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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

ENOVIA Schema Agent Version 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 -

Release Notes
Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXP R2020xRev1
Issues Fixed in 3DEXP R2020x Rev1
Open Issues
Documentation Addenda
AS Design Behavior
Installation Sequence
Version History

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) eases the burden of migrating schema from a source to target environment,
eliminates the need for scripts and enables offline review and modification of schema. This tool is widely used by
customers for ENOVIA V6 implementations and upgrades as it helps manage or modify schema and is convenient to
 Spinner is a platform independent dynamic scripter that streamlines the process of adding, updating and pushing
schema changes into the ENOVIA V6 database while reducing manual and scripting errors during an implementation,
upgrade or migration.
 Spinner is design to utilize tab-delimited text files through the command line feature of the PLM Modeling Studio (MQL).
 It is not an import/export procedure, rather a script consisting of MQL add and modify commands to push schema
 Spinner saves customers up to 60% of the time normally required to upgrade and manage their ENOVIA environments
o No need for programming experience to use
o Significantly reduces upgrade errors

IMPORTANT BEHAVIOR CHANGES STARTING WITH SPINNER R2017x GA. Schema Agent (Spinner) is a tool to only manage schema definition
changes in the ENOVIA DB. Any data load (e.g. creating/modifying business objects and check-in files) operations are not supported and also
not recommend using the spinner tool. Support for business objects and relationship is restricted for the following business object types and
relationships which are part of ENOVIA schema definition:

Supported Business Object Type:

 eService Number Generator
 eService Object Generator
 eService Trigger Program Parameter

Supported Relationships
 eService Number Generator

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e |1

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

IMPORTANT BEHAVIOR CHANGES STARTING WITH SPINNER R2019x Rev2. Schema Agent (Spinner) tool do not allow customizing schema elements
(Type, Interface and relationship) governed by unified typing rules. Configuration provided to enable import of Type governed by Unified Typing rule
has removed from the spinner configuration files

If Relationship or Interface being customized and those are governed by the rules of Unified Typing, spinner will block the modification of schema
element, however this default spinner behavior can be changed by adding respective schema element name in exception list. As an exception the
trigger modifications on type and relationships are allowed using spinner, irrespective of the Unified Typing configuration in the spinner settings

Always follow best practices provided by OOTB for Data Model Customization, Spinner export/import unified typing packages feature compliments
OOTB unified typing application for migrating the customized 3DEXPERIENCE Data Model which allow export & import custom unified typing
packages through simplified spinner approach.

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1

1. Automated widget id mapping while importing the Dashboard Roles.
2. Automated widget id and Role id mapping while importing the custom Dashboards.
3. While exporting Widget and Role removed support for Login Ticket, now username and
password are mandatory for authentication in the Spinner export command.
4. Automate widget URL’s hostname update for launchinfos and icon attribute in appNames.json
while registering widget using Spinner.
5. SpinnerExport command supports to export attribute data which having two dots (“.”) in the
attribute name.

Issus Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1

1. Spinner Import command return 0 even if import failed, it should return 1.
2. Unable to extract data for portal, Channel if the label contains new line character.
3. Unable to import Packages on R2020xFD01, CustoDataTool2 command does not accept
username in the double quotes.

Open Issues

Documentation Addenda

Details of Qualified Platform Matrix:

Operating System
Windows 10 - 64bit
Windows 2008/2012
Linux Red Hat (6.1)

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e |2

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

AS Design Behavior
 Spinner does not modify column name of a table.
 Cannot add a table with a single column with empty name.
 Cannot add an empty name column for an existing table.
 Program Names: If a program name contains any OS sensitive characters, the extractor program will not
generate the program details
 Excel data handling: Be careful with data sensitive to Excel manipulation. It can wreak havoc with your
data! In these cases, use an editor like Ultraedit. Some examples are:
o Boolean values will be FALSE or TRUE, normally not a problem unless needed as True or true. In this case,
pre-pend with a ‘(‘ False will appear as False )
o Insignificant zeroes are dropped from what Excel interprets as numbers (000000001 will be changed to 1 )
o Large ‘numbers’ will be pushed to scientific notation (123456789012 will be changed to 1.234567E+11)
o Data can be interpreted as dates (sep12 will be changed to 9/12/2005)
o Extra sets of double quotes added to data with quotes and commas. These are generally accounted for and
corrected by Spinner, but occasionally a new use case will rear its “”ugly,head””.
 Page object registration: MQL (at least up to 10.6.1) does not support registrations for page objects,
therefore, Spinner will not error but provide a warning in the log file.
 While working with Webforms, if the webform contains duplicate field names, please delete the webform
before modifying the webforms data via spinner. The Webforms can be deleted manually or can be
deleted using the double tags << >>
o Example: To modify the webform "Webform_XXX" via spinner delete the webform first as
<<Webform_XXX>> and then recreate it through spinner.
o Note: The webform "Field Names" should be unique however; the "Field Labels" can be the same.
 The interface attributes on relationship objects cannot modified via Spinner.
 For a table, MQL does not retrieve the label of a column having an empty name.

Installation Sequence:
Refer Schema Agent-User’s Guide for the details.

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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version History

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x GA (23 Dec 2019)

1. Ability to export and import 3D Dashboard (Including Custom Roles) from one environment to
2. Ability to export and import configurations settings defined in “Collaborative Spaces
Configuration Center” as XML file from one environment to another
3. Ability to Import 6W vocabulary into 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
4. Enhanced Spinner People & Organizations (PnO) export and import functionality to support User
Group export and import.
5. Disabled support for importing schema element Type, which governed by unified typing rule.
6. For Spinner Export command spinner runtime behavior can be configure in to spinner.config file
and command will refer configuration from file “/spinner.config.”

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x GA

1. Registry names are different in the spinner extracted schema files compared to their actual symbolic
2. Spinner policy state sequence is incorrect when we add new policy.
3. Widget import fails on the latest release of 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Beta (16 Oct 2019)

1. SpinnerPolicyStateData -
New column header “Split Change Type Interface Access (boolean)” added for
splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess in the SpinnerPolicyStateData_ALL.xls data file.
2. SpinnerRuleData -
New column “Split Change Type Interface Access (boolean)” added in the SpinnerRuleData_ALL.xls data
Split Change Type Interface Access clause determines which of these methods used for adding and
removing interfaces.
 If set to true, the addinterface and removeinterface accesses control access for
 If set to false, the changetype access controls access for interfaces.
3. Policy Access -
Added two new accesses i.e. AddInterface and RemoveInterface columns on policy scheme in policy
access (policy/PolicyName.xls file) data.
4. Rule Access -
Added two new extra accesses i.e. AddInterface and RemoveInterface columns on rule scheme in rule
access (rule/RuleName.xls file) data.

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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2019x Rev2

1. Enhanced Spinner People & Organizations (PnO) export and import functionality to support User Group
export and import.
2. Disabled support for importing schema element Type, which governed by unified typing rule.
3. For Spinner Export command spinner runtime behavior can be configure in to spinner.config file and
command will refer configuration from file “<SPINNEREXTRACTIONPATH>/spinner.config.”

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2019x Rev2

1. For SpinnerTableColumnData_ALL.xls, setting value column does not update changes in database if it
modified from lower case to upper case and vice versa.
2. Command is not present in database and referred in to Menu, Spinner Import command does not show
user understandable error message.
3. Unable to import relationships object data if SPINNERIMPORTPATH contains “bo” in directory name.
4. For SpinnerPropertyData_ALL.xls, the column "To Schema Type" and "To Schema Name" is not importing
5. In Menu setting value cannot be set as double quotes (value=""), only single double quote gets imported "
i.e. (value=").
6. On Linux OS unable, to create relationship for “eService Object Generator” and "eService Number
Generator" objects. Spinner Import command does not add relationship in database, no MQL query in
logs file and on MQL console it show 1 skip.
7. After setting SPINNEREXTRACTIONPATH path Spinner Export command create additional directory
SpinnerAgent<Executiondate> in SPINNEREXTRACTIONPATH path.
8. Spinner Import command show wrong import count on MQL console while importing eService Object
Generator and eService Number Generator objects.
9. Spinner Import command show wrong import count on MQL console while importing “rel-b2b_eService
Number Generator.xls”.
10. Spinner Store import fails unable to skip location modification if location is already exists in store
11. Unable to remove policy signature data from policy, by setting user name in <<>> user name column.
12. Spinner compare functionality is fail to compare Unified typing related column in attribute, type, interface
and relationship spinner data files.
13. Spinner silent installation does not return correct return code if installation fails, however installer return
code 0 even if fails.
14. Spinner Store data file import fails if import path SPINNERIMPORTPATH contain “BO” in path.

Spinner Property data import column "To Schema Type" and "To Schema Name" is not importing correctly.

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2019x Rev1

1. In business object, Pipe (I) value in filter column converted to <PIPE :> after import.
2. In Menu setting value cannot be set as double quotes (value=""), only single double quote gets imported "
i.e. (value=").
3. After successful spinner import, error logged in previous spinner execution in SpinnerError.log file is not
replaced by "SpinnerAgent finished with no errors".
4. License expired/Invalid message not displayed on MQL console.
5. In spinner full export, objects and relationship data files export with _ALL suffix.

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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

6. Policy Access: “revoke” value not added to user access.

7. In non-overlay mode Spinner import delete blank range of attribute

Extraction of remote vault data fails. OOTB has removed support for remote vault creation hence block support to
export remote vault through spinner.

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2019x GA

Two new column headers ResetonClone (boolean) and ResetonRevision (boolean) introduced in
SpinnerInterfaceData_ALL.xls file to support ResetonClone and ResetonRevision functionality.

Column “Code” has been removed from SpinnerCommandData_ALL.xls file headers.

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev4

Generating Schema Documentation

Schema documentation feature provide an offline view (HTML format) of the schema elements. Provided support
to export business objects of “eService Number Generator”, "eService Object Generator" and "eService Trigger
Program Parameters" types only.

Package Export
Spinner package export utility enhanced to export package data in .zip file format.

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev4

1. Deletion of policy access and rule access users fails for Public and Owner users with different keys.
2. Table column data, expression and expression type modification fails when in database expression is
businessobject and expression type is any string (e.g name, description etc.). If spinner file contains
expression as businessobject and expression type as blank import, set expression as businessobject and
expression type value with wrong value.
3. Expected on failure SpinnerImport command should print "Return code 1".
4. Importing the deployment extension package Spinner import command imports attribute with
<Type Name.> prefix to attribute name, expected to create attribute only with attribute name.

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev3 (14th June 2018)

Generating Schema Documentation
Schema documentation feature provide an offline view (HTML format) of the schema elements. For more
details, refer to Schema_Agent_3DEXPERIENCE_R2018x_Rev3_UsersGuide

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev3

1. Spinner unable to remove user assigned to allsate when marked as deleted in PolicyAccess file.
2. Spinner create wrong data in duplicate web form fields when two field rows added with same field name.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e |6

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev2 (24th May 2018)

Spinner Compare
Spinner Compare functionality has been implemented to compare and analyze spinner schema files for
more details, refer Schema_Agent_3DEXPERIENCE_R2018x_Rev2_UsersGuide.

Package Import
Spinner package import utility enhanced to support <PackageName>.zip file.

Package Export
Spinner package export utility enhanced to support exporting package using the package name and its
prefix (<Prefix>_<PackageName>).

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev2

1. Package import fails for package type ModelerType="Deployment"
2. While importing schema if dependent schema renamed spinner throws exception.
3. MQL has escape configuration enable (escape on) business objects are not export in an expected format
4. lsSkipSchemaExtraction setting not support to skip multiple schema from extraction
5. Add and Remove of program range type in Attribute data file and column range fails.
6. Addition of menu fail in Spinner Menu data file and column Command/Menu Names.
7. Addition of relationship fails in Spinner Relationship data file and column’ From Rels (use "|" delim) and/or To Rels
(use "|" delim)’.
8. Spinner does not import commands and menus as defined sequence in column “Command/Menu Names” of Spinner
Menu data file.
9. Spinner does not import commands as defined sequence in column ‘Commands (use "|" delim)’ of Spinner channel
data file.

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Rev1 (6th April 2018)

1. On Linux OS if logged in user has limited access spinner import create a folder /Business and because of limited access
import fail
2. bo_eService Trigger Program Parameters.xls fail to import when database description field of Business Object has
double quotes (").
3. Table Column import fails due to " (double quote) in Label, href, Description, Alt, column
4. For type "eService Trigger Program Parameters" when we are adding new trigger objects, even though the state
column says active but objects are not moved to active state after spinner execution.
5. Policy state symbolic name (registry name) is not imported
6. For all Spinner files, if data contains double quote (") and file is edit by using excel then excel add extra double quotes.
7. Spinner data export fail to export multiple Schema type and schema name (e.g. exec prog SpinnerExport
content=schema schematype=attribute,menu schemaname=WMS*;)
8. Add or remove of program ranges in Ranges (use "|" delim) column from SpinnerAttributeData_ALL.xls file.
9. When Overlay mode is false (set bOverlay "FALSE") rel-b2b_eService Number Generator.xls file changes are not
10. In SpinnerTableColumnData_All.xls table column modification fails when expression type and expression column are

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e |7

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

11. In SpinnerAttributeData_All.xls, if attribute name contains dot and owner column is blank, incorrect attribute name

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x GA (12th Feb 2018)

Spinner Configurations
Spinner R2018x GA now includes two level of configurations (feature and system) which are distributed in 2 different programs.

 spinner.config
o Includes all runtime configuration, these configurations vary depends on 3DExperience environment installation.
o Variables configured in spinner.config page file has higher precedence than variable configured in emxSpinnerSettings.tcl
program file.
 emxSpinnerSettings.tcl
o Include system configuration, which enables the default behavior of spinner programs.
o You should avoid modification in this program and in case of any configuration, add/update changes in “spinner.config”

Generic Export/Import commands

Starting with spinner R2018x GA, new java based process is introduced which include new program “SpinnerExport” for
extraction of schema definition and “SpinnerImport” for importing of schema definition inton the database. " SpinnerExport”
extracts the schema element definitions in to tab de-limited files for checking and updating schema.

New program combines different export/import commands in SpinnerExport/SpinnerImport commands. Features which are
includes as part of generic export/import commands are:
 Schema Export/Import
 People & Organization (P&O) Objects Export/Import
 Custom Unified Typing Packages Export/Import
 Registered Widgets Export/Register

Import Behavior Changes in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x GA

Removal for legacy Spinner TCL based programs

With the change to new Java based process, majority of the spinner legacy TCL programs are removed except following
programs to support legacy export/import features:

1. emxSpinnerSettings.tcl
2. emxSpinnerAgent.tcl
3. emxExtractSchema.tcl

Removal of unused configurations in emxSpinnerSettings.tcl program

1. With removal of tcl based programs, configuration used for export(bJavaExtraction) and import(bJavaImport) to
switching for TCL or JAVA code execution is now removed.
2. Support for export JPO in mangled format is now removed, JPO will be exported only in unmangled(_mxJPO) format.
Configuration (bJPOExtraction) used for switching in mangled and unmangled is also removed.
3. Command code is now exported in ./Business/SourceFiles/<CommandName>.json and same format will be used for
import. Configuration (bCommandFile) is now removed. Exporting and importing of the command code in code column
of SpinnerCommandData_ALL.xls csv file support is now stopped.

Commands renamed
1. License rehost command “emxSpinnerLicenseRehost.tcl” is renamed as “SpinnerLicenseRehost”.
2. Program to export business objects and relationship “emxExtractObjectsRels.tcl” is now converted as
3. Program for PnO migration to create missing Admin Role for Org “emxSpinnerPnOScanOrgAdminRoles” is now
converted as SpinnerPnOScanOrgAdminRoles

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e |8

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

4. Program for PnO Migration Product license assignment to the users in 3DEXPERIENCE platform
“emxSpinnerPnOLegacyLicenseMapping.tcl” is now converted as “SpinnerPnOLegacyLicenseMapping”.

Commands removed
12. PnO Export and Import commands emxSpinnerPnOExport.tcl, emxSpinnerPnOImport.tcl removed. The same
functionality is now available through Spinner Generic Import/Export commands.
13. Unified typing customized package Export and Import emxSpinnerPackageExport.tcl, emxSpinnerPackageImport.tcl
removed. The same functionality is now available through Spinner Generic Import/Export commands
14. emxSpinnerPnOConfiguration.tcl is now removed, configuration required for PnO and Unified Typing Packages is now
available through spinner.config page.

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x CA

Schema Agent Scan Mode
Scan mode functionality enhance to support “RollbackEverything” transaction Mode.

Install spinner using silent installer

Spinner installer can be executed in silent mode. Please refer to
Schema_Agent_3DEXPERIENCE_R2018x_CA_User_Guide.pdf for more information

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x CA

1. Spinner Installer program fails to start on windows 10 OS.
Not able to delete policy state and filter from policy access file in non-overlay mode

Enhancements in Spinner 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Beta2 (31st Oct 2017)

JAVA Based Schema Import Process:
Schema import process in the spinner is enhanced to improve processing time while importing schema elements
into the ENOVIA database. JAVA Based Schema Import process significantly change the spinner import behavior to
perform pre-validation of the schema elements to optimize the load time. Below are the key highlights of this

1. Significantly reduce schema import time

2. Ability to run the schema import in an MQL transaction mode
3. Improved pre-validation of the schema definition being imported

By default, this function is disabled during spinner installation which can be enabled easily by changing the setting
“bJavaImport” in spinner configuration program “emxSpinnerSetting.tcl”. If the value for this configuration is TRUE,
then schema will be imported using the new approach or else (if FALSE) schema will be imported using same old TCL

Important Note: From spinner R2018x release onwards we have removed support for TCL based schema import, java based
import is the only option.

Other Enhancements
1. Enhanced Spinner Command data to block and unblock user functionality for command schema type.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e |9

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

2. Enhanced spinner type data file to support maybecomposed feature on business type.
3. Added support for remove minor sequence and major sequence on policies.
4. Enhanced spinner files to support indexhost and indexport on location and store.
5. Enhanced Spinner PnO import functionality to support the transaction-mode and transaction-size
6. Enhanced Spinner PnO functionality to support assignment of Casual License to user
7. Enhanced spinner to support different transaction modes. Below are the different transactions modes
which can be configured in emxSpinnerSettings.tcl
a. sTransactionMode = RollbackEverything - Import all schema objects and do not commit
anything to database
b. sTransactionMode = RollbackSchemaType – selective rollback for schema type
c. sTransactionMode = RollbackCurrent – rollback only failed query and commit everything
8. Enhanced existing spinner scan functionality. Below is the command to execute scan
a. execute program emxSpinnerAgent.tcl scan;

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x Beta 1 (25th Aug 2017):

JAVA Based Schema Import Process:
Schema import process in the spinner is enhanced to improve processing time while importing schema elements
into the ENOVIA database. JAVA Based Schema Import process significantly change the spinner import behavior to
perform pre-validation of the schema elements to optimize the load time. Below are the key highlights of this

4. Significantly reduce schema import time

5. Ability to run the schema import in an MQL transaction mode
6. Improved pre-validation of the schema definition being imported

By default, this function is disabled during spinner installation which can be enabled easily by changing the setting
“bJavaImport” in spinner configuration program “emxSpinnerSetting.tcl”. If the value for this configuration is TRUE,
then schema will be imported using the new approach or else (if FALSE) schema will be imported using same old TCL

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2017x Rev1

2. Unable to import spinner, getting error can’t read “sMsg_Log”: no such variable.

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2017x GA:

9. Shared Rules in Policies
a. Spinner is enhanced to support new feature Shared Rules in Policies added by OOTB.
b. To support this feature, new spinner file SpinnerPolicyRuleMapping_ALL.xls is added.
10. New Attribute Types
a. Spinner is enhanced to support new attribute types enum and shortbinary.
Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2017x GA:
1. Escape processing turned on globally causes spinner execution to fail
2. Some types those are not governed by Unified Typing rules are not taken into account

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 10

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

3. TCL cannot read UTF8 encoded file

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Rev2:

1. Enhance Spinner package management to import packages in user defined sequence.
2. Enhance Spinner package management to supported package import without providing ENOVIA stack URL
Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Rev2:
1. While importing Business Units using spinner PnO the execution stops after loading some initial rows.
2. PnO Import failed on Linux platform while importing multi-byte chars

3. Attribute import fails with below error if Hidden (boolean) column is blank.
Error Message: attribute type Reading Attribute data...Processing 6 Attribute rows. Can’t read "aDat(9)": no such element
in array Error: #1900068: exec program failed

4. Execution of emxSpinnerDocument.tcl throws below errors while exporting program html documentation.
Error Message: Start Processing program ... list element in braces followed by "{"Name"="inIDs","Mul" instead of space
Error: #1900068: exec program failed

5. Execution of emxSpinnerDocument.tcl throws below errors while exporting location html documentation
Error Message: Start Processing location ... Error: #1900068: print location failed Error: #1900003: Expected keyword - got
'url' Error: #1900068: exec program failed

6. Extracting roles from database is not returning the registration name for roles as an org
7. Spinner import failed with below error when Role registry name contains “_” char
Error Message: Building name to symbolic name mapping arrays... association attribute channel command dimension
expression webform format group index inquiry interface menu couldn't compile regular expression pattern: parentheses ()
not balanced Error: #1900068: exec program failed

8. Not able to import portal after deleting channel from portal (when Portal has empty channel value)
9. Spinner installation displaced successful message when spinner installation has error.
10. Spinner add ranges incorrectly when ranges contains #
11. Spinner export does not support schema extraction between specific dates
12. After table addition column order is not as expected

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Rev1:

1. Restrict type, interface and relationship modification based on Unified Typing standards
a. If Type, Relationship or Interface governs rules of Unified Typing then spinner blocks the
modification and deletion of schema.
b. Configuration is provided in emxSpinnerSettings.tcl to enable and disable Unified Typing
restriction. By default restriction is enabled, to disable restrictions change value of the
configuration bUnifiedTyping to FALSE. (refer Schema_Agent-
3DEXPERIENCE_R2016x_Export_Import_Custom_Unified_Typing_Packages.pdf for more

2. Export/Import Custom Unified Typing Packages

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 11

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

a. Spinner provides configuration to developers and system administrators which enables them to
avoid changes to schema elements governed by unified typing rules (Type, Relationship
and Interface) and allow export & import custom unified typing packages through simplified
spinner approach (refer Schema_Agent-
3DEXPERIENCE_R2016x_Export_Import_Custom_Unified_Typing_Packages.pdf for more

3. Spinner rollback
a. Spinner rollback feature provides a mechanism for the ENOVIA V6/3DEXP schema
developers/administrators to rollback/undo any modification applied to schema elements during
Spinner Import operation in Overlay mode. During spinner import process, the existing schema
element definition is extracted into rollback folder as standard spinner files which includes all the
as-is definition of modified (added/modified/deleted) schema elements. Spinner rollback files are
used by the spinner to revert back the schema changes (refer Schema_Agent-
3DEXPERIENCE_R2016x_Spinner_Rollback.pdf for more information)

4. Spinner PnO Export and Import functionality is enhanced to support customized attributes on the PnO types
(Person, Company, Business Unit and Department). The custom attributes on the PnO objects can be
exported and imported using Spinner PnO functionality. The number of columns and column order in PnO
files will change if there are any custom attributes added on type PnO types.
Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Rev1:
1. Spinner is not adding policy states in the correct order i.e. as per the order mentioned in
2. Spinner doesn’t update expression on table column for some tables randomly.
3. Not able to delete Table column in non-overlay mode without using angular brackets <<>> for column
4. Not able to delete webform field in non-overlay mode without using angular brackets <<>> for
column name.
5. Not able to delete policy state in non-overlay mode without using angular brackets <<>> for column
6. Not able to delete dimension unit in non-overlay mode without using angular brackets <<>> for
column name.
7. After adding a Table, columns order doesn’t match with the order mentioned in Spinner file, if there
are duplicate coulmns.
8. After adding a webform, fields order doesn’t match with the order mentioned in Spinner file, if there
are duplicate form fields.
9. PnO Import fails after modification if Last Login Date is present in the PnO Person file.

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x GA (Date: 15 Feb 2016)

1. Support “changesov” access for Policy and Rule
a. Spinner policy and Rule Access files definition is updated to support “changesov”, new access value added in

2. Identify OOTB vs Custom Schema Added by Spinner

a. While adding and updating schema elements, Spinner adds some properties on the schema element, these
properties names and values are changed to easily distinguish the OOTB vs Custom schema (schema
added/updated by Spinner).

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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

3. PnO Management feature now support PnO import based on location

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x GA
1. Special char in policy name is causing spinner extract issue
2. Spinner is not updating data correctly for the duplicate web form fields i.e. two fields has same name.
3. Spinner is failing while updating table column description and expression together in a single MQL query.
4. Spinner export using java mode does not support all the extraction parameters those are supported in TCL

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Beta2: (Date: 03Dec 2015)

1. Spinner PnO Programs are now updated for ease of use, please refer to Schema_Agent-
3DEXPERIENCE_R2015x_PnO_Management.pdf for how to configure and execute export and import

2. PnO Management feature is updated to support extraction and assignment of product licenses along with
Person’s Security Context. To enable extraction of product license assignment below configuration must
be set to TRUE in emxSpinnerPnOConfiguration.tcl.

set bLicenseSetting "FALSE" (default)

3. PnO Management feature now support extraction PnO based on location.

4. PnO management updated to support extraction of particular P&O objects. Please refer Schema_Agent-
3DEXPERIENCE_R2015x_PnO_Management.pdf for information on how to export particular PnO objects.
Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Beta2:
1. Unable to change default unit on dimension
2. The Original Name property on the schema element is populated by using Registry Name instead of Actual
3. Schema extraction fails if states are not registered.
4. Unable to order table columns if Column data contains only one column for table and table is processed
5. Unable to extract PnO data if person address is in multiline format.

Spinner PnO License mapping fails to perform mapping for legacy licenses.

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x Beta: (Date: 25 Sept 2015)

1. Spinner People & Organization (P&O) Management
Spinner P&O management feature for 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x platform allow developers and ENOVIA
System administrators to manage P&O definition using simplified spinner approach. It streamlines the
process of adding and updating 3DEXPERIENCE P&O definition using spinner files (CSV formatted). (Refer
to Schema_Agent-3DEXPERIENCE_R2015x_P&O_Management.pdf)
2. Schema Export using Java: -

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 13

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Schema export functionality is enhanced to reduce the extraction time. In emxSpinnerSettings.tcl new
configuration bJavaExtraction is added, if the value for this configuration is TRUE then schema will be
extracted using the new approach or else will be extracted using same old tcl programs. The default value
of this configuration is TRUE.

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Rev3:

1. Fixed compilation errors for programs
2. Removed test programs, emxUpgradeLicensesConfig.tcl and
emxUpgradeLicense.tcl which could cause compilation errors. In case if Spinner 2015x Rev2 is installed
then these programs need to be removed manually.
3. In policy and Rule access files, key information is not extracted properly if key is having word “login” in
key name.

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Rev2:

1. Spinner People & Organization (P&O) Management
Spinner P&O management feature for 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x platform allow developers and ENOVIA
System administrators to manage P&O definition using simplified spinner approach. It streamlines the
process of adding and updating 3DEXPERIENCE P&O definition using spinner files (CSV formatted). (Refer
to Schema_Agent-3DEXPERIENCE_R2015x_P&O_Management.pdf)
2. Schema Export using Java: -

Schema export functionality is enhanced to reduce the extraction time. In emxSpinnerSettings.tcl new
configuration bJavaExtraction is added, if the value for this configuration is TRUE then schema will be
extracted using the new approach or else will be extracted using same old tcl programs. The default value
of this configuration is TRUE.

3. Improved performance in Spinner Table & Web-Form Import

4. Improved performance while importing Spinner where Spinner used to take time before stating actual
5. To delete schema element in non-overlay mode add schema name in << and >> tag and leave all other
fields blank.
6. To delete table column or webform field add column or field name in << and >> tag and leave all other
fields blank except Table Name or Webform Name

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Rev2:

1. Table column import fails if expression contains already escaped quotes.
2. Table column order is not set correctly for some columns.
3. Spinner compare log shows repetitive entries if schema element doesn’t have registry names.

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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

4. While adding a new policy if policy has only one state and state entry is processed as last entry then
spinner policy import fails.
5. Not able to import Table columns in non-overlay mode
6. Not able to import webform in non-overlay mode
7. Schema element is not getting deleted in non-overlay mode

Enhancements in 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Rev1

Issues Fixed in 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Rev1:
1. Fixed issue related to new policy addition, where while adding new policy, states are not added to the
policy correctly.
2. Fixed spinner programs compilation issue, removed unwanted java programs.
3. Fixed issue related to web-form field addition, where settings are not added correctly while adding new
form field.
4. Fixed issue related to Spinner License validation failure, license validation fails if database user name
contains special character ‘#’.
5. Fixed issue related to attribute extraction, where attribute data is not extracted correctly if attribute has
tabs in the description.
6. Fixed issue related to person import, where person object access and person admin access files are not
processed on Linux.
7. Fixed Policy export issue, where not all the access definition for owner and public are extracted if owner
and public have multiple access definition.
8. Fixed Rule export issue, where not all the access definition for owner and public are extracted if owner
and public have multiple access definition
9. Fixed issue related the policy user access modification for owner and public having multiple access
10. Fixed issue related the Rule user access modification for owner and public having multiple access

Version V6R2015x (Build 2015-03-13) GA

New Features Added -

1. Location of Log files generated during License validation can be configured so that end user can define the
location if default options cannot be used. New configuration LogDir is added emxSpinnerSetting.tcl, by
default the configuration value is blank.
2. If the License is renewed and not re-hosted, program displays warning message to user for license rehosting
before program execution.
3. Added new column Enforce Reserve Access in policy state data and rule data to support new functionality
added by OOTB in R2015x for reserve/unreserve access.
4. Added new column LocalFilter in policy access file and rule access file to support local filter on policy and
5. Simplified Overlay mode for Spinner files, refer to Schema_Agent-V3DEXPERIENCE_R
2015x_Spinner_Files_Definition.pptx for more details.

Issues Fixed
1. Fixed issues, All columns in exported WebForm Field data file showing repeated values if Field name
is Blank

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 15

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

2. Fixed issues, settings are not extracted correctly for columns if any of the column is having name as
3. Fixed Issue, not able to remove value for Value Type for attribute
4. Fixed issue, not able to set Max Length value to default with <NULL>
5. Fixed issue, If Value column has a value which contains ' $ ' in between, then spinner throws error
"Can't read <value>”
6. Fixed issue, person admin access is not getting updated if person data file is not present
7. Fixed issue, person object access is not getting updated if person data file is not present
8. Fixed issue, Unable to remove email id from person
9. Fixed issue, Unable to Change 'type' value for person
10. Fixed issues, person admin access and object access get modified even nothing is modified in
respective spinner files
11. Fixed issue, Unable to remove Route User in Policy State data using <NULL> or Blank
12. Fixed issue, NULL not supported in Abstract column to set default value in relationship data file
13. Fixed Issue, Unable to remove Parent type in Type data file
14. Fixed Issue, Site is not getting removed with <NULL> for Group
15. Fixed Issue, Site is not getting removed with <NULL> for Role
16. Fixed Issue, not able to remove code with <NULL> for command
17. Not able to remove height for channel with <NULL>
18. Fixed Issue, not able to import code from .json file while adding command
19. Fixed issue, while adding or removing channel from portal, portal gets deleted first and then added
back with channel modifications.
20. Fixed issue, modifying page name creates a new page object in database
21. Fixed issue, page registry name is not getting removed with <NULL>
22. Fixed issue, Channel cannot be removed from portal if they are defined on the same row
23. Fixed Issue, not able to remove code with <NULL> for inquiry
24. Fixed Issue, Spinner deletes the schema if only name is mentioned in the schema file.
25. Fixed issue, Error message displayed while importing packaged mxJPOs with program data file
26. Fixed issue, program is not getting deleted with <<>> if source file exist for program in mx format
27. Fixed Issue, not able to remove type from webform with <<>>

Version V6R2015x (Build 2014-09-29) Beta

New Features Added -

1. Spinner PolicyFile Changes

a. Support for reserve/unreserve access rule
In R2015x OOOTB added new functionality to allow/restrict ability to reserve/unreserve an object
in a given state. For the same OOTB added 2 new access rules reserve and unreserve on policy and
rule. To support these new access rules spinner policy access files has been enhanced.

b. Support Revoke on State

Spinner policy access files have been enhanced to support the revoke on access rules. A new
column Revoke(boolean) is added after key column.

c. Support for Owner, Reserve, Maturity and Category user items

The USER_ITEM specifies a variety of ways to define matching options between the current
context’s membership in various organizations and policy against the project or organization
ownership of the object being checked.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 16

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Policy Access file is enhanced to support Owner, reserve, maturity and category.

2. Spinner Attribute File changes

a. Support to binary attributes
With the new highlight in 2015x, single value binary attributes will be supported for business
objects and relationships. To support binary attribute in spinner one has to add attribute type as
binary in Type column.

b. Support to Scope and Owner for an attribute

1. Enhanced spinner attribute file to support attribute scope and owner.
2. Two new columns scope and owner are added to SpinnerAttributeData.xls.
3. Scope of the attribute can be any one of the following –
4. Owner of the attribute will be actual type name if scope is type, actual rel name if selected
scope is relationship or interface name if selected scope is interface.
5. If scope is Global then owner field will be empty

3. Spinner Rule File changes

a. Support for reserve/unreserve access rule
In 2015x OOOTB added new functionality to allow/restrict ability to reserve/unreserve an object
in a given state. For the same OOTB added 2 new access rules reserve and unreserve on policy and
rule. To support these new access rules spinner rule access files has been enhanced.

b. Support Revoke
Spinner rule access files have been enhanced to support the revoke on access rules. A new column
“Revoke(boolean)” is added after key column.

c. Support for Owner, Reserve, Maturity and Category user items

The USER_ITEM specifies a variety of ways to define matching options between the current
context’s membership in various organizations and rule against the project or organization
ownership of the object being checked.
Rule Access file is enhanced to support Owner, reserve, maturity and category.
4. Spinner Role File changes
a. Support to Maturity and Category for a role
“SpinnerRoleData” is enhanced to support category and maturity on the projects.

Issues Fixed

Version V6R2014x (Build 2014-08-08) Rev4

1. Fixed Rule access issue, Spinner was not able to execute the Rules access files added under Business\Rules
folder if Business folder is not at level 1 from spinner base directory.

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Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

2. Fixed policy signature issue, Spinner used to remove signatures during state data processing and add back
again during signature data processing, which used to result in to data loss on business objects.
3. Fixed issue related to person access import, Persons object access and admin access was not getting
modified correctly.
4. Fixed importing attribute issue related to adding ranges. Whenever user used to add one or many ranges
to an attribute, Spinner used to remove all existing ranges first and then add all ranges along with the new
ones. Now removing ranges and then adding all ranges will not take place, only adding a range will occur
for new range addition using Spinner.
5. **Important** Modified Spinner License behavior. This modification doesn’t have direct impact. Only
precaution needs to be taken is to use the correct SpinnerBuild.jar installed along with Spinner 2013x
Rev4. This jar gets copied into required Enovia directories during Spinner Installation, so no extra care is
required on the machine where spinner is installed, but if user has only studio and server installed locally
and pointing to database on some other machine in that case jar needs to be copied manually in to

Version V6R2014x (Build 2013-12-18) GA

1. Compatibility changes with ENOVIA V6R2014x –
a. Handled association and group users for importing organization and project for a policy state of a
b. Removed columns ‘View Command’, ‘Edit Command’ and ‘Print Command’ from Format Spinner
2. Column ‘Person’ is renamed to ‘Name’ in Spinner Person Access and Spinner Person Admin files.
3. Importing of attribute fixed whenever user has an attribute with range value containing character ^.

Version V6R2014 (Build 2013-03-12) GA

1. Successful importing of already enabled index
2. User can extract JAVA program with file extension
3. Corrected extraction of column setting names and column setting values in case of blank column name
4. Validated extraction command for missing arguments during execution
5. In PolicyStateData file, renamed column G (Users for Access (use \"|\" delim)) to (Not Used) and also
stopped extracting data for this column
6. Handled importing relationships, when the father relation is declared after the child relation.

Version V6R2013x (Build 2012-11-21) Rev 3

1. Handled empty column name during table extraction
2. Inquiry generation fix without a .inq file
3. Major/Minor functionality check updated
4. SR00116155 - Adding Admin Rights With Spinner
5. SR00116356 - Spinning in a user with a nonexistent role does not throw an error

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 18

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version V6R2013x (Build 2012-09-28) Rev 2

1. Fixed the policy issue for all access getting removed for Shadow Agent, System Conversion Manager and
System Transition Manager
2. Fixed the signature issue for Product policy while removing both the signatures Design Engineer and
Product Manager
3. Fix Issue for SUSE linux (linux_b64).

Version V6R2013x (Build 2012-09-21) Rev 1

1. Pre-release version of Spinner 2013x partially tested with Enovia Build V6B2013x_1238 on Windows XP
Professional x64 Edition Version 2003 SP2

Version V6R2013 (Build 2012-09-13) Rev 4

1. Fix Issue for SUSE linux (linux_b64).

Version V6R2013 (Build 2012-04-18) Rev 3

1. Removed ^M from all TCL files.

Version V6R2013 (Build 2012-04-17) Rev 2

1. Fixed the policy code for import.
2. Updates to License Mechanism.

Version V6R2013 (Build 2012-03-30) Rev 1

Version V6R2012x (Build 2012-03-22) Rev 29

1. Fixed the store code for export.
2. Updated all tcl files with ^M.

Version V6R2012x (Build 2012-02-20) Rev 28

1. Fixed the policy code for import.
2. Fixed the roles code for import
3. Fixed the relationship code for import

Version V6R2012x (Build 2012-01-25) Rev 27

Supports the new Major/Minor functionality introduced in ENOVIA V6R2012 HF5. This functionality is only enabled
when the MQL ‘upgrade revisions’ command is successfully executed on database Code Base: ENOVIA version
V6R2012 HF5

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 19

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

1. Fixed 23 schema extraction TCLs that caused an “unlock” error during extraction on Unix based systems

Version V6R2012x (Build 2012-01-20) Rev 26

Supports the new Major/Minor functionality introduced in ENOVIA V6R2012 HF5. This functionality is only enabled
when the MQL ‘upgrade revisions’ command is successfully executed on database Code Base: ENOVIA version
V6R2012 HF5

1. Fixed the policy code for import.

2. Fixed the program code for import

Version V6R2012x (Build 2012-01-17) Rev 25

Supports the new Major/Minor functionality introduced in ENOVIA V6R2012 HF5. This functionality is only enabled
when the MQL ‘upgrade revisions’ command is successfully executed on database Code Base: ENOVIA version
V6R2012 HF5

1. License mechanism fix for Windows 64-bit platform.

2. Max length setting update capability on string Attributes.

Version V6R2012x (Build 2011-10-31) Rev 24

Supports the new Major/Minor functionality introduced in ENOVIA V6R2012 HF5. This functionality is only enabled
when the MQL ‘upgrade revisions’ command is successfully executed on database Code Base: ENOVIA version
V6R2012 HF5

1. Added new functionality License Mechanism before install spinner.

Version V6R2012 (Build 2011-10-17) Rev 23

Supports the new Major/Minor functionality introduced in ENOVIA V6R2012 HF5. This functionality is only enabled
when the MQL ‘upgrade revisions’ command is successfully executed on database Code Base: ENOVIA version
V6R2012 HF5

1. Added new functionality Minor and Major functionality.

2. Added new column 'Dynamic' in relationship data.
3. Added new trigger Event ,Minor Revision (same as old Revision)and Major Revision (new).

Other Spinner Enhancements

1. Enhance role data with Type Definition (Organization, Project).

2. Enhance Program data with Type Definition ( EKL ).

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 20

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

3. Enhance Attribute data with new columns Max Length (integer),Reset on Clone (boolean) and Reset on
Revision (boolean).
4. Enhance Store/Location data with Removed Multiple Directories Definition (deprecated).
5. Enhance Relationship data Reinstituted ‘From Meaning’ and ‘To Meaning’ description fields.

Version V6R2012 (Build 2010-08-20) Rev 22

1. Fixed the Policy access filter issue.

2. Fixed the 'continuecontinuecontinue’ issue seen in policy revision sequences.
3. Documentation update for Known Limitations.

Version V6R2010x (Build 2009-12-01) Rev 22

1. Fixed the command code for export/import.

2. Documentation update for Spinner Compare functionality.

Version V6R2010 (Build 2009-10-26) Rev 21

1. Added product assignment to person spinner (field assign_product).
2. Added new program to extract schema: emxExtractSchema.tcl
3. Removed Spinner output, program data, web component and system admin data from emxDumper_1.tcl
4. Fixed policy logic to rename state symbolic names for use case presented.

Version V6R2010 (Build 2009-09-24) Rev 20

1. Due to V6R property changes, version number property was not being stamped on schema added by
2. ‘Hidden’ field added to table columns and webform fields.
3. Spinner version properties added to emxSpinnerAgent.tcl program

Version V6R2010 (Build dd month yy) Rev 19

1. Spinner now supports bus object to rel, rel to bus object and rel to rel connections

Version V6R2010 (Build 2009-07-03) Rev 18

Due to internal behavior change in V6R2010, this modification allows business object column data to be
correctly aligned with column header. No consequence if Schema Agent used on previous versions.

Version V6R2009x (Build 25 Feb 09) Rev 17

1. 363960 - Removed additional space in User field of dumped policies.
2. 363724, 361864 - Added fix for JPO compile error.
3. 363168 - Added fix to support attribute dimensions in 10.7.
4. 370077 - Added fix to support single quotes during object import.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 21

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

5. Added feature to provide full migration functionality for database connections. These include connections
for bus obj to rel, rel to bus obj and rel to rel in addition to bus obj to bus obj.
- Sample Spinner files are available in emxLibSchemaAgent_V6R2009x\templates\Spinner\Relationships
- Program emxExtractObjectsRels.tcl will only output the different types of rel data files if they exist with
the prefixes (rel-b2r_, rel-r2b_ and rel-b2b_).
Spinner will only try to input rels based on the prefix. If using older files, the ‘rel_’ prefix still works.
- To delete a connection using any of the connection data files, use <DELETE> tag in the first attribute
column. To change an attribute, you need to add
TRUE in the field after the last attribute field. Before using delete or change, make sure to set
bBusRelOverwrite to TRUE in emxSpinnerSettings.tcl.

Version V6R2009HF0 (Build 5 Dec 08) Rev 16

1. 361999 – added fix for checkin of files and deletion of files.

Version V6R2009HF0 (Build 10th Oct 08)

1. 361693 – added feature to dump bus object revision chains and spin back in.

Version V6R2009HF0 (Build 27th Aug 08)

1. 359979 for dumping designsync store.
2. 360006 for not terminating the program when error occurs during scan mode.

Version V6R2009HF0 (Build 19th Aug 08)

1. Fix for 359584 - A single quote escape problem in the "Expression" column.
2. 358324 for date formatting.
3. 357699 for multiple formats on bus objects.
4. Fixed the DumperPolicyStateAccess.tcl program to match the change made in emxSchema_Dumper.tcl. It
was not dumping roles having ‘.’s in the name properly.
5. Fixed in the schema dumpers for the version.

Version V6R2009HF0 (Build 7th Aug 08)

1. Fix for 357785 - Not able to add/modify webforms

Version V6 (Build 8.7.16) Rev 15

1. Method to extract version number takes into account alpha characters (e.g. V6R2009 vs. 10.8.1).
2. Incident 355056 – Creating Index.
3. Improved performance during initialization for symbolic naming when using multiple directory option.
4. Fix for policy state access dump by FIT.
5. Fix for 358272 - Branched Policies.

Version 10.8 (Build 8.4.1) Rev 14

1. Added features for attribute, relationship, policy and interface.
1. attribute – added dimension
2. relationship – added from rel and to rel (replace from meaning and to meaning columns)

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 22

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

3. policy – added allstate functionality

4. interface – added relationships
2. Add rule access to Dumper.

Version 10.7 (Build 7.7.18) Rev 13

1. Provided capability for leading spaces in Webform and Table names and settings. These will dump as
<SPACE> and are input the same way in the Spinner data files.
2. Incident 338124 - Schema Agent: Cannot delete webforms.

Version 10.7 (Build 7.4.25) Rev 12

1. Fixed Webform to behave like Tables. Fields can now be appended by just specifying fields to add in
SpinnerWebFormData.xls along with field info in SpinnerWebFormFieldData.xls. Be aware there is limited
functionality for Webforms that have duplicate field names (labels do not matter). That is, these may be
pushed in once, but subsequent spins to rearrange fields is not allowed. If not rearranging, but modifying
data in a duplicate field name, the field order must be specified in SpinnerWebFormField.xls.
2. Incident 335028 – Issue with Rule not accepting SpinnerAgent property.

Version 10.7 (Build 7.4.1) Rev 11

1. Added dimension primitive.
2. Incident 333898 – JPO compile setting defaulted to FALSE.
3. Incident 334223 – Added setting to suppress warnings to console (bOut).

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.2.16) Rev 10

1. Updated registrations to throw warning into error log when attempting to register pages.

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.2.13) Rev 10

1. Incident 330439 - Updated SpinnerTableColumnData.xls to allow the option to specify the RangeHref for a
table column.

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.2.7)

1. Enabled CDM processing for file checkin to be optional and only apply to types with rels available for
2. Allowed multiple person data files for processing like other business elements.

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.2.6)

1. Fixed error with special characters like braces and quotes used in Expression values to be properly

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.2.5)

1. Fix to record error normally suppressed for items that loop again on error condition, but instead halt if no
add/mod is detected in first loop.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 23

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.1.31)

1. Fix for change on schema ‘type’ where derived type changes, but some attributes carry over from original
2. Fix for emxDumper_1.tcl reporting incorrect rels when list should be null.

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.1.24)

1. Corrected Spinner Person and System programs to operate correctly using multi-directory option.

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.1.23)

1. Spinner now CDM compliant meaning Version objects now automatically generated for file check in.

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.1.19)

1. System Spinner is now fully functional with add, mod, delete and registrations for site, location, store,
server, vault and index!
2. System templates are available in templates directory of SchemaAgent installation.
3. Schema extractor programs emxDumper_1.tcl and SpinnerDumper.tcl are updated to handle all the system

Version 10.6.3 (Build 7.1.16)

1. Incident 330439 – Added ‘expression’ primitive to Spinner and ‘interface’ and ‘expression’ primitives to
2. Allow use of double tags << >> for deletion of schema for consistency and retain information in case needed
3. Allow deletion of bus objects using <DELETE> tag in 4th column similar to relationships allowing retention of
4. Enhancement to utilize policy switching method instead of promote/demote for changing bus object states.

Version 10.6.2 (Build 6.10.25) Rev 9

1. Incident 327029 – Allow single quotes in web component labels.
2. Incident 326422 – Allow special characters in program names ( : > < | / ).
3. Enhancement to emxExtractObjectsRels.tcl to allow bus object query using T|N|R (e.g. ECR*|ECR-101*|* ).

Version 10.6.1 (Build 6.10.12) Rev 8

1. Incorporated mods checked into Incident 310479.
2. Fixed errant warning message on Attribute creation caused by incorporating fix for Incident 310726.
3. Fixed schema registration issue when using sub-directory option, Incident 326060.

Version 10.6.1 (Build 6.9.21)

1. Added fields to Spinner Person data file to allow force and/or expire of passwords.

Version 10.6.1 (Build 6.8.16)

1. Added setting to either allow or block change of Attribute type. (changing an attribute type may result in loss
of data as the attribute must be deleted first).
2. Set up Person Spinner program to obey the rules of overlay mode.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 24

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version 10.6.1 (Build 6.7.26)

1. Provided setting to allow attribute type change.

Version 10.6.1 (Build 6.6.27)

1. Added support for Page and Interface objects.
2. Corrected Webforms to allow piped setting values for ones not generated by Spec Central.

Version 10.6.1 Rev 7

1. Fixed bugs reported in incidents 314861, 310975, 317721, 315943, 310671, 310426, 318095, 318282.
2. Support multi-line value on business object export.

Version 10.6.1
1. ENOVIA Version 10.6 compliant.
2. Added business object grant capability.

Version 10.5.9 (Build 5.9.15)

1. Enhancement: Relationship Spinner allows duplicate rels!

Version 10.5.9 (Build 5.8.17)

1. Fix Attribute simultaneous change type / change name bug.
2. Fix Policy create bug that added states double-tagged <<>> to be deleted.
3. Fixed Webform Field modify.

Version 10.5.9 (Build 5.5.25)

1. Fix for JPO processing space in directory name (IR 304575).
2. Fix for Bus Objects with Attributes of type Date/Time.
3. Fix for changing Attribute types.

Version 10.5.9 (Build 5.4.21)

1. Rewrote trigger dumper to allow for , refer to IR 302822.

Version 10.5.8 (Build 5.3.9)

1. Added multi-line input capability for Bus Object description and attribute fields incorporating <NEWLINE> tag.
2. Document updates.

Version 10.5.8 (Build 5.3.4)

1. Reworked logic to handle large volume of bus objects whose current states are retained when policy changes
(Incident 299367).
2. Reinstated ability to invoke emxSpinnerAgent.tcl from file system – note all Spinner program files need to
reside in current directory.

Version 10.5.8 (Build 5.2.7)

1. Schema compare program ‘emxSpinnerCompare.tcl’ enhancements.
2. Flag for Spinner schema items modified outside of Spinner program.
3. Scan mode added to replace ‘emxSpinnerScanner.tcl’ program.

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 25

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version 10.5.8 (Build 5.1.25)

1. Certain combinations of characters caused errors in extracting the person comment field (Incident 298211).

Version 10.5.8 (Build 5.1.17)

1. Attribute special character issue (Incident 297802).
2. State names with period truncation (Incident 297734).
3. Excel double quote issue in policy access files (Incident 294594).
4. Performance enhancement – SpinnerAgent program broken up.

Version 10.5.8 (5.1.1)

1. Fixed and enhanced code for bus objects and connections – allows activation of add, mod and/or delete
2. New bus object file spinner for checking in files based on TNR and path.
3. Settings have been removed from program and placed in separate file in database or file system.
4. Spinner parameters to specify User Settings File and Spinner working directory.

Version 10.5.7 2004-12-10

1. Fixed Bus Object promote issue (Incident 296869).

Version 10.5.7 2004-11-11

1. Sequenced Build Option – see Spinner Notes ‘Sequenced Builds’.
2. Fixed error when deleting Business Objects (Incident 295684).

Version 10.5.6 2004-11-02

1. Fixed special character issue with emxSpinnerAccess.tcl (Incident 295228).

Version 10.5.6 2004-10-20

1. Dumper will only create emxSpinner.tcl, all Spinner programs are now exec’d rather than ‘run’.

Version 10.5.6 2004-10-04

1. Fixed extraction to correctly ignore SCM adm prefixed admin names.
2. Fixed extraction to observe the hidden flag.
3. New ‘Overlay’ append / merge functionality – see Spinner Notes ‘Overlay’.

Version 10.55 2004-09-03

1. Various bug fixes in Dumper and Spinner programs.

2. New ‘Overlay’ functionality – allows blank fields to be skipped – see Spinner settings.
3. Fields for setting email, iconmail and password included in SpinnerPerson – review password functionality in
Person section.
4. Relationships can be deleted now – use ‘<DELETE>’ tag in field for first attribute value would be (col 9).
5. Spinner may now be invoked as an executable thanks to Todd Kreda of Babcock & Wilcox (exec prog vs. run).

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 26

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version 10.52 2004-07-11

1. JPOs – added warning for unsuccessful compiles.

2. Attributes – added range reorder functionality.
3. Enhancements to Person, Bus Object and Bus Rel spinners.

Version 10.5 2004-04-15

1. Compliant to ENOVIA 10.5 software - addition of channel and portal primitives.

2. Enhanced JPO handling – drag, drop and load * files in ./Business/SourceFiles
3. Delete functionality added – leave all fields after ‘Name’ blank.
4. Logs are consolidated and by instance name.
5. Menus allow ordering of menu and command items together.
6. Ability to use “||” and “&&” expressions in configurable web component settings.
7. Scanner runs all spinner routines.
8. Enhanced compare provides more accurate results.
9. Multiple files may be used to breakup Business schema (e.g. SpinnerTypeData1.xls, SpinnerTypeData2.xls,
10. Cleanup of all spinner routines.
11. Business Person added to spreadsheet.

Version 3.20 2004-03-09

1. Addition of System objects!

2. Cleanup of BO and Rel spinners.

Version 3.13 2004-01-30

1. Fixed table registration issues.

2. Set up install program for SchemaAgent.
3. Set up logs directory.

Version 3.1 2004-01-30

1. Fixed tablecolumn label special characters.

2. Fixed properties on and to tables.
3. Fixed attribute range '!='
4. Fixed tablecolumn expression special characters.
5. Fixed # sign range value issue.
6. Fixed property file duplicate registration issues.
7. Added the ability to create and modify Business objects
8. Added the ability to create and modify Business object relationships

ENOVIA Schema Agent (Spinner) P a g e | 27

Version: 3DEXPERIENCE R2020x Rev1 Date: 03 Mar 2020

Version 3.03 2003-12-06

1. Modified emxSpinnerAgent.tcl to fix table issues with V10.0.1.0.

Version 3.02 2003-11-21

1. Modified emxSchema_Dumper.tcl to fix problem with an extra “ ]” character being added to emxSpinner*.tcl

Version 3.01 2003-09-29

1. Rename program files to prefix with emx.

2. Merge Dumper and Spinner into Schema Agent.
3. Improved Include and Exclude filter settings.

Version 3.0 2003-07-31

1. Reset Version treat as a new Release.

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