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ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION ds Visioning andl Strategic Planning Develo and haping canmiment os visor of sucess; appari preety, ond enaurtg agement wih te cal goverment won and values. Knows and understands how these VIGs are anchored with LGU's structure, mandate, mission and vsin, social protection amelvar, primary programs, and key stakeholders and partners in he delvery of SWD sorvess. Sets goals and objectives relevant ta the function or mandate of fie, particularly fecused on meting client's needs while ‘ensuring alignment to certain directives or key priories “Translates goals and objectives into specifi plans that con serve as relble roadmaps heading to desired outcomes o Promotes he sentfance and impact of staff contbatlons to promoting seengorganitional sl Qo Describes the vison and values compeling terms to develop understanding and promote acceptance and commitment among staff and stakeholders Assess the gap andor denies potenti iss between the turtent and desired statein the operations and develops necessary systems and mechanisms to prevent and/or mansgs them o Oo ‘Seeks novation nthe delvery of SWO PAPS accross various Sources nd adapts new and appropriate practices improve ‘SWVD interventions, while ensuing adherence to esting polices 2. Supervision and Management Hamessing energies and commitment of those they lead towards the achievement of agency and invilua ool and organizational excellence ered coordinates, monitors and evaluates the work and Actes fhe lc to ensure that te actives ond processes re algned tthe LU's thrust and pores ows eam members autonomy in fling work desert ad atthe same ie promotes owners of {am resus soleting inputs nthe development ad Qo implementation of eas work plane Recommends economy meacuresinuigresoures fecommends enhancements to resource management a Systeme within one's oun unteam/ofice Encourages creative tron and ferences of opinion n ner to generat eter des and sokions Qo Implements support rewards system that leary links rewords to performance etic, ad which encourages o Seth perfomance and excellence 3. Problem-Solving and Deci jon-making Making decisions and solving problems involving vared levels of complex, ambiguity and risk dents facts, pattems, trends and connections across events to establish factor and oot causes of issues emering Inthe wereplceor problems presented Seok opinions and inputs fom relevant work, offs, ‘departments, stakeholders and partners in formulating a shtlons and alterative courses of aon Generates viable and ereatwe options witha clear understanding frit astocated to tants ong term oO implications tothe wovkplace a a Oo a o oa a a a ia a Qa a i oO a a a a a LSWDO COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT TOOL a o a a oO a o REMARKS, ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION ele elo) a at a Th A ee BEHAVIORALINDICATORS REMARKS. Sxercs judgments sed on fact nd inforton mae "bla the ine of slecngneffectve option or raking eedsion deesratevsoelyonpenonatousnsand sO Icengvers vay rom persona ses Knows when a econ sti hin one roe or contrl or beyond aes evel of espe, hence mates o00o0lUcOUlUO reeonmendstonto the desion-nater Disa conf denc ncormrmicing dirs and delegating associated courses of actions to implement it a Q Q a 4. Facilitating Change and Innovation Being open tone ideas and weleoming change, challenging conventions and accepted practices: employing one's creat focantnuouely ‘prove work processes thet il lead fo beter ways to deWerserdces: providing enebing environment ad mechanisms fo mpltent era Sustain dsred change lo delver services Challenges conventional standards, ystems and procedures, oder carentorasaptsneuvaystoberermectheneess §< a of te GU Publ supports and adapts to mjorundarentl changes, Sandardy awtemsendprocedurerteinpovepwicsevce | OO o ‘lows forthe transaton of rew eas programs nd trots of her cstmiaton by proving apropiate Oo; o/;oa a ‘esoures orb seeking te LGUs suppor. Incorporates good procs a innovate des rom ca dnditereatool experiences in sacl welfre od sce roractonindeveopng pices sndgueinessorgsecst «= CO CO Consmuncates perceived potent a isk elie to thane and ts poste knact to stakeholders and .GU- o}/o/;a;a {Swe contert Ienties the factors an reson fr india ato be eageain change mntes Qo oOo 9 Qo §. Coaching Performance for Results The ably to create an enabling environment which il nurture ard sustain a performance-based, coaching culture. Eflectiveness in tis competency area also includes a strong focus on developing people fer current and future needs, meneging talent. promoting the vale of Contivous leaning and improvement. Aju tyle/stance trom directing to empowering, based on ‘the capabilities and motivation of the employee, providing a a a a cramps of behaviour consistent with goal achievement ‘ides coachee to propose and choose performance ‘and resources for them to become cooches Pan een eee oo oO 0 arene eee eee Oo Oo 6 a Senior CiemEeERE. QO Og oo ao o 06g traces non judgemental and fecltatve actions (8, ‘empathetic listening, asking thought provoking questions) a a 6, Creating an Environment for Learning and Growth resting an envionment wherein sta are motvate to lem end develo to mesinze Perf potential. Developing the ably of others to tortor ond conte fe fle by proving contmuous leedbeck on petamance as Wel es epparunes sear vough oma ad Iriomal methods such as caecingmentin, raining 8 and ientiis staff potential an 2c development needs and plans, aspirations, ‘dents kay learning and development areas within one's

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