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Sales Interview Question with Aim

Note:- All questions are connected to each other.

Step 1: - After finishing normal questions/interaction, or we can directly start

1. Tell me about your aim…means what you want to be?

Aim :- We can find how much he/she is serious about life.

2. What is your first job? Or Which job did you apply for the first time after finishing your
Aim :- we can find about his/her dream job or how much he/she is serious about job/life.

3. Can you show me how you prepared for this interview?

Aim:- we can understand he is serious for job or not

4. What is sales?
(Condition: - If aim is different or same then it is important to understand why he/she
want to join sales.)
Aim :- What he know about sales.

5. Why you join sales or why you want to join sales?

(Condition: -if answer is growth, learning or field job, public interaction then next step.)
Aim :- We can understand he/she is doing time pass in sales or sales is dream job

6. There are lots of other job/multiple platforms, but why you choose sales?
Aim :- We can understand he/she is doing time pass in sales or they have growth plan in

7. Tell me about sales experience? Which problem do you face the most while doing sales?
Aim:- If we are doing anything with honesty means when we are motivated towards our
work or when we understand seriousness of our job responsibilities then we have only
good exp. On the basis of our own experience, we also know what is the reason behind
any problem. If not then we have bad/negative exp. And we play blame game. If he/she
face negative problems with no genuine reason then he/she is not serious.

8. When do you know sales was for you?

Aim:- It show his/her interest in sales is genuine or fake

9. What is best memory of sales you won?

Aim:- It show sales capabilities means how much he is capable.
10.What was a mistake you made? What did you learn from it?
Aim:- it show how much he is ready to learn, How much is he going to learn from his
mistakes, And is he only going to put the blame for his mistakes on others?

11.When you have a bad day , what do you do to recover?

Aim :- It show how much he is capable in planning

12.What is your strength in sales?

Aim:- If we know our strength, then we also know our shortcomings, from this we can
understand he is working for his own growth or not. we will suddenly ask him about his
weaknesses so that we can get the right answer.

13.How will you start sales? Or Can you walk me through each step of your sales process?
Aim:- He is professional or not, Is this a process follower or not?

14.How you handle sales pressure?

Aim:- How much capable to handle pressure

15.What motivates you in sales?

Aim:- Self motivated person or not, Does it have a reason to do sales or not?

16.How you handle with rejection?

Aim :- How strong on mental level.

17.How you plan to meet your target?

Aim:- Is he/she able to fulfill the company's target or not, Will he work hard to achieve his
goal? Or he is just a dreamer?

18.If you fail to meet your target then what will be your next strategy or what is your
Aim :- Whether he is going to lose from failure or not or what is he going to learn from
and will he try again with a new enthusiasm or not?

19.Have you consistently met your goals?

Aim :- Sales abilities

20.Sales is also a field job… so r u interested? And why?

Aim:- how much he/she is energetic.

21.Why you need hectic or pressure job?

Aim:- capabilities to handle pressure
22.Give me three point or reason, which play important role in closing deals?
Aim:- Capabilities of closing deals

23.what you think- personality/grooming or presentation play important role in sales?

Aim:- Awareness of sales presentation

24.How you make or create customer relationships?

Aim:- What he think about customers

25.When a customer was upset with you in the past, how did you handle it?
Aim:- How much he is serious for customer relationship.

26.Do you think you have convincing skills? What skills do you have to convince people?
Aim:- How much effort he will put to close the sales?

27.If customer told you – Price is high as compare to others means you are selling same
product with same quality at high price. Then what will you do?
Aim:- Objection Handling

28.Tell me about an opportunity you lost. Why did you lose it?
Aim:- He/She is responsible or not.

29.Describe a time when you had a difficult prospect, and how you handled that situation to
win the sale.
Aim:- To Understand how he they approach difficult prospects, whether they can put
aside their pride to move a deal forward for the greater good of the company.
Listen for a clear explanation of the situation, the steps they took to fix it, and the
results of their actions

30.Teach me something.
Aim:- Selling is about more than just listing the benefits and features of a product or
service. This question allows candidate to show how well they can share
knowledge and walk you through a new concept. Can he communicate the concept
effectively? If he/she is genuinely interested in explaining the concept, they should excel
in explaining your product to prospects.

31.Why you want to join us?

32.Sell me this pen

33.Sell me old newspaper

34.Sell fish to pandit

35.Sell comb to bald

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