Conditional: Complete The Conditional Sentences

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 If + present, present => a fact.

 If we add two to two, we obtain four.
 If + present , will + v-to => possibility.
 If we practice everything with exercises or reading, we will be perfect in our studies.
 If + simple past, would+ v-to=> unreality.
 If it was cold today, we wouldn’t open the windows.
 If +(past perfect/present perfect),would have + past participle=> unreality or impossibility in the
past=> regret.
 If I had chosen biology as the branch of my studies, I would have been a researcher.

Complete the conditional sentences:

1- If I had time, I________________(go) Shopping with you.

2- If you__________________(speak) English, you will get along with them perfectly.
3- If they had gone for a walk, they _________________________ (turn), the lights off.
4- If she ________________(come) to see us, we will go to the zoo.
5- I would have told you, if I_________________(see) him.
6- Would you mind if I ______________________(open) the window?
7- If they __________________(invite) me, I wouldn’t have said no.
8- My friend_____________________(meet) me at the station if he gets the afternoon off.
9- If I_____________________(not/do) it, nobody would do it.
10- If my father___________________(not/pick) me up, I’ll take the bus home.
11- I ___________________(write) to her if I knew her address.
12- I wouldn’t mind living in this country if the traffic _____________(not/be)so bad.
13- If I showed you how to open the safe, _______________(you/promise) not to tell anyone?
14- If the police come looking for you I___________________(say) you have left the country.
15- If you _______________(move) to the UK you would have to learn to speak English.
16- She__________________(not/buy) it if she didn’t think she needed it.
17- The salad_________________(taste) better if you added some garlic.
18- We_______________________(grow) our own vegetables if we had a garden.
19- What will you do if the boat_____________________(sink).
20- If Mel____________________(ask) hear teacher, he’d have answered her questions.
21- The door will unlock if you____________________(press) the green button.
22- You _____________________(have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
23- If you spoke louder, your classmates____________________(understand) you.
24- The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she_____________________(feed) the
1- Introductory verb in the present:

Direct speech Reported speech

The lesson is difficult. She says (that) the lesson is difficult.
What’s your name? He wants to know what my name is.
Does your sister go to school? He wants to know (if/whether) my sister goes
to school.
Did she buy a book? He wants to know whether my friend bought a
Close the window, please. I ask my friend to close the window.
 Request
Don’t smoke any more The doctor (orders/ tells) the patient not to
 order smoke any more.
When the reporting verb is in the present => No tense change.

2- Introductory verb in the past:

Direct speech Reported speech

I never eat meat. He told us that he never ate meat.
I’m waiting for Ann. He explained that he was waiting for Ann.
I have found a flat. She said that she had found a flat.
I’ve been waiting for ages. He said that he had been waiting for ages.
I took it home with me. She declared that she had taken it home with
I (will/shall be) in Paris tomorrow. He informed his family that he would be in
Paris in the following day.
When the reporting verb is in the past, many changes occur.

Direct speech Reported speech

Simple present Simple past
Present progressive Past progressive
Present perfect
Simple past Past perfect
Past perfect
Present perfect progressive
Past perfect progressive
Past progressive
Future Conditional/would
Would would
can could
could could
shall would
should should
might might
must Must/had to

Expressions of time:

Direct speech Reported speech

Today That day

Tonight That night

Now Then
This week That week
These days Those days
Last(week/..) The previous( week/..)
The (week/..) before.
Yesterday The day before.
The previous day.
Ago Earlier
Tomorrow The following day
The next day
Next(week/mont..) The following (week/..)
Soon After a short time.

Expressions of place:

Direct speech Reported speech

Here There

1- He said, “I like this song.” => He said________________________________

2- “ Where is your sister?” she asked me. => she asked me__________________________________
3- “ I don’t speak Italian”, she said. => She said___________________________________________
4- “Say hello to Jim”, they said. => They asked me ________________________________________
5- “ The film began at seven o’clock”, he said. => He said ___________________________________
6- “Don’t play on the grass, boys”, she said. =>___________________________________________
7- “Where have you spent your money?” she asked him => She asked him____________________
8- “ I never make mistakes”, he said.=> He said__________________________________________
9- “Does she know Robert?” he wanted to know =>______________________________________
10- “Don’t try this at home”, the stuntman told the audience. => The stuntman advised the

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