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17th Dec, 2019

The Director of Statistics


Below is a summary of my job description (JD) activities for the period under

1. Introduction of CPI to the Market Price Index data
2. Upgrade of the Market Price Database to include more markets and LGA
3. Discovery of the Population projection formula
4. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, in the Population Projection
Analysis for Edo State till 2080
5. Editor, in the first ever Edo State GDP survey
6. Conduct monthly meeting with the Upper Mission Team
7. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, in the conduct of aptitude test for
the new in-take
8. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, Development of Atlas on the
Situation of Women and Children in Edo State
9. Attend Management meeting on the behalf of the Director to present
workplan and other matters arising
10.Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, MDA Template design
11.Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, IGR & GDP Analysis continuation
12.Data gathering and Analysis on Investment (NICP)
13.Data dissemination to African Heritage Organization and others
14.Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, Developing questionnaire for
Youth Empowerment survey in Edo Central
15.Training of New in-take on Market Data collection and Analysis (Upper
Mission Team)

16.Design of 2019/2020 workplan for the department
17.Training of IT student on Data Gathering, entering, analysis (market price
food items) and reporting.
18. System Administrator’s functions System’s (PCs) upgrade- OS 7 to 10
19. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
20.Development of report on survey conducted on finding out the most
prevalent diseases in Edo State (Stella Obasanjo Hospital)
21. Administrative functions for the office

1. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, Development of Atlas on the
Situation of Women and Children in Edo State (continuation)
2. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, MDA Template design
3. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, IGR & GDP Analysis (continuation)
4. Data gathering and Analysis on Investment (NICP)- continuation
5. CPI Analysis on food items (wholesale & Retail) from 2017-2018 in different
6. Updating Edo State GDP sectoral frame
7. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
8. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, Developing questionnaire for
Youth Empowerment survey in Edo Central
9. System Administrator’s functions System’s (PCs) upgrade- Security, Office
10. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
11.Training of New in-take on CPI Analysis (Upper Mission Team)
12. Administrative functions for the office

1. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, Development of Atlas on the
Situation of Women and Children in Edo State (continuation)
2. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, MDA Template design
3. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, IGR & GDP Analysis (continuation)
4. Data gathering and Analysis on Investment (NICP)- continuation
5. CPI Analysis on food items with wholesale/retail price in different segment
6. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
7. Administrative functions for the office
8. Analyzed SDG workplan
9. System Administrator’s functions System’s (PCs) upgrade- Security, Office
10. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting

1. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, Development of Atlas on the
Situation of Women and Children in Edo State (cont.)
2. Team Lead, Director’s Think Tank Group, MDA Template design (cont.)
3. Data gathering and Analysis on Investment (NICP)- continuation
4. CPI Analysis on food items with wholesale/retail price in different segment
5. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
6. System Administrator’s functions System’s (PCs) upgrade- Security, Office
7. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
8. Data gathering, template design and analysis for P4R
9. Analyzed SDG workplan
10. Attend management meeting on behalf of the Director to brief the Hon.
Commissioner on the progress of Edo Atlas
11. Administrative functions for the office

1. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
2. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
3. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
4. Analyzing Edo state GDP using Tableau
5. Attend Management meeting on behalf of the Director to give update on
the Dept. activities
6. Administrative functions as assigned by the Director
7. Database administrative functions on the Market database
8. CPI analysis on data for the month

1. One-week training on Efficiency & Effective performance @ Center for
Management Development (CMD), Ibadan
2. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
3. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
4. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
5. Database administrative functions on the Market database
6. CPI analysis on data for the month

1. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
2. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
3. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
4. Analyzing Edo state GDP using Tableau with percentage contribution
5. Database administrative functions on the Market database
6. CPI analysis on data for the month
7. Miscellaneous functions as assigned by the Director

1. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
2. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
3. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
4. Analyzing Edo State GDP using Tableau to create forecast
5. Database administrative functions on the Market database
6. CPI analysis on data for the month
7. Miscellaneous functions as assigned by the Director

1. Upgraded the Market Price database to capture CPI
2. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
3. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
4. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
5. Analyzing Edo state GDP using Excel & Tableau for the 46 sectors from
6. Database administrative functions on the Market database
7. CPI analysis on data for the month
8. Miscellaneous functions as assigned by the Director
9. Training on the use of KoBo Collect App
10.Enumerator in a state wide survey that validated SEEFOR/CSDP Community
based projects using KoBo Collect app

1. Designed an automated CPI system that generates both average price,
weight as well as CPI for selected food commodities in the state.
2. Trained a few upper mission staff on the use of the automated CPI system
3. Updated the Market commodity price collection form
4. Enumerator in a state wide survey that validated SEEFOR/CSDP Community
based projects using KoBo Collect app (cont.)
5. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
6. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
7. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
8. Database administrative functions on the Market database
9. CPI analysis on data for the month
10.Miscellaneous functions as assigned by the Director

1. Supervisor in a state wide survey on households, businesses and census on
various infrastructure as part of the state’s 30-year plan activities.
2. Conduct monthly meeting with Upper Mission Team on work activities
3. Re-training of staff of Upper Mission office on Market Data gathering,
entering into database and analysis.
4. Network Administrator’s functions- wireless networking/ troubleshooting
5. Database administrative functions on the Market database
6. CPI analysis on data for the month
7. Other functions as assigned by the Director during the survey exercise
8. Prepare the department’s year activities on Power point

Humbly submitted for your perusal and necessary actions sir.

Pastor Blessing David Idahagbon.

Data Analyst/Supervisor, Upper Mission Office (CORS)


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