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Nama : Iis Awangsih Apriliani

NPM : 1885210025
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Olahraga
Dosen : Alam Hadi Kosasih, M.Pd.

1. Tugas Essay
The speakers always been an athletic person, so he like sports.
During childhood he almost playing all of the major sports. The first sport
he had played was tee-ball, this sport is belong to small children. He’s
like baseball but easier and simpler. After tee-ball he started playing
soccer its also popular among children, the speakers also played baseball,
tennis, and basketball and his favorite is basketball.
He played basketball until 17 years old and stopped. Because when
hems young he is pretty tall, so it makes he made a easily. But whe in
highscool the other kids qrew taller than him. So it’s not easy anymore to
made score, and he said maybe that’s why he quit basketball. After that
he also played tennis, he is pretty good at tennis he took many lessons
and played in some differents tournament and he also football he joined
it. But in the end he didn’t play it. After highschool he play golf, he said
it’s the funnest sport and addicting.
Nowdays, he didn’t play sport anymore, he just doing something
different. Talking about watching sport he was a big fan of football
nwhen hems young and obsessed. His favorite team was Seattle
Seahawks, but nowdays he didn’t watch football anymore. He also a fan
of of LA Lakers when he was young and used to did of playing for
Lakers when he got older.
These days he started watching soccer, as an adult he loves soccer.
Besides that he also done an extreme sport like skatboarding and
snowboarding. He played skateboarding when he was in highschool, but
not really good tough and he just ca,e snowboarding times and can’t wait
to play that again.

2. Kosa Kata
 Sport  Tee-ball
 Football  Baseball
 Team  Start
 Skateboar
 Soccer
 Snowboard  Tennis
 Golf  Basketball
 Athletic  Score

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