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, Part A
Unit 1

[. Differentiate betrvcctt horizontal lozenging ancl lateral bending in a

Horizorltal lozenging - the conditions like pot-holes, road joints, surface
burnps and curbs cause thc chassis Ii'ame to distort to a parallelograur
Lateral Bending - the chassis is exposed to lateral side force that nay be
due to the camber of the road, side lvind, centrifugal fbrce rvhile turning a
comer, or collision rvith some object.

2. Mcntion th-e different configurations of laminatcd lcaf spring

Fully elliptic, three-quarler elliptic, half or senri elliptic, quafter elliptic,
transvet'se mounted semi elliptic and cantilever mounted serrri elliptic.

3. Discuss the various loads acting on a chassis frame

Vcrtical bending
Longitudinal torsion
Lateral bending
Horizontal Iozenging

4. What is an energy-absorbing frame

The modern vechile frames are made by constructing the fi-ont- and reap
end of the frame in a manner so that it cmmbles in a concertina manner
during collision and absorb the main shock of the irnpact.

5. What are the factors considered rvhile designing a torsion bar?

Torsion bar should be designed under maximum dynamic loacl (bump
road) considerations and the corresponding allorvable stress.

6. What are the functions of front axle?

The liont axle caries the rveight of the front part of the autourobile as
rvell as facilitates steering and absorbs shocks due to road surface
7. What types of scctions a, provided at the middle and at the ends of
the front arle?
At the centei " l" section provided to withstand vertical bending and at
the ends circular or oval ,- lss-section is providecl to withstand torsional

8. Typcs of support in the :r omotive frame
Sirnply supported, Cantil ,er bean, . Over hanging beam and Hinged
9. Name the different sectir irsed in the vehicle frame.
a: I-section b. lhannel section c. Circular section d. L
section e. T-sec )n.

10.List the function of vehic Iramc

. Driving thrust or dri ng force transmitted to the u.hcels

. When brake is appli I braking torque will be produced


. For practical purpo ipynamic

,. load is equal to 2 times of static
i Unit 2

1. Classify the various axle- ubs employcd in automobiles.


E,lliot type, reverse Elliot rr re, Lemoine type and reverse lemoine type

2. What is thc differenct.

between hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
Iubrication? AIso mentir, the kind of lubrication employed in dead
Hydrodynamic lubrication rs said to exist when the moving surfaces are
separated by the presSurr rif a continuous unbroken film or layer
lubrication. Hydrostatic lu 'ication is essentially a form of hydrodynamic
lubrication in rvhich the n 'tal surfaces are separated by a complete film
of oil, but instead of bc g self-generated, the separating pressure is
supplied by an external oii ump.

3. A steering gearbox has a ,ear ratio of 16:1 and an efficiency of g5%.

Assumc thc driver to ex t a force of 60 N at the rim of the steering
rvheel 0.4m diameter, dc, 'mine the torque at the drop arm shaft.
Refer notes on lront axle r l steering

{. What are the functions of front axle?

The fi'ont axle carries the weight of the front part oi the automobile as
as facilitates steering and absorbs shocks due to road surface

5. What types of sectiotts are provided at the middle anrl at the ends of
the front axle?
At tho center " I"
section is provided to withstand vertical bending and at
the ends circular or oval cross-section is provided to r,vithstand torsional

6. what are the causes of steering gcomctry errors rvith up anrl dorvn
rvheel movement?
Toe-in-and.toe-out and canalrer'of the whecl

7. Axial forci on each friction surface is 1400 N, mean ratlius of friction

lining is 90 mm, the co-efficient of friction is 0.3 and the number of
pairs of friction surface is 4. Determine the torque transmitted
through this clutch
Hint: Use tLe formula T: np wR to find the torque transniitted by the

8. The u'lteel basc of a vchicle is 2m ancl thd distance betrvecn the points
of front axlcs is 1.3 m. while taking a turn, the outside lock makcs an
angle of 20o. Determine the inside lock angle for correct steering.
Hint: use the formula cot rp - cot 0 :9

9. In which section of the front axle, torsional and bending moments are
At centre portion of front axle, bending moment is predominant at ends of
the front axle due to braking of the wheels.

l0.Give the type sections provided at the middle and at the end of the
front axle.
Front axle is made of I-section in the center portion, while the ends are
made either circular or elliptical.
Unit 3

l. what are the factors to be considered

whire design_ing
--E-----' an automoti'e
friction clutch?
a. selection of proper type of clutch
that is suitabre for given apprication.
b' Selection of suitable material at the contacting
c. Designing the clutch for sufficient
torque capacity.
d. Engage,rent and discngagement
srrourd u. *irtrort shock or jerk.
e' Provision for carrying arvay the
heat generated at the rubbing

with an cxar,pre gi'e any hvo materiar p.op..ii..

for designing a
friction clutch.
a. The two materials in contact must
have a high c-refficient of friction.
b' The materiars in contact must resist
*", such as s"oring,
galling, and ablation
c' The materiars shourd possess good
thermarproperties, high heat
capaciry, good thermal conductivity,
rvithsr*a rrlgr, iffiratures
Why is cone clutch more effective flrat
plate clutch
Simple in construction
More area of tiictional contact .

4' what are the types of ciutch operating

mec,anisms used in
Mechanical - Movcment at the pedal pad is transferred through
operating mechanism, to the crutch an
assembry on the rear of trre
Hydraulic - The pedar acts on a master flywheel.
cylinder, co,nected by a hydrauric
pipe and flexible hose, to a slave
cylinder, mounted on the clutch

5. When is the torque capacity of the clutch

At minimum or zero srip, the torque
capacity of the crutcrr is greatest.

6. List out the various components of

a clutch.
Driving member - pressure plate assembly
and fly wheel
Driven member
- disc or prate assembiy and the clutch

7' Axiar force on each friction surface is

1400N, mean radi,s of friction
Iining is 90 mm, the co-efficient of
friction is 0.3 and the number of
pairs of friction surface is 4. Determine
the torq,e transmitted
through this clutch.
rhe formula T: n p W R to find the torque transmi*ed by rhe
8. What is thc purpose of transnrission system in an automobilfl
Transmission is the mechanism which is used to tiansfer the power
developed by engine to the wheels of an automobile. The transmission
system of an automobile includes clutch, gear box, propeller shaft axle
and wheels, etc. The main function of the transmission is to provide the
necessary variation to the torque applied by tlre engine to the wheels. This
is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine and the
drive shaft.

9. What is the major factor limiling the clutch capacity? .

Clutch temperature is the rnajor factor limiting the clutch capacitl,.

10.Why is a cone cltch more cffcctive than plate clutch?

In cone clutch normaf force acting on the contact surfaces is larger than
the axial force as compared to single plate clutch in u,hich the normal
force acting on the contact.surfaces is equal to the axial f,orce

Unit 4

1. Mention the merits and limitations of gear.drives.

o No chain or belt to break .
. High po\\rer transmission rvithin compact space
o Noisy
. Cannot transmit power to longer distance.
) What is meant by dynamic and static tooth loading in gear drives?
Holv it is calculated?
Static gear loads are generated by statically loading the input shaft at the
specified input torque, without any motion being imparted to the gears.
Dynamic load occurs when. a pair of teeth is just coming into mesh.

What are the possible arrangements to achicve 12 speeds from a gear

Quick change gear box

4. What are the differcncc betrveen a constant mesh gear box and
sliding mesh gear box?
In sliding mesh gear box, the individual gear ratio is chosen by sliding
the selected gearwheel axially along the splined main output shaft, but in
constant mesh gear box, the gears on the lay shaft and the main shaft are

always in a constant mesh, the gear ratio is

selected by engage the dog

5. Why is geomctric progression in gcar ratios?

For heavy commercial vehicres, the gear ratios
are usualry arranged in
geometric progression. The basis for this
is to have the engine operating
within the same speed range in each gear. This r.l,ourd
ensure that in each
gear, the operating fuel economy is similar

When is maximum vchicle speed attained?

The maximum vehicre speeci is attained when
the gear is set in top and
the throttle is held fully open.

7. Compare sFur gear and hericar gear transmission

in automcbire.
In a spur gear trre teeth are straight-cut and the
edge of the teeth isfarrlet
to tlie axis of rotation. In a helical gear the teeth
are cut at an angre and
the edge of the teeth is non parailel to the
axis of rotation. Helical gears
operate quietry compared to spur gears. Spur
gear can be used onry in a
transmission involving parallel orientgtion;
the gears can be meshecr
correctly only if'they are perfectly parallel
,o .r"h other. A;i;;;;
on the other hand can be mesrred in parailel
or cross orientation.

8. sketch and name the parts of a propeiler srraft in

heavy road trucks.

9' At rvhat conditions the vehicre attains maximum

Maximum road speed is achieved in the gear
,rh.n power availabre
equals to required power.

[0.Define term traction and tractive effort

The force ava,abre at the contact between
the rear rvheer tyres and road is
knorvn as tractive effort.
The ability of the rear wheels to transmit
this effort without slipping is as traction.
Unit 5 {fzi
1. Write down the types of rear axle housing.
Semi floating axle housin-q
Three-quarter fl oating axle housing
Full floating axle housing

2. In a single plate dry clutch, the ratio of rnean raclius to ilre facc lvidth
is 4 and the mean radius of the friction lining is 110 mm. determine
face width of the friction lining.
Hint : use the formula R/ b : 4.

3. Why is the propcller shaft critical speed irnportant?

It is the speed at rvhich the propcllcr shaft rotates violently lencling to
failure of the propeller shaft. This should, be avoided. The length of the
propeller shaft govems the critical speed of the propeller shaft.

What are the typcs of stresses expcrienced by semi-floating axlc

Driving torque as r.vell as both vertical and horizontal loads. Vertical load
produces shearing force and bending moment. The horizorrtal force due to
tilting of the vehicle. cornering centrifu-eal fqrce or side r.vind gives rise to
both side thrust and a bending moment.

5. State the formula used to cornpute critical speed of a propeller shaft.

Why it is so important?

Critical speedN" :ry99 -

,Y ^W
It is important to calculate the critical speed because, whirling may occur
at certain critical speed leading to failure of the material. So, the speed of
operation of the propeller shaft should be ahvays lower than the critical

6. What are the types of stress expericnced by semi-floating axlc?

Driving torque as well as both vertical and horizontal loads. Verlical load
produces shearing force and bending moment. The horizontal force due to
tilting of the vehicle, cornering centrifugal force or side wind gives rise to
both side thrust and a bending rnoment.

7. Give the expression for c, :ulating critical specd of propellershaft.

Critical specd N.: '
A hatch back vehicle engir develops 3OkW at 1450
rpm and its bottom
gear ratio is 3:1. If a prop. er
shaft of 38 mm outside diameter
is to be
used, determine the insiri diameter
of mild steel tube to be used,
assunring a safe shear strcs ,f 56
x 103 kpa for the mild steel.
Hint: Use formulas: p:1 lI. tw
and r: ft ;,

9. Functions of final drive
Changes the directio: ,ov/er to 90 degrce
o Bcvcl gears are user! transmit power to 90 clegree
. Pinion- gear with less umber of teeth
. Ring gear- gear with rre number of teeth.

l0.Dcsign criteria of shaft cli:, rtitcr .

. Full floating _ same (, .meter
o Diamcter is uniformlr taryrng, more in wheel
o Diameter is uniformlr ,arying, same diameter side

at tooth encl.

PartB r/(.?')
Unit 1 I LJ"

1. Calculate the maxintunt bending moment and maximurn section rnodulus

tbr the side member of a vehicle frame l-raving channcl section anci
the following particulars are Wheel base 180 cm, Overall length =

cni, Equal overhang on either side. ,270 kgf acting 45 cnr in front of
axle ,180 kgf acting 45 crn behind front axle, 180 kgf acting 45 cm
front of rear axle, 67.5 kgf acting 45 cm behind the rear axle In addition,
entire length
there is a uniformly distributed load of 1.75 kgf/cm run o\/er
of the chassis. Assume dynamic stress is twice the static stress'
Chassrs 0prvcxlinq Condibions:.

1-h" d*3, -l afi crruf,orrphi{r Chq^tn'A }ra7rP2"1 pviov

tr-rrdrv tfa,rdrhg tfia t{t,rd dlD (ondihbns t '"' Ll,ahv'u" ,rr. -{.rrtq
"{ ,l
b |,fr" 0", no rroc"d' Thr Ci",al,r^X t**t_dt tuu'
mt1" I ood,'ng 5ruoJrbnr' lhcJ fnclq&.
. Ci) vevlical hending:
Coolc&:ung ix t"'lYott^a
a *tu,vx l**
af ir:. end.r, by tfi" tJi\[.d ax/;,r antcl o- c'rr.r'3ht e#"al:ot1l l,l ii-
V{.hick* t-qpiymanY, Pdi*lngev,r ar,d /r^ggog, a5 conrr-itvqf''d
(Yorrnd tfu raid.dlc ,-{ f Fa u:trarf barc, lffrn tfi-a *r'ctr m"Lrnbzvs
f"' lt''r
o,Yr Suljrc{.ed h: vtvHca.( bmdLq (au-v{ng tftm f0 '[ag
Cenfnal r.g'bn,

Lont il udrhul Tortior* t"

WhaYr d,rb3onally OfPoxEl- ,|vont crnd y.rav yaad oh^td.l

.fq\{ ovtv bumga ,ritmrrlfo.ylr.ou\ , !t^r t,*o end* 4 tfu ,cl14v;a a\r
i lurisfrA r% offo.lri[-c. clr'rec h'on ,\o V^at

i bolft &l .,lnar anct tfu c\oss- m.tmLrvt

avc ggjojecfed h \ongiFudi'ral tovs{o't,
, rr:hir h ol-r'.l,t"ovF,r lt"q. Ch a"u*r'r. .

LongRudinal torsbr.

L.g:g B r

fiu chct,vrr* n {xpo1r.d, G 1a6.r* {r^.c&l ,Jorcn }f"a-t

t - a,r-rl h
t0.o chqmbrv -t lf,u rroao{, Aiclo Lopnd, celt-vr}ugaf
"to*:' tr:hiic huvnin3 a Covruv, ov (olli,sion qrith ,romr objccE.

ttr*^ oppoA{^ lt ry. i*"g o

Y{/$rtt o. bhdf",S rnornmr S".*a-,,R^
C-ha,ua'"r xd..rt
olrn or. w\t
ty\tmbru\ .\o tLd-f &xthat+lt
fvaru trnd.r {a ho..o i. '!\!rvr' af tfur
L6'loral bendlng.

tlon?9nrq1 LoZonging,l

Honpnfal Lo1ensinq,,

R ch4lh'A ly."*-
,, . , ,
J't d drr'"u {ovuravo( oy bacr uayc{
truLjutzd" b ohsl impcrl roihh yoacl
'fu^ch a'* pcl- liol+, yocrcl;'oint, Srrr.faca
hrirnpa, a-rrct cqrM 61.^6 oif,sv
urharl,r Pyodrrc, lfi-e popeiling
t6vus[. fir,u.ton&ih,anr c 6,r\At K,,,
Pavcrl&logvaln, *hqp( lcnoron an
lo7nrg ing'r.


2' A semi-ellipticar raminated spring to cany a load of 300

leaves and 6.5 cm wide and 2
kg consists of 7
orire reaves are extending fuil length.
spring is to be t I0 cm in rength and The
attached to the axre by two
cm apart. The leaf is to be made u borts g
of siricon_nanganese steel. Assume
allowabre stress on fuil rength reaf the
to be 3500 kgflcm2. Determine
thickness of the leaf if the diameter the
the radius to rvhich the leaf to be
of the eye is t]s AIso .r.
initiaily bent assuming modulus
elasticity F,:2.1 * 106 kgf/cm2. of

3' A chassis side member is

long measurecr from the position
front axre, the wheer base is 3.6m of the
ancr trre rear overhang is
frame can be consicrered as a beam l.2rn. The
simprl, supported at the positions
the front arld rear axles. It carries a point load of lOkN ancl 30kN at 0.6m '(lJ,
and 2.4 m respectively from the fiont axle and another point load of 2kN
at the rear end. Calculate the values of the reaction at the front and rear
So\lLtion '.

Tor< \n1 fflsroonr clboLr-t- ?, dfilRr'o

RoF'l80 - l1'5xzlo x?]: +l'1 .5 xQoxQr: 'tr't5Yzz5

- lScO x l.?5 "-ltOCr4:s + 2'IoO x4t :L)
l go Ro : 11. 5 ialo ( 2:!-' t6-?s x z)5 tle
+t *q:o r 4C i a
'to{f x45-

\s = B"ltg'15N
rr.r-,\/ld .- - - i L-
;;' *'*oo+lgc']o haloo
R6 {'R,5, = :,,

=)RB: 8t5 b-'rt_I-

tzlo g-r ^t"11'5'rlbo
k-I9 l-l€clo+l(oo
Ra 1Rr* :

:)RB : 815 {"'xS N


*or't*inq r-romaflt : +
k' ,At c : .'>

Rt D : -t-t.sx49xq1l : -l-1'tl8'-rs r'tet'n

&: Nq\
W cr R : -l'l.sxqo xQo/**615;x46 : -lDt3ao
Ab E : *l'1'5613-t,(95 :lol'-5 Ntnn
W -Srs(9o't^Rof,45
fl:, 2

fl' 5xr]t *l{ou'Ki'

-6zsnlte^ +5tle"l
N+k F : -t'T'stx:5 \2'35

4. A leaf spring has an overall length of 1.1 m and sustains a load of 70 kN

at its center. The spring has 3 lull
length leaves and 15 graduated leaves
witlr a center band of 100 mm wide. All the leaves are stressed to 420
N/mm2. When fully loaded, the ratio of total spring depth to r.vidth is 2.
i. Tliickness and rvidth of the leaf.

4. Following data are related to a cone clutch: rQ;;
Maximum contact surface radius : 140 mm, maximum contact surface
radius : 125 mm, semi cone angle :20 deg, coefficient of friction :0.25,
allowable normal pressure : 137.34 kpa. E,stimate the axial load and
power transmitted at 1000 rpnr
5., A torque of 350 Nm is transmitted through a col1e clutch having a rlean
diarneter of 300 mm and a semi cone angle of 15 deg. The maximum
normal pressure at the mean radius is 150 KN/m2. The coefficient of
friction is 0.3. Calculate the width of the contact surface. Also find the
axial force to engage the clutch.

Unit 3

1. The clutch of a motor car has to transmit 73.6 kW at 3600 rpm. It is a

single plate type, both sides being effective friction materiai yields a
coefficientof friction of 0.25 and the axialpressure is limited to 83 kpa
of plate area.-If the intemal diametet of theplate is to be75Yo of, the
external diameter, determine the minirrrum dimensions of the clutch plate.

2. (a) An autornobile is fitted with a single plate clutch to transmit 22.1kW at

2100 rprn. The total axial load on the clutch plate is 1422.5 N. The outside
diameter of the friction surface is 250 mqr' both the sides of the plates
are effective and the co-efficient of friction betlveen the contact
surfaces is 0.35. Assuming uniform 'rate of wear condition, calculate
the inner diameter of the friction surface. The rotating part is attached to
drivenparts ofthe clutch are initially at rest having moment ofinertia of
20.7 N m' . Assrming the acceleration of the machine is uniform. Calculate
the time lapse before the engine attains full speed of 2l00rpm if the clutch is
suddenly engaged.

3. A single plate clutch, effective on both sides, is required to transmit

25 kW at 3000 rpm. Determine the outer andinnerdiarletersoffriction
surface if the coefficient of friction is 0.255, ratio of diameters is 1.25 and
the maximum pressure is not to exceed 0.1 N/mm' . Find out the axial
thrust to be provided by springs. Assume plate rvear unifonn rvear for the

4. A multi disc clutch is to transmit l0 kW at 800 rpm. Thc ratio of inner radius
is andthe outerradius is 1.75. The coefficient of expected friction inside oil
is 0.1. Find the inner and outer radius and axial force assuming uniform
intensity of pressure of 0.15 N/mm2

5. A centrifugal clutch is to transmit 25.g kW at

750 r^om when engaged at
75 percent of the running speed. The inside
diameter is 0.36 m and the
radial distance of the center of gravity of each
shoe from the shaft axis
is 0.15 m. Assuming p:0.3, determine the
necessary weight of each
shoe, iength and breadth of the above clutch.

1. An engine devclops 29.5 kw at 200Q rpm when

the torque deveroped is
maximum' The bottom gear ratio is 3:1 and
the back axle redLrction is
4.5:1. The load on each driving axle is 7357.5N
when the car is fuily
loaded. Diameter of roaci wheer over trre
tyre is 0.71mand the coefficient
of adhesion between the road and the tyre is
0.6. If the permissible stress
in the materiai of the shaft is not ailowed
to exceed 22072.5X r04 pa.
find tlie diameter of th_e axle shaft.

2. A four speed gear_box is to be designed for providing

the gear ratios of
1.0,'l-46,2.28 and3.93 to I as nearry as possibre.
r[e aiu*etricar pitch
of each gear is :.zs mm and the smailestpinion
is to have at least 32
teeth. Determine the suitable number
of teeth of the different gears and
find out the distance betlveen the rnain and

3. Discuss elaboratery the design procedure

to carcurate the bearing roads on
fi-ont ahd rear bearings of a + speed gear
box, when the 2nd gear is in
cngaged position.

4' An engine develops 30 kw at 2000 rpm when the torque is maximum.

TIte bottom
gear ratio is 3:rand the rear axre reduction is 4.5:1.
The load on each
driving axle is 0.75 ton, when the car
is fuily roacred. Diameter of the road
wheel over the tyre is 71 cm. The maximum
permissibre shear stress is 12
N/mm2. The maximum permissibre
bending stress is 2g0 N/mrn2. If
quarter axle is used, design three

(i) Axle shaft

(ii) Axle housing of the value of inside diameter
0.g times outside
diameter and the distance betu,een
spring seat and center prane of
rvheel is 0.22nt.

5. A four speed gear box is to be desig,ed

for providi,g the gear ratios of
l'0, 1.46,2.2g and 3.93 to l as nearry u, porribr".
Th'e diametricar pitcrr
of each gcar is 3.25 rnm and the srnalrest pinion
is to have at reast 32
teeth.. Determine the suitable number of teeth of the different gears and f(B t
find out the distance between the main and layshafts. ' \--"

Unit 5

1. Sketch the arrangement of a six speed gear box. The minirnum and
maximum speeds required are around 460 and 1400 rpm. The drive speed
is 1440rpm. Construct speed diagram of the gear box and obtain various
reduction ratios. Use standard output speed and standard step ratio.
Calculate number of teeth on each gear.

2. An automobile engine develops 28 kW at 1500 rprn and its bottom gear

ratio is 3.06: 1. If a propeller shaft of 40 mm outside diameter is to be
used, determine the inside diameter of the shaft, dssuming a safe shear
.stress of 55 N/mm2. If the length of the propeller shaft is L54m, find the
critical speed of the shaft.

-1 . An automobile engine develops 33.75 kW at 1500 rpm and its bottorn

gear ratio is 3.06:1. If a propeller shaft of 40 mm outside diarneter is to be
usecl. Determine the inner diameter of the shaft, assuming a safe shear
stress of 56 N/mm2. If the length of the propeller shaft is 1.54 m, find the
critical speed of the shaft. Also ascertain whether the critical speed is
sufficient to avoid whirling.

4. An automobile engine develops a maximum torque of 162 Nm. The low

gear ratio of transmission is 2.75, rvhile the back axle ratio is 4.25. The
effective wheels radius is 0.325m and the co-efficient of friction betrveen
the tyre and the road surface is 0.6. If the permissible shear stress is
32373 X 104 Pa, determine the maximum shaft diameter assutning that
the load is nearly torsional. What is maximum load permissible on each

5. A centrifugal clutch is to transmit 25.8 kW at 750 rprn rvhen engaged

at 75 percent of the running speed. The inside diarneter is 0.36 m
and the radial distance of the center of gravity of each shoe from the
shaft axis is 0.15 m. Assuming Ir:0.3, determine the necessary u'eight
of each shoe, length and breadth of the above clutch.

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