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Organizational Development BBA 6th Spring 2021

Quiz Topic:
What are the key characteristics of mentors? Based on the key mentor
characteristics, is effective mentoring based more on a person’s heart or mind?
Will you reach out as a mentor to others in life, and how will you do it? What
factors might prevent you from doing so.

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Organizational Development BBA 6th Spring 2021


Submitted to:
Mam Kanwal
Submitted by:
Maheen Kanwal
Registration no:
Organizational Development
BBA 6th

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Organizational Development BBA 6th Spring 2021

What are the key characteristics of mentors?

i. Ability to exchange information, skills, and expertise
ii. Demonstrates a good attitude and acts as a positive role model.
iii. Takes an interest in the mentoring connection on a personal level.
iv. Shows energy in the workplace.
v. Provides direction and constructive criticism.
vi. Colleagues and staff at all levels of the business respect you.
vii. Sets and achieves long-term personal and professional objectives.
viii. Values the opinions and initiatives of others.

Effective mentoring
 Ability and willingness to communicate what you know
 Preparedness
 Approachability, availability, and the ability to listen
 Honesty with diplomacy
 Inquisitiveness

Will you reach out as a mentor to others in life, and how will you do it?

If you're trying to reach out to someone you don't know, start with an introduction and any
common interests, specific interests, or points of discussion. Try to strike up a quick
conversation with him or her to spark his or her interest in meeting with you. We recommend
that you first meet them for coffee or a quick meeting at their office to get to know one other.

In your initial email or first encounter, do not ask somebody to be your mentor. Building trust
and confidence takes time, just like any other relationship. After requesting them to be your
mentor, you may need to meet with them a few times to get to know them and learn about their
present profession and ambitions.

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Organizational Development BBA 6th Spring 2021

What factors might prevent you from doing so.

1. Not enough resources:

A shortage of resources is most usually the result of three factors: the necessity to establish a
mentorship program, a lack of knowledge about how to do so, and an impossible deadline.
Creating a software without knowing how to execute it in a short period of time can lead to
disagreement and, more than likely, failure.

2. Leadership won’t buy in:

Another common misunderstanding regarding mentoring is that it is a waste of time and

resources. Leadership needs to make sure that nothing takes the focus away from the end result,
and mentoring is not really a high priority.

3. Participants won’t know what to do:

Don't presume that your mentors and mentees are aware of their responsibilities in your program.
A failing program with floundering mentors and learners might stem from a lack of training or
supervision, as well as your participants' misunderstanding of their duties.

4. Misconceptions:

Common misconceptions:

 Mentoring won’t fit into busy schedules

 Mentoring has no value to careers or personal lives
 Mentoring is not an organizational strategy

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