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Question Paper Set2

Aeronautical Engineering


Time : Three Hours Maximum : 70 Marks

Part A
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.

I. 1 A simple harmonic motion has amplitude of 3cm and a period of 2seconds.Determine

the maximum velocity and acceleration?
2 When resonance will occur?
3 What is vibration absorber?
4 What are the types of coupling?
5 Explain Aileron control reversal.

(5 × 2 = 10 marks)

Part B
Answer any four questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

II. 1 Add the following harmonic motions analytically and check the solution graphically.
x 1=4 cos ⁡(ωt +10̊ ) ; x 2=6 sin ⁡(ωt +60 ̊ ).
2 Represent the existence of beats mathematically and clearly mention the resultant
amplitude for the following cases (i) in phase (ii) out phase (iii) when two amplitudes
are equal.
3 Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig: 1. Here K1= 2000 N/m,
K2= 1500 N/m, K3= 3000 N/m, K4 = K5 = 500 N/m and m = 10 kg.




K4 K5

Fig: 1
4 Write a short note on vibration measuring instruments.
5 Derive the equation of motion for forced vibration in two degree of freedom system in
matrix form with suitable figures.
6 What is meant by Aerodynamic coupling and mention its types?
(4 × 5 = 20 marks)
Part C
Answer all the questions.
III 1 A cylinder mass of 4kg and radius 15 cm is connected by a spring of stiffness 4000 N/m
. as shown in Fig: 2. It is forced to roll on horizontal rough surface without slipping.
Determine the natural frequency of the sytem.

Fig: 2 K
2 An unknown mass is attached to one end of a spring of stiffness k having a natural
frequency of 6Hz. When 1kg mass is attached with m, natural frequency of system is

lowered by 20%. Determine the value of unknown mass and stiffness k.

3 Derive the expressions for static and dynamic coupling and solve it for static coupling.
4 Derive and obtain the governing differential equation for the damped free vibrations of
a single degree of freedom system. Then solve the same for over damping case.
5 Determine the natural frequencies of the system shown in Fig: 3.

Fig: 3
6 Derive the equation of motion of a torsional vibration.
7 There are three circular discs on the shaft as shown in given Fig: 4. J1 = J2 = J3 = 1
kgm2, Kt1 = Kt2 = 1 N.m/rad. Determine the natural frequencies of the system using
Holzer method.

Fig: 4
8 Write short notes on the following aeroelastic phenomena:
i) Loss of aileron control
ii) Divergence of a 2-D wing
(4 × 10 = 40 marks)

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