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English Duration: 1hr

I. Answer the following questions briefly: 3x2=6

1.What did the parents do when the young Seagull failed to fly?

2.What did the young bird do to seek attention of his parents?

3.What happened to the young Seagull when it landed on the green sea?

II.Quote from memory: (5)

Not hurrying.......its toll.

III.Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer the questions given below: (4)
So let the way wind up the hill or down.
O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy:
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy, New
friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
a. How is the way of life?
b. How should be the journey of life?
c. Mention the poetic device in the first line.
d. Pick out the rhyming words.

IV.Rearrange the following sentences: (5×1=5)

1. Caliban was employed like a slave.
2. Ariel took rather too much pleasure in tormenting Caliban.
3. With the help of these spirits Prospero could command the winds and the waves of
the sea.
4. These gentle spirits were obedient to Prospero.
5. By virtue of his art he had released many good spirits.

V.Grammar: (5x1=5)
Rewrite the following sentences in the other voice:

1.Has registration been completed by them?

2.He has painted many pictures. They were exhibited by him in the art gallery.

3.Kalidasa wrote Shakundalam. He has written a number of epics.

4.When will she finish her homework?

5.Why did she do this?

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