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CLC Olympic Games Questions

Jesper and Thomas THV1D

1. Pelops wanted to get married with Hippodameia, the
daughter of king Oinomaos. So, Pelops set that to the king.
And he set that he needed to win a chairot race to him. If
Pelops won he get his daughter. So, Pelops was in his chairot
and the king was in his chairot. But Myrtilos replaced the
linchpins for wax. Than the race began. But the wax melted,
and king Oinomaos died. And Pelops has the hand of
Mount Olympus and Olympia are not close to each other.
3. the human that is hounored it Pelonion. And the two gods are
Hera and Zeus.

This is the temple of Zeus now:

This is the temple of Hera now:

4. Each day different sport where done in the ancient Olympic games:
Day 1 Running, Wrestling and Boxing
Day 2 Chariot races, Running, Wrestling,
Long jump, Discus and Javelin.
Day 3 Long running race and Sprints
Day 4 Wrestling, Boxing, Pankration,
Hoplitodromos (Running in
Day 5 No sports

For running they ran barefoot and naked, for wrestling they fought
inside a sandpit and had to throw each other out, for boxing they
fought naked, Chariot races were just racing on chariot, long jump
was done by landing in a sandpit, with discus the discus was made of
lead or iron, later of bronze or stone, for javelin they used to run
track to throw the javelin as for as possible. Pankration was a mix of
boxing and wrestling, for hoplitodromos they had to run to a stadion
track and back in armour.

5. Most of the guests went home after the games but the rich stayed
at Leonidaion, which was the most luxurious hotel. The winners got
their prizes from a sacred tree near the temple of Zeus at Olympia.
The winner was said loudly in the echo hall.

This is the story of Marathon. It is in 530-490 BCE. The Athenian
Herald was a running courier. He was going to Sparta to ask for help
when the Persians landed at Marathon. than he ran back to the
battlefield near Marathon. The Athens set they won, the victory for
greece. And then collapsed and died.

Because he ran 40 kilometers in two days.

In 1921 was the exact distance of 26.2 miles.
Nowadays is it still the same distance. They measured the distance
of running in the finger or inch, the palm, the foot, the cubit
Sports Event Worships
Olympic games Zeus
Pythian Games Apollo
Nemean Games Zeus
Isthmian Games Poseidon

Women also had their own games called The Heraean Games, held in
the Olympic stadium.
8. The Olympic games were originally held for Zeus. They stopped
fighting for the Olympics during the world wars but after that they
fought again, They made their timeline in Olympiads. Every Olympic
game the number changer like 1 of the 1st Olympiad to 1 of the 2nd
Olympiad. And in between the Olympic games it changes the year
like 1 of the 2nd Olympiad to 2 of the 2nd Olympiad
9. In the year 393 the ancient Olympic games had
ended, and Emperor Theodosius I banned the
Olympic games because he wanted to promote
Christianity, but the Olympic games were for Zeus
and that's not Christian. On April 6th, 1896, the
Olympic games were started again for the first
modern Olympic games. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the one to

start the first modern Olympic games.

10. The Latin motto for the modern Olympic games is: Citius, altius,
fortius and it means: faster, higher, stronger. On the flag of the
modern games the rings represent Africa, Asia, America, Europe and
Oceanian and they also represent the Olympic movement.
11. Eleven cities will have hosted the Olympic Games more than
once: Athens, Paris, London, St. Moritz, Lake Placid, Los Angeles
Cortina d'Ampezzo , Innsbruck. The differences between the ancient
and modern Olympic games are: 1. Ancient only allowed Greek
people 2. Only men in ancient games 3. Games were held as a
religious event to honour Zeus 4. Ancient Olympics had only 1 winner
5. There were no winter games in ancient times 6. Ancient games
always Olympia 7. Ancient games had limited sports 8. Opening
ceremony was completely different in ancient times.
12. Jesper: I do not do any sport
Thomas: I play soccer and it is an Olympic sport and I like to play
tennis and it was also an Olympic sport.

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