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I. Label the parts of the cell.

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II. Fill – in the blanks. Choose from the organelles below.
nucleus cell membrane cell wall mitochondria cytoplasm
Nucleolus vacuoles lysosomes ribosomes nuclear membrane

Centriole chromatin Golgi complex endoplasmic reticulum chloroplast

1. The ___________________ is the semi-fluid portion of the cell in which the cell parts are located.
2. The ______________ is referred to as the headquarters of cell operations.
3. The structure found in plant cells, but not in animal cells, that carries out the process of photosynthesis is
the _____________________.
4. Proteins are manufactured by the ________________________________.
5. The structure that surrounds the cell and regulates what enters and leaves the cell is the _____________

6. Nicknamed the ‘powerhouse of the cell’, the ______________________ are involved in energy production.
7. The _______________________________ surrounds the nucleus and controls what enters and leaves it.
8. ___________________ are structures that contain digestive enzymes.
9. In addition to a cell membrane, plant cells also have a _______________________ that serves to
provide strength and support to the cell.
10. Storage chambers within the cell are called ____________________.

11. Found mostly in animal cells, the ______________________ plays a role in cell division.
12. The cell structure that prepares and packages proteins either for use within the cell or for shipment out of
the cell is the ____________________________
13. Located within the nucleus, the _________________ is involved in making ribosomes for the cell.
14. Among other tasks, the _________________________ serves as a transportation system within the cell.

15. Another name for DNA material located within the nucleus of the cell is _________________________

III. Assign the cell characteristics to either plant (P) or animal (A) cell:
_____ 16. Only have a plasma membrane or cell membrane
_____ 17. Stores energy in the form of glycogen

_____ 18. Has chloroplasts

_____ 19. Stores energy in the form of starch
_____ 20. With a large central vacuole.

IV. Identify the given description below as prokaryotic, eukaryotic, or both.

P = Prokaryotic Cells E = Eukaryotic Cells B = Both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

_____ 21. Has a definite, well-defined nucleus
_____ 22. Type of cells in your body
_____ 23. Have DNA
_____ 24. Bacterial cells

_____ 25. Multicellular

_____ 26. Has ribosomes
_____ 27. Can live as unicellular organisms
_____ 28. Type of cells found in plants
_____ 29. Type of cells found in a goldfish

_____ 30. Can perform or carry out every activity associated with living organisms

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