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Writins I nt rEitl ti!:tiqq

tsooks / lleatling / Etlucatiou
lJ63ks arc bv lai tire lnost lasting products olitLtttlittt cilbrls. I'eulpie"r ('rLrrrii',Ie itlto ir-iitl-

llictrrrcs ltitrl slllitlljs ,.lce ltr'- lrur bo0ks sut'r'ir


Beauty / I\ature / Environryen!

Beautl, is a source of permanent joy. It cheers man Llp in pain,attd tnisery. Both humarl ancl
naturalbeatities have universal chatm, It is tme to say tha-tih'thing of beauty is a joy for evci.
Nature is a store house of beauty and attracts every hear!, Unfortunately, it is diminishing ii,r'
the sake of persolrai benet-rt of human.

trntertainment / Picgic I C.blebrailigg :'

picnic ald outings are essenl-ial to break the dullness of life. Tlrcv qive us a pl'basani clrut-trt
iuid iiee moments from out daily routine,

Sports I Phvsicai dg,y.glppmil4,,t/ Gar4es

ri oLrl physical developnrent and no less"ran f,ood. lt is dicrurn. >-.-
"s.,und mind resides in a sound.body,".t[elefore, iiikeeps one ph-vsicalli' ut O mentally tit.

Science / Iechnoloev
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Science and civiliz-atioh are.cio.sely inidrliirkecl. r\lso. teeltrology has given is indispensable
Ar scielce progressesr}'
;ift;. civilization. However, for petty benefits, man leaves tto
stone untunled to devaste it. '.,,.r'
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rd inionnatiib,
Aclvcrtising is educative and infonn, .t tht'ough it a mass awarelless of the pror-iucl is
obtained. Ii brings to light various cadies iike far,rily planny, issue of heaith arrd other social
Education today does not merely mean academics. It not only includes sports but also exlra
cwricular activities, etc. that broaden flre horizon for a student manifolds'
lrtionui players are individuals who represeilt our country in the international arena. Tllt:y
foave a certain air of respectability around them'

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With industr:ialization and journey materialism, ecology did take a back seat. Therefore, it
results in serions environmental ciegradation'

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