W3: Assess 2 On Self-Perception

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Camilo, Gielyn Mae Y.


1. How do you perceive yourself as you interact with other people in the society? How do you think you formed
this perception of yourself? Identify the people, groups or social institutions that significantly influenced your
understanding of yourself. Fill in the table below with your answers.

Institutions with Whom I Have My Self-perception via Social How my Self-perception was
Had Meaningful Encounters Interaction Established

I can describe myself around my My self-perception or the way I

family as open as possible. see myself around my family was
FAMILY Because we were raised by our established by influence, since my
parents as a very close-siblings other cousins seems to act graceful
too. But, when I’m with my or formal too. Because my family
relatives I tend to act more formal as a whole, is very conservative.
and graceful, especially around my They wanted us girls, learn how to
Lolo, Lola, Titos and Titas. act like a proper lady.

Myself when I’m around my I am much more-free because, this

bestfriends is a higher-level of group has the same cup-of-tea as
freedom to be myself, wherein I mine, like we were really on the
BEST FRIENDS could just share randomly private same page. With them, I feel
things about me or secrets to there’s no judgement,
her/them without any hesitations. pretentiousness and competition,
And I could burst my emotions just pure good vibes.
unto them whenever I like or I
have some burden within me.

I see myself in this group as a Since then, I already love singing

responsible leader/member who and music as a whole. Immaculate
IHMA CHORALE follows rules and knows how to Heart of Mary Academy (IHMA)
discipline, since I’m really serious Chorale, has a large portion in my
(served 6 years; A choir group in with my commitment. And who heart, since they are not just my
my previous Alma Mater) puts her heart to every song she choirmate but they are all like a
sang because it’s for the Lord. All family to me already.
the crazy-fun side of mine are all
2. Consider Mead’s concepts of the I and me self. Using the graphic organizer below, make a list of your
characteristics for each of these two categories. Which one better describes your social self?

My Social Self
-I think, what describes my social self more is the ME
SELF, because speaking of "social self" for me, it is
somewhat related to the definition of "Me Self" which
represents the internalized attitudes, expectations and
demands of other people and the individual's
awareness of those demands which is through
socialization. But there are also times when the I and
Me self are united, thus attain the full development of

I Self Me Self
-doesn't want to dress-up so fancy, -I need to dress-up to impress my
because it's time-consuming boyfriend's parents
-I have to study because tuition is so
-doesn't want to study because I'm expensive, and don't want to
tired. disappoint my parents
-I love endless eating so much -I started to gain weight, felt
especially with rice insecured of all the summer bodies in
the social media so I started to work-
-I dont agree to a certain point raised
-I refuse to be defensive, because I
by my parents
don't want to appear disrespectful.
-I always end-up zero savings since I
-I want to save my money for future get tempted with what's today's trend
needs like clothes, new flavored milktea, etc
-bless to the elders -bless to the elders

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