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ant JAY-AA D.

DuseSeckion: BS bioLOG1 2-

(ntadk) T @c edqretn color bitodness ecese

vermilion ted
ed atd ld:ype)
Phorotqoe Geaotape
pve-brtedinq pure-beedin wongns tather
ed etd
Calor blnd

novmal woman

XY Culw bliead Mdn

a The posile aaoty pes of he mofher

of e Color plind an act

Al fale progaart ved-tytd and hue a hwo posible aeddhPs becouk
sid *heteroyqous, thty ast males X is\etuoganehe.
also coriws tht wmiliot-tt Ths itaas That whekner mo fher

is a
rvir (httro4gauo
affeted (hoaiozuaous and not hoMO

: All Mle pogtna vemlion-ntd. gous dominant, nalt pinoRIN Can

b affecred as wel.
Condvsin: Dossd fo he progtn,

ve miNionaed qee wos passcd

on mofhor o sm which is wh
all o poot ot vermi|lion-
aed. On e other hand, e
tdred qent was nhtri fed by Yx1 X 251
Color blindbou
will bt
he daugwt pfogen fom eir
other vehioh is why, iastedd of
being alfteled,1hey ltar ased ron 1he unnett, 507. of he
CAVrs. Hence, the mode ot fumalt progtn i tsptctd to be
uherroncis SEx-LINKED
RECESSINE 25 ormal is sprekd
25 normal 01
ho oe nor m al.
Male chwcken 271
temale.chickan ZW


ahemeZundus bared non- bar fed

b honm074gs nan-barred barred
male fmale male emal


z W W


22 7 787
W12wN 7bW WZW W

e Was nerhioncd n e problen that e progu he bared qene

wsdd cyhbtahie s»t on topof he head when newly hat chtd.
bastd rom i , w covld so thot he rpoal cros (757 2°W)
wovld be e sttu fic sexidg chicks

Iwecom pare e proqen ofbith the test cross and rproua

lest coss Fi T7 W
Reuproual F, 137 7W
Doth male a4 feale carry fhe bared qtwe mtanng, hoth of them
wod haue wte spot 0 eir htad wht
hstched. 0» fhe ofher
hapd Daly Male redpro
as e berred gent
vhile Ae fnak naffected. Thu mae F, tun on be casi
disingi shta from tmole f sint, al Male
bo uc ad wt wosld hawe wwitt spots
female wlT

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