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_ we Bors Rat is Wa place hese dhe Leading and unloading es coago bokerplete. Aod ik ts plow. bo manage alk Ho Nmpatts, Pxpails af goods ekaean one. county to anoles Faks.or Located at He edges oh oceans, Seas , aivas ond loka, Ponts can efter be rahaall extalsish- ments 159 man moda Chaucluod Peak ignated Jacms bakin wad “Pontus? rreooley Gab 4 galt say Hoabouas Hoabours na Hea. levees whos shipe gat Shelter 4 Paokected ogatnak He daskauctive clemenke of He sea (Sad clmedk @ sealer condibions , back watus etic > wt oan} contain getes. Docks A dock Ys a meshing shauctuae rere Ships vere |! ee, desrgned Gnd Sapataad. Md used da beatin, 1 af vessels da Loodmg & tmloedtnalieenge and poasergea| ut Somebinngs: jellies, qoyss pteasy shaver bulk heade, asa olay called docks A Gack ie dugout and Ha notes evel & kapk up even, i { | 2 I Betitng —Seffictent Spee. Lt roving Eee j j MeStng — Termeni Shauhea ts vlads arose may be Secutell rr Scanned by CamScanner or wsealhy hoa gates So Hak. Bh - “Sabie, Jenntos pacgecking UP Hmown ut Slautoe Lbuill sul tobe dap traker gacm the shite. Boackwobers ass.also Qomelimes earmed of lghtra they provi da, roading #9 daapaate, Jor dapaylhel ennnst appreesh Whe Shota Sachos Woes & ofl Lankans Qvoy Capac ot Bs) Quay Te Bo busleup bank of hosbous aa dock hoe Sipe A Frat: igheaves » Shon} fa wal built alarg a book wr thos den beading ard unteoding ¢ congo: thea}. Fs oss sebsthdh Wan o py “Gregk eglens Aakyreral basates constoucted bo pactect He healers doom Wa hazards f Wo opery sea bo sabach Wa vessel iS Subjected is noiling bul besakiooterg Day _Oecks and wet Docks Deck denote an onkareral basin pa veanels Rasa Me vantatton of Dovel af Hae teaber tn Wo chess dees rot elec Ha lavel af water. gucha dock i tamed fa \sak Qeck + han Wo water ta Ba hesty i paropel oul ts teamed og chy doceataed Jot behing vent _tandst_sepator be i Oe Scanned by CamScanner eae - ee ¢ claurficatton of Honbouas Hoskeut aon boattolly divided tate follostrg bio bypee © nlokal Neshouns Nletuacl haakoose os Jacoked tr places shea We bopogoaphy of Wa oath fo Suche 99 at Ponk qf Wo sen ie pookeded by Lands ce Dok ho calipall Parokectton is, amptsad by poskect ships Gp Aatsprcret_ toatouas y bopegpaghy Wo coask does net alfad nakusally pacterted ooaa, & Bs Sama W Provided Conakoucking fostective woke adhetos fe Wachter Q some Coser pactected aaa may be Used do Parokection , AnchAing Paapstaa de mog have bellady docttities. Sudha Compler i knons og aend-steod. feoad steads be available nolusally C> May be Conskaucbed cabrpetelly yr land 3 y ) } Qatond = XN ¢ Read shead 2 a hand = Note 4 heal Nesey OHen Seq Scanned by CamScanner Achaia, gad Sheed Gosel an ubiltly and orabton hoalbvuas cas, ogee Aivedad tbo dalosing Lypa- B)Voabous gl aqhuge 4 They Should be cnsily aceite Jar Be Ligh seas * They Should ajar shelter and pantertton agpak Seo. Roper facta, musk be ovatleble Ja sopats \upqlia §) Commycial hooker Adenpolt quay Spe da balmy, Seasiving 3, Aabvere Ceogoand casa chauld be prcteted: aslable boarait sheds 3 rocauhousea S dapat fall rust be Saltsact Ye Meguaki accommodation doy dapostenent rust belduas 3 FBking honbess + Quick leading, unlaading % despatch Gowran fa Ye Peaisheble dish cokes WeJargesated Akaagn: Round Ha cleck availatslily eb Ye heaboun da cating depoatig Ships a Scanned by CamScanner $e Lip fd Yoshons Fasance. Be Treabous muak be th Such a Bak Ws Josgert vase visiting We pak chatd be Gecemedateds Dreanase in We yoidlhy a We erkaanee seducg| He packecktor afterad ty Mee ships Agatnsk Advenge Rea, Conditions: faa His nontoo Wa stdth af enkaantes ls Dealaiched be 10 meknas. * Accormmedative regi nad Corepler giluabtoo ‘begins darre Wa enfsance 4 rok wales Tr Cage. af calt{reral hanbowss ond rwell dofiuaa| Ciskanea door Ws Shea % care natural harbours + Qoaty cana musk be to Such o way hak , TE rouak accom, dake mort number ef vere Gipeced ak Wr baste ak a Hynes Sige ef chip alto Laken thts considean bran Botting accommadabion @ must be paovided . * Repata focilifres conating ef wakahops day. docks * Taansit chads ¢ lempdeay st&aged mode be Hare. 5 byode -houser dar skating Meeriing & out-going ceaga HK Segiet Admterglaation and kearmtnal Laut nge . TYPES OF Powts “the dolleieg ae Ha foun diferent bypes af. palls th Sea parks Commestinl shaping activites ont bekag| plas ol lage Sen. pats whey ase locoted Mo Cooathina and can be ured f% aage & dt poser Scanned by CamScanner ee ais Daland pats Rmaller baddies al maker Such as forbes Car atvers ase home be inland Pals - They cna Cornenonly uted ds cange and Some Lime used Ja posmengent- Tha aa mperated fn a Somenay ag Sea pals, Buk, Way Cammot acenmmadal, deap-docbs ship bole - Hi year soaker pastks This name trdteellis Hk, Here pats do pot sso. Ym the Wihte and opercta gees sound: There, os valuable pate Ihek Rey can best Wa. Inoall Leonora ay Hey Can accept Supplies saifhouk any Lempdiany ghutdonn dustyg Winker moths > Ray eats Drland Lardmals Hak conmed ly a Lorges Serpay be dead ta sail facitieres asa Considered as dsy pals they Laually sone on a canter da mullimedall Jogisbie| ONL coe designed bo impaove Wa ehfictertyy Popa and Sa pAling Corgn - . Tre docks (Qased upon a shape a docks 2 boaim Should be Such Hak reaxttrmeurn belting Largs re available Wiles Wa given ose, Doeks and hodns ode Verse THOR) be sackangulss | camond & Indied om shape The Lollerd oD pe allan 5a ar | tapes ed docks heased on Share 9 Scanned by CamScanner — y ih eskangalon dock mis Quy The Lang, Wa. grog sel \ rat *S_ governed bby Hao bangs f Bogiy te Leagest Vessel Bhaly . — to be healhad. Brook. se ad Sen Baandlh r4 Qoverned Reckongolea dock. by Wa ongy? y v sarmerks of He wAalklog Space, facpesching pete 2 taomsparting eqpipmant 2 machinas, * Qommond Qock as Woy \gpe denote rt way Se, veollaivonstaveted m bated bg Ste | 4 Sut Be sagdsermeste the 4 1 I Anosant vearely: acces] i “Setodaensedp Comat tags Tes Wits ype eWeckve ealBing agit will he. Nresanted da Me given Fecky Cretsal ceatteaton dave, PATE tOn dooms Ha. thee. Wet dock ~ . * Day dock x Eloating clack ite Tread decks Wwe have veber dluduolting tm Faguant , Hany dloal Ng dock te Prcferable TL odke well, bathony W Sqft whos Lot of roud. ¢ : a sep Scanned by CamScanner SR Qash Rosorses and Locks ond theta shen Dacks are entesad Atracky te by Mmeang ¢ Locks Sn bol\ cose aks cae paovided at Wa entroneenithare gates Fray be yy Catason Lye tex Magy roay be Dacny tap Livetsea 9) cade cs Yock-s these ara. hoo typed entronus, > Casson hype Snboonea 3) Ship catssong * Skaveg Cotsaend 9 Lock Lape Snkaone, Uo Casson lupe Entrar. The frame 1 of ho caretane ig mode. d stall alk suitable Seifnerc . They caa dabetated on Ma Shae, ard Moaled Le We position ord Gank Tre apectal gteevs Th He sill dock gida. the caissem IS Sunk te Qaised ky eeans @ ballaating and enballasting sGoter oro eb Sagptaod Gd Lock type Enkrente “These entaonces ars apercted by boo gels at Chafos: Qne Sek w used FA epentry ond ella fs closing. Lye a Eotoame Clocks SThe, She cy Gocks dopends ura {Qo rerdiQ and igplacsrment. Lapdiy rouat ke Ghove 2s'melres Scanned by CamScanner AL dogs Jao Sts a da Mint See oekea donlh Ts paovided. 8 ym Tevek Sy Colas dled GPA Dock yoll ts dastgned og a gaavity scbadntng anal + Yea alebitily Ci Ra voalt ye. dollorsigy ould be bested % Rockpill Paasrvaa ts considand i % Moni rater pasasusa doom Ha dock wilhort backfill * wthteknon ott We bp Should, he Adog rahe, or ® Movements Cargedato song of velicles -conceridd [beads noe considorad | | Scanned by CamScanner * Deh. Claseatne Gutaten * Bont date ray, |» : we BREAK WATER eS Salle will be conataucted wih barn 8 at composite moagongy meacray bong * wth dros far ft Wa sooth Is Gren a Sorel drat So Bab, damage bo Dabbong, This Sonool “ey 2 variely can be avoided boy \ Bnish ty knows ax Ration yy be Repl staanght ta 6 Small balla! So Hat Bay can be close ba Ya nal dove dsaker Lay eh hosts be motntathed. the gtdes af clock Should be ImpervPoug Gooyite coping OO} S Provided , @ way. IDSoo, ao *]. Qubble ff vel. SL Mey & an aoa ol o> Nebueh 032 Poe Lad Slope Sai | “Tyeceh Seshon_of dak wall Lorneltmres ,tastde ef karkvata t& consksuced fy gud a soy Phat th ean be uted aa & plakfaars ta Yeadi and wnleading af caaga. Such bocakizater fs knodn a8 4, * male? 4 Scanned by CamScanner Conerally hannhroakegs oar cloan}rad Talo Mase Nypes Bd Upaight roall break wokey O) Mound rsfdllh Supercbauctuaa, BW) Heap tx mound Louakioatey, © Upotght nasil Qooobragten Upatahl root! bazskiocker aux corabaucted of by dey heavy dackargulen ¢ comcacts blagks Sy roerghts wosy sg es] ag by So bonnes. g using heave concacka ange of. 1958 Lonnes Sn, Yeeybt con depaited cenoas Wa full idl upto Ie lavel Bf Re Lo sorter. Tule bags ratlato the Shape af. We Block. ae ns: ct a AST Goo FT ase Sask if Aes LT GE i ; — Conca. filed 9 Segal sate bogs STE upaight Hock kagalintes Coneaati the and black = a = == ‘baaale rgaen Mound wit Superstauctuaa Mound with Supearstanckure Tater kaaaton | contatas cernent osall on We kop: Ms sncsdimur hajght | Scanned by CamScanner ah Wess oath, fs. governed Ly The wave henght wach daeanct Exrned Is metas: Concaule blocks aaa nidiroall Janno So tonnes le ohana hy relght «Po sasa_aihvations blocks etghing a Askonnar have, heen ged. Mound (89 Yeap Gosataner show duautle rock inatetah a available ot ceonom®] oak, agck mound toackroaten the beats Usually Wis bype! Cemuiets gh a poats whsy oa + Aamoun Cpaotedioa Layod ve Prask unteatoges x Qetond Lnleslage Adela TD nchiaad neck & pet asctlatle, Wan emake Yechs sx} Taagules corms shapes Such og Letrapeda,, toibaag,, qpodipad & hoapele rey he used ag ogrmauy: ede JP EC2OS7 Wal ( £ “=> Bad @leckg So 40150 Fors cow N taoker tovel | Unde, Cs. Wall Seo. sida Noshous sida. = ot Mocird asily Supexctsuctuso ha | youn AUNUR pe \ Quosqy 305, WR CY q ne ine \ Li Mound beeakioakes Scanned by CamScanner 1 Navigaltgn Afas hoaboun. Dest ike celoug. Navigational aids ond peabrestealy SIrels cas everttall ida sak and gusded pavigabron. these Signal cae Vergy || roueh fal £8 nigh shipping €40 1 deggy Seales, | hese Signal % MT Locate the paths and gtding (he approaches bo he STO wasn We | Sand bane and hrdden arocky. outcrops. Signals ol nighk asa provided lay means af {hed a Hoatrag Laghts. # Stonale chould be deadily, Tdankiftakle acceding ho Vol Mkanattonal Skandards * They Ghould have a dong q dey Lime, Signals cae idenbr dred by Wo Shaye estou + ype rehare of da at waght Ly Ose Mankrfred bby a paabrulen character of Laight a “RPE oh gprs Lgnals ak Sea ara clastfied tnke Looky pes © &) Yined Laght houses | a Lighthouse b> Geacon @> Heating Lag houges IS axe usatul te You Jolloraig PLIpores dangerous gpats ty Me ocean. Such ag, serge of visibly “ne, Scanned by CamScanner & Qeacons bd Light shi ay Ruoys db Buoyoge Sytter & Quo [A dersorcabton * Maainrg yao ~\ 4enoneck buoys cy Pred Light houses . Tg oto ogee p ecabed th i ie cece i eg 3 Atvackion . Aneatton Ranft cabion an Lybkhovte Lighk houses coe conskaucted ak Wu wieinily ef We Loran a village 08 Joaoa paride: Sometimes Lay ray be Cenekaucked ty Yo high Seas {sr safely rants, Loner palton @ Light hese fs used {8 aeakene Yoel uding StAoge da grovistons and pokes. Tp ¢ Rel bower contains Laghksourte . Laghk heuse i Located on geod mock 89 headed: Pile wd colusond sill be. pagfesal x geil F nob goat - | Light Sourte on Light hese ey be brud abuse tap it ray be af fleabteg type: Flashing faght Is agferctle Wan a grad lype Ll me tray get Confused sith patvale Grght ihe nedgbhowhood. Scanned by CamScanner bd Qeacon Reacon means bean emaneting drow a paordherl. cbjedt RTE RB osed to guide ty Havigakion The object my he bop of a bill @ oo chironey bop 9 abeaple af achaach “| tthe: YY Save ag diaectton mMdreaters a play an Tmpatant role te pevigatton: qe : oe ee abe ee _aborkn__ Pare. JARS Light house Beacon @® Dealing Laghthouser = adGeatons —discusied above, (or b» Light ships Tits a gmell hipap shout Gookonma disqlacrerf Capacity + Ot bes gel accernmodation Wilh all pao uaties - DE cantatns a gh tower wrth Leght outa hs Le metaea on Ha Wotea Swfoto- Ship maintatne The Positrons hy Seathable Gud Pages, GS mawings ® Buoys ch panperts Buoys ose molking bak He dl yes coking Gkuckawu! They ee ere Protons be suttah 28 Scanned by CamScanner TY Wa ship approach re Lall-harst gia eof Buoy jy Man rt TS beamed ag “Stor-booad hand”, DY Th AS atghe haved Stde Man, Teds Leqmad aa Pat hand? C2) Quoynge yeteron + Buoys Ja Qosed on aclative positions jae Learned a2, aA obfon Shorhoand hand end park hand. they ean ane alto desrgnoted 8 Apherteal cond prllor type dopendiog — Wa ghope . they ane cued bo damorcale (chow We ltrnits BF Fdgesd Guitoble moaing places within Wh hoakous sili Using anchas, ez paeck buoys tthey ase Used bo hocake position qf colle Cawsshng Sn \he Sea | “AN laa py QL 4 Shea bo r ml Spades | Pabhan! OPPHoch spat hand bugs Scanned by CamScanner redging TS mofntato He aagutand lavel qf ober ot Ha honboun, extemal. matertal deposited Ny Wa bed vill be Sarnoved flem Birme be Elma: the procens qf aameving materral fro He Sea td siver hed ts known og Daad: og”: The mechanieal Sptproent used La Wis punpae ie knosn aa coadges * Orga one used fo damove Gilt from We bed. * “They om tured bo Theseae He depli al rsater, by Damoving boktors matental: *® Que be waves » lide, and will be dapostted & TH cause Scousing. The deposited matertal aan be Termeved by Oradgens x Credged rrateated te dapostted fo doop Sea cay fh ts dopesited ty Sroampy adeax fax saala matin of Lond Types ob Daedloere The follorstog ore Wa. veatous lypes of snodenn mechanital Asidgers Lo2 | Gucdet > badder Draiges Gwe | this daedges Consists de chain af buckets Pod be @ continuous elevaten klel balltog, The makesiial whack a | clsadged not be cellecked 5 Ba nacatverg a dis ported, af. > GSripume DHploguhs dads Greate daadge bac 2 te used 4a bol doadgeng and branapalkeing He | : ged reakeatal Waoush a ciachoging PIP! - Late mnokertel] | doadged by Secon: Tp cage at hand ratertal Such as L 4 Scanned by CamScanner cl ee een SY CAD compacted sand, a aoboling cutter is attached td = Suckton Prpe: Ih gore coses Waker fet T Used Ley Satori We cormpack maternal: BR Gook Orden Goob daadgas constats CI atganky sec te-opeated Mortseme vthey ana Cubendsd ky epercting Ho.bm» gd crane. vihey ca opoated by hear, Afesel ed dreaek Cleckaie poner. to 4 gach coanes cae eee mounted 9 We, clocdger. Tre cuk bond aecks ,Qanbs or fitbed. sith Cab hy, Og Meal. Ra Ingling acca, motes Wo parnal GPSS FS Aaplaad: by prolyb-gaaks © Rock dgeclees Rock, dacdgea Contains ob Spentoos?” bo Shad o haromes af 6 fo to tonna eb Joedght vs abbached: Tha. fot ef Wa weight of Ha hermes dagparcy of ReFop Comse Wa baacktng of fhe dock. Famtoon {eked itt, basokes, a bocaletrg te sgocks| Drppes ase uvedscavabing » lifking Ke matertal: Sth compesile equtpment Wiis type ts Known os 1 © Dock Lowaken dipper dasdgen” Thre dype ds used La exenvaling heed mmakertela, Whe Koulders, piles, Caibs eke The capacity of buckets | Ty Hae tyee trmgy VEY jacin lt lo ae & Some ie daadgers have lame copacity + by i Scanned by CamScanner | | Paysoorks Ony docks, flonking docks 2 shprnys aon used farsaiy Chewing Patoling We akties bottom peaks a Baaly days. by taking He advantage af He aise of v 2 Me Ship ros Heated bo Wa hand batter + helt toby Fe Mind dapatse rere Cosarved oul A}tes Tonpaovernents Ha ship rosa haul completely oule af ssaker by medhanteat Tpeans del acgarae. Shas bechnigia af. Sepaias & known as Nog Shproay”. TH mock modean method te oul dapaiss i by ting “gasv tha docks! carey docks” 4 uo Going wo doy docks (ao Gacrtng docke excavated faci dryland on He sha bo am a aackangulor heady sh dock. The towlle ana floes axe tonskaucted oa use Sold concackis - Vda wally darrnod. Yat a Sertea af Gkepe & covases. Chlaance % closed the gets 3 by damovable. leaking eaiscons - AL boktom laspe lure valves, will be provided bo allow rakes fa. Bray docks Contatas & Guppals known ax Sblocktne”. Moy sill hold Me hip Mn edad position slam Ha inley 's dacinal qv Aller Wa chap olay tnbo Wa dag dock, Hs gates raill be closed. hosge Pempe ase teed be Setmpre ta) Pump wakes ouksie. Apkes samovall of. weaker People can toad around Ho. Shap and Te cary be Trapechedess Sevitad than sank te Jrntchel eles | S allowed te Seentos Wo dy dock ® We ship ® Coral lly satoated Scanned by CamScanner Fone Qf doy docks % Dock should be capable af aecommoadaling {Ms oogeat Vewel Supecked sith Ha mini armounk af permPeng % sth amount af purping dapends upon Aadros elenglh fo widih Enlaana. wi Tokamnabianal slavagatrone Cony dud Wa gabto poem ea love bo} far boage Vers de Baa bo | fr posrenpa vasels- * Buttable dacrnage Sump musk ke provided bo daaty He Qubbish prasent at cay dock while cleaning & Sapct verses « * Boy decks hove ndrally conta, drnish hut Lrober tiosting tease Sorrckinnn provided: The Livnlen Hoang rery clutable bul Sofinte te dhppeay. OD Beating decks A floaktng dock ¥s a verel capable a def Ling a chip oul af toaker & dokatntng Bry Wa posibvon 4a Omy Sagutased pestod by Tea ne, ¢ ike grr ‘Sucyengy “ main odvantage af Ris Lype qf dock ts Bok th ay be tach tra oho! heabouas: the amount ¢ peeping $$ econornieal hon Comppeaad to day dock i _ Scanned by CamScanner \ [eo shore Qedks «898 geneaally attached bo a aiven all & athes pearnanent —_=— = w oe aloched R VE floating docks cow matad Lo buoys Hated to fred dolphin by tecant af some St chating,: Li whis coo genwally used {& mediurn Stgad. versely roll Skauchio: Thre docks are conventent and Vey 0, Geaved. Ly counes placed upon Ha, gang: Tks Qafs ~Alssady Sagladoed befae Detter com be construed both ty hasios & Protected Ooaes and ag well aa Mh Lidell wake. Bo Some Cases feller 9a TeApmated I iniled design and layout af. hambour T Serre cases Hey may be. constaucted after fa. hanbova hos foeon a wae Jay number al yoann: i ‘Sellfea vnoy be gf seltd congkauctton to type a SY TY consisk qf a number af piles. B Red ew open jetties ule shas petlres occupted a. qrsaker post of jelly Conskauetrow. This conskauckton ig cheaper and durable - Prles used ty Wis Lype may be of Liber , Stal cay Patrfcced_concaale - Advantage af Liber gety Wot iT can ab rotlhstend blons and shocks and aapitiky of Constauckion & Cosh odvontage. (epatae alec can be dere Spiel i Ree Feller are eile of open piled hype ty gile cated Scanned by CamScanner re cylinder. plan type: De open piled lope af conskasctien * gendially Ssem x Bem CHD ABEr® x doer ples aro. used - trhece piles coe braced by Seermxacem: After dawving, Me tops ql Ma piler ase etter cutelf 6 largiansd: Taanaverge deck beams are Hem constarcted # Conner bo Ba bop gt He piles bed. otek aa ET AH Ae < =<, open jebhies cyhodes jethy © Wh oot qlmia rs D Bag pile oa gneased fo eancodki. stinks. “hel soetghe qf Ma Structure ts Coanved by Ha pilese-Ree cylrndos only rill ack as Casings: aghen We Geyindens have attatnod te Sequtsod dopts , shtch moy YP be 12 bo Sm below tha bottom, Hon Wo piles aso dotven Hnough ema cylinders coo | Ber filled up rotth concashi - sth concasha tray be plats, a Slightly aatnJcdcod. Dy Lome carer, Giles a datven dinskX Hen Cylrmders Ore placed oveathern, Dy Ya Agpe contoals, Cannot be {led cMecktvela. Scanned by CamScanner . __ “ Seaers cgltrnler pelea This type of ebbres ane paglessad hers Wa gaount is Galt Such ax ally clay Skaaka .Ob 1s found thal smrnedtately after Seraioing Some subsidence bake placa en loading bul after leaving the ground fa several months Va ground ges Seconsolidated 2 Sebtle undin a best ood becota negligible The Sugsenvbaucbuse, af Were ype qf jetly 18 composes gf pancask Ree units. . Sesos Gyl ede, jethes By rae ee 4S Sprtog dendas Sparing Rodere Spang fendos ae doaguently provided by docilitse. Vearele coming along Wa Sides qf Fekkrer graves In a Se The fender piles are nek daiven bab cae hin; ed ak Ra cottom be mild Steal baactats Gack Jender pile fitted roth, Ihnen gels qf Sbeak spategs Each Spatng bas capacily be bate o hoad ¢ ao bannes LD GaP Scanned by CamScanner Dolphins ° Dalghing an marine Stouchwous $s sooiing vensela. They aoa used LA tying Up SHIPS Pa abo da transfering YP horn ona dhip fo anathea ister edad along bib aides qf dlp hs Delphone are qf. bre types © Rasarking Delphine “They doe. designed bo taka Hhe Mopact of We chip mes docking and te held He shrp agamnat a bra Koad aha! They aaa poovtded wilh Lenders be obserb He trapact of Re Shipand by pmobeck Ba dalghin and ship from damage: Uh Mosing Qslphins These asa additional dalphing psovtded to hold Ya. Shep from Wa obarcd: Ory daom the dock « boke tmpack ob Wo Ship: Sderatnd Lostog & adiracion 2 dolphing aaa pot cleatgral bo > Whorves Ashen] % o rosll built along « hank tod show. da Voacing and uloading cange tthe 4 & Piled sshea) * Pile % cyltaday hol Gane. od Fee % Seasy ple ¥ Seas cyltnden shan ® Gravity roall closing ana We Vypes G shoves, Goavily snot whol one again clontfied Into Hu yey | CD Masenag ted as Concaift coals — Uf9 walle on wells Scanned by CamScanner H¢ Spool on paves Blocks © Mesopay wo mes gonceli wells a \ : QJ bed contsina cohesive geil, bearing POET ef ite bed can be fmpaoved by DTIng pileasdabeod ¢ “T tating the wall dourdotions daop into We goil: Dh case of Lneven Settlement, He alkesnoiz. makhod. af. anf Qoandolion ® adopled- “ O O}~.. oO °|| J— nes — woollen wells GE reall on well De tie kype realle cae. constaucted oo rwelle - FOX Example » Wats type ot constauckton % presen ok kang Gaenge Dock » caleults. dnd vishatsakonarm « a + bing Qasige dock ra built te 120, % vem he hea) oarsenb th vishakagabanam Bor bull Fry 1933 8-0 GD. ell eh _eresost blocs vx Pacaak blocla roalle om maghhany Bleck type Srmatler black type ant a Scanned by CamScanner Yh case of heavy tolock bype hargonkal eouaser ef ‘ ; Blocks ane lard ax th We Cose af lnaick roaerg SH cose a Staller block bype 4. Pmasenayy Maik Te coBated Suk sith Small Hocker which 090. Latd og Mwel?ned Courses - “Kia Aype of Congkatikion ty aloo known ag gre, wath: Se Quay soalh ed Meryileeaar + Regntierents La gnd hmobeuh oo! wate The, tolloning cna lie Qoane qd Wo Aagaizaments of gerd haabou and pate ecTthe doplt ql a hoarous Should he Sulretent det ang \ype Se vasittog ahips. #® Cocused anchorages should be pasvided Yo hold He Shops agatnct hgh sstoda: * whey Packeck agotnsk, deskauckNe Bove actrons, aank waboas tousk ha pagvided K the Spbrance ed Ha heakous should be side enough} bo paovide eony pomtege af shies A gerd pak rougk paovide oll Jaciktter be brangpant | Cop0 and. doa Sacarving Ships as well ag Pawengars Scanned by CamScanner

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