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ICT possibe quastions 1

1. (a). Clearly define a Computer. (2 marks)

 A Computer is an electronic device that operates (works) under the control of programs stored in its
own memory unit.

 A computer is an electronic machine that processes raw data to give information as output.

 An electronic device that accepts data as input, and transforms it under the influence of a set of
special instructions called Programs, to produce the desired output (referred to as Information).

(b). Give one reason why a computer is referred to as an electronic device. (1 mark)

 It uses electrical signals to process data.

 It is made up of electronic components and uses electric energy (such as electricity) to operate.

2. Explain the following terms as used in computer science:

(a). Data. (1 mark)

A collection of raw facts, figures or instructions that do not have much meaning to the user.

(b). Program. (2 marks)

 A computer Program is a set of related instructions written in the language of the computer & is used
to make the computer perform a specific task (or, to direct the computer on what to do).

 A set of related instructions which specify how the data is to be processed.

 A set of instructions used to guide a computer through a process.

(c). Data processing. (2 marks)

 It is the process of collecting all items of data together & converting them into information.

 Processing refers to the way the data is manipulated (or handled) to turn it into information.

(d). Information. (2 marks)

Information is the data which has been refined, summarized & manipulated in the way you want it, or into
a more meaningful form for decision-making.

3. Mention three differences between Data and Information. (3 marks)

Data Information
1. Unprocessed (raw) facts or figures. 1. It is the end-product of data processing
(processed data)
2. Not arranged. 2. Arranged into a meaningful format.
3. Does not have much meaning to the user. 3. More meaningful to the user.
4. Cannot be used for decision-making. 4. Can be used to make decisions.


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4. State any three functions of a computer. (3 marks)

- Accepting data.
- Processing the data.
- Producing information.

5. What role(s) does each of the following units of a computer play during data processing?

(i). Input unit. (1 mark)

 They are used to feed/ put data into the computer.

 They accept data for processing & convert it where necessary into a form, which the computer can

(ii). Output unit. (1 mark)

 They are used to give the end results of data that was entered into the computer.
 They accept data from processing devices & convert it into human sensible form.

(iii). Central processing unit. (2 marks)

Converts the raw facts & figures according to the instructions given to produce information.

6. Explain the following input/output terms as used in computer systems. Give an example for each.
(4 marks)

(a) Read -to transfer data from an input device to the computer, e.g., we say that, the computer reads data
from a disk, a keyboard, etc.

(b) Write - to transfer information from the computer to an output device, e.g., we can say that, the computer
writes output on a printer or onto a disk.

7. State four different parts that make up a computer. (2 marks)

 System unit. - Monitor.

 Keyboard. - Mouse.
 Printer. - Modems.
 Printers. - Scanners
 Speakers - Graph plotters

8. (a). Explain the term System Unit. (1 mark)

This is the casing that houses the internal components of the computer such as the CPU and storage

(b). Name four components found in the System unit. (4 marks)

 Central Processing Unit.

 Motherboard.
 Power supply unit.
 Memory storage devices.
 Disk drives.

(c). Outline three features of a computer’s System Unit. (3 marks)


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 It houses the CPU.
 It connects to all peripheral devices using ports.
 It has the computer’s power switch.
9. Why is the computer’s screen also called a Monitor? (1 mark)

It enables the user to monitor/track or see what is going on in the computer.

10. (a). Match the following generations of computers with the technology used to develop them.
(2 marks)

Generation Technology
First generation Thermionic valves (Vacuum tubes)
Second generation Transistors
Third generation Integrated Circuits
Fourth generation Very Large Integrated Circuit
Fifth generation Artificial inteligence

(b). Computers have evolved through a number of generations. List any 4 characteristics of the First
generation of computers. (4 marks)

 Large in physical size.

 Relied on Thermionic valves (Vacuum tubes) to process & store data.
 Consumed a lot of power.
 Produced a lot of heat.
 The computers constantly broke down due to the excessive heat generated, hence, were short-lived, and
were not very reliable.
 Their internal memory capacity/size was low.
 Processing speed was very slow.
 Very costly.
 Used magnetic drum memory.

11. Write the following abbreviations in full: (7 marks)

(a). CPU - Central Processing Unit

(b).ROM - Read Only Memory.

(c). RAM - Random Access Memory

(d).GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out

(e). ENIAC – Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator.

(f). VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration.

(g). IC – Integrated Circuit.

12. Briefly explain the classification of computer according to historical development (generations)
(10 marks)


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13. State four factors used to classify computers. (4 marks)

 Physical size & processing power.

 Purpose.
 Functionality (Mode/ Method of operation).
 Generations
 Type of Processor (CPU).

14. Giving two points in each case, state the difference between the following types of computers.

(a). Supercomputer and Mainframe computer. (2 marks)

 A Supercomputer is larger in size, faster, more expensive and has more processing power & memory
than a Mainframe.
 Supercomputers are mostly special-purpose devices, while Mainframes are general-purpose devices.
 Most supercomputers use multiple processors.
 Supercomputers can support more peripheral devices & can be used by more users at the same time.
 Supercomputers are kept in special environmental conditions.

(b). Digital computer and Analogue computer. (2 marks)

 A Digital computer processes discrete/digital data, while an Analogue computer processes

continuous/analogue data.

 Digital computers are usually general-purpose, while Analogue computers are special-purpose.
 Output from a Digital computer is in form of numbers, alphabets & symbols, while the output from an
Analogue computer is in form of a smooth graph produced by a plotting pen on a CRT.

(c). Special-purpose (dedicated) computer and a General-purpose computer.

(2 marks)
 A Special-purpose computer performs only one particular task, while a general-purpose computer
performs more than one task using specifically written instructions/programs.

 Programs used in special purpose computers are fixed at the time of manufacture; while those used in
general purpose computers are exchangeable.

(d). Desktop computers and Laptop computers.

 Desktop is designed to be used when placed on a desk in an office environment. A Laptop is
sufficiently small & light such that it can be used comfortably when placed on the user’s lap.

 A Laptop is small & portable. Desktop computers are not portable.

15. (a). Explain the emerging trends in Microcomputer technology in relation to size.
(1 mark)
PCs are becoming small and portable, e.g., Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).
(b). Give two reasons why smaller computers like Laptops tend to be more expensive than Desktop
computers. (2 marks)

 The technology of producing smaller devices is expensive.

 They are convenient because they are portable.


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 They have advanced power management capabilities (they consume less power since a laptop can
operate on rechargeable batteries).

16. Give three reasons why a Mobile phone is regarded to be a computer. (3 marks)
 It is electronic & uses electric energy to operate.
 It has a display unit (screen).
 It has a Keypad.
 It has a Memory for storage.
 It is programmable.

17. (a). Mention three Analogue devices. (3 marks)

 Computer used to control a Flight Simulator for training pilots.

 Bathroom Scale.
 Thermometer.
 Speedometer.
 Petrol pump.
 Post-office scale.
 A Television with knobs that are rotated to increase or decrease volume.
 A Monitor with knobs that are rotated to increase brightness.
 A Radio with a knob that slides in a slot to increase volume.

(b). Give three examples of Special-purpose computers. (3 marks)

 Robots.
 Mobile phones used for communication only.
 Calculators that carry out calculations only.
 Computers used in Digital watches & in Petrol pumps.
 Computers used in Petrol pumps.
 Computers used in Washing machines.
 An Automatic pilot.
 A Word processor.

18. State a specific example where each of the following types of computers can be used.
(a). Supercomputer. (1 mark)

- Weather forecasting.
- Petroleum research.
- Defence and weapon analysis.
- Aerodynamic design and simulation.

(b). Mainframe computer. (1 mark)

- Banks for preparing bills, payrolls, etc.

- Hospitals.
- Airports (i.e., in Airline reservation systems for booking & storing flight information).
- Communication networks as servers.

(c). Minicomputer. (1 mark)

- Scientific laboratories.
- Research institutions.
- Engineering plants for controlling chemical or mechanical processes in factories.
- Space industry.
- Insurance companies.
- Banks for accounting, payroll production, etc.


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- Communication centres as servers.

(d). Microcomputer / Personal computer. (1 mark)

- Training & learning institutions, e.g., schools

- Communication centres as terminals.
- Small business enterprises, e.g., shops, small offices and homes.

19. (a). Define a Microcomputer. (1 mark)

 A computer who’s CPU (Processor) has been implemented with a microprocessor.

 A computer whose data processing is done by a microprocessor.

(b). Differentiate between a Microcomputer and a Personal Computer. (2 marks)

 A Microcomputer is larger in physical size than a PC.

 A Microcomputer is more powerful than a PC.
 A PC was designed to be used by one person only.

(c). List three factors to be considered when purchasing a microcomputer. (3 marks)

Type of processor
Processing speed
Amount of main memory (RAM)
Storage capacity of the hard disk.
Cost of the computer
Speed of output devices
Number of users who can access the computer at the same time.

20. Explain four reasons which make microcomputers suitable for personal computing work.
(8 marks)
 Reduced cost, i.e., are cheaper than the Minicomputers & Mainframe computers.
 Have high processing speeds.
 Are small in size (occupy less office space).
 Are more energy efficient (i.e., consume less power)
 Are more reliable in doing various functions than the early mainframe computers.
 Are versatile (i.e., can be used for many different tasks).

21. (a) . Identify and explain five areas where computers are used to process data.
(10 marks)
(i). Supermarket:

 For stock control, i.e., keep records of what is in store, what has been sold, and what is out of
 For calculating customer’s change.
 For production of receipts.
 It can be used as a barcode reader.

(ii). Hospitals:
 To control life supporting machines in the ICU.
 In medical equipments, e.g., in blood pressure monitors, blood analyzers.
 For automatic diagnosis of certain diseases like Cancer.
 To keep & retrieve patient’s medical records.
 To enable medical experts in different countries to share their expertise/labour, thus reducing the
transportation of patients & professionals.


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(iii). Banks:
 Manage financial transactions through the use of special cash dispensing machines called ATMs
used for cash deposit & withdrawal services.
 Processing of Cheques
 For preparation of payrolls.
 Better record keeping & processing of documents.
 Provide electronic money transfer facilities.

(iv). Hotels:
 For booking of rooms.
 For accounting purposes (financial management)

(v). Homes:
 Entertainment, e.g., watching movies, playing music, playing computer games.
 For storing personal information/documents.
 For calculating & keeping home budgets.

(vi). Schools/education centres:

 Help in teaching various subjects, e.g., demonstrate experiments in subjects like Chemistry &
 For long distance learning in universities.
 Analyzing academic data.
 To train pilots (in Aviation).

(vii). Industries:

 To monitor and control industrial processes through the use of robots.

 For management control, i.e. to keep track of orders, bills and transactions.
 For advertisement purposes, which enable an industry to attract more customers.

(viii). Police station:

 Matching, analyzing & keep databases of fingerprints.
 For face recognition, scene monitoring & analyses which help the police carry out criminal
investigations speedily.

(ix). Transport industry:

 Airports - to control the movement of aircrafts, their take off & landing using radar
- For making reservations (booking purposes).
- Storing flight information.
 Automobile traffic control – to monitor vehicle traffic in busy towns.
 In Railway corporations - to coordinate the movement of goods & wagons.
 In shipping control, for efficient management of fleets, cargo handling & communication

(x). Offices:
 For receiving & sending of information through e-mails, fax, etc.
 Production of documents.
 Keeping of records.


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(b). Give three advantages of using computers for data processing over other types of office and business
equipment. (3 marks)

 Computers process data faster than devices such as typewriters and calculators.

 Computers are more accurate: – given the correct instructions & data, computers produce more
accurate results. They are also able to handle numbers with many decimal places without rounding off.
 Computers are more efficient: - computers require less effort to process data compared to human
beings & other machines.

22. Mention any FOUR features/requirements which a standard computer laboratory should have.
(4 marks)

 Standard and Enough furniture.

 Good ventilation.
 Reliable & Enough source of power supply.
 Free from Dust and Moisture.
 Enough floor space.
 Proper cabling of electric wires.
 Fire fighting equipment.
 Good lighting equipment.
 Strong rooms & doors for the security of computers, programs and other resources.

23. State and explain FIVE safety precautions you should take while using a computer.
(5 marks)
24. List down three safety precautions one should observe when entering a computer laboratory.
(3 marks)

 Avoid smoking or exposing computers to dust.

 Remove your shoes before you enter the computer room to prevent dust.
 Avoid carrying foods & drinks/beverages to the computer room.
 Avoid unnecessary movements as you may accidentally knock down the peripheral devices.
 Only authorized people should enter the computer room.
 Computer users should be trained on how to use computers frequently.
 Computer illiterates should not be allowed to operate the computers.
 Collect any waste papers which might be lying in the computer room & put them into the dustbin.
 Shut the door of the computer room properly.

25. (a). Give one major environmental and one energy problem Kenya faces as far as computer installations
are concerned.


(b). How could these problems be avoided?

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26. Mention three things that are dangerous to a computer.

 Water.
 Smoke.
 Dust.
 Magnets.

27. Describe the ideal environment for a computer to work properly. (3 marks)

 Should be free from Dust, Water and Magnets.

 Should be kept in well ventilated rooms with optimum (medium) humidity.

28. Explain why Smoke and Dust particles are harmful to a computer. (1 mark)

Dust and Smoke particles settle on storage devices and may scratch them during Read/write operation.

29. Identify three facilities that will ensure proper ventilation in a room.

 Large & enough windows and doors.

 Installing fans.
 Installing Air conditioning system.
 Avoid overcrowding of either machines or people in the room.

30. Why must foods and beverages be kept out of the computer room?
Food particles may fall into the moving parts of the computer and damage them. Liquids may spill into the
computer parts causing rusting or electrical faults.

31. Why would it not be good to install Powder or Water-based fire extinguishers in the computer room?

Powder particles settle on storage devices and may scratch them during read/write operation. Water causes
rusting of metallic parts and short-circuits if used.

32. (a). State one reason why a computer needs to be connected to a stable power supply.
(1 mark)
 To prevent damage to the computer’s secondary storage media.
 To avoid damage and loss of important data or information such as Application software stored on the

 Prevent loss of data/information that had not been saved before the failure.
(b). List down three functions of the UPS. (3 marks)

 It prevents sudden power surges that might destroy the computer.

 It supplies power to the computer during blackouts and brownouts.
 It provides stable (clean) power supply.

(c). What name is given to alternative sources of power? (1 mark)

Power backups

33. Mention two things that are likely to cause eye-strain in the computer room.
 Poor lighting of the room.
 Bright monitor.
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 Flickering monitors.
 Very bright wall paints that reflect too much light.

34. Identify three proper sitting postures while using the computer. (3 marks)

 Adopt a relaxed and straight back position to avoid bending forward or leaning far backwards.
 The feet should be firmly placed flat on the floor.
 The seat must be high enough allowing the eyes to be the same level with the top of the screen.
 The seat must have a straight backrest that allows someone to sit upright. This prevents muscle pains &
backaches caused by poor sitting posture.

 The height of the chair or working surface must be high enough such that your forearms are parallel with the
floor and your wrists are straight.

 The seat must be high enough relative to the table to enable the user use the hands on the peripheral devices

35. State two methods of minimizing dust in a computer laboratory. (2 marks)

- Fit the computer room with special Curtains to reduce entry of dust particles.
- Cover the floor with Carpets in order to absorb dust.
- Regular cleaning of the laboratory.
- Cover the computer devices with Dust covers when cleaning the room.
- Remove shoes before entering the room to prevent dust.

36. What precaution would you take in the computer room in case: (2 marks)

(a). The humidity falls below normal for prolonged periods due to weather change.
Install humidifiers in the room.

(b). Users complain of backaches after long periods of using the computers.
Improve furniture to avoid bending when using the computers.

37. Name TWO main causes of fire in the computer laboratory and give the precautions that should be taken
to guard against them. (3 marks)

 Inflammable chemicals, such as those used to clean the computer equipment.

- Keep the chemicals away in store after use.

 Electrical faults caused by open wires or cables.

- Ensure that all electrical wires are properly insulated.

- Ensure that the computer room has a gaseous fire extinguisher containing Carbon dioxide in case of
any accidents.

 Smoking.

38. (a). What do you understand by the term ‘Write-protected’ with reference to a diskette?
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(b). What is the purpose of labelling a diskette? (1 mark)

 To prevent confusing the data in the different diskettes.

 To prevent mixing diskettes that are used everyday with those used for long-term storage of important

39. List three things that can spoil a Printer if they are not of the correct specification, and explain what
damage may be caused.

 Printer paper:

Different printers have different sensitivity to printing papers. Using the wrong quality paper in a particular
printer can make the paper get stuck.

 Cartridges & Ribbons:

Printers are very specific to manufacturer’s cartridges & ribbons. Use of clones or imitations (i.e., the
wrong make & model) can damage the printer mechanism.

 Refilling of cartridges or re-inking of ribbons:

This will spoil the printer due to leakage or use of poor quality materials.

40. Explain three ways that computer technology could make office work more efficient.
(3 marks)

 There is easier & faster retrieval of data, i.e., they reduce the time and effort needed to access and receive
 Increased accuracy of data.
 Better presentation of data.
 Faster processing of data.
 Economic use of storage space.

41. (a). Explain the steps you would follow to set up a new computer. (3 marks)

 Gently and carefully connect the interface cable of each device to the correct port and to the device.
 Connect the computer to the source of power and switch it on.
 Observe boot up information on the screen to see whether Power-On Self Test (POST) displays any
error message. A successful boot means that the computer was properly setup.

(b). Explain the correct procedure for shutting down the computers in the computer laboratory.
(4 marks)

Save all the work done on the computer, and close all programs that may be currently running.
Remove any floppy disk you might have inserted in the computer.
Follow the proper shut-down procedure required by the operating system in your computer before
switching it off.


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Switch off the Printer and any other output devices.

42. A computer must go through the process of booting/initialization before use.

(a). Briefly explain the term “computer booting”. (2 marks)

Booting refers to the starting up of a computer. It is the entire process that makes the computer ready for

(b). Explain what happens in the computer during the booting process. (3 marks)

When the power is switched on, internally, it first checks whether all the components are in good working
condition, i.e., the RAM, CMOS (BIOS), hard disk & floppy disk drive controllers, and the Keyboard. If
no problem is found, it then loads the operating system.

(c). Give and explain two types of booting. (4 marks)

 Cold booting: - it happens when a computer that was originally off is switched on by pressing the power
button on the system unit.

 Warm booting: - it happens when a computer that was originally on is forced to restart by pressing the
Restart button on the System unit or by pressing a combination of keys on the keyboard (Ctrl + Alt +

(d). What type of memory is used to store the boot up program (the first program to be
executed on switching on a computer. (1 mark)

Read-Only Memory (ROM)

43. Classify the following keyboard characters. (6 marks)

a). A, B, C ……..Z - Alphabetic keys.

b). 0, 1, 2 ………9 - Numeric keys.

c). F1, F2 ……..F9 - Function / command keys.

d). Del, Insert, Backspace - Editing keys.

e). Home, End, Page Up, Arrow keys - Directional /cursor-positioning keys.

f). CTRL, SHIFT, ALT - Special operation keys.

44. (a). What is a Mouse in relation to computing? (1 mark)

A Pointing device that controls a pointer on the computer screen. It lets the user select and move items
(icons) displayed on the screen.

(b). Explain the following terms associated with the use of a Mouse:

(i). Left-clicking.

(ii). Double-clicking.

(iii). Right-clicking.


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(iv). Drag and drop.

(c). State two advantages of using a Mouse instead of a keyboard. (2 marks)

The mouse is easy & convenient to use.

It is inexpensive.
Modern software includes an option to use it.
It selects a position on screen much more quickly than a keyboard.


1. (a). What is a Computer system?

 A computer system refers to a collection of entities that work together to process and manage
information using computers.

 The complete set of devices required to use and operate the computer, (or that make a computer work as
one unit).

(b). Differentiate between a Computer and a Computer system. (2 marks)

A computer is made up of both hardware and software, while a computer system integrates hardware,
software and user.

2. (a). List and explain three functional elements of a computer system (6 marks)

 Hardware.
They are the physical & tangible devices that make up a computer system. E.g., system unit, input
devices, output devices, and storage devices.

 Software.
These are programs & data used in a computer system that enable it perform a number of specific
E.g., operating systems, application programs, utility programs, programming languages, & device

 Live-ware (People-ware).
These are the people who coordinate the various activities, which are necessary to make a computer
system perform useful tasks.
E.g., Data entry clerks, computer Arithmetic & Logic Unit
operators, programmers, System analysts, etc.
Input devices Output devices
(b). Draw a well-labelled diagram showing theControl
functional units of a computer hardware.
(7 marks)
Central Processing Unit (CPU)


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Secondary storage
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3. (a). Give two main functions of a computer input device. (2 marks)


(b) Give an example of a: (3 marks)

(i). device that reads data.

 Scanner,
 Digital cameras,
 Barcode readers.
 Credit/smart card readers,
 Kimball tag readers.
 OMR, OCR, MICR, etc

(ii). pointing device.

 Mouse.
 Trackball.
 Light pen
 Joystick.

(iii). voice input device.

 Microphone.

4. (a). What are computer scanning devices? (2 marks)

These are devices that enter (capture) data into the computer directly.

(b). Name the type of scanner used: (2 marks)

(i). to capture prices of goods at points of sale terminals in supermarkets and superstores.

Barcode reader

(ii). to grade multiple choice examination

Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

5. Briefly describe how each of the following I/O devices work.

(i). Tracker ball. (3 marks)



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(ii). Touch screen. (3 marks)


(iii). Light pen. (3 marks)


(iv). Graphic (Digitizing) Tablet. (3 marks)


(v). MICR. (3 marks)


(vi). OCR. (3 marks)


(vii). Speech (voice) recognition device. (3 marks)


(viii). Speech (voice) Synthesizer. (3 marks)


(ix). Computer Output on Microfilm/ Microfiche (COM). (3 marks)


6. State two advantages and two disadvantages of using Speech recognition devices.
(4 marks)


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7. (a). State any three functions of a Point of sale terminal in a supermarket. (3 marks)

(b). Name two examples of scanning (data capture) devices used at point of sale terminals in
supermarkets. (2 marks)

Barcode reader.
Light pen.
Cash registers.
8. (a). What are turnaround documents? (2 marks)

These are documents produced as output and which can be re-used as input by the computer.

(b). Name any two data capture techniques that make use of turnaround documents.
(2 marks)
 Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
 Optical Mark Recognition (OMR).
 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR).
 Optical Bar Recognition (OBR)
 Magnetic Stripe Recognition.

9. Magnetic Ink Character Reader (MICR) technology uses the principle of magnetism to encode certain

(i). Recommend one application areas where this technology is used. (1 mark)

 In Banks to process Cheques.

 In Local authorities for payment of rates by instalments.

(ii). Name any three data items that can be encoded using magnetized ink. (3 marks)
 Serial number of the Cheque.
 Identification number of the bank.
 Branch number of the bank.
 Account number of the customer.
 Amount being paid.

10. Name four factors one would consider when selecting a data input device. (4 marks)

 The needs of the user.

 Type of data to be input.
 Volume of data to be entered.
 Input speed.
 Cost, i.e., the initial cost of the input device & the cost of using the device on a day-to-day basis.
 Availability & reliability of the data entry device.
 Accuracy required.
 Availability of space.

11. (a). What is the meaning of CPU? (1 mark)

Central Processing unit.

(b). Describe three functions performed by the CPU. (3 marks)

 It carries out processing of data.

 System control, i.e., it controls the sequence of operations within the computer.
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 It gives commands to all parts of the computer.
 It controls the use of the Main memory in storing of data & instructions.
 Provide temporary storage (RAM) and permanent storage (ROM).

12. Explain the functions performed by each of the following central processing unit elements.

(i). Control Unit. (2 marks)

 Interpreting instructions
 Issuing control instructions to the Operating system.

(ii). Arithmetic and Logic Unit. (2 marks)

 Performs arithmetic calculations such as addition, or multiplication of figures.

 Performs logical operations & comparison on data.
 Performs output of logical functions (variables)

(iii). Registers. (1 mark)

Holds data and instructions temporarily just before and after processing.
(iv). The Main memory. (2 marks)

 Stores data just before and after processing.

 Stores instructions waiting to be obeyed/executed.
 Holds program instructions & the data currently being processed.
 Stores intermediate results of processing awaiting transfer to the output devices.

(v). The System clock. (1 mark)

It determines the processing speed of the CPU.

13. In reference to ALU, explain the meaning of logic operations, and give an example of this processing
operation. (2 marks)

Logic operations involve sorting & comparison of figures to determine whether one quantity is greater than, less
than, equal to, or not equal to another.

14. Give four types of registers found in the CPU. (4 marks)

Instruction register
Address register
Storage register

15. How many characters (bytes of data) are held in each of the following memories?
(4 marks)
(i). 4 KB - approximately 4,000 characters.

(ii). 640 KB - approximately 640,000 characters.

(iii). 16 MB - approximately 16 million characters.

(iv). 20 GB - approximately 20 billion characters.

16. State the function of each of the following computer bus.

(a). Data bus. (1 mark)


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Carries data from the processor to memory during the write operations, and from memory to the
processor during the read operations.

(b). Address bus. (1 mark)

It conveys addresses, i.e., it carries the address of the memory location or device to be acted on by the

(c). Control bus. (1 mark)

It carries the timing & control signals necessary to coordinate the activities of the entire system.

17. Name the basic unit used to measure the processing speed of a computer. (1 mark)

Hertz (Hz)
18. (a). What is the computer Motherboard? (2 marks)

This is the electronic board where all electronic components such as processor, memory chips, BIOS, bus
connections etc are assembled.

(b). State any four components found on the computer motherboard. (2 marks)

Processor (CPU).
SIMM sockets.
Memory chips.
Interface chips.

19. (a). What is an Expansion card? (1 mark)


(b). Give three examples of computer expansion cards stating clearly the function of each.
(3 marks)
20. (a). What is a Drive? (2 marks)

A Drive is a computer device for reading data from or writing data into a storage media, e.g., a tape or disk.

(b). State any two types of computer drives, giving an example of a storage device used by each.
(3 marks)

 Hard disk drive (HDD).

 Floppy disk drive (FDD).
 CD-ROM drive.
 DVD-ROM drive.
 Tape drive.
 Zip drive.

21. Give two reasons why there are many forms of computer storage devices. (2 marks)

Permanency of storage.
Cost of implementation.


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Capacity of storage systems.

22. Using examples, distinguish between:

(i). Primary and secondary storage devices. (2 marks)

Primary storage devices are accessed directly by the CPU, while secondary storage is not.

(ii). Fixed and removable disks. (2 marks)

Fixed disks are mounted inside the system unit, while removable disks are portable.

Examples of removable media – Floppy disk, Jaz disk, Zip disk, Flash disk, CD-R, CD-RW.

23. Compare a floppy disk and a Zip disk in relation to size. (2 marks)

A Floppy disk is physically small in size and capacity, while a Zip disk is slightly large in size and has large
storage capacity.

24. (a). The hard disk is composed of Platters, Hard disk Drive, Access arm, Motor device, Read/Write heads,
and Spindle. State the function of each of these parts. (6 marks)

 Disk plates (Platters) – for recording data.

 Spindle – holds together the platters that make the disk pack.
 Hard disk drive -
 Read/Write heads – for writing data to or reading data from the disk surfaces.
 Drive motor – rotates the disk pack plates past the Read/Write heads in order for the read and write
operations to be performed on the recording surfaces.

 Access arm (Head actuator) – holds the read/write heads in position & is also used to move the
read/write heads across the platters.

(b). State three advantages of using hard disks as medium of storage. (3 marks)

 They provide permanent storage of data.

 They have a large storage capacity.
 Are cheap per unit of storage.
 Are rewritable (provide read & write facilities)
 Are very fast compared to other secondary storage devices in terms of data transfer.

(c). Describe three precautions you would take to avoid damaging the hard disk.
(3 marks)
 Do not drop the disk drive.
 Do not expose it to strong heat.
 Do not expose it to dust/smoke particles.
 Do not unprocedurally switch off the computer.

(d). Explain the internal mechanism of the hard disk in reference to disk platters and read/write head.
(3 marks)

The drive is made up of several disk platters that are mounted on a common axis with read/write heads on
both sides of the platters.
The heads move in and out as they write/read data. The outer case is hard and metallic.


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(e). Describe the structure of a hard disk in reference to cylinders, tracks and sectors.
(3 marks)

The surface of hard disk is divided into concentric circles called Tracks. Parallel tracks on several platters
are called Cylinders.
The tracks are further subdivided into Sectors. Several sectors can be grouped to form Clusters.

25. State two reasons why Magnetic tapes are not commonly used as computer data storage medium today.
(2 marks)

 Are slow when retrieving data. This is because of the linear storage of data records on the tape.
 Do not fully use their recording surface due to Inter-Record Gaps.

26. Differentiate between:

(i). Microprocessor and Microcomputer. (2 marks)


(ii). Volatile memory and Non-volatile memory. (2 marks)

Volatile memory is temporary, while non-volatile memory is permanent.

(iii). RAM and ROM. (2 marks)

RAM is a temporary and rewritable memory, while ROM is a permanent and read-only memory.

(iv). Hard disk and Floppy disk. (2 marks)

Hard disk is a hard metallic platter used to store data and is encased in a metallic housing (casing).
- Hard disk is metallic, shinny and non-flexible.

(v). 5¼-inch drive and 3½-inch drive. (2 marks)

o A 5.25-inch has High density of 1.2 MB; a 3.5-inch has High density of 1.44 MB.
o A 5.25-inch has Double density of 320KB; a 3.5-inch has Double density of 720KB.

(vi). Magnetic and Optical storage media. (2 marks)

In Magnetic storage media, data is recorded using magnetism, while in Optical storage media data is
recorded using a beam of light (laser).

(vii). Optical disk and Optical disk drive. (2 marks)


(viii). CD-ROM and Floppy disk. (2 marks)


(ix). Hardcopy and Softcopy. (2 marks)


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Hardcopy is printed copy, e.g., printout on paper such as letters, while Softcopy is intangible
information, e.g., screen display or music.

(x). MICR and OCR scanners. (2 marks)

MICR uses magnetic technology to read magnetic characters, while OCR uses laser technology to read

27. (a). Using a well-labelled diagram, differentiate between Sectors and Tracks as used in
Magnetic disks. (4 marks)

(b). Draw a well-labelled diagram of a 3.5-inch floppy disk showing its parts. (7 marks)
(c). Explain four rules for handling magnetic disks. (4 marks)

 Keep magnetic media away from excessive heat. This is because; heat energy weakens the ability of
the magnetic media to store data.

 Store the media in their cases when not in use in order to protect/safeguard their recording surfaces
against environmental influences such as dust, touch, direct sunlight, radiations, etc.

 Do not drop the disk on the ground.

 Never bring them near moving or strong magnetic bodies. Such bodies might demagnetize the
recording surfaces making recording in terms of magnetism impossible.

 When mounting the media into its reading/writing unit, avoid brushing the recording surfaces against
the mechanical components of the drive.

 Put on the power before mounting the media and off after removing the media from the drive. This is
because; the fluctuation in power might cause demagnetization.

28. Give two uses of floppy disks in a computer system. (2 marks)

Store small files in a computer for safekeeping.

Transfer files (data) from one computer to another.
Store backup files in order to support the main memory incase of large storage purposes.

29. RAM and Magnetic disks are both Random access devices. List four differences between the two devices.
(4 marks)


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30. State any three main differences between Primary and secondary computer storage.
(3 marks)
 Primary memory is accessed directly by the CPU, while Secondary storage is not.

 Secondary storage devices provide slow access of information; primary storage is very fast, accurate &

 Primary memory is expensive per bit of memory due to the technology involved; Secondary memory is

 Secondary storage has high storage capacity; Primary memory has low/limited storage capacity.

 Secondary storage is non-volatile, i.e., stores data permanently; primary storage is volatile & therefore it is
used to store temporary programs & data.

 The speed of the Processor depends on the size & type of Primary storage.

31. Giving an example, explain the term memory volatability? (2 marks)

Volatability is the ability of the computer memory to retain or lose its contents when the power supply or the
computer is switched off.

ROM is non-volatile because; its contents remain intact when power is switched off. RAM is volatile as it loses
its contents when power is switched off.

32. (a). State four functions of Read-Only memory (ROM) (4 marks)

 It stores Firmware (bootstrap instructions) – the essential files the computer uses while
booting/starting up.

 It stores the system data & instructions that are necessary for the normal functioning of the computer
hardware, e.g., the Kernel/Supervisor of the OS.

 It stores Control programs used for the operation of the computer & peripheral devices, e.g., the

 It stores Translation programs (Code converters) used for converting a user’s program into machine

 It stores special functions (facilities) peculiar to a given machine.

 It stores Character generators for Printers & Video displays.
 It stores instructions used in special-purpose computers & computerized fuel pumps.

(b). Give three characteristics of ROM (3 marks)

 It can only be read, but cannot be written to (i.e., the user can only read the information in the ROM, but
cannot write on it unless it is a special type of ROM).
 Provides permanent or semi permanent storage of instructions & data from the manufacturer.
 It is a non volatile memory.
 Forms a small proportion of the main storage (i.e., it contributes about 30% of the Internal memory).
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 Stores essential files for starting the computer (Bootstrap programs).

(c). Name two different types of ROM (2 marks)

 Masked ROM.
 Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM)
 Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM)

33. (a). Outline three characteristics of Random Access memory (RAM). (3 marks)

 Stores data & programs temporarily during the times when they are needed in the Main memory (or
during execution).
 Provides “read & write facilities”, i.e., it allows instructions to be written, read out & to be changed at
 The contents in RAM are user-defined, i.e., the user dictates what is to be contained in the RAM.
 Its contents are temporary.
 It is a volatile memory.
 Forms the major proportion of main storage.

(b). Name the two types of RAM clearly stating their differences. (3 marks)

 Static RAM


 Dynamic RAM


34. Give two examples of special purpose memories found in the CPU. (2 marks)

 Cache memory
 Registers

35. Give two types of information that are found in the RAM. (1 mark)

Application programs.
User data.

36. What do the following phrases mean in reference to computers: (4 marks)

(a). 2 GHz processor speed.


(b). 128 KB Cache.


(c). 256 MB RAM


(d). 80 GB Hard disk


37. The diagram below shows an example of a

secondary storage.


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(i). Identify the name of the device. (1 mark)

Flash disk

(ii). List down two advantages of this device over a floppy disk in storage. (2 marks)
 Smaller in size than a floppy disk; hence, easily portable.
 Has a high data storage capacity compared to a floppy disk.
 Flash disks are more robust than floppy disks.

38. (a). List any four examples of Optical storage devices. (4 marks)

 Compact Disk Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM)

 Compact Disk Recordable (CD-R)
 Compact Disk Rewritable (CD-RW)
 LS-120 super disk
 Digital Versatile Disk (DVD)
 Optical card
 Optical tape

(b). Give two application areas that make extensive use of Optical disks.(2 marks)

 Music industry.
 Movie industry (entertainment)
 By programmers and software manufacturers for storage, distribution & Installation of software.
 To provide reference works, catalogues, directories, graphical images & sound.

(c). Give two advantages of a Digital Versatile Disk over a normal Compact disk.
(2 marks)
 DVD has a larger storage capacity than a CD.
 A DVD offers better data storage quality.

39. Giving reasons in each case, suggest the most suitable backing store medium for each of the following:

(i). Data for payroll program. (3 marks)


(ii). Documents for a word processing program. (3 marks)


(iii). A company’s financial records for the last four years. (3 marks)


40. How many Optical disks of 720 MB storage capacity are needed to store 20 GB storage of hard disk data?
(Give your answer to the nearest whole number). (2 marks)

1 GB = 1000 MB
20 GB =? = (20 x 1000) MB


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If I disk = 720 MB
? = 20,000 MB 20,000 MB
720 MB = 27.8 = 28 optical disks

41. (a). State the two types/forms of computer output. (2 marks)

 Softcopy
 Hardcopy

(b). List any four examples of computer output devices. (4 marks)

 Monitors.
 Printers.
 Sound output, e.g., Speakers
 Plotters.
 Sound cards.
 Digital projectors.
 Computer output on Microforms (COM)
(c) Identify three functions of computer output devices. (3 marks)

Transmit the intermediate & final results to the users.

Convey messages, e.g., error messages, to the operators.
Provide immediate response to queries.
Convert the coded results produced by the computer to human-readable form.

42. (a). State one function of the screen (monitor). (1 mark)

 Used to display the results of all the data that has been processed from the computer.
 It converts machine-coded output results from the Processor into a form that can be understood by

(b). Outline two advantages and two disadvantages of using a Monitor for output.
(4 marks)

Its speed of output is fast, i.e., a monitor displays the output almost immediately.
It displays the information enabling the operator to visually confirm if the data is correct.
It is cheap, if bought as an individual device.
It minimises paperwork. This reduces the expense on papers.
Helps when saving information to a secondary storage media.
Enables the operator monitor his/her performance.

43. (a). Show two differences between a CRT monitor and a Flat-panel display. (2 marks)

 CRT monitor uses a cathode ray tube to display information, while a Flat panel does not.
 CRT has a protruding back, while a Flat panel does not.
 Flat panel displays are light & easily portable, while CRT’s are heavy.
 CRT can display a wide range of colours, while a Flat panel displays a limited number of colours.
 CRT consumes more electrical power than Flat panel displays.
 The screen of a Flat panel is much thinner & smaller than that of a CRT.
 The screen resolution of a CRT is adjustable, while that of a Flat panel is often set.

(b). Give three examples of flat-panel monitors available in the market today. (3 marks)

 Liquid crystal displays (LCD)

 Electro luminescent (EL)


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 Gas plasma
 Thin Film Transistor (TFT)

44. Describe five types of display video cards used in computers. (5 marks)

 Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA): - it displayed text in one colour only, and could not support

 Hercules Graphics Adapter (HGA): - it supports both text & monochrome images.
 Colour Graphics Adapter (CGA): - can display text & colour images. It supported 16 colours at a time &
ran at a low resolution of 640 x 200 pixels.

 Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA): - has a better resolution than CGA monitors. Can display a wider
range of colours, e.g., it can display text & images using 16 different colours.

 Video Graphics Adapter (VGA): - It is able to display photographic quality images. It offers clean images
at higher resolutions of 640 x 480 pixels.
A standard VGA can produce about 256 colours at a time.

 Super Video Graphics Adapter (SVGA): - It can produce over 256 colours at a resolution of 1024 x 768

45. (a). What are pixels? (1 mark)

Pixels (picture elements) are dots on the screen that form characters and images.

(b). What role do pixels play in screen display? (1 mark)

They determine the clarity of images on the screen.

46. (a). What are Character printers? (1 mark)

Are usually low-speed printers that print one character at a time.
(b). Give two examples of character printers. (2 marks)

 Dot matrix - Thermal

 Daisy wheel - Inkjet
 Golf ball

47. State any four differences between Printer output and Monitor output. (4 marks)

Monitor (screen) output Printer output

1. Output is temporary, i.e. the display gets lost 1. Output is permanent, i.e. can be maintained for
when the power is switched off. future references.
2. Output is silent, since there are no
mechanically moving parts for the display to 2. Output is noisy. Impact printers have printing
appear on the screen. head elements that hits against the paper in order
to transfer the character images onto the stationery.
Non-impact printers are considerably silent.
3. Impossible to produce multiple copies. 3. Using Impact printers, it is possible to produce
multiple copies.
4. Output is fast. 4. Speed of output (printing) is comparatively slow.
5. Some printer’s quality is low while others produce
5. Print quality is high. better quality prints.
6. The printed information is more convincing to the
6. May cause fatigue to the user’s eyes recipients (humans).
especially when stared at for a long duration.
7. Have different print styles, e.g., Italics and 7. Styled prints are only possible with advanced
colour displays are possible. models with the colour capabilities.


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48. Distinguish between Impact and Non-impact printers, and give two examples of each.
(3 marks)

Impact printers print by striking mechanism & are noisy, e.g., Dot matrix, Daisy wheel, Golf ball, Drum, and
Chain printer.
Non-impact printers print either by laser, ink or thermal transfer mechanism & are silent, e.g., Laser, Inkjet,
Thermal printer, Electrostatic, and Xerographic.

49. State one advantage and one disadvantage of: (4 marks)

(i). Laser printers.

Advantage: - cheap running cost.

- Good print quality.
- Operates at a very high speed when reproducing copies.

Disadvantage: - expensive to purchase & maintain.

- involves expensive multiple colour printing.

(ii). Inkjet printers.

Advantage: - Cheap to purchase.
- Cheaper multiple colour printing.
- Produces high quality prints.
Disadvantage: - Expensive to run (i.e., to buy cartridges).
- Produces a water-based print which fades easily.

50. (a) State two advantages of using a Printer for output. (2 marks)

Produces permanent output that can be maintained for future reference.

Can produce styled prints when using advanced models of printers with colour capabilities.
Printed output can be distributed conveniently to different people.

(b) Highlight four factors one should consider when purchasing a printer. (4 marks)

 Cost involved, i.e., the printer’s buying price, cost of maintenance, & cost of consumable items like
printing papers, ribbons/cartridges.

 Volume of printing expected (speed of the printer)

 Quality of printing, e.g., ability to print graphics & colour.

 Capability of the selected printer, i.e., multiple copy production, paper size, print styles, etc.

 Compatibility with other computers.

 Environment in which the printer will operate.

 Ease of maintenance.

 Reliability of the printer.

 Application it is required for (i.e., purpose/use of the printer).


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 Type of paper used by the printer.

 Documentation.
 Availability.

51. (a) Name two types of Plotters. (1 mark)

 Flatbed plotter.
 Drum plotter.

(b) State the main difference between the plotters you have named in (a) above.
(2 marks)

Drum plotter has a drum onto which the stationery is twisted round. The drum rolls the paper forward or
backwards as the pen moves over it to produce graphical output.

Flatbed plotter has a flat surface onto which the stationery is placed. The paper is fixed in a horizontal
plane but the carriage can move across the paper or up & down the page.

(c) List three advantages of a Plotter over normal printer machines. (3 marks)

Plotters produce information in an easily understandable form.

Their presentation is quick & reliable.
Produces large graphical designs of high quality, which are easy to read & use.
Can print on large sized papers, e.g., A1, which a normal printer cannot.

52. Give two advantages of using sound output devices. (2 marks)

 Suitable for the blind and people with poor sight.

 Very fast making it useful in emergency situations.
 One can receive the output even when a few meters away from the computer.
 Can be used for distant communication, if done over telephone lines.
 Errors are easily corrected.
 Makes computing interesting and entertaining.

53. George connected new multimedia speakers to his computer and tried to play his favourite music CD, but
no sound came out. Suggest two problems that might have occurred.
(2 marks)

 Volume control was too low.

 Loose or improper connection to the sound card.
 Speakers not powered.
 Multimedia not supported.
 Lack of analogue cable connecting the Optical drive to the motherboard or sound card.

54. Define the following terms: (3 marks)

(a). Port.

A special kind of socket found at the back of a computer used to connect an external peripheral devices
such as a printer, monitor, mouse, scanner, modem, etc to the interface cards inside the computer.

(b). Data interface cable.

These are special cables that connect all the peripheral devices to the motherboard and the CPU. They
transmit data signals and information to and from the devices.

(c). Power cable.


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Cable for power supply to devices.

55. State the function of the Power supply unit found in the System unit. (1 mark)

It supplies stable power to the motherboard and other internal devices of a computer.

56. In relation to cabling, give two reasons why a printer may not print work sent from the computer as
expected? (2 marks)

 Loose printer interface cable.

 Printer still off.
 Printer not installed.

57. (a) State two characteristics of computer software. (2 marks)

Are programs & data used in computer systems.

Are written using programming languages.

Can be written by the user, a programmer, or a software house.

One cannot see a program when stored in memory, but can see & touch a listing of the program on the
computer screen.

They enable computer hardware to operate effectively, i.e., software puts life into the hardware.

Software is flexible, i.e., it is relatively easy to change.

(b). Discuss the purpose and use of the following software found in microcomputers:

(i). System software. (8 marks)

 System software manages the operation of the computer itself.

 System software is usually supplied by the manufacturer of the computer.

(ii). Application software. (7 marks)

 Application software handles the needs of the end user.

 The user buys/purchases application software packages or writes them using programming



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(c). Discuss three factors you would consider when purchasing computer software.
(6 marks)
58. (a). Show the importance of an operating system. (2 marks)

Supervises all the hardware and software operations of the computer system.

(b). Give three examples of operating systems. (3 marks)

 Microsoft Windows
 Mac Operating system

59. Give two reasons why people prefer in-house developed application programs to general-purpose
application packages. (2 marks)

 The user gets well tested program, which he/she is able to use with confidence.
 The program provides all the facilities required to solve a particular problem.
 The purchaser has direct control over the package, as he/she is involved in its production.
 The user is able to quickly implement the results obtained from the use of the package.
 They can easily be modified to meet specific user’s needs without involving expert programmers.

60. (a). State the importance of Networking software. (1 mark)

 It used to enable communication between the computers forming the network.

 It enables the exchange of data in a network as well as providing data security.

(b). List two advantages of networking computers. (2 marks)

 Sharing of files
 Enables several users to print using one printer.
 Sharing of powerful computers.
 Sharing of communication ports.
 Enhance communication between people by use of fast e-mails.

61. Identify two advantages of Electronic mail (e-mail) over ordinary mail. (2 marks)

Much faster than regular mail.


62. (a). Why is it important to carefully study a warranty before committing yourself by signing it?
(1 mark)

In order to negotiate on sensitive items like duration, after sales service, etc.

(b). Give three reasons why one might purchase a computer with a one year warranty instead of a three
year warranty. (3 marks)



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63. (a). Name four advantages of off-the-shelf packages. (4 marks)

(b). Discuss four factors you would consider when purchasing an Application package.
(4 marks)
 Cost of the package.

 Compatibility of the package with the existing computer resources, e.g., hardware.

 Whether there is maintenance support from the suppliers.

 Documentation – whether the necessary documents that help in using, maintaining & installing the
package are available.

 Portability – whether the package can be used on different families of computers.

 Should be easy to learn and use.

 Success of the package in the market –whether the package is successful & famous in the market.

64. Differentiate between single-purpose programs and integrated software. (2 marks)

Single-purpose software is developed for only one purpose, while integrated software is a suit of more than one
program and can be used to carry out a variety of tasks.

65. A firm intends to purchase new software. List three items that should accompany the software.
(3 marks)

 A License.
 Installation guide.
 User manual (guide).
 Warranty.
 Upgrades.
 Service Park.

66. State any two sources of an accounting application software for an organization.
(2 marks)
67. State six factors which you would consider when selecting computer hardware for an organization.
(6 marks)



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68. Distinguish between Serial and Parallel communication ports of a computer. (2 marks)



1. The central processor and peripheral devices of a computer system are coordinated by the operating

(a). Define the term ‘Operating system’ (2 marks)

 A set of computer programs that normally reside in the Main memory, and is used to control the basic
computer hardware resources & the operation of the entire system.

 The main program that controls the execution of user applications, and enables the user to access the
hardware & software resources of the computer.

(b). Other than the processor, list two other resources/components that an operating system manages.
(2 marks)

 Memory (RAM).
 Secondary storage devices.
 Input/Output devices & their ports.
 Communication devices & their ports.
 Files.

(c). There are several types of operating systems in use today. State two examples of operating systems
with which you are familiar. (2 marks)

 Disk Operating System (DOS).

 Windows.
 MacOS
 Unix
 Linux

2. Explain why Operating systems are so important. (4 marks)


3. Describe the role of an operating system in: (2 marks)

i). Memory management.

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Loads application programs from an external storage into the available locations in the Main memory
(RAM). It keeps track (monitors) of the parts of the memory that are in use, and those which are free.

ii). Job scheduling.

It prepares, schedules & monitors jobs for continuous processing by the computer system.

iii). Error handling.

The OS reports any errors that occur during program execution, and also keeps the computer running
when errors occur.

iv). Resource control.

The OS controls the use of computer resources by other system software & application programs being
executed. These resources include; input/output devices, CPU & processing time.
4. Show the difference between the Control Unit of a processor and the Operating system in terms of
functionality. (2 marks)
5. What is an Interrupt? (2 marks)

An Interrupt is a break from the normal sequential flow of instructions processing in a program.

6. Giving an example in each case, explain the following types of operating systems:
(a). Single-user / Single-tasking (2 marks)

A system that allows only one user to run only one user program at a time in an interactive, conversational
mode. E.g., MS-DOS, PC-DOS

(b). Multi-user / Multi-tasking (2 marks)

A multi-user computer system can allow interactive facilities to several users at a time. A multi-tasking
computer system can allow more than one program which are in the memory to be processed at the same
time. E.g., Microsoft Windows.

7. A computer user may interact with a computer either through Graphical User Interface (GUI) or
through typed commands.

(a). Give one advantage of using GUI based operating system over a Command line interface.
(1 mark)

 User friendliness.
 Easy to learn & use even by those who do not have much knowledge about them.
 One does not need to master any commands.
 It is faster to work with than a command line interface as it only relies on clicking the icons by use of a
pointing device.

(b). Some computer systems still use Command line interfaces. State two advantages of command line
interface. (2 marks)

 They are more flexible than menu-driven interfaces.

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 There is security of data as only those who know how to use the commands will access it.
 They use cheap hardware & software facilities.
 One has a better control over the system resources.

8. What is a Deadlock in reference to operating systems? (2 marks)

It is a situation in an OS when a particular task holds a needed resource and refuses to release it for use by other

9. Explain briefly the following concepts as used in the Windows environment:

(a). Desktop. (2 marks)

 Desktop is mostly an empty screen that appears when Windows starts, and has some standard icons
that show that the computer is ready for use.

 Background of the screen on which windows, icons, and dialog boxes appear.

(b).Window. (2 marks)

 A rectangular area on a computer screen in which text, graphical images or the contents of a folder or
disk may be displayed.

 The rectangular area on the screen occupied/covered by a running program.

 A rectangular portion of the screen that Windows sets aside for a specific task.

(c). Icon. (2 marks)

 A graphical/pictorial representation of a command, file, folder or storage location in Windows.

 A little picture on the computer screen representing a program, disk drive, file, folder or any other

(d).Sidekick menu. (2 marks)

A submenu that appears either on the right or left of a main menu.

(e). Taskbar. (2 marks)

A long bar/strip that runs across the desktop and displays the Start button, and any other active tasks.

(f). Task (2 marks)

Any activity taking place in Windows, and is displayed on the taskbar, e.g., a running program.

10. Describe three methods of opening an icon into a window. (3 marks)

 Double-click the icon.

 Click the icon, then press Enter.
 Right-click the icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu that appears.
 Click the icon, choose File, then select Open.

11. (a). Distinguish between Operating system software and Utility software. (2 marks)


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(b) Name two examples of utility programs. (2 marks)

12. Differentiate between a Toolbar and a Status bar. (2 marks)
13. Identify three functions of each of the following window components: (6 marks)
(i) Taskbar.

Indicates what programs are running.

Holds minimized programs.
Provides a shortcut menu for arranging programs.

(ii) Title bar.


14. (a). Identify three Application software that are installed in your computer. (3 marks)

(b). Give three ways you can start an application in Windows. (3 marks)


15. Explain each of the following commands used to manage files and folders. (2 marks)

(i). Rename
(ii). Copy

16. (a). Explain how you would create backup using Windows backup utility. (3 marks)
 In My Computer, right-click the icon for the disk you want to backup, then click Properties.
 Click the Tools tab, then click the Backup Now button.

(b). Name the command one would use to repair cross-linked files in Graphical user interface software.
(1 mark)


17. (a). Explain why a new disk must be formatted before using it. (1 mark)

To prepare it for use by creating empty tracks & sectors on the surface of the disk that can be recognized
and accessed by a particular operating system.


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(b). Why should precautions be taken while formatting diskettes? (1 mark)

18. (a). Define ‘Folder/ directory tree’ (1 mark)

Directory tree is the hierarchical arrangement of folders and storage locations from the root downwards.

(b). Give two examples of root directories you know. (1 mark)

 A:\
 C:\
 D:\
 E:\

(c). Give three uses of sub-directories or subfolders. (3 marks)

 Used to store files that are not required currently until they are needed again.
 Used to store the files of one program separately from the files of another program.
 It allows each user to keep his/her files separately, even if all the users are using the same system.

19. Draw a directory tree showing how files and folders are organized by an operating system.
(5 marks)
20. Where does Windows operating system derive their name from? Explain. (2 marks)
They take their name from the on-screen ‘window’ that they use to display information.
A window is an area of the screen that Windows set aside for a specific task.

21. State two differences between Disk Operating System (DOS) and Windows operating system.
(2 marks)

DOS Windows
(i) Single-tasking (i) Multi-tasking
(ii) Single-user (ii) Multi-user
(iii) Command driven interface (iii) Graphical User Interface
(iv) Not easy to use (iv) User friendly

22. Identify two factors that you would consider when choosing an operating system for use in a computer.
(2 marks)

 Hardware configuration of the computer, e.g., RAM memory size, Hard disk capacity, type of processor,
 Basic design of the computer – is it an IBM compatible, or an Apple computer?
 Hardware compatibility.

 User needs, i.e., the applications intended for the computer.


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 User friendliness or Human computer interface, i.e., is it Command line based, Menu driven or Graphical
user interface?

 Availability in the market, e.g., Microsoft Windows based operating systems are very common.
 Portability.
 Cost – how expensive the OS is.

 Reliability, i.e., can it run without crashing (stop responding to commands)?

 The method of communication with the computer, e.g., the number of peripherals.

 The method of operating the computer.

23. You are employed in an organization as a computer operator in the Accounts department. The following
are some of the tasks you are supposed to perform:

 Data entry.
 Ensuring that data entered in the computer is stored in a well-organized manner.
 Backing up data.
 Monitoring hard disk space of all computers in the department.

a). What is used in Microsoft Windows to store programs and files in a well-organized manner?
(1 mark)


b). (i) Explain the meaning of Backup. (2 marks)

It means making of duplicate copies of data or programs from the hard disk into another storage media
so that in case the system fails, or originals are corrupted or lost, the data can be reconstructed from the
This is used to protect data from accidental erasure or hardware problems.

(ii) Explain two methods you can use in Windows to back up data into a storage device.
(2 marks)

 Using Copy and Paste commands on the Edit menu.

 Using the Send to command on the File menu.
 Using the Backup facility to compress the data into another disk.

c). Identify two reasons why a user needs to know the space available for data storage in the hard disk.
(2 marks)

To know the amount of data that can be stored in the hard disk.
To know how much space is left in the hard disk in case a new program needs to be installed.
To detect the likelihood of a virus infection.

24. Explain how Windows organizes information in reference to files and folders. (1 mark)
It stores related data & information records into files, and related files into folders & subfolders.
25. (a). Describe two functions of a file. (2 marks)

 Storing related data.

 Storing information records.


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(b). Distinguish between System files and Application files. (2 marks)

System files hold critical system information, while Application files hold programs data.

26. (a) Identify three precautions to be taken before leaving Windows. (3 marks)

Save and close all the programs or windows that are open.
Always Shutdown Windows correctly before turning off the computer.
Wait until a screen message appears showing that it is safe to turn off the computer.

(b) Outline three reasons why it is important to first shut down the computer before turning it off.
(3 marks)

 To avoid damaging storage devices that may still be in use.

 To avoid damaging system and application files.
 To avoid loss of data and information.

27. (a). List and explain down the three parts of the windows Taskbar. (3 marks)

 Start button - provides access to the Start menu

 Task manager - displays buttons of currently running tasks.
 System tray - displays icons of applications that automatically start and run in the

(b). Outline the procedure of renaming a file or folder using windows operating system.
(3 marks)
Method 1:
 In an Explorer window, click the file/folder you want to rename.
 Click on File, choose Rename.
 Type the new name, then press Enter.

Method 2:
 In an Explorer window, right-click the file/folder you want to rename.
 Choose Rename from the shortcut menu that appears.
 Type the new name, then press Enter.

28. Explain the use of the following buttons in a window:

a). Minimize button.

Reduces the window to an icon on the taskbar.

b). Maximize button.

Enlarges the window to cover the whole screen.

c). Restore button.

It appears after the window has been maximised. It is used to change the window to its previous size
before it was maximised.

d). Close/Cancel button.

Removes a window or dialog box from the desktop, or quit an application.


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29. (a) What is a Dialog box? (2 marks)

A window that appears temporarily to request or supply information. It contains options (settings) one
must select to complete a task.

(b) List five settings that may be found in a dialog box. (5 marks)

 Textbox - a box you can type data in.

 List box - a box that contains a list of options, one of which is selected.
 Checkbox - a small, square box that can be selected or cleared. It appears with an option that you
can turn on or off. When the checkbox is selected, a checkmark ( or) appears in the

 Radio button - a round button that can either be blank or can contain a dot. If the button contains a dot
( ), it is selected.

 Pull-down menu - a box with a downward-pointing triangular button at its right end (). When
the triangular button is clicked, it displays a menu.

 Command button - A button that one can click to carry out or cancel the selected action, e.g., the
OK or Cancel button.

30. Which keys in the keyboard should one press when he/she wants to:
(i) Cut - CTRL+X
(ii) Copy - CTRL + C
(iii) Paste - CTRL + V
(iv) Rename an item - F2

31. Describe four methods of quitting a program in Windows. (4 marks)

 In the program window, click File, then choose Exit.

 Click the Close button ()
 Press ALT + F4
 Open the System menu button, then choose Close.
 Double-click the Control menu button.

32. (a). What is meant by the term ‘disk Partitioning’? (2 marks)

It is the process of dividing a large physical disk into 2 or more partitions/volumes.

(b). Give two reasons why the hard disk may be partitioned. (2 marks)

 To install more than one operating systems on the same disk.

 For the purposes of backup on the same disk, so that if one partition fails the other will still be working.

33. State two purposes of the Recycle Bin. (2 marks)

Contains the files and folders that have been deleted.

Can be used to restore files & folders accidentally deleted from the computer.

34. (a) What is a Password? (2 marks)


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(b) Give two advantages of using a password in Windows as an operating system.
(2 marks)


1. (a). What is a Word processor? (1 mark)

A computer program that enables a person to create, save, retrieve, edit, format, and print text based

(b). State 4 purposes of word processing. (2 marks)

In writing of:
 Letters, e.g., business and general mail.
 Memos.
 Articles, Research letters such as Thesis and Term papers.
 Essays and Project reports.
 Curriculum vitae and Resumes.
 Weekly Newsletters on sports, entertainment, etc.
 Lease agreements and other legal documents.
 Books.

(c). List two common examples of word processing software widely used in the market today.
(2 marks)

 Microsoft Word.
 WordPerfect
 Lotus WordPro.
 WordStar.
 Word Write.

(d). Name any three characteristics/features of a good word processor. (3 marks)

 Availability of different fonts, character sizes and styles, e.g.., bold.

 Text-editing such as Undo & Redo, Thesaurus, etc


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 Printing of documents, single or multiple copies.
 Ability to add graphics within document.
 Mail merging.

2. State four editing and six formatting features of any good word processor. (10 marks)
3. Give three comparisons of the traditional method of typing a document on a typewriter against using a
word processor. (6 marks)

 Correcting mistakes using a word processor is easy; it is hard to correct mistakes on a typewriter.
 Producing multiple copies is possible using a word processor, but it is not possible to produce multiple
copies on a typewriter.
 Formatting text features are available on a word processor, e.g., font size, font type, font colour, etc.

4. (a) Explain the use/importance of the following parts of a Microsoft Word program.
(5 marks)
(i) Title bar.


(ii) Maximize button.


(iii) Minimize button.


(iv) Menu bar.


(v) Toolbars.

A Toolbar is a group of shortcut command icons arranged on a single graphical structure.

- They contain buttons and options that you use to carry out commands.

(vi) Scroll bars.


(vii) Status bar.

 It displays information about the current condition of the program, such as, number of pages, the
progress of the current task, or information about the selected item.

 It helps the user to interact with the application because; it displays the processing status of the

(b) Give two examples of toolbars used in Microsoft Word application window.
(2 marks)
 Standard. - Formatting.
 Drawing. - Tables and Borders.
 Picture. - WordArt.


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 Mail merge. - Word Count, etc

5. Give four uses of the Horizontal ruler in Microsoft Word. (4 marks)

Setting tab stops.

Have markers for aligning the text, e.g., First line indent, Left indent, Hanging indent.
Can be used to adjust Left & Right margins.
Can be used to adjust the column widths of a table.
Shows the boundaries and can also be used to adjust the width of text columns.

6. (a) What is a Template? (1 mark)

A document that acts as a blueprint or outline for other documents of the same type. It contains the
standard text, graphics and formatting for use in all documents of this type.

(b) State two advantages of using a template to create a document. (2 marks)

It helps save time and makes creating of new documents easy.

It ensures that there is consistency between the documents being created.

(c) List five types of documents where you would use a template. (5 marks)

Brochures. - Manuals.
Directories. - Reports.
Memos. - Faxes.
E-mails - Calendars
Letters with your company logo inserted.
Weekly schedules, etc.
Mailing labels & Envelopes.
Resumes (CVs)

7. Explain the difference between Type over and Insert mode in word processing.
(2 marks)
Type over deletes the current text at cursor position and inserts new text. Inserting pushes the old text away as
new text is inserted at cursor position.

8. (a). Give three reasons why one would open a saved document. (3 marks)

 Continue working on it, if it was saved before completion.

 View the data it contains.
 Print the data it contains.
 Update it, if the data it contains represents information that changes periodically.

(b). Veronica tried to retrieve a document file following all the steps correctly. The filename did not
appear in file list box. State three causes for this. (3 marks)

 The file may not have been saved.

 The file may have been deleted.
 The file may be located in a different folder from the one she was trying to retrieve from (or may have
been moved).
 The file may have been destroyed by a computer virus.

9. Describe three ways of selecting text in Microsoft Word. (3 marks)

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10. (a) What is the function of the following combination of keys? (4 marks)

(i) CTRL + A.

Selects all the text in a document at once.

(ii) CTRL + Page Up.

(iii) CTRL + Home.
Moves the text cursor to the beginning of a document.
(iv) CTRL + ‘B’
Makes the selected text bold.
(v) CTRL + ‘E’
Aligns the selected text to the center of the paragraph.
(vi) CTRL + ‘S’

Saves changes made to a document that is already saved with a filename, or, opens the Save As
dialog box allowing you to save a new document.

(b) Apart from the keys given in 6 (a) above, discuss the use of any ten keys found in Microsoft Word.
(20 marks)

 CTRL + N - creates a new blank document.

 CTRL + O - displays the Open dialog box from where you can select the document you
want to open.

 CTRL + S - saves changes made to a document that is already saved with a filename /
opens the Save As dialog box allowing you to save a new document.

 CTRL + P - displays the Print dialog box from where you can select the printing options for
your document.

 CTRL + X - places the text to be moved into the Clipboard.

 CTRL + C - places the text to be copied to another location into the Clipboard.
 CTRL + V - places the text in the Clipboard, which was intended for moving or copying,
into the required position.

 CTRL + Z - Undo (reverses the last action).

 CTRL + F - opens the Find dialog box.
 CTRL + H - opens the Find and Replace dialog box.
 F7 - opens the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.
 SHIFT + F7 - opens the Thesaurus dialog box.
 F1 - opens the Microsoft Word Help dialog box.
 CTRL + I - makes the selected text Italic.
 CTRL + U - underlines the selected text with a single line.
 CTRL + L - aligns the selected text to the Left.
 CTRL + R - aligns the selected text to the Right.
 CTRL + J - justifies the selected text between the left and right margins.


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 CTRL + “+” - makes the selected text Superscript.
 CTRL + “=” - makes the selected text Subscript.
 CTRL + SHIFT + HOME - selects text from cursor position to the beginning of the

 CTRL + SHIFT + END - selects text from cursor position to the end of the document.

 SHIFT + HOME - selects text from cursor position to the beginning of the line.
 SHIFT + END - selects text from cursor position to the end of the line.
 SHIFT + Left or Right Arrow - selects 1 character to the Left or Right of the cursor.

 SHIFT + Up or Down Arrow - selects 1 line up or down the page.

11. Explain the role/use of the following features in a word processor: (3 marks)

(a). Find and Replace.

To find words that you want replaced by others.

(b). Undo and Redo.

Undo reverses the latest action, while Redo does the undone action.

(c). Thesaurus.

Gives suggestions of words or phrases with similar meaning, and sometimes opposite meaning to the
selected word.

(d). AutoCorrect.


12. Differentiate between the Windows clipboard and the Office clipboard. (2 marks)
The Windows clipboard can only hold one item at a time. As soon as you copy or cut another item, it replaces
what was there originally.

The Office clipboard can hold up to 12 or 24 items at a time from various office programs.

13. (a). Name and explain the use of any three buttons found in a Spell-check dialog box.
(6 marks)
 Change: - accepts the current selection in the Suggestions box.

 Ignore Once: - leaves the highlighted error unchanged (if the highlighted word is a valid word) & finds
the next spelling or grammar error.
 Ignore All: - retains all the occurrences of the same word or phrase in the document from another
language, e.g., a Kiswahili.

 Add: - Adds the highlighted word in the Suggestions box to the Custom dictionary.

(b). List the steps that you would use to correct wrongly-spelled words in a document using the spell-
checking feature. (3 marks)



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14. Clearly explain the meaning of the following terms as used in word processing:
(a). Creating a document. (1 mark)

Typing text in a new document screen.

(b). Editing a document. (1 mark)

Making changes to an already typed/existing document.

(c). Blocking text. (1 mark)

Selecting a group of text in order to work with it as a whole, e.g., a word, sentence or paragraph.

(d). Printing. (1 mark)

Having your work copied on a piece of paper as output.

(e). Saving. (1 mark)

Having a file stored in the secondary memory to be used in the future.

(f). Highlighting/selecting. (1 mark)


(g). Deleting. (1 mark)


(h). Italicizing text. (1 mark)

Making the text slant forward.

(i). Page Break. (2 marks)

A dashed line across the page from left to right that shows the point where one page ends and where the
next page begins.

(j). Header. (2 marks)

It is a standard text or information such as page numbers, chapter titles, etc that appears above the top
margin of every page in a document or in a section.

(k). Footer. (1 mark)

It is a text or information that appears below the bottom margin of a page.

15. (a) What is document Formatting? (1 mark)

 Applying various styles to enhance the appearance of a document.

 Making a document attractive by bolding, italicizing, bordering, coloring, etc.

(b) Give any five document formatting features. (5 marks)

Bolding - Font coloring.

Text alignment. - Font type.
Setting tabs. - Underlining.
Italicizing. - Font size.


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16. (a) Give at least four examples of fonts available in Microsoft Word. (2 marks)

Times New Roman - Bookman Old Style - Garamond

Calisto MT - Arial - Georgia
Arial Black - Impact - Arial Narrow
Lucida Console - Verdana - Marlett
Monotype Corsiva - Ms Outlook - Symbol
Webdings - Tahoma - Wingdings
Comic Sans MS

(b) Differentiate between ‘Superscript’ and ‘Subscript’ font. (2 marks)

Superscript is text formatted to be at the top of a line; Subscript is text formatted to be at the bottom of a
17. State one function of Drop Cap in a document. (1 mark)

Drop Cap emphasizes a particular starting word in a paragraph.

18. Give the sequence of commands to delete the following: (2 marks)

(i). A Word.

- Double click the word to select it, then press the DEL key.

(ii). A Paragraph.
- Triple click the paragraph to select it, then press the DEL key.

19. (a) What are Page margins? (2 marks)

Non-printing but visible text-limiting borders that mark the distance that text starts on a page away from the
edge of the page.

(b) How do you set margins for a page? (3 marks)

20. (a) Explain the importance of Page numbers in a document. (1 mark)

They make it easy to locate information especially in a document that contains many pages.

(b) Explain how you can give different page numbering styles to different pages in a multipage
document. (1 mark)

Create page breaks in the document and insert page numbers in each section separately.
21. Differentiate between:
(a). A Hard page break and a Soft page break. (2 marks)

A Hard page break is inserted on a page even before the end of the page, e.g., by pressing CTRL+ENTER
or setting a manual page break.

For a Soft page break, the text cursor moves or creates a new page automatically when at the end of the
current page during typing.

(b). Return address and Delivery address. (2 marks)



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(c). AutoComplete and AutoCorrect. (2 marks)

AutoComplete helps a person to type quickly by completing automatically a word that he/she has already
started to type.

AutoCorrect automatically replaces mistyped words with the correct ones as set by the user.

(d). Drawing and Inserting a table in a document. (2 marks)

Drawing - use the Pen tool to draw the table.

Inserting table - use the Table-Insert-Table command.
22. Explain how a paragraph can be moved from one page to another using a word processor.
(4 marks)

 Select the paragraph.

 Click Cut on the Edit menu/standard toolbar, (or Press CTRL + ‘X’)
 Click to place the insertion point where you want to put the text.
 Click on Edit, then choose Paste (or Press CTRL + ‘V’)

dangers associated with radioactivity.
Radioactive materials must be handled very carefully because the radius emitted are harmful to the human
body. Body cells can be destroyed damaged irreversibly. If insufficient number of cells are destroyed, the person
may die while severe damage results in serious sickness unless the cells are replaced.
A more long term danger is that damage to the DNA in cells can be passed onto future generations resulting
in the birth of deformed babies, or the original victim may get cancer in future. This happened in 1986.

(a). The topic at the top of the document should be in capital, bold, and underlined. Explain the procedure to be
followed to change it without deleting the sentence. (5 marks)

(b). The word radius in the 1st paragraph is underlined and it should read radiation. How can you correct it?
(2½ marks)

(c). How can you delete the word destroyed without deleting one character at a time?
(2½ marks)

(d). After typing your second paragraph, you realized that you omitted a paragraph and you want to insert it after the
first paragraph. How can you go about it? (2 marks)

(e). After typing your last paragraph, you realized that the sentence ‘This happened in 1986’ was misplaced. How
can you clear it without clearing one character at a time? (3 marks)


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(f). After typing the last paragraph, you want to insert a page break. How can you go about it?
(3 marks)

(g). After editing your work, you want to save it in the computer. How can you go about it?
(2 marks)

23. (a) What is Line spacing? (1 mark)

The vertical distance between two text lines in a document.

(b) Explain any three line spacing specifications used in Microsoft Word. (3 marks)

 Single space: - accommodates the largest font in a line.

 1.5 line space: - 1½ times that of single line spacing.
 Double: - twice that of single line spacing.
 Exactly: - a fixed line spacing that Word does not adjust.
 At least: - it is the minimum line spacing that is needed to fit the largest font or graphic on the line.

 Multiple: - a line spacing that is increased or decreased by a percentage that you specify.

24. Give any four alignment features. (4 marks)

Left alignment.
Center alignment
Right alignment.

25. (a). Define the term Graphic. (1 mark)

A Graphic is a non-text image or object generated by a computer. They include; photographs, pictures,
drawings and graphs.

(b).List any three sources of graphics that can be used in Microsoft word. (3 marks)

 From Microsoft Clip gallery.

 From Scanner
 By drawing using the Drawing tools available in Ms-Word.
 Import from another file.

(c).Explain how you would achieve the following:

i). Move a graphic from one place on the page to another. (1 mark)

Click it to select, and then drag.

ii). Change the brightness of a graphic. (2 marks)

Click it.
Click the Increase Brightness button on the Picture toolbar.

26. Give two advantages of using a Text box to write text in an advertisement. (2 marks)


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27. (a) Explain the concept of importing objects into a word processor. (1 mark)

Getting ready-made objects and text from other applications into the word processor.

(b) What is the difference between object Linking and Embedding? (2 marks)

In Linking, the object imported can only be edited in the original application from which it was created.
In Embedding, the object imported becomes part of the current application and can be edited there.

28. (a) Define the following while working with tables. (3 marks)

(i). Cell - A box formed by the intersection between a row and a column in which the user can
enter information.

(ii). Row - Horizontal arrangement of cells.

(iii). Column - Vertical arrangement of cells.

(b) Give a reason why it may be necessary to merge cells in a table. (1 mark)

To create larger cells in a table without increasing the height or width of the existing cells.

(c) What is a Function as used when working with calculations in word processing?
(1 mark)

A Function is a mathematical formula that accomplishes calculations in a table.

29. (a). Define Mail merging. (2 marks)

Mail merging is the process of generating personalized documents by combining a standard document, e.g.,
a letter, with a list of addresses, and producing several copies of the standard document, but addressed to
different recipients.

(b). Outline the three basic steps required to mail merge a document. (3 marks)

 Create the main document / open an existing main document.

 Create the data source / Open an existing data source.
 Merge/combine data from the data source with the main document to create a new, merged document.

(c). List any two ways of merging a document with its data source. (2 marks)

 Merge to New document.

 Merge to Printer.
 Merge to E-mail.
 Merge to Fax.

(d) Give one advantages of mail merge over copy and pasting several times to mass mail a document?

Combining of letters saves time when printing.

It allows producing of many documents at once.
The mailing list can be re-used on another document.

30. (a) Give two advantages of previewing a document before printing. (2 marks)

 To check whether the page layout is OK

 To confirm that no details are outside the printable area.
 To go through the document before printing.


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 To save on printing papers & printer toner because; errors on the printouts that may require reprinting
will be minimal.

(b) Explain the difference between printing of multiple copies and the printing of multiple pages.
(2 marks)

Printing of multiple copies is the production of many copies of the the same document, while printing of
multiple pages is the repeated production of different pages with different information on each page.

31. (a) Distinguish between Portrait and Landscape orientations. (2 marks)

In Portrait, text & graphics are printed with the longest side of the page vertically upright.

In Landscape, text & graphics are printed with the longest side of the page placed horizontally.

(b) State two reasons why it is necessary to specify the correct paper size before printing a document?
(2 marks)

Select a paper size depending on the document page size needed.

To comply with printer capabilities.


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1. (a). What is Electronic spreadsheet software? (2 marks)

 A computer program that looks like the manual ledger sheet with rows & columns for entering data
that can be manipulated mathematically using formulae.

 A computer application program that is used for data analysis by use of formulae and graphs.

(b). Explain the use of electronic spreadsheet software in business organizations.

(4 marks)
2. Differentiate between the traditional analysis ledger sheet and an electronic spreadsheet.
(5 marks)

An electronic spreadsheet:
 Has a large virtual worksheet for data entry & manipulation as compared to manual worksheet.
 Has inbuilt formulae (called functions) that are non-existent in manual worksheets.
 Uses the power of the computer to quickly carry out operations.
 Has better document formatting & editing qualities than a manual worksheet.
 Utilizes the large storage space available on computer storage devices to save & retrieve documents.
 Can easily be modified, while manual spreadsheets involve a lot of manual calculations & are very difficult
to amend.
 The user can very quickly & efficiently perform complicated computations using the information stored in
an electronic spreadsheet.
 Enables the user to produce neat work.
 Offers graphical representation of data.
 It is accurate in its calculations & allows automatic recalculation on formulae. For a manual worksheet,
changing one value means rubbing the result & writing the correct one again.

3. Describe the three components of a spreadsheet. (3 marks)

 Workbook: - a workbook is a file that contains one or more worksheets in which you work & store your
data. It enables the user to organize various kinds of related information in a single file.

 Database: - spreadsheet programs have special features, which belong to Database management software,
but can be used to manage data values entered in the cells of the spreadsheet.

 Charts/Graphs: - a chart is a graphical representation of data in a worksheet. They enable users to

represent complex data elements in a simple format that they can understand.

4. Explain five application areas where spreadsheet software can be used. (5 marks)


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(i). Accounting: - spreadsheet software can be used by Accountants to record their daily transactions & also
keep financial records. For example, they can record sales & purchases, produce invoices, compile
financial statements, calculate profits, prepare budgets, etc.

(ii). Data management: - a spreadsheet enables data & information to be arranged neatly in tables, produced
easily and also kept up-to-date. For example, one can edit, save, sort, filter, use forms to enter and view
records, and print worksheet data.

(iii). Scientific applications: - spreadsheets can be used by scientists & researchers to compile and analyze
their results.

(iv). Statistical analysis: - spreadsheets provide a set of statistical functions/tools that can be used to develop
complex statistical or engineering analyses. For example; teachers can compile their students’ marks and
produce results.

(v). Forecasting: - using the ‘what if’ analysis technique, spreadsheets can be used to find out the effect of
changing certain values in a worksheet on the other cells. This helps in financial forecasting, budgeting,

5. State five features of spreadsheets that are useful in financial modeling. (5 marks)

 Have inbuilt functions & formulae which can be used to perform most mathematical, statistical,
trigonometric or financial calculations.

 Allows automatic recalculation on formulae.

 Have ability to perform ‘what if’ analysis, which can be used to find out the effect of changing certain
values in a worksheet on the other cells.

 Have the ability to sort & filter data.

 Have a data validation facility, which ensures that the correct data is entered into the spreadsheet.

 Have a chart facility that can be used to draw Line graphs, Bar charts, Pie charts, Histograms, etc.

 Some spreadsheets have a SOLVER facility that is used to uncover the best uses of scarce resources so that
desired goals such as profit can be maximized, or undesired goals such as cost can be minimized.

 They enable printing of entire worksheets, portions of a worksheet or several worksheets within the shortest
time possible.

 Have the ability to summarize data using Consolidation and Pivot tables.

6. Identify three differences between an electronic spreadsheet and a Calculator.

(3 marks)
An electronic spreadsheet:-
 Has more memory than a calculator.
 Is able to perform more complex and even logical operations, but a Calculator cannot.
 Uses the large storage capacity of the computer that a Calculator does not have.
 Has a large working area that a Calculator does not have.

7. Define the following terms as used in a worksheet: (3 marks)


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(i). Columns

 These are the fields that make up the worksheet of a spreadsheet, and are identified by letters.

 Vertical arrangement of cells in a worksheet.

(ii). Rows

 These are the records that form a worksheet, and are identified by numbers.

 Horizontal arrangement of cells in a worksheet.

(iii). Cell

 A box formed when a row & a column intersect in a worksheet where the data is entered.

 An intersection between a row and a column.

8. (a) What is a Template? (2 marks)

A preformatted worksheet or document used as a master layout for other documents or worksheets.

(b) Explain how you can start a spreadsheet template in Ms-Excel? (3 marks)

Click on File, choose New.

In the New dialog box, click the Spreadsheet solutions tab.
Double-click the template that you wish to start.

9. (a). Explain the term ‘Range’. (1 mark)

A range is a group of rectangular cells in a worksheet that can be selected and manipulated as a block.

(b). State two actions that can be performed on ranges in Microsoft Excel. (2 marks)

 Copy text or formula.

 Move
 Delete a group of cells.
 Apply formatting features, e.g., borders or shadings.

10. State any four data types used in a spreadsheet. (2 marks)

 Labels
 Values
 Functions
 Formulae

11. List four formatting features provided by Microsoft Excel. (4 marks)

12. (a). What is a cell reference? (1 mark)

A cell reference is the identity of a cell in a worksheet. A cell is identifies by use of the column letter and
the row number headings.

(b). For each of the following, state the type of cell reference. (4 marks)


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(i). A5 - relative reference.
(ii). $F$5 - Both the column & row references are absolute.
(iii). H$21 - Absolute row reference (only the row reference is absolute)
(iv). $D7 - Absolute column reference (only the column reference is absolute)

13. (a) A formula to add the contents of B5 and C4 was entered in cell F5. What will it become when it is
copied to cell H8? (1 mark)

= D8 + E7

(b) Explain the reason for your answer. (2 marks)

When we move to cell H8 from F5, the column changes by 2 while the row changes by 3. The formula
=B5 + C4 is also updated likewise. This is because of relative referencing.

14. (a) Write the formulae =F10 + G20 as absolute. (1 mark)

=$F$10 + $G$20

(b) The formulae =A1+C2 is initially typed in cells D1. What will it be when copied to cell E1?
(1 mark)

= B1+ D2
(c) What is the equivalent R1C1 reference for G20? (1 mark)

= R20C7

15. (a). List down the three parts of a formula. (3 marks)

Equal (=) sign

Function name, e.g., SUM
Arguments / Operands

(b). Distinguish between Absolute cell reference and Relative cell reference. (3 marks)


16. The first column in the table below contains formulas as entered into cell D46. In the second column,
enter the formulas as they would appear when copied to cell B56.
(4 marks)

Formula in D46 Formula when copied to B56

=D1 =B11
=F5 * C10 =D15 * A20
=H$46 + J40 =F$46 + H50
=$E12 – D$14 * $F$2 =$E22 – B$14 * $F$2

17. Give at least five categories of functions that are available in Microsoft Excel. (5 marks)
Date and Time.
Math and Trigonometry.
Lookup and Reference.
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18. What is the role of the following functions as used in a spreadsheet program? (5 marks)
a). Sum - Adds (calculates the total of) all the numbers in the specified range.

b). Power - Gives the result of a number raised to a power.

c). Product - Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments and returns the product in the specified

d). SQRT - Gives the square root of a specific positive number.

e). ABS - Gives the absolute value of a number. The Absolute value of a number is the number
without its sign, e.g., ABS (-5)

f). Round - rounds a given number to a specified number of digits, e.g., =ROUND (3.141592, 2)

g). Today ( ) - Inserts the current date according to the computer’s system clock.

h). Average - Calculates the arithmetic mean (average) of the arguments given.

i). STDEV - Estimates Standard Deviation based on a sample. Standard Deviation is a measure of
how widely values are dispersed from the Average value (Mean).

j). Max - Gives the largest number in a set of values.

k). Min - Gives the smallest number in a set of values.

l). Median - Gives the number/value in the middle of a set of given numbers.

m). Mode - Returns the most frequently occurring value in a range of data.
n). Count - Counts the number of cells that contain values in a selected range.
o). IF - It gives one value if the condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if
the condition evaluates to FALSE.

p). COUNTIF - Counts the number of cells within a specified range that meet the given condition.

q). SUMIF - Adds the values in the cells specified by a given condition.

19. A worksheet contains the data shown below:

Cell A1 A2 A3 C1 C2 C3 G1
Entry 5 7 10 10 15 15 =SUMIF (C1:C3, “<> 10”, A1:A3)

State the value displayed in G1. (2 marks)

=SUMIF (Cells to be tested/evaluated, expression that defines which cells will be added, actual cells to be

= 7 + 10 = 17

20. (a) The number 435273.7865 is typed in a cell. How will it look if the cell is formatted as commas, and 2
decimal places? (1 mark)



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(b) The formula = K20 + P$18 was typed in cells L21 and then copied to cell M24 of a spreadsheet.
Write a formula as it appears in cell M24. (2 marks)

L23 + Q$18
21. (a) What is a Chart wizard in spreadsheets? (1 mark)

(b). Give two examples of charts that you know. (2 marks)

 Pie charts.
 Line graphs.
 Bar charts.
 Histograms.
 Column charts.
 Bubble charts.
 XY scatter charts.

(c). Outline the steps required when creating a simple chart. (6 marks)

Select the range to be used in creating the chart.

Click on the Chart wizard icon (or, click on Insert, choose Chart).
Select the chart type.
Specify the data range and series.
Give the titles for the chart and the axes.
Specify the location of the chart placement.
Click Finish.

22. Andrew, Jane, David and Zablon had Tea, Sausages and Bananas for breakfast. They took one sausage,
two sausages, three sausages and one sausage respectively. In addition, they each took a cup of tea and
two bananas. Tea, sausages and bananas cost Ksh. 10, 15, and 5 respectively. By naming columns A, B,
C …and rows 1, 2, 3…

(a). Construct a worksheet showing the above information. (7 Marks)

1 NAMES Tea (Cup) Sausages Bananas
2 Andrew 1 1 2
3 Jane 1 2 2
4 David 1 3 2
5 Zablon 1 1 2

(b). State the expression you would use to obtain:

(i). Total expenditure by David. (4 marks)

= (B4 *10) + (C4 *15) + (D4*5)
(ii). Total number of sausages taken. (2 marks)
=SUM (C2:C5)
(iii). The cost of the cheapest item. (2 marks)
=MIN (10, 15, 5)

23. The following diagram is a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the scores of Form 1 students of Excellent
High school.


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2 Ali Shah 75 65 80 78
3 Arthur Kamau 80 78 58 72
4 Maalim Ahmed 75 78 64 80
5 Harry Mutua 65 84 78 81
6 Martin Mulama 90 81 57 74
7 Keben Korir 73 65 85 78
Write Microsoft Excel formula to calculate:
(a). Total score for each student. (1 mark)

Ali Shah: = SUM (B2:E2)

Arthur Kamau: = SUM (B3:E3)
Maalim Ahmed: = SUM (B4:E4)
Harry Mutua: = SUM (B5:E5)
Martin Mulama: = SUM (B6:E6)
Keben Korir: = SUM (B7:E7)

(b). Highest score per subject. (1 mark)


(c). Mean score per subject. (1 mark)


(d). Best overall student. (1 mark)

24. What is a cell reference error as used in spreadsheets? (1 mark)



1. State three advantages of an electronic database over the traditional file management system.
(3 marks)


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Database systems can be used to store & retrieve data, and generate reports.
Makes it easy to maintain the data stored within a database.
Able to handle large amounts of data.
Data is stored in an organized format, i.e., under different fieldnames.
Data can easily be recorded & accessed as it is properly organized.
It helps in linking many database tables, and sourcing of data from these tables.
It is quite easy to update the data stored within a database.
Use of a database tool reduces duplication of the stored files, and the reprocessing of the same data items.

It is easy to query & display records satisfying a given condition.

It is easy to analyse information stored in a database & to prepare summary reports.

2. (a). Distinguish between the following terms in relation to a database: (6 marks)

(i) Database and Database management system (DBMS)


(ii) Records and Fields.

A Field is a logical combination of related characters that can be manipulated as a unit; a Record is a
set of related fields that represents a single item or entity.

(iii) AND and OR operators.


(b). Explain three types of database models. (6 marks)

 Flat file database:

It holds only one set of data.

 Relational database:

Related data items are stored or organized together in structures called relations or tables.
Each table consists of rows and columns.

 Hierarchical database:

The data items are organized in hierarchical (tree-like) structure. The records are stored in multiple
levels, where units further down the system are subordinate to the ones above.

 Network database:

It allows a data element (or record) to be related to more than one other data element/record. Links are
used to express the relationship between different data items, forming a network of items.

(c). (i). Define the term Sorting. (2 marks)



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(ii). Explain three major concerns in database systems. (6 marks)

Data manipulation.
Data control.
Report generation.

3. (a) What are Database management system software? (2 marks)

A collection of programs used to store & retrieve data, and manage files or records containing related
information from a database.

(b) Give the two classes of database software. (2 marks)

 PC-based database software:

- Are usually designed for individual users or small businesses, e.g. Ms-Access, Dbase,
Paradox, FoxPro

 Corporate database software:

- Are designed for big corporations that handle large amounts of data, e.g., Oracle, SQL
Server, Sybase, etc

4. Identify five functions of a Database management system. (5 marks)

Allows creation of the database contents through the Data Manipulation Languages (DML’s).

Links the user to the database contents through the DML.

Acts as an interface between a database and other application programs.

Allows the user to add new fields & records onto the database.

Maintains the contents of the database through addition of new records or files into the database, modifying
of the already existing records & deleting of the outdated records.

Organizes data for easy access & retrieval.

It helps the user to sort through the records.

Manages the storage space for the data within the database & keeps track of all the data in the database.

It provides flexible methods for processing the contents of the database.

Ensures security of the data in the database by protecting the contents of the database against unauthorized
access, damage (corruption), or misuse.

Keeps statistics of data items in a database (i.e., it maintains a dictionary of the data within the database &
manages the data descriptions in the dictionary).

5. Explain the importance of using Database management system in organizations.

(2 marks)


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6. Arrange the following components of the database hierarchy in ascending order of complexity: Field,
Database, Record, Character and File. (1 mark)

Character  Field  Record  File  Database

7. State the use of the following objects in Databases.

(i). Tables (2 marks)

To store related records.

(ii). Forms (2 marks)

They act as screens for table population and data viewing.

(iii). Query (2 marks)

Finding data
Data manipulation.

8. Define the term Normalization. (2 marks)

Normalization is the process of trying to eliminate storage of duplicate values in a database.
9. Give three advantages of separating data from the applications that use the data in database design.
(3 marks)

- You can retrieve recorded data easily.

- You can do calculations in an easy way.
- Creating of queries, forms, reports will be easy by using data separation.
10. Differentiate between:
i). Primary key and Relationship. (2 marks)

Primary key is a field or s set of fields that can be used to uniquely identify each individual record in a
table. It is used to relate a table to the foreign keys in other tables.

A Relationship is an association established between common fields in two tables.

ii). Tabular and Columnar form layout. (2 marks)

Tabular – the records are displayed from left to right across the page, and the labels appear at the top of
each column, with each row representing a new record.

Columnar – the fields for each record are displayed down a column, i.e., each value is displayed on a
separate line with field labels to the left.

11. (a) What is the importance of the Primary key? (1 mark)

The primary key field relates two tables so that Ms-Access can bring together the data from the two tables
for viewing, editing or printing.


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(b) State three types of relationships that can be used to link tables in Databases.
(3 marks)

12. (a). Describe four major shortcomings of the conventional (paper) file structures that are being addressed
by the database approach. (4 marks)

Unnecessary duplication of data.

Boredom & time wastage especially when searching for a particular item.
In order to carry out any file processing task(s), all the related files have to be processed.
Misleading reports due to poor data entry and organization.
Difficulty in sorting, retrieving & updating records.
Security: no protection of files against unauthorized access and corruption.
Sharing of files is difficult.
Some information resulting from several files may not be available.

(b). List any two methods used to secure data in a database. (2 marks)

 Password protection.
 User and group permissions.
 User-level security.
 Data encryption.

13. The following car details are to be entered in a database: Make, Date-of-manufacture, colour, and cost.

(a) Prepare a suitable database structure showing field names and their field types.
(5 marks)
Field name Field Type
ID (Primary key) AutoNumber
Make Text
Date of manufacture Date/Time
Colour Text
Cost Currency

(b) Explain how you index the data such that cars of the same make and colour are together.
(2 marks)

Create a query to show same make and colour

(c) Write a statement that can be used to select cars of colour green. (2 marks)

Create a query. In the colour field, and in the criteria row, write “Green”

(d) Give an instruction that would:

(i) Select cars whose cost is between 500,000/= and 1,000,000/= (3 marks)

Create a query. In the cost field, and in the criteria row, write “>500000 and <1000000”

(ii) Determine the average cost of all cars. (3 marks)

Crete a query. Choose average of costs “Ave” option in the total section.


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1. (a). What is Desktop publishing? (2 marks)

Desktop publishing refers to the process of creating a professional-looking document by marking areas for
text and graphical objects.

(b). Give three examples of desktop publishing software available in the market today.
(3 marks)

 Adobe PageMaker.
 Adobe Photoshop.
 Adobe illustrator.
 Ventura.
 Microsoft Publisher.
 CorelDraw.
 Harvard graphic.

2. Identify four common features in word processing and desktop publishing software.
(4 marks)
 Both have Title bars, Menu bars, and Scroll bars.

3. Differentiate between the following:

(a). Pasteboard and Printable page. (2 marks)

Pasteboard is where text & objects are placed for editing before transferring them to the printable area;
Printable page refers to the area enclosed in margin guides.

(b). Margins and Column guides. (2 marks)

Margins mark text areas on the page along the edges, while column guides divide the page into several
They are used to define the printable area.

(c). Change case and drop cap. (2 marks)

Change case is changing text from upper to lower case, sentence, title, or toggle case, while drop cap
refers to making the first character in a line bigger and drops down to occupy the space in the lines that

(d). Kerning and tracking. (2 marks)

Tracking refers to changing the visual denseness or openness of characters in a line, while kerning is fixing
particular pairs of letters that are too close or too far apart from each other.

(e). Fill and stroke. (2 marks)

A stroke refers to a line style, while a fill refers to applying background pattern such as shading to a
graphical object.


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4. Explain the following: (3 marks)

(a). Master pages.

These are the default pages in a publication used to define the basic design elements such as headers and
footers that are appear in every page or particular pages in a publication.

(b). Line stroke.

A Stroke refers to a line style that can be applied into a graphical object.

(c). Placeholders / selection handles.

These are the small black objects that appear around a selected graphic.

5. (a). What is Layering as used in DTP? (1 mark)

Layering is the placing of text or objects on top of each other.

(b). Why is layering very useful in a desktop publisher? (1 mark)

It may be used to create watermarks.

6. What commands are used in place of portrait and landscape page orientation in PageMaker?
(1 mark)

Portrait - Tall
Landscape - Wide

7. Explain the function of each of the following tools on the PageMaker’s toolbox.
(4 marks)
(i) Pointer tool - selects text and graphic objects

(ii) Text tool - inserts and selects text in the publication

(iii) Rectangle tool - drawing rectangles

(iv) Rotate tool - moves objects around a fixed focal point

(v) Zoom (magnifier) tool - changes the zoom settings of the application window

8. Mention the three main purposes of a desktop publishing software. (3 marks)

 Graphic design.
 Page layout design.
 Printing.

9. Define the term artwork. (1 mark)

It is a publication that is ready for printing.

10. Give three methods that are used to transform an object. (3 marks)

 Rotating
 Skewing
 Reflecting

11. (a). What is Text wrap? (1 mark)


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Text wrap is controlling the flow of text over or around a graphical object.

(b). Give three ways you can wrap text on an object. (3 marks)

 Make the text jump the object to the next page or column.
 Allow to text to jump over the object and continue on the same page.
 Create a rectangular text wrap around all the sides of the object.
(c). Explain the concept of wrapping text around objects. (1 mark)

Formatting an object to allow text to flow around it without displaying it.

12. Define the term object grouping (2 marks)

This refers to joining objects in order to manipulate them as one object.


1. List any three major services provided on the Internet. (3 marks)

 Electronic mail (E-mail).

 Internet Fax services.
 Online Chatting.
 The World Wide Web (www).
 Video conferencing.
 Internet Games (Leisure)
 Electronic learning (E-learning).
 Electronic commerce (E-commerce).
 News from the media.
 Health information.
 Downloading of programs / free information retrieval.
 Music and Entertainment.
 File transfer.
 Access and use of other computers.

2. Identify four categories of people who can benefit through the use of the Internet.
(4 marks)
Writers & Scientists use the internet to compile, compare & analyse their work.
Individuals use the Internet for their work or to communicate with each other.
Buyers can do their shopping online.
Salespeople use the Internet to keep in touch with their home offices.
Business people can advertise, communicate & sell their goods.
Students can communicate & gather information.
Large organizations can communicate with each other, and also keep in touch with subordinate companies.

People with same interests can share ideas.

3. Your manager wishes to be connected to the Internet. He already has a powerful Personal Computer
(PC), a Printer, and access to a Telephone line. However, he understands that he will need a Modem.

(a). State why a modem is required to connect him to the Internet. (2 marks)


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A modem enables one to connect to the Internet and access information by transmitting data from one
computer to another across telephone lines.

(b). Suggest any four application areas in which you would expect a supermarket retail manager to use
the Internet. (4 marks)

4. Explain three importances of the services provided on the Internet. (3 marks)

 A Research tool:

It helps in learning about new developments or products, competitors, market news and customer opinions.

 As an Advertising /trading/business tool:

To help in selling goods or delivering information through the Web pages to customers.

 As a Communication tool:

To support communication with customers, suppliers or staff through e-mail.

 As an Entertainment channel:

Most games, movies and Television theme songs are available for free on the internet. In addition, one can
have live & interactive conversations with people around the world.

5. (a). What is a Website? (2 marks)

A collection/group of related Web pages belonging to an organization or individual.

(b). Give the advantages and disadvantages of a Website. (4 marks)

6. (a). What is meant by the term E-learning? (1 mark)

This is learning through interaction with special programs on the computer.

(b). A school intends to set-up an e-learning system. List three problems that are likely to be
encountered. (3 marks)

 Lack of capital.
 Lack of skilled manpower (required technology)

7. Briefly describe four advantages of using Internet to disseminate information compared to other
conventional methods. (8 marks)


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8. (a) Identify the parts of the following e-mail address labelled A, B, C, and D.(4 marks)

A – Name of the individual or organization.

B – Name of the host computer in the network on which the e-mail account is hosted.
C – Identifies the type of the organization or institution offering a particular service, i.e., commercial

D – Name of the country where the site is located, i.e., Kenya.

(b) Mention two examples of e-mail software. (2 marks)

Microsoft Outlook
Outlook Express
Microsoft Exchange
Lotus Notes

9. Identify institutions whose e-mail addresses end with the following extensions:
(6 marks)
i). .org - a non-profit making organization

ii). .edu - an educational institution

iii). .com - a commercial organization

iv). .net - network

v). .mil - military organization

vi). .gov - government institution

10. Discuss four advantages and two disadvantages that electronic mails have over regular mails.
(6 marks)

 Cheap & economical:

It costs almost nothing to transmit an e-mail message over the network. There is no need for stamps,
envelopes, etc.

 Secure:

Access to a user’s mailbox can be restricted by use of a password.

 Faster:

The delivery of an e-mail message normally takes seconds or minutes depending on the distance to the


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 Efficient:

A message prepared only once can be sent to several people.

 Convenient:

With e-mail, one can send his/her messages when it is convenient for him/her & the recipients can respond
at their convenient times.

 Cheaper in terms of the time invested in preparing the message:

Most e-mail users accept less well-formatted messages & slight typing errors are overlooked, unlike in
business letters which are expected to be error-free and formatted according to certain standards.

The initial installation cost is higher.
Messages may be lost before they can be read due to virus infection.
Messages may not be kept for future reference due to the high cost of storage.

11. (a) What is a Search engine? (2 marks)

 A special program that collects and stores links to information websites allowing users to search its
database for them.

 A software/tool/special hyperlink that helps in locating information in the Web.

(b) Give four examples of search engines you know. (2 marks)
Meta Crawler.

(c) State two ways that search engines use to locate Web pages. (2 marks)

Use of Spiders /Robots.

Through Submissions.

12. Explain the ‘History’ feature with reference to a Web browser. (2 marks)

A Web browser remembers and keeps record of the Websites & Web pages that have been visited recently.

13. Give two reasons why one would create and send an e-mail message? (2 marks)

To communicate with other users who have e-mail addresses.

It reduces the cost of sending letter by post or sending of faxes or using the telephone especially for long
distance calls.

14. Identify three advantages and three disadvantages of using the Internet. (6 marks)



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The Internet provides up-to-date information from almost all parts of the world that one needs in order to
make accurate & informed decisions.

Convenient since one can access data 24 Hrs.

The Internet links people worldwide & information can therefore, be accessed at any part of the world.

Operational cost is low (i.e., it is cheap).

It has brought in the technology to do the following; e-learning, e-agriculture, e-commerce, e-governance,

It doesn’t require a lot of training to browse.

Provides entertainment facilities.

Can be used for research.

Brings harmony in the world because people can communicate & exchange ideas.

There is always a full backup provided by the Servers, hence, no data loss.

It is a faster way of communicating.

It is a technology which has been fetched for the 3rd World countries.

Cost of the ISP is high.

Leads to exposure to morally harmful shows such as pornography.

Leads to spread of computer viruses.

It is sometimes unreliable when accessing information.

No copyright rules meant to protect the property of an organization.


1. Differentiate between Data Security and Data Integrity. (2 marks)

Data security - the protection of data & information from accidental or intentional disclosure to unauthorized
person or from unauthorized modification.

Data integrity - the accuracy & completeness of data entered in a computer.

2. Differentiate between Private and Confidential data. (2 marks)

Private data belongs to an individual and must not be accessed by or disclosed to any other person, unless with
direct permission from the owner.


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Confidential data is data or information held by a government or organization about people. Such data may be
seen by many unauthorized persons without the knowledge of the owner, but should not be used for commercial
or any other unofficial purpose without the owner being informed.

3. Why is information called a resource? (1 mark)

Because of its importance in transactions, its ability to be shared and high value attached to it.

4. (a). Define the term Computer crime. (2 marks)

 The use of computer hardware or software for illegal activities, e.g., stealing, forgery, defrauding, etc

 A deliberate theft or criminal destruction of computerized data.

 Committing of illegal acts using a computer or against a computer system.

(b). Explain the meaning of each of the following with reference to computer crimes.

(i). Tapping

Listening to a transmission line to gain a copy of the message being transmitted.

(ii). Industrial espionage

Spying on a competitor to get or steal information that can be used to finish the competitor or for
commercial gain.

(iii). Data alteration

Illegal changing of stored data & information without permission with the aim of gaining or
misinforming the authorized users.

Alteration changes the information inferences from the data.

(iv). Fraud

Use of computers to conceal information or cheat other people with the intention of gaining money
or information.

5. Give two reasons that may lead to computer fraud. (2 marks)

 For economic gain (i.e., to gain money or information).

 To gain respect (ego or self-worth)

6. Outline four ways of preventing piracy with regard to data and information. (4 marks)
 Enact & enforce copyright laws and other regulatory frameworks that protect the owners of data &
information against piracy.

 Make software cheap enough to increase affordability.

 Use licences and certificates of authenticity to identify originals.
 Set installation passwords that prevent illegal installation of software.

7. (a). What is a Computer virus? (2 marks)

This is a program written to destroy data, information and programs in a computer.


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(b). (i). State two ways through which computer viruses may be controlled. (2 marks)

 Running antivirus software programs regularly.

 Controlling the movement of floppy disks in and out of the computer room.

(ii). Explain how each of the two ways listed in b (i) above assist in controlling computer viruses.
(2 marks)

 Antivirus software helps to detect and remove the viruses from the computer.
 Controlling the movement of floppy disks ensures that infected disks are not inserted into

8. Apart from virus infection, state any four other possible causes of data loss in a computer.
(2 marks)

 Power failure.
 Crashing of disks.
 Accidental erasure.
 Poor handling of storage devices.
 Poor storage of devices.
 Unauthorised access to or alteration of computer programs or data.

9. (a). Outline four symptoms of a virus infection in a computer system. (4 marks)

 Boot failure.
 Mysterious disappearance of files.
 Display of unfamiliar messages on the screen.
 Slow booting.
 Gradual filing of the free space on the hard disk.
 Corruption of files and programs.
 Programs taking longer than usual to load.
 Disk access time seeming too long for simple tasks.
 Unusual error messages occurring more frequently.
 Access lights turning on for non-referenced devices.
 Programs & files disappearing mysteriously.
 Computer hags anytime when running a program.

(b). State two damages which a computer virus may cause to a computer. (2 marks)

 Delete or destroy data files & information on storage media, e.g., may attack the format of a disk
making any program or data on it impossible to recover.

 Uses up the computer memory/space, hence, slowing down its performance or causing the system to

 Might lock the keyboard.

 Can change keystroke values or data from other I/O devices.

 Changes the colour of the display.

 Cause boot failure.


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(c). State three ways of preventing virus infection in a computer. (3 marks)


(d).State and explain any three ways of safeguarding data from accidental erasure.
(6 marks)
Use of Undelete utilities.

Use of Unformat utilities, which can be used to recover information stored on disks that have been
accidentally formatted.

Use of Backups.

10. Computer systems need maximum security to prevent an unauthorized access. State six precautions that
you would expect an organization to take to prevent illegal access to its computer-based systems.
(6 marks)
11. (i). State two environmental factors that can affect the operations of a computer.
(2 marks)
Water / floods & moisture.
Lightening, electrical storms.
Excessive heat or temperature.

(ii). State two control techniques or measures that can be implemented to prevent the effect in (i) above.
(2 marks)
12. Explain why the controls listed below should be implemented for computer based systems.

(i). Backups (2 marks)


(ii). Air conditioning (2 marks)


(iii). Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) (2 marks)

To eliminate all power quality defects such as brownout, spikes, or surges which may destroy the
computer or cause loss of data.


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(iv). Segregation of duties (2 marks)


(v). Passwords (2 marks)


13. Give four rules that must be observed in order to keep within the law when working with data and
information. (4 mark)

 It should be kept secure against loss or exposure.

 Should not be kept longer than necessary.
 Should be accurate and up-to-date.
 Should be collected, used & kept for specified lawful purposes (i.e., data should not be used for unlawful
 The owner of the data has a right to know what data is held by the person or organization having it.
 Data should not be transferred to other countries without the owner’s permission.
 Do not collect irrelevant and overly too much information for a purpose.

26. (a) Define the term Computer ethics. (1 mark)


(b) Give two examples to show how a person who has committed a computer crime can help to improve a
computer system. (2 marks)

27. An individual has a right to demand guarantee to privacy of personal information stored on a computer.
Give three such types of information. (3 marks)

Personal information, e.g.,

 Name
 Address
 Phone number
 Date of birth


1. Data in a computer is represented in one major form. Define the term ‘Data representation’ in a
computer. (1 mark)

The representation of normal data in some type of coded form, such as BCD, EBCDIC or ASCII.


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2. State the two types of data signals. (1 mark)

- Digital
- Analogue
3. Define each of the following computer terminologies: (3 marks)

(a). Bit - the smallest binary unit, a ‘0’ or ‘1’.


 A collection of 8 bits.
 Amount of storage required to store 1 character.

(c). Word - A set of organized bits.

4. Write out what A, B, C and D represent in the table below. (4 marks)
Number System Values
A 0, 1
B 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
C 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
D 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

A - Binary system
B - Octal system
C - Decimal system
D - Hexadecimal system

5. State two reasons for using binary numbers in digital technology. (1 mark)


6. Distinguish between Binary and Octal number systems, and give an example of each.
(2 marks)

Binary (base 2) system has just two states usually called “ON” and “OFF” or “0” and “1”; Octal (base 8) system
has eight different characters, i.e., 01234567.

7. What does ASCII as used in computer data representation stand for? (1 mark)
American Standard Code for Information Interchange

8. Perform the following computer arithmetic. In each case, show how you arrive at your answer.

(a). Convert the following Decimal numbers to their Binary equivalent.

(i). 10 (1 mark)


(ii). 11 (1 mark)



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(iii). 001 (1 mark)


(b). Convert the following Octal numbers to their Binary equivalent.

(i). 77 (2 marks)


(ii). 111 (2 marks)


(iii). 0000001 (2 marks)


(c). Use Binary addition to solve the following decimal summations.

(i). 410 + 310 (2 marks)

Step 1: Convert the decimal numbers to binary.

2 4 Rem
2 2 0
2 3 Rem
2 1 0 2 1 1
1 1 1 1

310 = 112
410 = 1002
Step 2: Add binary notations.
112 +
1112 = 1112

(ii). 1310 + 210 (2 marks)


(d). Convert the following Hexadecimal numbers to their Binary equivalent.

(i). C3 (3 marks)


(ii). 13 (3 marks)


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(e). Convert the following Binary numbers to their Hexadecimal equivalent.

(i). 110111.11 (2 marks)


(ii). 1.1110101 (2 marks)


(iii). 110000111111111111 (2 marks)


(iv). 10100000001111111 (2 marks)

20 23 22 21 20 23 22 21 20 23 22 21 20 23 22 21 20
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

= [1] + [4] + [0] + [4+2+1] + [8+4+2+1]

= [1] + [4] + [0] + [7] + [15]
= 1407F16

9. (a). State one use of hexadecimal notation in a computer. (1 mark)

 Helps to manage long binary digits properly.

 Helps to improve the processing speed and optimize memory usage.

(b). Convert 7678 to hexadecimal. (2 marks)

Step 1: Convert 7678 to decimal
82 81 80
7 6 7

7x82 + 6x81 + 7x80

448 + 48 + 7 = 50310

Step 2: Convert 50310 to hexadecimal

16 503 Rem
16 31 7
16 1 15
1 1
7678 = 1F716

10. Use One’s compliment to solve the following sums:

(a). 9 – 6 (3 marks)



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(b). 17 – 15 (3 marks)

11. Perform the following conversions:
(a). 3410 to Binary. (3 marks)
2 34 Rem
2 17 0
2 8 1
2 4 0
2 2 0
2 1 0
1 1
3410 = 1000102

(b).45710 to Binary. (3 marks)

(c). 20.216 to decimal. (3 marks)
161 160 16-1
2 0 . 2

= [2x161] + [0x160] . [2x (1/16)]

= 32 . [0.125]
= 32.12310

(d).111012 to Decimal. (3 marks)


12. (a). Perform the following Binary arithmetic: 75 + 45 (2 marks)


(b). Use One’s compliment to perform the following Binary subtraction:

(i). 1110 – 1011 (2 marks)


(ii). 111010 – 110011 (2 marks)


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(c). Use Two’s compliment to perform the following Binary subtraction:

(i). 10111 – 10001 (2 marks)


(ii). 11000 – 10011 (2 marks)


13. Use Two’s compliment to solve the following SUMS (the numbers are in decimal notation)

(a). 13 – 10 (3 marks)
(b).23 – 20 (3 marks)
(c). 17 – 14 (3 marks)

14. Convert the hexadecimal number FC1 to its binary equivalent. (6 marks)


15. Convert 7AE16 to a decimal number. (2 marks)


16. (a). Perform the following arithmetic in binary:


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(i). 11100.11 divide by 1.01 (3 marks)


(ii). 1011.1 multiply by 1.01 (3 marks)


(b). Perform the following hexadecimal arithmetic:

(i). 31 – 9.7FD (3 marks)

(ii). ABCD + 145 (3 marks)
(iii). DFAC – 101B (3 marks)


(iv). 14.79 + BC.78 + DE.78 (3 marks)


17. Write the following abbreviations in full: (4 marks)

(i). BIT - Binary Digit

(ii). BCD - Binary Coded Decimal

(iii). ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

(iv). EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code


1. Give four characteristics of good information. (4 marks)

 Should have & serve a purpose.


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 Should be relevant to its purpose.
 Should be complete, accurate & comprehensive.
 Should have been obtained from a reliable source.
 Should be clear & understandable by the user.
 Should be communicated to the right person & in the right time.
 The user must have confidence in it.

2. Using an illustration, describe the four primary stages of the data processing cycle.
(6 marks)
Data collection
√ ½ mark

Data Input √ ½ mark

√ ½ mark
Data processing

√ ½ mark
Output of ‘information’
Data collection involves getting the data/facts needed for processing from the point of its origin to the
computer. √ 1 mark

Data Input – the collected data is converted into machine-readable form by an input device, and send into the
machine. √ 1 mark

Processing is the transformation of the input data to a more meaningful form (information) in the CPU.
√ 1 mark

Output is the production of the required information, which may be input in future. √ 1 mark

3. Clearly differentiate between the following processing terms:

i). Data collection and Data capture. (2 marks)

Data capture is the process of obtaining data in a computer-sensible form at the point of origin (the
source document itself is prepared in a machine-sensible form for input).

Data collection involves getting the original data to the ‘processing center’, transcribing it, converting it
from one medium to another, and finally getting it into the computer.

ii). Batch processing and Online processing. (2 marks)


4. (a) Give four methods of data collection. (4 marks)

 Study of available documents (Document review)

 Use of questionnaires.
 Interviews.


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 Observation.
 Use of Automated (data capture) methods.

(b) Outline the stages of data collection. (3 marks)

i). Data creation

ii). Data transmission
iii). Data preparation
iv). Media conversion (i.e., conversion of data from one medium to another)
v). Input validation
vi). Sorting

5. (a). Explain the relevance of the term Garbage in Garbage out (GIGO) in reference to errors in data
processing. (1 mark)

The accuracy of the data entered in the computer directly determines the accuracy of the information given

(b). Explain two main types of errors in data processing. (2 marks)

 Transcription errors –occur during data entry especially when copying data from one form to another,
e.g., misreading and transposition errors.

 Computation errors – occur when an arithmetic operation does not produce the expected results, e.g.,
overflow, truncation, rounding off.

 Algorithm (logical) errors – result from wrongly designed algorithms.

6. State three ways of minimizing threats to data integrity. (3 marks)

 Backing up the data on external storage media.

 Enforcing security measures to control access to data.
 Using direct data capture devices.
 Using error detection & correction software when transmitting data.
 Designing user interfaces that minimize chances of invalid data being entered.

7. Given 53467 as a product code, show how to get a check digit. (4 marks)
8. (a). Briefly explain Real-time processing. (1 mark)

This is whereby the data is processed so quickly such that the results (output) produced are able to
influence, control, or affect the outcome of the activity currently taking place.

(b). Briefly explain the features of Real-time systems. (6 marks)

- Provides immediate response on receipt of a message, i.e., the computer receives & processes the
incoming data as soon as it occurs, updates the transaction file, and gives an immediate response that
would affect the events as they happen.

- The system can respond very quickly to a change of circumstances and initiate a feedback.

- They have complex & expensive operating systems, and usually involve multi-processing (use of 2 or
more processors) to share the workload.


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- Real time systems must be fast & reliable.

- Real time systems are dedicated to one type of application.

(c). Name two industries that extensively use Real-time processing. (2 marks)
- Airline reservation systems.
- Theatre (cinema) booking.
- Hotel reservations.
- Banking systems.
- Police enquiry systems.
- Chemical processing plants.
- Missile control systems.
- Hospitals to monitor the progress of a patient.

(d). Give three advantages and two disadvantages of a Real-time system. (5 marks)

 Provides up-to-date information.

 The information is readily available for instant decision-making.
 Provides better services to users/customers.
 Fast & reliable.
 Validation of data can be done instantly.
 Reduces circulation of hardcopies.


 Require complex OS & are very expensive.

 Not easy to develop.
 Real time systems usually use 2 or more processors to share the workloads, which is expensive.
 Require large communication equipment.

9. Kemiko Ltd, a laboratory chemicals processing plant has decided to incorporate a computer system to control
the process of manufacturing its chemical products. The system will be able to monitor temperatures and other
control factors in the plant and take automatic corrective measures in case of any deviations from the norm.

(a). What is the name given to this form of information processing? (1 mark)

Real-time processing.

(b). List two advantages of this form of processing. (2 marks)


10. Most companies are now shifting from the use of centralized mainframe computers to the use of
geographically distributed personal computers. This method of data processing is known as Distributed
Data Processing (DDP).

(i). Name any three computing resources that can be distributed. (3 marks)

 CPU (Processor) time.

 Memory (computer storage).
 Input/Output devices, e.g., printers
 Communication devices / Communication ports.
 Files.


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 Application software.
 Data / information / Messages / Files.
 Computer processing power.

(ii). Explain three ways in which microcomputers/personal computers can be networked to form a
distributed data processing system. (6 marks)

 Local Area Networks (LAN) – this is whereby the network is within the same locality & doesn’t
require the use of telecommunication links.

 Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN –

 Wide Area Networks (WAN) or Long Haul Networks (LHN) – these are networks that involve
computers separated by long distance; hence, they communicate through telecommunication links.

(iii). Name four examples of industries and business organizations that extensively use distributed
processing systems. (4 marks)

 Banks.
 Computerized retails stores, e.g., supermarkets.
 Learning institutions with many departmental offices.
 Bureaus or communication cyber cafés.
 Airline reservation systems.

(iv). List down two benefits and three risks that might be associated with the distributed data
processing system. (5 marks)


- The load on the host computer is greatly reduced.

- The use of low cost minicomputers minimizes the cost in data processing.
- Delays in data processing are reduced.
- Provides better services to the customers.
- There is less risk in case of system breakdown.
- The design & implementation of the system is less complex due to decentralization.
- The level of expertise required is less.


- Data duplication is very common.

- Programming problems occur with microcomputers & minicomputers.
- Security threats, i.e., the data & information sent one the network from one place to another can be
tapped, or listened to by unauthorized parties.
- More training is needed for the users involved.
- It is expensive due to the extra cost of communication equipment.

11. (a). Explain the concept of Multi-programming. (2 marks)

Multi-programming is the technique of having more than one programs residing in the computer memory
being processed concurrently.

A Multi-programming system allows the user to run 2 or more programs, all of which are in the computer’s
main memory, at the same time.


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(b). Give two benefits that are derived from Multi-programming. (2 marks)

 It increases productivity of a computer.

 Reduces the CPU’s idle time.
 Reduces the incidence of peripheral bound operation.

Disadvantages of Multi-programming.
 Requires more expensive CPU.
 A Multi-tasking OS is complex & difficult to operate.
 Requires more expensive I/O facilities.

(c). In a Multiprogramming environment, how does the Operating system ensure that users’ input and
output do not get jumbled (cluttered) up? (1 mark)

(d). Explain the difference between Multi-programming and Multi-processing.

(2 marks)
Multi-programming is where there are more than one programs residing in the computer memory & being
processed by a single processor at the same time.

Multi-processing is where 2 or more processors are present in a computer system & sharing the same
computer memory.

12. (a). What is a Computer file? (2 marks)

A File is a collection of related records (i.e. several records put together) that give a complete set of
information about a certain item or a particular business entity.

(b). State five different types of data processing files. (5 marks)

 Master file.
 Transaction file.
 Backup file.
 Sort file.
 Reference file.
 Report files.

13. Arrange the following components of the information system data hierarchy in ascending order of

Field, Database, Byte, Record, Bit, and File (4 marks)

Bit Byte Field Record File Database
Provide a brief description for each component. (4 marks)
14. List four problems faced when using standard files for data processing systems.
(4 marks)
 Manual files take up a lot of space.
 It is difficult to update or modify information.


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 It offers slower access and retrieval of data.
 Increases duplication of data, or of the stored records.

15. (a). What is File organization? (2 marks)

The way records are arranged (laid out) within a particular file.

(b). List four file organization methods in a computer. (4 marks)

 Serial.
 Sequential.
 Indexed sequential.
 Random.

16. Differentiate between the following file organization methods:

a). Sequential and serial
In sequential file organization, records are stored in a sorted order using a key field, while in serial; the
records are stored in the order they come into the file, and are not sorted in any way.

b). Random and indexed-sequential.

In random file organization, records are stored in the file randomly and accessed directly, while in indexed-
sequential, the records are stored sequentially but accessed directly using an index.

17. Distinguish between “Serial” and “indexed sequential” file organization methods.
(2 marks)
Serial Indexed sequential
 No index is provided to enable individual  An index is provided to enable individual records to
records to be located. be located.
 Items are read from the physical start of the file  Allows both sequential and index approaches to be
in the order in which they are stored. used.

18. What do you understand by each of the following terms: (6 marks)

(i). Master file.


(ii). Transaction file.


(iii). Dump file.


19. State four file processing methods in a computer. (4 marks)

 Serial.
 Sequential.
 Selective sequential.


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 Random (direct).

20. For each of the following file organization methods, state an appropriate storage medium.
(2 marks)

i) Serial

Text files can be stored in Magnetic tapes, Cassette tapes

ii) Random

Binary files can be stored in Hard disk, Floppy disk, Compact disks


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1. Define the following terms: (3 marks)

(i). Computer Program

A computer program is a set of instructions that directs a computer on how to process a particular task.

(ii). Programming.
 Programming is the process of designing a set of instructions which can be used to perform a
particular task or solve a specific problem.

 Programming is the process of writing/creating logical and systematic computer programs.

(iii). Programming language.

A Programming language is a language (set of instructions) used in writing of computer programs. The
language must be understood by the computer for it to execute.

2. (a). What are low-level languages? Give their features. (4 marks)

These are the basic programming languages, which can easily be understood by the computer directly, or
which require little effort to be translated into computer understandable form.


 They are machine hardware-oriented.

 They are not portable, i.e., a program written for one computer cannot be installed and used on another
computer of a different family.
 They use Mnemonic codes.
 They frequently use symbolic addresses.

(b). State 2 advantages and disadvantages of low-level languages. (4 marks)

Advantages of Low-level languages

 The CPU can easily understand machine language without translation.

 The program instructions can be executed by the hardware (processor) much faster. This is because;
complex instructions are already broken down into smaller simpler ones.
 Low-level languages have a closer control over the hardware, are highly efficient & allow direct control
of each operation.

 They require less memory space.

 Low-level languages are stable, i.e., they do not crash once written.
Disadvantages of Low-level languages

 Low-level languages are difficult to learn, understand, and write programs in them.
 Low-level language programs are difficult to debug (remove errors from).
 Low-level languages have a collection of very detailed & complex instructions that control the internal
circuiting of the computer. Therefore, it requires one to understand how the computer codes internally.

 Relating the program & the problem structures is difficult, and therefore cumbersome to work with.
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 The programs are very long; hence, writing a program in a low-level language is usually tedious & time
 The programs are difficult to develop, maintain, and are also prone to errors (i.e., it requires highly
trained experts to develop and maintain the programs).

 Low level languages are machine-dependent (specific), hence non-portable.

 It is not easy to revise the program, because this will mean re-writing the program again.

3. Identify two types of Low-level languages. (2 marks)

 Machine language.
 Assembly language.

4. Most computer programming is carried out using High-level languages.

(a). What are High-level languages? (2 marks)

High-level languages were developed to solve (overcome) the problems encountered in low-level
programming languages. This is because; the grammar of High-level languages is very close to the
vocabulary of the natural languages used by human beings. Hence; they can be read and understood easily
even by people who are not experts in programming.

(b). Give three features of high-level programming languages. (3 marks)

 They contain statements that have an extensive vocabulary of words, symbols, sentences & mathematical
expressions, which are very similar to the normal English language.

 Allow modularization (sub-routines).

 They are ‘user-friendly’ and problem-oriented rather than machine-based. This implies that, during a
programming session, the programmer concentrates on problem-solving rather than how a machine
 They require one to be obey a set of rules when writing the program.
 Programs written in high-level languages are shorter than their low-level language equivalents, since one
statement translates into several machine code instructions.
 The programs are portable between different computers.

(c). Give three advantages of High-level languages as opposed to Low-level languages.

(3 marks)
 Easier to learn, understand and use.
 Easily portable, i.e., they can be transferred between computers of different families and run with
little or no modification.
 The programs are short & take shorter time to be translated.
 More flexible, hence they enhance the creativity of the programmer and increase his/her productivity
in the workplace.
 Easier to debug (correct errors) & maintain.
 Easy to modify.
 They are user-friendly & problem-oriented, hence can be used to solve problems arising from the real

5. List three considerations which are present in Assembly language programming but not in high-level
programming. (3 marks)


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6. Why is an executable file unique as compared to any other file? (1 mark)

It is the main file that is used to start the program.

7. (a). Examine two features of fourth generation languages (4GLS) (2 marks)

 Have programming tools such as command buttons, forms, textboxes, etc.

 Use of mouse pointer to drag an object on a form.
 Use application generators to generate program codes.
 Can enquire & access data stored in database systems.

(b). Highlight four advantages of fourth generation languages (4GLS) (4 marks)

 They are user-based, and therefore, easy to learn & understand.

 Their grammar is very close to the natural English language.
 It uses menus & prompts to guide a non-specialist to retrieve data with ease.
 Very little training is required to develop & use $GL programs.
 They provide features for formatting of input, processing & for instant reporting.

(c). List three examples of fourth generation programming languages. (3 marks)

 Visual Basic
 Delphi Pascal.
 Visual COBOL (Object COBOL).
 Access Basic.

8. Describe the main feature of fifth generation languages. (1 mark)

They are designed in a way that enables programmers write programs that emulate human intelligence.

9. Describe 5 factors to be considered while choosing a programming language. (5 marks)

 The availability of the relevant translator

 Whether the programmer is familiar with the language
 Ease of learning and use
 Purpose of the program, i.e., application areas such as education, business, scientific, etc.

 Execution time

Applications that require quick response are best programmed in machine code or assembly language.
High-level languages are not suitable for such application because, they take long to be translated &

 Development time

High-level languages are easy to read, understand and develop; hence, they require less development time.
Machine code & Assembly languages are relatively difficult to read, understand and develop; hence, they
are time-consuming.

 Popularity

The language selected should be suitable and/or successful in the market with respect to the problems to be


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 Documentation - It should have accompanying documentation (descriptions) on how to use the language
or maintain the programs written in the language.

 Maintenance

Program maintenance is the activity of incorporating more routines onto the program, modifying the
existing routines or removing the obsolete routines to make the program adapt to a functionally enhanced

The maintenance is made easier if the language used is easy to read and understand.

 Availability of skilled programmers

The language selected should have a pool of readily available programmers to ease the programming
activity, and reduce development time.

10. Differentiate between the following as used in programming:

(a). Source program and object code. (1 mark)

Source program refers to a program that is not yet translated; Object code is a program that is in machine
readable form obtained from a source program by use of a translator.

(b). Compiler and Assembler. (1 mark)


(c). Flowchart and Pseudocode. (2 marks)

A Flowchart is a graphical representation of step-by-step processing logic of a program, while a

Pseudocode is a set of structured English like statements that describe the processing steps to be followed
to solve a given problem.

11. When are Pseudocodes most appropriately used? (2 marks)

For long & complicated programs.

12. What does the following abbreviations stand for: (2 marks)

(i). FORTRAN - Formula Translator.

(ii). COBOL - Common Business oriented language

(iii). OOP - Object Oriented Programming

13. Define a Language translator. (1 mark)

This is a language processor such as an assembler, interpreter, or compiler that converts the source program into
object code.

14. What is the purpose of the following translator programs?

(a). Assembler. (1 mark)


(b).Compiler. (1 mark)


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(c). Interpreter. (1 mark)


15. Name the seven stages in program development cycle in their logical sequence.
(7 marks)
 Problem Recognition.
 Problem Definition.
 Program Design.
 Program Coding.
 Program Testing and debugging.
 Program Implementation and maintenance.
 Program Documentation.

16. In program development cycle, what takes place in:

(a). Problem definition. (1 mark)

The programmer tries to define (determine) the output expected from the program, inputs needed to
generate the output information, processing activities, and the kind of files which may be needed.

(b). Program documentation. (1 mark)


17. State any three activities that occur in a program compilation process. (3 marks)
- Scanning for syntax errors line by line.
- Converting the source code to the equivalent object code.
- Running the compiled object code.

18. (a) Give two reasons why it is necessary to have a program design. (2 marks)

 It identifies the exact order in which the processing tasks will be carried out so as to solve the problem.
 It provides for easy maintenance & modification.
 It enables the programmer to check the program & ensure that it is logically correct before entering it
in the computer.
 It provides for testing and documentation.

(b) State two requirements of computer program testing. (2 marks)

 Compilation to check the whole program if there are any errors.

 Debugging the program.

19. Highlight two disadvantages of monolithic programs. (2 marks)

 They are difficult to test and debug.

 They are difficult to modify or upgrade.

20. (a). Identify and briefly describe two types of flowcharts. (4 marks)

 System flowchart.

A System flowchart is a graphical model that illustrates (in summary) the sequence of events in a data
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processing system.

 Program flowchart.

This is a diagram that describes, in sequence, all the operations required to process data in a computer

(b). State any four rules followed when drawing program flowcharts. (4 marks)

 A flowchart should have only one entry/starting point and one exit point.
 The flowchart should be clear, neat and easy to follow.
 Use the correct symbol at each stage in the flowchart.
 The flowchart should not be open to more than one interpretation.
 Avoid overlapping the lines used to show the flow of logic as this can create confusion in the flowchart.
 Make comparison instructions simple, i.e., capable of YES/NO answers.
 The logical flow should be clearly shown using arrows.
 Ensure that the flowchart is logically correct & complete.

21. Define the following types of computer program errors:

(a). Syntax error. (2 marks)

Syntax errors are programming errors/mistakes that occur if the grammatical rules of a particular language
are not used correctly.
E.g., punctuation mistakes, (i.e., omitting a comma or a semicolon), improper naming of variables, wrong
spellings of user defined and reserved words.

(b).Logical error. (2 marks)

These are errors in the program logic.

Logical errors relate to the logic of processing followed in the program to get the desired results, e.g., they
may occur as a result of misuse of logical operators.

(c). Run-time (Execution) error. (2 marks)

Run-time (execution) errors occur during program execution. They may occur when the programmer
introduces new features in the program, which are not part of the translator’s standards, e.g., trying to
divide a number by zero.

(d).Semantic error. (2 marks)

These are meaning errors. They occur when the programmer develops statements, which are not projecting
towards the desired goal. Such statements will create deviations from the desired objectives.

22. What do you understand by the following terms:

(a). Dry run (walk through) a program. (1 mark)
(b).Test data. (1 mark)


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(c). User Defined Function/ Procedure (UDF) (1 mark)

23. (a). What is Program Documentation? (2 marks)

The complete description of a program intended for use in program maintenance.

(b). In what stage of the development does program documentation take pace?
(1 mark)
Documentation is done at all stages of program development.
(c). State two reasons for documenting all the stages of program development.
(2 marks)
 There may arise a need to revise or modify the program.
 Other people may think of ways of improving your program by studying the documentation.

(d). Describe three types of program documentation in reference to programming.

(6 marks)
 User-oriented documentation.

It enables the user to learn how to use the program as quickly as possible, and with little help from the
program developer.

 Operator-oriented documentation:
It is meant for computer operators such as the technical staff. It is used to help them install & maintain
the program.

 Programmer-oriented documentation:
This is a detailed documentation written for skilled programmers. It provides the necessary technical
information to help in future modification of the program.

24. (a). Explain the meaning of Program control structures. (2 marks)

Control structures are blocks of statements that determine how program statements are to be executed.

They deal with situations where processes are to be repeated several number of times or where decisions
have to be made.

(b). State the three basic types of program control structures. (3 marks)

 Sequence.
 Selection.
 Iteration (looping)

(c). Draw a simple flowchart to illustrate the FOR-DO program control structure.
(3 marks)

25. (a). Define the term Structured programming. (2 marks)


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This is the technique of program design that allows large programs can be broken down into smaller
components/sub-programs called modules or Sub-routines), each performing a particular task.

(b). List any two characteristics of Structured programming. (2 marks)

 Modules or Sub-routines.
 Use of control structures in problem solving.
(c). Give two benefits of Structured programming. (2 marks).

 It is flexible.
 Structured programs are easier to read.
 Programs are easy to modify because; a programmer can change the details of a section without
affecting the rest of the program.
 It easier to document specific tasks.
 Use of modules that contain standard procedures throughout the program saves development time.
 Modules can be named in such a way that, they are consistent and easy to find in documentation.
 Debugging is easier because; each module can be designed, coded & tested independently.

26. Structured programming language and Object-oriented programming language are the two main forms
of high-level languages. State the difference between the two?
(4 marks)
27. (a). Define the term Selection in relation to program control structures. (1 mark)
Selection refers to a situation where further program execution depends on making a decision from two or
more alternatives.

(b). List four selection control structures used in writing a program. (4 marks)

 Nested IF

28. State the role of each of the following reserved words in Pascal. (4 marks)

(a). VAR -

(b).CONST -

(c). RECORD -

29. Identify the main parts of a Pascal program. (6 marks)
30. Define the term ARRAY as used in computer programming. (2 marks)
An Array is a data structure that stores several data items of the same type.
31. In the appropriate order, state the steps followed when adding a new record into a master file in Pascal.
(4 marks)


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32. What is the function of the following reserved words in Pascal file management?
(5 marks)
(a). Read


(b). Write


(c). Rewrite


(d). Reset


(e). Assign


33. What is a Source program?

34. State four practices which lead to user-friendly programming when coding a computer program.
(2 marks)



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1. Draw a flowchart to be used to develop a program to calculate the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle.
The user is required to input the Length and Width of the rectangle after which she then chooses either to
calculate area or perimeter using the input data. The program then outputs the results of the chosen
calculation. (8 marks)


Input Length

Input Width


Length > Calculate Area


Calculate Perimeter

PRINT Perimeter
2. (a). Develop a Pseudocode which will simulate the processing of Student’s report. The simulation should
be such thatREAD student
the user Name
repeatedly & Marks
inputs marks per subject for six subjects using a looping control
structure. The computer processes
STO the total marks and mean score of the student.
Note. 1. It is assumed that the student does six subjects.
Last Record?
2. The outputs required are; Average score and Total marks.(5

Averag PRINT Pass
(b). Draw a fitting flowchart for>question
50%? 1 (a) above. (5 marks)



PRINT Student Report
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3. The following is a Pseudocode developed for processing employees’ payslips. Read through the
Pseudocode carefully, then draw a fitting flowchart. (5 marks)

Initialize employee count to 0
Open employee file
Read employee record
Compute gross pay
Compute deduction amount
Compute net pay
Output employee ID, gross pay, deduction, and net pay
Add 1 to count START
Until end of employee file
Close employee file
4. Study the following flowchart diagram.
Calculate Average

Average> PRINT Pass




BY 96 PRINT Student Report

ICT possibe quastions 97

(i). Identify three problems with this flowchart

(3 marks)
(ii). Describe briefly what this program is supposed to do.
(2 marks)
(iii). Modify this flowchart using a loop such that it processes a number of students records starting with the
first until there are no more student records. (3 marks)
5. A man deposits 1,000 in a bank at an interest rate of 10% per year. At the end of each year, the interest
earned is added to the amount on deposit and this becomes the new deposit for the next year.
Develop a pseudocode to determine the year in which the amount accumulated first exceeds 2,000. Also
for each year, print the year (starting from 1), the deposit, the Interest earned, and the total accumulated
at the end of the year.

INPUT Initial deposit
INPUT Interest rate
INPUT Target deposit
SET Deposit to 1000
SET Year to 0

Year = Year + 1


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Interest = Deposit x 10%
Total = Deposit + Interest
Deposit = Total {the new deposit for the next year}
UNTIL Deposit > 2000
PRINT Deposit, Year

6. Classify the following examples in any of the three program control structures.
(3 marks)

(i). Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement n


(ii). IF YourMarks > Mean THEN

PRINT Universal Donor
PRINT UniversalReceiver

(iii). WHILE ExamTime Is Not Over

Read question carefully
Understand question
Think clearly
Answer appropriately

7. Show exactly what is printed (output) by the following program: (3 marks)

PROGRAM MockExam (Input, Output);

CONST Adjustment = 5;
VAR A, B, C: Integer;
Begin Begin
Readln (A, B, C); Studen
A: = A*B+A+Adjustment; t Name
B: = B+Adjustment; R: Marks
Writeln (‘The Answers are’, B, C, A, Adjustment);
END. (*PreExam*) R: =0
Use these data items: 1 2 3 as test for
Term: =R a, b, andR c respectively.
* (2)
Sum: =Sum + Term
R =3?
8. Study the flowchart diagram below and answer the questions that follow:


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(a). What will be the value of the sum when printed? Show how you arrive at your answer.
(5 marks)

R Term Sum
0 0 x 20 = 0 0+0=0
1 1 x 21 = 2 0+2=2
2 2 x 22 = 8 2 + 8 = 10
3 3 x 23 = 24 10 + 24 = 34 The value of Sum = 34

(b). Write a Pseudocode for the above flowchart. (10 marks)

9. A program is required to list the first
No 1000
= 2 numbers in the series: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …….
Draw a flowchart and write a programX = that
1 can be used to carry out this task.
(12 marks)


No: = No + 2

X: = X + 1

X =1000?
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PROGRAM Even Numbers (Input, Output);

VAR No, X: Integer;
No: =2;
FOR X: =1 TO 1000 DO

Write (No);
No: =No+2;


10. Given the following marks achieved in a programming test, and that the pass mark is the average of all
the marks, write a program to list those students who have passed.

11. A program is required for reading in a students’ name and the scores obtained in two subjects. The
output of the program will consist of the student’s name, the two scores, the average of the two scores and
a comment. The comment is based on the average as follows:

Average Comment
>=70 Good
<70 Poor

Write a program to solve the problem using a high-level language. (10 marks)

Program StudentRecord;
Name, Comment: STRING;
Average: REAL;
Write (‘Enter the name of the student: _____’); Readln (Name);
Write (‘Enter the score for subject A: _____’); Readln (SubA);


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Write (‘Enter the score for subject B: _____’); Readln (SubB);
Average: = (SubA+SubB)/2;
IF Average >=70 THEN Comment: =’Good’ ELSE
Comment: = ‘Poor’;
Writeln (‘Student name: ___’, Name);
Writeln (‘Score for subject A =’, SubA);
Writeln (‘Score for subject B =’, SubB);
Writeln (‘Average for subject A and B =’, Average: 2:2, ‘which is:’ Comment);

12. Determine the output of the following program.

PROGRAM Function_Time (Input, Output);
CONST Axsize = 80;
TYPE Line = PACKED ARRAY [1…Maxsixe] of Char;
FUNCTIONCountLetters (Words: Line): Integer; {returns an Integer}
VAR Loop_Count: Integer; {local variable}
Loop_Count: = 1;
WHILE (Words [Loop_Count] <> ‘.’) and (Loop_Count <= Maxsize) DO
Loop_Count: = Loop_Count + 1;
CountLetters: = Loop_Count - 1;
VAR Oneline: Line;
Letters: Integer;
Writeln (‘Please type a sentence terminated with a fullstop’); Readln (Oneline);
Letters: = CountLetters (Oneline);
Writeln (‘There are’, Letters, ‘letters in that sentence.’);
Initialize SUM = 0
13. (a) Draw a flowchartN,
S will read a number N and then output the sum of squares from 1 to N.
(10 marks)

Enter N
N: = N - 1

Write (N)
SUM = Sum + S

N< S: = N * N

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(b). Write the program code of the above design in Pascal language. (10 marks)

PROGRAM SquareSum (Input, Output); {Pascal program that will read a number N and
output the sum of the squares of the number 1 to N}

VAR {declare variables to use}

N, S, Sum: INTEGER; {N = number, S = square of number, Sum = resulting total}
Begin {program to compute squares of numbers 1 to n}
Sum: = 0; {initialize/set Sum to be Zero before running the program}
Writeln (‘Enter your last number’); Readln (N); {input the highest number}
REPEAT {loop from N to 1}
S: = Sqr(N); {calculate the square of the current N}
Writeln (‘ ‘ , N: 5, ‘ ‘ , S: 8);
N: = N - 1; {decrement N by 1}
SUM: = SUM + S; {add current sum to the current square}
UNTIL N < 1; {stop when N becomes 0}
End; {end the Repeat loop}
Writeln (‘ ------------------------------------- ‘);
Writeln (‘ Sum=’, Sum:11‘); {output the sum}
END. {End of main program}

14. What is the output of the following Pascal program?

Program Sample (Output);

VAR x, y: Integer; {these variables are global}
Procedure Godoit (x, y: Integer);
X: = y Y: =0;
Writeln (x, y);
X: = 1; x: = 2;
Godoit (x, y);
Writeln (x, y);


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1. What do you mean by a System? (2 marks)

A system is a set of items, equipments, procedures, programs or techniques & people working jointly with an
aim of achieving common goals.

2. Differentiate between soft systems and hard systems. (2 marks)

 In soft systems, goals and objectives are not clearly defined. In hard systems, goals & objectives are clearly
defined and the outcomes from the processes of the systems are predictable.
 Soft systems are usually the human activity systems; hence, their boundaries keep on changing.

3. Explain five characteristics of a system. (5 marks)

 Holistic thinking: - A system contains a set of interacting elements. However, in holistic thinking, a
system is considered as a whole unit.

 Purpose: - A system must be designed to achieve a specific predefined objective.

 System boundaries and environment: - The components of each system should operate within a specific
framework, limits or space. The system receives inputs from & communicates its outputs to the

 Subsystems: - A system does not exist alone, but it is made up of different components or other systems
that communicate with each other.

 Inputs and outputs: - a system communicates with its environment by receiving inputs and giving outputs.
E.g., a manufacturing firm gets inputs in form of raw materials from the environment and transforms them
into finished products which are released into the environment.

 Process: - a system usually transforms or processes data from one state to another.

 System entropy (decay): - a system slowly becomes useless to the user either due to improvement in
technology, new management policies or change in user requirements.

 System control: - a system must have controls which help it not to operate beyond its boundaries. The
controls enable the system to adapt to changes in the environment in order to give the expected output or to
perform to the expected level.

4. (a). Define the term Information system. (2 marks)

An Information system is the arrangement of people, data, processes and information that work together to
support and improve the day-to-day operations of a business.

(b). State and explain three purposes of information systems in organizations.

(3 marks)
To support information processing tasks such as data collection, processing and communication.
Supports decision-making by collecting data, analyze it, and generating reports.
Supports sharing of information between departments/users in a given organization.

(c). Highlight three circumstances that necessitate the development of new information systems.
(3 marks)


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 New opportunities: - a chance to improve the quality of internal processes and service delivery in the
organization may arise.
 Invention of new systems which are more successful than the existing ones.
 Problems: - the user may encounter some difficulties in the operations of the existing system.
 Directives: - these are requirements imposed by the management, government, or external influences.

5. State four roles of an Information system analyst. (4 marks)

Reviews the existing system & makes recommendations on how to improve or implement an alternative

Works hand in hand with programmers to construct a computerized system.

Coordinates the training of new system users and owners.

Acts as the project manager. Some of his project management duties include: assuring quality, keeping
within schedule & budgeting.

6. Define the following terms:

(i). System control.

A system control is a method by which a system adapts to changes in the environment in order to give
the expected output or perform at the expected level.

(ii). System boundary.

System boundary is the scope/limits within which the system components operate.

(iii). Online analytical processing.

Online analytical processing is the process whereby a computer-based information system is used to
capture operational data, analyze it, and generate reports that can be used to support the decision making
process in an organization.

7. (a). Why is feedback needed in a system? (1 mark)

Feedback is needed in order to adjust controls for better performance of the system.

(b). Draw a well labeled diagram that shows a system that is controlled through feedback.
(5 marks)

Input Output
System Process

Control signals Feedback

8. Explain three system development theories and methods. (6 marks)

(i). Traditional approach: - there is no formal documented methodology to be followed by all system
developers in the organization. The method relies on the skills and experience of individual members in
carrying out the project development.

(ii). Rapid Application Development (RAD): - this model relies on computers. This is because;
businesses/organizations need to develop & implement information systems quickly enough for them to
maintain a competitive advantage in the market.


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(iii). Structured approach: - there is a defined set of stages that could be followed when developing a system.
Each stage is well documented and specifies the activities to be carried out while developing a system.

9. State one disadvantage of the Traditional approach in system development. (1 mark)

 The structure of the old system is not changed in anyway; hence, the weaknesses of the old system are not
corrected and are carried forward to the new system.

10. State one advantage and one disadvantage of Rapid Application Development method.
(2 marks)

 Ensures faster development of information systems, and as a result, increase production of an organization.

 The system may be weak due to quick development.

11. (a). Define the term System development lifecycle. (2 marks)

System development lifecycle refers to the steps followed in developing a system from conception to review
and maintenance.

(b). Outline seven steps followed in structured system development. (7 marks)

(c). At what stage does the system change hands from the development stage to the users.
(1 mark)

At the Implementation stage.

12. (a). Define the term Feasibility study as used in system development. (2 marks)

Feasibility study is a special study carried out to establish the costs and benefits of a proposed new system.

(b). List four contents of a feasibility study report. (4 marks)

 Recommendations on whether to continue or abandon the project.

 Performance of the new system in relation to the existing system.
 Limitations and benefits expected.
 Methods used to collect data.
 Development plan for the new system.
 Time limit within which the new system should be developed.

13. State the importance of information gathering (fact-finding) in system development.

(2 marks)
 To establish the appropriateness of a system.
 To establish if the system is worth being carried out.

14. State four methods that can be used to gather information during system development.
(4 marks)


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 Interviews.
 Use of Questionnaires.
 Observation.
 Study of available documents (document review)
 Automated methods.
 Use of workshops.

15. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of Observation method used in fact-finding.
(4 marks)


 Data collected is highly reliable, since the method gives the real picture of the system.
 Relatively cheap.
 Concepts or tasks that are too difficult for non-technical staff to explain in words can be clearly observed.
 Allows the analyst to do some measurements.


 The person being observed may perform differently or change his/her behaviour leading to wrong
requirements being observed.
 The work being observed may not involve the level of difficulty or volume normally experienced during that
period of time.
 The need to be on the site where the activities are taking place consumes a lot of time.
 Some activities may take place at odd times causing a scheduling inconvenience for the analyst.

16. State two advantages and two disadvantages of the Interview method when used for information
gathering. (4 marks)


 The Interviewer is able to motivate the Interviewees to respond freely and openly to questions.
 Non verbal communication such as facial expressions can be used or observed.
 The Interviewer can prompt for more feedback from the Interviewee.
 Questions can be rephrased for clarity.


 It is difficult to organize for an Interview due to time or cost constraints.

 The Interviewee may not fully open up some sensitive issues that may be personal or due to security

17. Explain the concept of Proxemics in interviews. (1 mark)

Proxemics refers to issues related to physical contact such as sitting arrangement or body closeness during an

18. Outline three advantages and three disadvantages of Questionnaires. (6 marks)


 Use of questionnaires gives the respondents privacy; hence, there is likelihood that the information given is
sincere and real.
 Questions can be answered quickly since respondents can complete and return the questionnaires at their
convenient time.
 It is a cheap method of collecting data from large number of individuals.
 Responses can easily be tabulated and analyzed quickly.


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 Good questionnaires are difficult to prepare.

 The respondent may not fully understand some questions; hence, he/she may end up giving wrong
 The respondent has the final say on when to fill and return the questionnaire. Most of them end up not being
filled or returned.
 No immediate opportunity to clarify an unclear or incomplete answer to any question.
 The analyst may not be available to observe and analyze the body language of the respondents.

19. (a). Explain the importance of using Automated methods in fact finding. (1 mark)

Automated method of data collection can be used in areas which are not easily accessible.

(b). Give one example of Automated information gathering technique. (1 mark)

 Use of a Video camera to capture motion pictures.

 Use of Tape recorders.

20. Mention the four areas that are considered during the requirements specification stage.
(4 marks)
 Output (from the system).
 Input.
 Files.
 Hardware and software requirements.

21. Explain three factors that should be considered during output design. (6 marks)
 Target (i.e., the audience): - a user report may show only the transactions to be carried out, while the
management would require a summary of the overall performance.

 Frequency of report generation (i.e., the time at which the output is required): - some reports are required
daily, others weekly, monthly or annually.

 Quality and format of information to be generated.

 Cost of producing the output: - the output should be at reasonable cost.
 Mode of output & devices used for output, e.g., softcopy mode of output is produced through the screen.

22. (a). State four factors that may be considered in order to design a good file. (4 marks)
 Record key field.
 Data type for each field.
 Length of each field.
 Backup and recovery strategies.

(b). Explain why it is important to consider file backup and recovery strategies during file design.
(1 mark)

Backup and recovery strategy helps in making sure that if the current file gets corrupted, it is possible to
reconstruct the original file.

23. Define the term “Attribute” (1 mark)

An Attribute is a unique characteristic of a record for which a data value can be stored in the system database.
e.g., a student record has attributes such as Name, admission number, class, etc.


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24. Outline three factors that should be considered when sourcing for hardware and software resources
required for a new system. (3 marks)

 Price.
 Method of acquisition.
 Reliability.
 Upgradeability.
 Compatibility with the existing resources.
 User friendliness.

25. State two methods/tools that a system Analyst may use to design a system. (2 marks)

 Use of System flowcharts.

 Data flow diagrams.
 Entity relationship models.
 Structured charts.

26. (a). Differentiate between a System flowchart and a Program flowchart.(2 marks)
A system flowchart is for the entire system while a program flowchart is for a part or a module in the
Therefore, several program flowcharts may be derived from a single system flowchart.

(b). Draw four system flowchart symbols and explain their functions. (4 marks)

27. Explain three tasks that are carried out during system implementation. (3 marks)
 File conversions.
 Staff training.
 Project management.
 Changeover strategies.

28. Define the term “File conversion”. (2 marks)

File conversion refers to changing files from one format to another so that they can be used to support the
information requirements of the new system.

29. (a). What is systems documentation. (2 marks)

(b). State and briefly explain five uses of systems documentation. (10 marks)

(c). List any four tools that systems analysts may use to document their findings or design options during
Systems analysis and design. (4 marks)


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(d). Outline four contents of a User manual. (4 marks)

 Installation procedures (i.e., how to install, start and run the system)
 User interface (i.e., how the system appears when running).
 How to carry out various tasks.
 Test data and expected output.
 Troubleshooting guide.

30. Name four classes or types of systems maintenance. (10 marks)

31. Most information systems are reviewed or critically examined 3 – 6 months after they have been implemented
or put into operation.

(i). State the purpose or objective of this review. (4 marks)


(ii). List four areas of systems operation on which the review focuses. (4 marks)

2. Your school has decided to replace its library control system. The current system was implemented ten years
ago but has restricted reporting facilities and has a text-based interface. The school intents to replace the old
system with a new computerized system, and is now considering both ‘Parallel running” and “direct

a). (i) Briefly explain the terms parallel running and direct changeover as used in system
implementation. (2 marks)

Parallel running is where both the old and the new systems are run in parallel to each other (at the
same time) for sometime until users have gained confidence in the new system. Data is processed on
both systems in order to compare their performance, and also cross-check the results.

Direct changeover is a complete replacement of the old system with the new system in one bold
move. The old system is stopped & abandoned and the new system starts operating immediately.

(ii) Give two disadvantages of Direct changeover over Parallel running. (1 mark)

 It may be very inconveniencing (or, the school will incur huge losses) in case the new system
fails or faces problems.
 The users may not have not gained enough confidence to run the new system.


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 The weaknesses of the old system may not be corrected & may still be transferred to the new
 Loss of jobs for the workers whose departments are affected.
 If the new system fails, data recovery may be impossible.

(iii) Identify two main risks of direct changeover during system implementation.
(2 marks)
 There is risk in terms of disk failure or system failure.
 The workers may lose morale as they view the new system as an intruder.
 The system testing must be done to greater accuracy.
 The system requires training of personnel due to introduction of new programs.
 The system may be expensive to run due to hardware and software costs.

(iv) Mention any two advantages of running both the manual system and the computerized system
simultaneously. (2 marks)

 If the outputs from the two systems are similar, confidence in the ICT system is promoted.
 Users have time to familiarize themselves with the ICT systems.
 It is reliable because it enables thorough testing.
 Weaknesses in either of the systems is corrected.


1. What is a computer Network? (1 mark)
2. (a) What is meant by Data transmission in a computer network? (2 marks)


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Passing information from one terminal to another in a computer network through telecommunication

(b) State the three methods of data transmission on a network. (3 marks)

(c) State the factors to be considered while selecting a data transmission system.
(3 marks)
 Cost of each type of data transmission method.
 Distance between the computer & the terminal.
 Whether data should be transmitted direct to the computer online.
 Type of data transmission system to be used, i.e., whether the data transmission will be 1-way or 2-
 Volume of data to be processed; and whether it is batched at particular times, or whether it is
collected individually and required to be processed immediately.
 Speed of transmission required.
 Accuracy and reliability required.

3. Differentiate between a MODEM and a MULTIPLEXER. (2 marks)


4. A student typed an e-mail to send over the Internet through a modem working at a speed of 100 Mbps.
Calculate the maximum number of characters that can be sent per second if each character consists of 8
bits. (2 marks)

Characters per second = 100 x 1x 106 = 100 x 1000,000

8 8
= 12,500,000 characters per second.

5. State three advantages and three disadvantages of computer networking. (6 marks)


 Sharing of resources between the computers.

 Sharing of risks.
 Provides cheaper and efficient communication.
 Running cost is low because of the minimal hardware required.
 Reliable and error-free.
 Enhances faster communication.
 It is not time-consuming.

Disadvantages of networking

 High initial installation cost (i.e., expensive to install).

 Security threats, e.g., hacking, which posses a great danger to loss of information.
 Moral and cultural effects.
 Spread of terrorism, drug-trafficking and viruses.
 Over reliance on networks.


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6. (a) What is a Distributed system? (2 marks)

This is a system in which data is manipulated in different processors/computers, which are on the same
network but placed in separate locations.

Each computer has its own local peripherals, e.g., disks, printers, terminals, etc.

(b) State any three advantages and two disadvantages of distributed systems.
(5 marks)


 Failure of the central computer does not affect the operations of the other terminals.
 Processing load is shared equally; hence, no time wastage.
 There is faster access of data as each machine can process & store its data.
 It doesn’t need powerful and expensive servers for data storage.
 It can accommodate users with variety of needs.


 It is more susceptible to virus, as any user could introduce an infected file and spread it throughout the
 Developing an effective back up plan is more difficult when users store data in their individual systems.
 File management is difficult as the files are stored in different locations.

7. (a). State the type of data communication media that could be used in an electronically noisy
environment. (1 mark)


(b). Explain your answer in (a) above. (1 mark)


8. Explain the three major types of computer networks in use today. (6 marks)

 Local area network (LAN)

A Local Area Network is formed whenever computers are connected together in a relatively small
geographical area, e.g., in one building or a school.

It is small & it normally covers an area within the radius of 10M – 3 Km.

A LAN is usually owned by one organization.

 Metropolitan area network (MAN)

 Wide area network (WAN).

9. Determine the type of a network characterized by: (2 marks)

(i). connection between computers, printers and other resources using UTP cables.
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Local Area Network (LAN)

(ii). over 250 computers connected to share resources in a city.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

10. (a). List four network elements in a Local Area Network (4 marks)

 Server
 Clients/workstations (Terminals)
 Network Interface cards (NICs).
 Network software/ Network Operating systems.
 Network cables & media.
 Network Accessories
 Network Resources, e.g., MODEMS.

(b). Briefly explain four important benefits of using Local Area Networks (LANs) at an
institution such as a college. (8 marks)

11. Give two advantages and three disadvantages of each of the following network transmission media.

(i) Twisted pair cables.


(ii) Coaxial cables.


(iii) Fibre Optic cables.


(iv) Wireless / Microwave / Radio transmission.

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12. Mention at least five devices used in data communications. (5 marks)

 Network interface card (NIC). - Brouters.

 Modems. - Hubs.
 Codecs. - Repeaters.
 Bridges. - Switches.
 Routers

13. Explain the function of a Network Interface Card in networking. (1 mark)

NIC creates a physical link between the computer and the transmission media.

14. (a). Explain the importance of a Gateway on a network. (1 mark)

Gateways provide access to the Wide area networks & the Internet.

(b). Differentiate between a router and a gateway as used in networking. (2 marks)

A Router is a device used to interconnect different networks, and direct the transfer of data packets from
source to destination.

A Gateway is any device that is configured to provide access to WAN or Internet.

15. (a). Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:


(i). Name the communication media depicted in the above diagram. (1 mark)

Satellite communication

(ii). Name the parts labelled A, B, C and D. (4 marks)

A – Receiving earth station

B – Satellite in space
C – Down link


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D – Up link

(iii). List three advantages of the above communication media. (3 marks)

 Covers a wide area.

 Unlike earth-to-earth microwaves, satellite communication overcomes line of sight problems.

16. Compare and contrast a Brouter and a Router. (2 marks)

A router connects logical networks, while a brouter can perform the functions of both a router and a bridge.

17. Why is a Switch preferred to a hub on the network? (1 mark)

Unlike a hub, a switch passes a packet directly to the addressed node without broadcasting.

18. What is the function of a Repeater on a network? (1 mark)

A repeater receives a weak signal on the network, cleans and amplifies it for transmission over the next portion
of the network.
Signals become weak due to attenuation.

19. Give one disadvantage of a Hub on a network. (1 mark)

A hub may cause broadcast problems.

20. (a) Define the term Network topology. (2 marks)

Network topology refers to the arrangement of the computers, printers and other equipment connected on
the network.

(b) Distinguish between Logical and Physical network topology. (2 marks)

Logical (signal) topology deals with the way data passes from one device to the next on the network.

Physical topology refers to the physical arrangement (layout) of devices on the network.

21. Name the device that connects workstations and the server to a central point?
(1 mark)

22. State and briefly describe any five types of physical network topologies used in LAN.
(10 marks)
 Star topology.


 Bus topology.


 Ring topology.


 Mesh topology.



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 Tree (hierarchical) topology.



1. State four areas where computers are used today. (4 marks)

 Financial systems, e.g., Accounting, stock exchange, Payroll, Banking, etc.

 Transport systems, e.g., Air traffic control, shipping control, Automobile traffic control.
 Entertainment systems, e.g., used in showing movies, playing music, & computer games.
 Scientific research, i.e., weather forecasting, medical research, military & space exploration.

2. State two ways in which a computer may be used in efficient running of a hospital.
(2 marks)
 Keeping records of incoming and outgoing patients.


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 In electro-cardiogram screening and monitoring, i.e., analysing the sickness & checking for damages, e.g., X-
 A computer controls life supporting machines.

3. (a). Briefly explain how a computerized Payroll system works. (3 marks)


(b). Name the type of processing that would be required by a payroll system. (1 mark)
Batch processing

4. (a). Identify two benefits of using computers in accounting systems. (2 marks)

 They make the processing of financial records easier.

 Error checking procedures can be established to ensure accuracy & security of data.
 Used to store volumes of financial records.
 Ensure fast & easy production of financial reports.
 They are cheaper than manual systems.

(b). List down any four modules within an accounting package, stating the purpose for each
(6 marks)

Accounting module Purpose

1. Customer order entry and billing Records incoming customer orders, authorizes delivery of
items ordered, & produces invoices for customers who
don’t pay in advance or on cash
2. Inventory management Keeps track of items in stock & helps the management
determine which items need to be reordered
3. General (nominal) ledger Contains a summary of all business accounts. It is used to
prepare Balance sheets, Profit & Loss account, Trial
balance, list of accounts, etc
4. Cash book Where cash receipts and payments are recorded. It
contains Cash account & Bank account columns
5. Accounts receivable Keeps track of money owed to a company by its
customers. Helps the management to make a follow-up by
billing customers
6. Accounts payable It shows the money a company owes others, e.g., suppliers.
Helps the management in producing Cheques for payment.

5. State two advantages of using ATMs. (2 marks)

 Offer 24 hour service to customers.

 Ensure more flexibility in cash deposits and withdrawals.
 It is secure because; it requires a personal identification number (PIN), which is only known by the card

6. (a). List four functions of a computerized Stock control system. (4 marks)

 Stores full details of the items that are held in stock.

 It enables the user to get accurate & up-to-date information regarding demand, availability of stocks,
and their prices.

 To monitor stock levels (i.e., to track what is in stock & what needs to be reordered)


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 To store details of their suppliers.

(b). Identify the advantages of computerized stock control systems.

(c). Name two organizations that would benefit the most from computerized stock control systems.
(2 marks)

 Supermarkets
 Large departmental stores
 Bookshops.

7. (a). State four components of an electronic Point-of-sale terminal. (4 marks)

 Terminal, e.g., Console, which is connected to the main computer

 Monitor.
 A Barcode reader (or a Card reader)
 Printer.

(b). Give two advantages of using electronic point-of-sale terminals as opposed to manual entry at a
supermarket checkout counter. (2 marks)

 Less errors (Correct prices) are used at the point of entry.

 It ensures faster entry of data, since the attendant does not have to enter details manually.
 Ensures good stock management procedures.

8. Write the following abbreviations in full: (4 marks)

(i). ATM - Automated Teller Machine

(ii). EFTPOS - Electronic Funds Transfer at Point-Of-Sale

(iii). VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal

(iv). CAD/CAM - Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacture

9. (a) Define Computer Aided Design (CAD). (2 marks)


(b) List five features of CAD. (5 marks)

10. Define the following terms:
(a) Biometric analysis

This is the study, measurement and analysis of human biological characteristics. It uses a computer and a
biometric device to recognize and analyze features of human body parts such as fingerprints, lips, voice,
iris colour, etc

(b) Telecommuting


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A situation where an employee works in a location that is remote from the normal place of work either on
full-time or part-time basis.

(i.e., working from home via a computer network instead of commuting to work)

11. Outline four devices required in order to conduct a video conference. (4 marks)

 A computer.
 A digital video camera (camcorder) attached to a computer.
 Network software for video conferencing.
 A Microphone.
 Speakers.

12. (a). Define the term E-commerce. (2 marks)

E-commerce is a way of doing business where the transactions are carried out electronically without the
seller and buyer interacting physically.

(b). List down two advantages and two disadvantages of e-commerce as used in modern business
environment. (4 marks)


 Reduces travelling, hence saves money and time.

 A company can access customers all over the world, and is not limited by space & time.
 Reduces operating costs of small business as they can establish websites where they can auction their
good & services. This also increases their sales.


 People deal with each other without ever meeting physically.

 There are no proper laws to govern such a business.

13. List down four interactive sensory devices used in virtual reality. (3 marks)

 The headgear / Boom

 Hand gloves
 Body suit
 Virtual reality software

14. Identify at least two areas where Expert systems are used. (2 marks)

 In medical institutions for diagnosis of diseases.

 In mining companies for prospecting of minerals.
 Financial forecasting, e.g., formulation of taxation & marketing policies, and making of investment

15. Describe how computing has been applied to each of the following areas:
(i). Educational systems. (2 marks)

Used in learning institutions (schools & colleges) as teaching aids, i.e., to help in teaching various

Used in Aviation for training pilots. The computer is used to change the physical environment so that
the pilot feels as if he were controlling an actual aircraft.

(ii). Transportation systems. (2 marks)

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Used by Railway corporations to coordinate the movement of their goods & wagons.

Used in Airline industry for air traffic control, surveillance of airspace using radar equipment.

Used in Shipping control.

Used in Automobile traffic control in busy towns, i.e., to simulate the timing of traffic lights.

(iii). Financial systems. (2 marks)

Used by Banks & Insurance industries to manage their large volumes of financial transactions.

Preparation of Payrolls.

Used by government agencies & utility companies to keep records, produce bills and statements.

Provide money transfer facilities.

(iv). Scientific research. (2 marks)

Used by scientists to analyse their experimental data, e.g., weather forecasting.

Used by Engineers & Architects to design and test their work.

Makes manned & unmanned space exploration possible.

(v). Entertainment systems. (2 marks)

Used in showing movies, playing music & games for leisure.

Used in music related equipment such as synthesizers.

vi). Reservation systems (2 marks)

 To keep record of reservation

 For online reservation (i.e., provide online remote services)
 Paperless transactions (paying via credit cards)
 Easy to check for vacant positions

vii). Law enforcement (2 marks)

 Finger print record keeping

 Biometric analysis in crime detection so as to provide immediate & accurate information.
 Scene monitoring & analysis to help the police in arresting traffic offenders and criminals.

viii). Library management systems (2 marks)

 Keeping book records and stock management

 Tracking overdue books

16. State three areas where computers are used in financial systems: (3 marks)

 Accounting
 Stock Exchange
 Payroll systems


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 Banking systems
 Insurance companies for data processing operations.

17. Suggest how computers may in future be made more user-friendly for persons that are:
(a). Blind. (1 mark)

Development of Braille keyboards, or engraved keyboards.

(b). Without hands. (1 mark)

Use of voice-activated commands.

18. Give at least four reasons why a firm may decide to computerize its operations.
(4 marks)
- Handling of errors easily.
- Easy storage and retrieval of information.
- Increased efficiency.
- Higher quality work.
- Reduced cost.


1. Identify four benefits that may be derived from increased use of information technologies.
(4 marks)
 Used for electronic transactions, which have made most organizations/institutions have a paperless office.

2. Identify four problems associated with the introduction of computers in a society.
(4 marks)
 Job displacement and replacement.
 Computer crimes, e.g., piracy, fraud, hacking.
 Health effects, e.g., repetitive strain injury, eye problems.
 Cultural effects and immorality (DVD’s, pornographic literature on the Internet).

3. Distinguish between “job replacement” and “job displacement” in reference to computerization.

(2 marks)

In Job replacement, the unskilled workers may be replaced with the skilled ones. In job displacement, some
employees may be displaced/moved to new working areas as the computer may serve to perform tasks that may
be performed by several people.


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4. A recent breakthrough in the manufacturing industry is the development of a full manufacturing plant
that can produce vehicles using robots only. Give three advantages and two disadvantages of fully
automated manufacturing. (5 marks)

 Increases efficiency due to the balancing of workload and production capacity.
 Production increases in the workplace.
 Improves customer service.
 Enables production of adequate & high quality goods in time.
 Enables efficient utilization of resources, e.g., raw materials, personnel and equipment; hence reducing
operating expenses.
 Improved communication.
 The initial cost of setting up an automated system is high.
 May lead to unemployment especially in areas that are labour-intensive.
 Over reliance on ICT may cause a disaster if the systems fail.
 There is insecurity of data & information.

5. Apart from manufacturing, state three other areas where automation is applicable
(3 marks)
 Intelligent control of traffic lights.
 The autopilot in aircrafts.
 Use of robots in industries.

6. Describe any three negative effects of ICT on human health. (3 marks)

 Repetitive strain injury (RSI) - occurs when muscles are forced through the same, many repetitive
actions with high impact loads.

 Eye strain and headaches - result from long or improver use of cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors.

 Exposure to electromagnetic radiations

 Pollution of environment due to dumping of ICT related components like batteries, printers, ink/toner
cartridges, monitors, etc.

7. Discuss the applications of Artificial Intelligence in each of the following fields:

(i). Expert Systems. (2 marks)

 In medical institutions for diagnosis of diseases.

 In mining companies for prospecting of minerals.
 Financial forecasting, e.g., formulation of taxation & marketing policies, and making of investment

(ii). Natural language processing. (2 marks)

It involves development of programming languages that would make computers recognize &
understand natural languages, whether spoken or written.

This will make the task of data processing even faster.

(iii). Artificial Neural Networks. (2 marks)

This is the use of electronic devices & software to emulate the learning process of the human brain and
how it recognizes patterns.


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(iv). Robotics. (2 marks)

It involves the use of robots to carry out tasks that would have otherwise been repetitive, difficult,
dangerous and boring to human being.

8. Describe the features and capabilities of an intelligent robot.

An intelligent (adaptive) robot has artificial senses that emulate the five common senses of a human being. It is
able to sense its environment and use this data to modify its behaviour.

It is able to feel the shape of an object, listen to ultrasound, detect smell of a leaking gas or chemicals, taste
quality of food, and see using two miniature video cameras.

They are used for complex tasks such as the assembly of small products, inspection of automobile bodies, etc

9. List and explain four advantages of using:

(i). A computerized system. (4 marks)
(ii). A database system. (4 marks)

10. Explain the impact of information technology on organizations in each of the following areas.

(i) Competition (2 marks)

- Ability to advertise in the Internet.

- Improved quality goods & services.
- Reduced operational costs.

(ii) Pace of growth (2 marks)

- Reduced costs.
- Reduced need for manpower.
- Reduced space requirement.
- Greater output.

11. (a). State five reasons why users may resist the introduction of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) to their place of work. (5 marks)

 Fear of change:

People are creatures of habit, hence, are afraid of change.


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 Fear of losing their jobs:

By installing the computer into an organization, employees fear that they might end up losing their

 Fear of failure:

Since the computer is very new in a given working environment, the people will be afraid that they
might never get used to it.

 Loss of control:

The management fear that once a computer system is implemented, they might lose control of the

 Lack of understanding:

The users may not understand the benefits of a computer system in their jobs. This will create
resistance since the computer will be looked upon as an intruder.

(b). What would be the possible solutions to these problems. (3 marks)



1. Give a brief description of the following careers available in the computing field.
(i). Software engineers. (2 marks)

A software engineer is one who is skilled in software development and technical operations of computer

He develops and updates both system and application software together with the associated

(ii). Data Processing Managers (DPM). (2 marks)

A Data processing manager is the person who usually is in-charge of the overall running of the data
processing department in an organization.


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He plans, monitors and controls the personnel, ensures that resources and labour are available as
required, and interfaces to users.

(iii). Systems Analysts. (2 marks)


(iv). Network Administrators. (2 marks)


(v). Computer Technicians. (2 marks)


(vi). Information Resource Managers. (2 marks)


2. Differentiate between a software engineer and a computer engineer.

Software engineer develops software/programs as per requirements; Computer engineer designs computer
hardware and improves on existing ones.

3. (a). State three public universities where one can further her Computer Studies.
(3 marks)
(b). Identify at least three ICT related courses offered at

(i). polytechnic level

 Diploma in Information technology

 Diploma in computer programming
 Diploma in computer hardware maintenance

(ii). college level

 Certificate in Information technology

 Diploma in Information technology
 Diploma in Education (computer science)

(iii). university level

 Bsc. Computer science

 Bsc. Information technology
 Msc. Information systems


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(iv). post university level

 Msc. Information system / PhD

 Msc. Information technology / PhD

4. Name three responsibilities that are carried out by a Web administrator. (3 marks)

 Developing and testing websites.

 Maintaining, updating & modifying information on the website to meet new demands by the users.
 Monitoring access & use of Internet connection by enforcing security measures.
 Downloading information needed by an organization or institution from Internet websites.


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