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Instructions for paying online Fees

1. Visit :
2. Login to respective admission page shown under Payment/Registration Link
3. How can I login to pay?
You will get page like this:

Ans: We have used different combination for your login depending on the data provided by the
admission committee.

a. JEE: Sample Login Details

i. JEE Main App-no: Such as 200310xxx
ii. Mobile No: Such as 93080xxxxx
iii. Email id: Such as
b. MBA: Sample Login Details
i. CAT Registration No: Such as 9020xxx
ii. Mobile No: Such as 93080xxxxx
iii. Email id: Such as
c. M.Sc.: Sample Login Details
i. Registration ID: Such as MA316Axxx
ii. Mobile No: Such as 93080xxxxx
iii. Email id: Such as
d. M.Sc.Tech: Sample Login Details
i. Registration ID: Such as GG515Axxx
ii. Mobile No: Such as 93080xxxxx
iii. Email id: Such as
e. M.Tech: Sample Login Details
i. Your 6 digit IITISM Application Registration no Such as 20nnnn
ii. Mobile No: Such as 93080xxxxx
iii. Email id: Such as
f. PhD: Sample Login Details
i. Reg No: Such as FTENMECGATxxx
ii. Mobile No: Such as 93080xxxxx
iii. Email id: Such as
4. In case you have any issues related to login please contact your respective admission committee
and get your issues resolved
5. After Login you will be redirected towards payment of fees as shown below:

6. Please check the data and fees carefully, in case your DoB, Category or fees showing here is wrong
please contact your respective admission committee and get it rectified. The order no shown
above is very important for tracking the payment status so please note down the order no , please
do not send screenshot of this order no, and mention this order no for all your future
7. If you are sure proceed for payment. You will have to confirm again
8. Now you can proceed for payment Pay Now

9. Now you can Pay. After payment is successful please click Submit and note Bank Reference No
and Order no. after that you can print the receipt.
10. Critical When Transaction is Failed and Receipt is generated

11. Critical When Transaction is Failed and Receipt is not generated In case you have attempted for
payment and the amount has been deducted from your account but the receipt has not been
i. Wait for ,3 Working days from the date of transaction T+3 Days, (Excluding
Saturday, Sunday and Holiday, i.e if any transaction is made on 7th of May and
your payment is deducted but you transaction is failed at SBIePay/IIT (ISM) end.
Then 7th May is your T0, 8th and 9th will remain T0 due to Saturday and Sunday
and if 10th is holiday than 11th is your T1 12 is T2 and 13th is T3 ) please first Track
your payment online by clicking on the Link given on Home Page
( ) if no information is available please contact
your respective admission committee only after 13th
ii. If your payment is settled (with IIT (ISM) i.e when the amount is credited to IIT
(ISM).),you will be able to print the receipt If the amount is not settled and your
transaction is failed then you can contact your Bank for refund. You can also send
mail with order no and other details to SBI at / . directly. We shall also upload the detail status of
Transactions at our end.
12. Please do not make multiple payment. But in case you have done multiple payment please contact
your respective admission committee with proof of payment, all order nos, your Bank Details,
Name of Account Holder, Account No, Ban Name, Branch Name, IFSC Code etc. for refund of extra
13. In case of any other unforeseen issues please contact your respective admission committee with
details of issues, Suitable screenshot.

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