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Organizational Development BBA 6th Spring 2021

Muhammad Mudassar


Quiz Topic:
Resistance to Change

Explain the phases of resistance to change in organization & how employee

response against change? How the organizations manage resistance to change give
your own suggestion?
Phases of Change:
 Denial:
It is prefer of the existing ways and do not make the changings. There is a lot of activities
but not much work done.
 Resistance:
In this stage manager have to friendly with the staff. If the you will not be motivate them
then this stage will not effectively work. The manager should be encourage them so that
they show their feelings, thoughts.
 Exploration:
It’s difficult to handle this stage because staff will show laziness in the work and they
will not focus on the goals. You have to set the short term goals so that they can easily
 Commitment:
When you feel that the staff reached at commitment stage then you can come on the long
term goals.
Organizational Development BBA 6th Spring 2021

The first and possibly most obvious reason is that people are scared of the unknown, and with
change comes uncertainty.
Similarly, the feeling of a loss of control will invite resistance among employees. If they feel that
whatever changes that are taking place are forced upon them, against their will, they will resist it.
Poor communication will lead to resistance to change. If employees don’t feel part of the process
or don’t think that they are being updated or included on a project’s progress, then they will
either resist the change or become indifferent towards it.
A solution which has become increasingly popular for dealing with resistance to change is to get
the people involved to participate in making the change.
The key to the problem is to understand the true nature of resistance. Actually, what employees
resist is usually not technical change but social change the change in their human relationships
that generally accompanies technical change.
Top executives can also make their own efforts more effective at meetings of staff and operating
groups where change is being discussed.

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