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Northern Cass School Library - Rural Hunter, ND

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 – 4:00 p.m.

Present: Jody Bohn, Audie Brorson, Joel Degerness, Bart Marvel

Susie McDonald, Lance Nelson, Char Pueppke
Julie Keckler – Business Manager
Allen Burgad – Superintendent

Meeting called to order by President Brorson.

Also present: Crysta Wagner, elementary principal; Aaron Schramm, junior high and high
school principal, Lori Steffes and Becky Burchill.

Moved by Nelson second by McDonald to approve minutes from January 10, 2011 and February
2, 2011 meetings as presented – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Moved by Bohn second by Pueppke to approve agenda as amended– carried unanimously on roll
call vote.

Moved by Degerness second by Marvel to approve General Fund, Activity Fund and Hot Lunch
financial and heating and electric reports for January as presented - carried unanimously on roll
call vote.

Principal and special education reports presented.

Moved by Pueppke second by Marvel to approve General Fund bills for payment as presented –
carried unanimously on roll call vote.


Strategic planning meeting was held February 2, 2011 at the Skills and Technology Center in
Fargo. Board reviewed the outcome from each of the goals.

Mr. Burgad reported that the attorney is reviewing documentation and will provide
recommendation for KBW arbitration. Mr. Burgad will meet with KBW to see if they are
interested in a negotiating an amount that both parties can agree on.

Moved by Pueppke second by Bohn to approve 2nd reading of changes to Bullying Policy FHCIA
as presented – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Baseball bleacher committee report received. Moved by Marvel second by Degerness to approve
the purchase of bleachers for baseball diamond from Seating and Athletic Facility for $28,403 –
carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Dance line try-outs will be this spring. Students will then attend a camp this summer.

Girl’s softball committee report tabled until next month. The committee has not meet yet.
Board of Education
February 15, 2011
Page 2


Mr. Burgad reported that he has posted a bus mechanic position for Northern Cass. Brorson and
Marvel will meet with Mr. Burgad on Monday to review the applications received.

Mr. Burgad reported on legislative issues that affect our District.

Business leader’s luncheon will be set for two different dates so that hopefully everyone will be
able to attend.

Mr. Burgad presented preliminary calendar for 2011-2012. Moved by McDonald second by
Nelson to approve 1st reading of 2011-2012 school calendar with a start date of August 24, 2011
and an end date of May 24, 2012 – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Moved by Degerness second by Bohn to set annual school board election for June 14th with a
filing deadline of April 15th – carried unanimously on roll call vote. Terms are up for Area #4 –
Pueppke and Area #5 – Brorson.

Moved by Pueppke second by Degerness to approve contract addendums as follows: Mr. Lyson
for elementary boys basketball coach, Mr. Dewitt for 1/3 musical contract, Mrs. Anderson for
1/3 musical contract and Mrs. Wolsky for 1/3 musical contract – carried unanimously on roll call

Moved by Marvel second by McDonald to approve letter of resignations from Mr. Sinesss and
Mrs. Nyberg for their teaching positions effective the end of the 2010-2011 school year and to
accept letter of resignation for Ms. Salwei from her annual advisor position – carried
unanimously on roll vote.

Moved by Bohn second by Pueppke to approve Mr. Sinness and Mrs. Nyberg application for
early retirement with health insurance option – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Moved by Marvel second by Degerness to approve petition of Northern Cass Education

Association as negotiating unit and to post a Notice of Intent to Consider – carried unanimously
on roll call vote.

Superintendent summative evaluations to be completed by board members and returned to

President Brorson by March 1st.

Meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

Audie Brorson, President Julie Keckler, Business Manager

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