workshop-PV Training

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QPPV: Hala Mohamed
LSR: Yara Samir
Queen Pharm International 1
Workshop for ICSR

Queen Pharm International 2

What is the ICSR ?!

Queen Pharm International 3

ADR reporting form

Queen Pharm International 4

Types of ADRs

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Type1: serious ADR (6 cases)

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2. Life threating event

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3. Permanent Disability

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4. Hospitalization(Initial/Prolonged)

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5. Congenital Anomaly or Birth Defect

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6. Medical Intervention

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Type 2: Non-Serious ADR

Any other case will be considered as non-

serious case

Queen Pharm International 12

What to be reported
as an ICSR?

Queen Pharm International 13

1. New Risk /Side Effect/ADR

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2. Already Known Risks

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Why to report already known ADR?!

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Signal detection Regulatory Action

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3. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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4. Drug Interactions

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5. Medication Errors

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6. Over Dose + Misuse + Off Label Use

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7. Lack of Efficacy

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8. Quality Defects

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9. counterfeits

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CIOMS form

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Follow – up report

• Some of the reported cases are invalid (due to

missing information)
• Follow-up on the progress and outcome of the case
(if needed) as (pregnancy and hospitalized).

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Queen Pharm International 27
How to make an ICSR?

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Step 1: Always keep the form ready

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Step 2: fill the form

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Queen Pharm International 31
Step 3: Report

Report this form to PV department at Queen

Pharm International

• E-mail:
• Address: Head office 56, Helwan Agri. road – Badr tower –
Maddi – floor (15) flat (8)
• Mobile : 01023366732 – 01224458057
• Tel & Fax : (02) 23785536

Queen Pharm International 32

Reporting cases (WHO newsletters)

• Domperidone.
• Diclofenac.

Queen Pharm International 33

Newsletter 2013 No.4

Queen Pharm International 34

DHPC of Diclofenac

Queen Pharm International 35

Queen Pharm International 36

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