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COMMERCIAL ALCOHOLS INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: ETHYL ALCOHOL (96-96.6% VOL) Page | of 6 BP, EP GRADE MSDS NO: 1904EPBP EFFECTIVE DATE: July 11, 2005 MANUPACTURED BY: ‘Commercial Alcohols Inc (Les Alcools De Commerce Inc.) Bruce Energy Centre 275 Bloomfield Road 4h Concession Chatham, ‘Tiverton, Ontario Ontario NOG2TO NSIS EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: CANUTEC (613) 996-6666 “NON-EMERGENCY INFORMATION PHONE NUMBER: (905) 790-7800 ‘TRANSPORTATION PRIMARY CLASS: 3 CLASS NAME: FLAMMABLE LIQUID UNA: 1170 [SunsDIARY CLASS: NONE SHIPPING NAME: EMANOL, 1, EMERGENCY AND FIRST AtD PROCEDURE [INGESTION © Never ive anything by mouth victim is rapidly losing consciousness or is unconscious or convulsing, I * DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING © Have victim drink about 250ml (8. oz) of water to dilute material in stomach. | ‘tf vomiting occurs naturally have vitim lean forward to reduce risk of aspiration. | © Seek medical assistance | sun ‘© Flush contaminated area with water For at least 20 minutes, | Remove contaminated clothing under running water, = Completely devontaminate clothing before e-use, or discard. + Irritation occurs seek medical attention TENHALATION * Remove victim to fresh ar. © Anificial respiration should be given ifbreathing has stopped and cardiopulmonary resuscitation if | ‘heart hes stopped Oxygen may be given ifnecessary # Seek medical attention immediately [Exes ‘Tromediaely lush eyes with water for at least 20 minutes, holding the eyelids open. Seek medical attention immediately. Nores To Symptoms of ethanol intoxication vary with the aleohol level ofthe blood. Mild alcohol intoxication occurs at ‘PHYSICIAN blood levels between 0.05-015% and approximately 25% of individuals wil show signs of intoxieaton at these levels. Above 0.15% the person is definitely under the influence of ethanol and 50-95% of individuals at this level are clinically intoxicated. Severe poisoning occurs when the blood ethanol level is 0.3-0.5%. Above| (0.5% the individual will be comatose and death can occur. ‘The unabsorbed ethanol should be removed by gastric lavage afer intubating the patient to prevent aspiration ‘Avoid the use of depressant drugs or the excessive administration of fluids, ‘THE INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED UPON DATA BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, HOWEVER, NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH "RESPECT TO INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. ~ COMMERCIAL ALCOHOLS INC MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRopUCT NAME: ETHYL ALCOHOL (96-96.6% VOL) Page 2 of 6 BP, EP GRADE MSDS NO: 1904EPBP EFFECTIVE DATE: July 11, 2005 II. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA [FLASH POINT, + 16 (Tag closed cup, ASTMD-56) Ka Ones COMPONENT | %ViV | FLAMMABLE | VAPOUR | VAPOUR | AUTOIGRE ‘TwpoRTant LIMITS, %V/V_| PRESSURE | DENSITY | _ TION. ‘Data LOWER ] UPPER [KPAAT20°C | (AIR= 1) | POINT, °C | (1) Ethyl Alcohol | 96.0 0 96.6 33 19.0 5.87 16 4.22 (Water Balance 1 [EXTINGUISHING + Apply aleohol-aype oF all-purpose-type foams by manufactures recommended techniques for large fires. MEDIA + Use carbon dioxide or dry chemical media for smal fires. ‘Water is generally unsuitable and may hep to spread the fie. [SeeciaL “Use water spray 0 ooo! Fire-expesed containers and structures ‘+ Use water spray to disperse vapours; reignition is possible, Pa ark oe eel ‘Unusual * Vapours form from this product and may travel orbe moved by air currents and ignited by pitt lights, FIRE AND other flames, sparks, heaters, electrical equipment, static discharges or other ignition sources at locations distant from handling point. TEL. IDENTIFICATION (cueme: "ETHYL ALCOHOL (96% 10966% VOL) CHEMICA ‘ALCOHOLS NAME TAMILY, FORMULA CHh-CH- OH ‘Mouecuan (4607 WEIGHT SYNONYMS © Ethanol, Alcobol, Ethyl Alcohol 192. proof, Etyl Alcohol DPS (96% vol), Ethyl Alcohol DS (96% vol), Ethyl Alcohol VS (96% vol). ‘Use General purpose organic slvent, aerosols, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, alcoholic beverages, vinegar production, ete “COMMERCIAL ALCOHOLS INC MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRopucT NAME: ETHYL ALCOHOL (96-96.6% VOL) Page 3 of 6 BP, EP GRADE MSDS NO: 1904EPBP EFFECTIVE DATE: July 11, 2005 TV. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT, °C at 760mm Hig Tas FREEZING POINT, °C Not Available DENSHTY, KL @ 20°C D805 t0 08063 COEFFICIENT OF WATER(OIL DISTRIBUTION Separaes from of | | ni Not applicable | DISTILLATION RANGE, °C 780-790 | “MISCIBILITY IN WATER Complete | | % VOLATILES BY VOLUME, 100, EVAPORATION RATE (butyl aoetaie= 1) 7 | | APPEARANCE © Colourles liquid with typical lower aleohol odour | AND ODOUR * _Osour thresholds in he range of 0.110 $109 ppm, according to the Cenadan Sundards Association publication 294 4-M1982 (Appendix 1), V. INGREDIENTS AND TOXICOLOGICAL DATA TORENT TEVA] CASNON [TEV pps] ECO, pa TL RAT, INHAL | RAT, ORAL TH Baa ABST ween | TS To 3A 7K Was od (REFERENCES: ACGIH (1988-1989), RTECS (1983), =| VI. WHMIS CLASSIFICATION AND SYNERGISTIC MATERIALS wi IFICATION. ‘© Flammable liquid, eye intent | SYNERGISTIC MATERIALS '> Carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, bromottichloromethane, imnethynitrosamine, COMMERCIAL ALCOHOLS INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: ETHYL ALCOHOL (96-96.6% VOL) Page 4 of 6 BP, EP GRADE MSDS NO: 1904EPBP EFFECTIVE DATE: July 11, 2005 VIL. HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGESTION “May cause dizziness, faininess, drowsiness, decreased awareness and responsiveness, euphoria, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, staggering gait, lack of coordination and coma. KIN ABSORI "No adverse effecs with nonnal skin, However, potentially harmful amounts of material may be absorbed seross markedly abraded skin when contact is sustained, particularly in children ‘INHALATION Tigh vapour concentrations may cause a burning sensation i the throat and nose, singing and ‘watering in the eyes. At concentrations which cause irritation, dizziness sininess, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting may occur. SKIN No evidence of adverse effects from available information. INFACT EXE Severe eye iritant “ONTACT ‘Vapours an initate eyes Eye damage ffom contact wit liquid i reversible and proper treatment will est in healing within a few days.” ‘Damage is usually mild to moderate conjunctivitis, seen mainly as redness of the conjunctiva. /EXFECT OF RATED Long term repeated oral exposure to ethanol may result in the development of progressive liver injury OVEREXPOSURE ‘with fibrosis. MEDICAL ‘ONDITION COMDIIONS |. ng eeu ny cube pl mh as | OVEREXPOSURE OTHER Repeated ingestion of ethanol by pregnant mothers has been shown to adversely affect the central ERFECTS OF ‘nervous system of the fetus, producing a collection of effects which together constitute the fetal Ove oe sleohol syndrome. These include mental and physica retardation, disturbances of leaming, motor and language deficiencies, behavioral disorders, and smal size head , = COMMERCIAL ALCOHOLS INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE ct ION, PRODUCT NAME: ETHYL ALCOHOL (96-96.6% VOL) Page 5 of 6 BP, EP GRADE MSDS NO: 1904EPBP EFFECTIVE DATE: July 11, 2005 Vill. Reactivity DATA [STABUNY + Stable ] ‘Conpmions 10 Avow + Sources figniton | INCOMPATIBILITY + Oxidizing materials 1 TIAZARDOUS COMBUSTION OR + Buming can rolsce carbon monoxide andor cfbon dioxide andlor formaldehyde. | = Willnot occur ‘© None currently known SPILL IX, SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Provide adequate ventilation and protective equipment. Remove sources of heat, sparks or flames. Spill should be collected in suitable containers or absorbed on a suitable absorbent material for subsequent disposal ‘Waste material should be disposed of in an approved incinerator or in a designated landiil site, in compliance with all federal, provincial and local government regulations X. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ‘Up to 1000 ppm, an approved organic vapour cartridge respirator can be used. ‘RESPIRATORY . ‘PROTECTION + For concentrations above 1000 ppm, an air-supplying respirator is recommended. The user should consulta respirator guide, such asthe Canadian Standards Association's guide 794 4-M1982. ‘VENTILATION “The ventilation system shouldbe non-sprking, grounded and separate from other exhaust ventilation systems Local ventilation is recommended when handling. ‘Neoprene, butyl or natural rubber. (Chemical resistant monogoggles when handling Bye bath, safety shower and other protective equipment as required.

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