DOU Template

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Dear Jessica and the ____________ Board,

Thank you for the opportunity to work with ____________. This letter will serve as the Document of
Understanding (DOU) between you and Evaluation and Training Institute (ETI). It explains the work and resources
required to assist you with the Program Evaluation effort.


We understand that your objectives of this project are as follows:

• Produce a Program Evaluation report from data that has already been collected that details objective
measures of _______________ results


We propose the following major activities for this project:

• Review data already collected

• Design database
• Enter data
• Develop hypotheses and analyze data
• Produce a report with findings regarding the cause-and-effect relationship between Reading to Kids
activities and objective measures of results

We assume that the data that has already been collected is complete and usable “as-is.” If we find that this is not the
case, we will notify you promptly since this could have a major impact on our ability to produce the expected
deliverables within the given budget.

Over the course of the project, we will conduct regular meetings with Jessica Tritsch to provide updates on progress
and resolve any issues.


During the course of this engagement, ETI will be responsible for providing the following deliverables. We will:

• Design the database

• Analyze the data and produce the report

We will also provide general advice and counsel throughout the engagement process.

During the course of this engagement, ____________ will be responsible for the following:
• Enter the data into the database
• Review and approve ETI deliverables

Any delays in the above responsibilities will affect the project schedule and may affect our ability to produce the
expected deliverables within the budget.


We will have fulfilled our obligation under this DOU when any one of the follow first occurs:
1. We accomplish all of the tasks described in Responsibilities and Deliverables (above). Documentation tasks
will be considered complete upon delivery, unless you notify us within 5 business days of delivery that the
document or presentation is not satisfactory.
2. You terminate the agreement for any reason;
3. We mutually agree to terminate the agreement due to failure to deliver the dependencies or other reason;
4. We reach the agreed to maximum project cost specified in Charges (below or any subsequent change
authorization) or upon [date].


This engagement is expected to commence about [date] and continue (until date or for X weeks duration). All times
presented here are estimates.

We will need to receive your concurrence with this DOU before we can commit our consulting resources and
confirm the actual start date for this project.


ETI understands that Reading to Kids has a cap of $_________for this project, including all professional fees, travel
and expenses. At this point, ETI anticipates that it will be able to complete this project within that restriction. If,
however, at any time it becomes apparent that ETI will not be able to complete the project within this limit (even if
that realization occurs in the middle of a month and before the next invoice is due), ETI will immediately contact
Reading to Kids to discuss the situation prior to billing any more time on the project.

We will bill _________ on a [bi-weekly, monthly] basis. You will be charged only for the actual work performed
by ETI in providing these services.

This offer and proposed fees expire on [date].


The scope and pricing of this project is based upon our initial discussions as documented here. If there are any
changes to this scope during the course of the engagement, we will employ our change management process, which
includes providing you a description of the additional work effort required and associated fees for any proposed
scope change. Our process requires approval from you, in writing, prior to any change in fees, the deliverables or
our work effort.


Please indicate your concurrence with this Document of Understanding by returning the document with your
acceptance to me.

Thank you for your interest in working with us. We look forward to working with you and your team. If you have
any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at phone #.



I concurred with the attached DOU.

Signature: ______________________
Date: _____________

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