Assignment No 3 OB

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Assignment No. 3

Chapter 3:  Values, Attitudes, and Diversity in the Workplace

Ramandeep Singh Maan

Student ID – 209628780

Professor Amanda Silverthorn

Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario


1. What is the difference between Rokeach’s terminal and instrumental values?

a) Everyone has goal in life want to achieve in their lifetime such are called terminal


To achieve such values, the ways of behaviour used are called instrumental values

b) Terminal values are the highest valued, while instrumental values are the most used


c) Apart from this people use instrumental values in daily life and terminal values play

their role where a person is under stress, means it doesn’t come in normal life or days.

In a nutshell, terminal values are the objective or destination to achieve through his

behaviour, however the instrumental values are the methods a person adopts for achieving

that aim.


Terminal values: Comfortable life, freedom, happiness, social, mature love etcetera

Instrumental values: Responsible, Hardworking, Self-comfort, polite, independent and

so on. [ CITATION Dif17 \l 16393 ]

2. What are Hofstede’s five value dimensions for assessing cultures?

Hofstede’s five value dimensions for assessing cultures are: -

 Power Distance

 Individualism vs collectivism

 Masculinity vs femininity

 Uncertainly avoidance

 Long term vs short term orientation


Power Distance: It describes the degree to individuals in a nation accept that power

in corporates and academies is divided unequally.

Individualism vs collectivism: individualism is a degree in which people act as

individually and also believe in individual. Collectivism is tight frame work in which

people act and expect from in groups.

Masculinity vs femininity: Hofstede’s make of masculinity is the degree which is in

favors of traditional masculine roles like power, any achievement and control. It has

separate role for men and women; with men dominating society. Femininity rating

means that little differentiation between male and female role but treats them equally.

Uncertainty avoidance: The degree to which people in a nation culture that that high

score on uncertainly avoidance, individuals have high level of worry about

uncertainly avoidance and ambiguity. They use laws and control to decrease


Long term and short-term orientation: In long term orientation people think about

their future and tradition. But in short term orientation individuals think about that

they accept changes in culture and don’t see commitments. [ CITATION Nan161 \l

16393 ]

3. What values are unique to Canadian culture?

When we compare Canadians with other nation, we come to know that its culture is

quite different and appreciable.

Canadians give importance to equality, respect, safety, peace, environment (nature),

well behaved people.

a) Equality: The Canadian culture teaches to respect everyone. There is no

discrimination between poor and rich, men and women and so on. Also,

Canadians welcome immigrants from many countries and consider them the

crucial part of their society. Moreover, Canada is the perfect example of global

culture / multiculturism.

b) Safety and security: Canada is considered as one of the safest nation around the

world, as it has very low crime rate. Even, it is the one of major reasons is that

most of the people from the world want to migrate in Canada.

c) Environment: Canada is known for its beautiful nature. The spectacular views of

Canadian mountains and rivers that attract people all around the world. Many

visitors come to visit Canada to enjoy Canada’s nature and culture. The great

lakes, Niagara Falls, Old Montréal, CN tower are some examples of natural

beauty in Canada.

d) Well Behaved people: Canadian citizens behavior is appreciable as they are very

polite, kind hearted, disciplined, well mannered, helping nature and generous.

They say sorry when their any action hurts someone, they wait patiently in queries

for their turns in front of shop, banks and so on. Moreover, all Canadians respect

animals lives as well as nature. [ CITATION Wha \l 16393 ]

4. What are the three components of an attitude? Are these components related or


Components of an attitude are: -

 Cognitive component

 Affective component

 Behavioural component

Cognitive component: This is something about opinion or viewpoint of an attitude.

Examples all children are cute and smoking is injurious to health etcetera.

Affective component: The feeling part of an attitude is called affective component.

Examples they love children because they are cute and they hate smoking because it is

injurious to health.

Behavioural component: The part that describes a reason to act in a particular way

towards something. Example I cannot kiss to children and so on. [ CITATION 3Co \l

16393 ]

The above-mentioned components are highly related to each other

5. What are the key attitudes that affect organizational performance? In what ways

are these attitudes alike? What is unique about each?

The main attitudes that effect organizational performance are: -

 Job satisfaction

 Organizational commitment

 Job involvement

 Perceived organizational support

 Employee engagement

Job satisfaction: It is positive feeling that an employee feels his post, measuring

about whether a person is satisfied or wants more from his employer.

Organizational commitment: When an individual wishes to remain a part of the

company and relates himself with an organization and its goal.

Job involvement: Degree of measure where perceived performance is important than


Perceived organizational support: Measures if the employer gives value to the

participation and hard work of workers and care about workers.

Employee engagement: These are work related attitudes that also need to be

understand by managers.

They all are highly related; However, some employees seem to be predisposed really

liking this job or hating their job. Overall, there is same distinction, but a lot of

overlap.[ CITATION Nan162 \l 16393 ]

6. What causes job satisfaction? For most people, is pay or the work itself more


Job satisfaction is a feeling that tells us that weather employee enjoys his work and

workplace or not. In other words, how satisfied he or she is. Key points for work

satisfactions type of work, pay or salary, colleagues, seniors, rules and regulations.

The most important key factor is enjoyment of work, if individual started enjoying his

job pay or salary would not be a big issue for him.[ CITATION Nan162 \l 16393 ]

7. What outcomes does job satisfaction influence? What implications do the

consequences of job satisfaction have for management?

Job satisfaction results in: -

 Individual productivity

 Organizational productivity

 Organizational citizen behaviour

 Customer satisfaction

 Absenteeism and turnover

It is shown that the organization having satisfied staff drives, more profit as job

satisfaction leads to better performance. To explain, high level of job satisfaction

leads to improve attendance, reduce job stress, less conflicts among staff members;

which ultimately increases the productivity and hence profits. Thus, management gets

good results.[ CITATION Nan162 \l 16393 ]

8. What are the four employee responses to job dissatisfaction?

The four employee responses to job dissatisfaction are: -

 Exit

 Voice

 Loyalty

 Neglect

Exit: The exit coordinates conduct toward leaving the association, including

searching for another new job just as leaving previous job.

Voice: The voice incorporates effectively and usefully endeavoring to improve

conditions, including recommending upgrades, talking about issues with bosses, and

undertaking a few types of association movements.

Loyalty: The loyalty describes hopefully trusting that conditions will improve,

including supporting the association with external disputes and trusting in the

association and its administration to "make the best choice."

Neglect: The neglect permits conditions to decline and includes absenteeism of

workers or its delays or delay, decreases efforts, and expanded mistake rate. [ CITATION

BCB \l 16393 ]

Image Source: ‘Responses to Job Dissatisfaction’ SlidePlayer

9. How do organizations manage diversity effectively?

Organization runs effective diversity programs in which they make a single

framework for all and gives fair treatment to all. Also, special skills are brought out

workers by organizing special practices. Apart from this, unfamiliar cultures and

gestures are tried understand by workers. It reduces the cultural differences which is

very beneficial for organization. [ CITATION Nan162 \l 16393 ]

10. What are the benefits of cultural intelligence?

Through the mix of cultures, companies are being able to deal with various problems.

The major benefits of cultural intelligence are: -

 It improves communication, cooperation’s, team work, which ultimate

increases productivity.

 Cross cultural skills also make people competitive, meaning cultural

intelligence is not just beneficial for business but for individual within it also.

 Various cultures help to make batter products for the whole world.

 With cultural intelligence, local partners, local clients and outer dealers

become good friends and colleagues.

 It gains trust of individuals in the area.

 It helps to develop deep understanding of working manners or styles in other

cultures.[ CITATION Sue19 \l 16393 ][ CITATION Nan162 \l 16393 ]



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Image Retrieved on 20 Sept,2020 from SlidePlayer

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