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1. A silicon diode measures a low value of resistance with the meter leads in both positions.

The trouble, if any, is

A. the diode is open. B. the diode is shorted to ground [C]

the diode is internally shorted. D. the diode is working correctly

2.  Single-element semiconductors are characterized by atoms with ____ valence electrons.
A. 3
B. 4 C. 4 D. 5 [B]

3. Under normal conditions a diode conducts current when it is

reverse-biased. C. avalanched [B]

forward-biased. D. Saturated
4.  A diode conducts when it is forward-biased, and the anode is connected to the ________
through a limiting resistor.
positive supply C. cathode [A]

negative supply D. anode
5.  As the forward current through a silicon diode increases, the internal resistance
increases. C. remains the same [B]


6.  The movement of free electrons in a conductor is called

voltage. C. recombination [B]

current. D. equilibrium

7.  For a forward-biased diode, the barrier potential ________ as temperature increases.
Decreases C. increases [A]

remains constant D. none

8.  The wide end arrow on a schematic indicates the ________ of a diode.
Ground C. cathode [D]

direction of electron flow D. anode

9.  For a forward-biased diode, as temperature is ________, the forward current ________ for a
given value of forward voltage.
A. decreased, increases [B]

B. increased, increases

increased, decreases

decreased, decreases

10.  Which statement best describes an insulator?

A. A material with many free electrons. [C]

B. A material doped to have some free electrons.

A material with few free electrons.

No description fits.

11. You have an unknown type of diode in a circuit. You measure the voltage across it and find it
to be 0.3 V. The diode might be
A. a silicon diode. [B]

B. a germanium diode.

a forward-biased silicon diode.

a reverse-biased germanium diode.

12. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by [B]

A. distance between plates C. area of plates

B.thickness of plates D. all of the above

13. Which of the following is not a vector ? [C]

A. Linear momentum C.Angular momentum

B. Electric field D.Electric potential

14. The dissipation factor of a good dielectric is of the order of [A]

A. 0.0002 B. 0.002

C. 0.02 D. 0.2

15. "The total electric flux through any closed surface surrounding charges is equal to the
amount oflcharge enclosed". The above statement is associated with [C]

A. Coulomb's square law C. Gauss's law

B. Maxwell's first law D. Maxwell's second law

16. Which of the following expression is correct for electric field strength ?

A. E = D/E C. E = D2/t

B. E = jtD D. E= nD2

17. The power dissipated in a pure capacitor is [A]

A. zero C. proportional to applied voltage

B. proportional to value of capacitance D. both B and C above

18. In a capacitive circuit [B]

A. a steady value of applied voltage causes discharge

B. an increase in applied voltage makes a capacitor charge

C. decrease in applied voltage makes a capacitor charge

D. none of the above

19. Air capacitors are generally available in the range [A]

A. 10 to 400 pF C. 1 to 20 pF

B. 100 to 900 pF D. 20 to 100 pF

20. The absolute permittivity of free space is given by [C]

A. 8.854 x 1(T9 F/m) C. 8.854 x 1(T10 F/m)

B. 8.854 x KT11 F/m D. 8.854 x 10"12 F/m

21. The relative permittivity of free space is given by [A]

A. 1 B. 10

C. 100 D. 1000

22. The binary number 10101 is equivalent to decimal number____ [D]

A. 19 B. 12

C. 27 D. 21

23. The inputs of a NAND gate are connected together. The resulting circuit is ………….

A. OR gate B. AND gate [C]

C.NOT gate D. None of the above

24. The NAND gate is AND gate followed by ________ [A]

A.NOT gate B. OR gate

C. AND gate D. None of the above

25. Digital circuit can be made by the repeated use of ______ [C]

A.OR gates B.NOT gates

C.NAND gates D.None of the above

26. In Boolean algebra, the bar sign (-) indicates_________ [C]

A.OR operation B. AND operation

C.NOT operation D.None of the above

27. The resolution of an n bit DAC with a maximum input of 5 V is 5 mV. The value
of n is_______ [C]

A. 8 B. 9

C. 10 D.11

28. An OR gate has 4 inputs. One input is high and the other three are low. The output
is______ [B]

A. Low B. High

C. alternately high and low

D. may be high or low depending on relative magnitude of inputs

29. Decimal number 10 is equal to binary number______ [B]

A.1110 B. 1010

C.1001 D.1000
30. A decade counter skips ______ [C]

A. binary states 1000 to 1111

B. binary states 0000 to 0011

C. binary states 1010 to 1111

D. binary states 1111 to higher

31. Noise power at the resistor is affected by the value of the resistor as [C]

A. Directly proportional to the value of the resistor

B. Inversely proportional to the value of the resistor
C. Unaffected by the value of the resistor
D. Becomes half as the resistance value is doubled

32. Low frequency noise is____ [B]

A. Transit time noise

B. Flicker noise
C. Shot noise
D. None of the above

33. Hilbert transform may be used in___ [D]

A. Generation of SSB signals

B. Representation of band pass signals
C. Designing of minimum phase type filters
D. All of the above

34. An even function f(x) for all values of x and x holds [A]

A. f(x) = f(-x)
B. f(x) = -f(x)
C. f(x) = f(x)f(-x)
D. None of the above

35. The spectrum of the sampled signal may be obtained without overlapping only if
A. fs ≥ 2fm
B. fs < 2fm
C. fs > fm
D. fs < fm

36. In pulse width modulation, [A]

A. Synchronization is not required between transmitter and receiver

B. Amplitude of the carrier pulse is varied
C. Instantaneous power at the transmitter is constant
D. None of the above

37. In PWM signal reception, the Schmitt trigger circuit is used___ [A]

A. To remove noise
B. To produce ramp signal
C. For synchronization
D. None of the above

38. what we use for impedance matching in RF amplifiers? [B]

A. RC coupling
B. Transformer coupling
C. Direct coupling
D. RF coupling
39. Types of analog pulse modulation systems are [D]

A. Pulse amplitude modulation

B. Pulse time modulation
C. Frequency modulation
D. Both a and b

40. The rms value of thermal noise voltage is related to Boltzmann’s constant k as
A. Vn is Directly proportional to k2
B. Vn is Directly proportional to k
C. Vn is Directly proportional to √k
D. Vn is Directly proportional to k3

41. The unit step response of a system starting from rest is given by c(t) = 1 - e-2t for t ≥ 0. The
transfer function of the system is [B]

A. B.

C. D.

42. The signal x(t) = A cos (ω0t + φ) is [B]

A. Energy signal B. Power signal

C. Energy power D. None

43. FIR filter Passes __________ Phase [A]

A. Non-linear B. Linear

C. Variable D. None
44. An ac circuit has an impedance of (3 + j6) ohm for fundamental. The impedance for fifth
harmonic is [C]

A. (15 + j 30) Ω B. (15 + j 6) Ω

C. (3 + j 30) Ω D. (3 + j 1.2) Ω

45. Which of the following is/are not a property/properties power spectral density function Sx(ω)?


A. Sx(ω) is real function of ω B. Sx(ω) is a even function of ω

C. Sx(ω) is non-positive function of ωSx(ω) ≤ 0 for all ω

D. None

46. The Laplace transform of sin ∝t is_______ [A]

A. B.

C. D.

47. Fourier transform F(jω) of an arbitrary signal has the property [B]

A. F(jω) = F(- jω) B. F(jω) = - F(- jω)

C. F(jω) = F*(- jω) D. F(jω) = - F*(jω)

48. The n state variables can be considered as n components of a state vector. [A]

A. True B. False

49. The integral of a unit impulse is [A]

A. a unit step function B. a ramp function of slope 1

C. a pulse function of magnitude 1 D. None

50. Frequency domain of a periodic triangular function is a______ [D]

A. discrete sinc function B. continuous sampling function

C. discrete sampling function D. continuous sampling square function

51. All _____________ are loops but _______________ are not meshes [B]

A. Loops, Meshes B. Meshes, loops

C. Branches, loops D. Nodes, Branches

52. The current passing through a circuit is 7.2A and the power at the terminals is 27
watts.Existence is ___________ ohms. [B]
A. 0.5402 B. 0.5208
C. 0.5972 D. 0.5792

53. The value of the current controlled voltage source, given β=0.8 and i a=9.5mA, is
___________ [B]
A. 8mV B. 7.6mV
C. 0.0011Mv D. 0.0051mV

54. In case of a dependent voltage/current source, the value of this voltage/current

source depends on _________ [B]
A. Voltage/current sources of an external circuit
B. Voltage/current source present somewhere in the circuit
C. Only on voltage sources
D. Only on current sources

55. A 20mv, 1mA d’Arsonval movement is used in an ammeter whose full-scale reading
is 10 mA. Determine RA. [A]
A. 2.222Ω
B. 6.667Ω
C. 5.92Ω
D. 3.333Ω

56. A 100mv, 5mA d’Arsonval movement is to be used in an ammeter whose full-scale

reading is 1A. Calculate RA. [C]
A. 0.7 ohms B. 0.5 ohms
C. 0.1 ohms D. 0.2 ohms

57. A 122mv, 12mA d’Arsonval movement is to be used in voltmeter whose full scale
reading is 120v. The resistance inserted by 120v _____________ [D]
A. 1200Ω B. 12000Ω
C. 1000Ω D. 10,000Ω

58. There are 13 branches in a complicated network and nearly 8 nodes. How many
equations are required to solve the circuit in node-voltage method? [A]
A. 7 B. 13
C. 5 D. 6

59. If 4 equations are required to describe a circuit by Mesh-Current method and there
are n nodes. How many branches are there in the network? [B]
A. n+5 B. n+3
C. n D. n-1
60. If there are 5 sources in a network out of which 3 are dependent and 2 are
independent. For superposition principle ___________ sources are considered. [C]
A. 5 B. 3
C.2 D. 0

61. Quantization noise is produced in transmitter end of PCM system by

__________sample values of an analog baseband signal . [D]

A. Increasing B. Truncating

C. Decreasing D. Round off

62. The PCM error threshold is defined at the point where decoding noise
reduces(s/n)o to __________db. [C]

A.10 B. 0.1 C.1 D. 0.01

63. In Differential Pulse Code Modulation techniques, the decoding is performed by__ [A]

A. Accumulator B. Sampler C. PLL D. Quantizer

64. The format in which the positive half interval pulse is followed by a negative half
interval pulse for transmission of ‘1’ is [C]

A. Polar NRZ format B. Bipolar NRZ format

C. Manchester format D. None of the above

65. The information rate R for given average information H=2.0 for analog signal band
limited to [B]

A. 8 B bits/sec B. 4 B bits/sec

C. 2 B bits/sec D. 16 B bits/sec

66. The Gray code (23,12) is a codeword of length 23 which may correct [B]

A. 2 errors B. 3 errors

C. 5 errors D. 7 errors

67. The frequency shifts in the BPSK usually lies in the range [A]

A. 50 to 1000 HZ B. 100 to 200 HZ

C. 200 to 500 HZ D. 500 to 10 HZ

68. An analog signal is convert int a sequence of samples that is uniformly space in time.

A. Sampling B. Quantizing [A]

C. both a&b D. None of the above

69. The spectrum is overlapped with each other.the information may be loss it is said to be
A. Sampling B. Aliasing effect [B]

C. Quantization D. None of these

70. _________ is defined as the synchronizes superimpose of all possible realization,

viewed within a particular signaling interval. [A]

A. Eye pattern B. Eye recognization

C. Both a&b D. None of the above

71. A single resistor and a single capacitor can be connected to form a filter with a
roll-off rate of, [C]

A. -20 dB/decade B. -6 dB/octave

C. -40 dB/decade D. All

72. When the large sine wave drives a schimitt trigger,the output is a, [A]

A. Rectangular wave B. Series of ramps

C. Triangular wave D. Rectified sine wave.

73. At which state the phase-locked loop tracks any change in input frequency? [C]
A. Free running state B. Capture state

C. Phase locked state D. All of the above

74. If output is measured between two collectors of transistors, then the Differential
amplifier with two input signal is said to be configured as [A]
A. Dual Input Balanced Output B. Dual Input Unbalanced Output
C. Single Input balanced Output D. All of the above

75. The first order low pass Butterworth filter is used in __________ confirguration. [B]

A. Inverting B. Non-inverting

C. Both a and b D. None of the above

76. The maximum sink or source current of the 555 timer is _________. [A]

A. 40 mA B. 30 mA C. 20 mA D. 10 mA

77. An stable 555 timer has the following number of stable states. [A]

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

78. The frequency range over which a 565 PLL IC can be used is, [C]

A. 1 MHz to 5MHz B. 1 kHz to 5 kHz

C. 0.001 Hz to 500kHz D. 0.01 Hz to 50 kHz

79. Resolution of flash-type A/D convertor can be increased by _______ the number of
comparators. [B]

A. Decreasing B. Increasing

C. Both a and b D. None

80. If the output is measured between two terminals of collector which are at same
D.C potential, then that output is known as __________. [B]

A. Unbalanced output B. Balanced output

C. Both a and b D. None of the these

81. A J-K flip-flop with J = 1 and K = 1 has a 20 kHz clock input. The Q output is
_____________ [D]
A. Constantly LOW B. Constantly HIGH
C.A 20 kHz square wave D. A 10 kHz square wave

82. In RTL NOR gate, the output is at logic 1 only when all the inputs are at__ [A]
A. logic 0 B. logic 1

C. +10v D. floating

83. What is data routing in a multiplexer? [D]

A. It spreads the information to the control unit

B. It can be used to route data from one of several source to destination

C. It is an application of multiplexer
D. It can be used to route data and it is an application of multiplexer

84. The number of full and half adders are required to add 16-bit number is __ [B]
A. 8 half adders, 8 full adders B.1 half adders, 15 full adders

C. 16 half adders, 0 full adders D. 4 half adders, 12 full adders

85. How many two input AND gates and two input OR gates are required to realize Y =
BD + CE + AB? [A]
A. 3, 2 B. 4, 2
C. 1, 1 D. 2, 3

86._______ expressions can be implemented using either (1) 2-level AND-OR logic
circuits or (2) 2-level NAND logic circuits. [C]
A. POS B. Literals

87. The decimal equivalent of the excess-3 number 110010100011.01110101 is
_____________ [A]
A.970.42 B. 1253.75

C. 861.75 D. 1132.87

88. A three digit decimal number requires ________ for representation in the
conventional BCD format. [C]
A. 3 bits B. 1253.75

C. 12 bits D. 24 bits

89. The delay times are measured between the __________ % voltage levels of the
input and output waveforms. [A]
A. 50 B. 75
C. 25 D. 100

90. What causes low-power Schottky TTL to use less power than the 74XX series TTL?
A. The Schottky-clamped transistor [B]
B. A larger value resistor
C. The Schottky-clamped MOSFET
D. A small value resistor

91. The interface between an analog signal and a digital processor is [B]
A. D/A converter B. A/D converter
C. Modulator D. Demodulator

92. DIT algorithm divides the sequence into [B]

A. Positive and negative values
B. Even and odd samples
C. Upper higher and lower spectrum
D.Small and large samples

93. The computational procedure for Decimation in frequency algorithm takes [A]
A. Log2 N stages B. 2Log2 N stages
C. Log2 N2 stages D. Log2 N/2 stages

94. The s plane and z plane are related as [A]

A. z = esT B. z = e2sT
C. z = 2esT D. z = esT/2
95. The similarity between the Fourier transform and the z transform is that [B]
A. Both convert frequency spectrum domain to discrete time domain
B. Both convert discrete time domain to frequency spectrum domain
C. Both convert analog signal to digital signal
D. Both convert digital signal to analog signal

96. The ROC of a system is the [A]

A. range of z for which the z transform converges
B. range of frequency for which the z transform exists
C. range of frequency for which the signal gets transmitted
D. range in which the signal is free of noise

97. In tapped delay line filter, the tapped line is also known as ________ [B]
A. Pick-on node B. Pick-off node
C. Pick-up node D. Pick-down node

98. How is the sensitivity of filter coefficient quantization for FIR filters? [A]
A. Low B. Moderate
C. High D. Unpredictable

99. Decimation is a process in which the sampling rate is __________. [C]

A. enhanced B. stable
C. reduced D. unpredictable

100. Anti-imaging filter with cut-off frequency ωc = π/ I is specifically used ____ [C]
up sampling process for the removal of unwanted images.
A. Before B. At the time of
C. After D. All of the above

101. A microprocessor is a chip integrating all the functions of a CPU of a computer.

A. multiple B. single [B]
C. double D. triple

102. Microprocessor is a/an circuit that functions as the CPU of the compute [A]

A. electronic B. mechanic

C. integrating D. processing

103. Microprocessor is the of the computer and it perform all the computational tasks
A. main B. heart [B]

C. important D. simple

104. The purpose of the microprocessor is to control ___ [A]

A. memory B. switches
C. processing D. tasks

105. The microprocessor can read/write 16 bit data from or to __ [A]

A. memory B. I/O device
C. processor D. register

106. The 16 bit flag of 8086 microprocessor is responsible to indicate__ [A]

A. the condition of result of ALU operation

B. the condition of memory

C. the result of addition

D. the result of subtraction

107. The CF is known as____ [A]

A. carry flag B. condition flag

C. common flag D. single flag

108. The SF is called as__ [B]

A. service flag B. sign flag

C. single flag D. condition flag

109. The OF is called as____ [A]

A. overflow flag B. overdue flag flag D. over flag

110. The IF is called as__ [C]

A. initial flag B. indicate flag

C. interrupt flag D. inter flag

111. VLSI technology uses ________ to form integrated circuit. [A]

A. transistors B. switches
C. diodes D. buffers

112. Medium scale integration has ____________ [C]

A. ten logic gates B. fifty logic gates
B. hundred logic gates D. thousands logic gates

113. The difficulty in achieving high doping concentration leads to ____ [B]
A. error in concentration B. error in variation
C. error in doping D. distribution error

114. _________ is used to deal with effect of variation. [D]

A. chip level technique B. logic level technique
C. switch level technique D. system level

115. As die size shrinks, the complexity of making the photomasks __ [A]
A. increases B. decreases
C. remains the same D. cannot be determined

116. ______ is used in logic design of VLSI. [B]

117. Which provides higher integration density? [C]
A. switch transistor logic B. transistor buffer logic
C. transistor transistor logic D. circuit level

118. Physical and electrical specification is given in __________ [D]

A. architectural design B. logic design
C. system design D. functional design

119. Physical and electrical specification is given in ____________ [A]

A. architectural design B. logic design
C. system design D. functional design

120. Area A of a slab can be given as __________ [A]

A. t * W B. t / W
C. L * W D. L * t

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