Non Verbal Communication

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Non verbal communication

There are many or high non verbal communication in Indonesia and picking up on body
language as well. The non verbal communication is related with means silent
communication where the meaning is like gestures, postures, position, eye contact, facial
expressions and conversational distance.

In Indonesia there have many non verbal communication, for example in the real life :

1. Smile is mean show that we are happy. But not only that, sometimes in Indonesia many
peple like to hide that if they are sad or to cover emotional pain or embarrassment.

2. The ring that we make to said ok, if have a different meaning. In Indonesia it means zero

3. Thumb-up has gesture. Australia and Indonesia have same meaning where is mean
people count one on the index finger, two on the middle finger, hence, and the thumb will be
number five. Then the other meaning in Indonesia can said good job or response to
someone who has completed excellent job then can be said delicious for the food. Then for
Indonesia as well the index finger can be used to stop the public transportation to take us in
a certain place not the thumb.

4. V sign where is mean has an up yours interpretation in Australia, the palm faces towards
the speaker for the insult version. And Indonesia, whether the palm face towards the
speaker or the palm faces out, the V signs means number two. [ CITATION Muh01 \l 3081 ]

5. then for the eye contact, most of people in Indonesia doesn’t like direct eye contact
because they will feel uncomfortable for that. But not all, maybe In Jakarta or someone that
has been educated abroad, is not really feel like that or it should be okay.

6. if we are holding the head higher than a superior is not acceptable the it means we should
may bow or nod their heads lower in the presence of elders and superiors.
7. It’s about touching, In Indonesia normally men and women do not touch in public. Then
shaking hands is a normal greeting for both men and women, if the woman offers her hand
first. Women may greet one another by touching cheeks and Men may put their right hand to
their heart after a handshake. Then for the same sex touch more frequently when interacting
each others.

8. For the space, In Indonesia the personal space is limited. Where the families may live
together in relatively close quarters, and people more comfortable sitting close together.
[ CITATION int09 \l 3081 ]

9. Time in Indonesia is better scheduling and deadlines. Because Indonesia people always
late or we can said is rubber time or means Jam Karet.
10. Friendship where sometimes it’s common to give and expect special privileges
among friends like sometimes is a colleague or employee would expect that from
us if we have a personal relationship friendship with her or him.

Self Oriented

Indonesia people sometimes work Monday to Friday. But for people that in muslims religion
sometimes on Friday. They just work for half day because they will go to the mosque. Then
the people in Indonesia are serious working and they have the Gap between the manager or
boss with the staff. so the life is more serious than humorous, where the people if they have
working they are serious do it.
Then most of the people are.

Research has shown that Indonesian customers would expect a manager, rather than
receptionist, to provide an apology/or compensation in the case of a service recovery, since
an apology from a higher ranking of person in the organisation would allow them to “save
face”. Furthermore when service is not what is expected (or in a service failure situation),
Indonesian customers have an orientation towards an external locus of control that allows
them to attribute blame for the failure on fate or luck( or some other external forces), rather
than holding the service provider or retailer responsible.

People in Indonesia like family and friend tend to hangout every weekends (Saturday and
Sundays), they usually sit in the cafe or dessert place after dine- in at the restaurant. It has
already became a habit for most of Indonesian people to catch up with their friends or spend
precious time with their family on weekends at shopping centre/mall as they have hectic
schedule of work from Monday to Friday. Furthermore, in general, Indonesian people retain
a strong bias for a serious outlook on life as they are pushed to being serious and deliver
high quality of service during the service encounter, it is in comparison with western people
who have humorous outlook on life.

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