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GUIDE TO STABILITY DESIGN CRITERIA FOR METAL STRUCTURES Fifth Edition Eaited by ‘THEODORE V.GALAMBOS 00239925" ® JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Mow York - Chichester -Welnholm- Brabane Singapore Toronto \ nase “Thon iri on pe thn Cae ‘Saar ed Ss a ech 1 Gl Ses Cap ho att ‘tre pce en manos Pato stn gpa SS rey ea ear 3 end rs en MA etme covered Is sold wth he wading tht the pe hot emg So ‘Snir sng oh pst aes hg ec of ee be teue he ero omar tal row les Lr of Cine Cap i Pain Dts 4-703 191 mn CONTENTS FOREWORD NOTATION AND ABBREVIATIONS (CHAPTERONE INTRODUCTION u 2 3 ‘4 Le The Mat Colum Scope and Summary of he Guide Mechanica Properties of Stactaral Metals Definitions Postboeklng Behavior Credits for the Chapters in the Fifth Eton ofthe SSRC Gade (CHAPTERTWO STABILITY THEORY n 2 Introduction Iifsreaton Bkling Limit Load Beekling (CHAPTERTHREE CENTRALLY LOADED COLUMNS uM a as a6 Introduction sate Clans Bulk Cotumas Mil Building Colmes Giuyed Towers Research Neos ‘CHAPTER FOUR PLATES 4“ 2 ao 4a 4s 46 Introduction Local Bacling and Postbucking Strength of Paes Interaction Between Plie Emons ‘Local Buckling and Postbucklng tenth of Stoned Plates Bucking of Onbotropic Plates. Lately Loaded Pats Commpreion 12 1 15 1st 19 ip CHAPTERFIVE BEAMS 52 Elute Latra-Trsonal Buckling 53 tncatieLatrl-Torional Buckling 554 Bracing Requirements 55. Design of Lately Unsupported Beams 61 tnvoduction (62 Web Buckling as a Bass for Design 163. Shear Strength of Pte Gide: 464 Ginders with No Intermediate Ssfeners 165. Sto Plate Shear Walle {66 Bending Strength of Pte Girders {61 Combined Bending and Shear (68 Plate Girders with Longitudinal Sienes 169. End Panels {610 Dain of Steers 6.11 Panels Under Edge Loading 61 Fatigue 6.13 Design Pinples and Philosophies 614 Girders with Corugated Webs 615 Research Nesds CHAPTERSEVEN BOX GIRDERS. 1 ntodtion 72. Rass of Design 13 Bucking of Wide Flanges TA Bending Sength of Box Girdes 1S. Shear Suength of Box Gide 16 Combined Bending and Sher Strength of Box Girders {LT nvenoe of Torsion on Strength of Box Girders 19. Unsilfened Diaphragms 710 Siiened Daphras ZL Research News a0 28 m ma 20 2 251 26 26 a nm 20 21 ae 2a 2 a 9 34 36 CHAPTEREIGHT BEAM-COLUMNS 1 etodction 2 Seength of eam Columas 3. Uniasal Bending: n-plane Strength 4 Uniaxial Bending: Latera-Torsional Buckling 85. Bguivalent Uniform Momeat Factor 6 Biaxial Bending 87 Design of Beam Cums KS Speci Topics CHAPTERNINE HORIZONTALLY CURVED STEEL L-GIRDERS 91 ntodetion 365 92 Analysis Methods 366 92 Stability of Curved Cinder Bridges x 94 Ukimate Strength sod Design Recommendations mm 95 Diaphragms, Cross Frames and Lateral Bracing mm 946 Concading Remarks mm CHAPTERTEN COMPOSITE COLUMNS AND STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS. 383 101 Introdostion 30 102 Cros-Ssctonal Suenath of Composit Sotions a7 103 Fore Transfer Betucen Concrete and Stel se 104 Othe Considerations for Coss Sectional Srength es 105 Length Ems 395 106 Design Approaches ao 10.7 Databases and Cabration 06 108 Suucturl ystems and Connections for Compost and Hybrid Stroctares 08 109 Summary 40 CHAPTERELEVEN STABILITY OF ANGLE MEMBERS a0 1 neoduction a8 112 Review of Experimental and Analytical Research 419 13 Single Angle Compresion Members roy 114 Curent Indsy Practice for Hot-Rolled Single-Angle Members inthe United Sates 9 15. Carer Inds Praise Oui the Unies State forthe 147. ytinds Sbjct to Combined Loadigs sa Des of Hot Rod Ange a 148. ‘Stengh apd Behavior of Damaged and Reps Tabular 16 Dasa of Aly Losded Colt Formed Sige Anges. 6 cums ser eee eee a (CHAPTER FIFTEEN MEMBERS WITH ELASTICLATERAL 11.8 Multiple Angles in Compression 438 —— 119) Ange in Pure a 151 Imgodsction 152, Metin ofthe Compresion hors ssi ee er ane 15.3 Effect of Secondary Factors on Buckling Load 586, oe as 4 aii Chel Beenie sn 122 trek 6 fo eee a ee cee a 156 Plate Girder with Flstcally Brace Compresion Flange sa 124 Rett Bae for Columns or rates ‘si ee a 126 Continuous Cohan ang pt CCHAPTERSIXTEEN. FRAMESTABILITY 204 127 Leann Stems 6s eee mn 128 Columns Braco on One ane io ee = 120) eum Hocking snd ene “ ods bd 1240 Bem Big o 18a Pome Suiy Dg sing Sn Oner Ans s an enim : 16.5 Overview of Current Code Provisions 652, (CHAPTER THIRTEEN THIN-WALLED METAL CONSTRUCTION 479 166 Concluding Remarks on 181 tnoduction ” CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ARCHES eso 132, exual Mees “0 TTA InPline Sait of Arches «@ 133 Compreson Manters * 172 IPlane Liner Silty om 134 Disphapm Action of Thin Wal Pols soe 173 InPlane None Ele tbiy oa 133 rong Regrets sos 7a tlie iat Lo o 136 Stine Sil Satara Meer: sou 115 Dasgn of Arche or I-Pae Silty as 127 Aluminum Meters 510 128. Ovea-Pane Sty of Arches oss 11 Out Pane Bucklg of Cer Assos or eueaete te laeeeee ater eee sea 17.8 Qut-of-Plane Buckling of Parabolic Arches 90 11 son 1 179 Breed Arche ed Resumen or Reig Sytem oo 142. Duvpdon of Backing Bebavor a 1740 Uta tng of Sit Artes Subj o Unlorly 143 Unsiiffened or Heavy-Ring-Stiffened Cylinders 28 Distributed Vertical Loads m 144. General nai Ring ited ides 0 "711 Una Suegh of ie Ach Bags Subj © Uno 143. Stinger or Ringand Stinger Steed Cyr ss eee 146 Effets on Column Buckling 359, 12 Ultimate Strength of Steel Arch Bridges Subjected fan! Lateral Uniform Loads os (CHAPTEREIGHTEEN DOUBLY CURVED SHELLS AND ‘SHELL-LIKE STRUCTURES 182 The Bac Problem 184 Design Codes 1K6. Reticulated Stl TK7- Design Trends and Research Needs (CHAPTER NINETEEN SELECTED TOPICSIN DYNAMIC 19.1 tnteodution 192 Parametric Resnanse 19.3 Stability of Impulsiely Loaded Columns 194 Dynamic Soap-Thvough of Stallow Suuctures 19.5. Flow-induced Isabity 1946 Soddenly Loaded Stractures (CHAPTER TWENTY STABILITY UNDER SEISMIC LOADING 201 tntoduction 202. Overall System Stability (P-4 Eet) 203. Member Instability 204 Loci! Buckling 20S. Concluding Remavks (CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. STABILITY ANALYSIS BY FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 211 ntodoction 212 Weighted Residual Formulation 213. Variational Formulation 214, Eigenvalue Analysis 218. Second nd Higher Onder Analce 214 UncerintiesinStabiity Analy 217 Comper Sofware BIR Valdtion Problems 708 aw na ne m mm 70 8 18 18 188 71 74 1 co 2 193 196 19 APPENDIXA GENERAL REFERENCES OM STRUCTURAL APPENDIX TECHNICAL MEMORANOUMS OF STRUCTURAL 1 The Basic Columa Formula o 12 Notes on the Compresion Testing of Metals a 13. StubColuma Text Procure sie [Ba Procedure for Testing Cetally Loaded Colums m 1S General Principles forthe Stablity Design of Metal Stractres 36 6 Determination of Reidal tess a8 7 Tension Testing ww BA Standaré Methods and Definition for Tess for State Vielé Stes si 9 Fuel Teng 39 'B10 Statistical Essustion of Test Data for Limit tates Deen 866 APPENDIXC STRUCTURAL STABILITY RESEARCH ceouneit ove NAMEINDEX esa ‘suesect INDEX oor FOREWORD Since its founding in 1944, the pial obpetves ofthe Srctra Stabity Reserch Counc former the Column Research Coan) have ee foster resarchon he tehvior of compronive components of mt structures aod of Sireciral systems, an fo astm the developeent of maproved despa oe (rdare Tee Counel provides guidance to pacing engineers and wars of ‘Sevgnspecfcatons, codes, and standards in ofleing both siplied aad reine procedures appiaic to design and asin te ato. “Te nal utine ofthe side was prepare in 1986 hy Lyn S. Bewleand Jonathan Jones The fst cin, published in 1960, was dedicated tothe (Couns fis chirman with thee words “As fat Charan of Cora Resareh Coun, Shortie Hardesty gave fly for twelve yeas his ine, Aevotion, and material snestance. His mind grasped both the pasta po ‘heme a enpsaring appiation so the fandamental knowledge noes) 10 Rewarch Cove” “Tin isthe Bh eition ofthe pues eseatily an evolutionary extn- sion ofthe previous eons, which were pushed about every decade ince ‘eft ein in 198, Thi th ition has the same mambo oF chapters ‘he fourth dito. However, a punter of ae chaps ave replaced previous ‘hpes, and most ofthe chapters which weee feline under theme tie Inve been exensily revised o ently reriten so that new fesearch resus ‘oul be presented and evliate The eiely new chapters ae: Horzomally Chesed Se! Grd (Chapter 9), Compote Colas and Sirctra Systems (Chapter 10), Stbliy of Angle Atembers (Chapter 1), Bracing (Chapter 12, Frame Stbiliy (Chapter 19, Doubly Curved Shel: and Shellie Siracret (Chapter 18), Salty Under Seimic Loading (Chaper 20), apd Stay Analisis by Fnte-loment Method (Chaper 22). I witon, three new “Tehmseal Memoranda were add to this new eon, “The Cone was fortunate in having Bruce G. Johnston as etr ofthe st thre eitons of he guide ad is indebted to him forthe te ad ort he has “voted to this work. Ava rest of, Jstos guidance, npn, aad ‘example the Task Groups of the SSRC have prodioel the word's fear. ‘Soleton of ess and ffortion onthe subject of the stay of metal Structures in the fist theses ofthe guide. The fourth and ih eitons ‘were shepherded though te pubbeaton proces by th caren eto “Te concept tit the Task Groups ofthe SSRC would have the repons laity for most individual chptere was ruined alo inthe Ath chin Adaiional substantial contributions were provided by others, who wrote Aratsof chapters or who rvewed manasenpt at anou sage completion ‘ofthe guide| sincerely thank ll thse who bad a hand in this fort, (See the fu of Chapter Ifo st of thase pinay responsible foreach shaper) Special thanks go to Dr. Brice G, Johnston for Preparing the inde fo the fourth ein, “The fst elon of the pide recived special snes support from the Enginzring Foundation andthe Assoation of American Raoods. Costs ‘im preparing the cond ston were bone joiny by the American Tstiate ‘€ Ste Consroton and the Colunn Reserch Cousel Preparation of the rd edition wan sport by the National Soence Foundation and he “Amtian Ist of Sel Construction. The preparation ofboth the fourth and fith elions was suppried by a grant from the National Seca Foundation. The Counc futher exjoys the nancial support of many org zations, sted in Appevd C, which provide for its continuity and make posible fo sponsor publeaton of the guide. Through the members of thee ‘xpnizatons we also maintain the Wal eretv inerac on between ssa fnpinering practice and research “he Stutual Stbiy Research Coun an the eitor dap tank all ‘hose who have poviddintelletal and financial sopport for thi eon of the Guide. Spenal gratitude w to the National Sdeace Foundation for ‘encouraging the dsemination of research rss onthe ably of meal Structures othe profesonl and esearch oma. T.¥. Galambos, Etr may at NOTATION Aa coetient a6 of eons ton; Rexural silbess of arch ross festion about axis ae lengths Aina wen of eld tbe Ty exteral art of eindea tube 4 See ofall battens within one Batten spacing Tek compression fangs, are of longa in aed or batened member Ay agen of diagonal na laeed member ‘A. ate oferos section raining ast; reuired aren of plated ‘nd plate aq liv aren ina tinal scion sch hat P= oy Grew of ange Th, grow are of composite columa 4 Stew of ine stiffener pls total are of shell erween small sie. 8 eee 8) arr of ste ina compost column area of stiffener ro section ‘ate of sal sence pus ttl sell aca betwen stiffeners are of intermediate seer fro of tenon Bg fro of plate Bering stilener fre of web Tength of se of sien pate: length of perforation in perf ‘ated pits: torsion bending constant for en Teton; coethoent AkeGning sable region under dynamic load: tance between Pisteprder silenrs cect coetsien in postbckling plate formula cote to ‘ore for t one-sided sillenes flexural sae of an arch shout pass ficient in postbckling pate formals ‘Stent in Ges formal forsluminum colurns ‘Steffen in dein formula fr akmnum aly pats ‘Sntbated bending stifes in» eno plate about (ais width of etangular cos scton with of pate; wih of pony- truss bog eener-tocener of tases: nth of short se of {box tcon, center ocenter of long sides; length of side of Silene plate eases tance Toe ee of perforation to nearest ine of foniudial fstenescotisentdetiing sable region under dynamic loud wid of compression ange ‘dh of Binge of W shape c ‘width hetwcen centr of fangs in a wide-fange lum 4 coefcient transiene ponytrass bridge frame spring ens, farucul the ast one tronal ny cen in oul Ir design of onesidd atifeners cfc for lateral-torional bucking of beam cfcens in gneaized slope defection equations membrane affine of send ender ‘Stfsent for a tral anspor bent bea; bending sie ‘fa slfeed yin cafe for tapered beam ‘ol formula coon cefcent 10 determine equivalent uniform moment in 2 beam required transverse pony rss bride frame spring constant {orsona warping constant stance to exteme fiber of eam or cola section in bending “stance center to-ceater of perforations in a prorated plate ‘stance rom mide plane of chanoel web tocenrowd of tion ‘ance from sens to asumed lostion of plastic hinge in ‘lateider Mange Sexuality of pt per unt with; mean saunter of pin alte ceficet in design formula fr aluminum cola ‘fet indesign formula fr alana pistes {depth ofa sation diets occur crows wetion; long sie of ‘ox Sion, centeriocaner of short sides tramierse dite exween lines of longtadinal fasteners im 4 psforted pate slllenee spacing ors tiene pte meter of este portion of ciel eos Section depth of tapered member modulus of sasticiy Teded modulus tect dul Strain-tardning modus iti {angent modulus stance om centroid of gid cross secon 10 shese center (pos: ve shea enter le between centro! and compres Mange, ‘otherwise negate stance frm shea center to the mille plne of a channel woh; with of end pos a plate de, 4” a ce scent of end oad ina tam-columa, Inia out-of rnd ‘es ofan nailed shell assumed guiabentecenity representing dfs et.) allowable average compresive srs ia axially faded members Slowable sen fora column ving aro slenderness ato Sllomable compose bending sues ‘imum allowable compresive Suess on ustifened clement “als rita thst loud applied tends of an arch ‘Slowable ste for ste! la composite column; axa fore in 8 transverse pater sens Yield post of structural set. Factor af sty erage compresive ses de o axa load ‘ompreive teat due to tending moment sverape sear ses in a Beam web ompreniv stength of coments sterape compres srength af concrete at ultiate lad elastic shear modus Joint being sins aio (aburips apply to respective nds of the clu) eflctive shear modulus of phragm Searing strain haedeing modal it) Aistanee from shear center of ger 10 point of application of Transverse oad (positive when load is below shea ene, other- wise negative) egubalen-length fstor in a fapered team: bd patel ength of plate der ‘orion component of ach that; strbutedtoniomlslfoss ina sifleno pate ronal fore ats mulstory fame or lever sy ore in mlistory fame due to verti Loads ‘pth ofa rectangular cross section; clear dep of plate pier or Team web between flanges: depth of pony tus tts veri, Imeasted fom cone of Boorbeam 0 center of top chor Kong betncen beam: orgie lange centonsrae of arch a ele {ieength acorn tapered are sistance 1o compression ange earl rm cent of section tdstance beeen Range centroids sat of story in bulge effective length ats i tapered beams fistanc o Tension flange centro rom centroid of tion epi web JoxlSor) i Bu Ke Kacy x x, ‘ kits w & moment of neti of rst section ‘moment of net of Hooream in «pony ruse ‘moment of ina of column ers Seton moment of inertia of Compression flange about the jas momo nevi of truss Serta nu pony tse; moment of ietn of longi! com Ponent of spaced calume: moment of inert enon ofan eh moment of ners of tare seer pl effestive with of shell ‘moment of inert of ose section resin ase ‘yuvalent uniform moment of pert fr backing fs nomuiform ‘ch ‘lf that makes he large ig tiener in shell oguivalet to bulked ‘moment of neti of ide cross section oat moment of eta about sear enter; moment of nets of ‘segment of ilfened plates moment insti st snl end of tapered beam polit momento inertia of crs setion about eenid ‘moment of inert of anavere sleet ‘moment of tet of enson fang about ais ‘moment of inertia of ross section, x and y denoting the coordinate effective moment of nests about ais ‘moment of neta of compression an tension portions of setion bout axis parallel fo the we, respectively torsion constant eoefient jp AASHTO formula for transverse ‘fer desipn totsion constant of stiffeners in X(V) diction Interltorional buckling caesar; mame of panes in iene pte fftive or equivalentlengh acter: ping constant cote in geloading analysis o' pater web modibed ellestvelengh factor ‘cooients i Sevuraltorsionl busking ffctivedengt actor in tapered beam ‘verge ellesivelength factor of all pune ngth compression hors iba pony ts tate suppst retin coesint for a sallow arch; horizontal laste suppoet coeteient fora arch coeficien of propordonaliy coef apie in plate buckling ‘taste Foundation modulus, /P7ET offices in design formals for aluminum aly plates Toc bucking parameter or box eolumas bckling coefsen for spate in pe shear RE TRRESEEEDS F 5 Tocl buckling parameter for wide Menge columas [eogi of member, particule laterally uabeaced length length of all cen Palkbeade lunbraced length ofa clue ‘Sve width of hel acting as pat of «seer fenterocenter spacing of age shel iffenes| enteeloceter spacing of lene ings ‘braced Teagth ofa ger pal math ina pony tu ridge ‘olational stifness of near end of member wih frend fed or inged especie, but ith no end teenlation rotational sfess a nea end of member with for end fixed or hinge, spectively, but with aca end randationaly retained tyra bear oping moment at 4B acting on member 4B nd omens sling ons Ream clurm at ends ad, ripest ‘ntcabendig moment fend moment fora raed column ‘huivalent uniform moment i 4 beam column Fasting moment by testo plate ser sede moment conebutd by Manges yauimum-bending moment ‘ppbe-end moment ‘momeat is beumcolumn without eg oom ‘dteson plastibending moment lst beading moment modied by axial ore 5 eased by plate resting moment about indicted ais ‘heoreteal plategndrfssing moment timate hebting momeat ofa plate gd; limate bending ‘moment inthe absepe of ana ea i ately unsupportd encour ‘My My maximum moments resisted bya bitily loaded beam-

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