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THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made and executed on this the

fourteenth day of February 2011, (14.02.2011)
S/o. Sri. Rajmalji,
aged about 45 years


W/o R. Prasanna Kumar
aged about 40 years

Both are R/at No.6, Surveyor Street,

Basavanagudi, Bangalore.

Hereinafter called the LESSORS (which term unless repugnant to the

context shall mean and include their heirs, legal representatives,
administrators, executors, assigns, etc.,) of the ONE PART.
W/o Sri. Nagaraj N.Naidu,
Aged about 31 Years,
R/at Flat No.G-4,
Sampoorna Apartments,
No.65,5th Cross, M.D. Block,
Malleshwaram, Bangalore.

Hereinafter called the LESSEE (which term unless repugnant to the

context shall mean and include his heirs, legal representatives,
administrators, executors, assigns, etc.,) of the OTHER PART.


WHEREAS, LESSORS are the absolute owner in lawful, peaceful and

physical possession and personal enjoyment of the property bearing No.
65, 5th Cross, Mallesawaram, Bangalore-560 003, more-fully described in
the schedule hereunder written and hereinafter referred to as the Schedule
property, and
WHEREAS, LESSEE had taken the schedule premises earlier on
lease and paid a sum of Rs. 9,00,000/= (Rupees nine lakhs only) on
22.09.2005 by way of cash and further on 22.10.2007, LESSEE paid
another sum of Rs, 5,00,000/= (Rupees five lakhs only) through cheques
WHEREAS thus the LESSEE had already paid a sum of Rs. 14,00,000/=
(Rupees fourteen lakhs only) on no rent and no interest on the earnest
money and after mutual understanding the LESSORS AND LESSEE
mutually agreed to continue the lease from today

WHEREAS, the lassors have agreed to let-out the schedule property

in favour of the lessee for a period of 11 months on the no rent for the
premises and no interest on the earnest money deposit, and

WHEREAS the lessee has agreed to take the schedule premises on

lease for a period of 11 months, subject to the lessee paying a total sum of
Rs. 14,00,000/= (Rupees fourteen lakhs only) to the Lessors which amount
shall be retained by the Lessors during the period of lease and shall not
charge any rent for the schedule premises.

WHEREAS, it is just and expedient to reduce the terms and

conditions of this Agreement into writing as hereunder contained;


1. The period of lease shall be 11 years commencing from

fourteenth day of February two thousands eleven (14.02.2011)
and ending on fourteenth day of January 2012 (14.01.2012)

2. The lessee shall be entitled to possess and enjoy the schedule

premises during the period of lease without any interference
from the lessors free from any payment of rent, premium etc., to
the lessors,

3. The Lessee agreed with the Lessors that the Lessee will;

a) Keep the premises in good condition,

b) Not to sub-let the premises or any portion thereof to anyone

else and shall use for his own bonafide residence purpose

c) Pay all the electric consumption charges water consumption

charges and monthly maintenance charges in respect of the
premises during the period of occupation,

d) Not to make any alteration or additions to the premises without

the consent in writing of the Lessors,

e) Undertake to keep the premises concerned, the staircase and

common passage quite, neat and tidy, and leave the premises
when vacating in the same condition as at present and all
common facilities will be used diligently.

f) The Lessee shall not drive any nails unnecessarily if any of

the walls of the existing of the premises.

g) No pet shall be allowed to be reared and brought into the

leased premises.

h) The bills of water supply and energy for pumping water and
maintenance charges as per the bill shall be shared by the
lessee along with other occupants of the same building,

i) The cleaning charges and Goorkha charges for keeping the

common facilities and places clean shall be paid by the lessee
along with other occupants (Sharing)

4. The Lessor and Lessee hereby agree with the following ;

a) The lessee may hold and enjoyment of the premises during

the lease period only. No extension of time shall be granted.

b) The lessors will keep the premises and all sanitary, water and
electrical fittings maintained in good tenantable conditions
and carry out all necessary repairs as may be required.

c) The lessors shall have liberty to inspect the premises at all

reasonable times without any let or hindrance from the

5. Notwithstanding anything contained herein both the parties are

at liberty to terminate the lease by giving two calendar months
notice on either side. The Lessee is also agreed to vacate and
handover possession of the schedule premises, provided the
Lessee paying entire amount of Rs. 14,00,000/= (Rupees
fourteen lakhs only) within the period of 11 months i.e., agreed

6. The Lessee has already paid a sum of Rs. 14,00,000/- (Rupees

fourteen lakhs only) as stated above and the receipt of which
amount has hereby admitted and acknowledged. This amount
of Rs. 14,00,000/- (Rupees fourteen lakhs only) shall not carry
any interest whatsoever and shall be refunded to the lessee on
the termination of this lease or on the lessee vacating and
handing over the schedule premises to the lessors.


All that piece and parcel of the FlAT BEARING No. G-4,
situated in the Ground Floor of Sampoorna Apartments constructed
on property bearing No. 65, 5th Cross, M.D. Block, Malleswaram,
Bangalore, totally measuring 1690 Sq. ft. including 10% of undivided
share in the land and bounded on the ;

East by : Property bearing No. 65/1

West by: New Public School
North by : 5th Cross (towards Navarang Main Road)
South by : Property No. 65/2

IN WITNESS WHEREFOF the Lessors and Lessee have

hereunto set their signature of this indenture on this day, month and
year first above mentioned.


1. 2.


THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE made and entered into on this the __

day of January 2011, by and between :

aged about 66 years
W/o Late C. Krishnappa
R/o No. 16, 1st Cross, Lalbagh Fort Road
Mavalli, Bangalore-560 004.

Hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR (which term shall wherever the

context so permits shall mean and include her heirs legal representatives,
executors and administrators) of the ONE PART


aged about 41 years
S/o Sri. Jawaharlal
R/o No. 13/1, Girls School Road
Mavalli, Bangalore560 004.
Hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE (which term shall wherever the
context so permits shall mean and include his heirs legal representatives,
executors and administrators) of the ONE PART


The Lessor being the absolute owner of property No. 16, 1st Cross,
Lalbagh Fort Road, Mavalli, Bangalore-560 004, offered to lease Two
shops converted into one shop in the Ground Floor, which property is
morefully described in the schedule hereunder and hereinafter referred to
as the schedule property.

1. The Lessor has agreed to lease to the Lessee and the Lessee
has agreed to take the schedule property and the lease in
respect of the schedule premises shall commence from ___-

2. The Lessee has agreed to pay a monthly rent of Rs. 10,000/=

(Rupees thousands only) in respect of the schedule premises
during the period of this lease with an enhancement rent at 10%
every one year.


3. The Lessee has already paid Advance Amount/Security

Deposit of Rs. 5,00,000/= (Rupees five lakhs only). Out of
which a sum of Rs. 2,50,000/= (Rupees two lakhs fifty
thousands only) is paid vide agreement dated 1st October 2004,
and the balance sum of Rs. 2,50,000/= (Rupees two lakhs fifty
thousand only) is paid on this day vide cheque No. 708216,
dated 10.03.2009, drawn on ICICI, BANK, O.T.C. Road,
Nagarthapet, Branch, Bangalore. This amount does not carry
any interest and it shall be refunded by Lessor to the Lessee
when the Lessee vacates and hands over vacant possession of
the schedule property.

4. The Lessee shall pay the rent in respect of the schedule

property on or before the 5th of every month and shall obtain
receipt for the same. The Lessee shall pay the electricity
charges in respect of the schedule property and shall not keep
them in arrears.

5. The Lessee shall make use of the schedule property for Jewelry
shop purpose only and shall not make use of the same for any
unlawful trade or business. The Lessee shall not sub-let or
assign the lease hold right and shall make use of the schedule
property without causing any damage to the walls, flooring and

6. The Lessee shall not put-up any permanent structure or

carryout any alternations to the schedule property.

7. The Lessee shall carry out annual repairs and white wash to the
schedule property and shall always keep the schedule property
in good and tenantable condition.

8. The Lessor shall be entitled to put-up additional floors over the

existing Ground Floor without causing any obstructions or
inconvenience to the Lessee.

9. In case the Lessee commits default in the matter of payment of

rent and infringes any of the terms agreed under this agreement
the Lessor shall be entitled to terminate and determined the
terminate and determine the tenancy without reference to the
period agreed under this agreement.


10. In case of the schedule property being acquired by the

competent authorities for either widening of the road or for
railway project (metro/mono) then the Lessor shall refund the
advance amount received under this Agreement within a period
of THREE MONTHS from the date of acquisition or demolition
which ever is earlier, failing which the lessee is at liberty to
recover the same from the compensation amount being paid by
the authorities towards acquisition.


All that piece and parcel of the premises, bearing No. 46 and 47,
situate at Ground Floor on Lalbagh Fort Road, Mavalli, Bangalore-560
004 and measuring 15 X 25 ft. and bounded on the ;

East by : Private Property

West by : 1stCross Lalbagh Fort Road
North by : Dr. Shah Clinic
South by : Lalbagh Fort Road



DATE: 01.03.2008


K.P. Adeppa
S/o Chinna Rangappa
Resident of Kothakota Village
Gulur Hobli
Bagepalli Taluk
Chikkaballapura District.


The Tahasildar
Bagepalli Taluk
Chikkaballapura District

Respected Sir,

Subject : Request to consider re-grant application filed

by my vendors in respect of Old Sy. No. 181
of Kothakote Village, Gulur Hobli, Bagepalli
Taluk, since the lands were alienated in
our favour pass the re-grant order in my name.


With reference to above subject, I wish to bring the following

facts to your kind authority,

1. I respectfully submit the land bearing Old Sy. No. 181 and
others land in old Sy. No. 27, 75, and 145 of Kothakote village,
Gulur Hobli, Bagepalli Taluk was attached to the office of Thoti
Inamthi land of Kothakota Village. One A.K. Gangappa S/o
Chinnayappa was the authorized inamthi holder of the said lands.
The said authorized holder was in possession and enjoyment
lands and discharging the duties of Thoti of Kothakote village.
After grant he sold his inamthi land to an extent of 1 acre 10


guntas in favour of my father in Sy. No. 181, under a registered

sale deed dated 01.07.1969. Thereafter he sold another 32
guntas in Sy. No. 181 in favour of my father under a registered
sale deed dated 19.07.1969. Thus from the date of the said deeds
my father became the owner of the above said properties and he
was put-in possession of the same on the said dates.

2. I respectfully submit that my father after purchasing the said

lands, got surveyed the lands through the Survey Department vide
its LRN No. 976 and 978/71-72. In the said survey, the lands
bearing Sy. No. 181 was phoded into two blocks and assigned Sy.
No. 181/1 to the extent of 21 guntas and Sy. No. 181/2 to the
extent of 1 acre 19 guntas each. My father Chikka Rangappa
being the purchaser from its authorized holder having its
continuous possession by paying taxes to the Government up till
his death. My father died in the year 1999. Thereafter I being the
only son continued to be in possession and enjoyment of the above
said lands.

3. I respectfully submit that the vendor of my father A.K.

Gangappa was authorized holder of Village Office. He was granted
with the lands in question including the properties alienated in
favour of my father. After alienation in favour of my father, the
grantees applied for re-grant of the above said lands and other
lands in your authority and the same is pending. The grantees
submitted that your authority re-granted the lands. But as per
my understanding the re-grant order is yet to be passed. It is also
learnt that my vendor A.K. Gangappa and his legal heirs have filed
application for re-grant of the above said land including the lands
alienated in favoyr of my father. As per decisions of Hon’ble High
Court and Supreme Court, the order of re-grant will enure to the
benefit of transferee by virtue of the sale deed obtained from the


grantee. My father lawfully acquired title and possession to the

above said lands under a registered sale deeds referred to above
from the grantee. After the death of my father now I am in
possession and enjoyment of the above said lands. Since re-grant
order is not passed I am filing this application to re-grant lands
which were alienated in favour of my father. Hence this

THEREFORE, I request your authority, to consider the re-grant

application filed by my vendor and further kindly re-grant the
above said lands measuring 21 guntas in Sy. No. 181/1 and 1 acre
19 guntas in Sy. No. 181/2 of Kothakote village in my favour, since
I am lawfully transferee from the grantees as per law laid down
Hon’ble Courts and thus dispose of the above said application in
the interest of justice and equity.

With respects,

Yours Sincerely


DATE : 01.03.2008 (K.P.ADEPPA)


THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE made and entered into on this the __

day of January 2011, by and between :

aged about 66 years
W/o Late C. Krishnappa
R/o No. 16, 1st Cross, Lalbagh Fort Road
Mavalli, Bangalore-560 004.

Hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR (which term shall wherever the

context so permits shall mean and include her heirs legal
representatives, executors and administrators) of the ONE PART


aged about 41 years
S/o Sri. Jawaharlal
R/o No. 13/1, Girls School Road
Mavalli, Bangalore560 004.

Hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE (which term shall wherever the

context so permits shall mean and include his heirs legal
representatives, executors and administrators) of the ONE PART

The Lessor being the absolute owner of property No. 16, 1 st Cross,
Lalbagh Fort Road, Mavalli, Bangalore-560 004, offered to lease Two
shops converted into one shop in the Ground Floor, which property is
morefully described in the schedule hereunder and hereinafter referred
to as the schedule property.

11. The Lessor has agreed to lease to the Lessee and the Lessee
has agreed to take the schedule property and the lease in
respect of the schedule premises shall commence from ___-

12. The Lessee has agreed to pay a monthly rent of Rs. 10,000/=
(Rupees thousands only) in respect of the schedule premises
during the period of this lease with an enhancement rent at
10% every one year.

13. The Lessee has already paid Advance Amount/Security

Deposit of Rs. 5,00,000/= (Rupees five lakhs only). Out of
which a sum of Rs. 2,50,000/= (Rupees two lakhs fifty
thousands only) is paid vide agreement dated 1st October
2004, and the balance sum of Rs. 2,50,000/= (Rupees two
lakhs fifty thousand only) is paid on this day vide cheque No.
708216, dated 10.03.2009, drawn on ICICI, BANK, O.T.C.
Road, Nagarthapet, Branch, Bangalore. This amount does
not carry any interest and it shall be refunded by Lessor to the
Lessee when the Lessee vacates and hands over vacant
possession of the schedule property.

14. The Lessee shall pay the rent in respect of the schedule
property on or before the 5th of every month and shall obtain
receipt for the same. The Lessee shall pay the electricity
charges in respect of the schedule property and shall not keep
them in arrears.

15. The Lessee shall make use of the schedule property for Jewelry
shop purpose only and shall not make use of the same for any
unlawful trade or business. The Lessee shall not sub-let or
assign the lease hold right and shall make use of the schedule
property without causing any damage to the walls, flooring
and fittings.

16. The Lessee shall not put-up any permanent structure or

carryout any alternations to the schedule property.

17. The Lessee shall carry out annual repairs and white wash to
the schedule property and shall always keep the schedule
property in good and tenantable condition.

18. The Lessor shall be entitled to put-up additional floors over the
existing Ground Floor without causing any obstructions or
inconvenience to the Lessee.

19. In case the Lessee commits default in the matter of payment of

rent and infringes any of the terms agreed under this
agreement the Lessor shall be entitled to terminate and
determined the terminate and determine the tenancy without
reference to the period agreed under this agreement.

20. In case of the schedule property being acquired by the

competent authorities for either widening of the road or for
railway project (metro/mono) then the Lessor shall refund the
advance amount received under this Agreement within a
period of THREE MONTHS from the date of acquisition or
demolition which ever is earlier, failing which the lessee is at
liberty to recover the same from the compensation amount
being paid by the authorities towards acquisition.


All that piece and parcel of the premises, bearing No. 46 and 47,
situate at Ground Floor on Lalbagh Fort Road, Mavalli, Bangalore-560
004 and measuring 15 X 25 ft. and bounded on the ;

East by : Private Property

West by : 1stCross Lalbagh Fort Road
North by : Dr. Shah Clinic
South bu : Lalbagh Fort Road






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