Cursed Seal (Draft)

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Copyright Holder: Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Viz Media,

Shonen Jump and all affiliated partners
Art: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
Cover Illustrator: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
Interior Illustrators: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto

Designer: Kingsare4ever (Tommie)

Editor: Kingsare4ever (Tommie)
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Special Thanks: Elease, Denziel, Lauren for being the first play
test dummies and allowing me to ruin your lives with this
little idea of mine. Hope you guys stay on for the long haul.
Play testers: Elease, Denziel, Lauren, Tommie, Jaden, Keenan,
Jared, David, Antonio, Jackson, Taylor, Julia and over
500+Naruto fans who are taking the time to help make this
game infinitely better.

Gaining the Cursed seal is a controversial event. From a saving throw should be made should be to resist passing
bygone era of dark ninjutsu and experimentation, this out after it initially takes hold.
relic of history has survived this long as a testament to The application of a Curse seal should always take
the twisted nature of the people who study and employ place during a point in time when its most makes sense
them. Characters who are afflicted with a curse seal are to introduce such variable power ups in the game. Once
usually targets of dark shinobi, twisted scientists or you gain the Cursed Seal, it’s influence tears its way into
corrupt figures who wish to use them in a plot to convert your mind and its influence spreads throughout your
them over to their side. In some cases, they are guided to body, slightly corroding it.
a certain decision and forced to make one against their
better judgement.
Cursed seals are powerful Fuinjutsu that cannot be
removed by normal means. Those with these marks are Leveling up a Curse Seal is an arduous task, unlike
generally under the command, dominion or even normal ninja classes that require the player to gain XP to
patronage of a powerful figure, similar to that of reach their next level, the curse seal requires a sacrifice
Orochimaru. Players who find themselves sporting a of some sort on the player's behalf. This must come
cursed seal are not looked at with eyes of envy or even willingly and cannot be forced by a 3rd party. A creature
joy. A cursed seal can lead to banishment, torture, and in cannot charm another creature into willingly advancing
some cases death by association. This isn’t a marking to the next level.
that most villages would allow to freely roam around By permanently sacrificing hit die, you permanently
without close supervision or excessive amounts of trust. increase your Cursed Chakra pool. Each Level of the
The Cursed seal is a tool that can be used for plot Cursed Seal requires more sacrifice relying on the player
relevance from the side of the DM and mechanical to offer up more and more of their body and stamina to
benefit of the Player. When granted to the player, the the Curse seal to receive more and more of its benefits.
Curse Seal immediately takes hold and grants the creator When a player activates a Cursed seal, they grant
of it a direct line of influence over them and granting themselves all of the benefits of the Cursed Seal they
them power to overcome almost insurmountable trials have unlocked. When they do, they restrict access to
they may be facing at that particular moment in time. their normal chakra pool and instead must use this new
This is a powerful Class Mod and should not be handed Resource; Cursed Chakra, for the duration of your curse
out freely without careful consideration into enemy seal activation (Up to 1 minute) becomes your primary
choice. source of chakra points. After 1 minute or you run out of
cursed Chakra, you immediately exit the form and you

GAINING A CURSED SEAL reduce your chakra points by an amount equal to 10 x

this class mods level (Min 1), and you gain Ranks of
The Curse Seal cannot be learned or found, it cannot be Corruption equal to the highest stage you were in.
self-imposed and is always given to the player by hostile When the Curse seal is advanced in level, the player
or less than friendly means. In most cases when the who did so, gains access to the new levels features. The
Curse seal is applied to the player it is in a conflict of Cursed Seal can only be advanced via player action and is
some sort with the Cursed seals current master or not automatic in any way.
creator. The Curse seal is a powerful asset and is Some Corruption effects, and even Cursed seal
generally handed out only at points when the Villain Features will reference your Cursed Seal patron Save DC.
both wants to influence a particular player, the You can calculate this Save DC using the following;
characters are entering a point in time where they are Cursed Seal Patron DC: 5 + Current Rank of Corruption
getting slight bumps in their power & the DM wants to + Cursed Seal Class Mod Level.
include a level of Risk and reward in regards to how a
character goes about getting stronger at a cost.
Generally, there is not a save associated with receiving a
Cursed seal and should not be. The only case in which a

Rank Effect
1 When your Hit Points drop below an amount equal to triple your character level, you must make a Charisma Check vs your Cursed Seal Patron Save
DC. On a failed save, you immediately enter your highest stage of Cursed Seal Release while
2 Gain 5 Temporary hit points for each Rank of Corruption you have. You can only gain temporary hit points once per short rest for each rank of
Corruption you have
3 -2 Penalty to Ability Checks vs your Cursed Seal Patron

4 +2 to Saving throws while you are Benefiting from your Cursed Seal Release Class Mod Feature.
5 When you would roll Initiative, your curse seal flares up. Make a Charisma Check vs your Cursed Seal Patron Save DC. On a failed save, you enter your
highest stage of Cursed Seal Release.
6 Heal a number of hit points equal to your Corruption rank times your Level in this class mod, when you activate your Cursed Seal Release. This can
only trigger once per short rest.
7 -2 Penalty to Ability Checks vs your Cursed Seal Patron.
8 You cannot use Normal Chakra until you complete a Full Rest. You also cannot reduce Ranks in Corruption until you spend 1 Week of Downtime to do
9 Corrupted Arts Have a Reduced Cost equal to your Level in this class mod. You can only cast Corrupted Arts.
10 Double your Cursed Chakra Pool, Disadvantage on Ability checks made vs your cursed Seal Patron.
Dexterity or Constitution (Pick One, this cannot be
When you finally gain the Cursed Seal Class Mod, you changed later.)
gain the following class mod features.


Beginning at the first level of the Cursed seal Class mod,
you have been gifted or cursed with this specialized
A powerful and sinister curse seal that drags the users
transformation-based Fuinjutsu. While the cursed seal
rage and anger out into the open and uses it as a fuel
binds to you, you feel extreme pain, fatigue, and
source for its power, amplifying it and turning it into a
exhaustion. For the next 24 Hours as this cursed seal
weapon for the user. This curse seal solidifies itself on
takes hold of your body, it begins to alter your DNA. For
the user in its dormant state as three curved arrows
this duration you gain 4 Ranks of Exhaustion and the
rotating around each other.
Weakened condition. At the conclusion of the 24-hour
binding duration, you awaken with one of the 6 Cursed P RIMARY A BILITY S CORE :
Seal Types; Heaven, Earth, Hell, Sun, Moon or Stars. Strength or Wisdom (Pick One, this cannot be changed
Each seal embodies different ideologies and varying later.)
different abilities and physical alterations as you grow in
strength. Your Cursed seal shapes itself to match one of S ECONDARY A BILITY S CORE :
these 6 Cursed Seal Types. Constitution


Originally considered the most powerful of the Cursed A newly created curse seal, based on the power originally
seals due to its power and to whom it was given. This has held by the heaven and earth seals, but meant to amplify
long since changed as the era’s passed and the other the user’s weak point in those previous seals. While this
curse seals have grown in each of their focuses. This seal doesn’t affect a creature's personality or psyche
Cursed Seal solidifies itself on the user in its dormant negatively it does amplify their ambition making them
state as three tomoe (the design known as mitsudomoe), more prone to act in their own self-interest. This curse
similar to the Sharingan. Those with this Cursed Seal seal solidifies itself on the user in its dormant state as
begin to thirst for Power above all else. When you are two small spheres symbolizing suns sitting next to each
confronted with a situation where your own strength other.
isn’t enough you find it extremely difficult to not resist
using your Cursed seal to supplement yourself beyond
what it already has. Intelligence or Constitution (Pick One, this cannot be
changed later.)
Strength or Dexterity (Pick One, this cannot be changed
later.) Wisdom


Intelligence Developed in tandem with the curse seal of the Sun, as a
countermeasure to the physical deterioration of the
CURSED SEAL OF EARTH other Curse seals. This seal reinforces the body's
Originally considered the counterpart of the Cursed Seal resilience and keeps with the increase in the creature's
of Heaven, stated to be equal in power and ability. This perspective and reaction times. This curse seal solidifies
curse seal solidifies itself on the user in its dormant state itself on the user in its dormant state as three curved
as three slightly curved lines, which spread in a rip-like arrows rotating around each other.
pattern. Those with this cursed seal begins to thirst for
progress above all else. When you hit a road block, your
mind immediately shifts towards coming up with ways Strength or Constitution (Pick One, this cannot be
to progress passed this obstacle and you find it changed later.)
extremely difficult to not resist using your cursed seal to S ECONDARY A BILITY S CORE :
progress to a new level if needed.

Secretly developed by the Legendary Sannin
Beginning at 1st level of this class mod, your cursed seal
Orochimaru, with the help of the other Sannin Tsunade,
has sealed a powerful source of chakra inside of you
in an effort to cure a historically potent disease that
called Cursed Chakra. You begin with 25 Cursed Chakra
affected higher brain function. Once created the research
in your Cursed Chakra Pool.
was thought to have been destroyed but after its
In order to gain levels in this class mod you must meet
resurgence that assumption was brought into doubt.
certain Cursed Chakra pool requirements. In order to
This Cursed seal has the potential to cure any and all
gain more Cursed Chakra, you must permanently spend
disease, at the cost of a shortened life span.
Hit die. For each Hit die you permanently spend, you
P RIMARY A BILITY S CORE : permanently lose access to that hit die, reducing your
Wisdom or Intelligence (Pick One, this cannot be maximum hit die by 1. (This does not reduce your
changed later.) Maximum hit points.) For each hit die spent, you
increase your Cursed Chakra pool by 10. Beginning at
S ECONDARY A BILITY S CORE : 3rdd level of this class mod, for each hit die spent,
Constitution instead increases your Cursed Chakra pool by 15.
When you spend Cursed Chakra, it recovers at the
CURSED POWER same time as normal Chakra. When you spend Chakra
Die to regain chakra, you regain Cursed Chakra equal to
Beginning at 2nd level of this class mod, your body has
twice the result. You recover all Cursed Chakra on a Long
begun to adapt to the Cursed Chakra coursing
throughout your body. Attacks you make and Jutsu you
Cursed Chakra cannot be accessed by normal means.
cast that use your Primary or Secondary Ability Scores
While you have a Cursed Chakra pool, you must be
gain a +1 Bonus to attack & damage rolls, and to Jutsu
benefiting from the Cursed Seal Release Class Mod
Save DC’s.
Feature. When you gain access to your Cursed Chakra,
Starting at 3rd level of this class mod, your body has
you cannot spend Normal Chakra, and must spend
reached a point of no return. Your skin tone begins to
Cursed chakra in its place.
take an ashy or darker tone. Your body has begun to
Jutsu, you cast that that uses Cursed chakra can be
internalize your Cursed chakra into itself, passively
upcast up to two ranks higher than your current
increase your physical and mental capabilities. Your
limitations, they add an additional die to their damage,
Primary and Secondary Ability scores increase by +2.
healing or effect if it requires a dice roll (if any), and
Your Primary and Secondary Ability Scores maximums
their save DC’s are increased by half of your Class mod
become 22.
Level (Rounded up, Min 1.)
Penultimately, at 4th level of this class mod, your hair
darkens if it was light in color, or turns ashy white if it
was dark in color. Your Primary and Secondary Ability
Scores maximums are now 24. Additionally, jutsu you
cast have a slight resonance with Cursed Chakra, dealing
additional damage equal to your Ranks in Corruption
(Min 1.)
Finally, starting at 5th level of this class mod cursed
chakra courses through you at all times. You lose all of
your normal Chakra permanently, and instead gain
access to your Cursed Chakra pool without needing to
activate your Cursed Seal Release class mod feature. You
still need to activate that class mod feature to gain its

Finally, beginning at 1 st level, you learn to tap into the vast S TAGE 1
stores of power this Cursed Seal carries. As a bonus action, Your markings begin to creep across the user's body
you can enter Stage 1 of your Cursed Seal. While at this originating from the location of the curse seal, in the shape
stage of your Cursed Seal, you gain a +2 bonus to your of contorting and parallel lines, tattooing themselves
Primary and Secondary Ability scores and whatever other across half of your body.
specific abilities listed in each specific Cursed Seal While in this state you gain a +2 to Strength, Dexterity
description text. You can remain in this form for up to 1 and Constitution saving throws. Also, clan features that
minute. You can end this form early as a bonus action. provides you bonus damage in any way, (Ex. Immaculate
Beginning at 3rd level, you gain access to Stage 2 of your Precision from the Fuma Clan, or White Lightning from the
Cursed Seal. While in Stage 2, you gain the benefits of Stage Hatake Clan) now deal twice as much bonus damage.
1. Also, when you would deal damage, you reroll all 1’s and
2’s, taking the second result, even if it is a 1 or 2. You can S TAGE 2
remain in this Stage for up to 10 minutes. Your cursed seal covers your entire body, turning it a
Finally, at 5th level of this class mod, you gain access to darker hue of your current skin tone. A medium length tail
Stage 3. You gain all the benefits of Stage 2 and an begins to grow from your lower back. This tail is 3-feet in
additional +2 bonus to your Primary and Secondary Ability length and is an extension of your spine. This tail remains
scores. While in Stage 3, neither your cursed seal or your for the duration and dissolves when you exit this stage.
patron can be resisted, automatically failing any checks While in this stage, when you take the attack action to
they may force upon you. make a weapon attack, you gain an additional attack,
Regardless of Stage, when you end your Cursed Seal which you can only use to make a tail swipe attack.
Release or your cursed chakra reaches 0, you Your tail swipe is a melee weapon attack. You can only
immediately exit the Stage and you reduce your chakra make a tail swipe once per round. This attack has a range of
points by an amount equal to 10 x this class mods level 5 feet and deals 3d12 + Twice your strength or dexterity
(Min 1. If you have less chakra points than they amount modifier (Whichever is higher) on a hit. Increase your
of chakra you would lose as a result of this feature, you movement speed by 25 and movement you make cannot
reduce your current chakra to 0, and gain the following provoke opportunity attacks.
Conditions; 1 Rank of Exhaustion, Dazed, Slowed and
Weakened until you complete a short or long rest.
Your cursed seal takes root deep within your very essence,
SEAL OF HEAVEN bonding with your DNA and completely reshaping your
genetic structure. Your current chakra is reduced by half.
S TAGE 1 You then gain bonus Cursed Chakra equal to the amount of
Your markings begin to creep across your body originating chakra reduced. You can only Cast Cursed Arts in this state.
from the location of your cursed seal. They take the shape Additionally, you gain an additional action on your turns
of black embers tattooing themselves across half of your which you can use to cast Cursed Arts.
While in this stage you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls. CURSED SEAL OF HELL
Also, clan and class features that have use limits or bonus
resources, (Ex. Combo points from Taijutsu Specialist,
Superiority Die from Scout Nin, or Sharingan clan feature from Your markings begin to creep across the user’s body
the Uchiha Clan) have additional use limits or Bonus originating from the location of the curse seal, in the shape
resources equal to your level in this class mod. These of lines spreading out in a jagged, zigzag pattern centering
additional resources, points, or uses last until used or you on the user’s heart originating from the location of your
end your Cursed seal Release Class Mod Feature. cursed seal.
While in this state you gain a bonus to your AC equal to
S TAGE 2 your level in this class mod, and class features that provide
Your cursed seal covers your entire body, turning it a you with bonus damage in any way, (Ex. Absolution for
darker hue of your current skin tone. Your back begins to Genjutsu Specialist, Sneak Attack for Hunter-Nin, and Brute
mold, twist and contort, until a large webbed hand sprouts Force for Scout Nin’s, Assault scout Subclass) adds twice your
from your back, that seem to be under your control, as if level in this class mod to the damage dealt.
there were always a part of you.
While in this stage you gain a flight speed equal to your
movement speed. If you can already fly, you instead Your cursed seal covers your entire body, turning it a
increase your fly speed by 30 feet. Additionally, all Cursed darker hue of your current skin tone as a single eye grows
Arts you cast have a +1 Critical threat range. This stacks on your forehead and in the palm both hands.
with other features that increase critical threat range. These additional eyes allows you to see through all tricks
and defenses an enemy may attempt. You gain a +10 to
S TAGE 3 passive perception and Insight, and a bonus to all attack
Your cursed seal takes root deep within your very essence, rolls equal to your level in this class mod.
bonding with your DNA and completely reshaping your
genetic structure. Your current chakra is reduced by half.
You then gain bonus Cursed Chakra equal to the amount of Your cursed seal takes root deep within your very essence,
chakra reduced. You can only Cast Cursed Arts in this state. bonding with your DNA and completely reshaping your
Additionally, you gain an additional action on your turns genetic structure. Your current chakra is reduced by half.
which you can use to cast Cursed Arts. You then gain bonus Cursed Chakra equal to the amount of
chakra reduced. You can only Cast Cursed Arts in this state.
Additionally, you gain an additional action on your turns
which you can use to cast Cursed Arts.

Your markings begin to creep across the user’s body Your markings begin to creep across the user’s body
originating from the location of the curse seal in the shape originating from the location of the curse seal, in the shape
of circles spreading across the body in a random of crescent moons scattering across your body.
assortment of size and distance from one another. A large While in this state you gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence,
circle rests over one of the user’s eyes. Wisdom and Charisma Saving throws. Also, reduce the cost
While in this stage you radiate a light that can almost be of concentrating on jutsu or arts by 2 Cursed Chakra per
mistaken as holy or divine. All attacks, Jutsu, or Arts you jutsu or Art you maintain concentration on, to a minimum
cast now deals either Fire or Lightning Damage. This of 1.
damage ignores resistances and immunities. Bukijutsu that
requires a specific damage type, may use your weapon if
that weapons original damage type matches the Your cursed seal covers your entire body, turning it a
requirements. darker hue of your current skin tone. You manifest a large
Additionally, clan or class features you have that have a crescent moon construct that floats just behind you, but
once per turn limit now have a twice per turn limit for the cannot be moved or separated from you by any means.
duration. This crescent moon acts as a focus point for all of your
Jutsu to originate from. You can concentrate on an
S TAGE 2 unlimited amount of Jutsu while in this state.
Your cursed seal covers your entire body, turning it a
darker hue of your current skin tone and a large ring grows
from your back, creating an enveloping circle connected to Your cursed seal takes root deep within your very essence,
the spine. This ring acts as a polarizer, creating a field of bonding with your DNA and completely reshaping your
repulsion that attempts to repel incoming attacks. genetic structure. Your current chakra is reduced by half.
You can, as an action or reaction, create a singularity You then gain bonus Cursed Chakra equal to the amount of
field of attraction on a point you can see within 30 feet of chakra reduced. You can only Cast Cursed Arts in this state.
you. All attacks, Jutsu, large or smaller creatures, objects, Additionally, you gain an additional action on your
and structures are pulled towards this point. If two or more turns which you can use to cast Cursed Arts.
objects or creatures collide, they each take 1d12 force
damage for every other creature or object they collide with. CURSED SEAL OF THE STARS
If you pull a jutsu towards this singularity it immediately S TAGE 1
disperses. You can use this feature a number of times equal
Your markings begin to creep across the user’s body
to your level in this class mod per transformation.
originating from the location of the curse seal in the shape
If used as a reaction to another creature casting a jutsu
of 7 pointed stars taking shape in the Iris of the user.
or attacking, the jutsu is diverted even if it would normally
While in this state you gain advantage on all saving
affect an area or have a predefined shape, it would become
throws against jutsu with Nature Release Keywords.
distorted and move towards the singularity completely
missing its target and anyone else in its original or new S TAGE 2
path. Your cursed seal covers your entire body, turning it, a
S TAGE 3 darker hue of your current skin tone and you generate 7
floating stars that surround you at all times. For the
Your cursed seal takes root deep within your very essence,
duration, when you or a creature you can see within 60 feet
bonding with your DNA and completely reshaping your
of you would take damage, you can spend one of these
genetic structure. Your current chakra is reduced by half.
floating stars. When you do, they reduce incoming damage
You then gain bonus Cursed Chakra equal to the amount of
by 5, for each star spent, until the end of the current turn.
chakra reduced. You can only Cast Cursed Arts in this state.
You regenerate 1d4 Stars at the start of each of your turns.
Additionally, you gain an additional action on your
turns which you can use to cast Cursed Arts. S TAGE 3
Your cursed seal takes root deep within your very essence,
bonding with your DNA and completely reshaping your
genetic structure. Your current chakra is reduced by half.
You then gain bonus Cursed Chakra equal to the amount of
chakra reduced. You can only Cast Cursed Arts in this state.
Additionally, you gain an additional action on your
turns which you can use to cast Cursed Arts.

Your Art has an increased efficiency. Reduce this Arts cost
Starting at 1st level of this class mod, you also have been
by 2 to a minimum of 1.
gifted with the knowledge of Corrupted Arts. Powerful
You can take this boost twice. If you do, reduce this arts
alternate versions of Jutsu you, yourself know. You begin
cost by 4 instead to a minimum of 1.
with 1 Corrupted Art and gain more as you gain levels in
this class mod following the table at the beginning of this
class mod.
Your Art has an extreme amount of effort pushed onto it.
Select one Jutsu you currently know. This jutsu becomes Increase this arts cost by 3. In return increase this Art’s
an Art and has the Corrupted prefix attached to it. You do damage die by 2. If your Art does not deal damage, then
not lose this jutsu and can still cast it as normal, you just instead increase the save DC by 2.
gain a Corrupted version of it as a Corrupted Art. Corrupted You can take this boost twice. If you do, increase this arts
Arts unlike other Class mod arts, count as jutsu, the only cost by 10 instead. In return increase this arts damage die
defining difference being, that they do not gain the by 5. If your art does not deal damage then instead increase
benefits of effects that reduce the cost of jutsu from Clans, the save DC by 5.
Classes or Feats. Corrupted Arts, regardless of duration,
cannot last outside of your Cursed Seal Release duration. CORRUPTED ELEMENTS
These Arts use your original Jutsu Attack Bonuses and Your Art has a latent elemental effect. This can only be
Save DC. Corrupted Arts can still clash with jutsu and other added to an Art that deals Damage or imposes a condition
Arts. Corrupted Arts can only be cast using Cursed Chakra. as a result of a failed Saving throw. When a creature would
When you gain a corrupted art, you select two of the take damage from or fail your arts Saving throw, they gain
following Corrupted boosts to apply to the art. These 1 Rank of one of the following conditions, and suffer their
boosts cannot be changed later. You cannot select a boost listed effect. You must select one of the following which
more than once unless otherwise stated. you choose when you select this Cursed Boost. You cannot
go back and change this option.
CORRUPTED ARMOR You can take this boost twice. If you do, you select a
Your Art has magnified your defensive prowess. When you
second option which you have not already selected. You
cast this art, you gain half of the result of any dice rolled to cannot go back and change this later.
resolve its effect (Damage, Healing, Boost) and gain
• Bleeding. They gain 1 Rank of bleeding at the end of
Temporary Hit points equal to the following based on the
result; each of their turns for the duration of your art.
• Burned. They gain 1 Rank of Burned at the end of each
• Damage: Half the result.
of their turns for the duration of your art.
• Healing: Full result.
• Chilled. They gain 1 Rank of Chilled at the end of each
• Boost: Twice the result.
of their turns for the duration of your art.

• Corroded. They gain 1 Rank of Corroded at the end of
each of their turns for the duration of your art.
Your Art has a +1 to its critical threat range. This stacks
• Envenomed. They gain 1 Rank of Envenomed at the
with other effects that increase critical threat range.
end of each of their turns for the duration of your art.
You can take this boost twice. If you do this Arts critical
• Shocked. They gain 1 Rank of Shocked at the end of
threat range is increases to +2.
each of their turns for the duration of your art.


Your Art becomes unavoidable, instead becoming almost a
Your Art magnifies your attack speed. This can only be
guaranteed hit. This can only be added to an Art that
added to an Art that makes more than one attack roll at the
requires an attack roll. Your jutsu loses its attack roll. It
time of casting. Increase the number of attacks made by 1.
instead requires a save against your jutsu types Save DC
You can take this boost twice. If you do, this art
and, on a success, taking half damage and no further effect.
instead Increases the number of attacks made by 3.
You select the Saving throw based on the Jutsu Type.
• Ninjutsu: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution or CORRUPTED FOCUS
Wisdom. Your Art has a reduced focus requirement. This Art does
• Genjutsu: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. not count against your Concentration limit.
• Taijutsu: Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.
• Fuinjutsu: Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom or Charisma CORRUPTED FORCE
Your Art has a magnified force behind it. If your art is a
CORRUPTED DISTANCE single target, it deals half damage to all creatures within 10
Your Art has a magnified distance. If your art has a range of feet of the original target.
Touch, it now have a range of 10 feet, otherwise, double the
range of your art. CORRUPTED FORTITUDE
You can take this boost twice. If you do this Arts range is Your Art increases your Fortitude, allowing you to resist
instead tripled. If your art originally had a range of touch, physical influence. This Art grants you advantage in
then it gains a range of 30 feet. Strength and Constitution Saving throws for your Arts
CORRUPTED DRIVE You can take this boost twice. If you do, this art also
Your Art magnifies your drive and ambition. If you use a grants you proficiency for your Arts duration
Will of fire while casting this art your art deals twice its
maximum possible damage.

Your Art has an increased impact power. Your art deals Your Art increases your Will, allowing you to resist mind
double damage to structures, constructs, and Temporary altering effects. This Art grants you advantage in Wisdom
Hit points. and Charisma Saving throws for your Arts duration.
You can take this boost twice. If you, do you instead deal You can take this boost twice. If you do, this art also
triple damage to structures, constructs and temporary hit grants you proficiency for your Arts duration

This art magnifies your healing potential. This can only be
added to an Art which has the Medical Keyword. Your Art
heals an additional amount equal to twice this class mods
You can take this boost twice. If you do, this art instead
deals additional damage equal to three times this class
mods level.

Your Art has an increased penetrative potential. Your Art
ignores bonuses to AC, Temporary Hit Points, and Damage
Reduction Granted by Jutsu. This does not ignore a change
to AC calculation such as Unarmored Defense.

Your Art has increased Power. Your Art deals additional
damage equal to twice this class mods level.
You can take this boost twice. If you do, this art instead
deals additional damage equal to three times this class
mods level.

Your Art provides you with an increase force of
presence, allowing you to impose your will upon
others much easier. If a creature fails the saving
throw of your Art, regardless of your Arts text they
do not get additional saves for your arts duration.
Your Arts cost increases by 5.

Your Art increases your Reflexes, allowing you to
resist dangerous effects. This Art grants you
advantage in Dexterity and Intelligence Saving
throws for your Arts duration.
You can take this boost twice. If you do, this art
also grants you proficiency for your Arts duration.

Your Art increases your resistance towards damage
for a time. This Art reduces all incoming damage by
an amount equal to twice your level in this class mod
for your arts duration.

Your art grants you additional corrupted tenacity for
a time. This art allows you to add +10 to your Clash
Additionally, when you successfully win a clash,
your instead deal triple damage, if any, and the
losing creature gains 2 ranks of exhaustion.

Your art grants you additional protective shielding
for a time. This Art grants you temporary hit points
equal to Five times your level in this class mod for
your arts duration.

CORRUPTED MIND, BODY & SOUL Obviously false statements do not require Wisdom
Checks. Statements that have room for doubt or even a
Finally, at 1st level of this class mod, your thoughts are
sliver of potential for truth do not count as obviously false.
slowly being intruded upon by your Patron or their higher
Resisting your Cursed Seals advances comes at a heavy
ranked enforcers. You begin to struggle dealing with these
burden. Each failed check increases your Corruption Rank
intruding concepts, thoughts, urges, wants, desires and
by 1.
requests. These foreign feelings and intruding beliefs are
Below are a what each rank of Corruption does to you
those of your Cursed Patron and his enforcers. Your Cursed
while you have it. When you would complete a long rest,
Patron would be the one who granted you this power. While
you remove 1 rank of Corruption. When you would
his enforcers are those who he may command to
complete 1 Week of Recouperation, you remove 3 Ranks.
accomplish his goals directly. Your Cursed patron or his
enforcers may not be near you, but your cursed seal carries C ORRUPTION
a fragment of them. This fragment acts in accordance to
the wishes of your patron’s original intent with giving you Rank Effect
this cursed seal. 1 When your Hit Points drop below an amount equal to triple your
When you would activate your Cursed Seal Release, you character level, you must make a Charisma Check vs your Cursed
gain ranks of Corruption based on the highest stage you’ve Seal Patron Save DC. On a failed save, you immediately enter your
entered. highest stage of Cursed Seal Release. This Corruption effect can
• Stage 1; 1 Rank of Corruption. only trigger once per short rest.
• Stage 2; 3 Ranks of Corruption. 2 Gain 5 Temporary hit points for each Rank of Corruption you have,
• Stage 3; 5 Ranks of Corruption. when you would gain the benefits of any Cursed Seal Release
Corruption is the measure of how deep the cursed Stage. You can only gain temporary hit points once per short rest.
chakra has dug itself into your biology. Cursed chakra, 3 -2 Penalty to Ability Checks vs your Cursed Seal Patron
along with the cursed seal is constantly altering your
DNA in attempts to turn you into something you’re not, 4 +2 to Saving throws while you are Benefiting from your Cursed Seal
a potential vessel for your Cursed Patron. Corruption is Release Class Mod Feature.
the measure of how fast this process is taking place in 5 When you would roll Initiative, your curse seal flares up. Make a
relation to its normal pace. Each rank symbolizes a 10% Charisma Check vs your Cursed Seal Patron Save DC. On a failed
change in your DNA. save, you enter your highest stage of Cursed Seal Release. If you fail
In addition to activating your Cursed Seal Release, your Charisma Check by 5 or more, you also gain the Berserk
whenever you would encounter a situation, conflict, or
condition. While Berserked in this way, you can still cast Corrupted
challenge that would cause your patron to act, such as
Arts, ignoring CM limitations and restrictions. This Corruption effect
urging you brutalize or kill, a weak but defenseless enemy.
can only trigger once per short rest.
They will use your cursed seal to influence you. Your
Cursed Seal will attempt to influence you to do such tasks. 6 Heal a number of hit points equal to your Corruption rank times
While normally you could easily push away these advances, your Level in this class mod, when you activate your Cursed Seal
because of the Cursed Chakra flowing through your body, it Release. This can only trigger once per short rest.
becomes harder to do so. 7 -2 Penalty to Ability Checks vs your Cursed Seal Patron.
When your DM informs you of your Cursed seals
8 You cannot use Normal Chakra until you complete a Full Rest. You
attempts to manipulate you into doing something against
your will, make a Charisma Ability Check vs your Cursed also cannot reduce Ranks in Corruption until you spend 1 Week of
Patron DC to resist its attempts. You calculate your cursed Downtime to do so.
Patron DC as follows; 9 Corrupted Arts Have a Reduced Cost equal to your Level in this
class mod. You can only cast Corrupted Arts.
Cursed Seal Patron DC: 5 + Current Rank of Corruption
10 Double your Cursed Chakra Pool, Disadvantage on Ability checks
+ Cursed Seal Class Mod Level.
made vs your cursed Seal Patron.
On a successful check you resist and are able to make
your own choices with no further challenge. On a failure,
you fall prey to its machinations. You feel compelled to
complete its request. If you are confronted, you are sooner
to initiate combat while feelings of anger or rage may
permeate throughout you. Creatures can attempt to
dissuade you by attempting Charisma (Persuasion) Checks
vs your Wisdom (Insight) bonus +10. On a success they are
able to calm you via conversation. Otherwise, if combat is
initiated, if you are reduced to half or less Hit points you
snap out of your fit of anger.
Your Cursed Seal can also act as a form of long-distance
psychic communication between you and your Patron or
their enforcers. They can attempt to provide you with
information at their own whims and pleasure. When they
attempt to provide you some information, you can attempt
a Wisdom Ability check vs your Cursed Seal Patron DC, to
discern if it is telling you the truth or attempting to push
you further into a point of madness. On a failed check you
begin to believe its words, lie or not.

Some Players and DM’s may want to include dark and CURSED SEAL CHOICE EXAMPLES
esoteric cursed seals into their campaign to relive the
narrative the original Naruto Series brought but there SASUKE UCHIHA
are a few traps and pit falls that can trap both a player Cursed Seal, Level 1
and DM in this regard when using this Class Mod.
• This Class mod is designed to attempt to provides the
Primary Ability Score: Dexterity
same general power level those with a Cursed Seal
Secondary Ability Score: Intelligence
displayed in relation to the series power level of its
time. Those with Cursed Seals were, until the War Arc Sasuke made use of the cursed Seals power in a limited
considerably powerful combatants for their actual skill fashion. He did not abuse it early on, in fact he did use
level. When reviewing this class mod, you must keep the passive Ability score increases to his benefit, but
this in mind. when he realized he was still behind Naruto, he decided
• Players DO NOT get to decide which cursed seal they to tap further into its power when he left with the Sound
receive from their Patron. They DO get to decide which 4.
bonuses the cursed Seal Provides, Corrupted Arts they Corrupted Art (1): Corrupted Chidori
want and when they want to use it though. Corrupted Boosts: Corrupted Penetration, Corrupted
• Do not be afraid to impose additional penalties to Tenacity
players who attempt to manipulate and abuse this
Class Mod. I am certain both I and the Kage Council are Cursed Seal, Level 2
fully aware of all feature interactions in regards to this Corrupted Art (2): Corrupted Phoenix Flower
class mod and potential future Classes, Features, Corrupted Boosts: Corrupted Efficiency, Corrupted
Feats, etc. If there happens to be an issue do not Power
hesitate to reach out to the Developers about any Corrupted Art (3): Corrupted Uchiha Flame Ball
questions you may have HERE. Corrupted Boosts: Corrupted Distance, Corrupted Power
• This class mod attempts to breathe life into a
Cursed Seal, Level 3
forgotten about ability presented early on in the
Naruto Franchise while allowing players to not feel Corrupted Art (4): Corrupted Static Weapon
left behind by others who happen to have more Corrupted Boosts: Corrupted Efficiency, Corrupted
powerful Class Mods. Power
• Fuinjutsu do not need to have specific text dedicated Corrupted Art (5): Corrupted Great Fire Bomb
towards restraining a cursed seal. If you have a Corrupted Boosts: Corrupted Effort, Corrupted Drive
situation where a player, or NPC wants to try to
restrain a players Cursed Seal via sealing Jutsu
(Fuinjutsu) and want a way to gamify the situation,
you should perform a skill challenge for the NPC to
pass. Intelligence (Ninshou) vs DC 15+ Twice the level
of this class mod. On a successful check, the Fuinjutsu
can temporarily lock away the Cursed Seal, preventing
Cursed Chakra from leaking out.
• This class mod is not as powerful as others but
provides a lot of player control over how they wish to
progress with this class mod.
• Players with this class mod WILL have more resources
than all of players, even those with class mods of their
own. This can be off set with threats who have either,
more Hit points, or traps that drain the users actual
Chakra reserves.
• A DM’s goal when a player has this class mod, is to
attempt to seduce them to the dark side by
continuously offering them additional perks from
using or sacrificing more Hit die to the class mod as a
• A PC who finds a way to kill their cursed Patron,
undo’s the bind the Patron has over them. This Patron
should be powerful and a challenge. Below is a Sample
Adversary Block for Orochimaru as a Cursed Patron.
o Once a PC kills their cursed Patron, they revert
back to Level 3 of the Cursed Seal, regaining all
lost Hit Die as a result of leveling the cursed Seal
o They cannot advance beyond level 3.
o Their Patrons fragment can still influence them,
but less often.

Medium Mutant, Sound, Solo, Iconic, Prof + 7, Initiative +9 Ninjutsu. +16 to hit, (Ninjutsu save DC 24)
Level: 15 (14000 XP) D-Ranks (Cost 5): Oppressive Aura, Shadow Snake Bite, Sensing Technique,
Substitution Technique, Sealing Art: Bind, Mitotic Regeneration
Armor Class 24 (Combat Jacket) C-Ranks (Cost 9): Darkness, Vampiric Touch Earth Release: Earth Clone, Wind Release:
Hit Points 848 Great Breakthrough, Uzumaki Art: 5-Pronged Seal
Chakra Points 426
B-Ranks (Cost 14): Summoning: Rashomon, Nondetection, Serpent Adaptation
Speed 50 ft.
A-Ranks (Cost 20): Seal of Discord
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA S-Ranks (Cost 25): Summoning Technique, Sealing Art: Impure World Destruction
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 21 (+5) 17 (+3) 11 (+0)
Genjutsu. +15 to hit, (Genjutsu save DC 22)
D-Ranks (Cost 5): Bane, Cause Fear, Ineptitude
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +12, Con +14, Int +8, Wis +6, Cha +10
Skills Athletics +8, Acrobatics +9, Chakra Control +11, Deception +14, Insight +17, C-Ranks (Cost 9): Pythons Glare, Chakra Shatter, Enthrall
Intimidation +14, Perception +10, Stealth +9 B-Ranks (Cost 14): Effortless Stun, Fear
Damage Resistance Non-Chakra enhanced bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
A-Ranks (Cost 20): Bringer of Darkness
Damage Immunity Poison
Condition Immunity Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned Taijutsu. +12 to hit, (Taijutsu save DC 20)
Senses passive perception 20, Darkvision 60ft C-Ranks (Cost 9): Dancing Blade Risk, Heaven Cutter

Iconic Legacy. You have the blood of legends in your veins. You can learn any
Hijutsu regardless of Clan limitations. Multiattack. Orochimaru can make 3 attacks with Grass Cutter.
Iconic Focus. Orochimaru cannot lose concentration on Jutsu as a result of Grass Cutter. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10(1d10 +
damage. 4) Slashing damage. This Katana scores a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19 or 20
Iconic Determination. Orochimaru gains 3 additional uses of Legendary
Resistance per day
Orochimaru can make 3 Legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only
Agile. Orochimaru Makes Dexterity Saving throws at advantage. one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creatures
Constrict. At the start of your turn, a creature grappled by Orochimaru takes 15 turn. Orochimaru regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
bludgeoning Damage.
Attack. Orochimaru makes one attack using a Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu of C-
Immortal. Orochimaru cannot be killed unless he is reduced to 0 hit points Rank or Lower or with Grass Cutter
by an attack, jutsu or art that uses Sage Chakra, Celestial Chakra, Cursed
Defend. Orochimaru takes a defensive stance gaining a +3 AC until the start of the
Chakra, Light Chakra, or Dark Chakra.
next turn.
Unnatural Toughness. Orochimaru is immune to damage if it deals 15 or less.
Mobility. Orochimaru turns into a snake, dashing up to 50 feet in any direction.
Unnatural Resistance. Orochimaru has Resistance to Jutsu with the Fire Release
Unnatural Power. Creatures who make Saving throws as a result of If Orochimaru fails a saving throw, He can choose to succeed instead.
Orochimaru’s Jutsu or Arts, are always made at disadvantage.

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