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Italia Startup Visa

Application Form

Application submitted by TATIANA PRIETO, on 20/01/2021

- copy of a valid passport
- file name of other attachment (business plan, CV, IP…)
Please add one field for each new file.

Send to:
Ministry of Economic Development
Italia Startup Visa Committee

Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development



(as stated in passport)

Date of birth* 28.10.1982

Format (

Place and country of COLOMBIA


Nationality* COLOMBIANA
(more than one if applicable)

Address of current CR 9 #126-15

residency* 111111
(street, number, postcode, city,
country) BOGOTA

Phone number* +57 304 4665663 mobile

(more than one if applicable)
Please specify if mobile and
include country code

Personal email address* TATIANA@IMUKO.CO

Instant messaging Tatiana.Prieto

(e.g. Skype)



Other social networks

(e.g. Facebook) GROXeMsvlFWpTTeq1_w/videos

*Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Failure to fill them in may lead to ineligibility or
refusal of application.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Dates (from – to)* January 2019-Actually



Type of company or
Technology platform- Provider Software developers for

Type of employment*
(i.e. employee, self- Employed
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Create business strategy to market the service

Developer recruitment
Participation in different events globally
Create network of contacts
Achievement of clients globally
Marketing strategy
Create a working team for administrative areas, back
office, human resources development


Dates (from – to)* February – Sep 2018

Employer's name and Luis Francisco Hernández –CEO DEKOSAS


Add one entry for each further work experience.
Add one entry for each further work experience.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Type of company or E-Commerce


Type of employment* Employed

(i.e. employee, self-
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Development of Marketing Strategy for e-commerce,

logistics, campaigns, service, product, price, distribution,
suppliers, focused on corporate clients. B2B Colombia


Dates (from – to)* May – December 2016

Employer's name and Diana Fernanda Jimenez – DIRECTOR EVOLUTION


Type of company or IT Consulting / Applications Management Technology


Type of employment* Employee

(i.e. employee, self-
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Project Manager PM, to different kind of project in the

banking sector, about implementation, licensing and
Maintenance of the solution like a "Identity
Management", IDM, Site Scope, BSM, BPM,
UCMDB, SSAP-SM. using Agile methodology for the
development and delivery of early wins to the end

Add one entry for each further work experience.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Dates (from – to)* March 2015 –April 2016

Employer's name and Tatiana Prieto


Type of company or
Entrepreneurship with AI

Type of employment*
(i.e. employee, self- Personal entrepreneurship
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Commercial and administrative strategy to publicize our

enterprise based on the development of a bot based on
artificial intelligence, for voice recognition with ASR
Create a network of contacts to whom we could present
our project, schedule an appointment for demos and
understand the market to add new functions.
Learn about entrepreneur’s ecosystem.


Dates (from – to)* May 2014 – March 2015

Employer's name and Alexis Tarrifa – Special IT Project Director PACIFIC


Add one entry for each further work experience.
Add one entry for each further work experience.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Type of company or Oil and Gas


Type of employment* Employed

(i.e. employee, self-
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Quality assurance QA to the migration procedure of

computers and users with Windows 8 version, verifying
defined processes for the collection, delivery,
configuration and allocation of new equipment.
Documentation of procedure and generation of quality
manual for the AIT Services and Infrastructure
Project Management of the Cloud File Design and
Implementation project Integration with SharePoint and
file system Integration of private, public and hybrid
clouds • Integration with virtual platforms


Dates (from – to)* March 2011 – April 2014

Employer's name and Gerardo León –CEO COPEX SAS


Type of company or IT Consulting


Type of employment* Employed

(i.e. employee, self-
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* PM - Project Manager of ICT Operations of Campo

Rubiales of Pacific Rubiales Energy. Including the
Hanover Video Conference, Radio Communications,
Microcomputer, Data Center, Connectivity,
Communications and Computer Security. Project for
planning the migration of technological infrastructure to
Add one entry for each further work experience.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

the new headquarters 110, main responsible for the

success, assuming leadership and administration of
project resources to achieve objectives set by the Client.


Dates (from – to)* December 2009 – October 2010 (Spain)

Employer's name and Carlos del Pozo – PM TELEFONICA


Type of company or Telecommunications


Type of employment* Traineeship

(i.e. employee, self-
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Traineeship in a PMO Project Office, of the VPN business

unit, performing tasks monitoring, control and global
planning of risks, incidents, corrective actions,
evaluation, changes, definition and agreement of KPIs.
Preparation of operational and executive reports on the
status of projects and associated KPIs, participation in
committee’s project monitoring, quality assurance and
control of suppliers, definition and maintenance of
processes, procedures, standards and tools.
Support and necessary training for suppliers and
impacted areas, regarding processes, procedures,
agreed standards and tools based on PMI methodology,
using the Project Server tool, for the projects in the
portfolio, with clients and suppliers.

Add one entry for

each further work experience.

Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Dates (from – to)* June 2008 – December 2009

Employer's name and Jaime Berrio –CEO BT SECURITY


Type of company or Security systems


Type of employment* Employed

(i.e. employee, self-
employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Pres sales Engineer in charge of Design, configuration

and after-sales support and prevention of IP and Analog
security equipment, CCTV, fire system, intrusion, access
control. Estimate of project expenses, for budgeting.


Dates (from – to) * January 2000 – December 2007

Name and type of

Electronic Engineer – Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería
educational or training
institution* Julio Garavito

Main subjects / skills Maths

studied* Physical
Electrical circuits

Add one entry for
each further work experience.
Add one entry for each further qualification obtained during your education and training.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Electromagnetic fields
Artificial intelligence

Qualification obtained* 3.8 / 5

Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Dates (from – to) * October 2009 – October 2010

Name and type of

MBA –Master Business Administration International-
educational or training
institution* Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain

Main subjects / skills Marketing

studied* Sales
International Laws
Human Resources
Business Administration

Qualification obtained* 4.3 / 5


Dates (from – to) * 2017

Name and type of

SCRUM MASTER Certificate
educational or training

Main subjects / skills

Agile methodologies for project management

Qualification obtained* Certificate Scrum Master ID N° 602579

Add one entry for each further qualification obtained during your education and training.
Add one entry for each further qualification obtained during your education and training.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Dates (from – to) * 2014

Name and type of

ITIL Certification
educational or training

Main subjects / skills

ITIL Foundation V3 Ed 2011- Certificate

Qualification obtained* ITIL Credential ID N° 00120102


Mother tongue* SPANISH

Spoken Reading Written

Other languages* English 70% English 80% English 60%

(Add one entry for each further
language you know)

Add one entry for each further qualification obtained during your education and training.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


I want to…* ☐ Establish a new innovative startup

(please tick only one answer!)
☒ Join an existing innovative startup as a working

My startup* Description of the idea and how you intend to develop it:
the business concept, goods or services you intend to
produce or provide, the business mission, your market

Brief description of the company: Technology platform,

which brings together hundreds of developers to put
hours of software development at the service of
companies on demand
Economic sectors that impacts: It affects the sectors of
the industry that are in a process of digital
Target customer segment: Medium company with
technology department (Developed area) or startups in
Target segment: CTO users or technology managers of
companies, software developers around the world.
Proposal of value: support in the process of search,
selection and contracting of the development, possibility
of relieving the resource in a short time. Give
opportunities to software developers.
Key features digital product: Pre-filtered and segmented
developers database
Income model: Margin for service provided
Social Impact: Provide more job opportunities for people
who live in vulnerable areas and have learned to develop
software empirically.
Please be as accurate as possible in completing this form. It is highly advised to attach further documentation, such
as a presentation deck (e.g. PowerPoint presentation)
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

My potential What are the markets that your startup intends to

access, and how long do you foresee it will take? What
kind of strategy will pursue to meet your growth
Have you already laid out a detailed cost and revenue
forecast in the short- and medium term?14

Access the European and American market in a stronger

way, in a process of global expansion with the support of
state entities of Colombia such as PROCOLOMBIA, Andi
del Futuro, and CAMARA COMERCIO BOGOTA. Currently
we already have clients in the USA, Chile, Costa Rica and
Spain, but the idea is to position ourselves in more
We have a projection of costs and income, which give
very attractive numbers to have talent in Latin America a
weaker currency.

Due to the high demand for developers worldwide, our

goal is to provide talent in America and Europe. We
estimate to be in 10 countries in a period of 1 year.

And we achieve this, strengthening our international

relationships, alliances, marketing and having a hub in a
strategic location

To facilitate assessment by the Committee, we strongly suggest to attach to the application a formal business plan,
summarising its main tenets in this section.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

My team15* The team is an added value for startups. Who will be

involved in your business? What experience do they
have? And what will be your role?

We currently have a:
CTO, in charge of the architecture of the internal
platform, leader of the development team and
interaction with a solution of high-level cases of
Accounting and financial area: This area is constituted by
an accountant, a tax auditor and an administrative
person, who are in charge of getting the accounting and
keeping taxes up to date.
Development team: Software developers, dedicated to
building and continuously improving the platform.
Administrative assistant: In charge of documentation,
registration and support for users of the platform.

My world* Internationalisation, understood as ability to reach and

offer your products on international markets, planned
collaboration with commercial or financial partners
outside Italy

Being part of the Colombian and Latin American

ecosystem gives us enormous possibilities to connect
Latin talent with European companies and vice versa. In
addition to having a service that can be attended from
anywhere in the world remotely.

Please specify if other team members mentioned in this section need to apply for a visa for Italy, and in particular if
they intend to apply for Italia Startup Visa. Team applications are disciplined by specific rules, set out in a dedicated
paragraph of the ISV Guidelines.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

My business is Indicate whether you intend to carry out intensive R&D

innovative because…* activity, and/or any patents or software you have
registered and you intend to use in your business

For now the focus and map of the company group is

focused on exporting talent and making connections and
expanding globally. Generating employment and
improving the quality of life of the developers who work
for us.

My links with Italy's Indication of any previous contact with players in the
innovation ecosystem* Italian innovation ecosystem (incubators, accelerators,
universities, investors, financial institutions,

We have had contact with Chiara Trombetta –

Startupitalia, Giovanni Obino- Bussines Director Spindox,
and other actor of ecosystem.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Funding available* Have you any funds of your own to invest? Have you
received any bank loans or equity investment from
investment companies, venture capital funds or business
angels? Have you any other funding provided by Italian
or foreign government or non-government

So far we have not requested investment, for two years

we have generated a profit to reinvest in the business,
we have credit in the bank where we have our account.
And on the part of the government, was participates in
several programs, whose economic contribution has
been reflected in mentors, education and credits for the
use of technological tools. Example. (AWS,Hubspot,
LinkdinBussines, Accounting software, marketing)

Why ISV* How did you hear about the Italia Startup Visa
programme? Why did you choose Italy to set up your

Reviewing the list of companies that have implemented

the programmed e Startup Visa, we choose Italy, for
several reasons. The facilities of its startup visa program,
its geographical location, the exponential growth in its
digital transformation process of its companies, the high
demand for qualified talent at a technological level that
it requires, support for female entrepreneurship, support
for high-impact entrepreneurship. at the social level, tax
incentives, among many other benefits.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

What is an “innovative startup”?

Decree-law 179/2012, the “Italian Startup Act”, specifically refers to innovative startups to
underline that its target is not any kind of new firm, but only those whose business model is
strongly and undoubtedly linked to technological innovation. Innovative startups are limited
liability companies, including cooperatives, not listed on the stock market, which meet the
following requirements:
 they have been incorporated for less than 5 years;
 have their head office in Italy, or in another EU/EEA member provided that they have at
least a branch in Italy;
 their annual turnover does not exceed €5 million;
 do not distribute profits;
 their company purpose (“oggetto sociale”) refers exclusively or predominantly to the
production, development and commercialisation of innovative goods or services of high
technological value;
 are not the result of a merger, split-up or selling-off of a company or branch;
 meet one of the following three criteria (innovativeness indicators):
o at least 15% of the company’s expenses can be attributed to R&D activities;
o at least 1/3 of the total workforce are PhD students, the holders of a PhD or
researchers; alternatively, 2/3 of the total workforce must hold a Master’s
o the enterprise is the holder, depositary or licensee of a registered patent
(industrial property) or the owner of a program for original registered computers.
Provided that, no specific restrictions are applied with respect to the entrepreneur’s personal
circumstances, or the startup’s sector or sphere of business, or the region of Italy where it will
be located.

☒ I understood: I believe that my entrepreneurial project fits the definition of

“innovative startup” found in the Italian law, and I commit myself to fulfilling the
requirements set out by the Italian Startup Act.*
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


28/10/1982, of citizenship COLOMBIA, passport no. AT007651 issued on
12/08/2016 resident in BOGOTA, COLOMBIA for the purpose of an entry visa for
self-employment, (tick only one box) ☐ to establish a new OR ☐ to join as a
working shareholder an innovative startup in the territory of Municipality, Region:
name of Municipality, Region16*,

HEREBY REQUESTS a Certificate of No Impediment from the Italia Startup Visa

Committee at the Ministry of Economic Development as a pre-requisite to obtain a
self-employment visa for non-EU citizens intending to set up or join an innovative
startup in Italy, as defined by Decree-Law 179 of 18 October 2012;

HEREBY DELEGATES the above-mentioned Committee to apply, on his or her behalf,

to the Questura of Province for a Certificate of No Impediment for the purpose of
entry, issued in accordance with Article 39(5) and (6) of Presidential Decree

HEREBY REPRESENTS that all the information provided is complete and accurate and
to be aware that untruthful representations and/or the creation or use of forged
documents will lead to rejection of the application or cancellation of any certificate
of no impediment already granted, and also to an application for the start of legal
proceedings according to Italian law (article 331 of the Italian Code of Criminal

HEREBY AUTHORISES the processing of his or her personal data in accordance with
current regulations, after being informed, pursuant to art. 13 of legislative decree
no. 196/2003, that the data collected will be processed, also electronically, as part
of the procedure to which this application refers;

HEREBY ACCEPTS to make him/herself available for occasional communications or

surveys on the state of advancement of the business activities, sent by the Italian
Ministry of Economic Development.



You may only choose one target municipality (“comune”), province, and region at this stage.
The place you are sending this application from.

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