid
Architecture With Azure Service Bus and Boomi
Maximizing your Salesforce investment using a classic integration pattern with a modern twist
by Rajeev Singh, Practice Area Director, Slalom Consulting and Shane Fisher, Enterprise Integrations Architect, Slalom Consulting

Publish/subscribe architectures are nothing new. In fact, this messaging exchange pattern was codified in
the 2003 book, Enterprise Integration Patterns by Martin Fowler, Gregor Hohpe, and Bobby Woolf four
years before Apple unveiled the first iPhone.

The Modern Enterprise Integration Problem Classic Publish/Subscribe

More than ever, businesses are turning themselves inside out Luckily, we can still leverage some of these tried-and-true
from both a business and, increasingly, from an IT standpoint. patterns, with some modern twists and some help from —
They are putting more and more core functions in the cloud, you guessed it — the cloud. More specifically, the venerable
well outside of the corporate firewall. publish/subscribe pattern. What makes the publish/subscribe
pattern successful hasn’t changed and is just as relevant
But they still need access to their data. This has given way today as it was in 2003.
to the modern integration challenge of how to safely, reliably
and securely integrate information from the cloud to many 1. It allows us to build an accessible endpoint for our data
endpoints: whether they be multi-tenant hosted solutions (like once and leverage that same endpoint with minimal
Salesforce), single-tenant or private-cloud solutions, mobile additional effort for each new data subscriber.
devices, and, of course (still), on-premise systems. (How frequently do we add new cloud services?)
2. It helps us encapsulate system-specific data and behavior
using APIs and a canonical data model that hides system
details (Useful when we decide to switch cloud providers,
legacy app modernization and migrate on-premise apps to
the cloud.)
3. It physically decouples the publisher from outages and
connectivity problems with subscribers. (Cloud services
never go down, right?)

Use Case: Publish/Subscribe Hybrid Architecture With Azure Service Bus and Boomi

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 30

Challenges These are just some of the challenges in modern enterprise
integration landscapes. And this is also where a hybrid solution
Now that we know what’s great about publish/subscribe,
involving cloud services can help bridge the gap.
what are some of its weaknesses when faced with the modern
enterprise integration landscape? Let’s start with protocols.
The Publish/Subscribe Hybrid Solution
When was the last time your IT security team allowed an
A hybrid solution leveraging cloud services from from
inbound JMS (Java message service) connection through
Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) can provide
your firewall? Putting protocols aside for a moment, how
us the best of both worlds: cloud nimbleness with the rigor of
often does IT security allow ANY inbound connections? With
established patterns. Those inbound push connections that
the ubiquity of APIs, this dated security policy is starting to
kept your IT Security team awake at night can be translated
change, but unless you’re Netflix, it likely still takes some
to benign pull connections using Azure Service Bus (ASB) as a
justification to expose an API to the Net.
bridge to your Dell Boomi cloud iPaaS solution.
Finally, what about hops? No, not the good hops, like in
From that point on it’s business as usual with the message
your favorite IPA. We mean, how many hops between
flowing on-premise to your local Boomi Atom (Boomi’s
systems and intermediaries is too many to facilitate a
integration run-time engine). Messages can be tracked using
robust integration? How do you keep track of how many
document tracking in the Boomi integration platform and
of these hops were successful for each message? How
message monitoring in ASB.
are you tracking lost messages?

The flow looks something like this (greatly simplified, of course):

1 Publish New
Customer ID 4 Boomi Publishes Full
Record to Each Subscriber

2 Boomi Receives
New Customer

Push Rest Queue

Service Bus


Figure 1: Publish/Subscribe Flow

with Azure Service Bus and Boomi 3 Boomi Queries Salesforce
for Record Details

Use Case: Publish/Subscribe Hybrid Architecture With Azure Service Bus and Boomi

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 31

In this example, we’re creating a new customer record in 1. Clean House: Organize Your
Salesforce; we’re publishing this new customer message to Data With a Canonical Data Model
ASB; Boomi subscribes to the new message, also enriching We’ve seen this approach dramatically accelerate business
it with other relevant details about the customer; and finally processes. When applications can subscribe to the data
propagates the complete record to an ERP system and they need — and that data is finely tailored to a business
an operational data store (ODS), both on-premise. And all use case, operations become dramatically more efficient.
without raising a security eyebrow. For example, we’ve seen a customer’s onboarding process
reduced from a couple of days to 15 minutes.
Dell Boomi brings some great native features to the table
for this solution, such as: document tracking so you can 2. Use a Publish/Subscribe
monitor individual documents by their business IDs through Architecture to Distribute Data
the integration; built-in try catches to provide robust error When organizations adopt Salesforce, they want to make
handling; and out-of-box support for the JMS protocol using the most of its data. For many enterprises, Salesforce
standard and portable AMQP libraries. becomes the master record for customer data and possibly
contract data. It’s an efficient and economical way of
What are some key advantages of this hybrid architecture? delivering the right data to the right subscriber. Instead
The most obvious one is that multiple subscribers can take of building 20 or 30 point-to-point integrations between
advantage of the same message, meaning less integration Salesforce and different applications, we simply publish
work and quicker time to market. from Salesforce and let the integration platform handle
Second, the built-in guaranteed delivery capabilities of both transformations based on business rules.
ASB and Boomi give us confidence that even if our subscriber 3. Don’t Be Afraid to Augment Your
endpoints are down, our message will be delivered when those Solution With Cloud Services
subscribers become available again. Most modern enterprise integration problems will require a
We can also protect against running duplicated processes hybrid solution. Gartner calls this the “Hybrid Information
and, as a result, creating duplicate data (ever process a large Bus.” Simply stated, plug gaps and blind spots with easy-to-
payment twice?). And we can even reschedule messages use service offerings from Azure, AWS, Google, and the like.
for later delivery if we know how long a potential outage Complementing Salesforce with a hybrid publish/subscribe
condition could last, such as that pesky app that always goes architecture is an an excellent way to ensure Salesforce always
down on Friday at 5 p.m. And because every system gets the has the latest data from any legacy or modern cloud system.
same message, the potential for out-of-sync conditions and Most importantly, by using proven techniques in new ways,
inconsistent data is greatly reduced. (Side note: This is a great you can easily combine the wealth of your Salesforce data with
pattern to pair with Boomi’s MDM capability to ensure high other parts of your business.
quality, reliable data to multiple enterprise applications).
If you would like to know more about how to get the most from your
So how do we get here? Let’s recap… investment in Salesforce, please contact us at Slalom Consulting:
• Rajeev Singh:
• Shane Fisher:

Use Case: Publish/Subscribe Hybrid Architecture With Azure Service Bus and Boomi

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 32


Use Case
and Integration
for On-Demand

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 33

Use Case
API Management and Integration
for On-Demand Data
Harness APIs to expand the data available within Salesforce
while gaining greater insights and operational visibility
by Sudhir Kulkarni, President of Digital, Persistent Systems

Data is the new capital for businesses looking to invest in Learn More About Your APIs to
digital transformation. Get More From Your Data
In every industry, companies are becoming software-driven. Of course, it’s easy to say that APIs are the channel for data
The way software delivers business value is through data. monetization, but there are a lot of complexities to think
through and resolve. In any enterprise, various systems of
Data is what creates customer experiences, whether via an record exist — the “data catchment” areas for different
ecommerce application that knows your shopping history or business processes.
a a car ride service that uses GPS and mobile apps to quickly
connect drivers with passengers. Today, enterprises have the ability to provide highly-regulated
APIs to their data that have stringent access controls. The
Like any currency, data doesn’t have any real value if it’s key to these is in building the API data pathway — from data
locked away, sitting on a shelf. Currencies become valuable sources through APIs and business logic to experiences.
when they’re in circulation. This is where APIs and API
management comes in. Regardless of whether the user is a customer, partner or
employee, all these groups need the right data delivered at the
Through APIs, data becomes a unit of exchange and the right time in the right way.
standard of interactions as well. It’s through APIs that
enterprises can monetize their data. As enterprises work more with APIs, they are discovering that
each API layer offers value. Each layer is distinct. Layers might
need different mechanisms for monitoring, access controls
and data governance.
By monitoring APIs, enterprises can learn about what’s
valuable to their user community. Which APIs functions
are called most? Which combinations are called? Which
interfaces are never called at all?

Use Case: API Management and Integration for On-Demand Data

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 34

Enterprises can fine-tune their APIs through this sort of It is common in these situations to exchange data through
monitoring. In doing so, they’re engaging in a continuous cycle batch data transfers to intermediate data farms. This kind
of market research and product development. They’re refining of process might be okay for billing, but many patient care
what they offer based on what their user communities are activities need real-time or near real-time information.
telling them is most valuable.
As a result, we’re working with healthcare organizations that
Enterprises can ask, “Can I make your life easier by providing are solving this problem by using Salesforce Health Cloud as a
this to you as a different service? Maybe I can price it differently hub for viewing key patient information.
or provide it in a different way.”
Implementing Salesforce is the first step. The second step,
When enterprises reach this point of maturity, they’re no which is equally important, is to build integrations with all those
longer looking at API management simply as a stepping stone. different EHRs and data systems throughout the organization
Instead they’re looking to derive the next order of benefits or at partner organizations.
from their data.
By using APIs, our customers are replacing overnight batch
processes with a real-time data exchange or an event-
Salesforce and API Management in Healthcare triggered data exchange.
With Salesforce, API management and integration, it’s possible
to bridge the data silos that prevent organizations from When different parts of the organization can communicate
effectively sharing their data with employees and partners. and when Salesforce can easily access key patient data via
APIs, these kinds of improvements become possible. They
Certainly, data silos have been a major challenge for the create efficiency for the providers and payers, and the result is
United States healthcare industry. Solving this problem offers better care and a more satisfactory healthcare experience for
enormous benefits for operational efficiency and patient care. patients.
To comply with mandates in the Affordable Healthcare Act, The lessons from our work in healthcare applies to most any
healthcare organizations are adopting electronic health industry: APIs are providing a great way to get critical data
records (EHRs) and new protocols, but interdepartmental into Salesforce in real-time, helping build a holistic view of your
communication and coordination remains fragmented. Different customers and their interactions with your organization.
departments might have adopted different EHR platforms, or
they might have adopted the same platform but are running If you want to learn more about APIs for your Saleforce data
incompatible releases or protocols. Mergers and combinations hub, please contact Persistent Systems:
of practices have compounded this problem. @Persistentsys
This fragmentation has made patient care more difficult. When Sudhir Kulkarni
a hospital or clinic admits a patient, they would like to be
able to collect all that patient’s data and also coordinate the
activities of all the caregivers responsible for that patient.
But if data systems can’t communicate, coordination
breaks down. It’s difficult to automate hand-offs between
departments when data in radiology, for example, cannot easily
share information with pulmonary care.

Use Case: API Management and Integration for On-Demand Data

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 35

Dell Boomi for
Salesforce Integration
Dell Boomi makes integration easy.
The Boomi integration platform as a service The platform also includes robust support
(iPaaS) dramatically transforms the way an for MDM, API, EDI, and workflow
organization connects, creates, manages, automation, all based on a unified, low-code
and governs its applications and data. By development environment. Like Salesforce,
tapping the power of a true native-cloud Boomi lives in the cloud, delivering high-
iPaaS, companies can significantly shorten availability, seamless updates, and industry-
project times, reduce costs and streamline leading price/performance.
resource demands.
Boomi is a Salesforce Gold ISV partner
With Salesforce and Boomi, integration is and a four-time Leader in the Gartner
far faster and much less complicated than Magic Quadrant. Today more than 2,000
legacy approaches. No hardware or software companies around the world rely on Boomi
to install or maintain. No coding required. No for their Salesforce integration.
time wasted.
Dell Boomi and Salesforce together help
With everything you need on a unified businesses do more with their data.
environment, companies can quickly build
integrations, manage APIs, control master To learn more about how Boomi can
data, run EDI communications and automate help you get more from your Salesforce
processes. investment and drive adoption across your
organization, please contact our integration
The Boomi iPaaS makes it quick and easy experts.
to connect any combination of cloud-based
applications and on-premise applications
with Salesforce.

e-book | The Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Integration 36

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