Email Marketing

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An average person is bombarded with at least 50-150 emails in a day out of which he only

notices 5% of them while opens only 2% of them. So the big question is why still popular
companies like zomato uber and redbus prefer email marketing over any other social media

Here is why email marketing has worked more successfully for these brands

More number of users.

Email is considered to be an oldest source of online marketing. It’s there for decades now and
almost all generations use it. Email is like an entry gate, if you use any digital device its natural
that you have email. In fact you need email address as basic information if you want to open an
account at any platform, so, there is no way that one doesn’t have an email address and not use it.
Its known that people check their email at least once in day, so even if there are 2% chance that
one open the mail it’s still somehow more probability than reach of social media as there are
thousands of post uploading every minute.

Reach of right audience.

Today, whenever anyone registers their account in an application they always feel free to share
email address rather than a phone number/social media handles. They are people who are already
interested in our products and hence the perfect target audience. Strategy that these brands use is
simple, rather than targeting new customers make sure you keep your existing customers loyal to
you. It’s called 80-20 rule in marketing that says, 20% of your loyal customer will bring you
80% of the business.

Email also gives you an option of dividing the subscribed list as per different factors like
location, age, gender and thus target the audience as per the requirement.

Consider an example of zomato- when there are offers related to particular restaurant they target
customers around that restaurant or as far as their service can be reached.

Personalized messages

Email in modern days is known as best tool for direct marketing. It is as good as initiating a one
on one conversation with your audience. It surely doesn’t mean that they sit and type each and
every email. It involves understanding the customer in a way that they offer them the right
product/service. There are people who use services only when there are discounts and coupons
while for some use it for emergency and so on. They track details like these, maintain a record of
buying pattern or even take a small survey that helps them to reach out them accordingly.
Also when it comes to personalizing the message they have been successful in connecting the
audience strategically and emotionally. They wish them on birthdays and anniversary, celebrate a
festival with them and simultaneously give them a reason to use their services.

Rich media message

Email has it all. Unlike other social media applications email gives you a space to market your
product through all elements at one place. Starting with an attractive subject line, adding a copy,
adding links/QR codes, CTA, an image or directly taking you to application. Email marketing
doesn’t only advertises their message only to be forgotten in next second like other
advertisements, it guides them to actually take an action and buy the product. At first it notifies
them with and interesting subject line that urges them to open the mail while the engage them
such that it influence them to take action or least possible leave a good brand recall value.

These were three major reasons of how email marketing has worked better than any other digital
platform let us know what strategy attracts you in email marketing if you were to announced as
marketing manager of any of these brand?

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