Analysis of Cyber-Attacks On Smart Grid Applications: M. Zekeriya Gunduz Resul Das

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Analysis of cyber-attacks on smart grid applications

M. Zekeriya Gunduz Resul Das

Department of Computer Science and Technology Department of Software Engineering
Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Bingol University Technology Faculty, Firat University
Bingol, Turkey 23119 Elazig, Turkey

Abstract—Cyber-security is the whole process of preventing [3]. This leads to problems in ensuring the security of data
damage to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of in- in smart grids, which are cyber-physical systems [3], [4].
formation assets as a result of the use of vulnerabilities in Therefore, in order to ensure security in all cyber-physical
information assets by threats. So, confidentiality, integrity, and
availability (CIA) which are the key elements of the cyber- systems, three important security principles - confidentiality,
security must be provided properly. One of the biggest problems integrity, and availability - have to be met [5].
in implementing today’s critical infrastructures is the cyber In this study, the need to provide integrity, availability, and
security threats and cyber-attacks. Smart grids stand out in confidentiality which are the key elements of cyber-security
terms of providing efficiency in the generation, transmission, and in smart grids, has been sought. The rest of this study is
distribution of electrical energy which is the main element of
critical infrastructures. The widespread use of the smart grids organized as follows. In section 2, the type of attacks and type
requires to identify and classify the threats also precautions to of attackers in smart grids and also the major cyber-attacks that
be taken against them. Affected of smart grids at the minimum have been made on critical infrastructures are investigated.
level by cyber attacks requires that the essential elements of In section 3, the main security principles and requirements
information security must be provided at the maximum level. In in smart grids are listed. In section 4, types of attacks in
this context, in the study; Attacker types, attack types in smart
grids and huge cyber-attacks on power systems are introduced. smart grids are classified according to availability, integrity
Furthermore, the key objectives and requirements of cyber- and confidentiality principles. Finally, the study is evaluated.
security in smart grids are presented. Also, attack types that
can be performed in smart grids are classified according to II. S MART G RID AND C YBER -S ECURITY
confidentiality, integrity and availability principles. Lastly, the Every kind of data produced by smart grids has a significant
study is evaluated.
Index Terms—IoT security, smart grid security, cyber-security, role in facilitating the life of human beings in terms of
cyber-attacks generation and consumption. Data security precautions must
be taken in order to prevent attacks that may occur in the
I. I NTRODUCTION collection and sharing of the data. Data security precautions
are generally the provision of the integrity, confidentiality, and
Managing the devices using the internet infrastructure re- availability of the data. The expected results from smart grids
veals the concept of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT can be depend on providing effective and secure data communication
defined as the communication network that physical objects between the parties involved in the network [6]. The security
that communicate through various communication protocols of the smart grids predominantly can be considered as the
[1]. There are many IoT applications such as smart city, provision of the security of the communication channels and
smart home, smart transportation. Equipping traditional power AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) [7]. There are seven
networks with IoT technologies reveals the concept of the areas in smart grids [8]. These seven areas, where almost all
smart grid. Smart grids represent the modernization of the of them communicate with each other, are shown in Fig. 1
traditional electrical systems. Smart grids require real-time [8]. Each of these seven domains’ interfaces has different
monitoring of parameters such as frequency, power, voltage security requirements in terms of the availability, integrity,
and current. This means that the interconnected elements of and confidentiality, of the data. Additionally, privacy, quality
the system can automatically optimize its operations, monitor of access to data, preventing unauthorized access, ensuring
itself, and protect against cyber-attacks. Smart grids include system continuity and quality of service are the cyber-security
two separate transmission lines; power transmission line and requirements of the smart grid domains.
data transmission line. The communication infrastructure pro-
vides coordination and data flow through network entities A. Attacker Types in Smart Grids
bidirectionally [2]. The integration of different technologies, The vulnerabilities in smart grids can be exploited by
such as energy storage technologies, renewable energy sources, attackers or users consciously or unconsciously to damage
electric vehicles, remote reading systems into smart grids distinct levels to the system for different purposes. Some
causes the communication infrastructure to become complex consumers can attack certain system components to reduce the
978-1-5386-6878-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE electricity bills and it suffices for these attackers to connect
there may be more attackers who have different attack motives.
B. Attack Types in Smart Grids
Threats to a power system can be divided into three groups
as physical threats, environmental threats and cyber threats.
While physical threats involve unauthorized threats to physical
accessibility, environmental threats include threats such as
natural disasters, extreme heat, extreme cold. Smart grids are
cyber-physical systems and this study examines the threats
to the cyber part of smart grids. Manipulation, sabotage
and espionage are the three leading causes of smart grid
attacks. These cyber attacks can be happened consciously or
unconsciously. Conscious attacks intentionally aim to harm
one of the ACI principles in the system. Hackers, organized
crimes, cybercrimes, terrorists, anti-governments, vandals are
conscious attackers. In addition, end-users who have smart
meters may attack to energy infrastructure for various purposes
such as energy theft, fraud, sabotage, vandalism. Unconscious
Fig. 1. Smart Grid Domains attacks are attacks that are not intentionally committed by end
users who are generally uneducated in cyber security issues.
These users are usually manipulated by conscious attackers.
to the nearest AMI system. Some end-users may also aim to These attacks sometimes cause serious problems in the system.
provide financial benefits by changing their generation and Two types of security attacks that may compromise security
consumption information or by accessing the billing system. in a smart grid are existing:
Attackers are classified according to their targets and mo- 1) Passive Attacks: The attacker aims to obtain the trans-
tivations. The motives of cyber-attacks in smart grids range mitted data to learn the system configuration, architecture and
from cyber warfare, terrorism, industrial espionage, activism, normal behavior. It is difficult to detect such attacks because
economic reasons, disgruntled employees to jokes. Attackers of there is no change in the data. For this reason, the focus
may be amateur attackers, professional attackers, terrorists, should be on prevention of passive attacks rather than detection
employees, competitors, and even customers themselves [9]. of passive attacks. Eavesdropping attacks and traffic analysis
Non-malicious attackers are curious attackers whose main attacks are passive attacks. Passive attacks cause violation of
purposes are not harm to the system [10]. They see to solve confidentiality principle.
the security and operation of the system as a puzzle. These 2) Active Attacks: An active attack aims to affect the
attackers act with intellectual challenge and curiosity. Hobbyist operation of the system by modifying the transmitted data
and script kiddies are generally harmless attackers in smart or by adding manipulated data. An active attack results in
grids. Some attackers who aim to provide personal benefit can violation of availability, integrity, or partially confidentiality
be malicious customers. These end-users can attack their smart principles. Passive and active attacks are carried out by third
meters or data transmission lines in a way that benefits them. parties consciously or unconsciously.
With attack to power grid systems, terrorist attacks aim to
break the functioning of the critical infrastructure, make their C. Cyber Attacks to Power Systems:Stuxnet
terrorist actions more effective and disrupt the public order. The vulnerabilities in the calculation systems and in the
Some employees who are angry to the customers or their software may be the main reasons of large power failures.
employers can intentionally attack the system. In addition, Therefore, it is a high priority to address the security of
a disgruntled employee who has the privilege of accessing electricity networks. So, it is important to examine the cyber
system components may change the settings of the software attacks carried out in critical infrastructures. In this section,
algorithms or the devices’ configurations according to their the most important attack on critical infrastructures, known as
own benefits [10]. These disgruntled employees are often stuxnet is examined.
referred to the inside attackers. For financial gains, competitors In 2011, it was confirmed by the Iranian government that
can also attack each other. For example, corporate data or the Bushehr nuclear power plant had been attacked. This
private customer data may be stolen from the database due complex attack is called stuxnet. This attack on Iranian nuclear
to the competition between service providers. These kind power plants once again demonstrated the importance of cyber
of attackers are called competitor attackers. State hackers, security. It is the most destructive example of a cyber weapon
organized crime attackers, hacktivists are also other attackers [12]. It has become the first malware damaged to a critical
that have different motives. Smart grids are the intersection infrastructure directly by manipulating the control system. This
of intelligence, energy, politics and social concerns and this malware was distributed via a USB stick and infected all the
explains the variety of attackers and their intentions [11]. So, windows machines in the system [13]. Later, a special control
system used to operate high-speed centrifuges that help enrich The main security objectives are confidentiality, integrity,
nuclear fuel was searched by this malware. After this malware and availability. Confidentiality prevents unauthorized access
had found the control system, it updated itself automatically, it to private information. Integrity guarantees the truth of infor-
caused a physical malfunction in the centrifuges and reported mation. Availability provides guarantee of the services. How-
that the system was working steadily by providing false ever, in conventional communication networks, the importance
feedback to the control system. Stuxnet is not a traditional order of the security requirements is CIA (Confidentiality,
malware. It is the most complicated, advanced and effective Integrity, Availability), while in smart grids it is AIC (Avail-
malware so far. It is almost 20 times more complex than any ability, Integrity, Confidentiality).
other previous malware. It is a hybrid of worm, trojan, rootkit
and virus. It has four steps: A. Main Security Objectives in Smart Grids
1) Spreading like a worm or a virus using a trojan In smart grids, three key security principle must be met
2) Discovering the target system absolutely. So, availability, integrity and confidentiality must
3) Destroying the target be ensured in smart grids.
4) Evading of detection. 1) Availability: It provides to ensuring authorized parties
can access to the information when needed. It guarantees that
Stuxnet attack vectors cover distinct parts of the system
unauthorized persons or devices can not access the system.
[12]. It was designed to target specific SCADA systems using
In Smart Grids, availability relates to all cyber systems such
at least four vulnerabilities of the operating system and so
as SCADA, distributed control centers, and distribution man-
it caused a destruction of over a thousand Iranian nuclear
agement systems (DMS), as well as communication networks
centrifuges. Stuxnet targeted security vulnerabilities of the
between these systems and external networks [14]. Denial
control system. The success of stuxnet has raised a lot of
of service (DoS) and distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks target
questions about the security of such critical systems. So,
availability of the system. So, they aim to disrupt the data
it shows that governments should take the security of their
transfer and can delay, prevent, or disrupt the transmission of
existing power networks more seriously. Stuxnet shows the
data in smart grids. This, causes blackouts, brownout or denial
development trend of cyber wars and terrorism in the future.
of data exchange. Loss of control messages or accessibility of
Particularly, it shows that cyber-security must be inherently
the data stream cause to the effect of the power distribution
embedded into any smart grid system as a foundation of next
and the system. Thus, availability is generally considered to
generation critical infrastructure [14].
be the most important cyber-security necessity in Smart Grids.
Existing cyber attack events [11] indicate that electrical
2) Integrity: It prevents tampering of critical data in sen-
energy systems are vulnerable to potential cyber security
sors, control commands, software and electronic devices to
threats. So, researching cyber-security problems in smart grids
disrupt data exchange and decision making. For example,
are an important engineering mission.
smart meters should provide the integrity of source validation
III. C YBER S ECURITY F UNDAMENTALS IN S MART G RIDS and software update. It may be exposed to an attack that
may corrupt the integrity of the data during transfer of the
A smart grid system must support all or some of the smart meter data to the distribution company [16]. Since the
electricity generation, distribution, transmission, and control transmitted consumption data used for billing, integrity must
operations [13]. To ensure that these transactions communicate be protected. Otherwise, the unauthorized alteration of this
securely, enable to the main security objectives and bidirec- data may cause damage to the company or the end user.
tional communication. Also providing a layered communica- Malicious alteration or repetition of data flow, control
tion architecture with a secure communication channel is a messages and sensor values indicate that the system is being
necessity. attacked. This is called loss of integrity. The loss of integrity
Smart grids consist of many devices connected to each other. is the unauthorized alteration and destruction. This may cause
There are two types of data transmitted between these devices. the system involved in power management to make incor-
1) Private Data: It refers to privacy related data such rect decisions. Non-repudiation and authenticity are important
as user data, consumption data, log data, reporting data. components of data integrity. The goal of integrity attacks
Capturing such data by attackers usually means violation of are modifying customer information such as customer account
privacy. data, billing data or network operation data like operating
2) Operational Data: It involves instructions containing status of the devices, voltage readings. In other words, such
commands. Operational data requires a high level of security attacks attempt to deliberately alter the original data in the
to protect smart grid systems from any attacks that may smart grid communication system to disrupt critical data
cause power interruption [15]. Operational data indicates the exchange in the smart grid [11].
current loads of transformer feeders, transformer tap changers, 3) Confidentiality: It is ensured that the stored and trans-
capacitors, fault locations, the status of relays,the real-time mitted data can only be accessed by the relevant receivers.
current and voltage values, the status of circuit breakers etc. Confidentiality also prevents unauthorized users from ac-
Capturing such data by attackers can lead to damage to the cessing data to protect personal privacy and security. Smart
operation of the whole system. grids transmit data range from consumption data to consumer
specific data, varying levels of sensitivity and privacy. An Sharing user passwords with third parties destroys the ac-
end user’s consumption data should only be known by the countability. So, every user in the system should have specific
end user and the energy provider. Capturing control messages responsibilities for information security and they must explain
or data streams by attackers may cause the system to be all of their actions about cyber-security.
compromised. Confidentiality refers to the disclosure of secret The specific security requirements are essential for protec-
data to unauthorized users [17]. From a smart grid perspec- tion of cyber infrastructure in order to reduce liability and
tive, this refers to privacy of customer data, electric market increase competence in the electric market place [3]. So, any
data and critical enterprises data. Violation of confidentiality vulnerabilities that may arise in security key elements and
results from disclosure of private data. With the increasing requirements may cause serious problems in the cyber or even
accessibility of customer data on the Internet, confidentiality the physical security of the smart grids.
is becoming more and more significant [14].
B. Security Requirements in Smart Grids
Smart Grid Attacks are classified considering CIA. While
There are also some other security requirements that must CIA triad is important in Information Technology systems in
be with availability, integrity and confidentiality which is the terms of security, CIA triad is important in smart grids. Firstly,
basic security components in smart grids [15], [16], [18], [19]. availability must be ensured since smart grids must provide
Prominent requirements are as follows: efficiently use of electrical infrastructure. Integrity is second
1) Privacy: Privacy requires that user data can not be used priority while confidentiality is third. Table I lists the attacks
for different purposes without user’s approval, can not be that are blocking the CIA in smart grids.
obtained by different people, and can only be used for specified
purposes. For example, energy consumption data used for TABLE I
billing purposes can not be used for other purposes. TAXONOMY OF THE C YBER -ATTACKS IN S MART G RIDS
2) Authorization: Ensures that an authenticated object or
Confidentiality References
person has predetermined rights to perform certain operations Man in the Middle [3]
on certain resources. For example, an officer who must man- Password Pilfering [14]
ually configure on a smart meter must have predetermined Spoofing [16]
Unauthorized Access [17]
authority and access control rights. Traffic Analysis [18]
3) Non-Repudiation: Verification that a particular action Eavesdropping [20]
performed by a system or user can not be denied later. The goal Integrity -
Tampering, Wormhole [5]
of the non-repudiation is to be able to prove that a particular Replay [13]
message is associated with a particular individual. Spoofing [16]
Data Injection [21]
4) Identification: It is the ability to identify uniquely a user Time Synchronization [21]
of a system or an application that is running in the system. Data Modification [22]
5) Authentication: It is the process of verifying the identify Availability -
Wormhole, Flooding [5]
of a user. Authentication is the ability to prove that a user Puppet Attack [11]
or application is genuinely who that person or what that DoS/DDoS [15]
application claims to be. It proves the identity of the user Jamming [19]
Buffer Overflow [23]
or client machine attempting to log in.
6) Access Control: It refers to the management of admis-
sion to system and network resources. So, authenticated users Cyber attacks compromise the CIA triad directly or indi-
can access to specific resources based on company policies. It rectly. Virus, spyware, worm, trojan, logic bomb, back-door,
often includes authentication. and trapdoor are general types of malware. Generally, all kinds
7) Auditing: It means a systematic evaluation of the secu- of the attacks are generated from the aforementioned malware
rity of an information system by measuring how well it fits to a and their combinations. Logic bomb, back-door, trap-door can
set of established criteria. A whole audit typically assesses the be deliberately embedded into software by developers which
security of the system’s physical configuration environment, may be utilized to initate attacks later. DoS or DDoS attacks
processes, user practices, information handling, and software. attempt to delay, obstruct or damage information transmission
Auditing ensures that both users and administrators are in and exchange between nodes in a Smart Grid [21]. Spoof-
compliance with security policies. Auditing is an effective ing attacks consist of man in the middle, message replays,
method for ensuring accountability. spoofing, and software exploitation attacks. Man in the middle
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to do what the system is expected or designed to do. only needs to connect to the communication channel for a
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