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WEEK 20:
Pre: 09/ 01/ 2019
Te: ...../ 01/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen and read the dialogue about a
factory in Mi's home village for details and then do some related exercises, use
lexical items related to the topic ‘Pollution’ to talk about types of pollution
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to
the topic “pollution”.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Ss know different types of pollution and the importance of protecting the
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Game: Who is quicker?
- T divides the class into groups of 4 students
- Ss prepare in 2 min then tick/hang their cardboards on the board (The group that has
more items than the others win the game.)

What problems are there
near your home village?

B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Presentation
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. Vocabulary :
situation - dump (v): vứt, bỏ, thải
- T: writes new words on the board. - poison (n,v): chất độc, làm độc
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - poisonous (a): độc, độc hại
then the whole class. - aquatic animal (n): động vật dưới nước
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - sneeze (v): hắt hơi
* Checking: rub out and remember - illustrate (v): minh họa
* Set the scenes: - presentation (n): trình bày
- Ask Ss to open their books and look at - radioactive (a): thuộc về phóng xạ
the picture. Ask them some questions: - thermal (a): thuộc về nhiệt
Who can you see in the picture? - visual (a) : thuộc về thị giác
Where do you think they are?
What can you see in the picture?
What do you think the people in the
picture are talking about?
- Ss answer the questions as a class.
- Play the recording and have Ss follow
along. After that, Ss can compare their
answers with the information in the
dialogue and add some more details to
their answers.
- Teacher gets feedback
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1a- P 7 II-Practice:
- Ss work independently to find the words with 1. Listen and read.
the given meanings in the conversation. Allow a. Find a word or phrase that
them to share answers before discussing as a means:
class. Remember to ask Ss to read out the lines Key:
in the conversation that contain the words. 1. dead 2. aquatic
Quickly write the correct answers on the board. 3. dump 4. poison
- Have Ss look at the Watch out! box and 5. polluted 6. to come up with
quickly read the information. Ask them if they
know what I can't believe my eyes means. Then
explain to them that this expression means you
are very surprised at something you see
Part 1b- P 7 b. Answer the questions.
- Have Ss read the questions to make sure they Key:

understand them. 1. They are in Mi's home village.
- Ss read the conversation again to answer the 2. It's almost black.
questions. 3. She's surprised because she
- Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. sees the fish are dead.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the 4. It's dumping poison into the
board. lake.
- Check Ss’ answers. 5. He's sneezing so much
because the air is not clean.
Part 1c- P 7
- Have 5s read the sentences quickly to make c. Tick True (T), false (F) or no
sure they understand them. information (NI)
- Ask them firstly to decide if the sentences are Key:
true, false or there is no information without 1. F (It's polluted by the
reading the dialogue. Then have some Ss write factory.)
their answers on the board. 2.T
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again to check 3. NI
their answers. Ask Ss if they want to change the 4.T
answers on the board and ask them to explain 5.T
their choices.
- Confirm the correct answers.
Part 2- P 7 2. There are different types of
- Have Ss look at the pictures. Ask them what pollution. Write each type under
they see in each picture. a picture.
- Now tell Ss that in the box are some types of Key:
pollution. 5s read these and identify any new A. radioactive pollution
words they do not know. B. noise pollution
- Explain the new words so that Ss can C. visual pollution
understand the pollution types. Ss do this D. thermal pollution
activity in pairs. E. water pollution
- Call on some 5s to give their answers and F. land/ soil pollution
write them on the board. G. light pollution
Part 3- P 7 H. air pollution
1. Transferring the learning task. 3. Complete the sentences with
- Have Ss read through the sentences to get a the types of pollution
general understanding. T may teach some words Key:
which T thinks Ss do not know such as 1. thermal pollution
contamination. 2. air pollution
2. Doing the task. 3. radioactive pollution
- Ss do this activity individually and then 4. light pollution
compare their answers with a classmate. 5. Water pollution
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 6. Land/Soil pollution
- Call on some Ss to stand up and give their 7. Noise pollution
answers. 8. visual pollution
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks their answers.

- Confirm the correct answers.
Activity 3: Production
- Organize a game for this activity. Ss III. Further practice:
work in groups of five or six. In five 4. Work in groups. Which types of
minutes, Ss write down the pollution pollution in 3 does your neighborhood
types their neighbourhood faces and rank face? Rank them in order of
them in order of seriousness. They also seriousness. Give reasons for your
have to give reasons for their order. group’s order.
- Call group representatives to present Vote for the group with the best
their group's order and reasons. Have the reasons
class vote for the group with the best
- If time does not allow, do not have Ss
do this activity. Instead just ask Ss to
quickly review the pollution types.

4. Consolidation.
? Sum up the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Read the conversation again.
-Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese.
- Prepare: UNIT 6: A closer look 1/ Page 8- textbook.
Pre: 09/ 01/ 2019
Te: ...../ 01/ 2019
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use lexical items related to the topic
‘Pollution’ to talk about types of pollution, use words and phrases showing cause/
effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: pronounce the words ending in - ic and -al correctly in isolation and in
- Grammar: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to
the topic “pollution”.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.

- Ss know the importance of keeping the environment clean.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: answers some questions.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Network:

Types of pollution

air pollution
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
I. Vocabulary
* Teach new words: visual aids/ - to contaminate: làm bẩn
translation/ pictures - contaminant(n): chất gây bẩn
- T: writes new words on the board. - chemical waste: chất thải hóa học
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual - acid rain: mưa a xít
first then the whole class. - defect (n): thiếu sót, sai sót
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words - to expose: để lộ, phơi bày
again. - cause (n,v): nguyên nhân, gây ra
* Checking: rub out and remember - effect (n): kết quả

Part 1- P 8 1. Complete the table with appropriate

- Have Ss look at the table in the verbs, nouns and adjectives.
book. Make sure that they Key:
understand what to do. 1. poison 2. contaminate
- Ss complete the exercise 3. pollutant 4. polluted
individually and then compare their 5. death 6. damaged
answers with a partner.
- Call on some Ss to write their
answers on the board.
- Check their answers. 2. Complete the sentences with the words
Part 2- P 8 from the table in 1. You don’t need to use
- Have Ss read each sentence silently all the words. The first letter of each word
to have a general understanding and has been provided
decide which word form should be Key:
filled in each blank. For example, 1. poisonous 2. pollutants
the word to be filled in the blank in 3. dead 4. contaminated
sentence 1 is an adjective. Point out 5 damage 6. pollute
that the provided letter is a clue to - Because/since and due to/because of are
help them find the word. used to talk about the causes of something.
- Ss do the exercise and then - Because and since are synonyms and they
compare their answers with a come before a clause.
partner. - Other words and phrases in the box
- Call on one or two Ss to give out express the effects of something.
the answers before confirming the - So comes before a clause.
correct ones. - To cause, to lead to and to result in are
- Have Ss look at the language box. synonyms and come before a noun phrase.
Tell Ss that the words and phrases in - To make sb/sth do sth is another way to
the box express cause and effect express the effects. After
relationships. somebody/something is an infinitive verb
- Have Ss read the example without to.
sentences and underline the clause,
noun phrase, or infinitive. because/ since + clause so + clause
- For more able Ss, T may have Ss E.g: Because/ Since the The water is polluted,
read the sentences and explain the water is polluted, the so the fish are dead.
rules themselves by using the words fish are dead.
and phrases. due to/ because of + to cause sth/ to lead
sth to sth/ to result in sth
The fish are dead due to/ The polluted water
because of the polluted causes/ results in the
water. dead of fish.
to make sb/ sth do
The polluted water
make the fish die.
3a. Decide which sentence in each pair of
sentences is a cause and which is an effect.
Part 3a- P 8 Write C (for cause) and E (for effect) next
- Ask Ss to read each pair of to each sentence. Note that the words in
sentences and decide which sentence brackets relate to Activity 3b
is a cause and which is an effect. Key:
- Ss compare their answers with a 1. People throw litter on the ground.
partner before giving the answers to (C)Many animals eat the litter and become
the teacher. sick (E).
- Confirm the correct answers. 2. Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. (C)
Many aquatic animals and plants die. (E)
3. Households dump waste into the river,
(C) It is polluted.(E)
4. Their children have birth defects. (E)The

parents were exposed to radiation (C)
5. We can't see the stars at night. (E)There
is too much light pollution, (C)
b. Combine the sentence in each pair into a
Part 3b- P 8 new sentence that shows a cause/effect
1. Transferring the learning task. relationship. Use the cause or effect signal
- Ask Ss to read the example. Ask word or phrase given in brackets. You will
them what changes they can see in have to add, delete or change words in
the new sentence. T may have Ss most sentences.
look at the language box again to Key:
remind them of the structures. Now 2. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers
Ss have to combine each pair of lead to the death of many aquatic animals
sentences in 3b into a complete and plants.
sentence, using the word/ phrase in 3. Households dump waste into the river so
brackets. it is polluted.
2. Doing the task. 4. Since the parents were exposed to
- T assigns sentences 2 to 5 to radiation, their children have birth defects.
different Ss and have Ss work only 5. We can't see the stars at night due to the
on these. light pollution
- Ss do this activity individually and
then compare their answers with a
3. Reporting the task result and
- Call on some Ss to write their
sentences on the board
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing
the task.
- T checks their answers and corrects
them carefully. 4. Work in groups. Look at the pairs of
- T can ask Ss to write all the pictures. Give as many sentences as
sentences as homework. possible to show cause/effect relationships.
Part 4- P 8
- Have Ss look at the picture in 1. Suggested answers:
Ask Ss which picture shows the
cause and which picture shows the 2. The soil is polluted, so plants can't
effect. grow.
- Asks Ss to read the example 3. We won't have fresh water to drink
sentences and pay attention to the because of water pollution.
cause/ effect words or phrases. 4. We plant trees, so we can have fresh air.
- Ss work in pairs to write sentences
showing cause / effect relationship
-T divides the class into 12 groups.
Two groups work with the same pair
of picture in 2,3 or 4. In three

minutes, groups of Ss write down as
many sentences based on same given
picture pair as possible on a sheet of
paper. When time is up, the group
with the most sentences is winner.
They stick their paper on the board
and read sentences aloud. Other
group give comments. Other groups
can add sentences they have.
Activity 2: Teaching pronunciation
II. Pronunciation:
- Ask Ss to look at the rules and the Stress in words ending in -ic and -al
examples in the box. Go through the -Adding the suffix –ic changes the stress of a
rules with them. For a more able word. Stress the syllable immediately before
class, have Ss give some more the suffix.
examples. Example:
‘atom -> a’tomic
-Adding the suffix –al to a word does not
change its stress.
‘music -> ‘musical
Note: If a word can take both suffixes: one
ending in –ic and the other ending in –al,
both words have the stress on the same
Part 5- P 9 E’conomy -> eco’nomic -> eco’nomical
- Play the recording for Ss to stress 5. Listen and mark the stress in each word,
the words. Ask some Ss to say where then repeat it.
the stress in each word is. Key:
- Confirm the correct answers. 1. ar’tistic 2. ath’letic
- Play the recording again for Ss to 3. his’toric 4. his’torical
repeat the words. 5. ’logical 6. ’physical
- Call on some Ss to read out the 7. he’roic 8. po’etic
words. 9. bo’tanic 10. bo’tanical
Part 6- P 9 6. Underline the words ending in –ic and
- Have Ss do the activity circle the words ending in –al in the
individually. Play the recording for following sentences. Mark the stress in
Ss to check their answers each word. Listen and check your answers,
- Then elicit the correct stress pattern the repeat the sentences.
from Ss Key:
- T plays the recording again for Ss 1. scientific 2. ’national
to repeat the sentences. Ask Ss to 3. ’medical 4. ’chemical
read out the sentences. 5. dra’matic

4. Consolidation.

- Retell the main content of the lesson: the stress in - ic and -al correctly in isolation
and in context
; the vocabulary
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the new words
- Do ex A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 page 3,4- workbook
- Prepare UNIT 6: A CLOSER LOOK 2- page 9,10 - textbook
Pre: 10/ 01/ 2019
Te: ...../ 01/ 2019
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use lexical items related to the topic
‘Pollution’ to talk about types of pollution, use conditional sentences type 1 and type
2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson
- Grammar: Conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to
the topic “pollution”.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Ss know the importance of keeping the environment clean.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: does B1- page 4 in workbook
- S2: does B2- page 4 in workbook
- S3: does B3- page 4 in workbook

3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Network:

Types of pollution

air pollution
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
* Pre- teach vocabulary: expression/ I. Vocabulary
synonym/ translation/ situation - car fume (n): khí thải ô tô
- T: writes new words on the board. - to be aware of: ý thức được
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - issue(n) = problem (n):
then the whole class. - to decrease >< to increase
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - the level of radioactive pollution: mức
- Ss copy the new words in their độ về ô nhiễm phóng xạ
notebooks. - billboard(n): biển quảng cáo ngoài trời
*Checking: rub out and remember

Activity 2: Presentation
* Revise the way to use conditional II Grammar:
sentences type 1: * Conditional sentences type 1
- Elicit the form and use of the - Use: Câu điều kiện loại 1 dùng diễn tả
conditional sentence type 1 from Ss. sự kiện xảy ra ở tương lai.
- Ask Ss to give some example - Form:
sentences. If + S + V (present simple), S + will + V
* Teaching the way to use conditional Ex: If it is hot, we will go swimming.
sentences type 2: * Conditional sentences type 2
- Use: Câu điều kiện loại 2 dùng diễn
- Have Ss look at the structure of the tả sự kiện không có thật hay trái với
conditional sentence type 2 in the thực tế hiện tại
language box. Draw Ss' attention to the - Form
example sentence on the board. If + S + V( past simple ), S + would/
Underline the subject, verb, etc. in this could / might + V (bare infinitive)
example and explain the structure of the Ex:
sentence at the same time. If I were a billionare, I would travel
- Now Ss read the second example In the around the world.
language box. Tell them that this Note: chúng ta có thể sử dụng cả was và
sentence is a piece of advice. were với “I/ he/ she/ it” trong mệnh đề
- Ask Ss to give one or two examples.
Activity 3: Practice
- Ask students to do Ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. III. Practice
- Students work independently. Students 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the
can share their answers before discussing correct form.

as a class. Key:
Part 1- P 9 1. recycle; will help
- Ss do this exercise individually then 2. won't dump; fines
compare their answers with a partner. 3. travel; will be
- Have Ss read out their answers. 4. will save; don't waste
- Confirm the correct ones. 5. use; will have
Part 2- P 9 2. Combine each pair of sentences to
- Have Ss read the pairs of sentences. Ask make a conditional sentences type 1.
two Ss to write the new conditional Key:
sentences type 1 on the board while other 1. Students will be more aware of
Ss write their own sentences. protecting the environment if teachers
- Ask Ss to comment on the sentences on teach environmental
the board. issues at school.
- Give feedback on these sentences and 2. When light pollution happens,
ask other Ss to correct them if necessary. animals will change their behaviour
3. The levels of radioactive pollution
will decrease if we switch from nuclear
Part 3- P 10 power to renewable energy sources.
1. Transferring the learning task. 4. If the water temperature increases,
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the some aquatic creatures will be unable
exercises. to reproduce.
- Ask Ss to read the clauses in A and B 5. People will get more diseases if the
then try to match an If –clause in A with a water is contaminated.
suitable main clause in B 3. Match an If –clause in A with a
2. Doing the task. suitable main clause in B
- Ss do this activity individually and then Key:
compare their answers with a classmate. 1. b
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 2. c
- Call on some Ss to say aloud their 3.d
answers. 4.e
- Others remark. 5. a
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks Ss’ answers and corrects them
carefully. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the
- Feedback. correct form.
Part 4- P 10 Key:
- Ss do this exercise individually. Have 1. were; would ... do
two Ss go to the board to write their 2. exercised; would be
answers. 3. had; would build
- Go through the answers with the class. 4. tidied; wouldn't be
Have other Ss correct the answers if 5. was/were; would grow
Activity 4: Production
VI. Further practice.

Part 5- P 10 5. Write a conditional sentences type 2 for each
- Have Ss quickly read the situation.
example/ Key:
- Have Ss do this exercise 1. If there weren't so many billboards in our city,
individually then compare people could enjoy the view.
their answers with a 2. If there wasn't/ weren't so much light in the city at
classmate night, we could see the stars clearly.
- Ask one or two Ss to write 3. If we didn't turn on the heater all the time, we
their answers on the board wouldn't have to pay three million dong for
- T checks and correct Ss’ electricity a month.
answers 4. If the karaoke bar didn't make so much noise
almost every night, the residents wouldn't complain
to its owner.
5. She wouldn't have a headache after work every
Part 6- P 10 day if she didn't work in a noisy office
- Put Ss in groups of five or 6. CHAIN GAME
six to play chain game. Write Work in group. Student A begins with a
conditional sentences type 1 . conditional sentence type 1 or type 2. Student B
- If a group hesitates for use the end of Ss A’s sentence to begin her/his
more than 10 seconds they sentence. Ss C does the same. Continue the game
are out. until the teacher tell you to stop.
- walk around the class Which group has the most sentences?
listening to groups and Eg:
monitoring the game. Groups A: If each person plants a tree, there will be a lot
that are still going when the of trees.
five minutes is up are the B: if there are a lot of trees, the air will be clean.
winners. Note that the aim is C: If the air is cleaner, fewer people will be ill
to practice the language in a
fun, verbal way so be sure to
keep the atmosphere light.

4. Consolidation.
? How do we used conditional sentences type 1, 2?
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the form of conditional sentences types 1,2.
- Do ex B4,5,6 page 5- workbook
- Prepare UNIT 7: COMMUNICATION/ page 11- textbook.
Ngày 14 tháng 01 năm 2019.

Trần Thị Thanh Trà

WEEK 21:
Pre: 14/ 01/ 2019

Te: ...../ 01/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to have the opportunity to explore noise
pollution, a common pollution type that not many people recognise as a pollution and
talk about noise pollution.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to
the topic “pollution”.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Ss know about the noise pollution and the ways to prevent it.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1 writes the forms of two types of conditional sentences
- S2: Does B5- workbook page 5
- S3: Does B6- workbook page 5
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to answer some questions related to the lesson.
Have you ever heard about noise pollution?
What do you know about it?
- Lead to the new lesson
B. Presentation:

Activity 1: Presentation
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. Vocabulary:
situation - permanent (a): vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi
- T goes through the extra vocabulary with (lasting forever; never changing)
Ss then quickly teaches it. - earplug (n): cái nút tai
- T: writes new words on the board. - affect (v): làm ảnh hưởng
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then - hearing loss (n): mất thính lực
the whole class. - blood pressure (n): huyết áp
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
* Checking: rub out and remember
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1- P 11 II-Practice:
- Have Ss read the questions in the 1. Noise pollution is more common and
questionnaire to make sure they more damaging than many people
understand everything. Explain any realise. The Green Organization is doing
unclear points . a survey on how much teenagers know
- Then Ss answer the questionnaire about this type of pollution. Help them
individually. answer the questions.
- T reminds them to circle their
Part 2- P 11 2. Compare their answer with those of a
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to compare classmate. How many different answers
their answer and see if they have any have you got?
different answers. They don’t have to
reach an agreement at this stage.
- Ss work in pairs to compare their
answers and see if they have any
different answers.
- Ask some pairs to report on their
Part 3- P 11 3. Now listen to a short presentation
1. Transferring the learning task. about noise pollution. How many correct
- T plays the recording for Ss to check answers have you got?
their answers. Key:
- Ask Ss to listen and check 1. B 2. C
2. Doing the task. 3. A 4. B
- Ss listen to the recording twice, if 5. C 6. A
there are any incorrect answers, Ss 7. A 8.C
correct them. Audio script:
- Ask Ss if any of answers has Noise is constant and loud sound. To
surprised them, and if so, why. measure the loudness, or volume of
3. Reporting the task result and sounds, people use a unit called a
discuss. decibel. When a sound is louder than 70
- T call on some Ss to write on the decibels, it can cause noise pollution.
board Do you know that the noise from a
- Some Ss can write the answers on the vacuum cleaner or a motorcycle can

board. result in permanent hearing loss after
- Others remark. eight hours? The sounds of a concert are
4. Giving the remarks to their doingeven more serious. They can reach as
the task. high as 130 decibels and may cause
- T checks Ss’ answers then give immediate and permanent hearing loss.
feedback. Noise pollution can also lead to
- Explain some new words if any. headaches and high blood pressure. If
constant (adj): không ngớt, liên tụcyou are listening to music through
decibel (n): đềxiben (đơn vị đo cường
headphones, and other people can hear
độ âm thanh) it, it means the music is too loud and
a vacuum cleaner (n): máy hút bụi unsafe. If there seems to be a ringing or
buzzing (n): tiếng vo vo/vù vù buzzing in your ears, it means the noise
- Ss listen and write down some new is affecting you and damaging your
words hearing. Wearing earplugs when you go
to concerts or other loud events, and
listening to music through headphones
or headsets at safe levels can help you
reduce the effects of noise pollution.
Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 11 III. Further practice:
- Ask Ss which of eight questionnaire proposes ways to 4. Work in groups.
prevent noise pollution. Discuss other ways to
- Have Ss work in groups in five minutes to discuss prevent noise pollution.
more ways to reduce noise pollution. Vote for the best ways.
- Ask Ss to write their answer on a big piece of paper
and then present their answers.
- Ss write their answers on a big piece of paper and then
present their answers.
- Have Ss vote for the best ways
This activity can be carried out as a game to find out
which group in five minutes can come up with the most
ways. The winning group then presents the answers to
the whole class. Other groups add more if they have any
different ways.

4. Consolidation.
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercises “Communication” in the workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 3: SKILL 1/ Page 12- textbook.

Pre: 14/ 01/ 2019

Te: ...../ 01/ 2019

Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read for general and specific information
about water pollution, talk about the causes and effects of water pollution as well as
ways to reduce it.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice reading and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic “pollution”
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Ss know about the causes and effects of water pollution and then find out the
solutions to it.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Ask Ss to write the vocabularies related to the topic “pollution”
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to give effects of the water pollution
Suggested ideas:
=> fish, frogs, crabs are dead, aquatic plants are damaged
=>diseases because of people drinking untreated water
- Lead into the new lesson
B. Presentation:


Activity 1: Reading
Part 1- P 12 I. Reading:

- Have Ss do this activity in pairs. One 1. Work in pairs. One of you looks at
student looks at picture A on page 12 picture A, and the other looks at
while the other looks at picture B on page pictures B on page 15. Ask each other
15. They ask each other Yes/No questions questions to find out the differences
to find out the differences between the between your pictures.
two pictures. T may model asking and What do the pictures tell you?
answering questions with a strong Suggested differences:
student. For example: Picture A:
T (picture A): Are there five ducks in - The ducks are white.
your picture? - They're going to the lake.
S (picture ): Yes, there are. Are the ducks - There aren't any factories near the
black in your picture? lake
T: No, they aren't. They're white. - The lake water is clean.
- Call on one student to report on the Picture B:
differences. -The ducks are black.
- Other Ss can add some more. Ask Ss -They're going from the lake.
what the pictures tell them (water - There are some factories near the lake
pollution). - The lake water is dirty/black.
- Lead to the second activity
Part 2- P 12 2. Mi and Nick have decided to give a
1. Transferring the learning task. presentation on water pollution to the
- Set the situation of the passage. class. Read what they have prepared
- Ask Ss to read the passage quickly then and answer the questions
answer the questions in pairs. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. The second paragraph tells about the
- Ss read the text then answer the causes of water pollution.
questions in pairs. 2. The third paragraph tells about the
- Ss compare their answers before giving effects of water pollution.
the answers to T 3. It's the water beneath the Earth's
- T goes around and helps if necessary. surface.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. They are industrial waste, sewage,
- T call on some Ss to answer the pesticides, and herbicides.
questions 5. They are pollutants from storm water
- Some Ss can write the answers on the and the atmosphere.
board. 6. They use herbicides to kill weeds.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the 3. Read the text again and complete
task. the notes about the effects of water
- T checks Ss’ answers then give pollution. Fill each blank with no
feedback. more than three words.
Part 3- P 12 Key:
- Remind Ss quickly of the way to do this 1. cholera
type of exercise. Ss read the sentences 2. die
quickly to underline the keywords. 3. polluted water
- Have some Ss read aloud their answers. 4. dead
- Confirm the correct ones. 5. aquatic plants

Activity 2: Speaking
Part 4- P 12 II. Speaking:
- Ss work in groups to discuss the solutions 4. Work in group and discuss the
to water pollution. To help them focus their solutions to water pollution. Make
ideas, T can suggest they make two sub- notes of your answers.
headings: For example: Factories dump industrial
Point source pollution : ô nhiễm có nguồn waste.
Non-point source pollution: ô nhiễm không Solution 1: Give heavy fines to
có nguồn companies that are found doing this.
- They can then go through each cause in Solution 2: Educate companies about the
the presentation and think of the solutions. environment.
They make notes of the answers on a piece Solution 3: Give tax breaks to companies
of paper. Invite one group to quickly that find ‘clean’ ways to dispose of their
present their solutions. waste.
- Other groups add any ideas if necessary.
As it is an open activity, accept all the
answers as long as they make sense. 5. Now complete the diagram of
Part 5- P 12 water pollution. Use the information
- Ss work in groups again to complete the from the text for the causes and
diagram. Set the time of about five to effects and your group’s ideas for
seven minutes. It is better if Ss draw the the solutions.
diagram on a big piece of paper.
- Ask some groups to give a presentation WATER POLLUTION:
about water pollution. Other groups listen Defintion:....
and give comments. The class may vote for
the best presentation and T can give them EFFECTS
marks. If the class size is small and time -Humans.......... SOLUTIONS
allows, all the groups can present. - Animals..........
- ..........
- Plants.............

Part 6- P 12 CAUSES
- Ask some groups to give a presentation -Point source pollutants..........
- Non - Point source
about water pollution. Other groups listen pollutants..........
and give comments
- The class may vote for the best 6. Make a presentation about water
presentation and T can give them mar pollution based on the diagram
4. Consolidation.
- Teacher summarizes the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Ask Ss to learn new words by heart.
- Do exercise C and D1, 2 (P 6,7,8- workbook).
- Prepare: UNIT 6: Skill 2/ Page 13- textbook.
Pre: 15/ 01/ 2019
Te: ...../ 01/ 2019

Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen to get specific information about
thermal pollution, write about the causes and effects of one pollution type.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice listening and writing with the lexical items related to the topic “pollution”
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Ss know about the causes and effects of some types of pollution and know the
importance of protecting the earth..
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does C1- workbook page 6
- S2: Does D1 - workbook page 7
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- T: what do you know about thermal pollution?
- T asks Ss to work in groups to give effects of thermal pollution.
- Ss discuss in groups and then give out their own ideas.
Suggested ideas:
+ water getting hotter, high temperature, warmer water
- Lead into the new lesson
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Vocabulary
* Teaching vocabulary: I. Vocabulary

- Teacher use different techniques to - to heat up: làm nóng lên
teach vocab (situation, realia, - the discharge of cold water: sự bốc hơi của
explanation) nước
- Follow the seven steps of teaching - reservoir (n): hồ nhân tạo
vocab. - dramatic effect: kết quả kịch tính
* Checking vocab: Slap the board - creatures: sinh vật
- algal bloom: hoa tảo
Activity 2: Listening
II. Listening
Part 1- P 13 1. Describe what you see in the
- Ask Ss to work in pairs describing the pictures and talk about the
pictures and relationship between them. relationship between them.
- Ss work in pairs describing the pictures and Key:
relationship between them. - The first picture shows an algal
- T plays the recording for Ss to check their bloom in coastal seawater.
- The second picture shows the
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
cooling towers from a power
- T gives correct answers.
Part 2- P 13 - They are both related to
1. Transferring the learning task. thermal pollution.
- Set the situation of the passage. Listen and check your answer.
- Have Ss quickly read the diagram and identify
the word/ phrase to be filled in each blank. 2. Listen to part of conversation
- Ask Ss to listen and complete the diagram. on TV between a reporter and
2. Doing the task. an environmentalist about
- Ss quickly read the diagram individually. thermal pollution. Complete the
- Play the recording twice for Ss listening and diagram. Use no more than
complete the diagram in pairs. three words for each blank.
- T goes around and helps if necessary. Key:
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 1. hotter 2. cooler
- Ask for Ss' answers and write them on the 3. cool 4. warm rivers
board 5. Warmer water
- Some Ss can write the answers on the board. 6 fish populations
- Others remark. 7. Harmful 8. colour
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. 9. poison 10. cool down
- T checks Ss’ answers then give feedback.
Activity 2: Writing
III. Writing:
Part 3- P 13 3. Work in pairs. Discuss the causes and effects of
- Ss work in pairs and one type of pollution in your area. Make notes in the
decide which pollution diagram.
type in their area they are Suggested ideas:
going to discuss. Water pollution: when human activities pollute the
- Have Ss take notes of the water
causes and effects. Cause: dumping industrial waste, chemical waste

- Move around to offer (pesticides, herbicides, …)
help as pairs discuss their Effect: water pollution, aquatic creatures are dead,
ideas. people get more diseases
4. Imagine that you are writing an article for the local
Part 4- P 13 newspaper about a type of pollution in your area. One
- Ss stay with their partner. of you writes about the causes and the other writes
One writes about the about the effects of the pollution type you have just
causes and the other writes discussed in 3.
about the effects based on Sample article:
their notes from 3. WATER POLUTION
- Remind Ss to use There are several types of pollution. However, water
markers like firstly, pollution is the most serious in our area.
secondly, finally to navigate It is caused by several factors. Firstly, families dump
through their points. sewage into the river. Secondly, there are two new
- Move around to offer factories In our area, and they are dumping chemical
help and take notes of any waste into the lake and river. Thirdly, pesticides are
structures or language that another source of pollution. Farmers in our area
Ss are struggling with. usually use these to kill insects.
- Bring the whole group Water pollution badly affects our area. We do not
together if there is a point have enough fresh water to water the plants and
T wants to clarify, then crops. People cannot raise fish in the river and the
they can continue with the lake because the water there is so polluted. Another
writing. negative effect is that people get more diseases
because the water is contaminated.
People in our area are all aware of this problem, and
we are thinking of some ways to solve it.
4. Consolidation.
5. Read each other’s work and put them together to make a article.
- Have Ss share their work with each other. And then combine it to make a complete
article. Tell them should add one or two sentences at the beginning to introduce the
topic and other ones at the end to conclude their article.
- Finally , ask for volunteer pairs to read their articles out to the class and have Ss
comment on them
- T collects all the articles for marking
5. Homework.
- Do exercises: D3, E1,2/ page 8, 9, 10 - workbook.
- Complete the writing on the notebook.
- Prepare: UNIT 7: Looking back + project/ Page 14,15- textbook.
Ngày 21 tháng 01 năm 2019.

Trần Thị Thanh Trà

Pre: 21/ 01/ 2019

Te: ...../ 01/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to recycle the language from the previous
lessons in Unit 7 and link it with unit topics. Consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in Unit 7 through various activities and exercises.
- Vocabulary: Revise the words related to the topic “Pollution”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Causes and effects.
+ Conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
2. Skills:
- Practice reading, speaking and writing with the lexical items related to the topic
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have positive about pollution.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Ss revise the types of pollution, causes and effects of them and further practice with
the conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does D3-b- workbook page 8
- S2: Does E1- workbook page 10
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Networks: (Ex 2- P14)
- Ask Ss to write types of pollution in the word web.
- Ss do this exercise individually then compare their answers with a partner.
- Check Ss' answers then give feedback.

8............ POlLUTIO 4...........


1. radioactive pollution 2. noise pollution
3. visual pollution 4. thermal pollution
5. water pollution 6. land/soil pollution
7. light pollution 8. air pollution
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Vocabulary
I. Vocabulary
Part 1- P14 1. Complete the sentences with the
- T asks Ss to do this exercise individually correct form of the words in brackets.
- Ss do this exercise individually. Key:
- Ask some Ss to write their answers on 1. pollution 2. contaminated
the board. 3. dead 4. Poisonous
- Confirm the correct answers 5. pollutants
Part 3- P14 3. Rewrite the sentences, using the
1. Transferring the learning task. words in brackets.
- T asks Ss to write the sentences using Key:
the words in brackets. 1. The residents of the street cannot
2. Doing the task. sleep because of the loud noise from
- Ss work individually to write the the music club.
sentences using the words in brackets, Ss 2. Vy had a stomachache since she ate
compare their sentences with a partner. a big dinner.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. The road in front of my house was
- Have two Ss write their sentences on the flooded due to the heavy rain.
board. T and other Ss give comments. 4. His mother is unhappy because his
- Ss write their answers on the board. room is dirty.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the 5. Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in
task. the atmosphere causes global warming.
- T confirms the correct answers
Activity 2: Grammar
Part 4- P14 II. Grammar
- T asks Ss to do this exercise 4. Put the verbs in the brackets into the
individually correct form.
- Ss do this exercise individually and Key:
then share the answers with a classmate. 1. won't be; don't take

- Check their answers and then confirm 2. continue; will be
the correct answers 3. were/was; would wear
4. do; will see
5. would ... travel; didn't have
6. wouldn't be; didn't take care
Part 5- P14 5. Complete the sentences, using your
- Ss complete the sentences individually own ideas.
using their own ideas. Remind them to Example:
identify whether the sentence is a 1, If I were an environmentalist, I would
conditional sentence type 1 or type 2. make our earth unpolluted.
- T calls on some Ss to share their 2, If our school had a big garden, we
sentences. Accept all the sentences if would plant a lot of flowers.
they make sense. ……
Activity 3: Communication
Part 6- P14 III. Communication.
- Ss work in groups to discuss what 6. Work in groups. Discuss what you would
they would do or say in each do or say in each situation.
situation. Example:
- Ask Ss to read the example. Ss A: If my neighbours littered near my house, I
may not need to discuss all the would write them a letter explaining that it
situations. was making the neighbourhood dirty.
- Two or three groups may discuss B: I would put a large sign up saying “No
the same situation. littering”
- Move around the class to listen to C: I think I would knock on their door and
their ideas explain that it was polluting the area.

Finish! Now I can…

- Ask students to complete the self- - use words/phrases related to the topic and
assessment. those showing cause/effect relationship
- Identify any difficulties and suitably.
weakness and provide further - use conditional sentences types 2
practice if need be. appropriately.
? Sum up the main content of the - pronounce the words ending in –ic and –al
lesson correctly.
- describe some types of pollution.
- discuss the causes and effects of pollution as
well as ways to reduce it.
Activity 4: Production
- Ask Ss to read the information about the IV. Project
project. Ask if Ss still remember what a What would you do if...???
collage is. They made a collage in Grade
7. If they do not remember clearly, tell
them that a collage is a picture made by
sticking photographs, pictures or
drawings onto a surface. Remind Ss that
they should use conditional sentences

type 2 to give the presentation.
- Ss work in groups to do the project
following the instructions in the book.
Answer Ss' questions if there are any.
Remember to have Ss present their
collage in the next lesson and vote for the

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 8: Getting started. Page 16-17- textbook.

Pre: 21/ 01/ 2019

Te: ...../ 01/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to extend and practise vocabulary related to
the topic ' English speaking countries". Listen and read a conversation between Nick
and Phong about their summer camp. Use language to ask and answer about their
summer camp.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: Talk about summer camp.
- Listening: Listen to the conversations between Nick and Phong and get the main
- Writing: Write some information about a summer camp.
- Reading: Read the conversation and complete the exercise.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard, like camping.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talk about their summer camp and the name of some countries speaking English.

- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Guessing game:
- T prepares some photos or magazines cut-outs of some famous monuments or items
from English speaking countries. Show them to Ss and have them guess what country
each monument/item is from.
- Ask Ss if they know of a common thing among these countries. It’s is English.
- Write the title “English speaking countries” on the board. Ask them to call out name
of English counties and their main cities. Then Ask Ss to share any interesting facts
they know about these places. Now start the lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Presentation
* Pre- teach vocabulary: I. New words :
translation/ situation - awesome (adj) = wonderful
- T: writes new words on the - absolutely (adv): tuyệt đối, chắc chắn
board. - an official language: ngôn ngữ chimhs thức
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual - to have difficulty (in) doing st: gặp khó khăn
first then the whole class. làm gì đó
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words - to find st + adj + to-V: thấy cái gì đó thế nào
again. để làm
* Checking: rub out and remember - native speaker: người bản xứ
- mother tongue: tiếng mẹ đẻ = first language
- accent: giọng điệu
Activity 2: Practice
- Ask Ss to look at the title of the conversation II-Practice:
and the picture. Ask them some questions: 1. Listen and read
- Where are the children ?
- What do you think they are doing?
- Ss answer the questions as a class.
- Play the recording and have Ss follow along.

Part 1a- P 17 a. Find a word or an expression
- T asks Ss to work independently. Guide Ss to from the conversation which you
look at the beginning of reply / a sentences for use when you ....
the answers. Key:
- Ss work independently. 1. awesome, just awesome.
- Have Ss share their answers. 2. any of the following: absolutely/
- T checks their answers right.
3. It's hard to say
4. Perhaps
Part 1b- P 17 b. Read the conversation again
1. Transferring the learning task. and answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to read the passage again then answer Key:
the questions in pairs. 1. he’s at an international summer
2. Doing the task. camp ( in Singapore)
- Ss read the text then answer the questions in 2. They come from different
pairs. countries/ from all over the world
- Ss compare their answers before giving the 3. He has made new friends,
answers to T visited places.
- T goes around and helps if necessary. 4. Because he uses English every
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. day with people from different
- T call on some Ss to answer the questions countries
- Some Ss can write the answers on the board. 5. Two boys from Australia and a
- Others remark. girl from the USA
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. 6. after July 15th.
- T checks Ss’ answers then give feedback.
Part 2- P 17 2. Complete the sentences with
T asks Ss to underline these words / phrases in words/phrases from the box.
the conversation and make sure they Key:
understand their meanings. 1. summer camp
- Ss to underline 2. English speaking countries
- T asks Ss to work individually to complete 3. native speakers
the sentences. 4 The USA
- Ss work individually 5. accents
- Have Ss share their answers in pairs. 6. official language
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
- T corrects 3: Put the name of the countries
Part 3- P 17 under their flats.
- Have Ss work in pair/ groups to match the Key:
flags with the countries. 1. the USA
- T call on some Ss to write on the board 2. the United Kingdom
- Some Ss may write the answers on the board. 3. Singapore
- Others remark. 4. Australia
- T checks their answers. 5. Canada
- Give the correct answer 6. New Zealand
Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 17 III. Further practice:

- T asks Ss to work in groups to find all the 4. GAME: Where are they?
countries Work in groups of five or
- Ss work in groups six. locate the six countries
- The first groups to find all countries wins. in 3 on the map below. The
- If possible, prepare a black and while world on A3 first group to find all the
paper or quickly draw a world map on the board. countries wins.
Asks one St from the winning group to go to the
board and mark the six countries so that other
groups can see and check
- T gives some suggested ideas:
The UK , or the United Kingdom= Great Britain +
Northern Ireland
Great Britain / Britain= England+Scotland+Wales
The USA= the United States of America. It is also
known as the US, or the United States, or even just
the States
In Canada, there are two official languages:
English and French
4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Read the conversation again.
- Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese.
- Prepare: UNIT 8: A closer look 1/ Page 18- textbook.

Pre: 23/ 01/ 2019

Te: ...../ 02/ 2019
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
of people and places in English speaking countries, pronounce the words ending in
-ese and -ee correctly in isolation and in context, use the present simple to talk about
future activities.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words ending in -ese and -ee.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.
2. Skills:
- Listening: Listen and repeat the words ending in -ese and -ee correctly in isolation
and in context

- Writing: Complete the form of the words: noun, verb or adjective
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love speaking English.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talking about capitals and places of some typical English speaking countries.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: Reads the conversation and translate the conversation.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Game: (Ex 1- P 18)
- Ask Ss to work individually. Then allow them to share their answers with a partner.
Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Ss listen and repeat. (Point out the
change of stress from 'Canada to Ca'nadian)
1. the Americans 2. the English
3. the Scottish / the Scots 4. the Welsh
5. the Irish 6. the Canadians
7. the Australians 8. the New Zealanders
- Introduce the new lesson
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
Part 2- P 18 I. Vocabulary
- T asks Ss to work individually or in pairs. 2. Change the verbs into a noun
- Ss work individually or in pairs. (N), an adjective(A) or a verb
- Check the answers a class. (V).
- If time allows, have two Ss write their Key:
answers 1 historic N= history
2 symbol V= symbolise
3 legend A= legendary
4 iconic N= icon

5 spectacle A= spectacular
6 festive N= festival
Part 3- P 18 7 scenery A= scenic
- Firstly ask Ss to read each sentence and 8 attraction V= attract
decide what the part of speech is for each word 3. Use the words in the box to
to be filled in the blank. complete the sentences.
-Ask them what they see in each of them. Key:
Allow them to work in individually to match
the words/ phrases to the pictures. l. icon 2. symbolises
- Ss then complete the sentences. 3. scenic 4. unique
- Confirm the correct answers as a class. 5. attracts
Part 4- P 18
1. Transferring the learning task. 4. Match the words/phrases with
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the the pictures.
exercises. Key:
- Have Ss look at the pictures then match the 1. castle
words/ phrases with them. 2. loch
2. Doing the task. 3. parade
- Ss do this activity individually and then 4. monument
compare their answers with a classmate. 5. state
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 6. cattle station
- Call on some Ss to say aloud their answers.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- Check the answers as a class by asking Ss in
which countries, from the list in, they might
see these things or ask them to give an
example of these things.
Note: a loch is a Scottish word for a lake.

Activity 2: Teaching pronunciation

II. Pronunciation:
Part 5- P 18 Stress in words ending In -ese and -ee
- T plays the recording, Ss listen and 5. Listen and repeat the words.
repeat. Key:
- Have Ss say the words individually.
-ese -ee
- Have Ss mark the stress in the words
1 Cato’nese 5. employ’ee
first and say the words aloud before they
2 Taiwa’nese 6. adop’tee
listen to the recording.
-T plays the recording for them to listen, 3 Japa’nese 7. addre’ssee
check and repeat 4 Portu’sgues 8. interview’ee
Part 6- P 18
- T puts the words on the board. 6. Mark the stress in the underlined
- Have volunteer Ss come and mark the words. Then listen and repeat the
tress in the words first. sentences.
- T asks for a show of hands from the rest

of class. If they think the stress is correct Key:
or not. 1. Chi'nese
- T plays the recording . Ss listen and 2. refu'gee
check and say the sentences. 3. trai’nee
- Have Ss correct the stress on the board 4. Japa'nese
5 guarantee
4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Do exercises A1, A2, B1,2,3 page 11-12- workbook
- Prepare UNIT 8: A CLOSER LOOK 2/ page 19, 20 – textbook.

Ngày 28 tháng 01 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


WEEK 23:
Pre: 28/ 01/ 2019

Te: ...../ 02/ 2019
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
of people and places in English speaking countries, use the present simple to talk
about future activities.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.
2. Skills:
+ Writing: Use the present simple to talk about future activities to complete the
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love speaking English.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talking about capitals and places of some typical English speaking countries.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: does B2- page 12- workbook
- S2: does B3 - page 13- workbook
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Game: (Ex 1- P 18)
- Ask Ss to work individually. Then allow them to share their answers with a partner.
Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Ss listen and repeat. (Point out the
change of stress from 'Canada to Ca'nadian)
1. the Americans 2. the English

3. the Scottish / the Scots 4. the Welsh
5. the Irish 6. the Canadians
7. the Australians 8. the New Zealanders
- Introduce the new lesson
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
* Pre- teach vocabulary: I. Vocabulary
translation/ situation - to serve: phục vụ
- T: writes new words on the board. - to symbolise: biểu tượng
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual - freedom(n): sụ tự do
first then the whole class. - to divide (into): chia thành
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words - iconic theme park: công viên giải trí có tính
again. chất biểu tượng
- Ss copy the new words in their - to march: diễu hành
notebooks. - to pose: ngồi (đứng) một tư thế nào đó để
* Checking: rub out and remember chụp ảnh.
Activity 2: Present tenses: review
1.Presentation II. Grammar
- T reminds Ss about the use of the present 1. Present tenses: review
simple , present continuous and present perfect
and their distinct time signals. Ex 1. Complete the sentences
Ex 1- P 19 with the correct forms of the
- Let Ss do Ex 1- P 19 individually. verbs.
- Asks Ss to share ideas with in pairs or small Key:
groups. 1. has served
- Ss to share ideas with in pairs or small 2. is increasing
groups. 3. symbolises
- T encourages Ss to explain how decided on 4. form
the tense in each sentences. 5 . has celebrated
- T corrects as a class. 6. is
Ex 2- P 19
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 2. Four of the underlined
- T asks Ss to read the passage then find and verbs in the passage are incorrect
correct four of the underlined verbs in the in tense. Find and correct them.
passage. Key:
2. Doing the task. IN THE PASSAGE CORRECT
- Ss do this activity individually and then
compare their answers with a classmate. 2. visit have visited
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. increases is increasing
- Call on some Ss to say aloud their answers. 5. has celebrated celebrates
- Others remark. 7. are dancing dance
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- Check and have Ss explain why a certain
tense is used.
- Give feedback.
Activity 3. Simple present for the future.
2. Simple present for the future.
Ex 3a- P 20 Ex 3a. Read the schedule and
- Ask Ss to read the monthly schedule for the underline the verbs in the
extra activities at Vancouver Christian School. sentences describing the
Then have them underline the verbs in the activities.
sentences. Key:
- Ss read and underline the verbs describing 1. The Debating Competition
the activities. takes place in the Main Hall on
April 3rd.
Ex 3b- P 20 2. The bus for the excursion to the
- Allow Ss time to discuss and find the answers chocolate factoryth leaves at 8.00
to the questions. If Ss are having difficulty a.m on April 14
answering question 2, T may ask questions b. work in groups. Discuss the
such as 7s a schedule usually for present or future questions
activities?’ Then have Ss read the REMEMBER! Key:
Box. 1. The future
- Ss work in groups and discuss the two 2. The present simple
questions given.
- Ss read the REMEMBER ! Box and take note. Ex 4. Use the verbs in the box in
Ex 4- P 20 their correct forms to complete
- Have Ss do this exercise independently. the sentences describing other
- T checks the answers as a class. activities.
1 starts-finishes 2. takes place
3. holds 4. hosts
5. lasts
4. Consolidation.
Ex 5- P 20:
Make notes of some activities your school has planned for next week. Write five
sentences about the activities, using the simple present with a future meaning
- Ss do this exercise independently. Encourage them to be imaginative. T walks
around and helps Ss with new vocabulary. Ss talk about their schedule with a partner
first. Once they have done this, ask them Ss can exchange to write down the
sentences. Remind Ss that in this case, the present simple is used to talk about
practical information: place, time, day, date, so this should be the focus of their
sentences. Ss can use the sentences in as a model. If time allows, let them share with
the class. Otherwise, T may set the writing for homework.
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the form of the present tenses.
- Do ex B4, 5, 6 page 13,14- workbook
- Prepare UNIT 8: COMMUNICATION/ page 21- textbook
Pre: 30/ 01/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019


I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
of people and places in English speaking countries, build up Ss’ general knowledge
of people and landmarks in English speaking countries.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.
2. Skills:
- Listening: Listen to the conversation and complete the missing words.
- Speaking: Ask and answer questions about film stars, the best film, action films and
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love speaking English.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talking about people and cultures of some typical English speaking countries.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does B5- workbook page 13
- S2: Does B6- workbook page 14
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Networks:
- Ask Ss to name the English speaking countries they’ve known.
- Ss work in turn to do the task
- Have some Ss give their own answers then T corrects.

1............ 2............

English Speaking 3...........

5.............. 4…………..

=> The USA, The UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, India, New Zealand.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Presentation
* Teaching vocabulary: I. New words :
- Teacher use different techniques to - territory (n): lãnh thổ, đất đai
teach vocab (situation, realia, - North Pole (n): Bắc Cực
explanation) - Arctic Circle (n): vòng Nam Cực
- Follow the seven steps of teaching - diverse (a): đa dạng
vocab. - spectacular (a): đẹp mắt, ngoạn mục
* Checking vocab: Slap the board - to be closet to: gần với
- garment(n): áo quần
- kilt (n): váy ca-rô của đàn ông Scotland
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1- P 21 II-Practice
- Have Ss do the quiz individually as quickly as 1. Do the quiz and choose
possible. Set a time limit to keep the pace lively and the correct answers.
increase the fun element. Key:
- Ss then share their answers in pairs or small groups 1. C 2. A
and discuss where their answers differ. 3. C 4. B
- Check as a class by asking for a show of hands for 5. B 6. B
each question. Note that the quiz format should be 7. C 8.A
kept light and fun 9. B 10. A
Part 2- P 21 2. Write the names of the
1. Transferring the learning task. countries next to their facts
- T asks Ss to read the information given in the table Key:
to find the names of the countries. 1. the USA
2. Doing the task. 2. New Zealand
- Ss do this activity in pairs then compare their 3. The United Kingdom
answers with others. 4. Canada
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. Australia
- Call on some Ss to say aloud their answers.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- Check and correct Ss’ answers.
- Give feedback.
Activity 3: Production
III. Further practice:
Part 3a- P 21 3. GAME: How much do you know

- Put Ss into groups of five or six. about a country?
Explain that now they have a chance to a. Work in groups. Choose a country
put together what they know about a and together to find out as much about it
country, including all the information as possible. Then prepare a small
they have got so far from the lesson introduction of that country. Don’t say
too. the name of the country.
- Ask them to write the information in You can start your introduction with:
short notes first without mentioning the This country.............
name of the country (e.g.: - far north/ Example:
north America; - cold; - two languages: This country is in the North of Asia. It has
English and French...). the biggest population in the world. It has
the biggest square in the world, too. Its
capital is Beijing
Part 3b- P 21
- Ask each group to stand up in front of b. Each group then present their
the class. Each member of the group introduction to the class. The class....
will give one fact about the country. 1. tries to find out which country is
When they have finished, the rest of the 2. votes for the most informative and
class can guess what country it is. interesting introduction.
When every group has done their
presentation, the class can vote for the
most informative and interesting one.

4. Consolidation.
- Ask Ss to write down their results.
5. Homework.
- Talking some information about an English speaking country you like.
- Prepare: UNIT 8: SKILL 1/ Page 22- textbook.
Pre: 30/ 01/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
of people and places in English speaking countries. Read for specific information
about the attractions of a country and talk about interesting facts of a country.

- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.

2. Skills:
- Speaking: Talk about the things you like most about Scotland.
- Reading: Read the text and ask and answer questions about Scotland- the land of
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love speaking English.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talking about people and cultures of some typical English speaking countries.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Ask some questions about some English speaking countries.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions about Scotland
?Where is Scotland
?What is this land famous for
- Ss work in pairs and discuss the questions then some Ss say aloud.
- T checks and corrects
- Introduce the new lesson
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Reading
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. Reading:
situation/ antonym. * Vocabulary
- T: writes new words on the board. - legend (n): huyền thoại
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then ->legendary (a): có tính huyền thoại
the whole class. - endless (a): không ngừng, liên tục
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - to explore: khám phá
* Checking: rub out and remember. - piping (n): tiếng sáo
- pasture (n): đồng cỏ, bãi cỏ
- scenic lake : hồ đẹp
- loch (n): hồ, vịnh nhỏ
- brigade: lữ đoàn, đội, đoàn
- to haunt: thường lui tới (nơi nào đó,

nói về hồn ma...)
Part 1- P 22 1. Discuss the questions. Then read
- Allow Ss two or three minutes to discuss the passage.
the questions. Draw a map of Great Britain Key:
and highlight Scotland on the map. Leave it 1. It's in the north of Great Britain.
on the board while the class reads the 2. Any or all of the following: It's
passage silently. T may ask Ss to underline famous for its rich and unique
the things that Scotland is famous for. culture as well as its amazing natural
- Have Ss call out their answers and say beauty, its historic castles, its
where they found the information in the traditional festivals, and its whisky.
passage. It Is also famous for various
- Ask Ss to read the passage then check inventions.
their answers.
Part 2- P 22 2. Match each place or event with
- Ask Ss to read the passage again. Ask its two features.
them to scan the places first. Read carefully Key:
the information about each place and choose 1. Edinburgh: d, f
the two features related to it. 2. castles: a, c
- Ss work individually, then check their 3. Highland Games: b, h
work in pairs. 4. lochs: e, g
- Ask Ss to call out their answers and show
where the information appears.
Part 3- P 22 3. Read the passage again and
1. Transferring the learning task. answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to read the passage again then Key:
answer the questions in pairs. 1. Yes, it is.
2. Doing the task. 2. a ghost
- Ss read the text then answer the questions 3. piping, drumming, dancing
in pairs. 4. the telephone, television,
- Ss compare their answers before giving the penicillin, the rain coat
answers to T
5. In 1824
- T goes around and helps if necessary.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- T call on some Ss to answer the questions
- Some Ss can write the answers on the
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks Ss’ answers then give feedback.
Activity 2: Speaking
II. Speaking:
Part 4- P 22 4. Work in pairs. Talk about the
- Give Ss a minute to think about the thing they things you like most about
like most about Scotland, and prepare their Scotland. Give the reasons.
reasons. They then work in pairs, asking and Example:
answering about their choice. If time allows,
call on some pairs to share their choice with the - What do you like about
class. Scotland?
- Encourage Ss to come up with more questions - I like the castles.
about Scotland. - Why?
- Because I want to see the
Part 5- P 22 ghost.
- Have Ss work in small groups. 5. Work in groups. Read and
- Ask them to look through the interesting facts, discuss these interesting facts
and discuss if there is any piece of information about Australia. Prepare a short
they are not clear about. introduction of Australia. Then
- Check as class to make sure that the present it to the class.
information is understood correctly.
- One then can Ss start working on preparation
for their presentation.
- Tell them that they can add some facts they
know, or delete some facts they do not like from
the provided notes.
- T calls on some groups to present.
4. Consolidation.
- T asks Ss to talk about the things you like most in Australia.
5. Homework.
- Ask Ss to learn new words by heart.
- Do exercise C12, D 1 (P 14-15- workbook).
- Prepare: UNIT 8: Skills 2/ Page 23- textbook.

Ngày 11 tháng 02 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


WEEK 24:
Pre: 11/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019

Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
of people and places in English speaking countries. Listen for specific information
about a day trip to an amazing town, write a description of a schedule for a visit or a
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.
2. Skills:
+ Listening: Listen to a tour guide talking about a day trip to Wanaka and complete
the exercises.
+ Writing: Write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love speaking English.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talking about people and cultures of some typical English speaking countries.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does C1- workbook page 14
- S2: writes new words
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to talk about Australia by using their speaking in the last lesson
- Introduce the new lesson
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Listening
I. Listening
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ *New words

situation - schedule (n): lich trình, thời gian biểu
- T: writes new words on the board. - destination (n): điểm đến
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - puzzle (n): trò chơi đố
then the whole class. - spacious cafe : quán cá phê rộng rãi
- Call 3- 4 SS to read the words again. - illusion room (n): phòng ảo tưởng, ảo
* Checking: rub out and remember. giác
- paradise (n): thiên đường
- an adventure lover: người thích thám
- a relaxation seeker (n): người tìm
Part 1- P 23 kiếm thư giãn
- Ask 5s to look at the pictures and read 1. Listen and fill in the time for the
the introduction to the listening. Ask them schedule of events
what features from the pictures they are
interested in, and what they think Wanaka Key:
is like. 1. 9.30
- Ask Ss to read the questions! then plays 2. 12.30
the recording and Ss write the answers. 3. 4.00
- T can play the recording at least twice. 4. 4.15
Elicit the answers from Ss and write the
correct answers on the board. 2. Listen again and choose the right
Part 2- P 23 answer A, B or C
1. Transferring the learning task. Key:
- T asks Ss to read the questions.
- Give Ss some time to read the events. 1. B
Check if they know the meaning of the 2. C
words ‘illusion’ (something that appears 3. C
to be there but is not) and ‘3-D hologram’ 4. B
(three-dimensional image) 5. A
2. Doing the task.
Audio script:
- T plays the recording twice and Ss listen
Good morning. I hope you all had a
then choose the correct answers.
good sleep. We are now heading for
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
Wanaka. We arrive at the first
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
destination, Puzzling World at 9.30.
on the board
The first puzzling thing which
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
welcomes you is the Leaning Tower.
When you get inside the spacious
- T checks the answers as a class.
café, you will find yourself among
- Have Ss work in groups of 4 to sum up
various wooden puzzles and games.
the trip
The Illusion Room is a must-see as
there's nothing else like it in the
world. Puzzling World is possibly
the most photographed attraction in
New Zealand.
At 12.30 we leave for Lake Wanaka,
New Zealand's fourth largest lake.

This ‘natural paradise’ has
something for everyone. Adventure
lovers may follow the biking and
walking tracks through the park.
Relaxation seekers may stay by the
lake, taking a boat ride, or just sitting
and watching its changing beauty.
We meet up at 4 o'clock and the bus
leaves at exactly 4.15.1 hope...
Activity 2: Writing
Part 3a- P 23 II. Writing
- Ask Ss to work in groups of three or 3a. Choose four activities from the list
four. Read the activities and decide on that you would like to do in a two-day
the four activities they would like to do visit to Washington D.C, the capital of
together in their two-day visit to the USA.
Washington D.C
Part 3b- P 23 3b. Schedule your visit
- Once they have made their decision,
allow them time to schedule their visit
and fill in the schedule table.
Part 4- P 23 4. Write a passage describing the
- Have each group write a description schedule for your visit.
of their visit. The description should You can start with:
include: the name of the activity, the This is the schedule for my two-day visit
time they do it, and what it involves. If to Washington D.C, the capital of the
possible, give each group a big piece of USA. On the first day...............
paper to write their answers. Sample writing:
- Ask the two quickest groups to This is the schedule for our group's two-
present their answers. day visit to Washington D.C. On the first
- Other groups and T give comments. day we plan to go to the White House
Give marks to the groups. early at 8 o'clock. This way, we avoid the
crowds. Then we get on a Hop-on Hop-
- Other groups complete their writing
off trolley, which rides around the city.
as homework and bring it back in the
We do some shopping and go for a nice
next lesson.
lunch. Then we see some of the sights of
the city. On the second day, we take the
8.30 shuttle bus to the canoe club to join a
canoe trip along the C&O canal. This
canal is famous for its beautiful scenery,
especially in autumn. The trip takes about
three hours. In the afternoon, we visit the
National Children's Museum. The
brochure says that this museum offers
children a lot of fun activities where they
can learn through playing.

4. Consolidation.
- Ask some Ss to read aloud their writing. Teacher and other students listen and give
5. Homework.
- Do exercises: D2- E1,2 – page 17-18 - workbook.
- Complete the writing on the notebook.
- Prepare: UNIT 8: Looking back + project/ Page 24, 25- textbook.
Pre: 11/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to recycle the language from the previous
lessons in Unit 8 and link it with unit topics. Consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in Unit 8 through various activities and exercises.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “English speaking countries”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Present tenses (review)
+ The present simple for future.
2. Skills:
+ Speaking: Check Ss’ sociable knowledge .
+ Writing: Complete all exercises related to the topic.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love speaking English.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talking about people and cultures of some typical English speaking countries.
- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and speaking English.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Check Ss’ writing, give marks and remarks.

3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Revision: (Ex5- page 25): Check your knowledge. Think
of a capital of a country.
- T explains the require for the class
- Teacher divides class into 2 teams.
- The first team think of a capital of any country but not correct
- The other team have to find out the correct capital of that country. If they are
correct, they will win
1. Scottish men wear kilts.
2. The USA has the biggest population.
3. California is a state in the USA.
4. They live in Australia.
5. English and French.
- Introduce the new lesson
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Vocabulary
I. Vocabulary
Part 1- P 24 1. Match the word with the
- T ask Ss to complete this exercise individually. definitions
- Ss complete this exercise individually. Key:
- Call on some Ss to give their answers 1. c 2. e
- Check as a class and corrects. 3. f 4. b
5. d 6. a
Part 2- P 24 2. Choose the best answer A, B
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and look or C to complete the sentences.
for clues that help them decide which tense Key:
should be used for each blank. 1. C 2. A
- Have Ss complete the exercise independently 3. C 4. B
and then exchange their answers. 5. B 6. A
- Ask two Ss to write their answers on the board.
- Confirm the correct answers.
Activity 2: Grammar
Part 3- P 24 II. Grammar
1. Transferring the learning task. 3. Decide if the sentences have
- T ask Ss to read the requirement of the a present meaning (P) or a
exercises then asks Ss some questions concerning future meaning (F).
the task of ex.
- Ask Ss to decide if the sentences have a present
meaning (P) or a future meaning (F) individually Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. F 2. F
- Ss work individually to do the task. 3. P 4. P
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. F
- T call on some Ss to write on the board
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.

- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. 4. Complete the sentences with
- T checks as a class. the appropriate present tense
- Give the correct answer. of the verbs brackets.
Part 4- P 25 Key:
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and look 1. faces 2. doesn't set
for clues that help them decide which tense 3. has won 4. has done
should be use for each blank. 5. Is 6. are trying
- Have Ss complete the exercise independently
and then exchange their answer. Finished! Now I can..........
- Ask two Ss to write the answer on the board. - Use words/phrases to describe
- Confirm the answer correctly. people and places in English
Finished! speaking countries.
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. Discuss - use the present simple to talk
as a class what difficulties remain and what areas about future activities.
Ss have mastered. - pronounce words ending in
-ese and -ee correctly in
isolation and sentences.
- talk and write about schedule
Activity 3: Production
- Ask Ss do more researches about the capitals III. Project
in English speaking countries, to explore them EXPLORE US
and find out as much as possible about their These can help decide:
culture, their historic, and natural beauty - which attractions you would
- Divide Ss into groups of four or five and include in your poster.
instruct them on what they have to do. - what information about the
Encourage them to think creatively and attraction you would
daringly. Tell them to keep in mind who this introduce.
poster is for. - which picture you would use
- Ss work in groups. for your poster.
+ Which attraction you would include in your - the design for your poster.
+ What information about the attraction you
would introduce.
Which picture you would use for your poster.
+ the design for your poster.
- Have Ss present their poster in the next lesson.
When all the groups have given their
presentations, the whole class can vote for the
4. Consolidation.
- Ask students to complete the self-assessment.
- Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice if need be.
? Sum up the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook.

- Prepare: Unit 9: Getting started- Page 26-27- textbook.
Pre: 12/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
“Natural disasters”. Understand the dialogue between Nick and Duong
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”: severe,
injury, relief, homeless, against, trap, debris, temporary, typhoon, flood, damage,
property, accommodation , rescue worker,…
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Writing: Write the natural disasters to the appropriate pictures.
+ Listening: Listen to the conversation between Nick and Duong about natural
+ Reading: Read the conversation and do some exercises.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know about affected natural disasters.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talk about a natural disaster and the use words describing a natural disaster.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Brainstorming:


natural disasters

- Ask Ss to give any words you know relating to the topic.

- T may allow Ss to give Vietnamese words and ask other Ss in the class if they know
the equivalent in English.
- Let Ss open their books and start the lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Presentation
* Teaching new vocabulary: I. Vocabulary:
- Teacher elicits the words from - natural disaster: thảm họa thiên nhiên
students. - typhoon ((n): bão nhiệt đới
- Follow the seven steps of - severe (adj): khắc nghiêt, dữ dội
teaching vocab. - That’s relief: nhẹ cả người
* Checking: Matching - to be injured: bị thương
injury (n): sự tổn thương
- damage (n): sự thiệt hại, sự hư hại
- property (n): tài sản
- to trap: làm cho mắc kẹt
- debris (n): mảnh vỡ, gạch vữa đổ nát
- temporary accommodation: chỗ ở tạm thời
- rescue worker: nhân viên cứu hộ
Activity 2: Practice
* Set the sence: II. Practice:
- Let Ss open their books and look at the picture. 1. Listen and read.
Ask Ss questions about the picture:
Where are Duong and Nick? What are they talking
Which natural disasters can we see in the bubbles?
- Play the recording. Ss listen and read. T can play
the recording more than once. Pause the recording
at appropriate places if Ss need help with
Part 1a- P 27 a. Read the conversation
1. Transferring the learning task. again and fill the blanks with
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and fill the no more than three words.
blanks with no more than three words.
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss read the text then do the task in pairs. 1. tropical storm
- Ss compare their answers before giving the 2. injured
answers to T 3. damage
- T goes around and helps if necessary. 4. trapped

3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. medical supplies
- T call on some Ss to give the questions 6. temporary accommodation
- Some Ss can write the answers on the board.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks Ss’ answers then give feedback.
Part 1b- P 27 b. Respond to news
- T models an exchange with a student by giving Key:
some bad news, “my cat died’ and eliciting ‘ 1. Oh no!
That’s terrible’ from student .focus on intonation, 2. That's a relief
stressing the first syllable of ‘ terrible’ . 3. That's awful!
- Do the same with other around the class.
Encourage Ss to have fun exaggerating their
intonation as they reply to T. Tell Ss to refer back
to the conversation to find the other phrases .
- T asks Ss to work in pairs saying the phrases
with correct intonation
Part 2a- P 27 2a. Write the responses into
- First, have Ss work independently. Then allow the correct columns. Then
them to share their answers before playing the listen, check and repeat
recording for them to check. Key
- Play the recording for Ss to repeat the phrases. Responding Responding
Remind Ss to pay attention to their intonation as to good news to bad news
they practise. Wow! Oh dear!
That's great! That's awful!
That's a relief! How terrible!
wonderful! Oh no!
That's That's
awesome! shocking!
Part 2b- P 27
- First, have Ss work independently. Then allow b. Match the sentences (1-6)
them to share answers before T gives comments. to the responses (a-f). Then
Point out that some of the responses could fit more practise the exchanges with a
than one statement. If Ss can justify their choice, partner.
then accept it. Ask Ss to work in pairs, practising Key:
the exchanges with good intonation. T goes around l. b 2. d
the class to provide help. 3.f 4. c
Part 3- P 27 5. a 6. e
- First, have Ss work in pairs to match the words’ 3. Match the natural disasters
phrases to the pictures. with the pictures. Then listen,
- Ss do the matching in pairs. check your answer and
- Then allow them to share their answers with a repeat. Can you add more?
partner. Key: 1. C 2. D
- T plays the recording for them to check. 3. F 4. B
- Ss listen and repeat the words / phrases 5. G 6. A
7. H 8. E

Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 27 III. Further practice:
- Ask Ss which of these natural 4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
disasters can happen in Viet Nam. about common natural disasters in some
- Then model this activity a with a areas in Viet Nam
more able student . Next ask Ss to Example:
work in pairs. Go around to provide A: Which are the most common natural
help. disasters in Thanh Hoa?
- Cal on some pairs to practise in
B: Typhoon and floods.
front of the class.
- T remarks and corrects Ss’ A: How often do they happen there?
mistakes if possible. B: Typhoons happen there about three or
four times a year, and floods about twice
a year.

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Read the conversation again.
-Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese.
- Prepare: UNIT 9: A closer look 1/ P.28 - textbook.

Ngày 18 tháng 02 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


WEEK 25:
Pre: 19/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce words ending in -logy and
-graphy correctly in isolation and in context. use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Natural disasters'.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”: collapse,
erupt, stick, bury, shake,, rage, shelter, scatter, evacuate, rural, earthquake,…
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words ending in -logy and -graphy.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Writing: Complete the missing word, using the correct form of the verbs.
+ Listening: Listen and pronounce words ending in -logy and -graphy correctly in
isolation and in context.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know about affected natural disasters.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talk about a natural disaster and the use words describing a natural disaster.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: Reads the conversation and answer some questions
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: * Chatting:
- Ask Ss to tell about some natural disasters they’ve experienced.
- Ss work in pairs talking about the natural disasters they’ve experienced.
- T helps Ss correct their mistakes if necessary.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
I. Vocabulary
* Teaching vocabulary: * New words
- Teacher use different techniques to - to erupt: phun trào
teach vocab (situation, explanation, - to collage: xập
realia) - to rage: diễn ra ác liệt, hung dữ
- Follow the seven steps of teaching - to burry: chôn vùi, vùi lấp
vocab. - to shake: rung chuyển
* Checking vocab: making sentences - to strike: va đập
with the new words. - rural area: vùng nông thôn
- mudlise (n): lũ bùn
Part 1- P 28 - victim (n): nạn nhân
- T writes the first verb erupt on the 1. Fill each blanks with a suitable verb
board and elicit from Ss , writing in the correct form from the box below.
erupted on the board. Then listen, check and repeat.
- T do the same with the all the verb. Key:
- T may asks for translation of the 1 struck 2. erupted
verbs to check their understanding. 3. shook 4. buried
- Leave them on the board as a 5. raged 6. collapsed
reference. Audio script:
- Have Ss work independently to do the 1. Yesterday, a terrible storm struck the
activity. rural area of Ha Giang Province.
- Ss work individually 2. Villagers rushed into public shelters as
- Ask them to share their answers with soon as the volcano erupted.
one or more partner. 3. Hundreds of buildings were completely
- T plays the recording for Ss to repeat destroyed when the earthquake shook the
the sentences. city.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers 4. The mudslide buried the whole village
- T corrects while people were still sleeping In their
5. The forest fire raged for eight hours
and some animals were badly injured or
Part 2- P 28 6. We managed to run out of the house
- First, have Ss work independently. into the street before the walls collapsed.
Then, ask them to share their answers 2. Match the verbs in column A to the
with one or more partners. T may ask nouns in column B. Then listen, check
for translation of some phrases to and repeat.
check their understanding. Key: 1. b 2. d
- Play the recording for Ss to repeat the 3. a 4.e 5. c
phrases. Audio script:
- Call on some Ss to give their answers 1. scatter debris 4. provide aid
then T corrects. 2. take shelter 3. evacuate the village
Part 3- P 28 5. put out the forest fire
1. Transferring the learning task.
- Ask Ss to use the phrases in 2 in the 3. Now use the phrases in 2 in the
correct form to complete the sentences. correct form to complete the sentences.
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss do the task in pairs. 1. provide aid

- Ss compare their answers before 2 put out the forest fire
giving the answers to T 3. took shelter
- T goes around and helps if necessary. 4. scattered debris
3. Reporting the task result and 5. evacuate the village
- T call on some Ss to give the answers.
- Some Ss give answers aloud while
others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing
the task.
- T checks Ss’ answers and confirms
the correct answers.
Activity 2: Teaching pronunciation
II. Pronunciation:
Stress in words ending in -logy and
Part 4- P 28 -graphy
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen 4. Listen and repeat these words. Pay
and repeat the words, paying attention to attention to the stress syllables.
the stressed syllables of each word. Remember
- T may play the recording as many times For words ending in -logy and –
as necessary. Explain the rule in the graphy, place the stress on the third
REMEMBER! box and ask some Ss to syllable from the end.
give some words ending in -logy and ex: bi’ology
-graphy. tech’nology
Part 5- P 28 5. Listen and mark the stress on the
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practise correct syllable in the words below.
saying the words and mark the stress on Pay attention to –logy and – graphy.
the correct syllable in each word. Then T Key:
plays the recording. 1. soci’ol'ogy
- Ss listen and check. T may pause after 2. zo'ology
each word and ask them to repeat 3. bibli'ography
chorally. 4. clima'tology
- Correct their pronunciation if necessary. 5. as'trology
6. de'mography
Part 6- P 28 6. Read the following sentences and
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to mark the mark ‘the stressed syllable in the
stress In the words and practise saying the underlined words. Then listen and
sentences. Call some Ss to give the repeat the sentences.
answers and say the sentences in front of Audio script:
the class. Then ask Ss to listen while T 1. We are studying the ge'ography of
plays the recording. T may pause after Asia.
each sentence and ask them to repeat 2. I had a bi'ology lesson this
chorally. Correct their pronunciation. If afternoon.
there is not enough time, after Ss mark 3. They share a common interest in
the stress, play the recording for them, pho'tography.
then check their answers and repeat the 4. A bi'ography is a book that tells the

sentences. story of someone's life, written by
someone else.
5. Zo'ology is the scientific study of
animals and their behaviour.

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson: Use the lexical items related to the topic
“natural disasters" and pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress in isolation
and in context.
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the new words
- Do exercises A1,2, B1 P19-20 - workbook
- Prepare UNIT 9: A CLOSER LOOK 2/ page 29 - textbook
Pre: 20/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 02/ 2019
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Natural disasters'. Use the past perfect tense to talk about an action before a stated
time or another action in the past and review passive voice
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronoun the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Speaking: Practice speaking with adverbial phrases .
+ Writing: Use passive voice and past perfect to describe natural disasters.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know about affected natural disasters.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talk about a natural disaster and describe natural disasters in the world.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.

1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: answers some questions
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Passive voice: review
- Ask if Ss remember how to form the passive voice. T may ask one student to write
the form on the board and have other Ss give examples.
If they do not remember well, ask Ss to read the REMEMBER! box. Draw Ss' attention
to how the passive voice is formed by analyzing the rule. Then ask some more able
Ss to give some examples to illustrate this.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Passive voice: review
- Ask if Ss remember how to from the I. Passive voice: review
passive voice. T may ask one student to The passive voice is formed with the verb
write the form on the board and have (to) be in the appropriate tense and form,
other Ss give examples. and the past participle of the main verb.
- If they do not remember well, ask to Only verbs which can take an object can
read the REMEMBER! box. Draw Ss’ be used in the passive.
attention to how the passive voice is Form: Tobe + P.P
formed by analysing the rule. Then ask Ex:
some more able Ss to give some - This house was repainted.
examples to illustrate this. - He has been sent to hospital after the
Part 1- P 29 1. Read the conversation in GETTING
- Ask Ss to read the conversation in STARTED and underline any sentences
GETTING STARTED again and underline in the passive voice that you can find.
all instances of the passive voice that Check your findings with a partner.
they can find. Then, ask them to share Key:
their findings with one or more Was anyone injured?
partners before checking with the Only a few minor injuries were reported.
whole class. It seems many houses and public
buildings were destroyed or flooded, and
thousands of people were left homeless.
They've sent rescue workers to free
people who were trapped in flooded
Medical supplies, food and rescue
equipment have also been sent.
Part 2- P 29 They've been taken to a safe place where
1. Transferring the learning task. temporary accommodation will be
- Have Ss read through the sentences

and complete them by using the correct provided for them.
passive form of the verbs in brackets. 2. Complete the sentences using the
2. Doing the task. correct passive form of the verbs in
- Ss do this activity individually and brackets.
then compare their answers with a Key:
classmate. 1. was scattered 2. are built
3. Reporting the task result and 3. were taken 4. will be predicted
discuss. 5. will be delivered/are going to be
- Call on some Ss to stand up and give delivered
their answers.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing
the task.
- T checks their answers.
- Confirm the correct answers. 3. Rewrite the following sentences using
Part 3- P 29 the correct passive.
- Invite two Ss to write the sentences Key:
on the board while other Ss write the 1. Food and blankets have been given out
sentences in their notebooks to homeless people (by volunteers).
- Ask some Ss to give comments on the 2. Ten people trapped in collapsed
sentences on the board. buildings have been freed (by the rescue
- Confirm the correct sentences workers) so far.
3. Was the whole village destroyed (by
- For a class that needs more support, the storm)?
model the first sentence for Ss. Have 4. If the area is hit by the storm, a lot of
Ss write the next two sentences and damage will be caused.
correct them carefully. The rest can be 5. A garden party is going to be organised
done as homework. to raise money for the victims of the
Activity 2: Teaching Past Perfect
Part 4a- P 29 II. Past Perfect.
- Ask Ss to read part of the conversation 4. a. Read part of the conversation
from GETTING STARTED, paying from Getting started . Pay attention to
attention to the underlined part. the underlined part.
Nick: Was anyone injured? *Form:
Duong: Only a few minor injuries were (+) S + had + P.P
reported. Most people had moved to (-) S  + had + not (hadn’t) + P.P
safe areas when the storm broke. (?) Had + S+ P.P ?
- Then, refer to the yellow box, Yes, S + had / No, S + hadn’t
explaining the form of the past perfect
tense and going through the examples.
Part 4b- P 29 b. when do we use the past perfect?
- Now ask Ss to think about the rules for Can you think of any rules?
the past perfect tense. First, try to elicit *Uses:
them from Ss. Then go through the rules - We use the past perfect to describe an
in the boxes by analysing the examples action before astarted time in the past

given. Then ask Ss to give some more Eg: People had managed to leave the
examples of their own. flooded villages by 11 o’clock.
- We use the past perfect to describe an
- Have Ss work in individually. action happened before another action in
- Then ask them to share with a partner the past.
- Call on some Ss give their answers Eg: People had already left the flooded
- T corrects villages when rescue workers arrived.
* Signals: Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá
khứ hoàn thành
before (trước khi)/ after (sau khi)
By the time (tính đến lúc)
By + time (in the past) (tính đến một
thời gian trong quá khứ))
forgot, realized, remembered (quên,
nhận ra, nhớ (đã hoặc chưa làm gì)
Part 5- P 30 5. Complete the sentences by putting
- First, have Ss work independently. the verbs in brackets into the simple
Then, ask them to share their answers past or past perfect.
with one or more partners. Key:
- Ask some Ss to say their answers 1. had left, erupted
aloud. 2. arrived, had stopped
- T gives comments, and makes any 3. had spent, arrived
correction if available. 4. got, hadn't taken
5. found, had bought
Part 6- P 30 6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
- First, ask Ss to prepare their answers following questions about you
independently. Then model the activity
by asking a student one of the given Example:
questions. A: What had you learned to do by the
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go time you started primary school?
around to provide help. B: By the time you started primary
- Call some pairs to practise in front of school, I had learned how to ride a bike.
the class.

4. Consolidation.
*Part 7- P30: Games.
- Model the game with the whole class first. Divide the whole class into two teams
(e.g. left side and right side). Then allow members from the two teams to take turns in
giving reasons why they were pleased/ upset/ happy/ angry, etc. Count the correct
sentences to find the winning team.
If time does not allow, T can choose either activity 6 or 7 for Ss to do.
- Ask Ss to retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Do Ex B2,3,4, 5/ p20, 21- workbook.
- Prepare UNIT 9: COMMUNICATION/ p31- textbook

Pre: 24/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use use the lexical items related to the
topic ‘Natural disasters’, ask and answer questions about natural disasters.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronoun the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Listening: Listen to the tape and complete the gaps.
+ Speaking: Express your own views on natural disasters.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and show their views on natural disasters.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talk about a natural disaster and warn people about natural disasters.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does B4- workbook page 20
- S2: does B5- workbook page 21
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Brainstorming
- Teacher elicits the topic from students.
? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of natural disasters
- Teacher models
? Work in groups to add as many dishes as possible. disasters
? Show your list that you have written.

- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
- The group has the longest list wins the game ................
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Presentation
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. New words :
situation/ antonym. - to express: bầy tỏ
- T: writes new words on the board. - to deal with : đương đầu với
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - respect (n) : sự quan tâm, lưu ý
then the whole class. - result (of st) : kết quả
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - period (n): thời kì, thời gian
* Checking: rub out and remember. - climate change: sự thay đổi khí hậu
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1- P 31 II-Practice
- First, have Ss read the interview and guess what the 1. Listen to a radio
missing word for each gap in the interview is. Write programme on 4Teen
the Ss’ ideas on the board. News. Then fill the gaps
- Ask Ss to say which question each person is with the words you hear.
answering (sarah and Peter: the first question, Nubita
and Linh: the second question) Key:
1. Transferring the learning task. 1. flooded
- Ask Ss to listen to fill in the gaps with the words 2. warming
they hear. 3. used
2. Doing the task. 4. unprepared
- T plays the recording the first time, ask Ss to close 5. reminding
their books and listen only.
- Ss listen for the first without opening the books.
- T plays the recording again and allow Ss to fill the
gap as they listen.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs.
- Ss share their answers in pairs.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T plays the recording a final time to allow Ss to 2. Read the listen’s views
check their answers. on natural disasters again
Part 2- P 31 and decide who you agree
- Ask Ss to decide whose opinions they agree with and with and who you
who they disagree with. disagree with.
- Ss make notes of the reasons for their decision.
Part 3- P 31 3. Answer the two
- Have Ss make notes of their answers to the two questions. Express your
questions in the interview. own views and write them
down below.
- Remind Ss that it does not matter what their answers
are, and that it is more important that they justify their

- Ss answer the two questions and make notes of their
answers individually.
- T may go around to provide help.
Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 31 III. Further practice:
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to share their 4. Work in pairs. Now compare your
answers with a partner. views with a partner. Do you share
- Ss share their answers with a partner. the same views?
- Encourage each pair to negotiate for the
same views .
- Call some Ss report on their answers.

4. Consolidation.
- Ss sum up the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Write your views on natural disasters.
- Prepare UNIT 9: SKILLS 1/ P32 - textbook

Ngày 25 tháng 02 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


WEEK 26:
Pre: 27/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Natural disasters', read for specific information about a natural disaster in a news
report and talk about a natural disaster and what to do when it happens.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronoun the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Speaking: Talk about how to do before and after a natural disaster.
+ Reading: Read for specific information about a natural disaster.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and how to prepare for a natural disaster.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Talk about a natural disaster and warn people about natural disasters.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Some Ss talk about their views on natural disasters.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting
- T asks Ss to discuss in groups and answer the question “What can we do prepare
for a natural disaster?”
- Introduces the new lesson: Tell Ss that they are going to read about a natural
disaster in a news report and we will know how to do before and after them.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Reading

Part 1- P 32 I. Reading.
1. Transferring the learning task. 1. Read an article about how to
- T asks Ss to scan the article to find prepare for a natural disaster. Look at
circle to find where the words/ phrases: the words in the box, then find them in
wreak havoc, essential, destructive, the article and underline them. What
guidelines, and emergency. do they mean?
- Ss scan the article to find circle Suggested answers:
- If they do not, T may help Ss work out 1. wreak havoc: do great damage or
the meanings of these words from the harm to somebody/something
article. T can explain the words/ phrases 2. essential: necessary
2. Doing the task. 3. destructive: causing major damage,
- T asks Ss to work individually from the verb destroy
- Ss work individually to do the task then 4. guidelines: rules or instructions telling
share with a partner. you how to do something, especially
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. something difficult
- Call on some Ss to stand up and give 5. emergency: a suddenly serious and
their answers. dangerous event or situation
- Others remark. - risk (n): sự nguy hiểm, rủi ro
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the - kit (n): hành lí
task. - evacuation (n): sụ di tản/tản cư
- T checks Ss’ answers then gives the
suggested answers. 2. Read the article again and answer
Part 2- P 32 the following questions.
- T asks Ss to read the article in 5minutes Key:
and answer the questions. 1. Because they can wreak havoc across
- Ss read the article and answer the large areas and cause loss of life or
questions damage to property.
- Asks Ss to note where they found the 2. Learn about the risks in your area
information that helped them to answers and read the information about natural
the questions. disasters on local government sites.
- Ask Ss to compare answers before 3. Enter all the emergency contact
discussing them as class numbers in your mobile phone so you
- Ss compare answers before discussing can call the rescue and emergency
them as a class. workers if necessary.
- Have some Ss give their own answers 4. Your emergency supply kit should
then T corrects. include food, water, medications,
- Ask Ss to talk about how to prepare for personal hygiene items, copies of
a natural disaster coming. personal documents and some money.
5. We need to know the evacuation
routes and shelters

Activity 2: Speaking
Part 3a- P 32 II. Speaking
- First , ask Ss to read each news report. T 3a. Read the news report (A-C) and
may help with the new vocabulary then match each one to the correct picture
asks Ss to match . (1-3)

- Have Ss read out their answers before Key:
checking the whole class 1. C
- Have some Ss read out their answers 2. B
before checking with the whole class. 3. A
Part 3b- P 32 b. Work in pairs. Each pair can
- First, remind Ss of the responses they choose one of the reports in 3a. Role
practised in GETTING STARTED, e.g., play telling each other about the
That's shocking!; refer them back to this news. Use the example below
section if necessary. Example:
- Now ask Ss to work In groups of three A: Did you watch the news last night?
and role-play telling each other about one B: No, I didn’t. What’s happened?
of the news reports in 3'. A: There was a powerful earthquake
on Monday.
- T may go around to provide help. After
B: That’s shocking! Where was it?
finishing, T may call on some groups to do
the role-play in front of the class.
4a. Make a list of things to do before,
Part 4a- P 32 during and after each of the
- Ask Ss what disasters often happen in disasters in your area. You can read
their area. Elicit the answers from Ss and the article in 1 again for ideas
choose two disasters that happen the most.
- Divide the class into two groups; each Disasters Things to do
will discuss one disaster. Before During After
- Ss work in pairs within each group to
discuss and write down what to do before,
during and after this disaster. b. Discuss what you should do in the
- T moves around the class to help Ss if event of a natural disaster in your
necessary. area. Use the information from the
Part 4b- P 32 table below.
- Now have Ss form new pairs: one student Example:
from each group above. A. What should you do to prepare for
- Have Ss ask and answer questions about flood in your area?
the things they should do in the event of B. First, I’ll make sure I have a
each disaster they had discussed in a. If disaster plan ....
time allows, invite some pairs to A. What should you do during a
demonstrate their conversations in front of flood?
the class B. I should try to get to higher ground
as quickly as possible...
4. Consolidation.
- Sum up the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Ask Ss to learn new words by heart.
- Do exercise C1,2; D1 P1-21- 22- workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 9: Skill 2/ page 33 - textbook.
Pre: 28/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019

Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Natural disasters', listen for specific information about a natural disaster in a news
report then write a news report on a natural disaster.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronoun the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Writing: Write a news report on a natural disaster.
+ Listening: Listen for specific information about a natural disaster in a news report
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and how to prepare for a natural disaster.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Warning people about natural disasters. Expressing sympathy for people affected
natural disasters.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does C1- workbook page 21
- S2: Does D1 - workbook page 22
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting
- T asks Ss some questions related to the lesson
T: Have you ever had experienced about storm?
Ss: Yes, I have
T: When did you have experienced?
Ss: Last year
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 2: Listening
* Teaching new words: translation/ I. Listening
situation/ antonym. *New words:
- T: writes new words on the board. - to rage: nổi cơn dữ dội
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - extensive (a): rộng lớn
then the whole class. - particularly (adv): một cách đặc biệt
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - to weaken: làm yếu đi
* Checking: rub out and remember. - to issue: đưa ra, phát hành
- weather bureau (n): nha khí tượng
- coastal (adj): miền ven biển
Part 1- P33
- Remind Ss about listening for 1. Listen to the new report and correct
keywords in statements. the following statements.
- T plays the recording and Ss to Key:
correct the statements. 1. A typhoon hit Nghe An Province last
- Ss to correct the statements. night.
- T asks 2 Ss to write their answers on 2. Dozens of people were seriously
the board. injured in the storm.
- T plays the recording again for Ss to 3. There was extensive damage to
check the answers property, including homes and businesses,
- T corrects particularly in Cua Lo, a coastal town in
Nghe An.
4. The storm had already weakened when
Part 2- P33 rescue workers arrived in the area.
1. Transferring the learning task. 5. According to the weather bureau, heavy
- T asks Ss to read the questions. rain will continue over the next few days.
Then work in pairs to discuss the
missing information. 2. Listen again and complete the data
- Ask Ss to listen and complete the data chart.
chart. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1.winds
- T plays the recording twice and Ss fill 2. homeless
the gaps as they listen individually. 3. damage
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs 4. flood
before playing the recording a final 5. debris
time to allow pairs to check their 6. accommodation
3. Reporting the task result and
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing
the task.
- T checks the answers as a class.

Activity 2: Writing
- Ask Ss make notes about a natural II. Writing
disaster they or one of their family 3. Have you or one of your family
members a have experienced in the given members experienced a natural
table. disaster? Make notes about it in the
- Remind them that they do not have to table below. Alternatively, you can
write full sentences and they can use write about a natural disaster you
abbreviations. have read about.
-T asks Ss to share their notes with their
partners. Type of natural disaster
- T may ask some able Ss to read out their What is this disaster?
notes to the whole class. When and where did the
disaster occur?
What are the effects of
this disaster?
Part 4a- P33
- Set up the writing activity. What has been done to
- Ss can use the chart in 3 as a model for help the victims of the
their report. T may still need to provide disaster?
some help with the language necessary for
writing. 4a. Use your notes in 3 to write a
- Ask Ss to write a draft report first. Then new report.
have them write their final version in class
or at home, depending on time allowed. If
they write in class, they can also do it in
pairs or groups. T may display all or some
of the reports on the wall/ board and invite b. Swap news reports with a partner
other Ss to give comments. and revise each other’s drafts.
- Ss edit and revise their reports as
Part 4b- P33
- T call Ss to read their writing
- Ss to read their writing
- T correct the mistakes.

4. Consolidation.
- Ss remind main content that they have studied.
5. Homework.
- Do exercises: D2,3 ,E1-4 – page 23-24- workbook.
- Complete the writing on the notebook.
- Prepare: UNIT 9: Looking back + project/ p34 - textbook.
Pre: 28/ 02/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to recycle the language from the previous
sections. Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 9 by doing various
activities and exercises.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronoun the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Writing: Write down bad things that happened to you yesterday
+ Speaking: Respond to some expressions.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know something about natural disasters.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation
4. Ability needed:
- Communication, self study.
- Expressing sympathy for people affected natural disasters.
- Love the subject and know the importance of protecting our earth.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: Does D2- workbook page 22
- S2: Does E1- workbook page 24
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Revision
- T asks Ss to recall some natural disasters they’ve learnt and explain them in their
own words
- Ss brainstorm and recall them then give the explanation for each of them.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Vocabulary
Ex 1- P34 I. Vocabulary
- Ask Ss to work independently. 1. Match the words(1-6) to their
- Ss work independently to do the task. Then definitions (A-F).
they can check their answers with a partner Key:
before discussing the answers as a class. 1.C 2. F
- Asks them to check their answers with 3.D 4. B
partners 5. A 6.E
- Call on some Ss to work on the board
- T corrects 2. Use the words from the box in
Ex 2- P34 the correct form to complete the
- Have Ss work independently. Then they can sentences.
check their answers with a partner before Key:
discussing the answers as a class.
- Call on 2 Ss to work on the board 1. evacuated 2. put out
- T corrects then gives remarks 3. take 4. provided
5. scattered
Activity 2: Grammar
Ex 3- P34 II. Grammar
1. Transferring the learning task. 3. Decide which of the sentences can
- T ask Ss to read the requirement of the be changed to passive voice. Write
exercises then asks Ss some questions them down. Explain why two of them
concerning the task of ex. can not
- Ask Ss to decide which of the sentences Key:
can be changed to passive voice then 1. The tickets will be collected (by Mr
write them down. Explain why two of Smith).
them can not 2. A play was put on (by the students)
2. Doing the task. at the end of term.
- Ss work individually to do the task. 3. The sentence cannot be written in the
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. passive because its main verb is “is”
- T call on some Ss to write on the board not a transitive verb.
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 4. The message was taken (by Julie).
- Others remark. 5. The picture was painted by a local
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the artist.
task. 6. The sentence cannot be written in the
- T checks as a class. passive because its main verb arrive is
- Give the correct answers. not a transitive verb.
Ex 4- P34 4. Match the two parts to make
- Have Ss work independently. complete sentences.
- Then they can check their answers with Key:
a partner before discussing the answers as 1. d 2. f 3. a
a class. 4. b 5. c 6. e
- Ask Ss to read aloud the full sentences
to check
Ex 5a- P34 5 a. Imagine five bad things that
- First, ask Ss to work individually happen to you yesterday and write
writing down, or inventing five bad them down.
things that happened to them yesterday. Example:
Then allow them to share the sentences - Someone stole my bike.
with a partner. - My sister broke my computer.

- Ss do the task individually then share
with a partner.
Ex 5b- P34 b. Work in groups. Add times clauses
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Remind them to your sentences as the following
to add time clauses and use the past examples
perfect with their sentences. Then ask Remember to use the past perfect.
each student to take turns to say out their - When I woke up yesterday
sentences to the members of their group. morning, somebody had stolen
- T may go around to provide help. my bike.
- When I got home yesterday, my
sister had broken my computer.
Activity 3: Communication
Ex 6- P35 III. Communication
- First, model this activity with a more 6. Read the news headlines. In pairs,
able student. Then ask Ss to work in use the expressions from the box in
pairs, using the expressions from the box Getting started to respond to them
in GETTING STARTED to respond to the Finish! Now I can…
news headlines. - use the words and phrases for
- T may go around to provide help. different types of natural disasters.
- Call on some pairs to practise in front of - use the past perfect tense.
the class. - pronounce words ending in -logy and
Finished! -graphy with correct stress.
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. - talk about what to do before, during
Identify any difficulties and weak areas and after a natural disaster.
and provide further practice - write a news report on a natural
Activity 4: Production
IV. Project
Part 1- P35 A helping hand
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and use 1. There are activities aiming to
the phrases they have learnt in Unit 9 to provide aid for victims of natural
describe each picture. Then allow them to disasters. Write a phrase to describe
share answers before checking with the each picture.
whole class. Suggested key:
1. providing (food/ medical...) supplies
2. clearing up debris
3. freeing trapped people
4. setting up temporary accommodation
(for the victims of a disaster)
5. repairing houses/ buildings
Part 2- P35 6. evacuating the village/ town ... to a
- Ask Ss to work in groups discussing safe place/area
how to work out a plan to help the victims 2. Work in groups. Imagine you are
of a natural disaster for their teams. members of volunteer team who are
Remind them to write their plan on a going to provide aid for the victims of
large piece of paper. If there is enough a natural disaster. Work out a plan

time, T may let Ss complete the project In for your team.
class. Otherwise, Ss can complete the
project as homework if they need more
3. Share your plan with other groups.
Part 3- P35 Vote for the best plan.
- When Ss have finished their plans, T
asks them to display their plans on the
wall/ board. Have the groups move
around and read the plans and then vote
for the best plan.

4. Consolidation.
- Sum up the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare: REVIEW 3- (Language)/ p36 - Textbook.

Ngày 04 tháng 03 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


Pre: 04/ 03/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019
Period 76: REVIEW 3

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise the language they have studied and
the skills they have practiced from unit 7 to unit 9.
- Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 7 to unit 9.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words related to the theme “Our world”; stress
in words ending in “-ic, -al, -ese, -ee, -logy, -graphy”.
- Grammar: + Conditional sentences type 1, 2
+ Present tenses
+ Passive voice
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
- Speaking : Pronounce the sounds they’ve learnt, use everyday English fluently.
- Writing: Use the correct word forms, passive voice and past perfect to make
3. Attitude:
- Knowing the importance of revision and need to study harder
- To teach Ss to revise the language from unit 7 to unit 9 and practice with them.
- Ss participate actively in the lesson.
4. Ability needed:
- Communicative approach.
- Doing exercises on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and everyday English
related to the theme “Our world”
- Ss love the subject and be aware of revision to prepare well for the written test 3.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- In the classroom.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work, situations, translation, discussion, and examples.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbooks, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Teacher checks students’ homework.
- Collect some Ss’ writing to mark.
3. New lesson
A- warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills.
- Ss discuss in pairs to do the task.
- Summarize their answers in notes in atop corner of the board and add some more if
B- Presentation: (A- LANGUAGE)

Activity 1: Revising pronunciation
Part 1- P 36 I. Pronunciation.
- Review the rules of stress in words ending 1. Mark the stress on the correct
in -ic, -al, -ee, -ese, -logy, and -graphy with Ss syllables in the words. Then listen
as a class. and repeat.
- Have Ss then mark the stress Key:
independently. Nepa'lese ath'letic
- Play the recording. Ss listen and correct eco'nomic ge'ography
their answers. 'musical technology
- Confirm their answers. bi'ology 'physical
- Ss listen again and repeat, in chorus and pho'tography refe'ree
individually. Japa'nese exami'nee

Activity 2: Revising vocabulary

Part 2- P 36 II. Vocabulary
1. Transferring the learning task. 2. Complete each sentence
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the with the suitable form of the
exercises. word provided.
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss work individually to do the task. 1 predict
- Ss can then share their answers with a partner. 2. iconic
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. natural
- T call on some Ss to write on the board 4. culture
- Some Ss may write the answers on the board. 5. flooded
- Others remark. 6 polluted
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks their answers.
- Give the correct answers.
Part 3- P 36 3. Match the definitions with
- Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. their words.
- Ss do the exercise independently Key:
- Check Ss' answers and write the correct ones on 1. c 2. a 3. f
the board. 4. b 5.d 6.e
Activity 3: Revising grammar
Part 4- P 36 III. Grammar
- Revises the use of present tenses, 4. Choose the correct answer A, B, C
conditional, past perfect and passive voice. or D to complete the sentences.
- Have a brief revision if necessary. Key:
- Then have Ss do it individually. 1. A 2. B
- Ss exchange their answers and discuss if 3. C 4. A
there is any difference in their answers. 5. C 6. B
- T checks and explain each answer.
5. Use the verbs in brackets in the
Part 5- P 36 correct form to complete the

- Have Ss read and decide which type of conditional sentences.
conditional is used in each sentence. Key:
- Elicit their answers, then ask Ss to do this 1. get; will grow
exercise by using the correct form of the 2. was/ were; would not have to work
verbs in brackets to complete the 3. could choose; would go
conditional sentences independently. 4. don’t act, will lose
- Check and write the correct answers on 5. was/were , would be
the board. 6. used , would be
6. Choose the correct voice to
Part 6- P 36 complete sentences.
- Ask Ss to look at the subjects and the Key:
verbs to decide if an active or a passive is 1. have been sent
needed. 2. organised
- Have them do the exercise in pairs. 3. is made up
- Ss do the task in pairs. 4. is caused
- Check and write the correct answers on 5. was chosen
the board. 6. have replaced

Activity 4: Revising everyday English

Part 8- P 69 IV. Everyday English
- Ask Ss to do this exercise in pairs. 7. Match the sentences in A with
- Ss do the task in pairs. replies in B.
- After checking their answers, ask some Key:
pairs to act out the mini dialogues. 1. e 2. a
- Some pairs of Ss practice acting out the 3.g 4. b
the mini dialogues. 5. d 6. f
- T corrects Ss’ mistakes if necessary.

4. Consolidation
- Correct the exercises if necessary.
5. Homework
- Prepare REVIEW 3: SKILLS/ p37- in textbook.
- Do the test yourself/ p 25- 28 in workbook.

Pre: 06/ 03/ 2019

Te: ...../ 03/ 2019
Period 77- REVIEW 3 (Cont)

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise the language they have studied and
the skills they have practiced from unit 7 to unit 9. Do some exercises about four
- Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 7 to unit 9.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words related to the theme “Our world.
- Grammar: + Conditional sentences type 1, 2
+ Present tenses
+ Passive voice
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: Choose one of the topics and talk about it.
- Writing: Write a passage about “ fight pollution day” to introduce to your friends
and would like him/her to participate.
- Listening: Listen to the conversation between Nguyen and Phong and complete the
- Reading: Read the passage and know some information about Hurricane Katrina.
3. Attitude:
3. Attitude:
- Knowing the importance of revision and need to study harder
- Ss participate actively in the lesson.
4. Ability needed:
- Communicative approach.
- Doing exercises on reading, speaking, writing and listening.
- Ss love the subject and be aware of revision to prepare well for the written test 3.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- In the classroom.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work, situations, translation, discussion, and examples.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbooks, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson
3. New lesson
A- warm- up: *Chatting:
T : have you ever read a natural disaster?
S: Yes, I have
Where did it appeared?
S: It appeared….
T: What happened?

S: ……
B- Presentation: (B- SKILLS)
Activity 1: Teaching reading
Part 1- P 37 I- Reading.
1. Transferring the learning task. 1. Read the text and
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the exercises. choose the correct answer
- T asks Ss to read the text about hurricane Katrina A,B,C or D for each
and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. question.
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. 1.B 2. D
- T goes around and helps if any. 3. A 4. B
- Ss compare their answers with a partner before 5.C
giving them to T.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- T call on some Ss to give their own answers
- Have Ss explain where they got the answers from in
the text.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks Ss’ answers then gives feedback.
Activity 2: Teaching speaking
II- Speaking
Part 2- P 37 2. Work in pairs. Choose one of the
- The focus of this speaking exercise is on topics and make a short conversation.
fluency. Topic:
- Let Ss work in pairs to choose their 1- A place in English speaking
topic and think about their questions and countries you would like to visit.
answers. Remind them to use expressions 2- An English speaking country which
they have learnt from the conversations in has a close relationship with Viet Nam.
GETTING STARTED to respond in a natural 3- A type of disaster which frequently
way to what they hear. attacks your area.
- Ss then practise between themselves. 4- A type of natural disaster which
- Ss in pairs act out their conversations in threatens areas along the coast
front of the class. 5- A human activity which increases
Activity 3: Teaching listening
Part 3- P 69 III- Listening
- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully first. 3. Listen to Nguyen talking
- T then plays the recording. Ss listen and decide if with his friends Phong,
the statements are true or false. who has just come back
- Write Ss' answers on the board. Don't confirm their from a visit to Singapore
answers at this stage. Have Ss listen again and check and decide if the
their own answers statements are true (T) or
- Correct their answers. false (F).
Audio script:

Nguyen: Is Singapore really as clean as it's Key:
advertised? 1.T 2. T
Phong: Yes, it is. 3.F 4. F
Nguyen: How can they do that? 5. F 6.T
Phong: They have a very strict policy on keeping the
environment clean. Before we started our tour, the
tour guide warned US that we could be fined or
arrested for spitting or littering.
Nguyen: But how would they know?
Phong: There are hundreds of officers in plain
clothes. Their job is to blend into the crowd and spot
anyone who breaks the law.
Nguyen: What would happen if you did break the
Activity 4: Teaching writing
Part 4- P 69 IV- Writing
- First, have Ss read to understand the 4. The school is organising FIGHT
schedule of the Fight Pollution Day. POLLUTION DAY to raise Ss’
- They then choose the activity they would awareness of the dangers of
like their friend to participate in and write pollution. Choose one activity you
to him/ her to introduce it. would like your friend to participate
- Remind Ss that they can use the present in and write to him or her
simple to talk about practical aspects of an introducing it.
event in the future.
- T can call on a student to write his/ her Example:
letter on the board. The event takes place on Saturday, 4
- Other Ss and T comment on it. April.
- Ss then refer back to their own work and The event starts at 8.30 and finishes at
see if they want to make any changes. 12.00.
- Collect some work to correct at home. We pick up trash and sort it for recycling.

4. Consolidation
- Correct the ex. if necessary.
5. Homework
- Do exercises in workbooks.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Written test 3.

Pre: 09/ 03/ 2019

Te: ...../ 03/ 2019
Period 78: WRITTEN TEST 3

I. Objectives.
1. Knowledge:
- To test Ss’ knowledge in the three units 7- 9 to know how progressive the Ss are
and find out their strength and weakness of learning English so that teacher can give
them more suitable method of teaching.
- Vocabulary: related to the theme “Our World”:
- Phonetics: The words related to the theme “Our world”; stress in words ending in
“-ic, -al, -ese, -ee, -logy, -graphy”.
- Grammar: + Conditional sentences type 1, 2
+ Present tenses
+ Passive voice
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
- To check Ss’ listening, reading and writing skills.
3. Attitude:
- Teach Ss to be strict and honest.
4. Ability needed:
- Being able to do the exercises well.
- Ss love the subject and be aware of revising to do well for the test.
II. Teaching methods and techniques.
- Written test.
III. Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: test papers.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: No.
IV. Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Check the preparation of Ss.
3. New lesson
A- Matrix:

B- Questions:
NO 1:
A. LISTENING ( 1,5 pts)
I. Listen and fill in each blank the word given in the box as you hear. (1,5pt)

mudslide struck volcano raged earthquake

1. Yesterday, a terrible storm  ......................... the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
2. Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the ....................... erupted.
3. Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the ............ shook the city.
4. The ......... buried the whole village while people were still sleeping in their houses.
5. The forest fire ......... for eight hours and some animals were badly injured or killed.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0,5 pts)
1. A. pollution B. tsunami C. unique D. absolutely
2. A. disaster B. desert C. landscape D. cause
II. Find the word which has a different main stress. (0,5 pts)
1. A. examinee B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation
2. A. classical B. poisonous C. logical D. electrician
III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences. (2,0pts)
1. Skin disorders happens .....................radioactive pollution.
A. because B. due to C. since D. so
2. If you ............... the president, what would you do to help the environment?
A. are B. had been C. were D. will be
3. The heavy rain has caused .................. in many parts of the country.
A. storms B. floods C. drought D. snowstorm
4. "Absolutely!" is used to say that
A. you don't agree with someone.
B. you and someone don't agree.
C. you completely agree with someone.
D. you and someone agree with each other.
5. Like the kangaroo and koala, the platypus is a ....................... animal in Australia.
A. scenic B. tailless C. foreign D. unique
6. There was a big typhoon in my area. It caused extensive damage to our ..........
A. property B. furniture C. wealth D. savings
7. By the time we got to the cinema, the film ................
A. started B. had started C. starting D. was started
8. The flight number 781 to Melbourne .................. at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
A. arrives B. is arriving C. has arrived D. will arrive
IV. Find and circle one mistake (A, B, C, or D ) in each sentence. (0,5 pt)
1. We have decided to cancel our picnic because of it's forecast to rain tomorrow
2. Many seabirds were  dead because the oil spill.
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (1,0 pt)
1. After Nick (do) ............................ his homework, he went to bed last night.
2. If people travel to work by bus, there (be) ............................... fewer car fumes.
3. (the film / start) ............................................... at 3:30 or 4:30? - At 4:30.
4. English (not speak) ....................................... in every country.
C. READING. (2,5pts)
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. (1,25pts)
Light pollution is not as serious as water or air pollution. Moreover, it is the
type of pollution that (1) .............. more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we

could sit out at night and gaze at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in
the outer space. Nowadays, cities are covered with lights from buildings, streets,
advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky and into many
unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (2) apply light to almost
everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (3) produce the power
to light the sky. Eye strain, loss of vision and stress are what people may get from
light pollution. (4) ................... can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that
help us (5) …………… things properly.
1. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred
2. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful
3. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used
4. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many
5. A. to see B. seeing C. is seen D. saw
II. Read the passage and answer the questions: (1,25pts)
Super Typhoon Haiyan
Super Typhoon Haiyan is one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever observed.
It ripped through the Philippines, and the destruction across the islands was disastrous
and widespread. Houses and buildings were leveled by the storm’s powerful winds.
Trees fell down and neighborhoods were under flood water. About 9.5 million people
have been affected by the typhoon. Typhoon Haiyan weakened to a tropical storm,
but at least five people died in Vietnam when Haiyan hit the country. Recovery from
the monster typhoon, locally known as Yolanda, would be long and difficult.
1. What is Super Typhoon Haiyan considered?
2. How was the destruction in the Philippines caused by Typhoon Haiyan?
3. How many people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan?
4. How was the recovery from the typhoon?
5. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words without changing its meaning (1,5pt).
1. They had repaired their house before the typhoon came.
-> Their house ............................................................................................................
2. This factory doesn't treat its waste well, so there is a lot of water pollution.
-> If .............................................................................................................................
3. Tornadoes can move objects as big as a car.
-> Objects………………………………………………………..…………….……..
4. They provided food then cleared up the debris.
-> After ………………………………………………………………………..…….
5. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.
-> The victims ……………………………………………………………………….
6. People throw rubbish in the street, so it doesn’t look attractive.
-> If people ………………………………………………………………………….
NO 2:
A. LISTENING ( 1,5 pts)
I. Listen and fill in each blank the word given in the box as you hear. (1,5pt)

mudslide struck volcano raged earthquake

1. Yesterday, a terrible storm  ......................... the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
2. Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the ....................... erupted.
3. Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the ............ shook the city.
4. The ......... buried the whole village while people were still sleeping in their houses.
5. The forest fire ......... for eight hours and some animals were badly injured or killed.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0,5 pts)
1. A. ghost B. tornado C. volcano D. loch
2. A. pollution B. puzzle C. dump D. dust
II. Find the word which has a different main stress. (0,5 pts)
1. A. dramatic B. tornado C. historic D. injury
2. A. national B. physical C. arrival D. natural
III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences. (2,0pts)
1. The heavy rain has caused .................. in many parts of the country.
A. storms B. floods C. drought D. snowstorm
2. The air has been polluted ........................... emissions from car engines.
A. since B. because C. because of D. due of
3. There was a big typhoon in my area. It caused extensive damage to our ..........
A. property B. furniture C. wealth D. savings
4. By the time we got to the cinema, the film ................
A. started B. had started C. starting D. was started
5. "It's hard to say" is used when you ..............
A. can't say a word.
B. want to say something hard
C. find it hard to say yes.
D. find it hard to express your opinion on something.
6. If I go shopping, I ………some food.
A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. would have bought
7. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global.................
A. warm B. warming C. warmly D. warmth
8. The flight number 781 to Melbourne .................. at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
A. arrives B. is arriving C. has arrived D. will arrive
IV. Find and circle one mistake (A, B, C, or D ) in each sentence. (0,5 pt)
1. If I known Alice’s address, I would write to her.
2. Water from power stations may cause water in rivers and lakes hotter.
V. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (1,0 pt)
1. My shoes (repair) ................................................. very quickly yesterday.
2. (the film / start) ............................................... at 3:30 or 4:30? - At 4:30.
3. By the time I got to Nick’s house, his party (already/ start) .....................................
4. Would you go to his party if today (be) ....................................... Sunday?
C. READING. (2,5pts)
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. (1,25pts)
Light pollution is not as serious as water or air pollution. Moreover, it is the
type of pollution that (1) .............. more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we

could sit out at night and gaze at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in
the outer space. Nowadays, cities are covered with lights from buildings, streets,
advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky and into many
unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (2) apply light to almost
everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (3) produce the power
to light the sky. Eye strain, loss of vision and stress are what people may get from
light pollution. (4) ................... can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that
help us (5) …………… things properly.
1. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred
2. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful
3. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used
4. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many
5. A. to see B. seeing C. is seen D. saw
II. Read the passage and answer the questions: (1,25pts)
Super Typhoon Haiyan
Super Typhoon Haiyan is one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever observed.
It ripped through the Philippines, and the destruction across the islands was disastrous
and widespread. Houses and buildings were leveled by the storm’s powerful winds.
Trees fell down and neighborhoods were under flood water. About 9.5 million people
have been affected by the typhoon. Typhoon Haiyan weakened to a tropical storm,
but at least five people died in Vietnam when Haiyan hit the country. Recovery from
the monster typhoon, locally known as Yolanda, would be long and difficult.
1. What is Super Typhoon Haiyan considered?
2. How was the destruction in the Philippines caused by Typhoon Haiyan?
3. How many people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan?
4. How was the recovery from the typhoon?
5. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words without changing its meaning (1,5pt).
1. I’m not you, but I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags.
-> If ………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Tornadoes can move objects as big as a car.
-> Objects………………………………………………………..…………….……..
3. They provided food then cleared up the debris.
-> After ………………………………………………………………………..…….
4. They had repaired their house before the typhoon came.
-> Their house ............................................................................................................
5. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.
-> The victims ……………………………………………………………………….
6. This factory doesn't treat its waste well, so there is a lot of water pollution.
-> If ………………………………………………………………………………….


A. LISTENING ( 2,0 pts)
I. Listen and choose the correct answers to complete the passage. (2,0 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 8 = 2,0 ®iÓm

1. struck 2. volcano 3. earthquake 4. mudslide 5. raged
1. Yesterday, a terrible storm stuck the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
2. Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the volcano erupted.
3. Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the earthquake shook the
4. The mudslide buried the whole village while people were still sleeping in their
5. The forest fire raged for eight hours and some animals were badly injured or
We managed to run out of the house into the street before the walls collapsed.
I. Choose the word which has underlined part pronounced differently from others.
(0,5pt) Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- C 2- C
NO 2: 1- D 2- A
II. Find the word which has a different main stress. (0,5 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- A 2- D
NO 2: 1- D 2- C
III. Choose the best answer. (2,0 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 8 = 2,0 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- B 2- C 3- B 4- C
5- D 6- A 7- B 8- A
NO 2: 1- B 2- C 3- A 4- B
5- D 6- B 7- B 8- A
IV. Find and circle one mistake (A, B, C, or D ) in each sentence. (0,5 pt)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- C 2- C
NO 2: 1- A 2- C
V. Give the correct form of the verb in bracket. (1,0pt)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 4 = 1,0 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- had done 2- will be
3- Does the film start 4- isn’t spoken
NO 2: 1- were repaired 2- Does the film start
3- had already started 4- were/ was
C. READING. (2,5pts)
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers. (1,25pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
1- C 2- D 3- A 4- D 5- B
II. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. (1,25 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
1, Super Typhoon Haiyan/ It is one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever observed
2, The destruction across the islands was disastrous and widespread.
3, About 9.5 million (people have been affected by the typhoon).
4, It would be long and difficult.
5, Ss’ answers (Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t).
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words that unchange its meaning (1,50pt).
Mçi câu ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 6 = 1,5 ®iÓm
NO 1:
1. Their house had been repaired before the typhoon came.
2. If this factory treated its waste well, there weren’t/ wasn’t a lot of water pollution.
3. Objects as big as a car canbe moved by tornadoes.
4. After they had provided food, they cleared up the debris.
5. The victims have been provided with food and clothing.
6. If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive.
NO 2:
1. If I were/ was you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags.
2. Objects as big as a car canbe moved by tornadoes.
3. After they had provided food, they cleared up the debris.
4. Their house had been repaired before the typhoon came.
5. The victims have been provided with food and clothing.
6. If this factory treated its waste well, there weren’t/ wasn’t a lot of water pollution.
4. Consolidation.
- Collect Ss’ papers and remark if any.
5. Homework.
- Prepare for next period: Unit 10- Getting started & Listen and read.

Ngày 11 tháng 03 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


WEEK 28:
Pre: 13/ 03/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use lexical items related to the topic
‘Communication’, have some information about ways of communication.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Communication”: oversleep,
communicate, kid, succeed in, make a joke,…
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future continuous (review)
+ V + to- infinitive.
2. Skills:
- Listening: listening to the dialogue and complete the exercises
- Speaking: talking about ways of communication.
- Reading: read the conversation and answer the questions.
- Writing: complete the gaps with the correct form of words or phrases.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know the means of communication.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition.
- Communication, self study.
- The ability to use English: talking about means of communication in the future
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Brainstorming:
- T brings a mobile phone into the class. Elicit the phone’s functions from Ss and
write them on the board.
- T discusses with Ss which functions are helpful for communicating, and which
functions are not. Ask Ss to explain their choice.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation

Activity 1: Presentation
* Teaching vocabulary: I. Vocabulary
- Elicit some new words from the - to communicate: giao tiếp
pictures and situations, realias ….. communication (n): sự giao tiếp
- T reads new words for Ss listening. - to oversleep: ngủ quá giấc
- T writes new words on the board. - to kid: đùa giỡn, trêu chọc
- Ss listen and repeat in individual - to succeed in doing st: thành công làm gì
first then the whole class. - to make a joke: nói đùa
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words - to wish + S +V-ed: ước muốn làm việc gì
again. đó ở hiện tại.
- Checking vocab: slap the board. Eg: I’m short. I wish I was/were talller.

Activity 2: Practice
- Ask Ss to open their books and look at the II. Practice.
pictures and brainstorm questions. Questions 1. Listen and read.
may include:
+ What do you think Phuc and Nick are talking
about on the phone?
+Where are Mai and Phuc in the first picture?
+ What are they doing there?
+ Where is Nick in the second picture? What
is he doing there?
+What is it in the third picture? What does it
+What is a possible connection between
pictures 1, 2 and 3?
- Tell Ss they are going to listen to the
conversation between Phuc and Nick. Play the
recording. Elicit the connection between the
Part 1a- P 39 a. Find words or phrases in the
- Tell Ss they can uncover the text. Play the conversation that mean:
recording again. Key:
- Have Ss work individually then in pairs to 1. wait for ages
find the words/ phrases. 2. show up
- Ss work individually then in pairs to find the 3. get through
words / phrases. 4. ‘My battery was flat.’
5. ‘Are you kidding?’
Part 1b- P 39 6. ‘We can try again.’
1. Transferring the learning task.
- Ask Ss to decide if the sentences are true or
false individually
2. Doing the task.
- Ss work individually to do the task.
- Have Ss work individually then in pairs to b. Decide if the statements are
compare answers with each other. true (T) or false (F).
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. Key:

- T call on some Ss to write on the board 1.T 2.T
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 3 F (Nick was waiting outside
- Others remark. the wrong cinema.)
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. 4.T 5.T 6. T
- T checks as a class.
- Correct the task as a class and encourage
Ss to explain for both T and F options. c. Why couldn’t Phuc, Mai and
Part 1c- P 39 Nick see the film together as was
- Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four and their plan? What was the
discuss the questions. problem? Was it only because of
- Ss work in pairs to complete this task. After Nick’s mobile phone?
they have finished, go through each item as a Key:
whole class .
They couldn't see the film together
- Ask Ss to further explain the meaning of the
because Nick went to the wrong
words/ phrases in the box, and / or how they
cinema. They didn't communicate
clearly the name and address of
- Allow Ss to use Vietnamese if necessary.
the cinema beforehand. Then they
were not able to contact each other
because the battery of Nick's
mobile phone was flat.
2. Match the words/phrases with
the photos about ways of
communication. Then listen to
Part 2- P 39 check your answers.
- Ss work in pairs to complete this task. Key:
After they have finished, go through each 1. having a video conference
item as a whole class. 2. emailing
- Ask Ss to further explain the meaning of 3. video chatting
the words/ phrases in the box, and/or how 4. meeting face-to-face (F2F)
they work. Allow Ss to use Vietnamese if 5. using social media
necessary. 6. using telepathy
- If there is time, ask Ss to work in pairs to tell sending letters (snail mail)
each other if they have ever used these ways of 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct
communication. form of the words/phrases from
the box in 2.
Part 3- P 39 Key:
- Draw Ss' attention to the words/ phrases from 1. Using social media
the word box in 2 again. 2. meet face-to-face
- Tell them to do this task by first underlining 3. emailing; sending letters/ snail
the cues in each item. mail
- Remind Ss to consider the part of speech of 4. Using telepathy
the missing words (where applicable). Explain 5. video chatting
the Look out! box. 6. have a video conference

Activity 3: Production

Part 4- P 39 III. Further practice
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Set a time limit and ask Ss 4. Game.
to write down as many different ways they have In groups, brainstorm
communicated so far today as they can. The person all the different ways
with the most ideas is the winner. you have communicated
- Ss work in groups to write down as many different so far today. The person
ways they have communicated so far today as they can. with the most ideas is
- Collect Ss’ answers then correct if any. the winner.

4. Consolidation.
- Let Ss talk about some information about the ways of communication
5. Homework.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Read the conversation again.
- Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese.
- Prepare: UNIT 10: A CLOSER LOOK 1/ Page 40- textbook.
Pre: 14/ 03/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce the words ending in -ity and
-itive correctly in isolation and in context, use lexical items related to the topic
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Communication”: non-verbal,
code, body language, multimedia, visible, transmission,…
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words ending -ity and -itive in isolation and in
context correctly.
- Grammar: + Future continuous (review)
+ V + to- infinitive.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: talk about means of communication
- Writing: Look at the pictures and use the words to describe the photos about ways
of communication.
- Listening: Listen to the tape and put the stress in words ending -ity and -itive
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know the means of communication.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition and have good communication skill.
- Communication, self study.

- The ability to use English: talking about means of communication in the future
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: answers the questions about the text.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to talk about some kinds of communication they often use.
- Ss work in whole class and say aloud in turn.
- T collects Ss’ answers then gives feedback.
Example: social media, email, video chatting, leaving a note, …
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
I. Vocabulary
* Teaching some new words: *New words
- T reads new words for Ss listening. - non-verbal (adj) : không bằng lời
- T writes new words on the board. - code (n): mật mã, mật khẩu
- Ss listen and repeat in individual first - body language: ngôn ngữ cơ thể
then the whole class.
- multimedia (n): đa phương tiện, đa
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
truyền thông
* Checking: rub out and remember.
- visible (a): rõ ràng, có thể thấy được
Part 1– P40 - transmission (n): sự truyền tải (âm
1. Transferring the learning task. thanh/hình)
- Ask Ss to work individually first then 1. Choose words/ phrases from the box
in pairs to choose words/ phrases from to describe the photos about other ways
the box to describe the photos about of communication.
other ways of communication.
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss work individually to do the task. 1. using music
- Have Ss work individually then in 2. using signs
pairs to compare answers with each 3. leaving a note
other. 4. painting a picture
- Encourage them to describe how the 5. communicating non-verbally with
communication happens in each picture. animals
3. Reporting the task result and 6. using codes
discuss. 7. sending flowers
- T call on some Ss to say out their 8. using body language
answers on the board
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
2. Communication technology. Match
the words with the definitions.
- T checks as a class.
Part 2– P40
l. d 2. e
- T prepares some photos of technology
3. b 4. c 5. a
Some useful websites (for learning and
If you have a computer connected to the
teaching English):
internet in the classroom, go online and
Chat room:
show Ss an example of how theseư
communication channels work,
especially a chat room and a message
- T asks Ss to work individually or in
pairs to complete the exercise. Message board:
- Have Ss share with Ss some of their
experiences using these technologies
- Ss then work individually or in pairs splay.php?f=6
to complete the exercise. Similar to
exercise 1, after giving corrections,! T forum/forums/3-Learning-English
can share with Ss some of their own
experiences of using these
Part 3– P40 3. Complete the diagram with the
- T asks Ss to work in groups discuss communication examples you have
and write down their ideas. learnt so far. Some can be put in more
- T encourages Ss to think of all than on category. Can you add more
communication forms they have learnt, ideas.
or the ones they know, and put them in
the correct categories
Part 4– P40
4. Debate. Choose one or more pairs of
- T divides class into 2 teams complete
ways of communicating. Which one is
with each other. Each team is assigned
better? Why?
one form of communication. The rest of
the class will be the audience. The two
competing teams have to try every way
possible to convince the audience their
communication form is better. Then the
audience will decide which team is
- Ss work in 2 teams to do the task

- T observes and gives help if any.
Activity 2: Teaching pronunciation
Ask Ss to cover the pronunciation II. Pronunciation
box. Write the words ‘opportunity’ Stress in words ending in -ity and
and ‘positive’ on the board. Ask Ss to -itive
read them aloud and try to identify
which syllable is stressed. Find two
more words ending with the suffixes
-ity and -itive. Ask Ss to say them
aloud. Then elicit the pronunciation
rule with the class. Have Ss read the
pronunciation box and check if their 5. Mark the stress for the following
rule is correct. words, then listen and repeat.
Part 5– P41 Key:
- Ss work individually then in pairs to 1. competitive 2- in'finitive
compare their answers. 3. repetitive 4. positive
- Tell Ss to mark the word stress. Play 5. a’bility 6. possibility
the recording and have Ss check the 7.curi'osity 8. nationality
- Have Ss practise these words. 6. Fill the gaps with the words in 5 and
Part 6– P41 practise saying the sentences. Then
- Ss work individually then compare the listen and check.
answers with their partners. Key:
- Play the recording for Ss to check. 1. nationality
Allow them plenty of time to practise 2. repetitive
these sentences with correct stress. 3. competitive
- If time allows, ask Ss to make their 4. possibility
own sentences with these words and 5. ability
read them aloud to their partners.

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the new words
- Do ex A1, A2 , B1,2 (P. 29-30) - workbook
- Prepare UNIT 10: A CLOSER LOOK 2/ P 41- 42 textbook

Pre: 16/ 03/ 2019

Te: ...../ 03/ 2019
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I/ Objectives

1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use lexical items related to the topic
‘Communication', use some verbs that are followed by fo-infinitive and review the
future continuous tense.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Communication”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future continuous (review)
+ V + to- infinitive.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: tell your partner what you will be doing at the points of time in the future.
- Writing: complete the sentences using the future continuous tense and some verbs
that are followed by to-infinitive
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have good communication skill.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition and have good communication skill.
- Communication, self study.
- The ability to use English: Ss will be active while practising doing exercises about
means of communication in the future
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: goes to the board to mark the main stress of some words.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting: Review simple future tense
- Ask Ss some questions about the simple future tense.
What are you doing?
Where will you be doing at this time tomorrow?
What means of communication will we be communicating with in the future ?
B. Presentation
Activity 1: The future continuous tense
Part 1- P 41 I. The future continuous tense:

- Remind Ss of the conversation in Review
GETTING STARTED: how Phuc, Mai 1. Listen again to part of the
and Nick planned to see a film together conversation in Getting Started.
but Nick went to the wrong cinema and Underlined the future continuous
they were not able to contact each tense and answer the questions.
other. Ask Ss what Phuc and Nick Key:
decided on the phone about how they
would try it again this Sunday 1. He will be having his Vietnamese
afternoon. class.
- Write ‘2.30 p.m. show’ and ‘4.15 2.They will be watching a film at the
p.m. show’ on the board. Ask Ss if they cinema.
remember which show Phuc and Nick => expressing an action in progress at
chose and why. a definite point of time in the future .
- Play the recording and ask Ss to answer (+) S + will be + V-ing
the two questions. (-) S + will not be + V-ing
- Then draw Ss' attention to the Review (?) Will + S + be + V-ing ?
box. Write different times of the day on Note 1: The future continuous often
the board (e.g. 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m., company with a definite point of time
etc.) and ask Ss to work in pairs to tell in the future (Adverbs of time ) such
each other what they will be doing at as:
these times tomorrow. On Sunday next week ,
At 8.00 tomorrow morning
Part 2- P 41 This time next summer
1. Transferring the learning task. By 2020 ,……………
- Draw Ss' attention to the Look out! box. 2. Complete the sentences with the
Then ask them to underline the specific future continuous tense
time expression in each item. Key:
- Ask Ss to work individually then in 1. will he be still sleeping
pairs to complete the sentences 2. will be having
2. Doing the task. 3. will be eating
- Ss work individually then in pairs to
4. will she be staying
compare their answers.
- Have Ss work individually then in 5. will be playing
pairs to compare answers with each 6. will be learning
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- T call on some Ss to give out their
answers on the board
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks as a class.
Part 3- P 42 3. Look at the yeas provided. Work in
- Have Ss work in groups to decide which group to predict when the following
year to put in the gaps. Then go through may happen in the future. Then

each sentence with Ss, asking each group compare your answers with other
to call out their choice. If there is any group.
difference in the answers among the
groups, ask them for an explanation for
their particular choice.
- Ss work in groups to decide which year
to put in the gaps.

Activity 2: Verb + to-infinitive

Part 4- P 42 II. Verb + to-infinitive
- Have Ss work individually to 4. Look at the conversation in Getting
complete the task. Write on the board Started again and write down all the
- Ss work individually to complete verbs that are followed by to-infinitive
I also wanted to call you -> want to that you can find.
do something
- Tell Ss to look out box
- Verbs of thinking: choose, decide,
- T provides the list of common verbs
followed by to–infinitive.
- Asks Ss if they know any other verbs - Verbs of feeling: love, hate, prefer...
that are followed by to –infinitive - Other verbs: try, want, meet.....
- Remind Ss that some verbs such as Eg:
love, hate, prefer can be followed a - They want to see him next Sunday.
gerund or to-infinitive without - They decided to buy this house.
significant change in meaning.
- If time allows, ask Ss to practice
marking sentences with these verbs.
5. Choose the best answer.
Part 5- P 42
- Ask Ss to choose the best answer for
1.c 2. b
each sentence.
3. a 4.c
- Ss work individually then in pairs to
5. a
compare their answers.
- T checks Ss answers then gives the
correct answer.
6. The Dream list. Imagine you are in
Part 6- P 42
the year 2050. Work in pairs and select
- Remind Ss of the different ways of
three ways communication that you
communicating from the beginning of
think will be most common. Then make
the unit. Draw their attention to the
the list longer by sharing your ideas with
time expression ( year 2050) and ask
another pair using full sentences.
them which verb tense should be used.
- Give an example if necessary.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs and share
-We’ll be using video conferencing in
their idea with other pairs to make ‘a
every meeting.
dream list’
-We’ll be using telepathy devices
- Call on Ss to talk in class
- Remind them to use full sentences
-We’ll be using the interactive signs

4. Consolidation.
- Ask Ss summarize the lesson: future continuous tense and Verb + to-infinitive
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the structures + new words.
- Do exercises B3, B4, B5,6- page 30- 31- workbbok.
- Prepare UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION/ page 43- textbook.

Ngày 18 tháng 03 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


Pre: 19 / 03 / 2019.
Te: ....../ 03 / 2019.

I/ Objectives.

1. Knowledge:
- After the lesson, Ss will be able to read the test again and find out their mistakes and
correct themselves and T can evaluate Ss’ knowledge.
- Vocabulary: Words related to the themes: Our world.
- Phonetics: The ways to pronounce the words in the lesson, stress in words ending in
-ic, -al, -ese, -ee, -logy, -graphy.
- Grammar: + Conditional sentences type 1, 2 + Present tenses
+ Passive voice + Past perfect.
2. Skills:
- To check Ss’ language focus, reading and writing skills.
3. Attitude:
- Teach Ss to be strict and honest.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- Being able to do the exercises well.
- Ss love the subject and be aware of the mistakes they made then correct them and
study harder.
II/ Preparations.
1. Teacher’s: - Materials: Paper tests.
- Equipment: sub - board.
2. Students’: No.
III/ Teaching process.
1- Class Organization
- Attendance: 8A: ...../ 30 - Absence: ...............................................................................
8B: ...../ 32 …...........................................................................
8C: ...../ 29 …...........................................................................
2- Oral test
- During the lesson.
3- New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions about ways of communication
B. Presentation:
* Give the paper test 1. Test correction
back and correct the test. A. LISTENING ( 2,0 pts)
I. Listen and choose the correct answers to complete
- Ask Ss to give the the passage. (2,0 pts)
answers for the questions. Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 8 = 2,0 ®iÓm
1. struck 2. volcano 3. earthquake
4. mudslide 5. raged
- Ss give the answers in 1. Yesterday, a terrible storm stuck the rural area of
turn. Ha Giang Province.
2. Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the
volcano erupted.
3. Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed
- T: explains if it is when the earthquake shook the city.

necessary. 4. The mudslide buried the whole village while people
were still sleeping in their houses.
5. The forest fire raged for eight hours and some
animals were badly injured or killed.
We managed to run out of the house into the street
- Ask Ss to give the before the walls collapsed.
answers for the questions. B. LANGUAGE FOCUS (4,0pts)
I. Choose the word which has underlined part
- Ss give the answers in pronounced differently from others. (0,5pt)
turn. Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- C 2- C
NO 2: 1- D 2- A
- T: explains if it is II. Find the word which has a different main stress.
necessary. (0,5 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- A 2- D
- Ask Ss to give the NO 2: 1- D 2- C
answers for the questions. III. Choose the best answer. (2,0 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 8 = 2,0 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- B 2- C 3- B 4- C
- Ss write the answers on 5- D 6- A 7- B 8- A
the board in turn. NO 2: 1- B 2- C 3- A 4- B
5- D 6- B 7- B 8- A
IV. Find and circle one mistake (A, B, C, or D ) in
each sentence. (0,5 pt)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
- T: explains if it is NO 1: 1- C 2- C
necessary. NO 2: 1- A 2- C
V. Give the correct form of the verb in bracket.
- Ask Ss to give the Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 4 = 1,0 ®iÓm
answers for the questions. NO 1: 1- had done 2- will be
3- Does the film start 4- isn’t spoken
NO 2: 1- were repaired 2- Does the film start
3- had already started 4- were/ was
- Ss give the answers in C. READING. (2,5pts)
turn. I. Read the following passage and choose the correct
answers. (1,25pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
1- C 2- D 3- A
- T: explains if it is 4- D 5- B
necessary. II. Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
(1,25 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
1, Super Typhoon Haiyan/ It is one of the strongest
- Ask Ss to give the tropical cyclones ever observed

answers for the questions. 2, The destruction across the islands was disastrous
and widespread.
3, About 9.5 million (people have been affected by
the typhoon).
- Ss give the answers in 4, It would be long and difficult.
turn. 5, Ss’ answers (Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t).
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words that
- T: explains if it is unchange its meaning (1,50pt).
necessary. Mçi câu ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 6 = 1,5 ®iÓm
NO 1:
1. Their house had been repaired before the typhoon
- Ask Ss to give the 2. If this factory treated its waste well, there weren’t/
answers for the questions. wasn’t a lot of water pollution.
3. Objects as big as a car canbe moved by tornadoes.
4. After they had provided food, they cleared up the
5. The victims have been provided with food and
- Ss write the answers on clothing.
the board in turn. 6. If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would
look attractive.
NO 2:
- T: explains if it is 1. If I were/ was you, I would recycle these plastic
necessary. carrier bags.
2. Objects as big as a car canbe moved by tornadoes.
3. After they had provided food, they cleared up the
4. Their house had been repaired before the typhoon
* Give the general 5. The victims have been provided with food and
remarks clothing.
- T gives general remarks 6. If this factory treated its waste well, there weren’t/
of good and bad points. wasn’t a lot of water pollution.
- T gives compliments to 2. Remark
the excellent students and *The result.
points out the limits of - Class 8A:…./ 30 from 5
some week Ss. 8B:…./ 32
- T collects Ss’ marks 8C:…./ 29

4. Consolidation
- Retell the main content of the lesson: new words and grammar from unit 1 to unit 6
5. Homework
- Review all grammar and new words.
- Prepare: Unit 10: Communication / Page 43- Textbook.

Pre: 20/ 03/ 2019
Te: ...../ 03/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘communication’ and talk about communication now and in the future
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Communication”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future continuous (review)
+ V + to- infinitive.
2. Skills:
- Reading: Read the reasons for communication breakdown.
- Speaking: tell your partner what reasons for the communication breakdown and
match the body language with the meaning.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have good communication skill.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition and have good communication skill.
- Communication, self study.
- The ability to use English: Ss will be active while practising doing exercises about
means of communication in the future
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: does Ex 4/ p30- workbook.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Have Ss guess what they think communication breakdown means. Refer to the
Look out! Box.

- Remind Ss of what happened in the conversation in GETTING STARTED. Ask Ss
why they think this communication breakdown happened and how to avoid it.
- T can share with Ss as an experience of communication breakdown that T has had.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Presentation
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. New words :
situation/ antonym. - language barrier (n): rào cản ngôn ngữ
- T: writes new words on the board. - cultural difference (n): khác biệt văn
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first hóa
then the whole class. - shrug (v) : nhún vai
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - glance (v) : liếc nhìn, liếc
* Checking: rub out and remember. - communication channel (n): kênh giao
- communication breakdown (n): ngưng
trệ giao tiếp, giao tiếp không thành công
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1- P 43 II-Practice
- Do the first item with Ss . 1. Match the following possible
- Then ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the reasons for communication
task. breakdown with the examples.
- Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Can you add in some more
- Once they have finished, encourage them to reasons and examples?
add in some reasons and examples Key:
1. A 2. B
Part 2- P 43 3. C 4. C
1. Transferring the learning task. 5. A 6. B
- Elicit from Ss what body language is. 2. If you don’t understand body
Explain that understanding body language can language, communication
help people avoid communication breakdown. breakdown may happen. Match
- T may give an example and ask Ss to guess the body language with the
what T is trying to say meaning. Add more examples if
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to work out the you can.
message from the pictures. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. c 2. a
- Ss work in pairs to work out the message 3. e 4. b
from the pictures 5. d
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- Have some Ss give the answers
- Some Ss give their answers while others
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks their answers.
- Give the correct answers. 3. Using abbreviations for online
Part 3- P 43 chatting and texting is not always

- Write on the board some the language for on easy to understand. Can you
line communication learnt in unit 1 and ask decode the following sentences
them if they can read them in the full form. T written in texting/ chatting style
explains that using abbreviations for online without looking at the cues?
chatting and texting is not always easy to Key:
understand. 1. Where are you? We are at Lotte
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete this task on the second floor.
- Ss work in pairs to complete this task 2. I’ll be 5 minutes late. See you
- Have some Ss give their own answers. soon.
- T checks and corrects then gives feedback. 3 Do you want to see a movie this
4 Please call me right back.
5. Hi! What are you doing
6. Did you see it? Laugh out loud!

Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 43 III. Further practice:
- Ss work in groups to make their group’s ideas 4. Ideas Bank. Work in groups.
Bank by discussing a technology solution that For each communication
will help people avoid the communication breakdown mentioned in 1, think
breakdown mentioned in 1. The groups then of a future technology idea that
make a short presentation of their ideas to will help avoid it. Share your
share with the class to make a big ideas Bank. ideas with the class.
- Call some Ss report their answers.

4. Consolidation.
- Ss sum up the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do Ex 1,2, 3/ page 30 - textbook.
- Prepare UNIT 10: SKILLS 1/ P44 - textbook

Pre: 22/ 03/ 2019

Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use read for general and specific
information about communication in the future. Talk about communication now and
in the future.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”: cyber
world, three - dimensional images, interact, in real time,…
- Phonetics: The way to pronoun the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
+ Reading: Read for specific information about communication in the future.
+ Speaking: Talk about communication now and in the future.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and have good communication skill.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition and have good communication skill.
- Communication, self study.
- The ability to use English: Ss will be active while practising doing exercises about
means of communication now and in the future
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- T asks Ss to write the new words.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting
- T asks Ss to discuss in groups and answer the question:
+What can we do to avoid communication breakdown?
+What do you think of communication in the future?
- See if any Ss can come up with some ideas.
- Make notes on the board.
- As an option, this could be done in Vietnamese with T showing how to express
these ideas in English.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Reading
Part 1- P 44 I. Reading.
- Ask Ss to look at the photos. 1. Look at the letters the children from
- T explains that these are the letters from Vietnam and Sweden sent to each
two schools in Viet Nam and Sweden other in a penfriend project. Why do
sent to each other in penfriend project. you think they chose this way to
- Ask Ss to brainstorm the reasons why communicate with each other?
they think then ask Ss what they think is
happening in the two other photos in the
text in 2.
- Ss listen then discuss in groups
Part 2- P 44 2. Read the text.
1. Transferring the learning task. COMMUNICATION IN THE
- T asks Ss to scan the text to find circle FUTURE: WHAT IS THERE FOR US?
to match the highlighted words with their Look at the highlighted words and
meanings. match them with their meanings.
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss scan the text to do the task 1. in real time: ngay lập tức
individually then share with a partner. 2. interact: tương tác
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. three-dimensional imagesình ảnh
- Call on some Ss to stand up and give 3D:
their answers. 4. cyber world: thế giới ảo
- Others remark. 5. network: mạng lưới
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks Ss’ answers then gives the
suggested answers.
Part 3- P 44 3. Answer the following questions.
- T asks Ss to read the text in 2 minutes Key;
and answer the questions. 1.They love to write and read real
- Ss read the text and answer the letters. One student likes to send
questions sweets with the letters as well.
- Ask Ss to compare answers before 2.They are telepathy and holography.
discussing them as class Telepathy uses a tiny device in our
- Ss compare answers before discussing head to communicate by through over
them as a class. the network. Holography gives three-
- Have some Ss give their own answers dimensional images and we will be
then T corrects. able to interact with other in real time.
- Give feedback. 3. She prefers to use real, face-to-face
communication because she thinks
this makes life more interesting
Activity 2: Speaking
Part 4- P 44 II. Speaking
- First ask Ss where in the text the author’s 4. In small groups, decide
opinion is expressed. Then they work in small whether you agree with the

groups to tell each is they agree with the author of this text. Why/ why
author’s opinion or not, and explain why. not? Share your ideas with the
- Ss can do it in groups of four or five where class.
each member completes the survey himself/
- Ask them share it with the groups.
- Some Ss share what they have discussed.
Part 5- P 44 5. Class survey. What ways of
- This can be done as a mingle activity where Ss communication do you use for
stand up and talk to different classmates to the following purposes now and
complete the survey. what will they be in the year
- The group leader will then report to the class 2030?
either the ways of communication that are most
mentioned or the ways of communication that
the group likes best.

4. Consolidation.
- Sum up the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Ask Ss to learn new words by heart. Read the text then answer the questions again.
- Do exercise D1/ p32- workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 10: Skill 2/ page 45 - textbook.

Ngày 25 tháng 03 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


Pre: 25/ 03/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019

Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for general and specific information
about netiquette, write an email using netiquette
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
- Listening: Listen to the interview between Dr Minh Vu and a reporter, then
complete the exercises
- Writing: Write an email using netiquette
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know the way to use netiquette.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition and have good communication skill.
- Communication, self study.
- The ability to use English: Ss will be able to understand what “netiquette” is and
know how to write an email using netiquette.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1 does exercise C1 - workbook
- S2 does exercise D1 - workbook
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting (Ex1- p 45)
- Ask Ss to look at the message board (P 45). Ask them some questions:
+Who posted the message?
+ Who do they think the message is for?
- Ask them to try to identify what problems in terms of communication politeness
they think the message has.
B. Presentation:

Activity 1: Listening
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. Listening: Netiquette
situation/ antonym. New words:
- T: writes new words on the board. - rule (n): luật lệ
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual - absolutely (adv): chắc chắn, hiển nhiên
first then the whole class. - comment (n): lời bình luận
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words - shorthand (n): tốc ký
again. - to confuse: làm rối lên
* Checking: rub out and remember. - to judge: đánh giá
- Set the sense of the listening then
lead to the new lesson
Part 2- P 45 2. Listen to the interview between a 4Teen
- Write on the board ‘netiquette' and magazine reporter and Dr. Minh Vu about
ask Ss what they think it means. netiquette and answer the questions.
Explain they are going to listen to a Key:
researcher talking about the way we 1. The word is a combination of ‘net’ and
communicate online. Explain CAPS ‘etiquette’. It's a set of rules for behaving
LOCK in the box if necessary. properly online.
- Have Ss look at the questions first. 2. Don't say and do unpleasant things online,
Encourage them to give some just like in real life.
answers. 3. It's how we communicate with each other
- Play the recording. online.
- Ss work individually then in pairs
to compare their answers. 3. Listen again to the interview and
- Play the recording again if complete the following grid.
necessary. Should Shouldn't Why/Why
Part 3- P 45 not?
- Before playing the recording again, 1. Use ✓ It looks like
first ask Ss to look at the grid and try CAP... you are
to complete it with as much shouting at
information from the recording as people
they can remember. 2. ✓ It shows
- Elicit the answers from Ss. Check respect for your
- If their answers are correct, move your... reader.
3. Use ✓ This may
to the next activity. Otherwise, play
a lot.... confuse your
the recording again.
- Give feedback. 4. ✓ People may not
Respect. know who you
.. are but you're
judged by the
quality of your
4. Look at the message in 1. Work with a
Part 4- P 45 partner to improve it with the netiquette
- Ss work in pairs to complete this you have learnt so far.
- T may call two or three pairs to Example:
write their versions of the message - Dear teacher,
on the board and the class votes for - Please let me know …
the best one. - Thank you.
- Best regards,

Activity 2: Writing
II. Writing:
- Have Ss work in groups to discuss what Writing an email using netiquette
we should do to write an email using
netiquette. Remember!
- T observes and feedback. - Always check that you’ve completed
- Draw Ss' attention to the REMEMBER! the Subject line and/or have included
box. the attachment.
- An email to a senior person should
be more formal than to a friend.
Part 5- P 45 - Keep the message short and accurate
1. Transferring the learning task. - Always check your work for
- T asks Ss to put the parts in their correct mistakes.
place to make an email.
2. Doing the task. 5. Put the following parts in their
- Ss do the task in pairs then share with correct place to make an email.
others. Key:
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 1. c 2. f
- Call on some Ss to give their answers.
- Others remark. 3. e 4. b
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the 5. a 6. d
- T checks Ss’ answers then gives the
Part 6- P 45 6. Write a short email to your
- First Ss work in groups to discuss what teacher to submit your group
information they would include in the homework for this week. Check if
email. They may look at the email in 5 for you have use the netiquette learnt.
ideas. Then Ss work individually on this
- Ask them to pay attention to the
netiquette they have learnt. When Ss have
finished, they swap the writing with their
partner to check before handing it in to T.
- Write a short post on your class message
board to ask how many words the final
essay should be.
- Write a short post on a message board to
help somebody answer the question What
does communication breakdown mean?

4. Consolidation.
- Ask some Ss to read aloud their writing. T and other students listen and give
5. Homework.
- Do exercises: D2,3 ,E1,2,3 workbook.
- Complete the writing on the notebook.
- Prepare: UNIT 10: LOOKING BACK + PROJECT/ Page 46-47- textbook.
Pre: 28/ 03/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise what they have learnt in the
previous lessons, ask them to keep a record of their answers to each exercise so that
they can use that information to complete the self-assessment box at the end of the
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Natural disasters”.
- Grammar: + Passive voice (review)
+ Past perfect.
2. Skills:
- Reading: Read and complete the sentences
- Writing: Complete the sentences using the future continuous tense and V + to-V
- Speaking: Work in pairs and talk about the means of communication will be using
in the year 2100.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to know about communication now and in the future.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the country, have the responsibility for community to protect our
country’s tradition and have good communication skill.
- Communication, self study.
- The ability to use English: Ss will be able to know means of communication in the
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.

1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Check Ss’ writing.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting (Ex1- p 45)
Ex2: Which the following text messages/chat lines in shorthand form
- Challenge Ss to try this task without looking back at COMMUNICATION.
- Ss do the task in pairs
- Have two or three Ss write their answers on the board.
l. Thx 4 ur gift.
2. BTW, wot r u doin this wkd?
3. Pis call me rite now.
4. LOL!
5. c u 2nite
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Vocabulary
I. Vocabulary:
Ex 1- P.46 1. Complete the sentences using the cues
- Ask ss to complete the sentences by provided.
using the support from the pictures, the Key:
letter cues, and the meaning of the 1. body language
sentences. 2. Multimedia
- Ss complete the sentences 3. face-to-face
individually , then compare with a 4. cultural differences
partner 5. telepathy
- Have Ss give the answers then give 6. netiquette
Ex 3- P.46 3. Have you ever used music, art, codes,
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task signs or any non-verbal ways to
- Ss work in pairs for this task. communicate? Tell a partner what you
- Remind Ss that these are non-verbal did? Was the communication
ways of communication. successful?
- Call on some pairs to report their talk.

Activity 2: Grammar
Ex 4- P.46 II. Grammar:
1. Transferring the learning task. 4. Underline the correct answer.
- T ask Ss to read the requirement of the Key:
exercises then asks Ss to decide and underline 1. will not be sleeping
the correct answer. 2. will be playing
2. Doing the task.

- Ss work individually to do the task then in 3. will he be doing
pairs to compare their answers. 4. will be waiting
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. will not be using; will be using
- T call on some Ss to write on the board 6. will be raining
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks as a class.
- Give the correct answers.
Ex 5- P.46 5. Gerund or to-infinitive?
- Ss to work individually then in pairs to Key:
compare their answers 1. talking use
- Ss work individually then in pairs to 3. to show 4.
compare their answers. communicating
- If time allows encourage Ss to think of other 5. chatting 6. to have
verbs that are followed by gerunds and by to-
infinitives and make sentences using them.
Activity 3: Communication
Ex 6- P.47 III. Communication
- Ss to work in pairs . Remind them 6. Choose any three forms of
that they can choose to talk about communication in this unit and work with
forms of communication people will a partner to decide if people will be using
be using or will not be using in the them in the year 2100 or not. Give at least
year 2100 and they should the reasons two reasons for each decision.
why they think so
- Ask Ss to complete the self-
assessment box. Identify any Finished! Now I can...
difficulties or week areas and provide - talk about form of communication
further practice - use communication technology
Finished! vocabulary
Ask Ss to complete the self- - use the future continuous
assessment box. Identify any - use some verbs followed by to-infinitive
difficulties or weak areas and provide - pronounce words ending in -ity and -itive
further practice. correctly in isolation and in sentences.
- communicating online following
Activity 4: Project
Remind Ss of: IV. Project
- the reasons for 'Action. Take one! Action. Take two!’
communication breakdown in Key: (NB. Encourage each group to try to find
COMMUNICATION their own reasons and provide these keys only if
- different ways of they ask for help.)
communicating in GETTING Sketch 1
STARTED and A CLOSER Communication breakdown = cultural differences
LOOK 1 In Viet Nam it is typical to deny the compliments
- Put Ss into groups and ask you receive. This is a way to show your modesty.
them to think of a sketch or a However, in western cultures, people who give
role-play of a communication compliments often expect you to take them, and
breakdown. Give them time to denial of compliments, especially if it is repeated,
brainstorm some ideas. may be rude and make the other person feel
- T moves around the class uncomfortable. In this situation, Lien may just
giving help where necessary. politely thank her teacher.
- Ask Ss to perform version 1 Sketch 2
where the communication Communication breakdown = cultural differences
breakdown takes place. In the USA, holding up one thumb and index
- Then ask the audience to finger to make a circle means OK, good, excellent,
explain what went wrong and while in France, this gesture means something not
how it could be avoided. so good, even worthless.
- Next, perform version 2, this Sketch 3
time where no communication Communication breakdown = language barrier
breakdown takes place. When the people in Ha Noi and some other
provinces in northern Viet Nam say ‘dĩa’ they
mean a fork, while this word means a plate for the
people in southern Viet Nam.
Meanwhile, ‘chén’ in northern VietNam means a
small teacup whereas in southern Viet Nam the
word means a bowl you use to eat when having

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercise E3(P35) in the workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 11- GETTING STARTED/ P48, 49 - textbook.

Pre: 29/ 03/ 2019

Te: ...../ 04/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to science
and technology, understand the conversation between Dr. Nelson and Duong about
science and technology in the future then use the words with the prefix un- and im-
correctly in isolation and in context
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Science and technology”: field,
science, technology, enormous, benefit, spaceship, …
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.

- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Reading: read the conversation and complete the exercises
- Listening: listen to the conversation.
- Speaking: talk about some famous scientists in Viet Nam
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about types and roles of science and technology
in the future.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Brainstorm:
- Ask Ss to call out all the form of communication that they can remember from the
last lesson.
- Put the heading “Science and technology” on the board. Do a brainstorming session
by asking Ss to suggest any words or phrases related to this topic. Accept all ideas
then organize them in word web if possible.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Presentation
* Teaching vocabulary: I. Vocabulary
- Elicit some new words from the pictures and - science (n): khoa học
situations, realias ….. scienctific (adj):
- T reads new words for Ss listening. - to develop: phát triển
- T writes new words on the board. development (n):
- Ss listen and repeat in individual first then the - enomous (adj): to lớn
whole class. - role(n): vai trò
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - field (n): lĩnh vực
- Checking vocab: What and where - benifit (n): lợi ích, hưởng lợi
- Ask Ss to open their books to Unit 11, cover the - technology (n): kỹ thuật,
conversation and look at the pictures. công nghệ
- T asks prediction questions: tecnological (adj):
What can you see in the pictures?
Do you know these characters?
Where are they now?
What are they talking about?...
- Ss answer the questions as a class. Then play the
recording and have Ss listen and follow along.
Check if Ss' predicted answers match the
conversation. If not, have Ss correct them.
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1a- P49: II. Practice
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 1. Listen and read
do the exercise in pairs. a. Find the word in A in the
- Elicit the correct answers and write them on conversation. Then match them to
the board. the words in B with similar
- Have Ss substitute the B words into the meaning.
conversation to check that they match. Key:
- Finally, explain the meaning of any 1. c 2. b
complex words in Vietnamese if necessary. 3. d 4. e
5. a 6. f
Part 1b- P49:
1. Transferring the learning task. b. Answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then Key:
answer the questions in pairs 1. They are at the Science Club.
2. Doing the task. 2. It is the roles of science and
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. technology in the 21st century.
- Have Ss compare answers with each 3. Science and technology are
other. greatly changing everything.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. He told Nick that only robots
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their would work in factories and clean
answers. our homes in the future.
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 5. He/ She said that there would be
- Others remark. no more schools: they'd just stay at
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the home and learn on the Internet.
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
- Have Ss say where they found the answers c. Work with a partner. What fields
in the conversation. are mentioned in the conversation
Part 1c- P49: which are affected by science and
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. technology?
- Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation and Key:
do the task.

- Check their answers then gives feedback. 1. the economy (economic
2. the workplace (robots in
3. the home (robots cleaning our
4. travel (traffic jams)
5. education (school via the
d. Put a word/phrase from the box
Part 1d- P49: in each blank.
- Have Ss do this exercise in pairs. Key:
- Ask some Ss to present their answers. 1. field
Confirm the correct answers. 2. space
Look out! 3 the key
Help Ss distinguish the two words. 4. economic development
- science: knowledge about the world, 5. flying cars
especially based on examining, testing, and
proving facts
- technology: things and ways of doing things
that are based on knowledge about science 2. Put one of the words/ phrases
and computers from the box in each gap. There is
Part 2- P49: one extra.
- Tell Ss that in the box are some more
1. science subjects
words and phrases related to science and
2 . technology
3. researchers
- Let them work in pairs.
4. machines
- Check their work by calling on some Ss to
5. scientific progress
read out their sentences.
- Allow Ss to write the translations next to the
3. Give the opposite of the words i
brackets, using prefix -un or -im
Part 3- P49:
- Tell Ss to look at the example. 1. unknown
- T may give some more. 2. unrealistic
- Then let them do the task by themselves. 3. impossible
- After that, they swap their answers with a 4 unimportant
partner. 5. unpolluted
- Correct Ss’ answers as a class.
- Then let them repeat the words in chorus.
Activity 3: Production
Part 1a- P49: III. Further practice
- Set this up as a mingle activity. 4. Game:
- Let Ss stand up and move around with FIND SOMEONE WHO.....
pens and paper/ notebooks to ask
questions and take notes. Reference: Some scientists of Viet
- Observe and assist where needed.
- Once a student has a name in each box Nam:
they should sit back down. - Võ Hồng Anh
- Continue until all, or most, Ss have sat - Lê Văn Thiêm
back down.
- Hà Đình Đức
- Congratulate the winner(s).
- T calls on the winning Ss to present - Hoàng Tuy
their results to the class. - Trần Đại Nghĩa
- Phan Lương Cẩm

4. Consolidation.
- Sum up the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Read the conversation again and translate the conversation in Getting started into
- Prepare: UNIT 11: A CLOSER LOOK 1/ page 50- textbook.

Ngày 01 tháng 04 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


Pre: 03/ 04/ 2019

Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce words with the prefix un- and
im- correctly in isolation and in context, use the lexical items related to science and
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “science and technology”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words with the prefix un- and im- in isolation
and in context correctly.
- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: practice pronouncing words with the prefix un- and im- correctly
- Writing: noun formed from verb/noun by adding suffix: -er/-or/-ist.
- Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sentences correctly.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Ss can mark the stress in words starting with un- and
im-, know about science and technology.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2+ S3: Read the conversation in Listen and read and then answer some questions.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting

- Explain to Ss that there are three common ways of forming nouns indicating people
but don’t say what they are. Write the following on the board: to learn, to invent,
- Try to elicit from Ss how these words are changed to mean a person who does these
- Now see if Ss can give some more examples. Finally, have Ss open their books and
read the Look out! box.
We add –er/-or/-ist to a verb or noun to form a noun indicating people.
to learn – learner
to invent – inventor
science - scientist
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
Part 1- P50 I. Vocabulary
- T ask Ss do this activity the first time around as 1. Complete the following
a quiz. sentences with nouns
- T divides the class into teams. indicating people.
Read out item one and ask team A to answer . If Key:
they get it wrong, the option goes to team B to 1. adviser/ advisor
answer. Keep a score on the board to increase 2. chemist
the fun element. 3 designer
- Now have Ss work individually to do the task in 4. programmer
their books. 5. biologist
- Ss work individually
- Finally, ask some Ss to write the answers on the
board. Correct their answers as a class.
Part 2- P50 2. Write a noun from the list
1. Transferring the learning task. under each picture.
- Ask Ss to read the nouns given in the box then Key:
try to match them with the correct pictures. 1. chemist
2. Doing the task. 2. software developer
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. engineer
- Have Ss compare answers with each other. 4 physicist
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. doctor
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their answers. 6 conservationist
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 7 explorer
- Others remark. 8. archeologist
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
Part 3- P50 3. Give the correct form of
- T asks Ss to read the sentences and guess part of word in brackets.
speech of the word to be filled each blank. Have Key:
Ss call out their guesses. 1. developments

- Ss work individually. 2. scientists exploration
- Ask some Ss to write their answers on the 4 medical
board. 5 economic
- Check their answers as a class.

Activity 2: Teaching pronunciation

II. Pronunciation
- Explain to Ss that the prefixes Stress in words starting with un- and im-
un- and im- are used to make
adjectives (and adverbs) negative. When we add the prefix un- and im-
Explain to them that when these (meaning ‘ not’) to roof word, the stress of
prefixes are added, the stress of the word does not normal change
the new word does not normally Ex: ‘friendly -> un’friendly
change. ‘ probable -> im’probable
- Give some examples. Note: When we add the prefix un- and im- to
a one-syllable word, the tress falls on the
root word.
Ex: fair -> un’fair
Part 4- P51 pure -> im’pure
- Play the recording for Ss to 4. Listen and repeat the following words.
repeat the words. Play the Mark the stressed syllables in the words.
recording as many times as Audio script:
necessary. unforeseen unlucky
- Correct Ss' pronunciation, immature unwise
especially the stress. impatient unhealthy
- Then have Ss mark the stress on impure unhurt
the words by drawing circle above impossible unlimited
the stressed syllable. unnatural impolite
Part 5- P51 5. Put the word from 4 in the right columns.
- Have Ss read out the words first. Key:
- Then they work in groups to put
o0 o0o
the words in the right columns.
un’wise unlucky
- Call on some Ss to write the
impure unhealthy
answers on the board.
un’hurt im'patient
- Ss write the answers on the
board. oo0 o0oo
- Confirm the correct answers unforeseen unlimited
imma'ture impossible
impolite un'natural

Part 6- P51 6. Fill in the gaps with one of the words in 5.

- Have Ss work individually to Listen and check, then read the sentences.
write down the words. Key:
- Ss work individually to write 1. impure
down the words 2. unhealthy
- Play the recording two or three

times for Ss to check 3. impossible
4. unlimited
5. impatient

4. Consolidation.
- Ask Ss to summarize the lesson
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the new words
- Do ex A1,2,3, B1,2 (P36-37) - workbook
- Prepare UNIT 11: A CLOSER LOOK 2/ P51, 52- textbook
Pre: 03/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to science
and technology, use the future simple and future continuous to talk about science and
technology in the future, use direct speech and indirect speech to report what people
say or tell.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “science and technology”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: make sentences using reported speech.
- Writing: complete the sentences using future tenses.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about types and roles of science and technology
in the future.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.

1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: does exercise B1 (P.36)
- S2: does exercise B2 (P.37)
- S3: does exercise A2(P.36)
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to write the form of future tenses they have learnt.
Simple future: S+ will/shall + V
Future continuous: S + will/shall + be + V-ing.
Near future: S + am/is/are + going to +V
Simple Present: S + V(s/es)…
Present continuous: S + am/is/are+ V-ing
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Future tenses
Ex 1- P 51 I. Future tenses: review
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 1: Put the verbs in
- Ask Ss to read the requirement of the exercises brackets into the correct
Then ask them to work individually to put the verbs tense.
in brackets into the correct tense. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. will have
- Ss work individually then in pairs to compare their 2. will be working
answers. 3. will she be
- Have Ss work individually then in pairs to 4. won't pass
compare answers with each other. 5. decide; will support
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- T call on some Ss to give out their answers on the
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
- Others remark.
- T may ask why a certain tense is used to check
that Ss understand the rules.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class.
Ex 2- P 51 Ex 2: Work in pairs. Read
- Tell Ss to study the example first. Then they work the following predictions
in pairs to do the activity . about the year 2040 and say
- Encourage them to talk as much as possible. whether you think it will
- Remember that there is no ‘ right ‘ or ‘ wrong’ as happen.
long as their sentences are grammatically correct.
- T goes more around the class and listen to Ss.

Activity 3: Reported speech
Explain to Ss the differences II. Reported speech:
between direct speech and - Câu trực tiếp là câu nói của ai đó được trích dẫn
reported speech. Go through lại nguyên văn và thường được để trong dấu ngoặc
the table carefully, using the kép (“… ”).
examples to clarify the rules.
+ Mary said “ I don’t like ice-cream”.
- T explains to Ss the
differences between direct - Câu gián tiếp là câu tường thuật lại lời nói của
and indirect speech and người khác theo ý của người tường thuật và ý nghĩa
reported speech. không thay đổi.
- T goes through the table + Mary said that she didn’t like ice-cream.
carefully, using the examples Câu trực tiếp - Câu gián tiếp
to clarify the rules Direct speech Reported speech
- Ss listen and write down
Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect Past perfect
Past simple Past simple / Past perfect
Will Would
Can Could
may might
Pronouns, and time and place expressions may
change in reported speech
Trực tiếp- Gián tiếp
Here -> There
Now -> Then
Today-> That day
Tomorrow->The next day / the following day
Yesterday->The day before / the previous day
Next week->The following week
Last week->The previous week / the week before
Last year->The previous year / the year before

Ex 3- P 52 Ex 3: Look at the conversation in GETTING

- Tell Ss to refer back to STARTED again. Find and underline the example
the conversation in of reported speech.
find the examples of Well, my dad told me that only robots would work
reported speech. in factories and clean our homes in the future.
- Focus them on the use of Our science teacher said that there would be no
the verbs. more schools: we'd just stay at home and learn on
the Internet.
Ex 4- P 52 Ex 4: Complete sentence b in each pair so that it
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to means the same as sentence a, using reported
write down the sentences in speech.

their notebooks. Key:
- Ss work in pairs to do the 1. Nick said that he came from a small town in
task. England.
- Call on some Ss to read out 2. My friend said that Brazil would win the World
what they have done. For a Cup.
class which needs more 3. Olive told Chau that she was leaving Viet Nam
support. the next day/ the following day.
- Have two Ss write their 4. David told Catherine that he was unable to read
answers on the board. her writing.
- Correct their mistakes. 5. Minh said that he had overslept that morning.
Ex 5: Change the following sentences, using the
Ex 5- P 52 words given in brackets.
- Ask Ss do this task Key:
individually. 1. He said (that) he hadn't said anything at the
- While they are working , meeting the week before/ the previous week.
some Ss may write their 2. She told me that letter had been opened.
sentences on the board 3. Tom said that in 50 years' time we would
- Correct their answers as a probably be living on Mars.
class. 4. Mi said she hoped they would build a city out at
5. Son told us that his wish was to become a young
Ex 6- P 52 Ex6: Game: MY FRIEND SAID …
- Ask Ss to plan what they
are going to say before they Example:
come to the front of the class. A: I like writing code
- Ss work in pairs B: she said that she liked writing code.
- Encourage them to give
sentences about themselves.
- Ideally, all Ss should have a
chance to talk.

4. Consolidation.
- T repeats the main content of the lesson: reported speech and future tenses (the use
and form)
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the structures
- Redo all exercises B3,4,5,6,7 (P 37-38) - workbbok
- Prepare UNIT 11: COMMUNICATION/ P.53 - textbook

Pre: 06/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to science
and technology, review the grammar points that are used in this section: the simple
past and reported speech.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “science and technology”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: talk about the famous inventors with their inventions
- Writing: complete the sentences by using reported speech.
- Reading: read the dialogue and report what they said.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Expressing their attitude about the science and
technology and know how science and technology help us in the future.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: does exercise B4- P.37 - workbook
- S2: does exercise B6-P.38 - workbook
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Review:
- Quickly review the grammar points that are used in this section: the past simple and
reported speech.

- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Presentation
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ I. New words
situation/ antonym. - steam engine: động cơ hơi nước
- Elicit the new words. - deaf-mute (adj): vừa câm vừa điếc
- T: writes new words on the board. - to make a mistake: mắc lỗi
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then - penicillin (n): thuốc kháng sinh
the whole class.
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
* Checking: What and where
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1- P 53 II. Practice:
- T asks Ss to work individually . 1. Match the inventors in A with
- Ss work individually their inventions in B
- Give them one minute to match by drawing Key:
lines from the inventors to the inventions - Thomas Edison invented the
- Elicit the answers from Ss in full sentences. light bulb.
Eg: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. - Sir Alexander Fleming
- If time allows, T may ask questions about discovered penicillin.
these inventors to find out what Ss know about - Alexander Graham Bell
them. invented the telephone.
+ Are they still alive/ dead? - The Wright brothers invented
+ what are they famous for? the airplane.
+ Do you know anything interesting about them? - James Watt invented the steam
+ Do you know any interesting sayings by them? engine.
(Graham Bell: ‘Self-education is a lifelong affair’./ - Mark Zuckerberg invented
Thomas Facebook.
Edison: Genius is one percent inspiration and - Tim Berners-Lee invented the
ninety-nine percent perspiration’ ...) Internet

Part 2- P 53 2. Work in groups. Discuss the

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the question: Which invention is
inventions. more useful?
- T encourages Ss to talk as much as possible ;
this is a fluency stage, so don’t worry about
accuracy at this point.
- T moves around the groups and give
assistance where they needed.
- Call some groups to present their ideas. Other
can add some ides if possible.
Part 3a- P 53 3 a. Ha had an interesting
- Call on 2 confident Ss to come to the front dream la night in which she met
and act the dialogue between Ha and Graham and interviewed Alexander
Bell. Then put Ss into pairs to report on the Graham Bell, the inventor of

conversation. the telephone.
- Ask Ss to report on the conversation
Part 3b- P 53 3b. Two days later, Ha told her
1. Transferring the learning task. friend what Alexander Bell said
- Ask Ss to read the requirement of the . Now report what Ha told her
exercises, then ask them to work in pairs to friend, using reported speech.
report what Ha told her friend by using reported
speech. Suggested answers:
2. Doing the task. - Alexander Bell said/ told me
- Ss do the task in pairs. (that) he was born in 1847 in
- Have Ss work compare the answers with Scotland.
others. - He said/ told me (that) he had
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. always liked ...
- T call on some Ss to give out their answers on - He said/ told me (that) he had
the board taught...
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. - He said/ told me (that) he had
- Others remark. invented ...
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class then give feedback.
Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 53 4. Work in pairs. One of you is a reporter, and
- Let Ss work In pairs to role- the other is Tim Berners-Lee. Role-play, using
play, using the information the information given.
given. Tim Berners-Lee: British computer scientist,
- T walks around to observe and inventor of the internet.
give help if needed. - born 8 June 1955-London.
- Ask some pairs role-play in
- 1973-1976: Oxford University
front of the class.
- The class then votes for the - 1978: Joined company called D.G Nash
best performance - 1990: built Web browser
- 6 August 1991: first Website put online

4. Consolidation.
- Talk about some famous inventors and their inventions
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart reported speech, do Ex B7, C1/ page 38, 39 in workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 11: SKILL 1/ P.54 - textbook.

Ngày 08 tháng 04 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà

Pre: 09/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to science
and technology. Read for specific information about the role of science and
technology in the future then talk about the roles of science and technology.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “science and technology”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: talk about science and technology in the future
- Reading: read for specific information about the role of science and technology in
the future
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Expressing agreement and disagreement about how
science and technology can help us solve problems in the future.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: does exercise B7- P.38 - workbook
- S2: Talk about some famous inventors and their inventions.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Brainstorming:
- Write these headings on the board:

Travel Health Homes
- Brainstorm with the class some predictions for future developments in these three
fields. Encourage Ss to use their imagination.
- Now open the book and do the reading tasks.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Reading
I. Reading
* Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ * New words
situation/ antonym. - Mars (n): sao hoả
- Elicit the new words. - to become a reality: trở thành hiện
- T: writes new words on the board. thực
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - possibility (n): khả năng
then the whole class. - incurable disease: bệnh không chữa
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. được
* Checking: Rubout and remember - to replace: thay thế
- anti- ageing pill: thuốc chống lão
- energy saving device: thiết bị tiết
kiệm năng lượng
Part 1- P 54 1. Quickly read the passages. Match
- Ask Ss to read the passages quickly the headings with the passages.
looking for the keywords and then match Key:
them with the headings.
- Ss do the task in pairs and then give out 1.B 2. A 3. C
their answers
2. Underline the following words and
Part 2- P 54
phrases in the passages in 1. Match
- Have Ss do the task individually. each of them with its explanation.
- Ss do the task individually Key: 1. D 2. A
- Then Ss can check their answers in pairs. 3. E 4. B
- Elicit the answers from Ss. 5. F 6. C
Part 3- P 54
3. Answer the questions.
1. Transferring the learning task.
- Ask Ss to read the passages again and
1. To explore Mars/ To find out if
answer the questions.
there is, or ever has been, life there/
2. Doing the task.
To explore the possibility of living
- Ss do the task in pairs.
- Have Ss compare the answers with
2. They help people live longer.
3. 70 or 75 years.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
4. Solar panels and solar windows.
- T call on some Ss to give out their
5. They can do chores such as
answers on the board
cleaning, cooking, washing, and
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
organising things.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the

- T checks as a class then give feedback.
Activity 2: Speaking
- Set up the SPEAKING stage by getting Ss II. Speaking
to think about the pros and cons of
advancements in science and technology.
Explain that nothing is ‘black and white';
there are always advantages and
disadvantages. For example, say:
More and more robots will be invented and
used in the future. One of the advantages of
this is that robots will be able to do dirty or
dangerous jobs that humans don’t want to do. 4. Think about your ideas about
At the same time, there are disadvantages - scientific advances in these fields.
robots will replace people In some areas so Look at the example and make notes.
there will be unemployment.
nuclear -convenient, clean....
Part 4- P 54 energy - expensive, unsafe....
- Ss work in pairs to think about these nutrition - people can live longer,
pros and cons. pills convenient....
- Encourage Ss to think of as many ideas
as possible. smart - convenient, quick...
- Ss work in pairs to think about these phone - environmental unfriendly...
pros and cons. space - exciting...
- Move around to give some cues and travel - expensive, dangerous....
Part 5- P 54 5. Work in group. Express your
agreement and disagreement about
- Divide the class into groups of five or
how scientific advances can help us
six. Each group talks about one of the
solve problems in the future.
fields in . Tell Ss to read the example
before they start.
A. I think robots will help us do many
- Encourage them to use the phrase given
boring or difficult jobs.
in the Look out! box. While Ss are
B. Yes. But at the same time, they may
talking, T goes around to give assistance
bring a lot of unemployment.
if necessary.
C. And they will make us lazy and
-If time allows, have Ss summarise their
group's ideas and present to the class

4. Consolidation.
- Teacher summarizes the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Ask Ss to learn new words by heart.
- Do exercises C 2, D1, 2 (P39, 40) in workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 11: SKILL 2/ P. 55- textbook.

Pre: 10/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information about how
science and technology solve some problems in the future, write to express agreement
and disagreement about the roles of science and technology.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “science and technology”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Listening: Listen for specific information about how science and technology solve
some problems in the future.
- Writing: write a paragraph to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of
science and technology.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Expressing agreement and disagreement about how
science and technology can help us solve problems in the future.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: writes new words
- S2: does exercises D1 (P.40)
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to tell something about science and technology.

- T collects Ss’ answers then lead t the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Listening
I. Listening:
* Teaching new vocabulary: *New words:
- Elicit some new words then T says the new - drawback (n): lạc hậu
words aloud. - advance (v/n): tiến bộ
- T writes new words on the board. - yield (n): sản lượng
- Ss listen and repeat in individual first then - growing population: dân số phát
the whole class. triển
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - unemployment (n): nạn thất nghiệp
* Checks vocab: slap the board. - to solve: giải quyết
- to destroy: phá hủy
Part 1- P 55
- Have Ss read the three options. 1. Listen to the conversation and
- T plays the recording for Ss listening. choose the best answer.
- Ss listen to the recording twice and find Key:
the correct answer b. The benefits and drawbacks that
- Elicits the answers from Ss advances in science and technology
- T corrects and give feedback. may bring to people's lives.

Part 2- P 55 2. Listen again to the conversation

1. Transferring the learning task. between Nick, Duong and Chau.
- T asks Ss to read the questions, then work Circle the words and phrases as you
in pairs to discuss the aim of the task. hear them
- Ask Ss to listen carefully and tick the Key:
words/ phrases according to what they hear 1. problems 
in the passage. 2. high yields 
2. Doing the task. 3. the moon
- Ss listen and tick the words/ phrases as 4. overcrowding 
they hear. 5. on television
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs 6. bring unemployment 
before playing the recording a final time to
allow pairs to check their answers
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
aloud. 3. Listen again and answer the
- Others remark. questions.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the Key:
task. 1. High yields in farming will (help
- T checks the answers as a class. feed the growing population on
Part 3- P 55 earth).
- T plays the recording again. Tell Ss to take 2. (We may be able to live) on other
notes / write down the key words as they planets.
listen. 3. He says he likes the idea of having
- Ss listen and write the key words lessons at home with a robot, and on

- Have they answer the questions in writing the Internet.
or verbally. 4. Yes, she does.
- Ss answer the questions 5. He thinks there will be many new
- Correct Ss’ answers as a class. problems.
Activity 2: Writing
* Teaching how to write to express II. Writing:
agreement or disagreement. How to write to express agreement
- Tell to Ss read the notes in the box and disagreement
carefully. Introduction:
- Ss read the notes in the box carefully. I agree/disagree with the idea that...
- T helps Ss know how to write to express Explaining your opinion:
agreement or disagreement. Firstly, Secondly....
- Ss listen and take note. Furthermore, In addition....
Part 4- P 55 In short/ For these reasons......
- Have a St read the sample paragraph. 4. Look at sample paragraph and fill
- Explain that the first sentence in the the outline below.
sample is the topic sentence which tells the Suggested answers
reader whether the author agrees or
disagrees with the statement. Introduction: disagree
- The following sentences express the - Idea 1: expensive
reasons. - Idea 2: make workers jobless
- The last sentence is the concluding - Idea 3: we become lazy and inactive
sentence, which summarizes the main Conclusion: not always good
points in the paragraph.
- Now have Ss work in pairs to fill the 5. Make notes, then write a
outline. paragraph on the following topic.
- Check as a class. Do you agree or disagree with the
Part 5- P 55 following idea?
- Have Ss read the argument put forward. With the help of technology, students
- Then work in pairs to make notes using will benefit from studying by
the model in 4. themselves at home.
- They must decide if they agree or Suggested writing:
disagree, give three supporting points, then I agree with the idea that with the help
conclude their argument. of technology, students will benefit
- Move around to provide help. from studying by themselves at home.
- If time allows, have Ss work from their Firstly, studying at home will help us
notes to write the paragraph in about 100 save so much money. We don’t have
words. to buy so many books and school
- Make sure that they use proper supplies. Secondly, it will help us
connectors first/ firstly, second/ save time and energy too because we
secondly, ... and pay attention to spelling don’t have spend much time on
and punctuation. travelling to school especially in rush
- T may collect some Ss’ work and mark hours. In addition, we can search for
them, then give comments to the class. information easily and quickly with a
- Otherwise, help Ss develop a good tablet. It’s very convenient and it can
help us save time and we can finish
outline for their writing and write the our projects quicker and make them
paragraph as homework. more informative. In conclusion, I
think advanced technology really
helps us in studying and it brings us
more joy in learning new knowledge.

4. Consolidation.
- Ask some Ss to read aloud their writing. Teacher and other students listen and give
5. Homework.
- Do exercises: D3+ E1,2 (P.41,42) - workbook.
- Complete the writing on the notebook.
- Prepare: UNIT 11: LOOKING BACK + PROJECT/ P 56, 57- textbook.
Pre: 12/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to recycle the language from the previous
lessons in Unit 11 and link it with unit topics, consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in Unit 11 through various activities and exercises.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “science and technology”.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + Future tenses (review)
+ Reported speech: statements.
2. Skills:
- Writing: complete the word web and change the sentences into reported speech.
- Speaking: Talk about your invention.
- Reading: Read the passage then answer the questions.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love science and technology.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about types and roles of science and technology
in the future.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.

+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Check Ss’ writing
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Networks: (Ex2- P56)
- Ask Ss to call out the fields could benefit from science and technology.
- Ss discuss and do the task in small groups.
- Give Ss a few minutes to complete the word web. T may give some cues/ examples:
- Engineering - Medicine
- Farming - Space exploration
- Home life - Communication transport
- Entertainment - Architecture
- Energy - Leisure Science and

- Have Ss read out loud their answers.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Vocabulary
Ex 1- P 56 I. Vocabulary
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex1: Write the correct form
- T ask Ss to write the correct form of the words in of the words in brackets.
brackets. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. scientific
- Ss work individually to do the task then in pairs 2. environmental
to compare their answers. 3. developments
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. discoveries
- T call on some Ss to say out their answers. 5. unnatural
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class.
- Give the correct answers, after that let some Ss
read the sentences aloud.
Ex 3- P 56 Ex 3: Fill each gap with a
1. Transferring the learning task. word from the box to
- T ask Ss to read the requirement of the exercises complete the passage.
then let Ss read the passage and complete this Key:
exercise individually. 1. inventions

2. Doing the task. 2. laboratory
- Ss work individually to do the task then in pairs 3. science
to compare their answers. 4. inventing
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. benefits
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their answers 6. productive
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class.
Activity 2: Grammar
Ex 4- P 56 II. Grammar
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 4. Change the sentences into
- T ask Ss to change the sentences into reported speech.
reported speech. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1 He said that they were doing an
- Ss do the task in pairs to change these experiment.
sentences. 2. She told me that I had to sign the
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. paper again.
- T call on some Ss to write on the board 3. Tam said that they had watched a
- Some Ss write their own answers on the television documentary on the future
board of nuclear power.
- Others remark. 4. They announced that the 10
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the o'clock flight to Kuala Lumpur
task. would be an hour late.
- T checks as a class then gives the ccorrect 5. Scientists said that in 50 years'
answers. time we might be living on the
Ex 5- P 56 moon.
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 5: Rewrite these sentences in
- T ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in direct direct speech.
speech. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. Kien said, “I missed/ have missed
- Ss work individually to do the task then in the train.”
pairs to compare their answers. 2. Duong said, “I can run very fast.”
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. “I'll hand in the report tomorrow,”
- Have Ss to read aloud their sentences. Mia told me.
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 4. She said, “I'm reading a science
- Others remark. fiction book about life on Venus.”
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the 5. “I'll be a lawyer when I grow up,”
task. he told me
- T checks as a class.
Activity 3: Communication
Ex 6- P 57 III. Communication
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 6: Write one prediction
- T ask Ss to read the requirement of the exercises. for each of the following
- Have Ss work individually. Tell them to be field, based on the cues and
imaginative. Make sure they write a prediction for your own ideas. Then share

at least three of the fields. it with the class.
2. Doing the task. Cues:
- Ss work individually to do the task then in pairs to - solar energy all year round.
compare their answers.
- no school, no lessons on the
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- Have Ss read out one of their predictions to the
class. - nutrition pills instead of
- Others can ask them questions about their normal food.
prediction - 5D-cinema at home.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. - home security protection
- T checks as a class. with camera.
Finished! - entertainment centre at
- T asks Ss to complete the self-assessment. Discuss home.
with the class what difficulties remain and what - smart phone app.
areas Ss have mastered.
- Provide further practice on the weak areas of the
Activity 4: Project
1. Ss work in groups. Give Ss enough time IV. Project:
to read the passage and discuss the Young Inventors
2. Encourage Ss to use their imagination, 1. Read the following passage and
brainstorm ideas and then choose what answer the questions that follow.
they would like to invent.
3. Divide the four areas between members
2. If you could invent something
of the group to develop their ideas and
new, what would you develop? Chose
write them down. Allow groups enough
one of these or your own idea.
time to prepare their talk. They can make
their preparations out of class, and in the
next lesson have them present their 3. Write / Talk about your invention.
invention. The class votes for the best or
the most useful invention.

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare: Written test 4.
Ngày 16 tháng 04 năm 2019.

Trần Thị Thanh Trà

Pre: 17/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Period 94: WRITTEN TEST 3

I. Objectives.
1. Knowledge:
- To test Ss’ knowledge in the three units 10, 11 to know how progressive the Ss are
and find out their strength and weakness of learning English so that teacher can give
them more suitable method of teaching.
- Vocabulary: related to the theme “Visions of the future”:
- Phonetics: The words related to the theme “Visions of the future”; stress in words
ending in -ity, -itive, stress in words starting with un-; im-.
- Grammar: + Future tenses: Future simple and future continuous
+ Tenses.
+ verb+ to - infinitive
+ reported speech (statements)
2. Skills:
- To check Ss’ listening, reading and writing skills.
3. Attitude:
- Teach Ss to be strict and honest.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- Being able to do the exercises well.
- Ss love the subject and be aware of revising to do well for the test.
II. Teaching methods and techniques.
- Written test.
III. Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: test papers.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: No.
IV. Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Check the preparation of Ss.
3. New lesson
A- Matrix:

B- Questions:
NO 1:
A. LISTENING ( 1,5 pts)
I. Listen and choose the correct answer to complete the passage as you hear.
Computers are helpful (1) …………. many ways. First, they are fast. They can
work with information even (2) …………. quickly than a person. Second, computers
can work with (3) ……. of information at the same time. Third, they can (4) ……
information for a long time. They do not forget things that the common people do. (5)
………, computers are almost always correct. They are not perfect, but they usually
do not (6) …………… mistakes.
1. A. at B. on C. in D. over
2. A. more B. rather C. much D. less
3. A. many B. much C. a lot D. lot
4. A. hold B. keep C. stay D. carry
5. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
6. A. do B. make C. have D. take
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0,5 pts)
1. A. speech B. chatting C. cheer D. chemistry
2. A. multimedia B. opportunity C. using D. music
II. Find the word which has a different main stress. (0,5 pts)
1. A. competitive B. opportunity C. repetitive D. reality
2. A. impatient B. impolite C. unnatural D. unhurt
III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences. (2,5pts)
1. At this time tomorrow, we ………… a video conference with New York branch.
A. will have B. will be having  C. are having D. have
2. If he phones tomorrow, I ………………….. him to come to the party.
A. will tell B. will be telling C. tell D. are telling
3. He said that be a doctor in the future.
A. want B. B. want  C. wanting D. wanted
4. Alexander Graham Bell was the ……………………. of the telephone.
A. developer  B. invention C. inventor  D. writer
5. Lien told me that ……………….. a biology teacher.
A. she wants to become B. she wanted to become
C. she will become D. she wanted becoming
6. I intended……………….……. to New York next month.
A. flew B . to fly C. fly D. flying
7. Tomoko and Kiko said that they …………… cycling the day after tomorrow.
A. will go B. have gone C. would go D. has gone
8. We ……………………with each other by mobile phone in 2050.
A. won’t be communicating C . aren’t communicating
B. haven’t communicated D. aren’t going to communicate
9. Is the rubbish ………………….. every day?
A. collect B. collecting C. be collected D. collected

10. Cultural difference can lead to communication ……………….
A. breakdown B. break-up C. success D. failure
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (1,0 pt)
1. I (watch) ……………..…… a science fiction film on TV at 9 .00 tonight.
2. If you study harder, you (pass)………………………….. the exam.
3. Don’t forget (turn) …………………….. off the lights before going to bed.
4. Our teacher said that new technology (make) ……………………. many workers
jobless in the future.
C. READING. (2,5pts)
I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box to complete the passage.
could inventors benefits In bulb

Thomas Edison was one of the greatest (1) of the world. He was responsible
for more than one thousand inventions including the electric light (2) and the
record player. Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio, USA. When he was 10 years old, he
set up a small laboratory after he had read a science book his mother showed him.
(3) 1869, he borrowed some money and began to make inventions. In 1876 he
built a new laboratory so that he (4) spend all his time inventing . He planned to
turn out minor inventions every ten days and “big trick” every six months. He
developed many devices that brought great (5) to people’s life. He once said that
the value of an idea lay in the using of it. Edison died in 1931, after having are
remarkably productive life.
II. Read the passage again then answer the questions below. (1,25pts)
1.Who was Thomas Edison?
2.When was he born?
3.What did he invent?
4. Did he build a new laboratory in 1876?
5.When did he die?
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words without changing its meaning (1,0pt).
1. “They are doing an experiment”
-> She said that……………………….…………………………………………
2. He said to her: “I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.”
-> He told ……………………………………………………………………..
3. My mother said: “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.”
-> My mother said ………………………………….…………….…………..
4. He said: “Your car has been stolen, John.”
-> He said ……………………………………………………………………..
II. Write the following chat lines in shorthand form. (0,5pt)
1. Thanks for your gift.
2. What are you doing tonight?
NO 2:
A. LISTENING ( 1,5 pts)
I. Listen and choose the correct answer to complete the passage as you hear.

Computers are helpful (1) …………. many ways. First, they are fast. They can
work with information even (2) …………. quickly than a person. Second, computers
can work with (3) ……. of information at the same time. Third, they can (4) ……
information for a long time. They do not forget things that the common people do. (5)
………, computers are almost always correct. They are not perfect, but they usually
do not (6) …………… mistakes.
1. A. at B. on C. in D. over
2. A. more B. rather C. much D. less
3. A. many B. much C. a lot D. lot
4. A. hold B. keep C. stay D. carry
5. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
6. A. do B. make C. have D. take
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0,5 pts)
1. A. netiquette B. media C. message D. text
2. A. understand B. shrug C. culture D. communicate
II. Find the word which has a different main stress. (0,5 pts)
1. A. competitive B. opportunity C. repetitive D. reality
5. A. unhealthy B. unable C. enormous D. unforeseen
III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences. (2,5pts)
1. If he phones tomorrow, I ………………….. him to come to the party.
A. will tell B. will be telling C. tell D. are telling
2. Alexander Graham Bell was the ……………………. of the telephone.
A. developer  B. invention C. inventor  D. writer
3.The teacher …………….. me that I had better spend more time to science subjects
such as physics, chemistry, and biology.
A. said B. told C. spoke D. talked
4. I intended……………….……. to New York next month.
A. flew B . to fly C. fly D. flying
5. She said she ……….…. to the Moon when she had enough money.
A. travel B. to travel C. would travel D. travelling
6. We ……………………with each other by mobile phone in 2050.
A. won’t be communicating C . aren’t communicating
B. haven’t communicated D. aren’t going to communicate
7. Is the rubbish ………………….. every day?
A. collect B. collecting C. be collected D. collected
8. This time tomorrow, I …………….. on the beach.
A. will lie B. will lay C. will be lied D. will be lying
9. Cultural difference can lead to communication ……………….
A. breakdown B. break-up C. success D. failure
10. There can be 3 forms of communication, which are verbal, non-verbal and ……..
A. netiquette B. multimedia C. body language D. cyber world
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (1,0 pt)
1. Don’t forget (turn) …………………….. off the lights before going to bed.
2. By 2030 all students (have) ………………….. their own computers in school.
3. I can’t come to your party next Saturday as I (work) ……………… on that day.

4. Our teacher said that new technology (make) ……………………. many workers
jobless in the future.
C. READING. (2,5pts)
I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box to complete the passage.
Could inventors benefits in bulb

Thomas Edison was one of the greatest (1) of the world. He was responsible
for more than one thousand inventions including the electric light (2) and the
record player. Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio, USA. When he was 10 years old, he
set up a small laboratory after he had read a science book his mother showed him.
(3) 1869, he borrowed some money and began to make inventions. In 1876 he
built a new laboratory so that he (4) spend all his time inventing . He planned to
turn out minor inventions every ten days and “big trick” every six months. He
developed many devices that brought great (5) to people’s life. He once said that
the value of an idea lay in the using of it. Edison died in 1931, after having are
remarkably productive life.
II. Read the passage again then answer the questions below. (1,25pts)
1.Who was Thomas Edison?
2.Where was he born?
3.What did he invent?
4. Did he build a new laboratory in 1876?
5.When did he die?
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words without changing its meaning (1,0pt).
1. “I am learning English now” : Nam said
-> Nam said …………………………………………………………………..
2. He said to her: “I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.”
-> He told ……………………………………………………………………..
3. My mother said: “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.”
-> My mother said ………………………………….…………….…………..
4. Hoa said: “I’m going to finish this work.”
-> Hoa said .…………………………………………………………………..
II. Write the following chat lines in shorthand form. (0,5pt)
1. Thanks for your gift.
2. What are you doing tonight?
A. LISTENING ( 1,5 pts)
I. Listen and choose the correct answers to complete the passage. (2,0 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 6 = 1,5 ®iÓm
1- C 2- A 3- C 4- B 5- A 6- B
Computers are helpful in many ways. First, they are fast. They can work with
information even more quickly than a person. Second, computers can work with a lot
of information at the same time. Third, they can keep information for a long time.

They do not forget things that the common people do. Moreover, computers are
almost always correct. They are not perfect, but they usually do not make mistakes.
I. Choose the word which has underlined part pronounced differently from others.
(0,5pt) Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- D 2- A NO 2: 1- B 2- D
II. Find the word which has a different main stress. (0,5 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- B 2- B NO 2: 1- B 2- D
III. Choose the best answer. (2,5 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 10 = 2,5 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- B 2- A 3- D 4- C 5- B
6- B 7- C 8- A 9- D 10- A
NO 2: 1- A 2- C 3- B 4- B 5- C
6- A 7- D 8- D 9- A 10- B
IV. Give the correct form of the verb in bracket. (1,0pt)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 4 = 1,0 ®iÓm
NO 1: 1- will be watching 2- will pass
3- to turn 4- would make
NO 2: 1- to turn 2- will have
3- will be working 4- would make
C. READING. (2,5pts)
I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box to complete the passage.
(1,25pts) Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
1- inventors 2- bulb 3- In 4- could 5- benefits
II. Read the passage again then answer the questions below. (1,25 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
NO 1:
1, Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors of the world.
2, He was born in 1847 (in Ohio, USA).
3, He invented electric light bulb and the record player.
4, Yes, he did.
5, He died in 1931.
NO 2:
1, Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors of the world.
2, He was born (in 1847) in Ohio, USA.
3, He invented electric light bulb and the record player.
4, Yes, he did.
5, He died in 1931.
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words that unchange its meaning (1,0pt).
Mçi câu ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 4 = 1,0 ®iÓm
NO 1:
1. She said that they were doing an experiment
2. He told her (that) he couldn’t find his hat anywhere in that room.
3. My mother said (that) she thought it wouldn’t rain the next/following day.
4. Hoa said (that) she was going to finish that work.

NO 2:
1. Nam said (that) he was learning English then.
2. He told her (that) he couldn’t find his hat anywhere in that room.
3. My mother said (that) she thought it wouldn’t rain the next/following day.
4. Hoa said (that) she was going to finish that work.
II. Write the following chat lines in shorthand form. (0,5pt)
Mçi câu ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
l. Thx 4 ur gift.
2. Wot r u doin 2nite?
4. Consolidation.
- Collect Ss’ papers and remark if any.
5. Homework.
- Prepare for next period: Unit 12- Getting started/ P. 58- text book.
Pre: 20/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Life on other planets’, understand the conversation between Duong and Nhi about
what could happen to Earth.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”: planet,
trek, captain, crew, terrorist, …
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Reading: read the conversation and do some exercises
- Listening: listen and read the conversation.
- Writing: Write the words in circles.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know about life on other planets.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about the possibility or probability of life on
other planets.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.

1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Brainstorm:
- Play a game: On the board, write the words transportation, communication, housing
and energy and ask two groups of four students to list the future technologies they
expect to see in these fields. Set a time limit and the game stops when the time is up.
The team with more items wins.
- Ask Ss where and how fast they think we can to travel to other planets with those
means of transport that they have listed. Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation
Activity 1: Presentation
* Teaching new vocabulary: I. Vocabulary
- Elicit some new words from the pictures and - planet(n): hành tinh
situations , realias….. - trek (n,v): hành trình, du hành
- T reads new words. - series (n): phim nhiều tập
- T writes new words on the board. - a captain: thuyền trưởng
- Ss listen and repeat in individual first then the - crew (n): thủy thủ
whole class. - terrorist (n): kẻ khủng bố
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - thrilling (adj): hồi hộp, li kỳ
* Check vocab: slap the board. - alien (n): người ngoài hành tinh
* Set the scene: Ask Ss to look at the picture and
the heading What could happen to Earth? and - Where are Duong and Nhi?
answer the questions as a class: - What are they doing?
- Ss discuss the questions in class - What might they be talking about?
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1a- P 59 II. Practice
1. Transferring the learning task. 1. Listen and read
- Ask Ss to read the conversation then tick true or a. Read the conversation
false in small groups. and tick true (T)/ false (F).
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss work in groups of three or four to do the task. 1. F
- Have Ss compare answers with others. 2. T
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. F
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their answers. 4. T
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 5. F
- Others remark.

4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
- Have Ss say where they found the answers in the
b. Read the conversation
Part 1b- P 59
again and answer the
1. Transferring the learning task.
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then answer the questions
questions in pairs Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. James Kirk is the captain
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. of the spaceship.
- Have Ss compare answers with each other. 2. They went to Nibiru
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. planet.
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their answers. 3. It happens in 2259.
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 4. It's the name of the
- Others remark. spaceship that the crew
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. travels on.
- T checks as a class then gives feedback. 5. He wants to destroy Earth.
- Have Ss say where they found the answers in the
Part 1c- P 59
c. Can you find the
1. Transferring the learning task.
sentences in reported speech
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and find the
in the conversation?
sentences in reported speech in the conversation
Underlined them.
2. Doing the task.
- Ss do the task individually. 1. That's funny, Trang also
- Have Ss compare answers with each other. asked me what I thought
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. would happen to Earth in the
- Have Ss read aloud the sentences. future.
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 2. I said I didn't know but
- Others remark. that Earth might be run by
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. aliens!
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
Part 2- P 59
1. Transferring the learning task. 2. Use the words/phrases in
- Ask Ss to use the words/phrases in the box to label the box to label the pictures.
the pictures in pairs. Then listen and repeat.
2. Doing the task. Key:
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. 1. aliens
- Have Ss compare answers with each other. 2. space buggy
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. UFO
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their answers. 4 weightless
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 5. galaxy
- Others remark. 6 spaceship
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. 7. solar system

- T checks as a class then gives feedback. 8 planet
Afterwards, have Ss repeat the words chorally.
- Correct their pronunciation if necessary. Check
their understanding if necessary.
Part 3- P 59 3. Use the word/phrases in 2
1. Transferring the learning task. to fill the blanks.
- Ask Ss to use the word/phrases in 2 to fill the Key:
blanks in small groups. 1. aliens
2. Doing the task. 2. UFO
- Ss work in groups to do the task. 3. space buggy
- Have Ss compare answers with others. 4. planet; planet
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. weightless
6. solar system
- Elicit Ss' answers.
7 galaxy
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud.
8. spaceship
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
Activity 3: Production
Part 4- P 59 III. Further practice
4. GAME:
- Draw a word web with several circles on the
board. Elicit the words/ phrases in from the class Listen and follow the
and write them in the circles, one word per circle. teacher’s instructions to
- When all the words/ phrases are written in the play the game.
circles, give Ss one minute to remember the
position of each word/ phrase. aliens
- Now rub out the words as Ss say them out loud,
leaving only the circles.
- Ss work in two big groups. Ask them to take turns
to fill the circles with the correct words.
- The group that has more correct answers is the
4. Consolidation.
- words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects of overcrowding.
5. Homework.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Read the conversation again and translate the conversation in Getting started into
- Prepare: UNIT 12: A CLOSER LOOK 1/ P. 60- textbook.
Pre: 20/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce correctly the words ending in
-ful and -less in isolation and in context, use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Life
on other planets’
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”: Venus,
Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, …
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words ending in -ful and -less in isolation and
in context correctly.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: practice stress
- Writing: write the names of the planets that match the Roman Gods; add suffixes
-ful/-ess to the words.
- Listening: Listen and put the stress in the correct place in the words
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and understand more about universe.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about the possibility or probability of life on
other planets.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2+ S3: Read the conversation in Listen and read and then answer some questions.
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up:
- Write letters M, V, N, J, S on the board and ask Ss to volunteer to write any name of
any planet that they know beginning with these letters. Give them three minutes.
Suggested ideas:
Venus, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, …
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary
* Teaching new vocabulary: I. Vocabulary
- Elicit some new words from the pictures and - Mecury : sao Thủy
situations, realias ….. - Venus: sao Kim
- T reads new words. - Saturn: sao Thổ
- T writes new words on the board. - Neptune: sao Hải Vương
- Ss listen and repeat in individual first then the - Jupiter: sao Mộc
whole class. - solar system: hệ mặt trời
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - God of agriculture: thần nông
* Checks vocab: slap the board. - the fast-flying messenger: người
Part 1- P 60 đưa tin bay nhanh
1. Transferring the learning task. II. Practice
- Have Ss open the books and work 1. Use the names of the planets
independently use the names of the planets in in the box to label the diagram of
the box to label the diagram of the solar the solar system.
2. Doing the task.
- Ss do the task independently.
- Have Ss compare answers with a partner. 2. Now scan the passage and
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. check your answers.
Part 2- P 60 Key:
- Have Ss read the passage and check their A. Mercury
answers. B. Venus
- Call on some Ss to say aloud their answers. C. Mars
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. D. Jupiter
- Others remark. E. Saturn
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. F. Neptune
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
Part 3- P 60 3.Write the names of the planets
- Have Ss work individually to fill the blanks that match the Roman Gods.
without reading the passage again. Key:
- Have them compare their answers in pairs. Ss 1. Neptune
read the passage again to confirm their 2 Saturn
answers. 3. Mars
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
Part 4a- P 60 4 a. Add suffixes –full/-less to the
- T can explain that to form adjectives, we can words in the box. Note that some
add suffixes-ful or -less to a noun or a verb. words can use either suffix.
Ask Ss to work in pairs to form words with the Suggested answers:
ending -ful or -less. 1. weightless
- Ask Ss to swap pairs to check their answers, 2. waterless
then check their answer as a class. 3. resourceful/resourceless airless
- Ask Ss to add some words that are formed in 4. beautiful

this way if time allows. 5. wonderful
Part 4b- P 60 b. Now use the topic of space to
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to write a sentence make a sentence for each new
about the topic of space for each word. word. Compare your sentences
- Have them swap their sentences with another with a partner.
pair’s to peer check
- Have some S read out their sentences and
correct Ss’ work if necessary.
Activity 2: Teaching pronunciation
Part 5- P 60 II. Pronunciation
- Explain to Ss that when When we add -ful/-less to nouns or verbs to form
we add suffixes –ful or – adjectives, the stress of the words remain unchanged.
less to a word , the stress of Example:
the word remains - water – waterless
unchanged. - hope – hopeless/hopeful
- Play the recording and ask - forget – forgetful
Ss to listen and stress the 5. Put the stress in the correct place in the words.
words. Then listen and check.
- Checks Ss’ answers as a Key:
‘thoughtless ‘meaningful ‘helpless
Part 6- P 60
‘meaningless ‘helpful ‘thoughtful
- Have Ss work individually
‘useless ‘plentiful ‘useful
to mark the stress in each
word. 6. Read the following sentences and mark the
- Ask Ss to compare their stressed syllable on the words in italics. Then listen
answers with a partner. and repeat.
- Have them practice Key:
reading sentences. 1. 'meaningful. 2. 'helpful
- T plays the recording and 3. 'helpless 4. 'useful.
ask Ss to listen, check and 5. 'plentiful
repeat the sentences.
4. Consolidation.
- Summarize the main content of the lesson
5. Homework.
- Learn by heart the new words
- Do ex A1, A2 – B1 (P43 -44) - workbook
- Prepare UNIT 12: A CLOSER LOOK 2/ P. 61, 62- textbook.

Ngày 22 tháng 04 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


WEEK 34:
Pre: 23/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 04/ 2019
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Life on other planets’, know how to use may and might correctly and reported
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Reading: Read the questions and rewrite them as reported questions.
- Writing: revise may/might by doing some exercises
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and understand more about universe.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about the possibility or probability of life on
other planets.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: goes to the board to write new words
- S2: mark the stress in the words.
3. New lesson

A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Remind Ss of items they learnt in the previous lessons.
+ words of quantifiers (many, a little…)
+ countable and uncountable nouns.
+ imperatives with “more”, “less”, and “fewer”.
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: May and Might: review
Ex 1- P 61 I. May and Might: review
- Draw Ss' attention to the REMEMBER! box. 1. Use may/might to fill each of the
Then ask some more able Ss to give blank
examples. Key:
- Ask Ss to work individually to fill the gaps. 1. may/ might
Have them compare the answers with a 2 may/ might
partner and explain their answers. 3. may/ might
- Check the answers as a class and ask for Ss' 4. may
explanations. 5. may/ might
- Note that in relation to points 1 and 2 in the 6. may
REMEMBER! box, may and might are both 7. may/ might
equally correct in this activity. 8. may
- Ss must only distinguish between these and
point 3 in the box: may for permission

Activity 3: Reported speech: questions

II. Reported speech: questions
- Teach Ss how to use reported We use the verb ask when reporting
questions. questions. In reported questions we use the
- Draw Ss’ attention to the language statement word order and the question
box on reported questions, ask them mark is omitted.
to read the box about reported questions a, Wh- questions:
carefully. => Gián tiếp: 
- Ss read then take note. S + asked/ wanted to know... + Wh-
- T give examples on the board then ask word + S+ V (lùi 1 thì so với câu trực tiếp)
Ss to make others. ….
Eg: b, Yes/No- questions:
a, ‘What were you doing at the time?’ => Gián tiếp: 
-> She asked (me) what I was doing/ had S + asked/ wanted to know... +
been doing at the time. if/whether + S+ V (lùi 1 thì so với câu
b, ‘Did the alien talk to you?’ trực tiếp) …..
-> She asked (me) if/ whether the alien * Note: Remember that pronouns,
talked/ had talked to her possessive adjectives, verb tenses, and time
- Notice Ss the rule to change pronouns, expressions change in reported questions
possessive adjectives, verb tenses, and just as in reported statements.
time expressions in reported questions
2. Nick claimed that he had seen a UFO.

Ex 2- P 61 Read the interview between a reporter
- Have Ss work in pairs and do the and Nick, and finish the following
exercise. sentences.
- Ss work in pairs and do the exercise Key:
- Ask some Ss to read out their 1. what
answer, and correct the answers as a 2. had seen; had landed
class. 3. what
4 had been going
5. had looked
6. had been; had looked like
7. had seen
8 had hidden
Ex 3- P 61 3. Circle the correct word in italics to
- Let Ss work individually and check complete each sentence.
their answers with a classmate. Key:
- Then T checks Ss’ answers as a l. ask
class. 2. if
3. before
Ex 4- P 61 4. different
1. Transferring the learning task. 4. Read other questions by the interview.
- Ask Ss to work individually to write Rewrite them as reported questions.
questions in reported speech. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. The interviewer asked if he went for a
- Ss do the task in pairs to change walk every day.
these sentences. 2. He asked how Nick had felt when he had
3. Reporting the task result and seen the alien.
discuss. 3. He asked what the alien had looked like.
- Have one student write the answers 4. He asked why Nick hadn't taken a photo
on the board and get feedback from of the alien.
other Ss. 5. The interviewer asked how long the
- Some Ss write their own answers on UFO had stayed there.
the board 6. The interviewer asked if Nick had seen
- Others remark. any UFOs since then.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing
the task.
- T checks as a class then gives the
ccorrect answers.
5. Work in groups of three. One is Nick
Ex 5- P 61
and the other are Nick’s friends. Ask and
- Have Ss work in groups of three for
answer questions about what Nick saw.
5 to 10 minutes.
Then report the friend’s questions and
- T goes around to see if Ss need help.
Nick’s answers to the whole class.
Then ask the student who plays Nick's
role to report orally the questions he
was asked.
- Get another student in the group to
report what Nick answered.

- Ask the whole class to listen
carefully and give feedback. Correct
this group's work if necessary.

4. Consolidation.
- Ask Ss to summarize the lesson:
5. Homework.
+ Learn by heart the structures
+ Do all exercises B2,3,4,5,6,7 - P 44,45,46 - workbbok
+ Prepare UNIT 12: COMMUNICATION/ P. 63- textbook
Pre: 24 / 04 / 2019.
Te: ....../ 05 / 2019.

I/ Objectives.
1. Knowledge:
- After the lesson, Ss will be able to read the test again and find out their mistakes and
correct themselves and T can evaluate Ss’ knowledge.
- Vocabulary: related to the theme “Visions of the future”.
- Phonetics: The words related to the theme “Visions of the future”; stress in words
ending in -ity, -itive, stress in words starting with un-; im-.
- Grammar: + Future tenses: Future simple and future continuous
+ Tenses.
+ verb+ to - infinitive
+ reported speech (statements)
2. Skills:
- To check Ss’ language focus, reading and writing skills.
3. Attitude:
- Teach Ss to be strict and honest.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- Being able to do the exercises well.
- Ss love the subject and be aware of the mistakes they made then correct them and
study harder.
II/ Preparations.
1. Teacher’s: - Materials: Paper tests.
- Equipment: sub - board.
2. Students’: No.
III/ Teaching process.
1- Class Organization
- Attendance: 8A: ...../ 30 - Absence: ...............................................................................
8B: ...../ 32 …...........................................................................
8C: ...../ 29 …...........................................................................
2- Oral test

- During the lesson.
3- New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions about how to change indirect speech into reported speech.
B. Presentation:
* Give the paper test 1. Test correction
back and correct the A. LISTENING ( 1,5 pts)
test. I. Listen and choose the correct answers to complete
the passage. (1,5 pts)
- Ask Ss to give the Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 6 = 1,5 ®iÓm
answers for the 1- C 2- A 3- C
questions. 4- B 5- A 6- B
Computers are helpful in many ways. First, they are fast.
- Ss give the answers in They can work with information even more quickly
turn. than a person. Second, computers can work with a lot of
information at the same time. Third, they can keep
information for a long time. They do not forget things
that the common people do. Moreover, computers are
- T: explains if it is almost always correct. They are not perfect, but they
necessary. usually do not make mistakes.
I. Choose the word which has underlined part
- Ask Ss to give the pronounced differently from others. (0,5pt) Mçi ®¸p ¸n
answers for the ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
questions. NO 1: 1- D 2- A
NO 2: 1- B 2- D
- Ss give the answers in II. Find the word which has a different main stress.
turn. (0,5 pts) Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5
NO 1: 1- B 2- B
- T: explains if it is NO 2: 1- B 2- D
necessary. III. Choose the best answer. (2,5 pts)
Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 10 = 2,5 ®iÓm
- Ask Ss to give the NO 1: 1- B 2- A 3- D 4- C 5- B
answers for the 6- B 7- C 8- A 9- D 10- A
questions. NO 2: 1- A 2- C 3- B 4- B 5- C
6- A 7- D 8- D 9- A 10- B
IV. Give the correct form of the verb in bracket. (1,0pt)
- Ss write the answers Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 4 = 1,0 ®iÓm
on the board in turn. NO 1: 1- will be watching 2- will pass
3- to turn 4- would make
NO 2: 1- to turn 2- will have
3- will be working 4- would make
- T explains if it is C. READING. (2,5pts)

necessary. I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box
to complete the passage. (1,25pts)
- Ask Ss to give the Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
answers for the 1- inventors 2- bulb 3- In
questions. 4- could 5- benefits
II. Read the passage again then answer the questions
below. (1,25 pts)
- Ss give the answers in Mçi ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 5 = 1,25 ®iÓm
turn. NO 1:
1, Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors of
- T explains if it is the world.
necessary. 2, He was born in 1847 (in Ohio, USA).
3, He invented electric light bulb and the record player.
4, Yes, he did.
5, He died in 1931.
- Ask Ss to give the NO 2:
answers for the 1, Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors of
questions. the world.
2, He was born (in 1847) in Ohio, USA.
- Ss give the answers in 3, He invented electric light bulb and the record player.
turn. 4, Yes, he did.
5, He died in 1931.
D. WRITING. (1,5pts)
- T: explains if it is I. Rewrite the sentence use the given words that
necessary. unchange its meaning (1,0pt).
Mçi câu ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 4 = 1,0 ®iÓm
NO 1:
- Ask Ss to give the 1. She said that they were doing an experiment
answers for the 2. He told her (that) he couldn’t find his hat anywhere in
questions. that room.
3. My mother said (that) she thought it wouldn’t rain the
- Ss write the answers next/following day.
on the board in turn. 4. Hoa said (that) she was going to finish that work.
NO 2:
- T explains if it is 1. Nam said (that) he was learning English then.
necessary. 2. He told her (that) he couldn’t find his hat anywhere in
that room.
3. My mother said (that) she thought it wouldn’t rain the
next/following day.
4. Hoa said (that) she was going to finish that work.
II. Write the following chat lines in shorthand form.
* Give the general (0,5pt)- Mçi câu ®óng ®îc 0,25 ®iÓm x 2 = 0,5 ®iÓm
remarks l. Thx 4 ur gift.
- T gives general 2. Wot r u doin 2nite?
remarks of good and
bad points. 2. Remark

- T gives compliments *The result.
to the excellent students - Class 8A:…./ 30 from 5
and points out the limits 8B:…./ 32
of some week Ss. 8C:…./ 29
- T collects Ss’ marks.

4. Consolidation
- Retell the main content of the lesson: new words and grammar from unit 1 to unit 6
5. Homework
- Review all grammar and new words.
- Prepare: Unit 2 Communication / Page 63- Textbook.
Pre: 24/ 04/ 2019
Te: ...../ 05/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic
‘Life on other planets’, talk about the possibility or probability of life on other
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Speaking: discuss the possibility of life forms in our galaxy.
- Reading: read the comments and give their ideas.
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know the life on other planets.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about the possibility or probability of life on
other planets.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.

IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
S1: does exercise B2 - workbook
S2: does B3- workbook
- Gives remarks and marks
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss which planet they would like to go if they had a chance. Ask them to give
the reasons why. Then tell Ss that they will join a teenagers’ blog to read some
discussion on whether they believe in the existence of other life forms in the galaxy.
- Check if Ss understand the meanings of the words in Extra vocabulary. If they do
not, quickly teach the words by using synonyms or even translation. Tell them that
NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Lead to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Presentation
* Teaching new vocabulary: I. New words
- Elicit some new words from the - appropriate (a): thích hợp
pictures and situations, realias….. - powerful (a): hùng mạnh
- T: reads new words. - NASA: cơ quan hàng không và vũ trụ Mỹ
- T: writes new words on the board. - galaxy (n): dải ngân hà
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual - similar (to): tương tự
first then the whole class. - to be proud of: tự hào về
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
* Check vocab: slap the board.
Activity 2: Practice
Part 1- P 63 1. Five teenagers are discussing the
- Have Ss read the comments. possibility of other life forms in our
- Ask Ss to do the reading as fast as galaxy. Read the comments they have
possible and remember the edeas. posted on an online forum.
- T moves around the class. Bring
everyone together if there are ideas or
words that need clarifying. 2. Work in groups to decide if you agree
Part 2- P 63 or disagree with each of the opinions and
ideas in 1. Say why or why not.
- Have Ss to work in groups. Tell Ss Suggestions for disagreements:
that they can look back at bog and use - I disagree with Nhi because the inhabitants
the example to discuss the five ideas. there may be able to live in high temperatures.
- If Ss agree, ask them to add any They may have bodies which can resist heat. Or
details from their imagination about they may have a special machine to cool down
the planet. the atmosphere of the place where they live.

- Elicit the reasons why there may be - I disagree with Due because the inhabitants
inhabitants there, what those there may be able to extract liquid from
inhabitants may look like, how they underground to survive. Their bodies may be
can communicate , how they can adapted to the environment there. They may not
travel need oxygen but hydrogen or nitrogen to
- If Ss disagree, ask them to justify breathe.
their choice. - I disagree with Anh. Any planet can be
considered powerful. Any inhabitant is proud of
his/her own planet.

Activity 3: Production
Part 3a- P 63 3a. Work in pairs. Imagine you are
1. Transferring the learning task. going into space. Decide together what
- Put Ss in pairs. Make sure that work you will take with you. You can add any
with anew partner for a change. Ask item you think necessary. Remember to
them to use the suggestions in the give the reasons.
pictures and example. - space suit: quần áo phi hành gia
2. Doing the task. - foot tablets: sản phẩm chức năng
- Ss work in pairs - space buggy: xe vũ trụ
- Encourage them to add any items they - oxygen tank: bình ô xy
may think necessary. Remind them to - gloves: găng tay
give a reason for each choice.
- Go around to help Ss
3. Reporting the task result and A: I will wear a spacesuit because it may
discuss. be very cold there and I won’t able to
Part 3a- P 63 breathe.
B: I will bring hand washing gel to clean
- Ask Ss to report their decisions to the my hands.
class or to another pair.
b. Report your decisions to another pair
4. Giving the remarks to their doing
or to class
the task.
- Give feedback if necessary.

4. Consolidation.
- Repeat the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Write what you will take when you go into space
- Prepare: UNIT 12: SKILL 1/ P. 64 - textbook.

WEEK 35:
Pre: 04/ 05/ 2019
Te: ...../ 05/ 2019
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read for general and specific information
about life on other planets, talk about what life may be like on other planets
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Reading: read for specific information about life on other planets
- Speaking: talk about what life may be like on other planets
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know about life on other planets.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Predicting what other life form might be like.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1: writes new words
- S2: talks about what you will bring along when you go into space.

3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Discussing:
Ex 1a: Look at the two pictures and discuss the questions:
1. What are the names of the two planets in pictures A and B?
2. How do you think the pictures are different?
- Ss look at the pictures in Ex 1a- on p 64 and discuss.
- T collects Ss’ ideas then leads to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Reading
*Teaching new vocabulary: I. Reading
- Elicit some new words from the pictures * New words
and situations , realias ….. - reddish (adj): hơi dỏ
- T: reads new words. - to accommodate: cung cấp nơi ăn,
- T: writes new words on the board. chốn ở
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - moreover: ngoài ra
then the whole class. - to experience: trải nghiệm
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
* Checks vocab: slap the board.
Part 1b- P 64 1b. Read the text below and check
- Ask Ss to cover the reading passage, your answers.
look at the pictures of the two planets and
answer the questions. Ask them: What else
can you infer from the pictures?
- Give Ss two minutes to skim the passage
and check their answers. 2. Find words in the text that have
Part 2- P 64 similar to these words or phrases.
- Have Ss scan the passage to find the Key:
words in red and match them with the 1. poisonous 2. twice
definitions. 3. experiences 4. traces
- Ss should check the meanings of the 5. surface 6. climate
words from the context. 7. accommodate
- Then check their answers as a class. 3. Match the heading with the
Part 3- P 64 paragraphs(1-3). There is one extra.
- Tell Ss that to finish this part, they Key:
should underline keywords in the 1. C
headings. 2. B
- Ask Ss to skim the text again, using the 3. A.
keywords in the headings to do the
Part 4- P 64 4. Read the text again and answer the
1. Transferring the learning task. questions.
- Ask Ss to read the text again then
answer the questions in pairs Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. It Is also called the Red Planet.

- Ss work in pairs to do the task. 2. The lowest temperature is -87
- Have Ss compare answers with degrees Celsius and the highest may be
others. a bit higher than zero.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. Because 95% of the atmosphere is
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their carbon dioxide.
answers. 4. A day on Mars is a bit longer.
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 5. It is twice as long as a year on Earth
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks as a class then gives feedback.
Activity 2: Speaking
Part 5- P 64 II. Speaking
- Ask Ss to read the table of information 5. Work in pairs. One is a
carefully human and the other is a
- Ask them to answers their questions if they Martian. Use the suggestions
have any. below to ask and answer about
- Ss work in pairs and answer questions based life on Earth and life on Mars.
on the suggested information in the table and
the example Set a time 5 to 10 minutes
- When they finish, ask the student who plays
the role of the human from one pair, and the
student who plays the role of Martian from
another pair to role play in front of the whole 6. Now swap pairs. The human
class. of one pair works with the
- Have them ask and answer questions about Martian of the other pair. Take
food and drink turns to report what your
- Have another pair do the same, asking and previous partner said about life
answering about sleep and travel. Then have a on their planet to your new
third pair to finish with environment and partner to see if he/she said
problems. similar things.
Part 6- P 64 New human: What kind of food
- Ask the ‘humans’ and ‘Martians’ to form new did the human say she ate?
pairs. This time they use reported speech to New Martian: She said that she
report their previous partner's answers. ate rice, bread, meat and fruit and
New human: Yes, that's right!

4. Consolidation.
- Teacher summarizes the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Ask Ss to learn new words by heart.
- Do exercises C1,2 and D1,2 - P. 47-48 - workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 12: SKILL 2/ P.65 - textbook.

Pre: 04/ 05/ 2019
Te: ...../ 05/ 2019
Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information about
aliens, write a description of an alien.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Listening: Listen for specific information about aliens
- Writing: write a paragraph to describe an alien
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and love the life of aliens on the other planets.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Predicting what other life form might be like.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- S1 does exercise B7- workbook.
- S2 does exercise C1- workbook.
3. New lesson

A. Warm- up: *Guessing game:
- Ask a couple of Ss to come to the board and draw their versions of an alien. Ask
them some questions:
1. How would you feel if you saw an alien?
2. Do you think they are different from humans?
3. What differences may they be?
- T collects Ss’ ideas then leads to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:
Activity 1: Listening
I. Listening
* Teaching new vocabulary: * New words:
- Elicit some new words from the pictures - inhabitant(n): cư dân
and situations, realias….. - human beings: loài người
- T: reads new words. - Jupiter (n): sao Mộc
- T: writes new words on the board. ->Jupiterians: người sống ở sao
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then Mộc
the whole class. - degree Celsius: độ C
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - good sense of smell : khứu giác
* Checks vocab: slap the board. tốt
Part 1- P 65 - to plug: nút lại, bịt lại
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to describe the 1. Work in pairs. Describe the
pictures and answer the questions pictures and answer the questions.
Part 2- P 65
- Ask Ss to read the information in the table 2. Listen to Tom’s imagined
carefully and try to predict the answers. Tell description of what an alien from
them that to do this they should highlight another planet may be like. Fill
keywords in the questions and decide the part each blank with no more than
of speech of the words they will need to fill in three words from the recording.
the blanks. Key:
- T turns on the recording. twice Ss listen to 1. Jupiter 2. much bigger
and fill 3. more powerful 4. lots of hair
- T turns on recording again for Ss to check 5. thick skin 6. four eyes
- Call 2 Ss to write on the board 7. happiness 8. fear
- Others give comment 9. Energy 10. rocks
- T corrects and confirms the correct answers.
Part 3- P 65 3. Listen again and tick () true
1. Transferring the learning task. (T), false (F) or not given (NG)
- Have Ss work individually to underline the
keywords in the statements.
- Ask Ss to listen again carefully and tick ()
true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) as they Key:
hear. 1. F
2. Doing the task. 2. NG
- Ss listen and do the task individually.
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs before 3. T
playing the recording a final time to allow

pairs to check their answers 4. F
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. F
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
aloud. 6. F
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks the answers as a class.
- Have Ss retell the main ideas of the
Activity 2: Writing
Part 4- P 65 II. Writing
- Set a time limit (3’) for Ss to brainstorm 4. Work in pairs. Imagine what an
ideas and write their notes. T move around alien may be like. Use your
and help Ss if necessary. imagination to fill the web below.
- Ask Ss to refer back to the speaking in 5 - He/ She may /might have..............
(Skills 1) and listening in 3 (Skills 2) for eye/eyes
useful language and ideas - He/ She may /might be ................
- He / She may/might eat ...............
- His/ Her skin may/might be..........
Part 5- P 65
- Now have Ss work individually to write 5. Now use the notes to write a
descriptions of their alien. description of your alien.
- Give Ss a time limit for this. For a class
which needs more support, make copies of
the audio script and give each student one.
The script can act as a writing model, but
make it clear that Ss should change the
content to match their own ideas.
Part 6- P 65 6. Swap your work with your
- Ss swap their writing with a partner. They partner How different is your
comment on each other's work. description from your partner’s?
- Ss revise and edit their writing in class if
time allows, or else as homework.
- Ask Ss to read aloud their writing.

4. Consolidation.
- Ask some Ss to read aloud their writing. Teacher and other students listen and give
5. Homework.
- Do exercises: D2,3 + E1+ E2/ P48, 49,50- workbook.
- Complete the writing on the notebook.
- Prepare: UNIT 12: LOOKING BACK + PROJECT/ P.66, 67 - textbook.

Pre: 05/ 05/ 2019
Te: ...../ 05/ 2019

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review all vocabulary and grammar
related to the topic “Life on other planets” by doing some exercises.
- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Life on other planets”
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + May and might: (review)
+ Reported speech: questions.
2. Skills:
- Writing: use the words to write full sentences.
- Speaking: talk about the existence of UFOs
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to work hard and know the importance of protecting our earth.
- Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- The love for the subject, self-educated, problem solving, being creative, self-
management, communicating, co-working and language competence, technology
- The ability to use English: Talking about life on other planets and using reported
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- Communicative approach.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids.
+ Equipment: No.
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test

- Check Ss’ writing
3. New lesson
A. Warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ss talk about their future means of transport.
- T collects Ss’ ideas then leads to the new lesson.
B. Presentation:


Activity 1: Vocabulary
Ex 1- P 66: I- Vocabulary.
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex1: Rearrange the letters to
- T ask Ss to rearrange the letters to label the label the pictures
pictures. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. aliens
- Ss work individually to do the task then in pairs 2. space buggy
to compare their answers. 3. weightless
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. solar system
- T call on some Ss to say out their answers. 5. planet
- Some Ss give their own answers aloud. 6. spaceship
- Others remark. 7. flying saucer
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. 8. galaxy
- T checks as a class.
Ex 2- P 66: Ex2: Fill each gap with a
1. Transferring the learning task. suitable word from the box.
- Ask Ss to work individually to fill the gaps,
then compare their answers with a partner. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. accommodate
- Ss work individually to do the task then in pairs 2. surface
to compare their answers. 3. traces
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. experienced
- Ask some Ss to write their answers on the 5. climate
board. 6. NASA
- Some Ss write their own answers on the board.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks as a class.
- Give the correct answers, after that let some Ss
read the sentences aloud.
Activity 2: Grammar
Ex 3- P 66 II- Grammar
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex3: Underline the correct answers
- T ask Ss to underline the correct Key:
answers to complete the sentences. 1. if
2. Doing the task. 2. had been
- Ss do the task in pairs to underline the 3. who
correct answers. 4. had been

3. Reporting the task result and 5. how
discuss. 6. ate
- T call on some Ss to say aloud their 7. what
- Some Ss give their own answers
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T checks as a class then gives the
ccorrect answers. Ex4: Put the words/phrases in the
Ex 4- P 66 correct order to make reported speech.
1. Transferring the learning task. Key:
- T ask Ss to put the words/phrases in 1. He asked me how I would react if I
the correct order to make reported saw an alien.
speech. 2. The teacher asked me which planet
2. Doing the task. was most suitable for human life.
- Ss do the task in pairs to put the 3. My friend asked me when humans
words/phrases in the correct order to had first landed on the moon.
make reported speech. 4. She asked me what the difference
3. Reporting the task result and between a planet and a star was.
discuss. 5. They asked if there was water on
- T call on some Ss to write on the board Mars
- Some Ss write their own answers on the
- Others remark. Ex5: Change the following questions
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the into reported questions.
task. Key:
- T checks as a class then gives the 1. The teacher asked her students what
ccorrect answers. the essential conditions for human life
Ex 5- P 66 were.
1. Transferring the learning task. 2. Samuel asked the scientist if humans
- T ask Ss to change the sentences into had been able to communicate with
reported speech. people on other planets.
2. Doing the task. 3. Nick asked the journalist if the
- Ss do the task in pairs to change these Roswell UFO incident had taken place
sentences. in the U.S. in June 1947.
3. Reporting the task result and 4.Vanessa asked her uncle who the
discuss. witness in the Roswell UFO incident had
- T call on some Ss to write on the board been.
- Some Ss write their own answers on the 5. The son asked his father when
board humans would be able to travel from one
- Others remark. planet to another more easily.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the 6. Diane asked her mother why people
task. couldn't move to Mars immediately.
- T checks as a class then gives the
ccorrect answers.

Activity 3: Communication
Ex 6- P 66 III. Communication
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex6: Choose the right sentences
- T ask Ss to read the requirement of the (A-E) to put into the dialogue.
- Have Ss work in pairs. Tell them to choose
the right sentences to put into the dialogue. Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. B
- Ss work in pairs to do the task then compare 2. D
with others. 3. A
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. C
- Have Ss read out one of their predictions to 5. E
the class.
- Others can ask them questions about their
prediction Finished! Now I can...
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task. - talk about life on other planets.
- T checks as a class. - report questions
Finished! - pronounce the words ending in
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. -ful and -less correctly in isolation
Identify any difficulties and weak areas and and in sentences.
provide further practice.
- describe an imaginary
inhabitants of another planet.
Activity 4: Project
1. First, have Ss work in groups to 1. Write the phrases in the box under the
ask and answer the questions. pictures, and then answer the questions.
Suggested answers:
2, 3, 4. Ask Ss to work in bigger A. space buggy
groups to do the project. Ss follow B. space shuttle
the instructions in the book. C. Vostok spacecraft
- Answer Ss' questions if there are 2. Work in groups. Choose a space vehicle or
any. Ss may need to complete the machine you like from the pictures or
project out of class. elsewhere.
- Remember to have Ss present 3. Search for information about the vehicle
their work, then ask the whole or machine.
class to vote for the best planned 4. Present the information to the class. Vote
and presented project. for the best presentation.

4. Consolidation.
- Retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare: REVIEW 4/ P.68- Textbook.
Ngày 06 tháng 05 năm 2019.

Trần Thị Thanh Trà

WEEK 36:
Pre: 08/ 05/ 2019
Te: ...../ 05/ 2019
Period 103: REVIEW 4

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise the language they have studied and
the skills they have practiced in units 10 - 12. They can make sentences using them
and do some exercises in the form/tense of the verbs, pronunciation, vocab, grammar
from unit 10 to unit 12
- Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 10 to unit 12.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson, stress in words ending in
-ity and -itive; -full and -less and words starting with un- and im-
- Grammar: + The future tenses: Future continuous and future simple.
+ Verbs + to-infinitive.
+ May and might.
+ Reported speech: statements and questions
2. Skills:
+ Speaking : Pronounce the sounds they’ve learnt, use everyday English fluently.
+ Writing: Use future tenses, may/might, reported speech to do exercises
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to revise the language from unit 10 to unit 12 and practice with them.
- Know the importance of revision and need to study harder.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- Communicative approach.
- Independent, self-confident, self- control, responsibility and discipline.
- The ability to use English to solve problems in topics that they’ve learnt in unit 10,
11, 12. Doing exercises on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and everyday
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- In the classroom.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work, situations, translation, discussion, and examples.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbooks, visual aids.

+ Equipment: CD player
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Teacher checks students’ homework.
- Collect some Ss’ writing to mark.
3. New lesson
A- warm- up: *Brainstorming:
- Have Ss work in 2 teams to list the main grammar points they’ve learn in units 10-
- Ss discuss in groups
- Teacher checks with whole class.

Future continuous (review)

What you have learnt in

units 10-12?

Reported speech Verbs + to-inf

B- Presentation:
Activity 1: Revising pronunciation
Ex 1- P 68 1. Pronunciation.
- Review the rules of stress in words starting or Ex 1: Mark the stress for the
ending in un-, im-, -ful, -less, -ity, and -itive with following words, then listen and
Ss as a class. repeat.
- Have Ss then mark the stress independently. Key:
- Play the recording. Ss listen and correct their colourless a’bility
answers. uni’dentified im’mobile
- Confirm their answers. inte’ractive ‘wireless
- Ss listen again and repeat, in chorus and capa’bility po’ssessive
individually. ‘meaningful suc’cessful
im’possible in’formative
Ex 2- P 68
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 2: Complete the words in
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the these sentences. All the words are
exercises. taken from the list in 1. Then
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences listen and check.
individually Key:

2. Doing the task. 1. colorless
- Ss work individually to do the task. 2. unidentified
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 3. interactive
- Have some Ss write on the board. 4. capability
- Some Ss may write the answers on the board. 5. meaningful
- Others remark. 6. impossible.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T plays the recording for Ss to check then
gives feedback.
Activity 2: Revising vocabulary
Ex 3- P 68 2. Vocabulary
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 3: Match each verb in
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the column A with a phrase in
exercises. column B.
- T asks Ss to match each verb in A with a suitable
phrase in B individually Key:
2. Doing the task. 1. meet face-to-face
- Ss work individually to do the task. 2. make inventions
- Ss can then share their answers with a partner. 3. exchange information
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. fly into space
- Have some Ss give their own answers. 5. move round the sun
- Some Ss say aloud their answers. 6. benefit from science and
- Others remark. technology
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks their answers.
- Give the correct answers.
Ex 4- P 68 Ex 4: Write the correct form
1. Transferring the learning task. of the words in brackets to
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the complete the passage.
- Ask Ss to write the correct form of the words in Key:
brackets to complete the passage individually. 1 scientist
2. Doing the task. 2. chemistry
- Ss work individually to do the task. 3. inventor
- Ss can then share their answers with a partner. 4. ambitious
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 5. unhappy
- Have some Ss give their own answers. 6. invention
- Some Ss say aloud their answers.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- Check Ss' answers and write the correct ones on
the board.
Activity 3: Revising grammar
Ex 5- P 68 3. Grammar
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 5: Use the correct form of the
- Revises the use of present tenses, verbs in brackets.

conditional, past perfect and passive voice.
- Have a brief revision if necessary. Key:
- Ask Ss to use the correct form of the verbs 1. will... be? 2. to buy
in brackets in pairs. 3. to read 4. look
2. Doing the task. 5. will be 6. will appear
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. 7. to read 8. will appear
- Ss exchange their answers and discuss if
there is any difference in their answers.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- Have some Ss give their own answers on
the board.
- Some Ss write their answers on the board.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
task. Ex 6: Rewrite the following
- T checks and explain each answer. sentences in reported speech.
Ex 6- P 68 Key:
1. Transferring the learning task.
1. Lena said (that) she enjoyed
- T ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in reported
chatting on the phone with her
2. Doing the task.
2. The teacher said (that) a
- Ss do the task individually to rewrite the
communication breakdown might
sentences in Ex 6.
happen due to cultural
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
- Have two Ss write the sentences on the
3. Duong asked (me/ us) what the
board while other Ss do the exercise at their
inhabitants of Jupiter might look
- Ss comment on the sentences on the board.
4. Chau asked (me/ us) if/ whether
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
we would still have traffic jams in
30 years' time.
- T checks as a class then confirms the correct
5. Phuc told me (that) he had read a
book about life on other planets.
Activity 4: Revising everyday English
4. Everyday English
Ex 7- P 68 Ex 7: Match the questions in the first
- Ask Ss to do this exercise in pairs. column with their answers in the
- Ss do the task in pairs. second column.
- After checking their answers, ask some Key:
pairs to practice asking and answering. l. D 2. F 3. E
- Some pairs of Ss practice aloud. 4. G 5. A 6. C
- T corrects Ss’ mistakes if necessary. 7. H 8. B

4. Consolidation
- Correct the exercises if necessary.
5. Homework

- Prepare Review 4: Skills/ P69- textbook
- Do the test yourself/ P. 51-54 in workbook

Pre: 08/ 05/ 2019

Te: ...../ 05/ 2019
Period 104: REVIEW 4 (cont)

I/ Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise the languages Ss have learnt and
the skills they have practised since Unit 10 to unit 12 then do some exercises about
the four skills.
- Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 10 to unit 12.
- Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
- Grammar: + The future tenses: Future continuous and future simple.
+ Verbs + to-infinitive.
+ May and might.
+ Reported speech: statements and questions
2. Skills:
+ Speaking: Talk about the topic that interests you the most.
+ Writing: Write an online message to a friend and tell him/her about the problems
you have had recently with your iPad.
+ Listening: Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.
+ Reading: Read the passage and do T/F
3. Attitude:
- To teach Ss to revise the skills from unit 10 to unit 12 and practice with them.
- Know the importance of revision and need to study harder.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- Communicative approach.
- Independent, self-confident, self- control, responsibility and discipline.
- The ability to use English to solve problems in topics that they’ve learnt in unit 10,
11, 12. Doing exercises on skills: reading, speaking, writing and listening.
II/ Teaching methods and techniques.
- In the classroom.
- Eliciting, pair work, group work, situations, translation, discussion, and examples.
III/ Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: + Materials: textbooks, visual aids.
+ Equipment: CD player
2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks.
IV/ Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- During the lesson
3. New lesson
A- warm- up: *Chatting:
- Ask Ss to talk about the ways they have communicated so far today.
- Have Ss work in 2 teams and list the ways they have communicated so far today.
- Teacher checks with whole class.
B- Presentation: (II- SKILLS)
Activity 1: Teaching reading
Part 1- P 37 1- Reading.
1. Transferring the learning task. Ex 1: Read the following
- T asks Ss to read the requirement of the exercises. passage and mark the
- T asks Ss to read the passage and mark the sentences sentences as True(T) or
as True(T) or false (F) false (F)
2. Doing the task.
- Ss work in pairs to do the task. Key:
- T goes around and helps if any. 1. T
- Ss compare their answers with a partner before 2. F
giving them to T. 3. F
3. Reporting the task result and discuss. 4. F
- T call on some Ss to give their own answers 5. T
- Have Ss explain where they got the answers from in 6. T
the text.
- Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task.
- T checks Ss’ answers then gives feedback.
Activity 2: Teaching speaking
Part 2- P 37 2- Speaking
- Have them read all the five questions and think of Ex2: Choose one of the
the question that interests them the most. Then Ss can questions that interests
spend a few minutes thinking about what they would you the most.
like to say about the topic.
- Have Ss ask and answer on their topics. Encourage
them to use the language they have learnt.
- T goes round and observes the groups.
Activity 3: Teaching listening
Part 3- P 69 3- Listening
- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully Ex3: Listen to the conversation and
first. choose the correct answer to each
- T then plays the recording for Ss to listen question.
and do the task. Key:
- Ss listen and choose the correct answers. 1. C 2. B
- Play the recording again for Ss to check
3. A 4. A 5. C
their answers.
- Correct their answers.
Activity 4: Teaching writing
Part 4- P 69 4- Writing
- Before writing, have Ss brainstorm ideas about Ex 4: Write an online message
the use of modern equipment in our lives: to a friend and tell him/her
advantages, disadvantages, etc. Then explain the about the problems you have
writing task. Ss need to write a short - not more had recently with your iPad.
than 100 words - online message to a friend.
- Elicit from Ss the words and phrases they may You can refer to the following:
need for their writing. Remind them of the - time-consuming
reasons for communication breakdown and the - flat battery
rules of netiquette they learned in Unit 10. - weak signal
- no connection
- Give them time to do the writing task.
- Have Ss swap their work with their partner to
check before going through some of the
messages as a class.
- Collect some Ss’ works to correct at home.
4. Consolidation
- Correct the ex. if necessary.
5. Homework
- Do exercises in workbooks.
- Prepare for the 2nd test term.

WEEK 37:
Pre: 16/ 05/ 2019
Te: 16/ 05/ 2019
P105th: Test for the second term

I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- After the lesson, students will be able to check their knowledge by doing exercise
and use language in situation correctly and fluently.
- Teacher will be able to test students’ knowledge in language and language skills and
then draw out the most suitable method for teaching and learning.
2. Skills:
- To drill Ss’ skills in doing the written test.
3. Attitude:

- Teach Ss to be strict and honest.
4. Qualities and abilities needed:
- Being able to do the exercises well.
- Ss love the subject and be aware of revising to do well for the final test.
II. Teaching methods and techniques.
- Checking Ss’ understanding.
III. Preparation
1. Teacher’s: - Materials: Paper tests.
- Equipment: No.
2. Students’: No.
IV. Teaching procedure
1. Class organization
- Attendance: 8A: ....../ 30 - Absence: ..........................................................................
8B: ....../ 32 ...........................................................................
8C: ....../ 29 ...........................................................................
2. Oral test
- Check Ss’ preparation.
3. New lesson
(Đề kiểm tra của Phòng giáo dục)


4. Consolidation.
- Collect Ss’ papers and remark if any.
5. Homework.
- Redo these questions at home.

Ngày …… tháng 05 năm 2019.


Trần Thị Thanh Trà


Preparation day: …../.…../ 2017

Teaching days: 8A............... ; 8B ................ 8H..............

5. Homework.
4. Practice and consolidation: (3 minutes)
- Correct the ex. if necessary.
5. Subsequent activities (2 minutes)
4. Consolidation.
5. Homework.

- Do exercises in workbooks
Preparation day: ……...................2017
Teaching days: 8A...........; 8B....................; 8H..................


Preparation day: …../.…../ 2017
Teaching days: 8A............... ; 8B ................ 8H..............


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