Integration of The Rellswerk Pumped-Storage Plant Into An Existing Hydraulic Scheme

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ig. 1 Flow sdaotion care at the intake of Rellswerk dro lant Integration of the Rellswerk pumped-storage plant into an existing hydraulic scheme .Meusburger and 6. Gékler, Vorarlberge ilwerke AG, Austria The Relowerk puped storage plan, sheild to go chead in Austria next yea, willbe inerae win on exiting hyropoer system. Aes sus, «mbes wee ried ig the ete Yee, 5 oy fficency, ut oo the influence ofthe headroe plant will increase the maximum capacity and annual energy production of the Linersee hydro Complex, which fas been in continuous operation since 1958. In addition to the powerhouse, a new arti- ficial basin with a storage volume of approximately 44.000 m? will bo built in the Rells valley at el 1450 m. The powerhouse will be equipped with one reversible three-stage pump-turbine. The new under: {ground headrace will connect the powerhouse to the existing headrace tunnel of the Liinersee hydro plant, which crosses the Salonien valley approximately 2 km south of the new site. At the crossing point, the new penstock will be connected to the stee-lined headrace of the Lunersee plant in a newly built service chamber which houses two emergency shut down ball valves; ‘The start of construction is Scheduled for the autumn of 2014. The storage basin beside the powerhouse and the steel-Tined penstock will probably be completed by mid-2016. To minimize energy production losses, it was necessary to use the general overhaul of the head- race at the Lilnersee plant during the summer of 2013 to equip the service chamber with the ball valves and ‘new flow-optimized T-wye. The erection of the serv- ice chamber had already begun in the summer of 2012. The construction of the powerhouse (see photo) is @ considerable challenge in structural engineering, because the construction pit has to be built in the groundwater table as a vertical duct. It is planned to Seal the shaft with an overlapping bored pile wall which integrates into the tight ground moraine. The powerhouse will be embedded into the downstream reservoir embankment dam, which is approximately 15 m high. After the civil works have been finished, the powerhouse will be covered with soil completely ‘The embankment dam is designed with an earth core, which will be covered with a synthetic geomembrane I: the future, the new Rellswerk pumped-storage Nswrl eschage Water nie vtine Flow ml onto) the exiting Lanese hydric yiem Powerhouse embedded in the embankment dam of the reservot lew from north-east, on the inner side of the dam to provide the watertight- From the powerhouse, a 2.2 km-long steel-lined pen: stock with a diameter varying between 800 and 1000 ‘mm will lead to the Salonien service chamber. For security reasons, two completely independent ball valves are foreseen for the service chamber. Each of them will be capable of shutting down an emergency flow of 9 ms. 1. Hydraulic design of the pump-turbine For the approval procedure of the Rellswerk hydro project an environmental impact asesset as ee Xan, and this wav conducted in 2008- July 2010 the official approval was. ranted. The hydraulic design the machinery for Rellwerk had already Bepun in 2006 wien it as foreseen to instal pa (ahemative VI inthe Table) with a pumping power o tpproximatcly [4 MW. Ths pump would have had ‘charge volume of 238 mip atthe nominal pump Speed of 1000 rpm, resulting in am operation ime around 2000 pump hours per year The fixed tur Dine sped, mn, nat Shonen & 1000 rpm, tone The pump dive was designed as fited speed synchro foun motor generator As can be sen in Fig witha pump discharge volume of 2-38 ms the pump would Be able to empiy ie storage basin vith actorge vol te, Varo Ot round 44 000 nP within about 12 hous, even the intake flow were ats maximum of 133 milo Therefore, with tis hydraulic avout he rarsimu operational exit of the compet pow Cxplan cou be ensured, because itis lvays posible {eroperte the machine in reverse as.a turbine fi Should become necesary beens of» lack of eeer- cal power in he gd Hydropower & Dame. tesue Five, 2013 The hydraulies of the machines which were studied, ‘V2 and V3 in Table 1, are units with reduced impeller diameters and thus reduced pumping and turbine power. Both were planned with synchronous speed Grives. But in contrast ro V2, which was planned with ‘nominal speed, npc, of 1000 rpm similar, to altema- tive V1, V3 was designed for a rotation speed of 1500 ‘pm in both the pump and turbine directions. The main advantage of alternative V2 compared with V1 is the Tower suction head required, resulting in a higher set ting level, sain, of el. 1437. But because of the high- er Speed of alternative V3, this pump needs a higher on head and therefore the lowest setting ofall the ‘options analysed. Although the machine V3, with a rotational speed of 1500 rpm, is smaller and hence cheaper than the other alternatives, the cost saving of the machine is consumed by the Tower machine s& ting, Hsin Of el. 1418, which thus has sigr increased structural construction costs From a hydraulic point of view, version VILA in the ‘Tuble is similar, only the drive speed varies, to VI as ‘V2.A is V2, Compared with the original alternatives in these cases a variable speed drive with pump rota- tinal speeds from 961 < nyu < 1045 rpm (945 < ny < 1027 rpm) was planned. In both cases the turbine oper ation was planned with a constant non-synchronous ‘speed, ty, Of 900 rpm. The variable speed drive of the pump gives the opportunity to control the pumping power and to enlarge the operating range which is lim- ited by the instability point of the pump head curve at part load and by cavitation phenomena at overload. ‘Although the control range of the pump power, which is related to the speed range, to the power of three, of the impeller (inthis case -3.9 10 44.5 per cent, and -5.5 to 42.7 per cent, respectively), is comparatively small, 4 speed-controlled pump can become useful the more the water level in the upper storage basin varies in rela- tim to the rated pump head. ‘The weakness of these two variations is that at the Rellswetk project a variable speed pump is not really nocessary, but a variable speed turbine could be useful, providing the possibility to control the proposed tur- bine operation of the non-regulated three-stage pump in the reverse direction. Therefore, alternative VILB with able speed in both the pump and turbine directions has been developed. Because of the increased pump speed of 1070 < ney < 1125 epm, it was possible to reduce the impeller diameter, while still having a high- ce discharge compared with the alternatives V2. and V2.A. The smaller impeller diameter option, VIB, offers a considerably higher efficiency of more than 13 per cent in turbine operation than variant VLA, where 2s the pump efficiency is comparable, The last column, Vi4, in the Table, gives the main ump parameters of a quite unusual machinery layout for a hydro powerplant. This alternative describes the performance of a two-flood, three-stage pump com- ‘monly used. in industrial water supply systems ot refineries (this pump has two suction pipes). To achieve the required plant discharge, two pump units installed in parallel in the powerhouse were necessary, Besides the additional high and especially low head manifolds because of the tw0-flood design ofthese pumps, and the additional shut-off devices, the efficiency loss during turbine operation is the main disadvantage of this sol tion. As one can clearly see in the Table, with the expected turbine efficiency the turbine power is reduced by about 40 per cent compared with altemative V1.B, cven if the reduced discharge of alternative V4 is taken ly Hydropower & Dams esue Five, 2013 The arias pos eh po bine hus eed vi v2 V3 VIA V2A vis va No. of unis fea ge tis 1 Imp.dia Dstm) [1.125 107 09 107 Novofstgss | 3 32 3 3 No. of flods er 1 Heyl) 97 1 1432 432 1 1.002 3 1 Mat 2 Mas ‘Pump operation ev ta WC) On") es opm) Pro (NW) son 23816 io Be 9090 12. 5303 246 961-1045 158 0s 156 75.97 sina 178 96-108 sx os 945-1027 1070-1125 1490 49 [ ertin preton fron) Jou” [aan ar tas | mecpm 000 ton0 1300 [PoiMwy 93 56 56 4545 4764 4764 45214747 255187 900 900 wo 65 io account, However, one has to bear in mind that the efficiency curve used for the evaluation was estimated, and not based on model or prototype measurement, Based on the findings of the preliminary studies with these different hydraulic layouts for the machinery, a further economic analysis was done, taking imo account the energy losses of the required frequency ‘converter for the Variable speed solutions. As a result, the actual layout of the pump-turbine which finally was tendered was established. Technically it is based on variant VIB. However, it was decided to operate the ‘pump with a synchronous speed, yc. of 1000 rpm, to climinate the losses of the frequency converter during ‘pumping operation, which were estimated to be around 2 per cent, To obtain the desired pump discharge Ory of about 2.3 nls, the pump impeller was inereased t0 D: 1.105 m compared with altemative VI-B. With this impeller diameter, turbine flows of around about 2.5 2.7 mvJs_can be expected with rotation speeds of between 785 < my < 835 rpm. The evaluated turbine power varies between about 9 < Pry < about 11.5 MW. ‘Compared with a fixed turbine speed of 1000 rpm, the annual mechanical energy produetion of the variable ‘peed solution will increase by about 3 per cent. Taking into account the losses ofthe frequency converter, there ‘will sill be an efficiency gain of around 1 per cent 1.1 Machine startup ‘To start the machine in the pumping mode, the fr {queney converter will be used. Regarding the chosen hydraulic layout for the machine, the frequency con- verter must be designed at least for the maximum tur- bine power of about 11.5-12 MW and the O-discharge power of the pump with the given diameter and rota- tional speed should be around 7.5 MW. No blow down ‘equipment is required for the start-up of the pump-tur- bine in the pumping mode. After the rotor of the machine has’ reached the synchronous speed, the motor-generator can be coupled directly to the grid tnd the ball valve will be opened. AAs an alternative, a smooth start of the pump could be achieved if the power of the frequency converter was increased to the maximum power of the pump of about Paaru ~ 13.5 MW, In this ease, the ball valve could be opened at a rotation speed of the rotor of about 900 rpm, when the pressure difference at the valve is balanced. After the ball valve has atleast part- 4692 217 9001930 1497 ama 069 1490 17 Ball vale i the ‘Solonien service ‘chamber Fig. 2 Hydraulic ‘em ofthe Linerse plant the Relewerk scheme Unt tow eds BE er sabbtbecsees: ina ly opened, the frequency converter could accelerate the rotor up to synchronous speed before coupling to the grid, This smooth start-up would preserve not only the machine itself, but also the shut-off valve. ‘To start the machine in the turbine mode, a bypass 10 the shut-off valve is planned. This bypass pipe will be equipped with a control valve, and should be able to accelerate the rotor tothe designated turbine speed. In addition, the frequency converter can be used to start the turbine, especialy if the trbine hydraulics demon- sirate unstable behaviour atthe speed-no-load point. 2. The Solonien service chamber ‘As mentioned in the introduction, the Salonien service chamber, at the junction point t0 the Ltinersee head- race, was constructed between late 2012 and mid. 2013. During the planned service break of the with Liinersee plant for maintenance work in the headrace, and to replace the shut-off valves directly at Lunersee. the new flow-optimized T-junction, as well as the serv oe ob oF a ‘ye? ngage Unit vais of pomp INIT Une spond aad BE af pimp Fig. 3 The pump characterise curves analysed ice ball valve, were mounted inthe service chamber between April and August 2013, Both the normal shutoff valve and the overha shut- oi valve are installed in the same way, The valves ae designed to shutoff thre times the nominal low of (Oxar = 9 ms in case of an emergency. ‘To close the oilhydraulicaly opened ball valves, closing weights were mounted on both sides of the walves (4e photo, ight side). A special feature i hat the complet ball valves are made of forged steel. No ‘welds of cast iron were used forthe ball self or the hovsing. Moreover, several main pars such a the ball and the sealing rings and the cover plates ofthe hous- ing were rade of stainless steel (14313) Downstream. force balanced stuffing box connects the shut-off bal valves with the anchor pipe which is {embeded inthe conerete fixed point behind the ser\= ice chamber wall. To ensure aeration of the pipe it tase of an emergency shutdown of the valves, at futomatic aeration and ventilation valve is mounted dovinsream of the ball valves, 3. Transient waterhommer analysis In ation to the economic analysis of the various drut atematives, the influence on the existing hycrallc system was analysed using 2 one-dimen Sonal waterhamncrealulauon. For this aera ter analyiyacaltion ri as shown in Fis 2 Was red. In This network, the complet waterway ofthe Liners hy pan including te sane tank ed the mach nery ofthe powerhouses modeled. The length and diameter, as well a the ftion lose soothes, tree caloulied tased on dwigs of Ihe existing Readce and potoypetestThe five high hea ste age pumps insaled inthe powerhouse were modelled tiLing into account the full pump characte cures as show for te Reiswerk nor fefated pump. Bine in Fig. 3, The junction point betwee the now Relowerk pipeline and te henace of the Linersoe plans shown in Fig. 2. was modeled a the aca fistance, to represent the pipe inertia of the two bramcbes to the ge tank aswell sf te Lineree, ‘The ppe duct to the Rellswerk plat was modeled as an underground steel pipe witha length of approxi mately 2300 m-The al aves the service chamber, Ewell ay the ball valve in the powerhouse and the pomp-trbine, considering the complete four quadrant Pump characte curves aa sboWwa in Fig. 3, Were Ml nthe numerical model. For te one-dimensional watertammer program of verte the pump characterise curves for it ow And unitiogueovee th nit sped are eae othe best efficiency point inthe pumping mode In contest the Sign convention of te TEC: Nor TEC. 1999", the pup tore is negative; as shown in Fig. 3 To model {he pump behavior sl four operated guaran a ‘pes Wasformaton ofthe pur charac ay ‘Pied by Mader (2006s wed Powe “The most influential boundary condition to be fulfilled for the integration of the Reliswerk plant into the Linersoe hydraulic system is the maximum allowable pressure inthe steel-lined part ofthe Lunersee headrace. ‘As shown in Fig. 2, the junction point is located in the (ight) eastern part of the valley bottom, the so-called Salonien ‘dive culver’. This dive culver: was built in Da feoue Five, 2018 Mydropower & Dams the second half of the 1950s, and consists of a western and eastern penstock connected by an underground steel pipe. The penstocks were dimensioned with considera tion for the supporting contribution of the rock, where- as the underground steel pipe is self-supporting. “To find the maximum pressure in the dive culvert, a seties of some 100 loud cases were calculated during the course of the hydraulic pre-study. The maximum pressure, as shown in Fig. 4, appears in case of a load rejection of the pump at the maximum level in the Lnersce reservoir, when the ball valve in the power- house closes. This very much depends on the pump ‘characteristic curves and, as anticipated, on the assumed pump inertia. In Fig. 4, the total energy prop- ‘gation is drawn as calculated, with a typical storage pump characteristic curve (pump type 1 in Fig. 3) and 4 pump inertia of 15 tm. The maximum total energy head was computed to el. 1996.18. The amount of wwaterhammer of the storage pump load rejection is around 15 mWC in contrast to the waterhammer ofthe process pump analysed (pump type 2 in Fig. 3), which ‘only contributes about 9 mWC. This different behay jour results from the smaller plugging of the process pump, compared with the storage pump which has lighter and longer flow channels, especially in the stayvane ring, and also the larger impeller diameter. To minimize the waterhammer in case of a load rejection of the pump, the closing time of the ball valve in the powerhouse was adjusted to the transient behaviour of the pump. This closing time of the ball valve must not be too short, so as not to increase the saterhammer of the pump caused by closure of the impeller. Therefore the optimal closing time of the ball, valve with a bended closing law was calculated to be around 30 s. The closing velocity of the valve changes after the first 20 sat a remaining opening of around 15 per cent. In Fig. 4it can be seen that with this closing sequence of the ball valve, the pressure propagation in the existing headrace of the Liinersee plant is quite similar for the load rejection of the pump with and ‘without failure of the shut-down valve. ‘To reduce the highest pressure in the dive culver, some additional surge protection devi Besides the variation in the pump inert in the powerhouse of the Rellswerk plant and. also a pressure release valve in the Salonien service chamber ‘were investigated in the hydraulic study. Although the pressure in the dive culvert could be reduced signfi- cantly by these measures, an increase inthe rotor inertia still seems to be the most economical and also reliable ‘option to stabilize the internal pressure 4. Conclusions During the course of the feasibility study for the Rellswerk hydro plant, sumerous analyses were carried ‘out. Besides the economics of various machinery types, the influence on the existing headrace of the Llinersee hydro plant was investigated. To evaluate the machin- ery options, the estimated gains in terms of the eff- ciency in the pump and turbine modes, the appropriate ‘operating time, as well as the anticipated installation costs were all taken into account. Moreover, a quite ‘unconventional type of machine was included in the preliminary study, involving a two machine arrange- ‘ment with three-stage and two-flood process pumps. ‘The outcome of all the investigations conducted was that a tailor-made three-stage storage pump best suis the requirements of this hydro project. This type of machine Hydropower & Dams Issuo Five, 2018 EaSSEidaesaaaazaeaaay ‘can be adjusted precisely to the possible limitations of the electrical power, as well a the flow intake at the des- ‘ignated position. Beside the best pump efficiency, this solution offers excellent efficiency in turbine operation Although the Rellswerk plant is designed to be operated mainly as a pumping station, it will also be operated in the turbine mode at peak load times. ‘Transient waterhammer analysis was carried out, tak- ing into account the whole hydraulic scheme of the LLinersee plant and the machinery in its powerhouse ‘The storage pumps at Lunersee, as well as the pump- turbine for Rellswerk, were simulated with respect to the full four-quadrant characteristic curves. The maxi- ‘mum pressure in the dive culvert, where the new under- ‘ground pipe of the Rellswerk plant will be connected 10 the headrace of the Liinersee plant in a newly built service chamber, was calculated for the case of load rejection of the pump-turbine when the shut-down valve in the powerhouse closes. So as not to increase the waterhammer caused by the impeller plugging, the closing time ofthe ball valve was optimized and adapt ed precisely to the pump-turbine hydraulics. ° References 1, TEC, Noo 60193: 1999: “Hydraulic Turbines, Storage Pumps and. Pump-turbines — Model Acceptance Tests" Intemational Electrotechnical Commission: 1999. 2, Mader, R., "Kops I Pumpeacharakteristit in der DrucksioGrechoung” in: “Stauhaltungen und Speicher ~ Von ddr Tradition zur Moderne’. Vl. 46/2. Puliestion of the ‘Technical University of Griz, Aus 2006, | Peter Mleusburger graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical Unversity of Graz, Ansa. He hen worked as 2m Assistant Professor atthe Depurtnent of Hydraulic Fd Machinery at the same university, where he finshed his ‘Sectoral stein Mechanical Engineering June 2009 with ' Doctor of Tehnial Sciences. Since 2008 he as worked as fn expert for 3D fi hydaulis and waterharmer ‘aloulatons at VrrborgerIlerke AG. In 2012 he became Head ofthe Mechanical Enginceing Depart Gotttied Galler gratustd in Civil Engnccrng fom the ‘Tecnica University of Graz, Austra. He then worked as an Assistant Professor a the Department of Hydric Structures and Water Resources Management atthe sme university. Since 2002 he his worked as an exper Tor hydravlics and hydra structures at VorrbergerMverke AG. During the ‘esign, planning and construction phases he wa representative Project Manager of the Kops I pumpe-stoage Plann 2009 he became Head of the Design Department, and Fince 2011 he has been Head ofthe Civil Engineering Services Department at VorabergerIlleeks AG. Vorartergerllwerke AG, engineering Serviees, Balloggtrsse 36, A.6780 Schur, Aust, Fig. 4 Total energy head over tne in the case of oud jection a he Rellwerk plant P Menbarer|

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