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Tuesday, 6 July 2021



- Summary of cabuliwallah

The Cabuliwallah is a story written by Rabindranath Tagore. The Cabuliwallah revolves

around the stories of two friends a peddler and a girl Mini. The peddler, used to sell seasonal
goods in India. One day Mini, the 5 years old daughter of the writer saw him and called him.
When Cabuliwallah visited her house she got afraid. She used to get afraid of the giant look
of that peddler . Many days after that she used to tease peddler calling “Oh Cabuliwallah”
and used to run towards her mom for hiding. One day the writer himself introduced Mini with
him. The Cabuliwallah gave her some nuts and resins. After that Cabuliwallah started visiting
her more often and offered her something to eat.They both felt comfortable with each other.
The writer too was quite happy but, Mini’s mother was pretty disappointed watching their
friendship. She thought that Cabuliwallah would kidnap Mini one day
However, on the contrary Mini and Cabuliwallah became friends by heart. They started
loving their company and use to do fun and were very happy. One day the Mini’s father was
writing his novel and suddenly his eyes fell on Mini. She was very sad sitting in one corner.
The writer then asks for Mini’s disappointment. She furiously said that the Cabuliwallah
hasn’t come to meet her. That day she even denies having the food as she misses her friend.
Two policemen have arrested Cabuliwallah and there is blood all over him. The writer nds
the truth that the Cabuliwallah has sold one of his Rampuri Shawl to a customer in credit.
And when the customer refused to pay the due, Cabuliwallah in anger stabbed him.
Cabuliwallah was then sentenced to 8 years of jail for stabbing his customer
After 8 years when Cabuliwallah was freed from jail he directly the Cabuliwallah visits
Mini’s house. It was the wedding day of mini. So, the writer didn’t allow Cabuliwallah to
meet Mini. Then he gave some nuts and raisins which he has brought for Mini. He then took
out a handprint of his daughter from his pocket and explains that he also has a daughter like
Mini; whom he misses very much. The eyes of the writer get lled with tears. Finally, the
writer realizes that the Cabuliwallah misses his daughter very much and that’s why he felt
close to Mini. After that, he calls Mini, who was in her wedding dress and introduces her with
Cabuliwallah. Cabuliwallah was quite surprised seeing mini so grown up. At the same time,
he also felt sad when he didn’t nd any excitement on Mini. Even she didn’t recognize him
The writer got sentimental by the scene and he offered hundred rupees to the Cabuliwallah
and asked him to go back to his daughter in his own country




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