Learning Journal: Check List

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Learning Journal

Sarah Dabek

Check list

What I have to improve, why and how:

– more vocabulary
– be more precise when I'm talking in english. You can understand me but it isn't always the
good conjugaison or "time" (preterit...)
– So I have to think more before talking in english...

-I want to have more vocabulary and be more precise, have a correct english because when I travel,
I like to talk with people who come from differents countries, with differents cultures, and when we
have some debates, I'm a little bit limited or I can't express what I really want to say, or I have to
make long sentences to get around the unknown word.
Then, I notice that a lot of french people in other countries are very "disabled" with the english
language, so I don't want to perpetuate this tradition.

-The better way for me to improve my oral english is to talk with people. I notice that when there is
not another way to talk with someone than english, you are more motivate to make some efforts to
communicate. So maybe I have to meet new people or participate at some talking groups at the
I will continu to watch movies and learn songs in english.


5 activities

– watch a serie in english

– have conversation with english speaking friend (John)
– mail for sponsor for my brother
– read about nutrition article of dr Mc Dougall
– learn and sing a song in english

Date: 15 january 2020, one day

Type of activity: have a conversation with speaking friend

Summary of activity and learning strategies:

One of my friend that I've met during my first travel alone in Netherland, in Utrecht, came in Lille
for one day. I was like the touristic guide, and I had to show him all the important points in the city.
So during one day, I have talked in english with him, and I see that my oral english is better than at
the S1, because it was easier to have debate and talk in a naturally way.
The advantage in this situation is that when you don't have a word, you have to search it immediatly
or you have to ask because if you ignore that problem you can't express what you really want to say.

Language focus:
– advanced booking
– a holiday resort
– a bakery
– to argue


Date: 18 march 2020, 30 min

Type of activity: read an article

Summary of activity and learning strategie:

I was interested by the work of the Dr Mc Dougall about nutrition, and the real cause of the
diabetes, so I have visited his website and I read some of his studies about this topic.
The vocabulary was once again the point which was difficult for me. Sometimes there were some
scientific vocabulary so I had to make some research to understand exactely what the Dr said. After
I watched one of his video of a conference on youtube. I have realized that I can understand a part
of his speech, but it was a little bit difficult so I just watch 15 minutes.

Language focus:
– Raw materials
– health-promoting nutrients
– weaken bones
– kidneys
– crave



Date: 21 february 2020, 15 min

Type of activity: Write an email
Summary of activity and learning strategie:

I was with my brother who produces music and plays sometimes in club, and a brand wanted to
make a collaboration with him, and wanted to him to post some photos in relationship with it on his
instagram. My brother isn't very good in english, so I have helped him to answer at this email. This
email had to be professional and a little bit commercial so it was very different of what I have to do
in class for exemple. We did some research for the politeness formula, how to begin and conclude
the email.

Language focus:
– I'm delighted to tell you that
– I'd be grateful if you could
– Would you mind giving more details about
– I look forward to hearing from you soon


Date: 7 march 2020, 1 hour

Type of activity: Learn and sing a song in english

Summary of activity and learning strategie:

I was with my best friend, at her home in Dunkerque. With this friend we sang and played the guitar
one year ago sometimes in public, during "la fête de la musique", or for some associations, and we
wanted to learn a new song for the evening, because we have to go to a party with some members of
our old group, and we knew that they will ask for a song. So we have learnt "sunny afternoon" by
The Kinks, and to stay in the same theme, we have decided to learn "sunny" by Bobby Hebb. It was
a little bit difficult because there were some unknown words, and the verses was very similar in
their structure, but not with the same words, so it was hard to remember all the slight differences.

Language focus:
– the gleam
– filled with rain
– dough
– squeeze
– eased the pain
– spark


Date: 20 March 2020, few hours

Type of activity: watch a serie in english

Summary of activity and learning strategie:

When the containment was declared, I had a lot of time to be curious and interested by a lot of
differents topics far away of the music. So I watched the serie "Cheer", a serie-documentary about
the cheerleading, and I have realized that these girls are very sporty and real athletes. I can't bear the
translation in french in this serie, so I put the videos in english. First with the french subtitles, and
after I have decided to watch with the english subtitles. It was not too difficult, but I had to be more
focus, and it became more like a work (pleasant sure) than a leisure activity.

Langage focus:

– sportters
– squad
– stunt
– the flyer
– scand
– fold over

My self-directed work on Calao (CRL)

Correction of the festival programm

activities proposed at the festival: activities proposed in the festival
The goal of organize an has been music festival: organize a has been

They have been train to win: they have been trained to win
Opa Tsupa will be presents: be present
an artist very inspired by Django Reinhardt, will interpretes : interprete
will be produce: will be produced
We will listening old music: we will listen

so few young amateur groups : so several young amateur groups
A lot of kind of food: a lot of type of food
there are some manners to: there are some ways
you can use skates on place : you can use skates on-site

link words:
The river the « kamtchaka », who gave his name to the city : which gave her name
dance the rock meanwhile the group plays: dance the rock at the same time as the group plays
It is almost an island: it's an island too

by one of our friend: friends


To conclude my learning journal, I can say that I'm satisfied with the work I've done. I feel more
confortable with the speaking out in english, I dare speak in english with other people even if I
commit mistakes, the essential is here, and I pay more attention to the conjugation I use. My oral
understanding is better, like I had explain in the 5th activity. So I meet these objectives, but I admit
that I don't realized enough work to increase my vocabulary. Yes I have learnt some words thanks to
my activities, but I thinks I should have dedicate more time per week to learn more vocabulary, like
some lists that I found on internet. So I think my next objectives are to be more focus on this point,
because it blocks my oral expression, when I talk with a friend for example.

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