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2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace

An Empirical Business Study on Service Providers’ Satisfaction in Sharing Economy

Mengyu Zhang Xusen Cheng

School of Information Technology and Management School of Information Technology and Management
University of International Business and Economics University of International Business and Economics
Beijing, China Beijing, China

Xuan Luo Shixuan Fu

School of Information Technology and Management School of Information Technology and Management
University of International Business and Economics University of International Business and Economics
Beijing, China Beijing, China

Abstract—The brand industry sharing economy is a hot industry, which can improve resource’s utilization efficiency.
topic in academic sector. However, service providers who share Therefore governments encourage innovations [28]. On the
their cars, houses with others remain unnoticed. This paper other hand, as a brand field, there are many loopholes and
aims to investigate the service providers’ perceived satisfaction illegal acts in sharing economy. The third aspect is the
and its influencing factors in sharing economy. Research advantage, disadvantage, drivers, and deterrents of sharing
samples were online mobile ride hail drivers in a China’s economy. In spite of the dark side, most results in academic
cab-hailing app company. Drawn from previous literature and debates turned to be positive for the sharing economy.
unstructured interactive interviews, five factors that are “trust However, except for trust, other psychological aspects of
on personal information’s security”, “profitability”, “app’s
participator in sharing economy are rarely involved,
ease of use”, “app’s efficiency” and “social interaction” were
especially overall satisfaction. There are few papers studying
extracted. 1786 valid questionnaires were collected to measure
the five factors and overall satisfaction. Descriptive analysis participators’ satisfaction in sharing economy [47], and most
and correlation analysis were conducted. Results show that the of them focused on the service acceptors’ satisfaction, not
correlations between overall satisfaction and the other five the service providers’ satisfaction. Also, research objects of
factors are significant. App’s efficiency and social interaction sharing economy are usually Airbnb and Uber which are
have the moderately high correlation with overall satisfaction. based on American society and culture. Cross-cultural and
Also, drivers have extremely high trust on personal cross-sectional research are needed.
information submitted and a moderately high level of Therefore, to fill this gap, this paper innovatively
perceived app’s ease of use, app’s efficiency and overall analyzes service providers’ satisfaction in sharing economy
satisfaction. within China. Samples of the research are Chinese
cab-hailing drivers who share their cars with others. The
Keywords—sharing economy; online mobile ride hail; service research questions are as follows.
provider; satisfaction RQ 1: What factors can have an influence on the service
provider’s overall satisfaction?
RQ 2: What is the relationship between these factors and
In the context of the big data, sharing economy has service providers’ overall satisfaction?
developed rapidly with the help of the big data’s precise RQ 3: What is the situation of overall satisfaction and
analysis. Sharing economy can also be called “collaborative these factors?
economy”, “collaborative consumption”, “profit-sharing The results will contribute to the theoretical and practical
economy”. Sharing economy was first raised by Felson and implications. The theory of satisfaction will enrich to a
Spaeth in 1978[45]. At that time, sharing economy was broader field. The studies on sharing economy will be more
called “collaborative consumption”, but this economic model detailed and cover more aspects. Also the findings will
wasn’t forming. The typical examples of sharing economy enable online mobile cab company to improve service
are Airbnb and Uber. Academic studies of sharing economy providers’ satisfaction.
focus on several aspects. The first aspect is trust [2][3][6][9]. In the following, a literature review of sharing economy
Airbnb and big data technology are mostly used to and satisfaction is presented. Then the research method
investigate the predictor variables, mediator variables, which includes case background, data collection, data
outcome variables of trust in sharing economy. The second analysis and results is conducted. Data analysis includes
aspect is governments’ regulations and legislation reliability and validity test of the questionnaires, descriptive
[18][20][29]. On one hand, the sharing economy can bring analysis and corrective analysis. In the end, discussion and
revolution in a series of industries especially in tertiary conclusion are stated.

978-1-5090-1192-6/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE 513

DOI 10.1109/DSC.2016.115
II. LITERATURE REVIEW economics, and computer science and so on. Computer user
satisfaction [37][40], customer satisfaction[38][39] and job
A. Sharing Economy satisfaction[2][36] are of special concern. Because
As "Sharing economy” is increasingly concerned, a large satisfaction is an extremely baronial concept, only job
volume of studies are published. Here are some major satisfaction in business economics is going to be reviewed
research results and conclusions. briefly in this paper. Cross-culture studies have been
Firstly, for an enterprise of sharing economy, the most conducted which include American [36], Canada [39], Japan
basic thing is the brand identity construction and branding [2], China [22][24] and so on. The sites to do research are
considerations to extend their core brand equity and drawing course [37], private companies [36][39], hospitals
capitalize on the sharing economy [1][8]. and so on.
Secondly, trust is an issue of most concern in the sharing In the field of job satisfaction, the relationship between
economic development [33].Academic studies of trust focus satisfaction and many other factors have been investigated.
on several aspects. Different trust increasing elements are Most of these factors can be divided into four categories:
found between host and friends in the travel by conducting demographic characteristics, personal psychological
an online survey and interviews.[3] In addition, the characteristics, organizational psychological characteristics,
community’s social network acts as an informal method of time period. In demographic characteristics [2][36], Gender,
social control to help foster and sustain trust amongst its age, education, marital status, annual income, regular
members. What’ more, the relationship between owner employment or non-regular employment, acculturation,
feedback and trust is that when the subject of complaint is length of residency are mostly considered. In personal
controllable by a host, such strategies as confession apology psychological characteristics [36], trust [25][22][24], Life
and denial can improve trusting beliefs towards the host [2]. satisfaction, Self-esteem, psychological capital,
Finally, it refers to review of consumer to business impact [6] self-efficiency, personality are mostly referred to. In
and the relationship between trust and corporate reputation organizational psychological characteristics [2][36],
[9]. perceived stress, perceived organizational support, and social
Thirdly, innovation is essential any time which is the interaction are mostly involved. In demographic
code for a pattern to maintain the vitality [28], but whether characteristics, gender (female==1) has a positive effect on
the law will affect the development of innovative yet or not. overall job satisfaction both regular and non-regular. Regular
Some studies believe that sharing economy should be bound employment has negative effect on woman’s job satisfaction
by the legal aspects and take into account the specificities of while non regular woman employees have higher perceived
innovative sharing economy practices constituting an job satisfaction [2]. Also the relation between age and job
effective tool according to the law[18][20][29]. satisfaction is proved U-shaped [2]. In psychological
In addition, In the context of large-scale development of characteristics, self-esteem and self-efficiency are positively
science and technology, how to apply information systems correlated with job satisfaction [36]. In organizational
and digital technology to sharing economic development is a characteristics, perceived stress and perceived organizational
key factor to succeed [9][21], and construction of electronic support are significantly correlated with job satisfaction [36].
social platforms contribute to the development of society and However, the relationship between time period such as
economy [12]. economic shocks and satisfaction fewer which future studies
Furthermore, with the sharing economic development in are needed.
the global [14]ˈthe researchers concluded some of the
features and drivers [16][13][14] and they put forward some III. RESEARCH METHOD
problems arising in the course of development [18]. A. Case Background
Complementary, there are also other studies. Repurchase
is an inspiration standard to test service quality and the With the rapid and steady development, online mobile
impact factor whether is worth to be researched [3]. And ride hail has been grown more and more popular. Many
from the perspective of service providers, a good relationship drivers register to become service providers in cab-hailing
with the government is important [27]. Facing the future apps which are a typical example of “Sharing Economy”. In
development requires a long-term perspective [22]. Well, China, the cab-hailing apps improvement the process of “car
localization studies in China have made some progress [7]. sharing” and convenient people’s life. Some factors that may
However, many of these articles relate to Airbnb research, affect car providers’ satisfaction are identified from the
as an example of most popular sharing economy. And this literature review. Also in order to investigate this new field
kind of article just focuses on the meaning of sharing more practically, a series of unstructured interactive
economy and ignores service providers’ satisfaction with interviews [42] were conducted to find the factors which
“Sharing Economy”. influence drivers’ evaluation of satisfaction. In the interviews,
35 mobile ride hail drivers with 21 males and 14 females are
B. Satisfaction in Brief selected and the exploratory case study approach [43] is used.
Satisfaction is a psychological statement with fulfillment Draw from the literature review and the unconstructed
of a need or desire and the pleasure obtained by such interviews, five factors are extracted to design a scientific
fulfillment. Satisfaction has been explored in broad domains questionnaire to investigate the service providers’
such as psychology, health care science service, business satisfaction in “Sharing Economy”. These five factors are

trust on the security of submitted personal information, Questionnaire’s reliability and validity are tested to
profitability, ease of use on cab-hailing apps, app’s measure factors more accurately and comprehensively.
efficiency and social interaction. In the questionnaire, the Cronbach’s alpha referring the reliability coefficient is 0.826
five-point scale (Likert scale) [44] was used with anchors which means the questionnaires has an excellent reliability.
rating as 1(strongly disagree), 2(disagree), 3(neither agree Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin of Sampling Adequacy is 0.865 and Sig.
nor disagree), 4(agree), and 5(strongly agree) to measure is 0.000 which means exploratory factor analysis is feasible.
those factors. Questions and the corresponding factors are In exploratory factor analysis, the eigenvalue is greater than
listed in TABLE I. 1 and varimax rotation is used. Considering interviewees’
patience, there are only six questions in the questionnaire to
TABLE I. FACTORS AND QUESTIONS IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE measure six different factors. Therefor one common factor is
Qu. No. Factors Questions extracted and cumulative contribution is 49.370%. Every
Trust on personal I think it is reasonable to factor’s load value is greater than 0.5
1 information’s submit personal information 2) Descriptive analysis
security to become a driver. We use SPSS to do a descriptive analysis to understand
I do not care about how much cab-hailing’s drivers’ current status and perceived attitude.
2 Profitability money I can earn by being a
service provider.
TABLE II. shows the number, mean, standard deviation,
The basic function of the app skewness, kurtosis and standard error. It can be seen from
3 App’s ease of use TABLE II. that most means were rated above 3 on a 5-point
is easy to master.
With the app’s help, Ican scale and the standard errors are around 0.03 which are
4 App’sefficiency
receive the order efficiently. sufficiently small to prove that the measurement results’
To be a service provider can precision is excellent. Most factors have a negative skewness
5 Social interaction expand my interpersonal
which means they have a negative offset. Clearly Kurtosis
As a whole, Iam satisfied with has a large difference among the six factors. The kurtosis of
6 Overallsatisfaction the process of sharing my car trust on personal information’s security is 4.057 which is
with others. extremely high. The Kurtosis of profitability is the lowest
ranking -1.258.
B. Data Collection In order to analyze more clearly, these factors are divided
The research is conducted with a mix-method approach, into four groups based on the mean. First, for the factor of
which combines qualitative and quantitative methods. trust on personal information’s security, whose the mean is
Unstructured interactive interview is used to do qualitative 4.408 which is highest. Its Skewness is -1.682 which is the
research and questionnaire is used to do quantitative research. lowest. This means the asymmetry of the probability
In the qualitative research, 35 mobile ride hail drivers were distribution is largest and the tail on the left side is longer or
interviewed with 21 males and 14 females. The results fatter than the right side. Its Kurtosis is 4.057 which is the
indicate that trust on the security of submitted personal highest. This means more of the variance is the result of
information, profitability, apps’ ease of use, app’s efficiency, infrequent extreme deviations. Second, for app’s ease of use,
and social interaction are the main elements which affect app’s efficiency and social interaction whose mean is
drivers’ perceived overall satisfaction. In the quantitative moderately high which is little higher than 4.000. The
research, 1824 questionnaires were received and 1786 standard deviation of the three factors is moderately low.
questionnaires are valid. Questionnaires are issued by Third, for overall satisfaction, is high which is a little lower
China’s largest online mobile ride hail company which can than 4.000. Fourthly, for profitability whose mean is the
be regarded as “American Uber” in China. The data retrieved lowest which is 2.938.
from the questionnaires were analyzed with “IBM SPSS Therefore service providers may not worry personal
statistics 23” for reliability test, validity test, descriptive information’s security submitted to the cab-hailing apps. In
analysis, and correlation analysis. addition, there is little difference in mean value between
profitability, app’s ease of use, app’s efficiency as well as
C. Data Analysis and Results
overall satisfaction and drivers have a relatively positive
1) Reliability and validity test of the questionnaires attitude on the four factors. Besides, drivers don’t enjoy the
expanded social interaction brought by sharing economy.


N Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis

Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
Trust on personal
1786 4.408 .0182 .7682 -1.682 .058 4.057 .116
information’s security
Profitability 1786 2.938 .0328 1.3870 .048 .058 -1.258 .116
App’s ease of use 1786 4.226 .0211 .8907 -1.310 .058 1.821 .116
App’s efficiency 1786 4.140 .0234 .9876 -1.202 .058 1.194 .116
Social interaction 1786 3.580 .0280 1.1828 -.370 .058 -.786 .116
Overall satisfaction 1786 3.906 .0246 1.0386 -.864 .058 .366 .116

3) Correlation analysis have stronger influence on service provider’s satisfaction.
We use SPSS to calculate the correlation between overall Questionnaires were granted in quantitative researches to
satisfaction and trust on personal information’s security, find the correlation between satisfaction and the five factors
profitability, app’s ease of use, app’s efficiency and social empirically and to explore the level of these factors in
interaction, which is shown in TABLE III. Clearly all the Chinese online mobile ride hail company. Results are
correlations are positive and related significantly at 0.01 integrated in Fig. 1.
level. In particular, the relationships between overall The Fig. 1 shows the overall analysis results. The figures
satisfaction and app’s efficiency and social interaction are in the rectangles refer to factors’ mean value. The figures in
moderate correlation. the arrows refer to the correlation coefficient between the
two ends of the arrows. The greater values are shown in red
TABLE III. PEARSON CORRELATION font and the lowest value is shown in green font. From the
figure, we may have the following finds which can answer
Trust on App’s App’s Social the research questions proposed in the introduction:
info’s ease of efficien interact
use cy ion 1) To answer RQ 1: What factors can have an influence
Satisfaction 0.446** 0.386** 0.353** 0.592** 0.544**
on the service provider’s overall satisfaction, we have the
. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). following findings.
a)Finding 1: Five factors that are trust on personal
IV. DISCUSSION information’s security, profitability, app’s ease of use, app’s
A. Key Findings efficiency and social interaction are shown to have an
influence on the service provider’s overall satisfaction.
Sharing economy is an emerging market around the
world. It’s also one attractive field that many authors interest 2)To answer RQ 2: What is the relationship between
in. However, rare academic papers referred to the service these factors and service providers’ overall satisfaction, we
providers’ perceived satisfaction. Satisfaction has been a hot have the following findings.
topic that was investigated in many fields, e.g., psychology, a)Finding 1: The correlations between the providers’
business, management. However, service provider’s overall satisfaction and the five factors are significant at the
satisfaction in sharing economy is a band field which can 0.01 level.
enrich satisfaction’s academic study. Therefore the purpose b)Finding 2: Social interaction and app’s efficiency are
of the paper is to 1) investigate the level of cab-hailing significantly correlated with service providers’ overall
drivers’ satisfaction in China, 2) explore the potential factors satisfaction in sharing economy.
which can affect service providers’ perceived satisfaction, 3)
find the correlation level between service providers’ c)Finding 3:Trust on personal information’s efficiency
satisfaction and the potential factors, 4) investigate the level and profitability are moderately correlated with service
of potential factors in China, 5) give some practical providers’ satisfaction in sharing economy.
suggestions for Chinese online mobile ride hail industry to d)Finding 4: app’s ease of use has low correlation with
improve car sharing drivers’ overall satisfaction. service providers’ satisfaction in sharing economy.
Trust on personal 3)To answer RQ 3: What is the situation of satisfaction
information’s and these factors, we have the following findings.
security(4.408) App’s ease of use
0.446** (4.226) a)Finding 1: In sharing economy, service providers
0.353** have moderately high level of satisfaction and trust on
Profitability Overall
0.386** personal information’s security in China.
(2.938) satisfaction
0.544** App’s efficiency b)Finding 2: In sharing economy, car sharing drivers’
Social Interaction (4.140) care on profitability is moderate.
(3.580) In conclusion, the more efficient the cab-hailing app is
Fig. 1. Integrated overall results.
which means drivers can receive more orders with the help
of cab-hailing app, the more satisfied drivers will perceive.
Based on the literature on sharing economy and The more social connections the sharing activity brings, the
satisfaction, it’s hypothesized that many factors may more satisfied drivers will perceive. The trust on personal
influence service providers’ satisfaction, such as trust, information’s security, profitability has moderate correlation
profitability and so on. In order to verify the hypothesis, with overall satisfaction. In particular, app’s ease of use has
some qualitative and quantitative researches were conducted little influence on drivers’ overall satisfaction. In description
with the help of China’s largest cab-hailing company. analysis, drivers have extremely high trust on personal
Unstructured interactive interviews were conducted in information’s submitted to the cab-hailing apps in order to
qualitative research to ensure the factors. Results indicate receive orders. They think the app basic functions are easy to
that trust on personal information’s security, profitability, master. By using online cab-hailing app, it’s easier for
app’s ease of use, app’s efficiency and social interaction drivers to receive orders. However, drivers feel that social
interactions don’t expand much by sharing their cars.

In conclusion, to improve drivers’ perceived satisfaction, understanding of satisfaction. Future study is required to
social interaction should be taken much attention to. For raise a framework on service providers’ satisfaction
example, we can build share community to gather drivers creatively. Third, this study is limited in China and in the
and their passengers. We can take the occupation into field of car-sharing. Therefore, cross-cultural and
consideration when distributing orders. cross-sectional study will be needed in the future. Fourth, the
correlation analysis is simple. More scientific studies are
B. Implications for Theory needed to determine which factors is antecedent variables,
This paper contributes to the theory in many ways. First, which is mediator variables, which are moderator variables
this satisfaction in this field is vacant. This preliminary study and which is outcome variables.
opens the study on satisfaction in sharing economy. This
paper investigates the service providers’ satisfaction in a V. CONCLUSION
brand field, sharing economy. The person who have Nowadays, sharing economy has been growing fast
experienced satisfaction is also fresh. Service providers’ which is a brand form of business. It’s important for
satisfaction in sharing economy is different from any other researchers and sharing economy company owners to
existing type of satisfaction such as life satisfaction [36], understand customers’ satisfaction, especially for service
consumer satisfaction [40], job satisfaction [39] and providers’ who is the essential part of the sharing process.
computer user satisfaction. Therefore, the results of the Drawing on the previous literature and the unstructured
paper may give some directions or inspirations for future interactive interview, five factors(e.g., trust on personal
research. Second, most studies [22][28] in sharing economy information’s security , profitability, app’s ease of use, app’s
use qualitative analysis while this paper combines efficiency and social interaction) are extracted which may
qualitative method and quantitative method. Third, previous have an influence on driver’s satisfaction. Questionnaires
studies [47]found that cost-saving, familiarity, trust and were issued to examine the relationship between satisfaction
utility have a positive effect on service acceptors’ and these factors. The results indicate that social interaction
satisfaction. This paper validates the trust’s influence on and app’s efficiency are significantly correlated with service
satisfaction. Also, service providers’ profitability and service providers’ overall satisfaction in sharing economy, while
acceptors’ cost-saving may be an interesting comparison app’s ease of use has low correlation with service providers’
which requires further study. satisfaction in sharing economy. The paper also finds that, in
The findings help us to better understand the satisfaction sharing economy, service providers have a moderately high
and sharing economy. By introducing and validation the level of satisfaction and trust on personal information’s
influence factors [2][36][37][39] of service drivers’ security in China. Generally, this paper has proposed a new
satisfaction, this paper suggest for the further studies on the domain to explore satisfaction and sharing economy.
theoretical frame work of service providers’ satisfaction and Cross-culturally and cross-sectional studies are needed to
other psychological aspect of service provider in sharing validate and enrich the field in the future.
C. Implications for Practice
The results of the research also provide some useful
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Journal of Law and Society, 2015.
[30] Z. Georgios, P. Davide and B. John, “The Rise of the Sharing
Economy:Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry,”
Boston U. School of Management Research Paper, Vol. 16, January
[31] S. Arun, “Peer-to-Peer Businesses and the Sharing (Collaborative)
Economy: Overview, Economic Effects and Regulatory Issues,”
Written testimony for the hearing titled, The Power of Connection:


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