Reflection 1

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Name – Jay Sutariya

Student ID - 3117000

To start up with, all people in this world have different thinking on archaeology.

Some people want to learn how the evolution of humans begins, and ancient culture in this

world, and some people do not care at all. According to my hypothesis, if we emphasize more

on history, arts, science, and so on, one should also focus on archaeology. We do archaeology

to study how different groups of people living over the past. It also tells how the lives of

humans passed over the years and how they lived their life? What they eat? their culture? and

many more. All the answers to this question can be achieved by archaeology. I do not know

about other peoples, but I started learning archaeology because I want to know how my

ancestors lived their lives, what they eat, their culture, and many more things.

Let's talk about the value of archaeology for society. It helps to know about ancient

culture like people in ancient time were divided by societies or all people were categorized in

the same society. Furthermore, if we found any archaeological sites, the most important thing

is that it helps society gain revenue by allowing people for site seeing(tourism). Archaeology

also has some personal benefits. If we study archaeology, it helps us avoid the mistakes

humans had made in ancient times. It may also tell you whether ancient humans were

struggling during their life or not. In short, if anyone gets information about the ancient

period and having economic benefits to society and individuals, then one should study


As I said earlier, people have different thinking about archaeology, and all people

have different mindsets towards archaeology. I do not think that all people and group values

archaeology in the same way because I know that some groups of people will oppose the

group who found archaeological evidence by saying that this cannot be true. Some people
think that studying archaeology will teach them ancient culture and life, but some people who

are not interested will not value archaeology.

There are no right or wrong ways to value archaeology because if we want to value

anything, we must have the knowledge about that part. If we consider archaeology in our

case, then people find the concept of archaeology hard to understand. To add on, spreading

awareness about archaeology via newspaper, news, or social media might be the right option

to value archaeology. Some people sell the artifacts found at archaeological site and

according to some archaeologist this the wrong way to value archaeology.

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