Khalid Salah Amer Ds

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Khalid Salah Amer

Mobile: +2-01064653667
2015: 2019
B.Sc. Faculty of Engineering, Tanta university.
Department: Computer and Automatic Control.
Accumulative Grade: Very Good.
Technical Experience:
Machine Learning developer (trainee)
AWS (Amazon web service)
01/2021: 05/2021
⮚ Bees Detections
Using Python code to create a training job for Bees' Images using Amazon SageMaker Object
Detection algorithm, a hyperparameter tuning job to find an optimal set of hyperparameters,
and then deploy our final model via Amazon endpoint.
▪ Python, Sagemaker, S3, Boto3, Sklearn, and Matplotlib.
⮚ Default Credit card
Develop a model to tell if the client will default the payment or not.
the dataset contains information on default payments, demographic factors, credit data,
history of payment, and bill statements of credit card clients in Taiwan from 4/2005 to 9/2005.
▪ Python, Imblearn, Sklearn, Matplotlib, and Seaborn.
⮚ Fraud Detection Credit card
Identify fraudulent credit card transactions before they have a larger impact on a bank, the
dataset was imbalanced so I overcame this by resampling it, I did all the work on an Amazon
Sagemaker (From Data wrangling to Deploying).
▪ Python, AWS, Sagemaker, S3, LinearLearner, Imblearn, Sklearn, Plotly, Matplotlib,
and Seaborn.
⮚ Investigate Gapminder Dataset
Perform EDA on Gapminder dataset to explore how people live their lives in different countries
across the years on different indicators. Fortunately, there is no country growing in child
mortality over time, but Africa still has the largest number of child mortality. Genocide, war,
natural disasters or Revolution have the most influence on how people live their lives.
▪ Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Jupyter.
⮚ GETANA (Social Media Monitoring)
Enable companies to monitor, analyze and utilize social media data to grow their business by
giving them access to analytics such as sentiment, gender, location, historical data, word cloud,
influencers, top mentions, and much more.
▪ Python, Machine learning (SVM), NLP, NGRAMS, TFIDF, Web scraping, Tweepy.
⮚ Covid-19 Analysis
Perform EDA on Covid19's tweets in order to get a better understanding of the data and how
COVID19 is affecting us.
▪ Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Word cloud, Folium, Jupyter.
Courses and certificates:
▪ Advanced Data Analysis Nano Degree (Udacity)
▪ Advanced Analytics with Amazon SageMaker (AWS)
▪ The Elements of Data Science (AWS)
▪ Exploring the Machine Learning Toolset (AWS)
▪ Math for Machine Learning (AWS)
▪ Machine Learning (Coursera)
▪ Improving Deep Neural Networks (DeepLearning.AI)
▪ Neural Networks and Deep Learning (DeepLearning.AI)
▪ Applied Data Science with Python (IBM)
▪ Importing & Cleaning Data with Python track
▪ Python programming track
▪ Introduction to Relational Databases
▪ Intro to SQL for Data Science
▪ Big Data Fundamentals via Pyspark
▪ Getting Started with Spark2
▪ Building Machine Learning Models in Spark2
▪ Structured Streaming in Apache Spark2
Technical Skills:
⮚ Cloud: Practicing on AWS Cloud Platform.
⮚ Data Science: Data Visualization, Data Engineering, Statistics, Pandas, and Numpy.
⮚ Machine learning: Supervised, Unsupervised learning, and Deep learning.
⮚ Big Data: Hadoop and Spark.
⮚ Data visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, and Dash.
⮚ Programming: Python, C++, SQL, and MongoDB.
Personnel Skills:
▪ Excellent at communication and human interactions.
▪ Leadership skills.
▪ Teamwork.
▪ Arabic, English.
Personnel Information:
▪ Date of birth: 21/03/1996
▪ Military Status: Completed

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