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Annu kumari (Research Scholar) Dr. Shailendra Narayan Singh

Department of Computer science and Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Amity University Amity University
Uttar Pradesh, India Uttar Pradesh, India;

Abstract-From the past era , governments all over the give the best results as demanded and on time. For
world have taken huge steps in the field of Information various sectors like public sectors, building public
and Communication Technologies ,ICT. But the actual policy, decision making, knowledge mining, etc
goal achieved is still far behind what is actually needed by E-governance has become a primary demand. E
the customers like citizens, businessmen, etc. -governance can play a very important role in
E-governance mainly focuses on the research tools and eradicating and fighting with corruption. From the
models that can help its customers for more efficient past era, governments all over the world have taken
knowledge mining public administration and decision
huge steps in the field of Information and
making process. It is a big challenge for the whole world,
how can one benefit from the emerging intelligent tools, Communication Technologies, ICT. But the actual
technologies and implementation such as web2.0, Social goal achieved is still far behind what is actually
Computing and many more. Here , in this paper many needed by the customers like citizens, businessmen,
reviews has been discussed with its further more etc. E-governance mainly focuses on the research
implications that can be applied in the future. tools and models that can help its customers for more
efficient knowledge mining, public administration and
Keywords-E-governance, Information and decision making process. It is a big challenge for the
Communication Technologies, ICT whole world, how can one benefit from the emerging
intelligent tools, technologies and implementation
I. Introduction
such as web2.0,Social Computing and many more.
"E-governance" , a term which appeared only in Here, in this paper, many reviews has been discussed
literatures and dictionaries but came in practice in late with its further more implications that can be applied
1990's. Many researchers after deeply observing, in the future.
studied that Information and Communication
This paper proposes various aspects on how e
Technologies, ICT industry have been very much
governance can be helpful in eradicating corruption
beneficial in terms of knowledge mining, public
and forming a good, efficient and a transparent
administration and decision making. ICT has been
government for its nation. Using ICT technologies E
recognized as a strong catalyst agent in developing a
governance can also be helpful in various sectors like
good, efficient and a transparent government.
education, health, agriculture, transportation, and
E-governance can be described as the proper delivery
many more. This paper also suggests some future
of services and information applications to its users by
aspects that can further be implied on the discussed
electronic means. E-governance can be helpful in
establishing a responsible and a transparent reviews in future.
government for the citizens of its nation. It is very II. LITERATURE REVIEWS ON
difficult for a government to mingle and cope up with
the developments in ICT implementations
spontaneously. This present era is completely the era Here below is discussed some already researches of
of information and communication technologies some researchers with their future implications if
demanding for more applications, but using it tools applied:
and technologies efficiently and properly so that it can

978-1-4673-8203-8/16/$31.00 2016
c IEEE 689
A.(i). In[1],Sharma etal, discussed on the major issues real and efficient channels for the software tools to be
of E-Health for rural areas of Uttarakhand, India under implemented which ensures the right of public
E governance Service Model. Uttarakhand lags responses on the software queries timely. H(hardware)
behind other states of India because there is a lack of relies for a real network topology for the software
professional adoptions among doctors, nurses, implementations. E(Environment) comprises of
insurance or social security agencies in adopting the creation of an healthy environment for the
new ICT applications. The author studied some E- development by the government. Lastly, the
Health models like Wipro for Delhi Municipal L(Livewire) one of the important aspect of this model
Corporation (DMC),CMC Ltd.:India Healthcare which deals with sharing and interchanging the
Project In Andhra Pradesh and proposed some LQIRUPDWLRQ¶VWRJHWKHU
E-Health services for Uttarakhand like
Tele-Consultation, Tele-Follow Up, Pre-Referral C.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: After observing each
Screening, Treatment Planning. Tele-Medicine,a part component of the SHEL model ,it needs an active
of E-Healthcare Systems aims to provide specialist e-participation of the Chinese citizens for the
care at doorstep to the needy and helpless patients in successful implementation of the SHEL Model. For
remote and hilly areas. this, the Chinese government needs to launch more
transparent public portals and schemes for the active
A.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: After reviewing the E-participation for providing an open communication
authors view, before applying the services suggested space.
by the author, prior concern must be given to the
setting up a proper and efficient physical topology and D.(i)In[4] Singh etal, discussed how Knowledge
infrastructure for the TELE-COMMUNICATION Management can be a lifeline to boost up
SERVICES in the hilly areas. e-governance. The author also proposed the
Knowledge Mining processes and Implementation i.e,
B.(i)In[2],Dey etal, presented an E-Governance Knowledge Identification, Knowledge Identification
framework for Higher Education colleges, Institutions tools, Presentation of Knowledge Mining and lastly its
and Universities using the GRID approach, a digital utilization. The author also presented a case study of
Perspective for Bangladesh. The author proposed four E-kiosk of Pune region, India which launched a new
types of grid components. Firstly, the Grid Fabric system of e-kiosk in Pune Municipal Corporation,
which consists of globally distributed computers and which facilitated the easy collection of the local taxes
databases with different architectures, OS and local by the crowd.
resource management Systems. Secondly, Core Grid
Middleware which provides services for security, D.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION:Although the author
information and application submissions. Thirdly, the presented the e-kiosk system, but after
User level Middleware which comprises of implementation, its the role of the state government or
developing environments and tools for forming the central to have a proper and regular feedback from
engines, Resource Broker, Scheduler. Lastly, the the customers to ensure that no problem is occurred
fourth Grid is the Application used for User Interfaces. while depositing taxes and if there is any problem it
The author also used some of the popular might be sought out as quick as possible. Prior to the
E-Governance implementations of India such as launching of schemes the governments should ensure
GYANDOOT: Community Owned Kiosks, State the proper connectivity and infrastructures of the
Border Check posts, Gujarat, etc. networks.

B.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: Though the author E.(i)In[5], Yingfa etal. presented a PEST Model to
has proposed a GRID Model for the Bangladesh analyze the Risks which occurs in E-Governance. The
Government, but before implementing this GRID Pest comprises of
Model the Bangladesh Government firstly needs to P(Political),E(Economic),S(Social),T(Technological)
resolve the major challenges like a) ensuring a very . the author discussed various risks under PEST model
high speed network for the country b)amending the as the political issues, lack of resources and capital,
ICT technologies and tools, etc lack of E participation and various technical issues
like information privacy and security. The author also
C.(i)In[3],Liu etal, proposed a SHEL model for the proposed the measurement of risks according to PEST
Chinese Government which is a concept of a good model to analyze Risk, proper attention must be paid
governance. The authors SHEL model comprises of on each component of PEST Model.
-S(Software),H(Hardware), E(Environment) and
L(Livewire).The SHEL,S(Software) demands for a E.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: To reduce the risks
occurred in e governance ,risks must be analyzed
690 2016 6th International Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence)
properly. It must not be underestimated. Expert teams each sector, a transparent inspection team should be
and Management teams must be formed to tackle the set up to check the smooth going on of e-governance
problems involved in each component. in each sector.

F.(i)In[6],Rao etal, suggested a technical software I.(i)In[9],shaik etal, presented a Faculty Appraisal
architecture for e governance. The author designed the System ,using e-governance in education. Due to
e governance structure basically into four parts communication gap between the faculty and the
namely: a) the Accessing Layer b) the E government management systems, it is very difficult for the
Layer c)the E Business Layer d)the Infrastructure smooth going on of this system. Therefore, the author
Layer. The Access layer comprised of the government proposed an unbiased and a transparent Faculty
users like citizens, employees, etc. The E - Appraisal System development. The author proposed
Government comprises of various portals and different methods for its working like a) steps needed
integration of government websites. The E-Business to develop Faculty Appraisal System b)electronic
Layer comprises of applications like ERP,CRM, governance c)synchronization of steps (a) and (b) for
Groupware, etc. The Infrastructure Layer comprises of effective e governance. These steps include teaching
Services, LANs Internet and Extranet. learning support development and community
F.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: The author discussed
various segments of e governance layers, but this I.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: The author has
architecture would come into real implication if there rightly proposed an efficient system. But for this
is e participation among the users. More awareness system to be successful universities and colleges have
must be created using media so that citizens must be to recruit its faculty in an unbiased manner and proper
aware by the benefits of this architecture. management teams must be formed to inspect and
coordinate each module within the institutions.
G.(i)In[7],Gupta etal, proposed a case study of World
Economic Forum of year 2007,2008 which discloses J.(i)In[10],Roy etal, discussed how extreme
the stand of India out of 134 nations of the world. programming can effectively be used in various
India ranks 23rd in govt. success in ICT promotion. disciplines of software engineering like Software
India ranks 49th in availability of govt. services -Oriented Architecture. The author also suggested
online. India ranks 47th in e participation Index, India how extreme Programming and practices like
VWRRGWKLQSUHVHQFHRI,&7LQJRYHUQPHQWRIILFHV¶ MIS[Management Information System ] can gather a
.Author also discussed the steps taken by the Indian huge number of information in various fields like
Govt. to boost e governance like education, health, birth, marriage and death
GYANDOOT,CARD(Registration Project),Vahan registrations. Author also shared views on how
and Sarathi(Vehicle Registration). extreme planning can be helpful in :Game planning,
Small releases, simple designs, testing, refactoring,
G.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: But, the govt has to pair programming, collective code ownership, etc.
take more initiative steps to encourage the
e-participation to involve each group and community J.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: After deeply going
of the society to come up together with new views and into authors presentation, author exemplified how
opinions so that India tops the rank in terms of usage eXtreme Programming can be helpful in Income Tax
of ICT applications. department. This extreme Programming and SOA
Architectures can also be implemented in the govt and
H.(i)In[8],Rajon etal, presented how the public sector departments like health, education,
implementation of e governance can be useful to form transportation, agriculture and many more.
a corruption free Bangladesh. The author showed the
current infrastructure of Bangladesh ,which shows III. CONCLUSION
that implementing e governance is not an easy step.
Various steps have been proposed by the author for This paper analyses how ICT can be helpful in
eradicating corruption like a) e-governance in central Uttarakhand, India using E health Services. Effective
government process b)e-governance in public use of ICT can become a prominent support system to
administration c)e-governance in education sector d) increase the patients satisfactory level. This paper
e-governance in judiciary e) e-governance in economy proposed many efficient techniques to support the
f) e- governance in agriculture . Public Health Care System. Today, many institutions
and organizations in US and Europe are applying
H.(ii)FUTURE IMPLICATION: After reviewing this various Grids in academia and human resource such as
paper, after implementing e governance techniques in Tera Grid ,Blue Waters, etc. Its the need of
2016 6th International Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence) 691
administrations development for the emergence and
effective use of e-governance. Using e-kiosk 73%
people of Pune Region are satisfied but still 27% of
people are unaware of this scheme. This amount must
not be neglected and steps must be taken to sought out
this problem. extreme Programming must be used to
develop Service Oriented Architecture. Though this
is not an easy task, as nothing is impossible, but even
IMOSSIBLE says I M POSSIBLE. So, we should start
with a positive attitude to build up a corruption free
government using E-Governance techniques and

[1] Sharma kXPDU0DKHVK.XQZDU6LQJK9DLVOD¶¶ E-Health for
Rural Areas of Uttarakhand under e-Governance service
Delivery Model¶¶,1st International Conference on Recent
Advances in Information Technology,

[2] Dey Kumar Subrata, M Abdus Sobhan, µ¶E-Governance

Framework On Higher Education Institutes using Grid:
Bangladesh Perspective,¶¶ 14th International Conference on
Computer and Information Technology,
987-161284/908/9/11 in 2011.

[3] /LX/LX/,$2;,$2µ¶On SHEL Model Analysis and

Constitution,¶¶ Cross Strait Quad ±Regional Radio Science
692 and 2016
wireless Technology
6th International Conference,1666-1670,2011
Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence)

[4] Singh Archana ,D P Goel, µ¶Knowledge Management &

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