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SUMMATIVE TEST 3 (4th Quarter)

Name: ___________________________________________ Grade & section: ______________

I. Write the letter of the correct answer.

____ 1. Among the given man-made causes of fire, which of these is NOT a product of human error?
a. gas leaks b. faulty electrical wirings
c. less maintained motor vehicles d. unattended ignition sources
____ 2. Which of the following may NOT be a cause of fire?
a. animal activities b. natural phenomenon
c. amount of heat decreased d. change of weather condition5
____ 3. It is the main reason why kitchen fires are the most common type of fire at home.
a. Stoves are dangerous. b. Cooking is left unattended.
c. children tend to knock things over d. Smoke alarms are not installed in kitchen.
____ 4. The following can cause fire incidents due to spontaneous combustion EXCEPT________.
a. greased clothes left in the garage b. burning of dried leaves in the garden
c. dried hay stacked together in the barn d. stacked grasses undergo bacterial fermentation
____ 5. Which of the following is not a cause of wildfire or grassfire?
a. improper disposal of lit cigarettes
b. use of electronic chainsaw in cutting trees
c. letting the animals graze in the dried grasses
d. pyroclastic materials from the volcanoes getting in contact with a nipa hut
____ 6. Cigarettes can cause fire when _____________.
a. it radiates heat b. it is being rubbed together
c. it is carelessly thrown away d. it undergoes spontaneous combustion
____ 7. The following are improper handling of electric cords EXCEPT______.
a. should be immersed in water while plugged in
b. should be hang up by the cord when not in use
c. should be covered with towels or blankets all the time
d. should be thrown away when the cord is cracked, frayed or discolored
____ 8. Spontaneous combustion can occur when___________.
a. grease is use for cooking b. portable heaters tip over on a carpet
c. candles are used without a glass cover d. oil soaked rags are left clumped together
____ 9. The following can be the most common causes of household fires EXCEPT_____.
a. candles b. stacks of hay c. faulty wirings d. curious children
____ 10.Where is the safest place to store matches at home?
a. in the playroom b. on the coffee table
c. in a locked cabinet d. in the drawer near the stove
____ 11. Smoke alarms can be very useful when______________.
A. It is properly working.
B. If you keep a working battery in them
C. Tested every month to ensure they are working
D. All of the above
____ 12. Replace power strip electrical cords when____________
A. You've used every outlet on them. B. They show any sign of discoloring.
C. You change your smoke alarm battery. D. They have been on the floor for more than a month.
____ 13. What is prevention?
A. Supervising safety at work B. Extending help during the event
C. Taking precautions to reduce risks D. Investigating accidents and incidents
____ 14. What must be present in an analysis of a task that involves risks?
A. An action plans for taking precautions
B. The time dedicated in preparing the report
C. The empathy of the employer and provision of hazard pay
D. Assessment of the risks together with preventive measures
____ 15. What is the main cause of accidents in a workplace?
A. Lack of hazard benefits B. Lack of financial resources
C. Lack of precautionary measures D. Lack of support from the employers
____ 16. What is most likely the cause of tripping?
A. Too little lighting B. Reduction of a person’s vision
C. Loose objects on the work floor D. Absence of protective personal equipment
____ 17. What colors are used on signs for firefighting equipment?
A. Black pictogram on a yellow background B. Black pictogram on a red background
C. White pictogram on a green background D. White pictogram on a red background
____ 18. What shape does warning sign have?
A. Diamond B. Rectangular C. Round D. Triangular
____ 19. What is needed to allow a fire to happen?
A. Oxygen, a catalyst and a correct mixture ratio
B. Oxygen, flammable substance and ignition energy
C. A catalyst and ignition source that come in contact
D. Flammable substance, carbon dioxide and ignition button
____ 20. What should you do first if you discover that your house is on fire?
A. Ensure your safety. B. Open the doors and windows.
C. Warn all your family members. D. Call the Bureau of Fire Protection.
____ 21. Is it a fact to consider fire as hazard?
A. Does not tell. B. Maybe. C. Yes. D. No
____ 22. What damage can a fire bring to people?
A. It could make people wise. B. It can worsen people’s poverty rate
C. It could endanger lives and properties D. It could make people susceptible to hunger.
____ 23. Why should electric appliances be “dust free” as much as possible?
A. To avoid overheat B. To keep its durability
C. To look nice and elegant D. To maintain high performance
____ 24. How can smoking cause fire?
A. By not using ash tray B. Through the smoke that it gives off
C. Thought that cigarette puts off itself D. Improper ignited cigarette butt disposal
____ 25. What is the very first step to contain fire?
A. Close all the doors. B. Toss water to the fire.
C. Put off all visible smoke. D. Extinguish the fire by tossing sand or soil to the fire.
____ 26. Which among the following is NOT a fire safety precaution?
A. Regular communication with fire hazard authorities
B. Regularly removing combustible waste, including accumulations of dust
C. Keeping your workplace tidy and having a good standard of housekeeping
D. Keeping ignition sources away from combustible material or flammable liquids and gases
____ 27. When can you say that a fire is already under control?
A. When there is no more visible smoke
B. When all people have already evacuated
C. When damages had already been assessed
D. When fire escaping outside the lines is unlikely
____ 28. What fire response procedure is done when you pull the closest fire station and report the exact location of
the fire?
A. Alarm B. Confine C. Extinguish D. Rescue
____ 29. What fire response procedure is done when saving somebody in immediate danger from the fire?
A. Alarm B. Confine C. Extinguish D. Rescue
____ 30. Which among the following safety recommendations should you do first during a fire incident?
A. Call emergency hotline B. Check the door
C. PASS D. Stay Low

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