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A Letter to Grod

Hard uoards

E n dire ) Returned
alPromiSed n Ex cla imed ) Raindrops

AThioughoyt 19 Fallin

Oounpour 5 Sais£led

ntimately G pression

Prep.aing Regarded
e Predicled isHalls tones

9.Fppiacahing 19 Resemble
sPleaSue o Lxposing
seleves 3)anqaer

22 Eclaimed 33) Working

23) Hillside 34) Huna

24 Camfield 35)60ubled

29 Remaioed 3 Dropped
c0estroyed H) mplayee

a Sadnes 93aughinq

28)Middle 39 Tm mediculel

29SalHary soappingd
30)Nalley ) Commenled

31)Re.mem.ber H Croo Ks
Ora Camprehe.nSion

1Whatdid Lenchohope for 9

Lencho had. hoped. tor Q doon Dou
at LeaGt a Shou0er for_ his pe
Cofn fields as cOaS far
needed for
a o o d hatuegh

Why did LenchoSay heraindro ps Loere

neu Coins
Lencho Compared he aindrops toneu
CoIns the bio drops CS ten Cent
pieg and he Itle Ones GS fiues

How did he rain change 9 khat happened

to Lencho's fields 9
àThe rain Siated pOufinn9 doan But
Sudeenly Siranq Olndbleus and very
large bails Ke1he fio2en pear
wih he
began o fall along
4 What oere
Hhe hail
Stopped 9
a Afler
he hails.tones Stopped Lencha's
Saul OnS lled Lah Qrief Ond
disman He realised Hha t_vers H
uas ruined by ha hails torm d
Ond Oohin0 Loas he eft to feed
his fanily for he enhre year,

5)Who Or Ohat did lencho have foih

in Lohat dio he d o
aLencho had Shong Faih in
He belived Ha Qod's eycs SeC
everyhing even Lohat 1S deep in
Ones Canscience Hence he
Wroiea letter to Qod ciing
hat he needed Q hundred
peSos to- Sou his field againt
hat uas destrayed b4 he hauStor
horeodread he letter
hepasimas ter fread Lencha's let ler
addressed to Qod

What cid He pos nQster do hen9

Taibal He pos mas fer bra be Out
into aughler but LDa Seon moved
by h e SeuouSness of Lechas
taith to didnt oant to
Ghake he uarte faihin he
olmioht S o he Came up
So i h _Qa
idea Callech llect money fromhis
Cmplayees hiends Qnd Gaue aDart
ot his Sala ry Qnd Sen it o lencho.

BWas made him a0gry

àNo Lencho Oas ndt Qll Suuprised

receiying lette finm ad
0h maneyin He s Very
Conhden and har d ficn n 9d
hat his res L Cst would definitely
be Fa Kers care by heQlnghy
1hinking about Hhe Text

Who cloes lencho have Com plete faiN

in 9 Which tences
gen in he Stary
tel you his 9
Bu Hhe hearts of al who
Ived in hat Sli tary ha45eein
Hhe middle of the
a Snqle ho p e
C help tram

A Hraugh' Phe night lencho

houghE Ooly Of hi One hop e
he help of god
gocd hose eyes
he had been insruced,

in One's
euerythin even uhat is dep
ConS CenCe.
Godhe Loro te i f uo don't help me
my famil Qnd wil o hung
his ear

H e ake to Qad on He Cnvelope

Aut He letter inside Q n Still roubled
oent to

5)Gad Could hat hav e made a

miSto Ke o cauld he hae
de nied Lenie wha he had

2Why doesHhe post masler gend money

Lencho Ohy does he Siçn
he letter 'Gioc
alThe ter as
cdeepl e moved

byhe lencho's
10 Gad
Same money
Hen ce

to Lencho Order to uoio

Shaking He latler' faith in gad
So,he Colle.cted S Ome
fram his Collea9.ues nd Friends
Qnd Signed he letter aS

Did Lenchor to Eindout wha

had Sent he mon +o him 9
Why why not
NoLencho did to finc
Out ha had Sent him Hee
money be cauS he OcS onfident
Hhat SenEH Fo him Not far
momen d:d he Suspect
hat he kn e u hot nothi es Cape
od's eys Lencho Felt A+
ood as OLocre o he
un faft unaie incident faced by hin-
aAd request ed bim to SaVe
him iom hee thiS d:fficul+
4Lwha does Lencho Hink haS taken e
rest of he moneyto ta him 9 OhyJ Ihy
Rem embes hat he irony of a
Gi tuatian i s unexpected aspecE
of i An IroniCStuahon is gEmnge
Or aom.usinq because it i he Oppose
af iseapccked.)
Upon Counhinq
he mdne hen
Lencho found SevCAb pesas OnlyIn
he envelap instead Of hun dred
e SoS Hhat he had reoues ted H
trorn he
Qod Oas Canfident that Hbe
ae almig h Could ot ha mde Suth
a biq m s ta ke fram his s1uation
ke Und ersBood Hht he PosE office
emplayes Could have So len the

remaining hir ty p e SosS from

he enelape Hen.ce he Callecl
hem CrooKS

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