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Name: Preetha A/P Nehru


Pre-scientific era……………………………………… 2
Basic ideas of structuralism……………………….2-3
Basic ideas of functionalism………………………..3
Reference (1)…………………………………………………..5
Reference (2) ……………………………………………………5
Wilhelm Wundt's profile………………………7
Wilhelm Wundt’s contribution ………………………8
Psychology may be a relatively young science with its experimental roots inside the
nineteenth century, compared, as an associate degree example, to human physiology, that
dates copious earlier. As mentioned, an associate degree one fascinated by exploring issues
related to the mind usually did therefore in a passing philosophical context before the
nineteenth century. Two men, operational inside the nineteenth century, are usually referable
as being the founders of the subject field as a science and academic discipline that was
distinct from philosophy. Their names were Wilhelm Wundt and psychologist. This section
will provide an outline of the shifts in paradigms that have influenced the subject field from
Wundt and James through currently.
History and Philosophy of science could also be a spirited introduction to the historical
development of science. Its distinct inclusion of ideas from every Japanese associate degreed
Western philosophy offers students an unambiguously broad browse of human science.

1(a). Prior to the nineteenth century, science was thought of as a branch of speculative
philosophy. it had been not recognized as associate freelance science with its specific subject
material, and strategies of study. The earliest Greek philosophers believed science was not
completely different from philosophy. the event of science as a definite branch of
information was much influenced by Greek philosophical thought. the first Greek
philosophers delineate science because of the science of the soul. They tried to clarify
however the soul functions, wherever it exists, whether the soul is seen, and what happens to
the soul when death. the traditional folks believed that the soul exists even when the death of
the man; the soul is invisible however immortal.
The Greek philosophers like Plato and philosopher (384 BC – 322 BC) tried to elucidate the
character of the soul, however, they ne'er tried to create it a theme matter of science, and
hence, ne'er tried to determine science as a science. Plato explained the conception of science
because the “science of the soul”, that is unscientific.

(b). Structuralism is considered the primary college of thought in scientific discipline and was
established in Deutschland by Wilhelm Wundt, and primarily related to Edward B. Titchener.

Mind and Consciousness

- Titchener believed that the goal of scientific discipline was to check mind and consciousness.
He outlined consciousness because the collection of mental expertise at any given moment and
therefore the mind because the accumulated expertise of a period. He believed that if the
fundamental parts of the mind may well be outlined and classified, then the structure of mental
processes and better thinking may well be determined. What every part of the mind is (what),
however those parts act with one another (how), and why they act within the ways in which they
are doing (why) was the idea of reasoning that Titchener utilized in trying to search out structure
to the mind.

Elements of the mind

- Titchener’s theory began with the question of what every component of the mind is. He
terminated from his analysis that there have been 3 kinds of mental components constituting
acutely aware experience: Sensations (elements of perceptions), pictures (elements of ideas), and
Affections (elements of emotions). These components can be weakened into their individual
properties, that he determined were quality and intensity.

Interaction of Elements
- The second issue in Titchener’s theory of structuralism was the question of however the mental
components combined and interacted with one another to make aware expertise. His conclusions
were for the most part supported ideas of scientific theory. specifically, Titchener focuses on the
law of nearness, that is that the concept of the thought of one thing can tend to cause thoughts of
things that area unit sometimes practiced beside it.

Physical and Mental Relationship

- Once Titchener known the weather of mind and their interaction, his theory then asked the
question of why the weather act within the approach they are doing. particularly, Titchener was
fascinated by the link between the aware expertise and the physical processes. Titchener believed
that physiological processes offer never-ending substrate that provides psychological processes a
continuity they otherwise would not have. Therefore, the systema nervosum does not cause
aware expertise however may be accustomed make a case for some characteristics of mental

(c) Functionalism could be a theory concerning the character of mental states. consistent with
functionalists, mental states are known by what they are doing instead of by what they are made
from. Functionalism is that the most acquainted or “received” read among philosophers of mind
and scientific discipline. Functionalists believe that there are four main basic wants that a private
need to exist in society.

- Functionalism was a vital influence on scientific discipline. It influenced the event of
behaviorism and industrial psychology. Functionalism conjointly influenced the tutorial system,
particularly with regards to John Dewey’s belief that youngsters ought to learn at the extent that
they are developmentally ready.
- Functionalism was criticized perhaps most famously by Wundt. "It is literature. It is beautiful,
but it is not psychology," he said of functionalist William James’ book The Principles of

Both Structuralism and Functionalism have played important roles in modern experimental
psychology. The most monumental contribution is the use of science in these disciplines and the
fact that both assumptions have influenced the school of behaviorism. Structuralism brought
psychology to the laboratory, and it also helped develop the study of linguistics, cultural and
social psychology. Whilst Functionalism broadened psychology into the study of disabled adults,
children, and animals; as well as expanded the data to include observations of behavior. It also
introduced varieties of research techniques in psychology such as puzzle boxes, mazes, and
mental tests.
Structuralism and functionalism were 2 of the earliest faculties of thought in scientific discipline.
In some ways, these 2 approaches were complete opposites of every different. These 2 extremes
ordered the groundwork for several major faculties of scientific discipline to come back.
The first 2 primary scientific discipline faculties to emerge were referred to as structuralism
and functionalism. As antecedently mentioned, Titchener is that the founding father of
structuralism. each faculty of thought were primarily attached the analysis of the acutely
aware self (Henley, 2019). however, scientists adhering to structuralism were crucial of
functionalism, and the other way around.
Structuralists characterized emotions as combos of internal feelings, physical stimulation, or
states of mind that are distinctive however will at the same time happen (Walle & Dahl,
2020). Structuralists focused on deciphering mental processes into essential components
(Henley, 2019). Scientists, like Titchener, sought-after to clarify the central components of
consciousness employing a technique referred to as introspection; but critics of structuralism
argued that self-examination is simply too subjective and, therefore, cannot be accurately
Functionalism developed as a response to structuralism. William James’ work and Darwin’s organic
process theory were potent elements (Henley, 2019). Functionalists needed an additional systematic and
objective means of describing mental processes. rather than that specialize in the subjective elements of
consciousness, functionalists focused on the aim of consciousness and behavior. Contrastingly from
structuralism, functionalists believed that emotions emerge together with the information (Walle & Dahl,
Functionalism wedged education because of the stress placed on individual characteristics and the
development of learning methods. female parent Calkins studied verbal learning along with her invention
of the paired-associate technique (Henley, 2019). educator believed that adolescents ought to study at the
pace of their organic process state. The author attributable him for formally launching the college of
functionalism. alternative researchers like Edward Thorndike studied animal behavior and learning skills,
that selected the passage between the faculties of functionalism and Psychonomic.

Reference (1)
Titchener, E. B. (1898). The postulates of a structural psychology. The Philosophical Review,
7(5), 449-465.
Titchener, E. B. (1908). Lectures on the elementary psychology of feeling and attention.
Titchener, E. B. (1899). An outline of psychology (New edition with additions). MacMillan Co
Cooper, W. E. (1992). William James's theory of the self. The Monist, 75(4), 504-520.
Freedheim, D. K. (2010). Handbook of Psychology: Vol. I.
Gibbon, P. (2018). The thinker who believed in doing: William James and the philosophy of
pragmatism. Humanities, 39.
Gooding-Williams, R. (2017). WEB Du Bois.
Goodman, R. (2009). William James. Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy.
Green, C. D. (1997). The principles of psychology William James (1890). Classics in the History
of Psychology.
Schultz, Duane P. & Schultz, Sydney E., (2008, 2007), History of Psychology PS210, Cengage
Learning: Mason, OH.
James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology. New York. Holt and company.

Reference (2)
MD, S., n.d. Wilhelm Wundt Profile: The Father of Psychology.
Delong, M., 2020. (PDF) Historical Approaches to Psychology: Including Wundt versus
Titchener, Intelligence Testing, Structuralism versus Functionalism, Behavioral Psychology.
Wilhelm Wundt. (2014). Retrieved 04:07, June 26, 2021.


Wilhelm Wundt opened the Institute for psychology at the. University of Leipzig in Germany in
1879. This was the primary laboratory dedicated to science, and its gap is typically thought of
because the starting of contemporary science. Indeed, Wundt is commonly considered the daddy
of science. Wundt was necessary because of he separated psychological science from philosophy
by analyzing the workings of the mind in a very additional structured manner, with the stress
being on objective measuring and management. Wundt's background was in physiology, and this
was mirrored within the topics with that the Institute was involved, like the study of reaction
times and sensory processes and a focus. for instance, participants would be exposed to a typical
stimulation (e.g., a lightweight or the sound of a metronome) and asked to report their sensations.

The father of psychological science, Wilhelm Wundt was a German scientist, physician,
biologist, and academician. he is still notable nowadays to be amongst the founders of recent
psychological science. He was conjointly the founding father of the primary formal
psychological laboratory in 1879 at the University of urban center. He used the laboratory to
spot abnormal behaviors, mental disorders yet as explore the character of non-secular beliefs
and realize broken elements of the brain. His analysis established psychological science as a
separate science. Wilhelm Wundt is additionally related to introduction the primary
psychological analysis journal in 1881. The asteroids 635 Vundita and 11040 were named
once Wilhelm Wundt to honor him.

2(a) Wilhelm Wundt was born in Baden, a European nation on August 16, 1832, to a Lutheran
minister and his wife. Wundt studied medication at the University of Tubingen for one year,
however, his educational performance was poor. when the death of his father, Wundt excelled
academically at the University of Heidelberg, wherever he received his MD in 1855. Wundt
continuing finding out at the University of Berlin when graduation.

In 1857, Wundt accepted a grip as an educator at the University of Heidelberg, wherever he

additionally worked as a research lab assistant to hero Hermann von Helmholtz, a biologist.
Wundt educated the primary scientific science course starting in 1862. that very same year, he
introduced the discipline of psychology within the book Contributions to the speculation of
Sensory Perception. In 1864, Wundt advanced to professor of physiology, and he began to
explore psychological science.

Wundt’s 1874 book, Principles of Physiological Psychology, expanded on his psychology

theories, and in 1875, Wundt accepted the position of academician of philosophy at the
University of Leipzig. Wundt created the primary psychological analysis journal, Philosophical
Studies, in 1881. He was a prolific author, business enterprise various articles and books.
Principles of psychophysiology, for instance, are considered a classic within the field.

Wilhelm Wundt was a German life scientist and scientist, WHO is wide attributable because the
founding father of psychological science. Wundt is additionally acknowledged together of the
best and most influential psychologists of all time.

(b) Wundt's primary contribution to science was his push to visualize the sphere recognized
as a separate discipline. before Wundt's work, science was a discipline that was usually
incorporated into medication or the life sciences. Wundt supported the primary science
laboratory whereas at the University of the metropolis, marking the transition of science as a
separate discipline. He placed robust stress on guaranteeing science remained scientific,
typically fitting elaborate, distinctive experiments to check psychological theories.

Wundt argued that a primary goal of science ought to be to grasp and analyze consciousness.
His psychology laboratory was created to analyze religious theories, examine varied
abnormal behaviors, and determine and isolate specific mental disorders. Paving the method
for the acceptance of science as a definite science, Wundt’s laboratory became a model for
different science laboratories around the world. quite 100 similar laboratories were
operational by 1900.

Wundt was conjointly curious about linguistics and therefore the inner workings of the
human brain. He knew AN optical phenomenon currently called the Wundt Illusion. within
the illusion, 2 straight lines positioned ahead of a series of angular lines seem to bend.

Wundt mentored quite one hundred graduate students in science, as well as many United
Nations agencies, became well-known psychologists, as well as Ottmar Dittrich, James
McKeen Catell, G. Stanley Hall, director Dill Scott, and Charles Spearman. Upon his death,
several of Wundt's students began concerning his approach to the sphere as holistic science
because of Wundt's stress on developing novel experiments and attempting many completely
different approaches to urge to the rock bottom of any single psychological puzzle. In
recognition of the contributions created to the rising field of science by Wundt and James,
the founding father of Yankee science, the Yankee Psychological Association created the
“Wilhelm Wundt-William James Award for Exceptional Contributions to Trans-Atlantic

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