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EMR Exposure Limits &

Assessment Methods for Mobile

Phone Communications
Lindsay Martin
Manager, Non-Ionising
Radiation Section
• How can we use Wireless
Communication Safely?
– Wireless communication uses Radiofrequency
(RF) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR).
– EMR carries energy and has potential to harm
human beings.
– Radiofrequency EMR is just part of a wide
spectrum of EMR which includes different types of
radiation with very different properties.
– Using RF EMR safely means we must understand
where it is used, how humans are exposed to it,
and how it affects humans.
Protection Strategy
• Scientific Investigation
– Identify harmful effects and mechanism of action.
– Determine threshold (if any) for harm.
– Look for harmful effects of exposures below

• Develop Safety Standards

– Expert review of science

• Assess Exposures & Check

• Educate, Inform & Regulate
What is Radiofrequency EMR?
Known by various names:-
• EMR – Electromagnetic Radiation
• EME – Electromagnetic Energy
• EMF – Electromagnetic Fields
– Electric Fields (E-fields, volts/metre, V/m)
– Magnetic Fields (H-fields, amps/metre, A/m)
– Characterised mainly by:
• FREQUENCY – cycles per second or hertz, Hz
• POWER FLUX DENSITY – watts/square metre, W/m2
–EMR is a wave of electric and magnetic fields travelling
at the speed of light.
Other forms of EMR
• Radiofrequency (RF) EMR ranges in
frequency from ~10,000 Hz (10kHz)
to ~100,000,000,000 Hz (100 GHz).
– Most uses are from 500 kHz – 5 GHz
– AM FM TV UHF Mobile/WiFi

• At higher frequencies, EMR is:-

– Infra-red radiation
– Visible light
– Ultra-violet radiation (UVR)
– X-rays (ionising radiation)
– Gamma-rays (ionising radiation) 5
Scientific Investigation
• Experiments on human volunteers:
– Expose humans to low levels of EMR
– Increase exposure until discomfort
– Monitor for signs of harm or biological effect
• Experiments on animals (in vivo)
• Experiments on cells (in vitro)
• Harmful effects depend on frequency
of the EMR.
• Clearly established effects show a
Established Effects of RF EMR
• At low frequency, electric fields can stimulate nerves,
muscles and brain.
• At higher frequencies energy is absorbed as heat and
increases temperature or makes body respond to
remove heat (thermoregulate).
• Body organs with poor heat removal (e.g. Lens of eye,
reproductive organs) can be more susceptible.
• If EMR is in very short pulses, effects of electric field
on cells can be more important than heating.
• Effects of heating make finding any other effects
difficult – they prevent use of high exposures to
accelerate other potential effects that might be there.

Effects seen but not Established..
• Other effects seen in some
experiments but not consistently or
reliably, or at high exposure levels, or
not necessarily harmful...
• Changes to DNA in isolated cells or in animals.
• Changes to cell growth and reproduction.
• Changes in brain wave patterns, sleep patterns.
• Changes in abilities to carry out mental tasks.
• Subjective symptoms.
• .......

Other Scientific Investigation
• Study of human populations
incidentally exposed to EMR
• Epidemiology
– Compare different populations (ecological study)
– Compare exposure and disease within a group at a
defined time (cross-sectional study)
– Follow groups with different exposures within the
population (cohort study)
– Compare exposures of people with disease with
those without (case-control study)
– Occupational studies and residential studies
• ~ 200 studies in last 10 years.
– No clear evidence of harmful effects but some
indications worthy of more research. 9
Expert Reviews of Science
• National Expert Reviews
– e.g. Swedish SSI, U.K. AGNIR
• International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC)
– Part of World Health Organization
– Classification for Carcinogenicity
– RF EMR Meeting May 2011
• World Health Organization –
• Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
– No. 137 – Most recent for RF EMR in 1993. Start
again this year following IARC review. 10
Expert Reviews of Science
• International Commission for Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection
– Reviews of Scientific Evidence
– Exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields,
biological effects and health consequences (100
kHz-300 GHz) - Review of the Scientific Evidence
and Health Consequences. Munich: International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection;
– Epidemiologic Evidence on Mobile Phones and
Tumor Risk: A Review. Epidemiology 20:639–652;
Exposure Guidelines & Standards
• WHO “Framework for developing
health-based EMF standards”
– Select: Scientific Database
– Perform: Risk Assessment
– Determine: Threshold Levels
– Select: Safety Factors
– Set: Exposure Limits
• Basic restrictions
• Reference levels
– Ensure Overall Practicability

Exposure Guidelines & Standards
– Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying
Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (up
to 300 GHz). Health Physics 74 (4): 494-522; 1998.
– Widely used as basis for national exposure limits.

• IEEE (International Committee on

Electromagnetic Safety)
– IEEE C95.1-2005 IEEE Standard for Safety Levels
with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,3 kHz to 300 GHz.
• Both documents contain extensive discussion of
scientific evidence and basis of exposure limits. 13
Exposure Guidelines & Standards
– Radiation Protection Standard for Maximum
Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields - 3 kHz to
300 GHz (2002)
– Based on ICNIRP (1998) guidelines
– Contains some practical implementation details
– Includes precautionary minimisation requirement
for public exposure:
“Minimising, as appropriate, RF exposure which is unnecessary or
incidental to achievement of service objectives or process
requirements, provided this can be readily achieved at
reasonable expense. “ and
“The incorporation of arbitrary additional safety factors beyond
the exposure limits of this Standard is not supported.”
Occupational & Public Exposure
• All example guidelines include “two-
tier” exposure limits providing larger
“safety factors” for public exposure.
• ICNIRP occupational & public.
• IEEE uncontrolled & controlled environments.
• Use of occupational limits is usually restricted to
trained workers involved in RF installation,
maintenance etc. Not just those exposed during
employment, such as cleaners, painters, etc.
• Pregnant workers revert to general public limits.

Exposure Limits
• Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) –
difficult to measure.
– Basic limitation on rate of absorbed energy from RF
EMR to prevent tissue damage or unacceptable
levels of heating.
– Whole Body Average SAR 0.08 W/kg (public).
– Localised SAR 2.0 W/kg for most exposed 10 g of
tissue (public). e.g. Mobile phone handsets.
• Reference Levels for Electric and
magnetic fields (or derived power
flux density) – more practical.
– Intended to assure SAR limitation is achieved.
Exposure Limits & Target Values
• SAR limits and Reference Levels for fields are “Ceiling”
values – not to be exceeded (taking 6 minute average
or averaging over body into account).
• Public limits usually apply everywhere members of
public could be expected to go.
• Some countries, regions or cities may have “target”
values intended as a precautionary measure.
• These limits are not based on thresholds and are often
the intended to address community concern.
• These sometimes refer only to levels of EM fields
indoors, or averaged over 24 hours, only some
technologies, etc.
• Not directly comparable with limits in standards.
Assessment of Exposures
• Assessment may be by MEASUREMENT or by
CALCULATION (usually computer software).
• Different choice of method for different circumstances.
• MEASUREMENT: often chosen very close to antennas
where fields may vary rapidly with location and be
complicated by multiple sources, reflection, etc.
• CALCULATION often chosen for environmental
assessments for public exposure relatively far away
from antenna, where contribution of single transmitter
is required. Can be made very conservative.
provides greater confidence in assessment.
• Method may depend on REGULATOR’s requirements.
Assessment of Exposures
• Assessment requires appropriate instrumentation or
• Appropriate skill, training and understanding.
• Calibration of instruments and regular checks.
• Calculation can be quite simple for distant
assessments – based on conservation of energy and
published data for antennas, transmitter etc.
• Example: ARPANSA EME Reports for new Mobile Phone
Base Stations – Near worst-case estimate of exposure
levels at 1.5 m above ground level with transmitters
all operating at full power.
• More sophisticated computer models used close to
antennas where Electric and Magnetic fields must both
be calculated.
• Radiation Protection for EMR
– Scientific knowledge of health effects.
– Science-based exposure limits.
– Ability to assess exposures.
– Engineering (barriers, masts) or administrative
(warning signs, training) controls to keep people
away from areas where exposures exceed limits.

• On-going work
– Monitoring of new research for new evidence and
taking into account new technologies where
– Information for concerned public 20
Thank You


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